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Julie says when Ian and Paul are done, the show is done.


Question: Any chance we’ll see Elena back on The Vampire Diaries this season? —Ashley

Ausiello: Not if we’re lucky, Ashley. According to executive producer Julie Plec, the hope is still to bring Nina Dobrev’s character back for the end of the series, so “unless something catastrophic happens” (Plec’s words) and this ends up becoming the final season, don’t expect to see Ms. Gilbert in 2016. “I basically committed to Ian [somerhalder] and Paul [Wesley] that when they’re ready to be done, I’ll be done,” she adds. “They could be ready very soon, or they could really want to stick it out. Right now, that’s up to them. I’m with them as long as I feel like I can keep telling stories for them.” That said, “there is still a chapter of [Elena’s] story left to be told,” so Plec says she’ll “take [Dobrev] for whatever she’s willing to do to tell that story.


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That does sound very final from Kat :( I can't say I'm surprised since it seems Plec wanted Bonnie gone by season 5. I would hope when the series ends that all of the original regulars are able to appear though. It wouldn't be the same if one of them was missing.

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Maybe they are getting cancelled word on the tweet street is that Brian Young is also exiting (Caroline Dries announced her exit last episode). If so I blame the writing, they could have easily made a fresh start for TVD if they cut ties with Elena but they kept trotting out ol' Gilbert and wringing her storyline like a dead man's tongue. Them's the breaks I guess, I only regret someone smart enough didn't pop in to give me the Bamon I so richly deserved after epic waiting for the wonderful KG to finally get a storyline and pairing worth her talents.

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Maybe they are getting cancelled word on the tweet street is that Brian Young is also exiting (Caroline Dries announced her exit last episode).

Tweet street? Twitter rumors? Who is Brian Young? When did Caroline Dries say she's leaving the show? Just TVD or is she leaving The Originals too?

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Twitter truths, it was announced on twitter that Caroline Dries last episode was 7.14 (fist pump) and announced today that Brian Young's last episode will be the finale. Brian Young is a writer and EP, he wrote (or co-wrote) this current episode that aired last night and tonight. I think he's also responsible for the prison world episode where Bamon meets Kai.


ETA I'm assuming Dries is leaving both since Williamson has enlisted her to rui---*ahem* write for another one of his shows.

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Will there be official word on if it will continue before or only after the finale? Whatever my feelings about the current state of the show I would like them to get even a short season to wrap things up. I hate when shows end abruptly and don't have time to at least try to resolve things.


I have to admit I've been nervous about cancellation recently. Most of the cast seem to have checked out in promoting the episodes on their social media pages.

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Haha, I knew the CW wasn't ready to let go yet.


I didn't I thought they were toast. But I guess the Friday thing has been working. Supernatural must be the only show in history to work its way in AND out of Friday nights.


Now I guess the question becomes whether KG, IS and PW will be staying? Also, I don't want to hear another peep about Elena in Season 8. Move on already. Even Smallville moved on from Lana Lang.

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I didn't I thought they were toast. But I guess the Friday thing has been working. Supernatural must be the only show in history to work its way in AND out of Friday nights.


Now I guess the question becomes whether KG, IS and PW will be staying? Also, I don't want to hear another peep about Elena in Season 8. Move on already. Even Smallville moved on from Lana Lang.

Ian and Paul are signed through season 8

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I think Kat Graham might be on her way out. The paycheck is probably really good after 7 years, but IDK..I have this weird feeling that Plec and Dries might kill Bonnie off for good & come up with some new convoluted loophole as to why Bonnie dying doesn't bring Elena back ASAP. They already have a witch replacement in Valerie & Bonnie was rendered essentially useless so many times, so it could happen.

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I think Kat Graham might be on her way out. The paycheck is probably really good after 7 years, but IDK..I have this weird feeling that Plec and Dries might kill Bonnie off for good & come up with some new convoluted loophole as to why Bonnie dying doesn't bring Elena back ASAP. They already have a witch replacement in Valerie & Bonnie was rendered essentially useless so many times, so it could happen.

Dries is gone (thank God) I think Williamson is coming back.

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Williamson returning would be fantastic news. I think he is a big fan of KG/Bonnie. But we'll see.


I have felt that KG has been kind of checked out or over it. Not on screen because she is bringing it this season but off screen.


I honestly feel like season 8 is the last season so I actually do want them to try and get ND & SM back so they can wrap things up. I don't think the Friday move has seen the ratings increase for this or The Originals. I just think they haven't found anything to replace it with. It still has a loyal fanbase so I guess they figure keep it going for now.


Whatever the reason I'm glad its got at least 1 more season.

