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Spoilers Only Thread: Season 7

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Motor City Comic Con 2018 || Stephen Amell
Published on May 19, 2018, by Akasuki ShikiHollow

-- On the Arrowverse heading toward Gotham City, SA: "This fall during the crossover event that we do, um, myself and probably - probably Barry, will be fighting alongside Batwoman."

-- On CH returning next season, SA: "I think that, in general, our universe is better with Roy Harper in it, so I'm very, very excited." When mod joked as long as Roy doesn't run for mayor, SA: "Anyone that Oliver cares about is not allowed to be mayor."

--  When fan commented that SA appeared to be growing a beard and asked if Oliver will have a goatee in S7, SA: "Just because you've been polite, and just because everyone has been so nice to me today, I can break some news for you and let you know that, in Season 7, I am going to debut the goatee... I can't promise that I'm going to keep it forever. I can definitely promise that I'm not going to wear the stupid hat. Okay? But we've actually been thinking a lot, you know, assuming that - assuming that Oliver gets out of prison - thinking a lot, uh, if he suits back up as the Green Arrow, what does that costume look like? Because there's no more secret identity. The cat is out of the bag. Not that it was that secret before. But, um, we will see. Yeah, we're gonna debut the goatee. And, um, we're also meeting a new character that, when I heard about it, I got goosebumps, I was so excited."

-- On whether there's an Earth where all the superheroes are there, SA: "I don't know. I do know that, in the crossover this year, I get to work with a major character that I have never worked with before."

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Arrow Season 7 Preview: Stephen Amell
Published on May 19, 2018, by TVLine

-- On MG saying that Felicity might not be entirely okay/on board with Oliver's decision, SA: "I think she understands it in the moment, but I think that, you know, retrospectively, especially if he has to spend a lot of time in prison, she'll get a little bit sour about it."

-- On anything about the crossover this winter, SA: "Yes. I know the entire thing... We can't go bigger than we went last years, so we're going more specific."

-- SA: "We're going to introduce a new storytelling technique that I'm very excited about. That's all I can say."

-- On whether he's excited to have the Longbow Hunters element introduced to the show, SA: "Very much so. I think that's going to be very cool. I don't know what they're going to do with it, but, um, I like teasing stuff in the finale that you can then play out the next season."

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Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Arrow, Empire, Roseanne, Fear TWD, B99, Timeless, Grey's, Good Girls, Killing Eve and More
By Michael Ausiello / May 22 2018, 1:45 PM PDT


Question: Any scoop on Arrow? —Sara
Not a week after this season’s finale, we already have some buzz on Season 7 — namely, that while Oliver’s in Supermax, Team Arrow will have to contend with an ambitious, young, anti-vigilante recruit at the SCPD. (If vigilantes were vampires, consider her your Buffy.) Another recurring role to be cast is that of a successful tech whiz who is gay, and who harbors a heartbreaking past.
*  *  *
Question: Is Colin Donnell leaving Chicago Med? The finale sure made it seem that way. —Bonnie
Donnell sure hopes not. In the wake of Connor receiving that shiny new job offer in last week’s Season 3 finale, the actor is “really hoping” the doc will stay put. “He’s got a big decision ahead to make, but I think it would be a shame for him to leave something he has worked for at the hospital,” Donnell adds. As for Ava’s swiftly chiming in that she would take the gig if given the chance, Donnell admits it’s probably a bad sign for any potential romance between the characters. “I think he was not-so-secretly hoping that she would say, ‘I would stay here — for you,’ which is what he was kind of trying to say to her,” Donnell shares. “I’m interested to see where the relationship goes from there, because I don’t know if they’re right for each other romantically. But they work so well together. It’s this push-and-pull of, ‘Maybe it works? Maybe we should give it a shot?’ But we’re so competitive with one another that we can’t give it a shot right now.”

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Stephen Amell on What to Expect in 'Arrow' Season 7 & His Future on the Series | TV Insider
Published on May 22, 2018, by TV Insider

-- SA: "Well, we're doing something from a storytelling, uh, technique that we have never done before. In Season 7. And I was very excited when I heard about it. Um, it's going to be really, really cool." When asked if he meant something that he's never done before as an actor, SA: "Something we've never done before as a show." He also rejected the interviewer's suggestion that it might be a musical episode. 

