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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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One Point Away From Genius Queen Bayleigh to herself: "Actually comical. I didn't even get one question right."

ETA: My feeds are always a couple minutes behind. Damn it!

Edited by Callaphera
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Tyler yelled at Bayleigh (according to her) about planning to backdoor him. I'm guessing this was another must see Veto ceremony.

"Tyler is going to feel like an idiot when he watches this."

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Just now, zorak said:

Bayleigh just said something about Tyler yelling at her and being rude to her.  She says he's going to feel like an idiot.

I'm willing to bet that Tyler did not yell but probably said it calmly. Bayleigh tends to overreact.

In other news, Bayleigh blaming "crazy ass white people".

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12 minutes ago, The Companion said:

That is probably true, but I can say with two brothers and a sister-in-law who have MD after their names that medical school and residency require you to grow the hell up pretty fast. It is intense, exhausting, and completely consuming. I expect medical school would change her a lot, if she was able to stick it out.

Er - I think you may be overestimating Bae’s level of stick-to-it-iveness...  ;)


1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Well, Rockstar's pleased because she knows she's likely staying. 

Angela's definitely being a coward right now. Own your move, girl. 

Cowardice - or antagonism?  Can you think of a BETTER way to enrage Queen Bae, than to deny her an audience at her convenience?  ;>

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Angela in HOH with Sam.  She told her about how Bayleigh made him swear on the Bible.  Angela said that it's fucked up, it's bullying, and she doesn't tolerate bullies.

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Bayleigh wonders if she's in this situation because Tyler told Angela last week that Bayleigh was going to put Angela up if he used the veto.  She said that it wasn't the plan.

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

In other news, Bayleigh blaming "crazy ass white people".

I am shocked - SHOCKED - that Rockstar doesn't have some sort of "white people trash talk" radar or a Bat signal or something and that she didn't come running to join in the party. 

Of course, right now, those "crazy ass white people" are going to keep her for another week. 

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Why does Bayleigh keep talking about how sticking her neck out for someone else hurt her?  I'm still not seeing how she stuck her neck out for Rockstar ever.

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I don't.........I don't understand how Bayleigh keeps saying this is what she gets for sticking her neck out for people. What people? And when? Does she understand what that phrase means?

ETA: lol jinx @zorak

Edited by Ceeg
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6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm willing to bet that Tyler did not yell but probably said it calmly. Bayleigh tends to overreact.

In other news, Bayleigh blaming "crazy ass white people".

I am so sick of her calling racism!! All the while, her remarks are the most racist in the house..and she does it allthe time!!

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I don't think Tyler is going to look back at this and think it's silly Bay- he was spearheading the "Get Bay Out" Fan Club Meetings in the HOH room. You are leaving because you have a power- not because you are the Hacker- that was the scapegoat excuse. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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