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S04.E10: The Children: Speculation Thread

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In the books he can't see everything, he can see through the eyes of the weirwoods.

He wouldn't be able to see Sansa or Arya in the Vale, where the weirwoods are few and far between. He might be able to see Theon at Winterfell (if that is where he and Ramsay are going) or Jon walking beyond the Wall.


He can see through the eyes of ravens.  I was just rereading that chapter last night.  That might work.

Edited by Haleth

They would need to change (or perhaps drastically excelerate) his ability for that.


In the books he can't see everything, he can see through the eyes of the weirwoods.


True, but I expected the show to fudge that aspect of his powers anyway, since otherwise he's gonna be stuck in a tree looking at the Winterfell godswood for the next couple seasons.


Plus, there's precedent in the books for Bran's visions to be somewhat more open-ended when the story demands it, considering that in the first novel he sees across the entire world, from King's Landing to Asshai to the Land of Always Winter. In fact, I can imagine a season-ending scene for Bran that's sort of modeled off that one, since it was omitted back in season 1 . . .


Now you know, the crow whispered as it sat on his shoulder, now you know why you must live.


"Why?" Bran said, not understanding, falling, falling.


Because winter is coming.

Edited by Dev F

True, but I expected the show to fudge that aspect of his powers anyway, since otherwise he's gonna be stuck in a tree looking at the Winterfell godswood for the next couple seasons.


Plus, there's precedent in the books for Bran's visions to be somewhat more open-ended when the story demands it, considering that in the first novel he sees across the entire world, from King's Landing to Asshai to the Land of Always Winter. In fact, I can imagine a season-ending scene for Bran that's sort of modeled off that one, since it was omitted back in season 1 . . .


I kind of thought he'd become more powerful too.


After all Bloodraven can enter Bran's and Jojen's dreams and I think he can look through the eyes of ravens in a lot of places (1001 eyes and all that).


I'm assuming Bran will be able to do that too (if in the end he ends up becoming a tree-man like Bloodraven) and then he'll be able to contact all his siblings, as they are all wargs too via dreamspeak.


I'm just not sure they'll give Bran all that power right away in the show, since they might want the other kids to stumble about on their own. But I suppose there's no harm in letting him look in on them and not be able to contact them.


Part of me is also imagining a Bran season-ending scene. Where Bran gets a mindblowing vision and then he opens his eyes in a replay of the scene where he comes out of his coma

Edited by Maximum Taco



No sign of Tysha or Catelyn/Brotherhood. Are they going to have Jaime and Tyrion part as friends so that S5 Tyrion only seeks vengeance against Cersei/justice for Dany instead of getting seriously self/Lannister-destructive and conflict between sympathetic characters is avoided? And Stoneheart might really be pushed to S5 so that Jaime can go to Dorne and Brienne gets some version of her AFFC chapters after all.



No sign of Tysha or Catelyn/Brotherhood. Are they going to have Jaime and Tyrion part as friends so that S5 Tyrion only seeks vengeance against Cersei/justice for Dany instead of getting seriously self/Lannister-destructive and conflict between sympathetic characters is avoided? And Stoneheart might really be pushed to S5 so that Jaime can go to Dorne and Brienne gets some version of her AFFC chapters after all.


So sign of Tysha but Brienne mentions Catelyn.


"I pledged my life to their mother Catelyn, I swore to her I'd bring her daughters home"


Maybe I'm just holding on hope though. I so want to see Michelle Fairley return as Lady Stoneheart.

No way can they have Jaime and Tyrion part as friends. I can't see why they'd spend so much time building up the Jaime/Tyrion relationship only to have no pay off at the end of the season.

As devastating as it was to see Jaime and Tyrion part in such a negative fashion, I think I'd be even more bummed to not see it because it's such a powerful moment. Plus, their bad parting makes me look forward to the day they meet again more than I probably would have had there been no conflict between them. Similarly, I hardly think I'd be as interested in the next meeting between Jaime and Cersei if they weren't at complete odds with each other as they are now.

So sign of Tysha but Brienne mentions Catelyn.


"I pledged my life to their mother Catelyn, I swore to her I'd bring her daughters home"


Maybe I'm just holding on hope though. I so want to see Michelle Fairley return as Lady Stoneheart.

Pod mentions her, too, telling Brienne that Sansa would likely go to the Vale, to Lady Catelyn's sister, Lysa Arryn.  So, two mentions of Catelyn Stark in a 2-minute recap.  I think we're gonna see Stoneheart.

No Theon or Sansa I see.


I sure hope the sheer amount of time in the recap devoted to Jon isn't representative of him taking up so much of the episode.


