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38 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I have, yes :) I also like that you didn't make Ray an idiot. And while I never before considered pairing him with you know who, I approve!

I know Ray had to go do a spin off but I always felt so bad about how things ended for him in s3.

It's like my thing to throw him somewhere into my stories and give him a nice life to make up for s3. No one cares but my Ray loving heart wants him to be happy!

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Bar an upcoming epilogue, Deceive, Inveigle, and Obfuscate is finished.

Glad to see I was wrong to fret about 


FQ Ltd.

I will say this feels both too pat on the one hand and not settled enough on the other. I don't know what it is exactly. It's still a great fic that I recommend, but I'm not enthusiastic about the ending itself.

Oooh, and The Darkest Hour has been updated. I only just saw it, still haven't read it.

ETA: Read The Darkest Hour update. It's insane in the best of ways.

Edited by bijoux
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7 hours ago, bijoux said:

Bar an upcoming epilogue, Deceive, Inveigle, and Obfuscate is finished.

Glad to see I was wrong to fret about 

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FQ Ltd.

I will say this feels both too pat on the one hand and not settled enough on the other. I don't know what it is exactly. It's still a great fic that I recommend, but I'm not enthusiastic about the ending itself.

Oooh, and The Darkest Hour has been updated. I only just saw it, still haven't read it.

ETA: Read The Darkest Hour update. It's insane in the best of ways.

I enjoyed Deceive, Inveigle, and Obfuscate for the most part, but you're right. The ending feels a little abrupt. Olicity are together and on the same page now, but it feels like there's still some story that can't be finished up in an epilogue. 

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7 hours ago, bijoux said:

Bar an upcoming epilogue, Deceive, Inveigle, and Obfuscate is finished.

Glad to see I was wrong to fret about 

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FQ Ltd.

I will say this feels both too pat on the one hand and not settled enough on the other. I don't know what it is exactly. It's still a great fic that I recommend, but I'm not enthusiastic about the ending itself.

Oooh, and The Darkest Hour has been updated. I only just saw it, still haven't read it.

ETA: Read The Darkest Hour update. It's insane in the best of .

I'm wondering if she's lost interest in either the fic or the ship. She did seem to wrap the story up rather quickly.

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13 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Not so patiently waiting for In Another Life to update ?⏰⏳

I keep checking. She specifically said she would update Friday. It's Saturday, and I feel Like my emotions are being played with. 

Edited by Hiveminder
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On 4/7/2017 at 10:28 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm wondering if she's lost interest in either the fic or the ship. She did seem to wrap the story up rather quickly.

I believe the plan was always to finish this quickly. I wish it were longer though

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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

Thank you! But wow, it's at chapter 14 already? I now have 3 chapters to read because I don't seem to see it in the AO3 tag anymore. Weird...

I've noticed that happening to me with this fic particularly for a while. I won't see the update when I search the tags, but then I'll see I got the update notice when I check my email a few days later, and I'll find the fic a page or two in when I search the Oliver/Felicity tag again. I thought I was just overlooking it. 

In other news, In Another Life has still not updated, but I do keep getting angry every time I go to check and see that damn Shackled fanfic. 

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6 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

In other news, In Another Life has still not updated, but I do keep getting angry every time I go to check and see that damn Shackled fanfic. 

I don't know what possessed me to do it but someone on this forum said that a lot of the League fics made Oliver really evil so I clicked on that fic to see. Yowsers! Shut down my browser pretty quickly! 

If you guys are looking for something to read while you wait Mintsea is a pretty good writer. Her stuff is pretty close to canon though (As in not completely AU) so not for anyone who is still sensitive about S4/S5. 


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Let me second the Mintsea recommendation.

On 2017-04-07 at 10:28 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm wondering if she's lost interest in either the fic or the ship. She did seem to wrap the story up rather quickly.

She wrapped up her main story, which is Felicity accused of hacking into QC, quite well I thought,


and Oliver and Felicity are now happily married with the blessing of both Donna and Moira.  They dealt with Isabel by firing her.

  Yes, Slade is still out there but that's a larger story which maybe she didn't want to write..  It makes me wonder if the epilogue is going to be a Slade cliff-hanger.

