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3 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I've never read it, nor His Girl Wednesday for the simple reason that I don't feel like reading a 50-chapter fic with a 50-chapter sequel.

haha imagine how I felt when I waded through the 50 chapter fic to discover it had a freaking sequel!!!!!

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12 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

What do you guys think of "Some Things Are Meant to Be"?

I liked "His Girl Wednesday" but got annoyed that it ended badly and needed a sequel so I haven't bothered reading STAMTB (or I may have skimmed a few chapters but I don't remember now)! 

Worth a read or not? It's sooooo long and I'm guessing it's not one of those fluffy fics I like.

I didn't read the first one because Felicity as EA is just a major NO for me.  I did read Somethings Are Meant to Be but stopped a quite a few chapters back. There was a logical end point for that story, where everything should have been wrapped up and instead the author kept going, with mostly filler chapters.  I checked in about 7 or 8 chapters later and she had started in on a whole new storyline.  I kind of feel like this story should have ended about a dozen chapters ago and if she really wanted to, she should have gone with a 3rd part to the series.

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I've mostly enjoyed both His Girl Wednesday and Some Things Are Meant To Be but I do think both were dragged out needlessly. The first one could have been cut down by about 15 chapters, at least, and STAMTB could've been cut down by half, easily. I felt it should've wrapped up a while ago now, to the point where I'm about ten chapters behind. It just started to get a little boring because the story had naturally concluded a while ago.

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Hmm. I guess it was a bit of both with the sequel? Haha.


The main plot of the fic was resolved about 20 chapters ago, if I remember correctly, so from then on it just kind of focused on Olicity and their work situation and the challenge of being a couple around that. I enjoy the smut and fluff but because the main plot had ended it just felt like it was being dragged out. It's hard to explain! 

I'd definitely give HGW a go if you don't mind the 50 plus chapters. It's a very slow burn, frustratingly so at times, but I liked it for the most part. I do agree that cliffhanger ending sucked though. A 50 chapter fic should really be the end of it. Haha.

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2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Is it boring fluff or boring drama you don't care about?

I enjoyed her writing style so if she's just waffling about Olicity for ten chapters I am cool with that! 

I went back and checked.  The Climax/resolution was in chapter 32, at most i expected a couple of additional chapters to wrap the story up, maybe an epilogue etc.  I checked out after chapter 35 where it seemed like she was just dragging stuff out with pointless (to me) filler.  I too a peak a few chapters back and there was a whole other story going on 


she introduced Slade and Isabel Rochev and tried to do a S2 type thing...don't really know only read the one chapter and bailed

Apparently the story just ended at 52 chapters and it probably went on about 15-17 chapters too long (IMO).

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16 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I tapped out a long time ago, but I looked at the author's twitter the other day, and it seems like she had a personal goal for kudos for the story - perhaps that's why she kept it going? 

Wow? That's kind of crazy

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I ended up enjoying His Girl Wednesday even though I shook my head hard when she pulled a cliff hanger that turned her no island AU into a prequel AU to Oliver on the island.  I'm looking forward to the sequel but had no interest in waiting again for each chapter to come out.  Now that it's done, I'll read and I'm starved enough for fic that I can put up with her stretching it out I think.  Doesn't sound like it's too angst in the filler chapters.  I can enjoy pointless fluff, lol.   

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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I have no idea if that's the case or not, she just tweeted that she could finish her story in peace (after hitting 3k), so I thought maybe it was a milestone she'd set for the fic.

Maybe, I remember an author, who had a note that she wouldnt post the next chapter in a fic until she got 50 kudos or comments (don't remember which). I'm sure for them it was a performance goal or personal incentive but, to me it came across as blackmail and kind of turned me off.

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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Maybe, I remember an author, who had a note that she wouldnt post the next chapter in a fic until she got 50 kudos or comments (don't remember which). I'm sure for them it was a performance goal or personal incentive but, to me it came across as blackmail and kind of turned me off.

The only reason I thought of it was because I've written in fandoms before where review numbers were a big, big deal. People would "hold chapters hostage" until they hit their review goal, but it was much more common for authors to bribe reviewers with the promise of replying to reviews with an outtake or extra to get the numbers up. I was guilty of the latter tactic when I first started writing fic, haha. I mean, it works!

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I'm curious to hear from the authors here, how do you motivate yourselves to continue and finish a story? If kudos and comments fall off does that totally stymie you? Negative comments? Or once you start a fic then you are committed to finishing it? Interest in the show? 

I am very impressed with people who complete fanfics.