-- SA: "We're also introducing some new characters in Season 7 that I think that, if we do it right, um, could carry the show on for a very long time." 

-- On whether he sees the show lasting a long time like Supernatural, SA: "For me? I don't think so. I think that, I would like Arrow to live on. But I think that, I am definitely on the back 9 of my run - does that make sense? Are you a golf fan? ... I feel like I might be on the 14th or 15th hole."

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Spoiler Room: Scoop on The Flash, Blindspot, The Originals, and more

What can you say about the return of Colton Haynes to Arrow? And I’ll miss you so much at EW! You did some incredible work — you make it a joy to hear you! — Jim
Thank you, Jim. Too kind. It sounds like you listen to Superhero Insider, so you may recall that my cohost Kyle Anderson theorized that the Roy we’ll see next season could be from Earth-2. EP Marc Guggenheim, however, confirms that’s not the case. “I can tell you it’s absolutely our Earth’s Roy,” he says. “Colton is coming back as our one Roy Harper. We have a cool plan for Roy — now I should really get into the habit of saying the writers have a cool plan for Roy — but I think it’s premature to talk about that. I’ll let Beth [Schwartz] address that.”

Anything on Arrow season 7? I know it’s a bit early. Congrats on the new gig, will miss these. — Andrea
Guess what? I’m going to give double the Arrow scoop, because why not? Now that Oliver is in prison, and Diaz is still on the loose, Team Arrow really needs to watch their backs. “The idea now is: If Oliver’s in prison, is he actually more protected than the team?” Emily Bett Rickards says. “The rest of the team is all going to be in danger as well. Where that puts Felicity and William, I mean, we can only do so much to protect them. We’ve seen how strong and intelligent and ferocious [Diaz] can be; I don’t think he stops. In terms of keeping her safe, we can do our best, but I don’t think she’s going to have much luck.”

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Arrow's Emily Bett Rickards Shares Her Hopes for Felicity in Season 7

Of course it will be sad to see Oliver locked away from everyone he loves, but on the other hand, it does present a lot of new possibilities for other characters' storylines. .  .  .

The character whose story we're most excited to see develop in the wake up this change is Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards). Now that her hubby is locked away and she's a single parent, there's an endless number of directions her life could take. One storyline fans are hoping to see happen next year is an Olicity baby, but Emily Bett Rickards is on the fence about it.

"I don't know if I would be interested in exploring that storyline right now with Felicity," Bett Rickards tells TV Guide. "I feel like she deserves a little something more than that, and I don't want that to be taken the wrong way. I'd just be interested in seeing her, I don't know, like, deal with a villain face-to-face for a consistent number of episodes?"

In truth, giving Felicity a big villain to deal with would probably be heaven for Felicity fans, given how great the response was to a storyline back in Season 3 that explored her backstory via an old flame turned villain. Plus, a villain who doesn't have beef with Oliver but a totally different team member might be refreshing.

Another option, of course, is the much-anticipated Smoak Technologies storyline that Arrow has yet to pay off.

. . .

"Because it's been teased in a future world in one of our universes, it's definitely a possibility," Bett Rickards said of the storyline's eventual inclusion. "But it also is one of those things where we don't have to do it. I think it would be extremely enjoyable to see what's next there. Like is Helix Dynamics going to spur Smoak Tech? What are they going to do with it? What would be their goal, what would be their journey, what would be their purpose? I think that would be an interesting conversation, and it's what Curtis (Echo Kellum) and Felicity are sort of trying to do with Helix Dynamics."

While Curtis probably might not be on board with giving Felicity's name to their shared company, he might be on board with Holt & Smoak Tech instead? And given how much fans adore Curtis and Felicity's adorable friendship, we doubt they'd mind it either.

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From video of JH panel at Puerto Rico Comic Con on May 20 (remember, JH had already visited the Arrow writers room on May 4)...

Juliana Harkavy Q&A @ PR Comic Con 2018
Published on May 25, 2018, by LosCriticologos

-- On whether Dinah/BC and Laurel/BS can team up next season, JH: "I gotta say, when I watched back the [S6] finale, I was like, I kinda like this duo. I was feeling it. So I really hope so, because I think they've both been through a lot. They obviously have a lot of obvious similarities, right? But, um, now they've been through emotional tribula - trials and tribulations that are similar as well. So I would like them to pair up. I think they will. In fact, I'm pretty sure you'll see more of them together next year."

