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Rest In Power: The Trayvon Martin Story - General Discussion

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I'm impressed that the producers of this documentary got interviews and commentary from the police and law enforcement. It feels very balanced--they do seem to be giving "the other side" fairly equal time.

The sight of George Zimmerman makes me physically ill. It absolutely kills me that he became a hero of the right, the NRA, and white supremacists. The fact that he is part Afro-Latino allows them to feel that they are not hateful racists. 

Watching the testimony of Rachel Jeantel was infuriating. Hearing from Trayvon's aviation teacher was another devastating moment. And the pain of Trayvon's parents is palpable. I admire them so much, and I'm just so sad for them. 

Edited by lovinbob
I didn't finish a sentence and don't remember what I was trying to say!
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14 hours ago, lovinbob said:

I'm impressed that the producers of this documentary got interviews and commentary from the police and law enforcement. It feels very balanced--they do seem to be giving "the other side" fairly equal time, and they are not .

The sight of George Zimmerman makes me physically ill. It absolutely kills me that he became a hero of the right, the NRA, and white supremacists. The fact that he is part Afro-Latino allows them to feel that they are not hateful racists. 


Ditto. He is so disgusting, and knowing he never gets what he deserves makes it worse.

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The thing that surprises me most about watching this doc is seeing how inept the prosecution was. Much like in the OJ trial, it seems everything that could go wrong did go wrong.  I'm left wondering did they do ANY prep work with any of their witnesses.  Watching that trainwreck of a performance by the medical examiner was really hard.  And apparantly he changed his opinion about what happened 3 weeks before the trial?  I just can't.

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On 9/3/2018 at 1:35 PM, FuriousStyles said:

The thing that surprises me most about watching this doc is seeing how inept the prosecution was. Much like in the OJ trial, it seems everything that could go wrong did go wrong.  I'm left wondering did they do ANY prep work with any of their witnesses.  Watching that trainwreck of a performance by the medical examiner was really hard.  And apparantly he changed his opinion about what happened 3 weeks before the trial?  I just can't.

This is has been so infuriating and heartbreaking. The prosecution looked liked they'd never been in a trial or courtroom before.

I just want to hug Trayvon's parents every time I see them on screen.

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12 hours ago, Ray Adverb said:

Why is it titled "Rest in Power"?

His parents wrote a book with that title that was released last year. From my understanding they used rest in power as Trayvon's death was a symbol of a social injustice that bought forth a lot of activism not just within themselves but around the world and they hope even in death he continues to have an impact on gun violence.

Edited by crazychicken
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Watching the final part right now. "Et Tu, America" couldn't have been a more perfect title.

The footage of the whitelash that followed the BLM movement and that goddamn election...no words. Just flames on the side of my face.

Zimmerman sure dropped the Dudley DoRight bullshit fast after the verdict, didn't he? When I saw him trending on Twitter this weekend and my first thought (hope) was he was either dead or in jail. Unfortunately, he just threatened Beyonce. Piece of SHIT.

I hope Trayvon is in a much better place than here.

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Finally got a chance to finish watching the series.

I was simultaneously amused and infuriated at the guy who couldn’t explain why the confederate flag wasn’t about slavery or racism. ‘I’m not a historian’. What tf ever dude.

This was a very enlightening series not only about the Travon Martin trial but America in general.

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On 9/3/2018 at 10:35 AM, FuriousStyles said:

The thing that surprises me most about watching this doc is seeing how inept the prosecution was. Much like in the OJ trial, it seems everything that could go wrong did go wrong.  I'm left wondering did they do ANY prep work with any of their witnesses.  Watching that trainwreck of a performance by the medical examiner was really hard.  And apparantly he changed his opinion about what happened 3 weeks before the trial?  I just can't.

I'm just now watching, and this is absolutely infuriating me!  The day I graduated law school, I could prep witnesses better.  It's possible I could prep witnesses better the day I entered law school, just based on common sense. 

At the time of the trial, I didn't have the emotional energy to follow it, just waited to learn the verdict.  So I did not know how mishandled it was.  Talk about adding insult to injury; after all that work to get that fucker arrested and charged, and then this is who the family was stuck with as their only shot at getting their son's killer behind bars.

I'm on part five, and this is very well done thus far, which means it's infuriating to watch.

On 9/14/2018 at 12:22 PM, One Imaginary Girl said:

The bit about Zimmerman having a running joke with carrying packages of Skittles around--I never knew that.  What kind of a monster makes light of killing a kid?  Glad all this stuff about him is out there, even if justice wasn't served.

Gods, yes, the freedom he feels to let his asshole flag fly since he got away with murder.  According to the Wikipedia article about this documentary:


On December 16, 2017, George Zimmerman claimed in an interview that a production team for the series led by executive producer Michael Gasparro made unannounced visits to his parents' and uncle's homes in Florida in an attempt to get them on camera. He alleged that the crew harassed his family and that they refused to pay his parents or family members if they did decide to participate in the series. He went to remark that, "I know how to handle people who fuck with me, I have since February 2012." He further said that he holds producers Jay-Z and Gasparro responsible and that, "anyone who fucks with my parents will be fed to an alligator."  A day later, rap artist Snoop Dogg commented via Instagram post saying, "If one hair on jays hair is touched that's when the revolution will b televised". He then went on to criticize "the system" and called Zimmerman a "Bitch ass muthafucca". On March 2, 2018, Jay-Z himself seemed to respond to Zimmerman's threats in a rap verse of his in the song "Top Off" by DJ Khaled saying, "Meanwhile Georgie Porgie sinnin' and sendin' me threats/Save your breath, you couldn't beat a flight of steps/Try that shit with a grown man/I'll kill that fuckboy with my own hand". On May 7, 2018, Zimmerman was charged with stalking, against a private investigator who had been working with the producers of the series. According to the investigator, Zimmerman contacted him with 21 phone calls, 38 text messages and 7 voicemails in two and a half hours.


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