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1 hour ago, Melgaypet said:

Ah, yes, Kim was always more clever than Stacy. I mourn the loss of epic bitch-offs between her and Kyle. And Kim and Natalie. And...Rama? Or was that Aubrey, since Kim was the original Aubrey? A lot of the Cutter/Aubrey/Rama stuff is a blur to me now.

Kimberly was unimpressed with the "cheesy blonde" using her former name (I hate that part of the retcon, tbh.  Making her and Cutter siblings and Alex their mom was rad, but a lot of the rest of it was unnecessary), but the bigger beef was between her and Rama.  Rama was mad at Kim for stealing her life savings, Kim was mad at Rama for framing her for murder and getting her sent to jail.  You know, standard stuff!

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Stacy was a complete moron and the worst written character I can remember on a soap. Her obsession with Rex made no sense. Her "reason" couldn't have been any worse. It would have made a lot more sense if she had slept with Rex at least once back in high school. It doesn't help that I don't buy Rex being with ANYONE.  JPL/Rex couldn't have less testosterone if he tried. 

I did like how bad Stacy is with names though. I loved how EVERYONE reacted to her. And I laughed when she didn't even know what "flatulence" means. Kim even said "I love my girl but she has no sense of direction even her best day." Heh. As for CH, she had her moments (mostly towards the end) but she's a limited actress. I liked her better than JPL and FF though. 

I could take or leave Kim but she was basically everything Stacy should be and wasn't. AS was better than CH, and Kim was way smarter and way less delusional/obsessed than Stacy. Not to mention she had much better taste in men. 

Hannah was almost as plot driven as Stacy but her obsession with Cole made a lot more sense (not that Cole was some prize either) and there was at least some buildup. 



Edited by Handywood38
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I do think the introduction of Kim...saved isn't the right word...but certainly made Stacy more bearable.  I liked that Kim clearly thought Stacy's obsession with Rex was idiotic, but that she was a loyal friend who tried to get her girl what she wanted.  And it was good for Stacy to have someone to talk to about her schemes versus (badly) monologuing about them.

3 hours ago, Handywood38 said:

Not to mention she [Kim] had much better taste in men.

This reminded me of very amusing scenes where Kim sat herself down with the Banner to pick a mark and Stacy kept throwing out reasons why this Buchanan or that Buchanan weren't good targets - Jared on the run for murder, Kevin and Joey in London, etc.

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Ron Carlivati on Twitter:

I originally wrote this line for Destiny on One Life to Live back in 2010 when Clint interrupted Bo and Nora's wedding with a shotgun. They made us change it to "rich people." It took 11 years, but I finally got the line I wanted. :)

The line, delivered by Chanel on Days of Our Lives, was "white people are crazy." I think she said it in response to learning about the history of demonic possession in Johnny/Allie's family? I'm inclined to think it would have been funnier in the original context since Clint/Nora/Bo was regular soap ridiculous and possession is on a whole other level.


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It's my birthday! Sadly, Youtube doesn't seem to have the episode for 11/12/81, but I did randomly watch the Christmas episode from 1991. It included:

