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TV Line: Arrow May Sweeps Preview and Finale Spoilers


PRE-FINALE: Viewers can count on the larger reason for the flash-forwards to crystalize, and in turn make the world they propose seem less bleak. “A lot of times when I hear snippets about that and other concerns, I want to be like, ‘Keep watching the show,'” showrunner Beth Schwartz told TVLine at WGFestival 2019. “Everything that we’ve constructed is for a reason, and that will become clear the more you watch and as this season comes to an end…. There’s a lot more to see.”

SEASON FINALE (May 13): Cast member Juliana Harkavy told TVLine that the series’ penultimate closer — aka Emily Bett Rickards’ final episode — is “very exciting, and really emotional,” while Schwartz said, “Almost everyone who read it was in tears.” The EP also described the finale as “insane” and “huge” “in terms of action, in terms of characters that might be coming back, and in terms of the ending.” In fact, it is two finales-in-one. The flash-forward characters “have their own finale, which will be pretty large,” all adding up to an episode that is “extremely unique. It definitely propels you into Season 8.”

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'Arrow' Star David Ramsey Says There is More to Learn About Diggle
By RUSS BURLINGAME - April 22, 2019


"I think that’s the great thing about John Diggle," Ramsey told ComicBook.com. "The writers and I have always talked about this, that the characters on Arrow are so rich and they really have been from the beginning. You can tell the story you want, but if you want to tell a story about any of those characters, you’re not hurting for story. You can do a six- or seven-episode arc on any one of these characters and get great storytelling out of it. You haven’t seen a lot of his backstory...and I think people are curious about it — particularly when you find out that his father’s name is Stewart, for God’s sakes, and he has a mother who’s alive and well, that he doesn’t call. These types of things make the character rich. I think that’s the type of stuff that makes a seventh or eighth season interesting — that there is more interesting story to tell. 'Is he Green Lantern? Is he not? What’s going on with his family?' You’re asking these questions at the end of the seventh season of a show. That’s a testament to the storytelling of the show, but I think John Diggle is a really rich character, and I think we’re still scratching the surface to all of his story, both backstory and future. I mean, he adopted a son at some point [in the flash forwards], and there’s conflict between his biological son and his adopted son. How did he play into that? Just tons of story left to tell."

'Arrow' Star David Ramsey on Why He is Excited Going Into the Final Season and 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'
By RUSS BURLINGAME - April 22, 2019


"It’s bittersweet, right? You do a show and you play a character for this long, and you’ve established these relationships with the actors. That’s the thing you’ll miss the most — going to work and working with these people who you love," Ramsey told ComicBook.com when we asked about the series' end. "But also, sitting back and just seeing where the story has gone, and the opportunity for where the story can go in the following ten episodes, is exciting. It’s bitter because you know it’s going to come to an end, but also I think there’s an opportunity to take the gloves off and just kind of tell whatever stories you want to, and just go wherever you want. Where do things go now without Felicity? What happens in the future? What happens with The Monitor? All these stories that we can really tell, and go as big as we want. And this crossover is going to be huge. That type of opportunity to tell some stories, because you only have ten episodes left is exciting."

David Ramsey on 'Arrow' Family Ties, the Green Lantern & Losing Felicity
Damian Holbrook April 22, 2019 


And of course, the fandom is out there going, like, "Oh, it's General Stewart. Is he John Stewart? Is he the Green Lantern?" You guys knew that would be a thing while filming this, correct?
[Laughs] Yeah, yeah. Well, we knew that buzz was coming. I mean, that was obviously one of the ideas of making him General Stewart and it's fun. I mean, there's some major Easter eggs dropping. Obviously, last season with our crossover and '90s Flash made that big comment of "Where's your ring?" to John. And now we have John's stepfather being named Stewart. We'll see what happens with all that, but for now it's a lot of fun.

You've got one season left and those final seasons are when you can go crazy...
I think so, too. And the producers have said that, as well, and publicly, that it's almost like the gloves come off, right? You have 10 episodes, to go as big as you want and do whatever you want to do. I think that really takes the reins off in terms of storytelling. And so, we'll see what develops with Diggle in this continuing saga of his stepfather as General Stewart.