Edited by statsgirl
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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

I'm still going through them but two others of hers that I really like are Wait for It... and In The Light of Day, both AUs but so fluffy.

I didn't actually like Wait for It. It has too much of one of my pet peeves, which is two characters almost willfully misunderstanding each other to the extreme despite what everyone else and their mothers are telling them about their feelings for each other until they finally, after far too long a time spent obnoxiously not simply letting each other speak and listening to what the other person says, both admit that they're madly in love and have only been pretending to be total assholes who can't stand each other or completely platonic friends with no romantic/sexual feelings for each other because that's how they thought the other person felt.

And then, instead of saying "Hey, clearly we have some serious communication issues that we need to work on before we consider doing anything more serious than holding hands." they just immediately jump into a relationship/bed. Usually, their friends are all wandering around making bets on when they'll get together and being generally useless instead of just maybe confronting them about their feelings while they are together, at the same time/place. Because why take simple steps to clear up a misunderstanding when you can watch it snowball for ages while you judgementally shake your head at these two idiots you call friends and cluck your tongue at their adorable stupidity?  Every character involved usually ends up looking dumb, mean, or both. 

Not that Wait for It is a particularly egregious example of this, but it still annoyed me. 

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I'm still going through them but two others of hers that I really like are Wait for It... and In The Light of Day, both AUs but so fluffy.

They are both great but I think I actually squealed when I read "In the Light of Day". You know how there are some stories that are almost designed to tickle your fancy? In The Light of Day and the Platonic Best Friends Do Exist were mine. 

I love au fluff where they still have their core traits but they're off doing fluffy things, having fluffy misunderstandings.

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5 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

I didn't actually like Wait for It. It has too much of one of my pet peeves, which is two characters almost willfully misunderstanding each other to the extreme despite what everyone else and their mothers are telling them about their feelings for each other until they finally, after far too long a time spent obnoxiously not simply letting each other speak and listening to what the other person says, both admit that they're madly in love and have only been pretending to be total assholes who can't stand each other or completely platonic friends with no romantic/sexual feelings for each other because that's how they thought the other person felt.

And then, instead of saying "Hey, clearly we have some serious communication issues that we need to work on before we consider doing anything more serious than holding hands." they just immediately jump into a relationship/bed. Usually, their friends are all wandering around making bets on when they'll get together and being generally useless instead of just maybe confronting them about their feelings while they are together, at the same time/place. Because why take simple steps to clear up a misunderstanding when you can watch it snowball for ages while you judgementally shake your head at these two idiots you call friends and cluck your tongue at their adorable stupidity?  Every character involved usually ends up looking dumb, mean, or both. 

Not that Wait for It is a particularly egregious example of this, but it still annoyed me. 

Ha!  You basically described my favorite Shakespeare ship, Beatrice and Benedict from "Much Ado About Nothing."  Notice I say favorite ship, not story, because it really is one of his weaker narratives.  Don John is horribly one dimensional.  His plans really only almost work because everyone is so focused on trying to get B & B together.  What Shakespeare gets right (besides the wonderful banter) is not dragging out the misunderstanding.

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1 hour ago, TrueMyth said:

Ha!  You basically described my favorite Shakespeare ship, Beatrice and Benedict from "Much Ado About Nothing."  Notice I say favorite ship, not story, because it really is one of his weaker narratives.  Don John is horribly one dimensional.  His plans really only almost work because everyone is so focused on trying to get B & B together.  What Shakespeare gets right (besides the wonderful banter) is not dragging out the misunderstanding.

Lol. I actually do like that play. I can watch it if it's short lived and the actors are good, but reading it frustrates me. Plus you're right, it doesn't last for a year and a day there. 

Edited by Hiveminder
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Actually, to be clear, it's not the misunderstandings I hate, although they're frustrating. It's the behavior that goes along with them a lot of times. Some authors have the couple be really kind of terrible to each other or aggressively dumb, and then when they realize they 'love' each other everything is immediately hunky dory. Wait for It was skirting close the that line, though it didn't quite cross it. 

