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I think maybe they were associate pastors who worked under Andrew, who was the head clergyman? Is that a thing? I don't know much about Episcopalians.


What was the name of the Catholic church, does any one know? I want to say St. Jude's, but that sounds too close to St. James. I do recall that the Catholic priest they trotted out once in a while - Father Gregory - was pretty hot. Ahem.


I know he was slated to re-marry Bo and Nora in 2010 but couldn't make it because of a cancelled flight. That said, I have never seen a direct reference that claimed he ever left town.


I remember that, maybe that's why I thought he and Cassie were back together, he lived in Savannah with her, etc.


Hey, remember how the show never bothered explaining why Joey wasn't a priest anymore?

Edited by TeeVee329

They never said he waaaasn't! I'm sorry, I just really loved that whole priest angle with Joey as Andrew's natural successor. It was a very smart move Malone made which he then quickly tanked with the Jen romance. I prefer to believe Joey left the priesthood and there's some shadowy backstory on it, and someday he'd confront it and go back or at least stay close to it and St. James.

There is one thing that I have always wondered about River:


When Cassie first found him, it was on Christmas Eve 1993. River Phoenix died on Halloween morning 1993. Beth Garvey, his biological mother, was said to have named River after the Llantano River, in honor of the fact that she survived her suicide attempt (she had tried to jump into the river), but given that she was a teen mom, isn't it plausible that she could have named her son after her recently departed favorite actor? I have always thought that River's name was Michael Malone's way of honoring River Phoenix. The timeline was just too close for me to believe anything else. 

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Too old + the harbinger of soap death


Was he really too old? I think Daniel Cosgrove is about the same age as Nathan Fillion, and looks younger. (I love Nathan, but he's starting to show his age. He's kind of...jowly, now) I know they tried to sneakily de-SORAS Joey with Bruce Michael Hall, but pffft. The dimples! And he can act!


But, yeah, a soap-killer. Though he hasn't killed DAYS yet. Or did he leave?

  • Love 1

What I do remember about those last scenes was Cris very politely yet charmingly asking Jessica if he could kiss her, which was quite the contrast to Ford pushing Jessica against a door and sticking his tongue down her throat (happily, she slugged him in the face, but the tide quickly turned) and yet Ford was who we were supposed to be rooting to be with Jessica.  BLECH.


Yay, I found the gif I had of Jessica punching Ford!  Man was this glorious, it even overshadowed the return of my girl and avatar Kimberly Andrews that day.



Edited by TeeVee329

Nathan Fillion looked great at SDCC over the weekend. And proudly shared his love of 'Evil Dead 2.' (No Kassie shout out but you know that's part of it.) He said that 'Evil Dead 2' was 'watching guys spread 50 bucks as far as they can.' And also that he still geeks out about Bruce Campbell (good man.)


As for Andrew, we know he moved to California for awhile and then there were times when he was back and it was clear he was visiting. I am honestly trying to remember what the situation was in the early 00's when he was available on the many occasions that Todd and Blair were trying to get married. Then after Howarth left and Joey was a priest he was the man standing in for the role of holy man... such as it was. I don't recall as many weddings that time save for Blair/Walker-Laurence-Actually-Not-Todd-Really-Victor... and his own to Jen. (hork!)


And then Andrew was back to interact with Marty very very very briefly?


As far as how religion works... dipping into my own Lutheran upbringing the situation is that every church has a minister and he or she handles the services and what not. In my youth, we had the pastors and then deacons, or two pastors working together (they'd trade off early services and late services), a pastor and a lesser ranked pastor. So generally there's a main pastor and a backup pastor, or two mains or whatever.


River was going to Julliard at one point, wasn't he? I always figured Cassie could have returned from Savannah to be closer to him in that regard but that's mainly because I love Cassie. She's a Cramer I would have liked to have seen stick around. She wouldn't have been crawling all over Blair's leftovers!


As for Andrew, we know he moved to California for awhile and then there were times when he was back and it was clear he was visiting. I am honestly trying to remember what the situation was in the early 00's when he was available on the many occasions that Todd and Blair were trying to get married. Then after Howarth left and Joey was a priest he was the man standing in for the role of holy man... such as it was. I don't recall as many weddings that time save for Blair/Walker-Laurence-Actually-Not-Todd-Really-Victor... and his own to Jen. (hork!)


And then Andrew was back to interact with Marty very very very briefly?