What about the ongoing saga of Original Team Arrow losing one of the sides of the triangle?
Yeah, we're losing the T from our OTA. Obviously, we all feel how we feel about it... Emily Bett's been fantastic. I remember making a comment years ago, of me and Stephen [Amell, Oliver] brooding in the foundry until Felicity showed up and that's just part of what Emily brings. But again, what I point to is being able to tell these big, big stories without being limited to anything that we had previously, that includes OTA. As wonderful as that is, you can have 10 episodes here where you can say and do whatever you want...canon and not canon. So I think as sad as we are, and she will be missed, I think it also gives us an opportunity to go some place we've never gone before.

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Arrow star David Ramsey thinks Oliver and Diggle need to 'shed some tears'
By Chancellor Agard April 22, 2019


With both Emily Bett Rickards’ departure and Arrow‘s final season on the horizon, Ramsey hopes Diggle and Oliver get a similar moment where they hash out their differences once and for all, especially after the big fight they had last season.

“Personally, [I want] the heart-to-heart of really laying out there how different these guys are and now saying, ‘To hell with all that. Let’s go bust some ass and fight some crime’ over a drink,” says Ramsey. “I think the fight that they had still lingers in the air someplace even though they’ve made up. He just left A.R.G.U.S. He was away for a long time and it was because of this whole break-up and differences between these two guys. So, I think it’s worth some place in the storytelling of saying, ‘Let’s say this out loud. Let’s clink our glasses, and then throw it to bed and move past it finally.'”
*  *  *
Do you think we’ll meet Diggle’s mom before the show ends? 
You guys found out when I found out that he had a mother. Yes, without a doubt. I think we’ll come to some conclusion as to what the first steps of this relationship between him and his stepfather mean to John Diggle.
*  *  *
I’ve been rewatching Arrow and one of the main differences that comes up for Oliver and Diggle is how they approach family. It’s been said time and time again that Oliver has a blind spot when it comes family and always gives them the benefit of the doubt. Diggle, on the other hand, is the opposite. In season 4, he was initially wary of Andy and reluctant to let him back in his life. Did finding out about Diggle’s relationship with his stepfather retroactively help make that distinction between these two men clearer for you? 
Not only did it make it clearer, I think you have other examples of that as well. That’s part and parcel of who John Diggle is. This gives us a good piece of exactly what you said, why he didn’t exactly accept Andy with open arms at first. Ultimately, he did and it was a mistake, and led to Black Canary’s death, among other things. But his father dying and feeling as if his stepfather was responsible, that now-stepfather being in the house and not feeling a connection to him, feeling the fact that he’s a foreigner in this house and he’s responsible for his father’s death, I think all of that kind of formed who John Diggle is and you see that with how he responded to his brother.

So, yes, it’s another clear distinction between him and Oliver, among other leadership differences and philosophical differences that these two men have. That came to a head also last season. I think the two guys — and we’ll even be exploring that even deeper next season because we only have 10 episodes. The relationship between Oliver and Diggle will be explored even deeper next season and that’s just how these two guys have to put their differences aside. It’s something we’re going to get into more next season.

After seven seasons, is there something you and Stephen haven’t done on screen together that you’re dying to do? 
There are times in the past you’ve seen these guys have a drink together in the restaurant together. Being able to see that type of thing again with some levity, with “Okay, we’ve grown. Yeah, we’re freaking different. It is crazy. Look at all this stuff we’ve been through. Look at the things we’ve accomplished. Now, let’s go kick some butt.” For this storytelling, it’s worth you seeing these guys actually shed some tears and not in anger, but in actual real understanding and compassion for each other. It’s been seven seasons, and I think these guys have earned it. I don’t think we’ve had that. We’ve had tears, but we’ve had it in anger, in fighting. We’ve had the handshakes afterwards, but there’s still something a bit hollow in that. We need something where you see these two guys really lay it on the line and then go out and save the city together — obviously now in the absence of Felicity, which I think lends itself even more to that being said because they don’t have Felicity’s genius to help them, so they need each other than they ever had before.
*  *  *
Is there anything else you wanted to add? 
We have 10 episodes next year and I’m really, really looking forward to just taking the gloves off in terms of the storytelling. What’s happening with John Diggle’s stepfather? What does OTA mean after we lose the T and me and Oliver have to move on past that? What does that all mean? I’m really looking forward to the final 10 episodes because I believe those will give an energy that we haven’t seen on the show in a long time.