I think it may just be because that was the focus of the previous episode.

No way can they have Jaime and Tyrion part as friends. I can't see why they'd spend so much time building up the Jaime/Tyrion relationship only to have no pay off at the end of the season.

As devastating as it was to see Jaime and Tyrion part in such a negative fashion, I think I'd be even more bummed to not see it because it's such a powerful moment. Plus, their bad parting makes me look forward to the day they meet again more than I probably would have had there been no conflict between them. Similarly, I hardly think I'd be as interested in the next meeting between Jaime and Cersei if they weren't at complete odds with each other as they are now.


One of the problems for me is that I don't know if the writing has done anything to foreshadow why Tyrion would turn against him. The recap could have mentioned Tysha, yet chose not to do so. Unless they want to surprise us, or they just have Tyrion tear into Jaime AFTER killing Shae and Tywin (as by this time he may have snapped and would feel that Shae was sleeping with Tywin all along and Jaime must have somehow been in on it), I'm not sure how they're going to do it.


If they don't have LS,  poor Lena Headey is going to have people yelling at her on her Instagram.


I think it may just be because that was the focus of the previous episode.


One of the problems for me is that I don't know if the writing has done anything to foreshadow why Tyrion would turn against him. The recap could have mentioned Tysha, yet chose not to do so. Unless they want to surprise us, or they just have Tyrion tear into Jaime AFTER killing Shae and Tywin (as by this time he may have snapped and would feel that Shae was sleeping with Tywin all along and Jaime must have somehow been in on it), I'm not sure how they're going to do it.


If they don't have LS,  poor Lena Headey is going to have people yelling at her on her Instagram.


Oh Lena is gonna hear it on instagram if there's no Lady Stoneheart.


Then again, she's read the books and knows she's gonna hear it. So she must be prepared for the coming storm.

Edited by Maximum Taco

I was bored and am going back to watch the stream of the season premiere. I could swear some of the actors gave away spoilers for the finale, sometimes very casually (Emilia Clarke answering a question about her dragons by basically saying they weren't locked up so they were wild, which threw the host/reporter), sometimes not as casually (Peter Dinklage says he can't relate to Tyrion in some ways because he hasn't killed anyone...then he adds that Tyrion killed in battle). And then Jack Gleeson pretty much gave it away that he was done playing Joffrey (not a finale spoiler obviously...).

Edited by PeteMartell


No sign of Tysha or Catelyn/Brotherhood. Are they going to have Jaime and Tyrion part as friends so that S5 Tyrion only seeks vengeance against Cersei/justice for Dany instead of getting seriously self/Lannister-destructive and conflict between sympathetic characters is avoided? And Stoneheart might really be pushed to S5 so that Jaime can go to Dorne and Brienne gets some version of her AFFC chapters after all.

What's this with Jaime going to Dorne. Is this confirmed to happen?

Edited by magdalene
No way can they have Jaime and Tyrion part as friends. I can't see why they'd spend so much time building up the Jaime/Tyrion relationship only to have no pay off at the end of the season.


The troll on westeros.org had them part, fighting over Bronn (?) and Shae of all people. That was the part where I really hoped dude spoke out off his ass.

  • Love 1

If I push it I can see where they would fight about Shae, but Bronn? Why? Is he going to think Jaime stole Bronn from him? 


I guess he might accuse Jaime of being in on a conspiracy to turn both Bronn and Shae against him, but I'm not sure I'd buy Tyrion doing that. The only way I might is if it's after he sees Tywin and Shae, and he's just completely destroyed inside.

Hmm, yeah, the Bronn thing is weird. So the idea is that Tyrion blames Jaime for Cersei successfully turning Bronn over to her side? I can't explain exactly why I'm disappointed that Bronn might be part of the wedge between Jaime and Tyrion but I am. Maybe it's because I feel like that could damage the Jaime Bronn relationship before it's had the chance to really solidify. I don't know, I'm excited but I guess I'm also feeling apprehensive.

I really hope they don't spend too much time with Jon. I enjoy Jon and I get that a lot of people love Stannis and I like him too but if ever there was an episode I'd like to be Lannister heavy it's this one. I'mrreally looking forward to Cersei's scene with Tywin because my hope is that it'll give us some insight into how he feels about his kids and what responsibility he bears in terms of how they turned out. I'd also like (but don't expect) a comment from Cersei to Tywin that is similar to Tyrion's comment about Tywin never personally sacrificing something personal for Team Lannister.

I just really want someone to nail Tywin for his hypocrisy for all these years and Cersei seems like the best bet since they're having a scene and Cersei still has the inconvenient marriage hanging over her head. Speaking of which I guess they're going to carry over the Cersei Loras engagement for a third season.

