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Supernatural Guess That Episode Game

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Anyone up for another delightful time waster? How about one that requires us to stare at pictures of "our" boys?! Yeah, me too. :) The rules are simple: Just post any screencap of your choice, and the rest of us get to guess the episode it comes from. Since there are a zillion episodes, feel free to ask whoever's posted the picture about which season the episode comes from, how many words in its title, etc. Needless to say, I'll be begging for a lot of hints along the way :)

Here's a really easy one to get us started:





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What a great game idea.  I do have suggestion.  Maybe we could put our answers behind spoiler tags, that way everybody gets a chance to play 1st without seeing the correct answer.  That's what folks do in several games in the Fun 'n' Games forum.  This is just an idea from "regular me" - not "mod me".  

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That sounds good, CuriousParker, though maybe we should still have a rule that the next person posts another screencap within 24 hours or so regardless of how many people have guessed, just to keep the game moving along...?  


No rush, Catrox, but you're up! :) 

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Oh sure, not only will I be wasting time trying to figure what it's from, but now I'll be spending my days watching more episodes and making screen caps--how is one to choose from so many anyways? Evil, pure evil...hee! ;)

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@mstaken, shouldn't we wait until someone gets it right before moving on?  Would it get confusing as to which screencap is in play?  Or we could, to quote another mod, @Veruca Assault, talking about another matter entirely, "Try it and if it sucks, move on!"

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Catrox did get it right! If you're speaking generally: yes, of course, I'm assuming that one of the guesses under spoiler bars would be correct before moving on. I'm not sure I'm quite understanding you, though---please feel free to take over the game and run it the way you'd like to!  

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@mstaken, I was speaking generally.  I think I got confused about this part "though maybe we should still have a rule that the next person posts another screencap within 24 hours or so regardless of how many people have guessed, just to keep the game moving along...?" of your post.  I wasn't trying to take over and I'm sorry if it came across that way.  I'm only offering my thoughts, you guys can take them or leave them.  Let's play.

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Wow that must be a record or something, catrox.. and I thought you guys might not recognize some of the later stuff.


I'm impressed... I'll have to find something more difficult next time.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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The gun Sam has gives that one away.


I was going to give the screencap that came before without the gun, but considering that Sam and Dean wear those jackets so often - look at catrox's screencap up above from two seasons earlier... same jackets! - I didn't want to make it too vague. Heh. Now that I know you guys are that good, even with some later eps, I can get a little tougher.


I also considered the screen cap from Leviathan Sam after they shot everybody - because Leviathan Sam's self-satisfied reaction makes me smirk every time - but  there were no other visual clues except Sam's face in that one.

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Hee! We could do an entire round of what reaction shot is from which episode. I'm a bit ashamed to admit that even after 200 episodes, I might be an actual contender in that sort of game. Let's not do it though, I can only imagine the amount of time I would waste thinking about it.

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I didn't even see the guns in the picture!  I  went by Sam and Dean's faces, their body language and Sam's hair is always a dead giveaway to which season it is. Plus you know having watched that episode a stupid number of times. LOL.

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Stupid time waster...hint, what kind of hints are those? I'd already narrowed it down to S1 because of Sam's hair and he's actually smiling which is pretty rare after S2. Plus, there are at least three episodes that I can recall you saying you like that have one-word titles from S1. Why not just telling me the damn answer so I could stop wasting my time thinking about this...stupid, stupid time waster anyway... I kid, I kid. ;)


Alright, I'm going with Bugs...although my first instinct was Scarecrow, but I don't think that ending smiley scene was shot at that angle. I do recall you mentioning your love of Bugs and there's that smiley moment at the end when Dean says they'll find Dad, Sam will apologize and then they'll be at each others throats soon again. For some reason though, I didn't think it was shot at that angle either. I'm very visual with these things and I can't visualize that scene for some reason. Stupid, stupid, stupid time waster!

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Oh crap, I got to go find one now, don't I?...stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid time waster! ;)



Okay, this one is probably way too easy, but I really like it, so...




Edited by DittyDotDot
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You are correct @Demented Daisy, it's Houses Of The Holy. I thought the church and the framing gave it away. Sometimes I have to remember that it's probably just memorable to the photographer in me and maybe others wouldn't notice the way it's framed.


Sam's hair is rather tame for mid S2, though, I hadn't noticed that before.


You up DD.

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Hee---that victory was all yours, DD! I was too distracted by Sam's hair to actually look at the rest of the freaking picture, so if it weren't for you, I'd probably still be guessing :) 


Is that gorgeous photo from Dead in the Water?

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