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Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Lucifer, Blindspot, TWD, Resident, Arrow, Grey's, Chicago Fire, B99, Younger and More
By Michael Ausiello / April 26 2019, 


Arrow: Per multiple sources, we will catch an actual glimpse of grown-up John Jr…. but not until next season, when Diggle and Lyla’s son circa 2040 becomes a major recurring character on the show.

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Arrow - Episode 7.22 - You Have Saved This City (Season Finale) - Press Release
Posted by SpoilerTV at April 29, 2019 


“You Have Saved This City” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD)

FAMILY TIES — The battle between Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Emiko (Sea Shimooka) comes to a boiling point which brings back some familiar faces and leaves others in dire jeopardy. James Bamford directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Rebecca Bellotto (#722). Original airdate 5/13/2019.

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Katherine McNamara Talks ARROW & SHADOWHUNTERS "Bittersweet" Ending
Published on Apr 29, 2019, by Shine On Media 

 -- On what it's been like to be embraced by the Arrow fandom, KM: "It's been the biggest blessing 'cause, I can't tell you, from the moment that Beth, the showrunner, told me that I was playing the Olicity baby, I've been scared as hell. I was so nervous because I know what that shit means to people, and I know how beloved that relationship is and how much Stephen and Emily have put into it. And the fact that people respond well to it and they see the little Easter eggs of character elements that I'm lacing in throughout it, it means the world."

-- On what she can tease about what's coming up for her character on Arrow, KM: "We see Mia kinda come into her own a little bit more. And we see more of what we saw in episode 16. You see her work as a team with her brother and with Connor and with, you know, her mother. And to work against Galaxy One and the Zetas[sp?] and try and figure this out and hopefully save the city, because that's what we do."

-- On who she would still like to work with, KM:  "Stephen. I still haven't worked with Stephen. I really, really would like to work with Oliver Queen one of these days." 

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Katherine McNamara Instagram Live - May 7
Published on May 7, 2019, by Golden Warrior

-- When asked about her favorite scene on Arrow, KM: "Hmm. I really loved the scene with Emily at the end of episode 16, um, where we actually had our heart-to-heart for the first time. There's some really beautiful scenes in the finale coming up next week that I'm very excited for you guys to see, um, [some unintelligible words] so stay tuned for that, for sure."

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DR Instagram Live on May 9...
(Hernandez Lina)

-- On why next season will have only 10 episodes, DR: "That's a great question. I don't know. That was - I wasn't expecting that, to be honest with you, so I have no idea what made the executives decide that they only wanted 10... episodes."

-- On what we can expect from Arrow in S8, DR: "I don't know. I honestly don't know. The only thing we've been told is - they've said to us, we can do - because we have 10 episodes, we're gonna go - we can do almost anything we want. And that's what we've been hearing. We can do almost anything we want. I don't know what that means... I don't know what that means exactly, but we'll see."

-- DR: "Season 8 is going to be bananas. Some very interesting cameos. I do know about that. And, uh, I can't wait to see what else is going to happen. The crossover (shakes head)... the crossover's going to be big. Probably our biggest crossover ever. So, I can't wait for that. And, um, I'll probably be directing again next season, which is good."

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Arrow Boss Teases Felicity's Final Scene

By Lindsay MacDonald | May 10, 2019



Arrow's upcoming Season 7 finale won't just be the final episode of the season, it will be our final episode with our beloved Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards).


As for Felicity's role in this finale — bring your tissues.

"I can't give away too much, but every time I watch the last 10 minutes of the finale, I cry every single time," showrunner Beth Schwartz told TV Guide when we asked about Felicity's final scenes. "I just wanted to honor [Felicity]. She's been a really important character to the show — besides just having a huge fan base — to me personally. She's been one of my favorite characters, and I've been with her from the beginning. I wanted to make sure that we honored her both in her relationship with Oliver as well as her goals personally and the origin of Smoak Tech — her wanting to do something in addition to being on Team Arrow. That was her own, so that was really important to me."


