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Scottie Nominated -5

Rockstar Nominated -5

Haleigh won Hacker Power +5

Scottie saved by (power) when not the (power) winner +3

Tyler Nominated -5


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Holy Zefrem Cochrane!  15 nominations (counting renoms) now, and The Companion still hasn't seen anyone from his/her team on the block.

11 of the 16 HGs have been nommed, and four of the five untouched (Bayleigh is the other) are on that team.  Well done.

Current "leaders" in nominations are peachmangosteen, CuriousParker, and K-9, all with 6.

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Week 6 and counting! On the BB14 season with coaches' teams, I believe Janelle Pierzina's team was the last to finally receive a nomination... in week 3.

Edited by K-9
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8 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Holy Zefrem Cochrane!  15 nominations (counting renoms) now, and The Companion still hasn't seen anyone from his/her team on the block.

11 of the 16 HGs have been nommed, and four of the five untouched (Bayleigh is the other) are on that team.  Well done.

Current "leaders" in nominations are peachmangosteen, CuriousParker, and K-9, all with 6.

That is crazy. Looking back at my team, I have no recollection how I picked these players (and I am not sure I would pick some of them today), so I would probably write it off to blind luck over any real skill at reading players on my part. 

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21 minutes ago, The Companion said:

That is crazy. Looking back at my team, I have no recollection how I picked these players (and I am not sure I would pick some of them today), so I would probably write it off to blind luck over any real skill at reading players on my part. 

Uh... yeah.  Me too.  :D

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> Machiabelly has the first team to break 100 points.

Through this week's eviction on Thursday:

> The top part of the chart teams' spots are already solidified (will be unaffected by the eviction).

> The bottom two positions of the chart each have a different nominee on their teams.  One will be the first team to drop down to a lone active HG.  RowingPains's team will either climb up one spot if Bayleigh surives eviction (+5 points) or drop one spot if Bayeligh is evicted (-3 points).  Similar consequences for Lamb18's and peachmangosteen's teams this eviction.

Edited by K-9
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Day 51

Tyler -3 Hacker's punishment (not allowed to vote in the live eviction)

Rockstar +5 survived eviction

Bayleigh -3 evicted

Bayleigh +5 makes jury (points will be deducted if HG re-enters the game and re-awarded if evicted again)

HoH#7 points for Haleigh not yet included in these Week#6 results.



Leader Board through Week #6





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My condolences to RowingPains for becoming the first one-HG team.  But at least you know your team is safe this week, as Haleigh is HoH.

And I only just now noticed that absolutely nobody took Swaggy for their team. Heh.  The smell of "loser" was obvious to all, it seems.

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1 hour ago, Machiabelly said:

Welcome to the top Trumpetcrumpets. I fear you will pass me soon. I am not a strong finisher. 

You're killing it, Machiabelly. I had a great start and then it's been an inexorable slide ever since!

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1 hour ago, IndyMischa said:

You're killing it, Machiabelly. I had a great start and then it's been an inexorable slide ever since!

Not me; I started at the bottom and have been trying to fuck my way up ever since.  :D

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7 hours ago, Machiabelly said:

Should Tyler and Scottie have points for winning the trip and the 5K?

The points were added on Thursday 8.09.2018 in Week #6 PoV Episode Totals when you first pointed it out.  Thank you for noticing the omissions.

On 8/8/2018 at 10:38 PM, K-9 said:


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Faysal -3 Hacker punishment (not allowed to vote in live eviction)

Kaycee +5 survived eviction

Rockstar -3 evicted

Rockstar +5 joins jury (these five points will be deducted if she re-enters the game and then re-added if she is sent back to the jury)

Non-spoiler results through Rockstar's eviction (no points awarded yet for HoH#8):



Note: There was a small typo error back in Week#4 total summary (Sam's HoH) for Christina's team that didn't affect the cumulative scores at all.  Christina's team was listed as earning 10 points (in the orange weekly summary column, like the one above in this post) for Sam winning HoH.  However, those ten points were not added in the cumulative charts.  The on-going point totals were unaffected.  (No longer able to edit Week#4 info on this thread, so just wanted to explain it here).