*tapped out amongst the wreckage of half-done craft projects*

Edited by leopardprint
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32 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I'm curious to hear from the authors here, how do you motivate yourselves to continue and finish a story? If kudos and comments fall off does that totally stymie you? Negative comments? Or once you start a fic then you are committed to finishing it? Interest in the show? 

I am very impressed with people who complete fanfics.

*tapped out amongst the wreckage of half-done craft projects*

In summer hiatus between the Smallville 5th and 6th season, I started a crossover fic between Lois and Clark the new adventures of Superman and Smallville.  I'm STILL working on finishing it, 10 plus years later.  So guilt is a big motivator.  I try not to post at all anymore until I think I'm nearly done.   Otherwise getting nagged to keep going actually is helpful for me.  


And now I think I just nagged myself to go work on it some more.  Ducks head in perpetual shame.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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54 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I'm curious to hear from the authors here, how do you motivate yourselves to continue and finish a story? If kudos and comments fall off does that totally stymie you? Negative comments? Or once you start a fic then you are committed to finishing it? Interest in the show? 

I am very impressed with people who complete fanfics.

*tapped out amongst the wreckage of half-done craft projects*

The longest fic I've written is nearly 200k words (half of which could've been tossed in the garbage, but I was too in love with my own writing to delete any of it, even though it didn't add anything at all to the actual plot). I wrote it as I posted it, and it took close to a year, and I wanted to quit so many times. I was super interested in the premise for about half of the time it took me to write it. That particular fandom was at a high point at that time, and fic chapters were getting thousands of reviews each, and about 95% of them were positive, so that kept me going when my interest waned. I got a lot of constructive comments (mostly commenting on my tendency to be too wordy or to not really delve too deep into some of the more ~difficult plots, which were things I knew I needed to work on). When people in that fandom were nasty though, they got REALLY nasty, and that did lower my enthusiasm from time to time. 

I've only written two multi-chapter fics for Arrow (one barely counts, because it was only 2 chapters), but the longest one I wrote was during my peak interest in the show, during the S2 hiatus, so I wrote it over a long weekend and didn't post it until it had been edited. I don't think I could get involved in an in-depth multi-chap fic for the show now, especially considering the absolute garbage it can be at times, so I admire anyone who tries and sees it through to the end. 

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If I start something I try to finish it!That said there is a fic I am probably going to abandon but I figure I am allowed one doozy since my track record with finishing fics is pretty good!

Craft I am TERRIBLE at! You can bury me in the sea of wool I accumulated in my late 20s trying knit various crap! I had such HUGE knitting plans, each one bigger than the next and I don't even have one thing to show for it! Hehe this is probably why I try so hard to finish my fics! To prove that I'm not that flighty knitting tart anymore! 

I am a full time SAHM so I write primarily to exercise my brain (hehe use my words so to speak). Kudos and comments are obviously very welcomed but I don't take them to heart since the effort I put in is for myself rather than anyone else if that makes sense? Posting it and committing to updating keeps me on track so I sit and write at certain times instead of trying to suspend blueberries in chiffon batter (am a baking maniac). 

But it is always so nice when there are one or two who genuinely seem like they really enjoy what I write. I do squee a bit, especially if it's a really weird story! 

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What are people's opinions on how to deal with unpleasant interactions with authors or even just witnessing unpleasant interactions? Like, 99% of authors are as nice as anyone in fandom, but on occasion I've seen someone do something shitty (like screencapping critical reviews and sharing them with followers to put them on blast) and I can't enjoy their work anymore. Which really sucks, because it's not like there's that much fic being written right now.

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I would tell them to develop thicker skins about critical reviews if they want to be writers. Especially if the same people feel free to give their uncensored and unfriendly opinions about other people's writing, like other fanfic authors or for instance the Arrow writers. 

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Wow, that's really mean! 

To be honest I don't read the comments section of any stories. Just never occurred to me to do it (and maybe it's good that I don't!).

I abide by my own code of kudos and comments and just stick with that!

I'd probably still read their stuff but if I knew they were a mean person I probably wouldn't leave a comment even if I loved the story. My reasoning for still reading is why should I deny myself entertainment just because I know someone is shitty (I love eating meat and I feel waaaaaaay more guilty about that so this is smaller fry imo!) plus it's fanfic so it's not like they get rewarded if I read it. 

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4 hours ago, leopardprint said:

I'm curious to hear from the authors here, how do you motivate yourselves to continue and finish a story? If kudos and comments fall off does that totally stymie you? Negative comments? Or once you start a fic then you are committed to finishing it? Interest in the show? 