Schwartz says that although we won't be seeing Rickards on our screens every week, there's still room for her to return at some point in the final season.

"She is always welcome to come back, so I would be obviously more than happy to have her back next season," Schwartz said. Final seasons are the time for familiar faces to return, after all, and it seems like that may be a priority for Arrow too. "We definitely have that in mind, honoring the series and getting all our favorites back," Schwartz said.

While we hate to say goodbye to Felicity, it's at least heartening to hear that the door is being kept wide open for her to return. There is also good news on the Oliver front since Schwartz said the Season 7 finale will finally reveal where he is in the flash-forwards — or, more accurately, why he doesn't seem to be around.

"The majority of questions will be answered, but there will be just a couple hanging over that we'll get to in Season 8," said Schwartz.

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Mia Smoak's Journey to Becoming a Hero Is Just Getting Started on Arrow
By Lindsay MacDonald | May 11, 2019 


While her journey this season has had quite a few bumps, Mia Smoak swiftly captured the hearts of Arrow fans, and there's no doubt she'll continue to do so in the Season 7 finale and beyond. The upcoming eighth and final season will continue to flash-forward to Mia and William's (Ben Lewis) adulthood in 2049[sic], with plenty more adventures on the way, but it's safe to say we've only really seen the beginning of Mia's journey to become a hero.

"She's been conflicted because she grew up understanding one narrative and then her life kind of blew up when she found out her mother was secretly still being a vigilante," showrunner Beth Schwartz told TV Guide. "Then seeing the old team and sort of connecting with Connor and Zoey and William and sort of establishing this new kind of team — she's the daughter of Oliver and Felicity so there's a hero naturally inside of her, so that's what's starting to come out."
*  *  *
... The development of their sibling relationship is something Schwartz says she's excited to explore, especially given how prominent the theme of family has always been in Arrow.

"Part of the show that was always my favorite was the Oliver/Thea (Willa Holland) relationship and the brother and sister dynamic," Schwartz said. "I always love the family dynamics. It was fun getting [Mia and William] together because their personalities are so different. Just having them be able to talk about what interesting parents they have and non-tradition childhoods — it's nice that they get to sort of lean on each other because no one else can really understand that."

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'Arrow': How Emily Bett Rickards' Final Episode Will Honor Olicity, OTA and Felicity Smoak's Legacy
By Leanne Aguilera‍ 6:00 AM PDT, May 13, 2019


ET: All of Arrow’s season finales are monumental events, but this one is especially important to fans because it’s Emily Bett Rickards’ last episode. What was your goal when you set off to  create this last hour of season seven?
[Beth] Schwartz:
Well, definitely it was to honor the whole season and make sure that we end the redemption story that we began with, as well as giving Felicity a major sendoff, which was really important to me.
*  *  *
I love that you bring up the dichotomy of wanting to supportive to her as a friend, but that this decision throws a wrench in your plans as a showrunner. Was there ever a conversation where you asked, “Can you just hold out for one last half season?”
[Laughs] No, I don’t want to pressure her. She has to do what’s right for her and, obviously, I’d be more than happy if she came back at some point next season, so we’ll just have to see.

And that leads us to the the number one questions that fans have been asking: Is there a possibility that Felicity could come back for the series finale of Arrow?
I don’t know. I hope there is a way that can happen. She’s welcome to come back whenever she wants.
*  *  *
When you were approaching this episode -- knowing it was going to be the last one for Felicity -- did Emily have any last wishes or Easter eggs that she wanted to make sure were included?
I don't think so. I think that we were on the same page as for her exit from the show. I know that Stephen had some. It was really important to him, and we had a lot of conversations about her ending as well. So between the three of us, I think we were all very happy with the outcome.

