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I only watched GL for a little while in 2000-01, but from what I remember at the time, I think she had her fans (she was also nominated for a Daytime Emmy one year while still on GL--I remember Rylan being somewhat well-liked as Lizzie), but compared to Hayden Panettiere as Lizzie when she was a child, I think anyone after her was going to have a hard time; she left quite an impression even at such a young age (that said, I actually did like Mackenzie Mauzy, who replaced Hayden, back then; then again, I was 12). 

Edited by UYI
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Oh please, Chris Claremont wanted to do that story decades ago with Mystique and Nightcrawler. (Mystique is a shape-shifter and the idea was that she shifted into a man in order to impregnate her long time companion, Destiny, that would result in Kurt Wagner.) If network brass were the type to shy away from that a mere five years ago, you can imagine how Marvel editorial reacted back in the 80s.


What I'm saying is... Ron's no ground-breaker even if they did put the kibosh on it.


(I'm still bitter that the story of Joanna and the cannibals didn't pan out.)

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I don't think that's what you were saying TeeVee. I'm saying that's probably what Ron thought of himself. 


As a sidenote, Chris Claremont wrote women better in serial fiction than many still do today. His X-Men run was astounding. His women were fierce and he always went into creating new characters with 'is there any reason this can't be a woman?' which was ground-breaking in and of itself in superhero comics. His writing wasn't perfect by any means but he was far more interested in pushing the envelope than most writers in any kind of serialized format.


That's one of the many things about Ron... he doesn't write women very well at all. He has a very narrow definition of what he likes and you either fit into it or you don't. Meh.


As for Bold and the Beautiful's latest move... hoo boy. I think it's gutsy on the one hand and I have hope that they treat transgender with class and respect but given the current soap genre, I'm not expecting that to last.

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I would have really disliked a Roxy transgender story, especially since Roxy was already a campy character and I don't think they could have resisted making it even campier.  The only good thing about it would have been saving Clint from losing the Rex paternity sweepstakes. (Note: IK no doubt would have done a great job, if they would have allowed her to give more than a one note performance.)

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With the additional horror of JPL and Farah Fath playing Rex's parents in those flashback/fantasy/whatever scenes, although Farah Fath looked a million times better in the long, brunette wig they stuck on her.


It was the salt rubbed in the wounds of me losing Kyle, Fish, Schuyler, Kim, and Rachel.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I think my favorite part of the Rex Paternity-Go-Round ("favorite" being "most ludicrous") was the five minutes Rex was Hopi.


Clint set that up, hee.



In other news, rumors are swirling that Melissa Archer is about to be axed from "Days of our Lives".


Maybe she be the person who accidentally unleashes a toxin that kills off half the cast of GH. Someone has to do it.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I really hate that Melissa Archer is going to be pay for the mistakes those asshats have made.  Yeah, the storyline is a snoozer, but she's doing as much with it as is possible.  Nobody in that storyline can give it any life, including Greg V. because the writing really stinks.

And it's not just Archer's storyline or character that's terrible, eitiher.  FAR from it.

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Clint set that up, hee.


I desperately wanted a scene where Clint strolled up to Rex and was all, "You thought you were a Hopi Indian?  And you call yourself a private eye?" and then laugh and walk away.


One great moment I do remember is Rex giving Clint shit about sleeping with Echo and asking how he could cheat on Viki with some trashy ho.  And Clint says to him, "I got two words for you.  Stacy.  Morasco."  Heh.


I HAAATED Clint softening to him towards the end of the ABC run.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Yep, Nicholas Walker. He played Trey Clegg on Capitol before that, and another character on GH named Jimmy (forgot his last name) who was a villain. Max & Gabrielle were going to get married, but Max was in a car accident while he went to, I think, get the rings/marriage license and was presumed dead. He was badly burned and needed plastic surgery on his face, hence the recast. Needless to say, the plastic surgery stuff was retconned the moment JDP returned in 1991.


In this scene, Max finds out what happened to his face, while Gabrielle denounces God after his funeral.



I actually think NW and Fiona had almost as much chemistry as she and JDP, but it still pisses me off that there was never an M&G with JDP as Max. Here's the scene where NW's character, who went by the name Matt Kingston when he first came to town, reveals to Gabrielle that he is actually Max:


Edited by UYI

I think he didn't want to scare Gabrielle and Al (who was only three years old at the time) by suddenly just showing up with a new face and calling himself Max, so he went by a different name until he was ready to reveal himself to them and his sister Andy. Mostly old fashioned soapy drama, I guess. During this time, Cord seemed to be getting close to Gabrielle's younger sister Debra (although I think by this point, he and Gabby had gone out a bit too--sort of confused about that!), and Gabby called Karen Witter's Tina in San Diego (where Tina went to live after AE left), and she and CJ came back to Llanview. Before he said he was Max, he and Gabrielle had a VERY hot love scene in the Buchanan's horse stables (yes, before T&B, M&G were getting their freak on among the horses :P).



At the end of the second clip, you can hear M&G's instrumental love theme.

Okay, first, such empathy for someone in an unfortunate and painful situation, Ron. It brings a tear to my eye. Second, of course people can get amnesia and lose decades worth of memories, Ron. They are then treated as having a MEDICAL PROBLEM. They don't get sent back to high school where they are allowed to run blithely among actual children, especially if they have a documented history of ATTEMPTED MURDER when their marbles are misplaced.


I can't. He is an idiot.

  • Love 8

Seriously, so there's some kind of semi-related medical condition.  That doesn't "vindicate" the awfulness of the story - the Buchanans/Marty letting her mentally ill ass wander the town, Tess!Jess being an annoying stalker bitch, it ending in Jess being sexually taken advantage of by Ford, etc.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

Ew. I mean, Jason Shane Scott is probably a perfectly nice man and I wish Lindsay Hartley and her enviably shiny hair all the happiness in the world, but still. Will Rappaport sucked. He was a precursor to Ford and I hated him. I hated how he had sex with a seventeen year-old Jessica when she was so drunk she couldn't remember (date-rape!) without even bothering with a condom, I hated his poor-little-rich-boy attitude, I hated how he stole from his dead baby's foundation to keep his romantic rival out of town and then was considered by the whole town as a totally innocent victim of Big Bad Asa, I hated the interminable triangle with Jess and Cris, I hated how he treated Jessica like a possession, I hated his completely unearned self-righteousness with, well with everyone, but especially Nora and Blair, I hated his family, I hated HIS SMUG FACE.

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I can't talk rationally about the Rappaports. I loathe them all. Lindsay is the only exception, and even she could try my patience something fierce whenever she went insane with hatred over Nora...existing.


Ah, Gay Serial Killer. Good times, good times. By which I mean, an embarrassment for all involved, including me for watching the crap. Maybe that's why I always misremember Jen's death as part of the Music Box Killer story.

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I remember being so so so disappointed in Howarth. I mean, it was obvious he was beyond over the whole Dead Baby Lie story and it had certainly long passed the expiration date and no one was looking good... but I was hoping beyond hope that having to do some stuff Live! would wake him up.


KDP left everything she had in those scenes where Blair confronted Todd with the truth and he gave her nothing in return. Nothing.


Can't say I've ever forgiven him for that... and I sure as hell have never forgotten.

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