I am very impressed with people who complete fanfics.

*tapped out amongst the wreckage of half-done craft projects*

I try very hard not to bite off more than I can chew.  When I first started writing for Veronica Mars and X-Files I only wrote one shots, the longest around 8k words.  I did help plot and write a massive multi-writer fic... 22 chapters with 19 writers.  A few writers dropped out and I filled in.  Arrow seems to inspire epic fic in me.  I let a VM fic die once and felt so bad, I decided not to post until I had a good chunk, and to use the series function, which is why I'm publishing Love Thieves as I am.  Even with that, I came up with the idea a whole year before I wrote part one because I wasn't sure I could commit to it.

I won't lie, comments motivate me a lot!  I have very little "me time" and often have to chose between writing, watching tv, or reading in the few hours I get each week, and a well timed comment can help.  My beta readers are awesome!  Since I edit 5-9 chapters ahead, they really help me keep my love of the story up.

Finally, the SHOW.  I felt a lot more like writing after 5x19 and 5x20 than I have all year, for obvious reasons.

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Speaking of Love Thieves, how many installments have you planned, @TrueMyth? I didn't even realized there was supposed to be anything beyond this one (which I still haven't caught time to finish in peace) until you made a comment here last week. 

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2 hours ago, lemotomato said:

What are people's opinions on how to deal with unpleasant interactions with authors or even just witnessing unpleasant interactions? 

I try to ignore it.  Mostly because the comments I see quoted aren't... That bad?  Some "woe is me" about how many more comments they have to reply to can annoy me, even when I love the writer for their work AND as a friend, you know?  So I just let it go unless I have a good enough relationship to say something to them in private.

2 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Speaking of Love Thieves, how many installments have you planned, @TrueMyth? I didn't even realized there was supposed to be anything beyond this one (which I still haven't caught time to finish in peace) until you made a comment here last week. 

I'm thinking about seven at this point (so five more).  The last two parts are a bit nebulous, so may stretch to three or form one large finale.

... I just hope I can turn them out a little faster than one a year, or the show will be long dead before I finish.

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Some people leave very rude comments protected by anonymity so I understand if a writer gets annoyed about those. If it's constructive criticism instead I find it childish to get mad but it's between those people, if the work is good I don't see how it changes anything for me..

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1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

On FF.Net you could delete the anonymous comments.  Can you do that on AO3?  Sometimes anonymous just equals trolls.  

Yes you can! I had a random crazy chuck a fit over something Ray related and I just deleted them. 

I'm good with general grievances even if I don't agree but if you are just crazy you're getting deleted.

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9 hours ago, lemotomato said:

What are people's opinions on how to deal with unpleasant interactions with authors or even just witnessing unpleasant interactions? Like, 99% of authors are as nice as anyone in fandom, but on occasion I've seen someone do something shitty (like screencapping critical reviews and sharing them with followers to put them on blast) and I can't enjoy their work anymore. Which really sucks, because it's not like there's that much fic being written right now.

If someone's being abusive and the author is calling attention to that person, I think that's fine. Calling out actual concrit (which *is* definitely difficult to read sometimes) seems immature to me.  

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5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

On FF.Net you could delete the anonymous comments.  Can you do that on AO3?  Sometimes anonymous just equals trolls.  

On Ao3 authors can set the story to block anonymous comments, only members can leave replies.

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4 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

She's done it again! Adorable story by somewhereelse! I love this author so much!!!!!!!!!! Everything I read of hers is spot on to my taste! 

I Regret Nothing

Pretty cute, but I don't get the timeline to be honest. It's implied in the beginning that Thea was down in the lair, isn't it? She didn't come down until well into season 3, and she certainly wasn't chill about Roy's involvement with Arrow in S2.

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I hate Tommy/Felicity/Oliver fics or Sara/Oliver/Felicity threesomes fics but I think I've found something I hate more Diggle/Felicity/Oliver threesome fic.


Someone posted one to A03 and just reading the tags made me go NOPE! 

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11 hours ago, LeighAn said:

Diggle/Felicity/Oliver threesome fic.

They've had Diggle and Oliver claim each other as brother too many times for that to EVER come close to being ok.  Same with Felicity and Diggle.  The little sister vibe is TOO strong.  The whole thing feels incestual.  

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16 hours ago, LeighAn said:

I hate Tommy/Felicity/Oliver fics or Sara/Oliver/Felicity threesomes fics but I think I've found somethin. g I hate more Diggle/Felicity/Oliver threesome fic.