  • LeeAnn realizing that she's pregnant and immediately freaking out that it might be Kevin's and not Max's.
  • The kid's Christmas pageant at St. James. Remember when that was a thing? It's a pity they didn't keep up with it later on.
  • Megan is blue. Not sure if it's because she's possibly already dying at this point or b/c Jake is gone or both.
  • Luna babbling to people who seem not at all interested in listening to her. Ha!
  • The non-Jensen Buchanan Sarah Gordon having nightmares of falling and being covered in...white flower petals? Snow? She and Megan have identical haircuts.
  • Bo talks to Andrew about how hard it is to have two wives and that he doesn't know how to choose.
  • Cassie talks to Dorian (in church!) about how to hold on to Bo. Dorian (Princi, btw) talks about Herb and plastic wrap and assures Cassie that she can seduce Bo and keep him. Two things, Laura Koffman doesn't freaking age and I still can't quite believe the whole Bo/Cassie thing even happened. I mean, what?
  • Dorian refers to Bo as a "ridiculous cowboy" and I laughed.
  • I feel sorry for Lee Ann and it's making me uncomfortable. She's pathetically desperate for Max's attention and he doesn't seem to give a crap about her. Meanwhile, both Kevin and Jason Webb's stupid ponytail are mooning over her and she barely notices. Andrew randomly shoves the baby Jesus doll in her arms and she looks like she wants to hurl. Subtle. Also, am I crazy, or does Joey Thrower look quite a bit like Dan Gauthier?
  • Viki shows up with a very young Erin Torpey, and also CJ and baby Sarah. No sign of Tina or Cord. Viki is the kind of mom who very intensely mouths her kids lines along with her.
  • Wanda Webb has the line of the episode, to Jason and his stupid ponytail, re: Lee Ann - "She already has two boyfriends, where do you fit in?"
  • Megan and Andrew have some very sweet, warm scenes that honestly have me going "Jake who?" She falls asleep on his shoulder. I had forgotten that Megan's birthday was Christmas Eve, if I ever knew it.
  • Dorian propositions Jason Webb and his stupid ponytail. His stupid ponytail smirks at her, and I want to punch him.
  • Bo shows up to talk to Sarah and seems shocked and offended when she tells him she wants a divorce. Sarah is very jumpy and clearly traumatized from being held prisoner by...Carlo? I think? Bo calls her "Paradise" before leaving and it's very sweet.
  • Later, Cassie shows up at Bo's doorstep dressed as a Christmas present and asks him to "unwrap" her. He smirks appreciatively and I kinda want to punch him too. It's the opposite of sweet and just makes me sad for Cassie.
  • Kevin shows up at Lee Ann's place and gives her a strand of pearls, which strikes me as a weird gift for a college (high-school?) kid to give his girlfriend. Jewelry, sure, especially since he's rich, but pearls? Isn't that kind of old-ladyish? (Maybe my 40 year old ass should get some.) He's earnest and very young. Lee Ann seems weirded out and also squirrelly about the future American Idol reject percolating in her uterus.
  • Also Sheila Price was there.
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Happy Belated Birthday, @Melgaypet! Our mutual hatred for the Mystical Cornpone Bitch (aka Luna) will always fill my heart with glee! :D 

(And yes, Megan knew she had lupus by this point, although her health was still fine enough that she wasn't dying yet--excessive drinking and partying soon afterwards in a defiant expression of wanting to live would take care of that--and Jake was still in Jaba City; Mia Korf's Blair and Cord would try to rescue him shortly after and Cord was presumed dead; leading Karen Witter's* Tina to hate Blair forever after that--actually, given that that was the Christmas episode, I think Cord WAS presumed dead by then; John Loprieno had decide to leave the show, only to return in 1993--and while he was gone, Megan died of lupus, and Sarah died for real in a car crash on Thanksgiving night, 1992.)

*Fun fact: Karen Witter now goes by Karen Lorre, as in her ex-husband Chuck Lorre--yes, THAT Chuck Lorre, the creator and producer of both Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory.

Edited by UYI
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I was talking about Cord's presumed death in the previous post--at Megan's memorial service, you see Jake and Tina next to each other, and at one point hugging. They bonded together over losing their spouses so close together (well, presumably, in Tina's case, but still).

It's also sad to think that Roger Gordon would bury both his daughters in 1992, especially given that Sarah had JUST turned up alive at the end of the previous year (and apparently, there was another daughter, Anna, who had died as a child). 

Finally, everyone makes fun of Sheila singing "Dancing in the Street" for Megan, but I think it's sweet, and life-affirming. Megan wanted to stay positive, so it makes sense to me.


Edited by UYI
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3 hours ago, UYI said:

Happy Belated Birthday, @Melgaypet! Our mutual hatred for the Mystical Cornpone Bitch (aka Luna) will always fill my heart with glee! :D 

Thanks, @UYI! As for Luna, I could maybe have dealt with the grating cornpone accent, or the New Age-y Goddess stuff, or that she was the noblest, most wonderful person who everyone adored and who reformed the former con man through the power of love, but all three together? Nails on a chalkboard. 

Luna actually seemed pretty lonely in that episode, but it was disconcerting enough to feel sorry for Lee Ann, who I don't remember ever liking. Feeling sorry for Luna would cause an existential crisis. When she died, I was all, "shut up and croak already!"

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There is an exceptional selection of late '70s and early '80s episodes on YT at the moment which no one should miss. The dialogue and character dynamics with Karen Wolek, Marco Dane, Edwina Lewis, etc. as well as the whole sort of wrong side of the tracks crew at Ina Hopkins' boardinghouse are second to none and considerably more layered, sophisticated and adult than anything we got with the show in most of the 21st century, and for people who only watched in Era X, Y or Z (I came in in the '90s, for example) it is a huge change.