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It always makes me laugh when Ian talks shit about Damon. He is absolutely right about it all. Damon literally could kill anyone, anywhere, anytime and it'd be excused. He also clearly doesn't seem to give a shit about the Delena fans, it would be hilarious if Nina in the end decided to not come back to the show for the finale and basically did a whole "too bad so sad" so the incompetent writers were left struggling on how to end the story with them.



“[Damon] really does make poor decisions and his brother pays for it in all respects,” Ian Somerhalder says. “He’s not as well-rounded of an individual as Stefan is, but Stefan f—ing did this. Stefan did this in 1864 and then Stefan was the Ripper and Damon stayed away for many many many years to not even cross paths with his brother. And then at the end of it, Stefan always got the girl. Elena and Katherine, they all wanted Stefan. And in an unfortunate turn of events, when [Elena] turned, I hate to break it to everybody, but there is a whole situation with her having been sired to Damon, which very much created that love. I still forget that. It’s like having to watch a train wreck over and over and over again.”


But Somerhalder recognizes that after seven years of questionable decisions, fans are always going to back the impulsive Salvatore. “As a result of a combination of the writing and me playing this character in such a vulnerable state — because I’ve infused so much of my own self and life into this character — that creates a sense of vulnerability to Damon that people can connect to. This guy could literally — I’m saying this as an analogy because it’s so terrible — he could walk into an orphanage and kill 100 kids and somehow the audience would forgive him and love him like, ‘Oh well you know he’s having a really bad day, Elena and he are fighting.’ It’s crazy what this guy gets away with and it’s not fair.”

7 years in and at least Ian recognizes the ridiculous nature of the show. 

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Nothing new here, I don't understand the furore to be honest.

Ian has always vacillated between praise and disdain for Damon and Delena depending on the "mood" of the show.


The Sire bond was a convoluted mess of a plot device that is still misunderstood by many, and it would seem by Ian too despite the fact that the writers tried to clear up that plot point many times. I don't blame him, he isn't a fan, he is an actor that turns up to work and does his job, goes home, but he is right in one respect, it was a train wreck of a story, which I think is what he meant.

I doubt any of them sit there and analyse this show to death like the fans do. Just go on you tube and watch the many q&a/ quiz type interviews done in the past and you will see that the cast frequently get key things, plot points wrong about their own characters and the story. Ian is notoriously bad at knowing the story, he still thinks Katherine compelled him to love her.

I like Ian, he is a cool, kind guy even if he is sometimes a bit OTT and a bit of a dork, but he means well. The fans need to get off his back because he said some things that were very true, especially about the writing needing to focus on the core characters and relationships.

Edited by miss-vanilla
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OK, S8 is next season. Yeah, they really should just announce S8 as the final season and give the show a decent send-off

True. Apparently IS just announced at a NashvilleCon that 8 will be his last season as well. As per the BamonShippersClub I follow on Twitter.

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Vampire Diaries' Ian Somerhalder Backtracks on End Date Comment


Hey all, so… Last weekend I talked to an audience at a Q&A about the end of #TVD and how excited I was to make what I believe – my last year – be as great as possible. Somehow in my infinite wisdom and end-of-season foggy brain, I managed to make it sound like the show was coming to an end. Cut-to the press running stories that the show would be done after Season 8. Thing is, the people who actually make that decision (the CW and WB) haven’t made it yet! So let’s take things one step at a time: Season 7 wrap, vacation, lots of sleep, let the writers get started on Season 8, and then we’ll all see where we go from there. Until then, much love ;)
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Vampire Diaries' Ian Somerhalder Backtracks on End Date Comment

So uh, that sounds very much like someone high up at the network reprimanded Ian for going ahead and saying the show was ending when that's not his decision to make, only if he himself will return past Season 8. Pretty quick about face on the topic.

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I hope he's just backtracking because of Hollywood Politics - CW wants to make a formal announcement at Upfronts.  I really think the ratings won't support a S9, especially when Nina has already left and Ian/Kat are saying S8 is the end for them as well.  

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Alright, I'm just gonna come out and say it. These body swapping storylines bore the shit out of me because I don't think PW has the chops to pull them off, he's no Nina Dobrev. Stefan and Ripper Stefan and Silas and this new guy all sound the damn same to me. The only difference between this new guy and Silas is, well nothing. Whenever PW wants to differentiate from Stefan he just uses his sarcastic voice. He should give ND a call for some tips or ask IS and KG for Ivana Chubbuck's number. Or maybe the show should leave the body swapping and multiple personalities to someone who can handle it like KG, IS,probably MM or the genius guy who played Oscar. Gah!

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Or maybe the show should leave the body swapping and multiple personalities to someone who can handle it like KG, IS,probably MM or the genius guy who played Oscar. Gah!

I agree with you that Paul doesn't differentiate the body swap characters enough, but has Ian ever played a different character in his body during the show? I don't quite remember..but I don't think so? And Kat only had Emily her ancestor. no? I mean she was passable, but not exactly excellent? Not like when Nina first started playing Katherine, THAT was great work in my humble opinion.