In a nice touch, Andrew was also asked by Dorian to perform the services at the Big Gay Wedding in 2009 (and again, I got the sense that Andrew was visiting from somewhere else). 


I loved Andrew being all, "Isn't that hot cop awesome and brave?" to Nick after Fish lost his cool with the protestors and Kyle looked like he wanted to make out with him then and there.  Poor Nick, heh.

Edited by TeeVee329

I honestly don't remember Andrew ever moving to California. But I'm sure it was some line I forgot. I just always saw him back at the church at a moment's notice.


The last I heard of River I think he was said to be in Savannah with Cassie, after finishing his schooling, one assumes. I had wanted him to appear on the new show as a sort of clandestine boytoy fling with single mom Natalie, a younger, flakier guy who's way more into her than she is into him.

Edited by jsbt

Today's casting news made me wonder - was Dena Higley the one who started pushing Rex as a leading man or did that only come with Ron?  Was she the one who started the bond with Bo?


I answered this over on the GH side, but I think Bo and Rex's little interplay may have started just before Dena, in random scenes here and there - I can't recall. Either way, Dena is the one who made it a big thing starting with the Daniel Colson story, and turned him into a goody-two-shoes, then began growing him into a leading man with Adriana. That whole period was unbearable.


I actually liked Rex and Gigi at first - a lot - and I thought the early storyline was largely sweet and fun. But the key mistake there was thinking they were a leading frontburner couple, which Frons and Ron never gave up on. That's what ruined Rex (and Gigi).

  • Love 4


actually liked Rex and Gigi at first - a lot - and I thought the early storyline was largely sweet and fun. But the key mistake there was thinking they were a leading frontburner couple, which Frons and Ron never gave up on. That's what ruined Rex (and Gigi).


I agree completely.  Rex and Gigi really worked best as supporting characters.  Every-time the show tried to push them as leads they both became extremely annoying, and they always seemed to have some of the stupidest, nonsensical stories.

  • Love 3

Ugh, so stupid. And Baz was all mad at Tomas even though he didn't know the truth.

It's also a retread of Diego being angry at Lorenzo, despite him being in the dark about Maria (and it even had the same danger angle). I'm surprised they didn't go another route with Tomas and his son as a consequence, although it was clear Ron cared little about Tomas since he was not allowed to confront his son onscreen (when he tried to get him arrested) or even to say goodbye (since poorly using him as a plot device for Starr's music career was apparent more important).

Then again, Tomas was on his second date with Blair when Todd returned, so I shouldn't be surprised at how little thought was given to the character.

Perhaps a Lorenzo/Tea story would've been more interesting.

  • Love 1

Which reminds me - and I recognize that I'm the only one who cares about this any more - are Lorenzo Alcazar and Tomas Delgado THE SAME PERSON? WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT WHOLE THING.


Plus, Blair, Tea, and Skye on a global road-trip adventure to figure that shit out? I'd watch that show.


I don't know if they were the same person, but I get a feeling Ron was going to make it happen, just because it would have been the most convoluted story.  Also cause it would have made the whole thing a quad with Todd/Blair/Lorenzo(Tomas?)/Carly and we all know how much Ron loves his soap geometry.  (Even though, as it has been often said here, Todd/Carly made ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE!)


And, oh yes, sign me up for the bitchfest that would have been the Blair/Tea/Skye globe-trotting!  It would have been thousand times better then getting stuck in the place in THAT we were left.

  • Love 1

Which reminds me - and I recognize that I'm the only one who cares about this any more - are Lorenzo Alcazar and Tomas Delgado THE SAME PERSON? WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT WHOLE THING.

Plus, Blair, Tea, and Skye on a global road-trip adventure to figure that shit out? I'd watch that show.

I think Ron capitalized on the Lorenzo/Tomas fan speculation on GH with Skye and Carly thinking Lorenzo was Tomas, and then roping Tea and Blair into the mystery. It's never been definitively stated one way or another (even though a blood test from Baz would likely put it to test, assuming he's actually Tomas' biological son) and I suspect the PP lawsuit isn't helping matters since this was brought into it.

Admittedly, I do like the idea that Lorenzo outsmarted his enemies by faking his death and could care less about the Gummy Bear Mob, but I think it's a shame at how misused Tomas was on OLTL (although that can be said for so many characters). Strangely enough, TK said the network was open to moving Lorenzo to another show when he wanted to leave GH, so Lorenzo could have been part of OL if things had been different.