Edited by K-9
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A visual of weekly point totals by team:



Purple above a team was an excellent week for points, green was a good week, red was a fair week, and blue was a poor week for a team's points.

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1 hour ago, K-9 said:

A visual of weekly point totals by team:



Purple above a team was an excellent week for points, green was a good week, red was a fair week, and blue was a poor week for a team's points.

Having some fun with this, aren’t we?  ;)

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 Unlike Rockstar, Trumpetcrumpets's team has been "unevictable" with five nominations through last week (Week#7). 

Week #8 nomination results so far through Sunday's episode (non-spoiler):


Edited by K-9
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Wednesday episode (non-spoiler):

Have Nots: JC -1, Sam -1, Tyler -1

Selected for PoV comp:  Angela +3, Haleigh +3, Tyler +3

Won PoV: Brett +5

Note: Wednesday's network episode had a 'to be continued" ending without the PoV ceremony airing yet on the broadcast.


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12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think I should actually have -1, right?

No, I think plus one is right - Tyler picked for veto, minus two have nots. :) 

ETA Nashville beat me to it! 

Edited by IndyMischa
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My deepest sympathies to K-9 for being the first player to have their team completely eliminated.  (And pretty much clinching last place, barring an outstanding run by the Jury returnee.) Considering all the fine work you've put in running this game, this is profoundly unjust.

It's a cruel, cruel world…

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Updated 8.31.2018:  Discovered point error from a previous week which will be added into team score for The Companion. I'll add it onto the next point update for 8.30.2018's live episode:  back on PoV #4 (7.25.2018 episode) The Companion should have received 22 points instead of only the 19 added.  +3 points to 143 = 146.

Note: Back on PoV #6 (8.08.2018 episode) Trumpetscrumpets should have received 18 points instead of only the 15 added.  However, I had mistakenly carried over 76 points (instead of the 73 previously earned), so those two mistakes (+3 and -3) offset each other in the same data table posted.  Score of 120 is correct in this post.

Edited by K-9
Noted error in points
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Non-spoiler points (no HoH points awarded yet; HoH #10 was not aired in the episode broadcast 8.30.2018).

Hayleigh +5 Survives eviction

Faysal -3 Evicted

Faysal +5 Joins jury

Scottie +10 Wins jury comp

Scottie -5 Leaves jury (his previously awarded five points for jury on 8.23.2018 episode are deducted; +5 will be granted again if he re-joins jury).



Largest point gains on Wednesday and Thursday are from Sister Havana & Nashville (PoV Episode) and Trumpetscumpets (Eviction/BuyBack Episode).

Edited by K-9
Corrected error in points
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And with the loss of Faysal taking out all of her competition on this front, congratulations to Lady Calypso for being the sole remaining player with all four of her "team" intact.  (Although she did lose Fessy as her DE pick, but I count that separately.)

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42 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

And with the loss of Faysal taking out all of her competition on this front, congratulations to Lady Calypso for being the sole remaining player with all four of her "team" intact.  (Although she did lose Fessy as her DE pick, but I count that separately.)

Thank you! I was actually excited to be the last player standing; I guess I made a wise decision in pre-choosing L6 members before I knew they'd be L6 members!

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1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

So, one of our three one-player teams (IndyMischa, via Tyler) wins HoH, and promptly puts the other two (RowingPains, K-9) on the block.  Drama! (Lol)

I'm such a bitch. And much like Angela, I love that about me. :D

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On SiobhanJW's team, Tyler put own teammate Haleigh on the block.  Expecting more teammates to betray themselves in September nominations.

Multiple teams are holding the future winning houseguest of BB20: Kaycee is on 10 teams, Sam 8, Angela 6, Tyler 6, Scottie 5, Brett 4, JC 4, and Haleigh 4.

Will be interesting to see if any teams hold the final three or the last two HGs on finale night.

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