Someone posted one to A03 and just reading the tags made me go NOPE! 

Scrolling through the Arrow tag on AO3, I can honestly say I find nothing more horrifying than seeing Oliver Queen/Thea Queen.


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14 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Scrolling through the Arrow tag on AO3, I can honestly say I find nothing more horrifying than seeing Oliver Queen/Thea Queen.

Judging by fanfic written in early season 1, I think it's safe to say that if Felicity had never shown up, the dominant pairings would be a lot of Oliver/Thea, Oliver/Diggle, and then later, Oliver/Barry.

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I scan the whole tag. There have been good friendship fics I read, not that I can recall which ones they were at the moment. This was before I signed up and started bookmarking stuff.

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12 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I'm too chicken to look at the Arrow tag by itself. I only search under Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak and even then there is the odd disturbing story. 

I'm like this too. I only read fanfic for more Olicity anyway, so I don't bother with the general Arrow tag. 

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

@TrueMyth I have pandan coconut waffles plus tea but no weekly instalment from you to read! It was my ritual for a few weeks! Boooooooo

Sorry!  You have some very tasty breakfasts though!  When I finally finish the whole epic story, I may print and bind it for myself.  Maybe you can publish a companion recipe book?

Actually that would be a fun way to recommend fic in general: a summary about why you like the story plus a beverage and food pairing.

Oliver/Thea would maybe need some alkaseltzer and crackers though, and I say that as someone who has actually read some incest fic in previous fandoms (very dirty!wrong!bad).

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37 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I'm too chicken to look at the Arrow tag by itself. I only search under Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak and even then there is the odd disturbing story. 

Omg how fic deprived would we be if Felicity never showed up!

Same here which is why I was grossed out that someone tagged this fic as Oliver and Felicity. I just hate and don't get threesome fics in general tbh. I think if you need someone else in your bedroom besides your partner to make things interesting then your sex life must be pretty sad. And I choose to believe Oliver and Felicity have enough passion between them that they wouldn't need to rely on third parties or some 50 shades of grey nonsense to keep their sex life interesting. Plus I find Sara and Tommy overrated and overplayed/used characters in fics.


But I agree with @BkWurm1 that Diggle is the one character that I feel the show would prevent me from ever being able to stomach a Oliver/Diggle Diggle/Felicity Oliver/Diggle/Felicity combo. They are way too incestuous.


1 hour ago, bijoux said:

Scrolling through the Arrow tag on AO3, I can honestly say I find nothing more horrifying than seeing Oliver Queen/Thea Queen.


I saw a Felicity/Donna fic rated E once when looking through the Donna Smoak tag for a specific fic I couldn't remember the name of that I remember had Donna in it. 


The description was something like "Donna comforts Felicity after a fight with Oliver". I choose to believe a guy wrote that because it's such an adult film set up. News flash peeps girls don't instantly want to have sex with their bestfriend/neighbour/random person/mother for comfort when their boyfriends breakup with them FYI. 

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2 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

I saw a Felicity/Donna fic rated E once when looking through the Donna Smoak tag for a specific fic I couldn't remember the name of that I remember had Donna in it. 


The description was something like "Donna comforts Felicity after a fight with Oliver". I choose to believe a guy wrote that because it's such an adult film set up. News flash peeps girls don't instantly want to have sex with their bestfriend/neighbour/random person/mother for comfort when their boyfriends breakup with them FYI. 

I give, you found something worse. Congrats. 


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1 hour ago, lemotomato said:

I'm like this too. I only read fanfic for more Olicity anyway, so I don't bother with the general Arrow tag. 

I often will just start scrolling through the list of new stories and story updates under the Arrow tag but lately I have been using the filters a lot more.  It's not even about getting rid of the icky ones, those remain fairly few and far between but there are just SOOO many ones that are barely even Arrow related like massively tagged DC fics or Flash fics that toss in Arrow just because they can or the pairing is Oliver/Barry or Oliver/Slade or Sara/Nyssa.  It just takes too long to scroll past all the boring ones to me.  

I also wish there was a way to block specific authors from coming up in the filters.  I actually read and had some shallow fun with Oliver/Felicity/Tommy fics in season one and really early season two when it was not a love thing, just a sex thing (and usually is was more Olicity focused and Tommy was just the facilitator, lol)  but I HATE the three-way relationship fics.  Just nope, not close to my HEA, but the author that LOVES to do that is highly prolific and I end up tracking their story against my will just from the story tags. 

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