Maybe OL would've addressed it if TK agreed to come back to 2.0. He likely would've had some familiarity with the mysterious government organization that kidnapped Victor.

  • Love 1

I don't think Ron intended to say Tomas was Lorenzo Alcazar. They were different men with different motives and choices. I do think he was going to reveal that Tomas at the very least had been impersonating Lorenzo at various times and points across the globe as part of an intelligence operation, possibly for a period of his time on GH (though not all of it, IMO). And I think he may have explained it by revealing that the Delgado family was an offshoot of the Alcazars, hence the resemblance. At least, it's what I would have done.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

I don't think Ron intended to say Tomas was Lorenzo Alcazar. They were different men with different motives and choices. I do think he was going to reveal that Tomas at the very least had been impersonating Lorenzo at various times and points across the globe as part of an intelligence operation, possibly for a period of his time on GH (though not all of it, IMO). And I think he may have explained it by revealing that the Delgado family was an offshoot of the Alcazars, hence the resemblance. At least, it's what I would have done.

Maybe investigating Caesar Faison's network would have explained why Tomas would be in that area, since it was an area of espionage for some time.

Edited by Lobsel Vith
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Plus, Blair, Tea, and Skye on a global road-trip adventure to figure that shit out? I'd watch that show.


And, oh yes, sign me up for the bitchfest that would have been the Blair/Tea/Skye globe-trotting!  It would have been thousand times better then getting stuck in the place in THAT we were left.


Thirded.  Blair, Tea, and Skye off on some globe-trotting adventure would have been so much fun to watch.  Like John, Tomas, and Brody Charlie's Angels-ing it up in the swamps of Louisiana, but with more bon mots and hair flips.


I do remember being annoyed that what it REALLY was about was a) getting AJ's biggest ally among the Q's - Skye - out of the country and b) sending both of Todd's ladies away so he had no choice (NO CHOICE) but to fall in lurv with Carly.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2
The Buchanans do benefit from additional DNA tests in our collective imaginations, don't they? They also prove that Ryder is Brody's son, and Rex is NOT Clint's son. Depending on my mood, I sometimes mentally adjust Liam's paternity as well.


Show in My head: 

  • Ryder is Brody's son
  • Liam is John's, but ends up being raised by Natalie and NotDead!Jared (with their twins)
  • Rex is not Clint's son, but he is a Buchanan (Echo had a drunken ONS with Austin Buchanan after leaving Llanview)

I really need to write my stuff down too.


Rex is not Clint's son, but he is a Buchanan (Echo had a drunken ONS with Austin Buchanan after leaving Llanview)


Oh no. He doesn't need to be a Buchanan at all, in any way, shape, or form. I'm not sure what the point of making him a Buchanan was to begin with. He shouldn't be Clint's son or brother, and def shouldn't be Jessica & Natalie's brother or uncle.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 3
Oh no. He doesn't need to be a Buchanan at all, in any way, shape, or form. I'm not sure what the point of making him a Buchanan was to begin with. He shouldn't be Clint's son or brother, and def shouldn't be Jessica & Natalie's brother or uncle.


I think that you thought that I was referring to Asa.  I said Austin Buchanan, who was Clint's nasty rapist cousin (the one that raped Sarah Gordon), just the type of father that Rex deserves.  He would be Clint's and Bo's 1st cousin once removed and 2nd second cousin to Jessica and Natalie.

Edited by drtslim

Oh no. He doesn't need to be a Buchanan at all, in any way, shape, or form. I'm not sure what the point of making him a Buchanan was to begin with. He shouldn't be Clint's son or brother, and def shouldn't be Jessica & Natalie's brother or uncle.


Any interest I had in Rex as Natalie's brother - biological or foster or whatever - died the day she tearfully pleaded with him to let Clint have Gigi's heart and he denied her, only to then turn around and sell the heart to Clint for money and power .

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

I think that you thought that I was referring to Asa.  I said Austin Buchanan, who was Clint's nasty rapist cousin


In that case, I still stand by what I said. He shouldn't be a Buchanon at all.


just the type of father that Rex deserves


In that case, let him be Mitch Laurence's bastard son.

Edited by AndySmith
  • Love 2

I think the real point of the Tomas/Alcazar craziness, actually, was to roadblock Blair's marriage to Tomas, which they clearly never had any intention of going forward with. They were just going to keep the long-distance love triangle between Todd, Blair and Carly going and going.