Felicity Smoak's fans are so passionate -- not just about her, but about her friendships as a member of OTA and her romantic relationship with Oliver. How will this last episode honor this character that fans know and love?
I think this whole season, in a sense, honored her character. She was so prevalent in our future storyline and [through] her relationship with Mia, you got to see what she went through in the future and also some of her successes as well. And then in the present day, we get to see the origins of Smoak Tech and that that was super important to her besides just being part of Team Arrow. And then with her relationship with Oliver, [we saw her] getting pregnant and then sort of trying to figure out how to be parents when you’re superheroes and danger has always been around the corner.

Fans love Original Team Arrow so much. Are we going to be getting a special OTA moment in this final episode?
Yeah we definitely honor the OTA in the finale. There’s a lot of really nice homages to where the series started between the three of them and as well as between Oliver and Felciity.

Olicity has become the most powerful shipdom we’ve ever seen. What can fans expect from Felicity and Oliver’s last scene together?
I feel like we honor the relationship from where they started to what they've gone through over the entire series, not just this season where they started separate when Oliver was in prison and Felicity being able to take care of herself. I think the fans will be very satisfied with the ending. That’s all I can say.
*  *  *
What are the chances that we’ll get the see Oliver and Felicity share a scene together in the future storyline?
Oh, in the finale? Low.

Seeing Felicity as a mother has been such an amazing addition to this season and her dynamic with Mia has been so great. How would you describe Felicity and Mia’s interactions in this final episode?
You see in [episode] 16 where they had such a great relationship, but then Mia felt betrayed. They’ve had a little bit of a bumpy ride, but by the end, that will all have been resolved.

As we look toward the end of Arrow, fans are already clamoring about the crossover. What can you tease right now as you’re trying to piece together another massive CW Arrowverse crossover?
We’ve already started talking about it, which is crazy. Last year we said it was the earliest we’d started talking about it, but this year we started taking weeks ago. It’s pretty massive and basically it’s going to affect every show, which is really cool. So yeah, there’s a to to look forward to.

What last message to you want to say to the Arrow fans before they embark on this final episode for Felicity Smoak?
It’s definitely an emotional ending and it is a lot to process. I just think they’ve been such a great and passionate fandom, and I just hope it will honor this character that everyone loves that everyone has been watching for the past seven years.

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Arrow Showrunner Says She Approached "You Have Saved This City" Like A Series Finale
By RUSS BURLINGAME - May 13, 2019 


From an ominous tease in the flash-forwards to the final appearance of at least one major character tonight, Arrow is ready for a major change in approach that may essentially reset the show once again going into the eighth and final season in the fall. You can see more of how Schwartz is approaching all of that in our full interview later today, but before then,we asked her about how much tonight's episode, titled "You Have Saved This City," felt like a real ending.

"We actually did approach it that way in terms of, 'This might be the last time we see this,'" Schwartz told ComicBook.com in an inteview on Friday. "So we definitely had that in mind when we were breaking the episode, because Emily's leaving and, yeah, next season is a little different, so we definitely did approach it in that way."

There has been no word yet on whether Rickards might return for an appearance in the finale next season; her post-Arrow plans so far include some stage work and the upcoming indie film We Need To Talk. It was, as far as anybody can tell, Rickards's decision to leave and not driven by Arrow's story. Schwartz has said that Rickards is welcome back for the final season if she wants to come close out the show with her co-stars.

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‘Arrow’: The CW “Would Love To Have” Emily Bett Rickards Back For Final Season
By Peter White International Co-Editor  May 16, 2019


The CW is looking for ways to bring back Emily Bett Rickards in some capacity for the final season of Arrow.

President Mark Pedowitz admitted that the network would “love to have” Bett Rickards, who played tech-savant Felicity Smoak, back.

“Emily was terrific in the show and we believe that Beth Schwartz did a great job wrapping up the storyline last year. If Beth can find a way to bring her back that makes sense and Emily is available, we’d love to have her. Otherwise, I’m pleased with the way they said goodbye to the character,” Pedowitz said on The CW’s press upfronts call.

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CW boss on if Emily Bett Rickards will return for final Arrow season
By Chancellor Agard   May 16, 2019


Rickards exited the long-running superhero drama as a series regular in Monday’s season 7 finale; however, due the season’s dual timeline narrative (a present-day and a future storyline), there is some wiggle room that would allow Felicity return in the 10-episode eighth season, which will air this fall. And CW president Mark Pedowitz told reporters on Thursday that he is open to the actress making an appearance in the final season.