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Much Ado About Nothing is hands down my absolutely favourite Shakespeare play (does that  make me shallow?) One of the things that makes it for me was that the relationship between Beatrice and Benedict started long before the play did and contained dealings of which we never really know what happened. (DON PEDRO: Come, lady, come; you have lost the heart of Signior Benedick."  BEATRICE: Indeed, my lord, he lent it me awhile; and I gave him use for it, a double heart for his single one: marry, once before he won it of me with false dice, therefore your grace may well say I have lost it.)  It's the depth of that relationship the attracts me.

On the other hand, I cannot respect the Claudio/Hero pairing at all.  'Does she have money?  I'm going to marry her. No, it looks like the prince is wooing her for himself, I'm done.  No, he's not she's main. Look, the guy no one trusts says she's not a virgin.  I'm going to accuse her in public instead of speaking to anyone and checking this out. Oops, she's dead, pity.  Yes, I'll marry your niece if she's going to inherit all your money.  Oh, it's really Hero?  Well since Don John confessed, I guess I can marry her now.'

9 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

I didn't actually like Wait for It. It has too much of one of my pet peeves, which is two characters almost willfully misunderstanding each other to the extreme despite what everyone else and their mothers are telling them about their feelings for each other until they finally, after far too long a time spent obnoxiously not simply letting each other speak and listening to what the other person says, both admit that they're madly in love and have only been pretending to be total assholes who can't stand each other or completely platonic friends with no romantic/sexual feelings for each other because that's how they thought the other person felt.

I completely understand that as a pet peeve, I don't like it either although my worst one is "Why didn't they just ask the other person and clear up the misunderstanding instead of making all these assumptions?"

I don't think that story is so much a case of two characters willfully misunderstanding each other so much as getting their signals crossed.


Oliver thinks that the best friend of his kid sister is off limits and needs to be protected while Felicity tries to get him to notice her by pretending to be acting out.

While Thea was trying to trick Oliver and Felicity into getting together, no one was telling them about their feelings for each other.  The extent was Iris and Tommy saying "Talk to him/her."  I had a bigger problem with them only being 2 years apart in age.  If it were 6 or more, that would have made more sense in terms of the premise.

I think I can also tolerate an iffy trope when the fic is under 12,000 words than when it goes on for dozens of chapters.  The stupidity of the characters is  harder to take the longer the fic goes on.

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Much Ado About Nothing is hands down my absolutely favourite Shakespeare play (does that  make me shallow?) One of the things that makes it for me was that the relationship between Beatrice and Benedict started long before the play did and contained dealings of which we never really know what happened. (DON PEDRO: Come, lady, come; you have lost the heart of Signior Benedick."  BEATRICE: Indeed, my lord, he lent it me awhile; and I gave him use for it, a double heart for his single one: marry, once before he won it of me with false dice, therefore your grace may well say I have lost it.)  It's the depth of that relationship the attracts me.

On the other hand, I cannot respect the Claudio/Hero pairing at all.  'Does she have money?  I'm going to marry her. No, it looks like the prince is wooing her for himself, I'm done.  No, he's not she's main. Look, the guy no one trusts says she's not a virgin.  I'm going to accuse her in public instead of speaking to anyone and checking this out. Oops, she's dead, pity.  Yes, I'll marry your niece if she's going to inherit all your money.  Oh, it's really Hero?  Well since Don John confessed, I guess I can marry her now.'

I completely understand that as a pet peeve, I don't like it either although my worst one is "Why didn't they just ask the other person and clear up the misunderstanding instead of making all these assumptions?"

I don't think that story is so much a case of two characters willfully misunderstanding each other so much as getting their signals crossed.

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Oliver thinks that the best friend of his kid sister is off limits and needs to be protected while Felicity tries to get him to notice her by pretending to be acting out.

While Thea was trying to trick Oliver and Felicity into getting together, no one was telling them about their feelings for each other.  The extent was Iris and Tommy saying "Talk to him/her."  I had a bigger problem with them only being 2 years apart in age.  If it were 6 or more, that would have made more sense in terms of the premise.

I think I can also tolerate an iffy trope when the fic is under 12,000 words than when it goes on for dozens of chapters.  The stupidity of the characters is  harder to take the longer the fic goes on.

That doesn't make you shallow at all. I actually quite like the play. (Side note, the first time I saw it was at a recreation of the Globe theater in my college town. Lots of fun, but terribly uncomfortable seats. ) I think it works there because the misunderstanding (between B&B at least) is over and done fairly quickly. We don't have to sit there and watch them get in their own way or refuse to believe their friends when they tell them their in love with each other.  The skill of the actors has an affect too. 