There's also some great stuff with Dorian, Jacquie Courtney's Pat Ashley, Herb, Bo and Clint, the introduction of the first teenaged Cassie, and AW's Christine Jones (who later played Pamela on OLTL in the Rauch era) as the Viki substitute while Erika was on maternity leave. Viki is at this point being poisoned and railroaded by Mark Goddard (a.k.a. Major Don West from Lost in Space) as Ted Clayton, Tina's ne'er-do-well father who also killed Vinnie Wolek. Karen Wolek's final episodes are also online. These eps and the mid-70s ones posted this past year are a window into a very different period for OLTL before the Buchanan canvas and Paul Rauch's explicit excess (as fun as it often was) became everything to the show for a long time.

There's many more where these came from.

Edited by jsbt
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I've been going through some early Bo/Nora clips, and they had so much chemistry from the beginning. There's a lot I'd forgotten about - like Bo's suicide attempt after Sarah's death.  It adds shading to Nora's disastrous decisions after Drew died - Bo had a history of handling grief very badly. It's also interesting to me that their romance goes pretty fast - Sarah dies on Thanksgiving and Bo and Nora kiss for the first time on New Years Eve. It works, because Sarah is definitely not forgotten, à la Jared to facilitate Jolie Round 37. The whole reason Bo and Nora get close is because he convinces her to help him investigate the fatal car accident, and he very much struggles with his attraction to her.

There's also a lot of Marty being a total disaster of a person. Damn, she pissed everyone off. I'd forgotten that Bo and Nora suspected her of being the hit-and run-driver. And she gives them TWO fake alibis! I can't say I feel all that sorry for her, but she is a pretty entertaining trainwreck.

And I keep wanting to tell Hank Gannon to unclench. He seems angry all the time. He fights with Nora, he fights with Rachel, he hates Kevin, he always seems to be snapping at Sheila, who is his own girlfriend. I remember him being more relaxed later on, but geez. He also weirdly seems to hate the Buchanans? I mean, he hates Rachel dating Kevin b/c he views him as an overprivileged, selfish, irresponsible frat boy, plus his acrimonious divorce from Nora seems to have given him a bug up his butt about interracial relationships. Okay, I get all that. But then he seems to have some personal grudge against the Buchanan family, sneering at Kevin "once a Buchanan, always a Buchanan." What is that about?

Another thing: Nora's law office is HUGE! I'd forgotten. Clint's and Viki's Banner offices are big, too, and so is Hank's DA office. Remember when this show had big-ass offices?

Edited by Melgaypet
On 11/21/2021 at 2:24 PM, Melgaypet said:

I've been going through some early Bo/Nora clips, and they had so much chemistry from the beginning. There's a lot I'd forgotten about - like Bo's suicide attempt after Sarah's death.  It adds shading to Nora's disastrous decisions after Drew died - Bo had a history of handling grief very badly.


I know RSW didn't like Bo attempting suicide after Sarah's death, but given that she had just come back after being presumed dead for a year, only to die for real--combined with his other wife Didi's very real death before that--it makes total sense that he'd snap in that way, even if for only a brief moment. 

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Stumbled onto these scenes leading up to Clint and Kim's wedding and I have thoughts:

1) Nigel's dismay re: a second pair of strippers showing up at the Buchanan manse is pretty hilarious.  Leah and Laudine are kind of a flatline - I get the impulse to inject some trashiness into this affair, but this wasn't it - but Nigel's stuffy horror is always fun, and it is nice Kevin gets these two to help lick his wounds over Kelly.

2) Speaking of Kevin, there is something kinda hot about his cheerful whisper threat to Kim about crushing her if she hurt Clint.  This is what I wanted out of the wedding, and in general, more Bukes reacting to Kim and Clint's relationship.

3) Kim's wedding day jumpsuit is very Housewives.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Hi Everyone!

I just started watching the OLTL. Does anyone have the full episodes of 96's January & February? I can’t find these epis anywhere on Youtube....
Where can I watch these?

Air date of the missing epis:
1996/January 02, 03, 04, 08, 09,10,11,12,15,16,17,18,19,22,23,24,25,26,29,30,31 .
1996/February 01,02,05,06,07,08,09,12,13,14,15,16,19,20,21,22,23 ,26,27,28 and 29.

I'd love to see them, though!

I would appreciate any help. 

Thanks in advance!


On 3/15/2021 at 10:41 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Okay, confession time.  Every time I watch Hos vs. Mos Round 2 here, I always add in my own piece of dialogue:

Kim (to Kish): I just wanted to say thank you.  Especially to you, Oliver, I know I was probably a really big bitch up on the mountain.