“Emily was terrific on the show, and we believe Beth Schwartz did a great job wrapping up Felicity’s storyline [in the finale],” said Pedowitz. “If Beth can find a way to bring her back in a way that makes sense and Emily is available, we’d love to have her. Otherwise I’m pleased at how the way they said goodbye to the character.”

The CW 'Would Love to Have' Arrow's Emily Bett Rickards Return in Final Season
By Sadie Gennis | @sadiegennis | May 16, 2019


Even though Arrow still has its 10-episode final season left before Oliver (Stephen Amell) shoots his last quill, Monday's season finale marked the last one for star Emily Bett Rickards, who has played Felicity Smoak since Season 1. However, during a call with reporters on Friday, The CW president Mark Pedowitz revealed that there is still a chance Rickards could return for one last goodbye in the superhero show's eighth season.

"Emily was terrific in the show, and we believe [showrunner] Beth Schwartz did a great job wrapping up the storyline last year," Pedowitz said. "If Beth can find a way to bring her back that make sense and Emily is available, we'd love to have her. Otherwise I'm pleased with how we said goodbye to the character."
*  *  *
Even if we don't get to see Felicity one last time, Pedowitz revealed that the network would be honoring everything Arrow has accomplished since it premiered in 2012 with "a retrospective to celebrate the eight seasons." That should give us plenty of vintage Olicity content to get nostalgic over at the very least, and at this point we will take whatever we can get of the Arrowverse's arguably cutest couple.

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Arrow Final Season Synopsis Released
By JENNA ANDERSON - May 16, 2019


After a mind-blowing season finale, fans are eager to find out what exactly Arrow's eighth and final season has in store -- and we appear to have gotten our first look. In conjunction with The CW's Upfronts presentation, the network has debuted a new synopsis for Arrow's final run, which you can check out below.

"After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the North China Sea. He returned home to Star City, bent on righting the wrongs done by his family and fighting injustice. As the Green Arrow, Oliver successfully saved his city with the help of his team including former soldier John Diggle (David Ramsey), computer-science expert Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), former protégé Roy Harper (Colton Haynes), street-savvy Rene Ramirez (Rick Gonzalez), metahuman Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy), brilliant inventor Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum) and Earth-2 Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy). In the wake of discovering what his future holds, Oliver will find himself pit against his most challenging battle yet, one that will leave the multiverse hanging in the balance. In Arrow’s final season, Oliver Queen is forced to confront the reality of what it means to be a hero.

Based on the characters from DC, ARROW is from Bonanza Productions Inc. in association with Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Greg Berlanti (“The Flash,” “Supergirl,” “Riverdale”), Beth Schwartz (“DC’s Legends of Tomorrow”) and Sarah Schechter (“The Flash,” “Supergirl,” “Riverdale”)."

The CW 2019 Fall Schedule: ‘Batwoman’ Joins ‘Supergirl’ on Sundays 


ARROW – After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the North China Sea. He returned home to Star City, bent on righting the wrongs done by his family and fighting injustice.

As the Green Arrow, Oliver successfully saved his city with the help of his team including former soldier John Diggle (David Ramsey), computer-science expert Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), former protégé Roy Harper (Colton Haynes), street-savvy Rene Ramirez (Rick Gonzalez), metahuman Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy), brilliant inventor Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum) and Earth-2 Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy). In the wake of discovering what his future holds, Oliver will find himself pit against his most challenging battle yet, one that will leave the multiverse hanging in the balance. In Arrow’s final season, Oliver Queen is forced to confront the reality of what it means to be a hero.

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Arrow: The CW to Air a Retrospective Episode as Part of Final Season
By JENNA ANDERSON - May 16, 2019


While speaking to reporters ahead of the network's Upfronts presentation, The CW president Mark Pedowitz spoke about the show's upcoming final batch of episodes. Not only did Pedowitz confirm the number of episodes in the final season, but he hinted that there will be some sort of additional special celebrating the show.

"Arrow is ten episodes, plus a retrospective to celebrate the eighth season," Pedowitz revealed.

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