And totally agree with you about Hero/Claudio. Claudio's a dink. 

Maybe it's not the trope itself and more the mishandling of it that I dislike. Every time I see a hint of it I can't help but wonder if I'm going to end up reading another fic where character A insults character B, and then they both proceed to act like total assholes to each other, but it's OK because they're secretly in love.  It's not Ok. It's juvenile.  

Sometimes I think authors are trying to do a Pride and Prejudice thing but forget to put in the character growth and self examination Darcy and Elizabeth had to go through.  

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8 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

That doesn't make you shallow at all. I actually quite like the play. (Side note, the first time I saw it was at a recreation of the Globe theater in my college town. Lots of fun, but terribly uncomfortable seats. ) I think it works there because the misunderstanding (between B&B at least) is over and done fairly quickly. We don't have to sit there and watch them get in their own way or refuse to believe their friends when they tell them their in love with each other.  The skill of the actors has an affect too.

Maybe it's not the trope itself and more the mishandling of it that I dislike. Every time I see a hint of it I can't help but wonder if I'm going to end up reading another fic where character A insults character B, and then they both proceed to act like total assholes to each other, but it's OK because they're secretly in love.  It's not Ok. It's juvenile.  

Sometimes I think authors are trying to do a Pride and Prejudice thing but forget to put in the character growth and self examination Darcy and Elizabeth had to go through.  

The Elizabethans were tougher than we are.  Or maybe they could just get alcohol during the play.

Trivia:  I read an academic paper arguing that Much Ado set the template for Shaw's and all the other plays with strong heroines who stood up for themselves.

Unlike plays etc where the character's friends tell Person A that he/she really loves Person B, in Much Ado the friends try to convince person A that person B is in love with him/her.  They're not telling someone how he/she feel (English really needs a gender-neutral expression) but trying to set up the situation where that person feels that it's safe to express how he really feels.

I totally agree about hating stories where people act terribly to each other but it's okay because they're secretly in love with the other person.  Abuse is abuse, no matter how you feel about the other; in fact it's worse if you care for them.

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That reminds me of when I was younger and people would say "He or she is mean to you because they like you". Really irks me.

Nowadays we teach them "No means no" and "keep your hands to yourself". None of that other silly crap!

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On 4/10/2017 at 11:20 PM, Mellowyellow said:

That reminds me of when I was younger and people would say "He or she is mean to you because they like you". Really irks me.

Nowadays we teach them "No means no" and "keep your hands to yourself". None of that other silly crap!

I just had this conversation with a 9 year old and her mother (my BFF) last weekend.   The teasing to get your attention is still sometimes true but there's no way the message we're going to send is "if a boy is mean to you it means love."  But at the same time, the kid really was clearly just looking to get her attention.  So we went into this tag team lecture on why it was wrong and why a little boy not being able to express his feelings is one thing but how it's something only really immature people would do and you wouldn't want to ever be with a person like that because they wouldn't treat you right and they need to grow up and blah blah blah.

Her eyes glazed over pretty quickly but hopefully she got the jist, lol.  

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While you're waiting ....  This is How She was Going to Die by SuchaPrettyPoison.  AU-verse where Felicity is a pickpocket and hacker, daughter of a known criminal and Oliver is a cop.  Funny and light, like bits of fizzy candy.


She never in her wildest dreams thought that this was the way she was going to die.
Kidnapped, tortured, and killed to send a message? Totally.
Death by starvation while being partially suck in a vending machine had never crossed her mind.

Felicity's first day working fro the Star City P.D. What could possibly happen?

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17 hours ago, bijoux said:

Are there typos throughout? I can deal with some, but I get pulled out of the story if there is an abundance of them.

I didn't notice any typos in this fic though I did go back and read the series from the start and she had a few, though I think the story is sweet and fun enough to ignore. 

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42 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm waiting for the Robert in this story to tie Oliver to some train tracks or something, then twirl his mustache. 

It's so over the top, but I love it. It works for me because the fic is so fluffy. If it was written in a more angsty way I'd be rolling my eyes. 

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