What Fish Says: Forget it, everybody was upset.

What I Want Fish To Say: You're always a really big bitch so I didn't really notice.

I also kinda love that Kyle immediately clocks Kim's gold diggery reasons for wanting to marry a Buchanan, which I think escape Fish's notice lol.

I also also am always curious what was cut here because we know from magazine stills (one of Fish shirtless in Kyle's bed with Kyle standing there with the DNA results (which is why Fish is kinda randomly shrugging on his shirt when Kim comes in), one of Kim in the hallway with Ghost!Stacy stealing the plant from another door) there was more.

So watching this again, it really struck me how smart the show let Kyle be in this moment, to immediately recognize and call out that this seemingly nice visit Kim is paying them is about shutting them up.  And Kim knows it too, there's a great little moment where Amanda Setton lets her face fall as Kim realizes what a mistake this gambit was.

Ugh, too bad there was so little of this in the truncated Sierra custody story we got and so much of Gigi and Rex being smug assholes to Schuyler.

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

One of my favorite JvD Clint lines is from the online show, when a drunk Clint protests being ushered out of the nightclub, saying, "I just wanna dance!" Hee.

I watched Clint’s end-of-series meltdown when I heard the news. It was still brilliant. 

“I’m man of the year, damnit! … Air I’ve got, what I need is a drink!”

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On 5/2/2022 at 8:19 PM, Melgaypet said:

And Kimberly's follow-up:


I've said this before, my favorite moment in this is right before they kiss.  Kim, throughout these scenes, has been a bit of the aggressor - she's set out to seduce him, she's waiting in his bed, etc.  But right then, whether by design or not, she takes a step back.  And then Clint steps in, pulls her to him, huskily retorts what she'd just said, and lays one on her.  It's quite hot.

I'd be remiss if I didn't post these scenes, where Clint busts Kim for worming her way into Buchanan Enterprises.  This is what really sold me on their dynamic:


Edited by TeeVee329
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1 hour ago, UYI said:

Clint interrupting Bo & Nora's wedding with a shotgun!


"I'm not gonna shoot you, I'm gonna shoot Vickers!"  Love.  Clint and Shotgun were another great pairing.

Also, it's on the record that I do not care for Rex and Gigi, but the look they exchange when Clint mentions Kim and the dirt on her that David was able to dig up is pretty funny.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I hope y'all will indulge me. I've spent the last 2 years building Llanview in Animal Crossing. (Insert Adam Scott Would a depressed person do this? Meme here.)

Anyway I have finally completed the Llanview Historical Society. These are all OLTL "props" and in jokes (and a few from other soaps) and I thought folks might have fun guessing what they are. These are jokes for 3 people but most of those people are here.




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You ever have OLTL storylines just pop into your head? Totally unannounced? I don't mean actual stories, but something that might have happened if the show was still on. I've had one bouncing around in my brain for a few days, I even dreamed about it.

Starr Manning: Adventure Biologist is in Madagascar or the Galapagos or somewhere tropical studying rare reptiles. She runs into Charming Rogue, who is a deep-sea diver or something and part of a sorta-shady crew looking for long-lost pirate treasure (yes, pirate treasure, shut up). There is banter and flirting and sparks. It turns out that Charming Rogue's crew are actually less "sorta-shady" and more "totally mercenary and murderous," and there are double-crosses and Starr and Charming Rogue have to flee and they have goofy island adventures like getting caught in quicksand and Charming Rogue getting snakebite and Starr of course knowing how to take care of him and eventually of course there is sex. Somehow the whole thing with the bad guys gets resolved (I'm not clear on this part) and Starr bids Charming Rogue a fond farewell before returning to Llanview, assuming she'll never see him again, except! Part of the treasure, like a necklace or a small statuette, is stuffed into Starr's luggage! (I can't decide if Charming Rogue put it there or Starr herself grabbed it, figuring it was the least she was owed after all this trouble.) Charming Rogue (and maybe some of the bad guys?) follows her home, where it is revealed that he has been using a fake name and is actually...Frankie Holden! Consternation! Starr isn't at all sure she wants her adventure fling coming into her "real life" in Llanview with her daughter (oh, yeah, Hope is around in this scenario, but Cole is not. Dead, in prison, on the run, doesn't matter.) Especially since he's kind of shady and lied to her about even his name.

That's about as far as I got.

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