I wonder if Cersei and Loras are the only engaged couple on TV to have no scenes together for an entire season. Even one season would have gone a long way.


I want a lot of Lannisters but I'm wary of Jaime/Cersei after that episode, and also wary of the narrative being poor Tyrion and Jaime/mean mean Cersei. I hope that won't happen.

  • Love 1


I really hope they don't spend too much time with Jon. I enjoy Jon and I get that a lot of people love Stannis and I like him too but if ever there was an episode I'd like to be Lannister heavy it's this one.


I'm the opposite.  I'm just sick of the Lannisters (with the exception of Jaime) and their "Rains of Castamere" song outros.  I want the North back including Jon and Stannis.  

Edited by sunflower

Hmm what would cause that much (a decades worth of) anticipation?


The hopeful fan in me says Stoneheart. The pragmatic one says it could just as easily be Stannis at the wall, or Tyrion murdering Tywin.


Stoneheart seems easily more exciting than the other two though.

Edited by Maximum Taco
  • Love 3

I bet a post-episode interview will confirm that the scene they wanted to do is the death of Tywin.


Usually I love spoilers but this time I actually want to see the new Brienne/Sandor fight with no idea how it goes. I'll spend the whole hour in suspense, waiting for Stoneheart. If her return is relegated to a mid-season 5 episode that will be terribly disappointing to me; I found it the most exciting of the late ASOS shocks and a sign that the Red Wedding wouldn't be ignored (the way it has been in season 4). I'm also interested in how Emilia Clarke will handle the scene with the child's bones. I don't have a high opinion of her as an actress, but Dany feeling vulnerable again might lead to a return of the better S1 Emilia and a nice break from Dany's conquering queen mode.


It's crazy that Cersei and Loras will end the season still engaged. That engagement will end up being longer than the season+ wait for Joffrey and Margaery's wedding. At least it gave us the delicious Loras/Jaime confrontation at the PW.

  • Love 1

Mmm, the Stoneheart scene itself doesn't seem that exciting to make from a writing/directing standpoint. And they don't seem to like Stannis very much given how he's sidelined so much that his actor hasn't had a chance to get a SAG Ensemble nom yet.


But Saint Tyrion is their favorite, and in my opinion his stuff is the best Sansa-less chapter in the whole series.

Yeah, I have a feeling the scene they wanted to make is Tywin/Tyrion. I'm still holding out hope for a LS sighting. I expected her for last season's finale, and I was so thoroughly disappointed that she wasn't, I won't let my hopes get up that highly again. It's not even like I like the character and what Cat has become, but her storyline is the one I'm most interested to see play out, for some reason. Maybe it's the mommy in me, I can't help but cheer each Frey she takes out.

  • Love 1

Yeah, I have a feeling the scene they wanted to make is Tywin/Tyrion. I'm still holding out hope for a LS sighting. I expected her for last season's finale, and I was so thoroughly disappointed that she wasn't, I won't let my hopes get up that highly again. It's not even like I like the character and what Cat has become, but her storyline is the one I'm most interested to see play out, for some reason. Maybe it's the mommy in me, I can't help but cheer each Frey she takes out.


I don't like the character in the books a lot either.


But I love Michelle Fairley, I'm really interested to see how she would do Lady Stoneheart. With such a great actress would they leave her as mute? Or would they use effects to make her voice sound hoarse? Would they let her do her own gravelly voice? Or would they just let her continue as normal?


And yeah I wanna see her kill some Freys.

  • Love 2

I can see where they'd be most excited over the Tyrion/Tywin stuff. I really feel like their adaptations to the source material have cut much of the juice out of that (and Tyrion/Shae), but I can see where they'd think otherwise.


After everything last week where I thought Stannis would show up and it got in the way of my view of the episode, I've decided not to do that again. I'm just going to assume LS won't be there. (and I'm so wary of her first scene being the one with Pod and Brienne, I'd rather not have her than have that as the first scene).

It bothers me that Brienne could meet up with Arya.  Because then she could just say something like: "I heard Sansa was headed for the Vale," and then Arya would look stupid for not going back to the Vale to check.  Plus, I have trouble seeing Arya fleeing Brienne, a fellow female badass with seemingly good intentions, but I guess I'll have to see how it plays out on the show.  

If things get physical with Brienne and Sandor (although given his current health I tend to wonder how much of a fight he will put up), then Sandor may take her and flee, and if she learns Brienne is working for the Lannisters, she won't fight to stay. Then when she and Sandor are alone and Sandor collapses, she leaves him to die.

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