A Blair, Tea, Skye roadtrip would be fun to watch... unless it were Ron writing it. The PP writers probably would have been a better choice. At least they acknowledged that Tea was a mess and fallible and that Blair had some brains and real strength to her (despite the whole drugs in her club thing, I thought that was really out of character for her) but there is no question that those three ladies could carry a roadtrip with wacky hijinks and probably some crime fighting too storyline. Blair and Skye were actually fun back in the day and Blair and Tea on PP were actually far more believable as friends than they were on Ron's OLTL. (Still a little weird but far more equal.)


The resulting roadtrip would be about Skye trying to find out the truth about Lorenzo, Tea wanting to know what's up with her brother, and Blair realizing this guy is SO not for her. Given that Skye and Tea took an instant dislike to each other it would have been wonderful for them to end up as in laws and then they could both roll their eyes at Blair for a) denying her feelings for Todd and b) getting back together with him because c) they knew she would anyway, who did she think she was kidding?


Tea could wonder if she should fly down to Argentina and sleep with Max so she can  be on the same page that Skye and Blair are, then Skye would say she'd have to sleep with Todd if that were the case and then Blair would attack her and threaten to give her another swirly and then Tea and Skye would be all 'Yeah... you're not in love with him and want to get back with him or anything. Surrrrre...'

  • Love 6

The worst part of Blair and Skye was that they were fighting over Max who was, at that time, absolutely not worth it. The best part was that the writers didn't treat Skye as if she was 'better' than Blair. Skye certainly thought she was but she really wasn't. She was just as desperately pathetic and as much a perennial loser as Blair was written to be particularly at that time.


I always liked that Skye was kind of scared to death of Todd. She tried to treat him the way she treated everyone else and he simply did not care. He always expected the worst from her but her obsession with Max made her delightfully easy for him to manipulate. Hell, even realizing that Todd wanted Blair for himself didn't result in her having one over on him. And he got the last laugh when he dropped the bomb about her being Rae's daughter because as much as she fucked with his relationship with Blair, he could get always her back. Skye was always going to be stuck with Rae.


Kassie DePaiva and Robin Christopher were two extremely game ladies who put it all out there. Watching them was great and, sadly, it always dimmed whenever Max showed up because then you were reminded that they were fighting over Max at his absolute worst.


Not to mention that triangles centered on a guy didn't play out well. Not for me anyway. It usually came across as the guy doing anything he could to encourage the two women to continue treating him like a prize because he didn't have to make any decisions and he got to sleep with both of them.

  • Love 6

I've always liked Skye, and most of the time liked Robin Christopher. I liked when they invoked Skye's OLTL history on GH, and I liked when she became more of a roving presence on the show to periodically come in and cause trouble/help Robin Christopher pay her bills on JFP's dime. But I fucking despised Skye on contract at GH, as an "honorary Quartermaine," talking to "Grandfather" and the other Q's like she knew them. That period, with Luke, etc. was unbearable.


She just never belonged on either GH or OLTL full time IMO, despite Skye being a great character with a great actress. I have no idea why Robin allegedly never wanted to return to AMC. I would've loved to see her turn up on AMC 2.0 and help the other kids make hell for poor Brooke. But I do think you can use Skye in short-term doses on GH, with the history she has now accumulated.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

I came back to the show after Skye had already been there for a time so I don't know what the initial reaction to her was. Why was this AMC character there? I know they attached her to Ben so she could be a pseudo-rival for Viki. (As if anyone's really a rival for Viki.) She was more of an obstacle, really, if I recall. Married to Ben for some who the fuck even knows reason and wanting to delay that so Ben couldn't be with his Blondie.


And then they shot her over to Max to engage with Blair. Like I said, Blair and Skye fighting was fun in that soapy, diva, catfighting kind of way... but what they were fighting over wasn't fun.


Having it turn into Max & Skye vs Blair & Todd could have also been fun if they had moved forward with it. Blair and Todd need rivals or it winds up being 'Todd does something monumentally stupid and destructive and Blair reacts poorly to it' and, Odin knows, we got way too much of that shit. But Skye, I don't think, lasted too long after the Hell No Wedding where the Rae bomb was dropped. And then she was shunted off to GH to become a not really a Quartermaine.