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I agree with you that Paul doesn't differentiate the body swap characters enough, but has Ian ever played a different character in his body during the show? I don't quite remember..but I don't think so? And Kat only had Emily her ancestor. no? I mean she was passable, but not exactly excellent? Not like when Nina first started playing Katherine, THAT was great work in my humble opinion.

When Kat played Emily you could definitely tell a difference unlike with PW, like I said, tips from ND or Ivana Chubbuck :)

I also just believe IS, MM and KG to be far superior actors to PW, we've never seen a swap with IS but I'd prefer watching IS or MM do this, honestly, if we absolutely have to see a swap.

Edited by slayer2
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So uh, that sounds very much like someone high up at the network reprimanded Ian for going ahead and saying the show was ending when that's not his decision to make, only if he himself will return past Season 8. Pretty quick about face on the topic.

You're right about that.  As happy as I am the show is getting a season 8 I don't think it will sustain the ratings to get a 9th season even on the CW.  I think it's in their best interests and hope they decide between now and fall to make it the final season officially.

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You're right about that.  As happy as I am the show is getting a season 8 I don't think it will sustain the ratings to get a 9th season even on the CW.  I think it's in their best interests and hope they decide between now and fall to make it the final season officially.


TVD, the only show in the world where various fandoms actively band together to say "She's dead, Jim."

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The beauty of Bamon shippers is we don't care about what other shippers or Bamon haters or KG haters or Bonnie haters think of our ship.  We don't care about pseudo-POC pretending to understand the plight of our favorite witch or KG.  As long as we get it, the rest doesn't matter.  I've said this before, and I'll say it again, I'm a Bonnie Stan.  I'm a ride or die chick for Bonnie Sheila Bennett.  If Bonnie loves Damon and Damon loves Bonnie, that's all is needed.  It was the prerequisite for all the other ships, so why does Bamon have to be different.

I will always believe that Damon is obsessed with Elena because she has Katherine's face, but a genuinely good soul.  That doesn't make it inherently evil, it just makes it sad for Damon in the end.  Damon pursued Elena relentlessly, and then he got her.  She never really chose him.  The show might have been ambiguous, but Elena was sire-bonded to Damon.  This is not to say that she did not love Damon in some way before she turned, but she was not in love with him.

In the end, the truly end of TVD, if ND decides to come back, Elena will come back for Stefan. THIS IS MY OPINION.  Others can state their opinions as well.

There is nothing degrading about loving someone.  Hating someone, now, that is a different beast altogether.  It destroys the hater while the hated go on not giving a shit.

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TPTB ruined Elena for this Damon/Elena relationship, Stefan aside they had her repeatedly ignore the actions and things Damon did to her own brother, so-called best friends and family. Oh Damon killed  Jeremy, oh well. So I don't think there's anyway this show doesn't end with them reuniting, Bonnie dead and Damon getting his happily ever after.

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On 5/8/2016 at 11:02 PM, Artsda said:

TPTB ruined Elena for this Damon/Elena relationship, Stefan aside they had her repeatedly ignore the actions and things Damon did to her own brother, so-called best friends and family. Oh Damon killed  Jeremy, oh well. So I don't think there's anyway this show doesn't end with them reuniting, Bonnie dead and Damon getting his happily ever after.

I have no problem with this POV, but the caveat of "Stefan aside" just makes no sense to me. In S3 Elena forgave Stefan some heinous stuff, committed against herself, her friends, and Countless women murdered including Andie Starr all in the name of first saving Damon and then revenge. Elena forgave all that and chose to beg Stefan with tears in her eyes to feel for her and come back into her life, and she chose him again. What everybody forgets about this Elena, was that she was human through all this and she lost herself on the altar of Stelena. 

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On 4/19/2016 at 2:48 AM, slayer2 said:

The Containment reviews are proving fatal, each one more brutal than the next. Maybe Plec will be pushing for a season 9 of TVD after all.

Called it. Containment has been cancelled. I sure hope KG sticks to her guns because I doubt I have even one more season in me never mind two. Tonight is the series finale for me.

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13 hours ago, slayer2 said:

Called it. Containment has been cancelled. I sure hope KG sticks to her guns because I doubt I have even one more season in me never mind two. Tonight is the series finale for me.


Plec said, after IS said S8 will be his last season, KG can stay as long as she wants. They have not completely closed the door on her yet.  If I had any influence on KG, I would tell her to get as far away from TVD as she possibly can and never work for the CW again.

If the plan was to strip Bonnie of everything, and I do mean everything, why didn't they just let her die?  She doesn't have any connections to Mystic Falls now.

I for one am going to leave the show to the fans it is being written for, because clearly I am not in those numbers.


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