Edited by Dandesun
  • Love 2

I know they attached her [skye] to Ben so she could be a pseudo-rival for Viki. (As if anyone's really a rival for Viki.) She was more of an obstacle, really, if I recall. Married to Ben for some who the fuck even knows reason and wanting to delay that so Ben couldn't be with his Blondie.


IIRC, she was another weapon in Asa's feud against the Davidson/Rappaports.  I believe he's the one who brought her to town to mess with Ben.


My first experience with Skye was when she showed up on GH and I always enjoyed her/RC, although the writing for Skye wasn't the greatest, especially deeper into her stint.  And her last on-screen appearances on GH/scenes with the OLTL peeps were great - super happy that AJ was alive and supportive of him, dismissive and uninterested in St. Jasus' death, smacking the shit out of Carly, tussling with Blair and Todd, etc.  Too bad Ron's taken a hatchet to her while she's been off-screen.


And oh yes, jsbt, Skye could have been a very fun piece for Prospect Park AMC to play.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

I came back to the show after Skye had already been there for a time so I don't know what the initial reaction to her was. Why was this AMC character there? 



I know you probably know this by now and this is probably stating the obvious, but JFP certainly never hesitated to bring on one of her friends when she was at a certain show. Was Robin at AW to the end? I do know Linda Dano was, so I can see how JFP discovered, "Hey! She played a long-forgotten character on OLTL decades ago. Let's bring her back and then I'll have one of my friends here." And then she had the opportunity to bring Robin on, who she had worked with on AW, and saw the chance to have them play mother and daughter again. Was JFP still EP when Rae found out Skye was her daughter? I know Tomlin was there by the time it came out at the Hell No Wedding.


And I'll say this: JFP may be infamous for her "friends", but Robin Christopher is one of the few I'm willing to watch any time. 

Skye was in this scene with Todd, Blair and Max that I love. "Max, how's your back?" LOL.




Having it turn into Max & Skye vs Blair & Todd could have also been fun if they had moved forward with it. Blair and Todd need rivals or it winds up being 'Todd doesn't something monumentally stupid and destructive and Blair reacts poorly to it' and, Odin knows, we got way too much of that shit. 


Todd & Blair vs. Max & Gabrielle would have made my LIFE. 

Edited by UYI
  • Love 1

There are things about that vid that just make me laaaugh! You had Blair really struggling regarding Todd for a significant period of time there as well as her marriage to Max going to hell but I kind of laugh that all Todd needed to do was a) give her the goods on people she hated b) spread chaos with her for the fun of it and c) take her to bed -- very simple equation to get Blair all in.


Todd was always kind of dense about that part of it. He really should have followed Lord Flashheart's advice: Get inside her five times a day and take her to heaven and back!


Blair is generally never happier than when she's getting laid with Todd.

  • Love 1

Jill and her henchman, Megan McTavish, were out the door right before the hell no wedding. IIRC, Jill and Megan's original plan was for the wedding to go through and for Todd to gaslight Blair on the honeymoon or something. The new writers and EP (Gary Tomlin and co.) decided to use the wedding to blow every one of JFP's lame plotlines up.


Rae and Skye was so fucking stupid and forced with that AW shit - two new characters and their family saga dominating OLTL airtime. When Bob Guza had Tracy return to GH in grand flourish and reveal that Gretel Rae was the biggest whore on the Port Charles docks, and that no one knew who Skye's real father was, I considered it karmic vengeance. Jill must have been grinding her teeth for the next six months. I'm pretty sure Jill had also hoped to pair up Kevin (then played by JFP favorite Tim Gibbs, dark and brooding) and Skye on OLTL - they had a number of scenes together regarding their angst and dependence on alcohol, and I think they may have kissed once or twice. I think Max was just a stop-gap. As soon as Jill left, Kevin and Skye were both gone too, and Jill promptly brought RC over to GH.


Was Robin at AW to the end?


No, she was long gone. The Rae/Skye thing was all JFP, but I can't quite recall whether Skye knew before the wedding. I think she did.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 1

So was the plan always for Skye to relocate to Port Charles permanently or did JFP just take her along when she went to GH?


JFP took her with her as part of the then-endless Robin Christopher FOJ Employment Contract. Jill is also the reason Robin kept making visits back to GH after leaving a few years ago - keeping her coffers full. I can't hate on RC for that, and at least she wasn't on-contract anymore.

Edited by jsbt

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