-- On SA's announcement that Batwoman was coming to the Arrowverse crossover and whether Dinah will be in it, JH: "Yeah, that was one that I geeked out for... I got really excited when I found out that Batwoman was coming and we were going to start to integrate Gotham into Star City. Uh, I'm so excited for that. Again, all the strong, awesome characters we can get, I want them all. I want to work with them all. I can't wait for that. I don't know what capacity we're going to be working with her yet, but I hope I'm there for it."

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From fan videos of Arrow Heroes panel (EBR, DR, JH) at HVFF-London this morning...


-- On what they're looking forward to in S7, JH: "I want to see how the energy changes with this, you know, sorta of passing of the guards... I've heard that they're going to have a - um - like, the style is going to be a little different, without giving too much away. I want to learn what that means for myself as well." EBR: "This is news to me." JH: "Yeah, they said it was going to be a little stylistically different."


-- On the GA suit, DR: "But what I enjoy more is that I'm hearing that I won't be in it next season, which is awesome. The suit is very hot."

-- When fan asked how Roy will be brought back in S7, EBR didn't know and DR avoided answering directly. Instead, he said that he couldn't say "enough good things" about Beth taking over as showrunner. DR also said that, when he went to the writers room when they were editing 623, he saw their board with all the characters and what they've outlined for what they want to do with them. DR: "You probably heard online that Batwoman's coming, right? But, listen, guys... that ain't nothing compared to what they have planned. Like, they have some serious stuff... I think you're really in for a good treat in Season 7." 

-- DR confirmed that he's directing 711 and joked that it's "the weakest script of the season." 

-- When fan asked about having an episode where the good guys turn into bad guys and the bad guys turn into good guys in the future, DR: "Hey! The crossover... (Fan asked, "For Season 6?") No, the upcoming crossover for 7. Just wait for that. Just wait for that."

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From Arrow Villains panel (KC, JS, KA) at HVFF-London today...

Also fan video of this response:
H&VFF London - Arrow Villains: Katie Cassidy on the Earth-[X] Black Siren x [Dark] Oliver romance (May 27th)

-- On the unrequited love between Siren-X and Earth-X Oliver, KC: "What do I think of that? Well, I can't say anything. I like my job. I want to keep it." Also, on whether she was aware of this back story between them, KC: "Yes, we had discussed it. But I also think, for me, playing a villain, I also love - I think, I love to play against what's written, or play against the dialogue. So that was an interesting way I - I kinda went about it when I went onto The Flash."

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Arrow Heroes Panel (Rickards, Ramsey, Harkavy) at the Heroes & Villains Fan Fest London 2018 hvff
Published on May 29, 2018, by Simone Wegener

-- On confirming that Oliver's goatee from the comics is coming in S7. EBR: "Yeah, it's well on its way. I don't know if I'm happy about it. He's very happy about it. I'm more impartial...  (To JH) The goatee is coming back... He's going to make it stylish. He's got a million different colors in there. (To DR) I don't know if you've seen it? Have you taken a solid close look? You should go look."

-- In response to a fan question about Batwoman coming to the crossover, DR just speculated about how it will be interesting to see what Bruce Wayne is like, now that we know there is a Bruce Wayne, and whether he's Batman, and what happened to Batgirl, and how the whole Batman mythos connects to Arrow.

H&VFF London - Green Arrow: Stephen Amell on who we would fan-cast as Batwoman (May 27th)
Published on May 30, 2018, by Jess

-- On where Batwoman will be coming from, SA: "I don't know where she's coming from. I know the entire story of the crossover. It's awesome. And I can't talk about it at all."

-- On who he would fan-cast as Batwoman, SA: "I don't know. I really don't know... David Rapaport has been the casting director on all the shows. Casted me. Casted Grant. Casted Caity[?]. Casted Melissa. Um, I trust whatever he's going to do. He's gonna nail it."

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Stephen Amell Panel at the Heroes & Villains Fan Fest London 2018 hvff
Published on May 30, 2018, by Simone Wegener

-- SA: "I have had some input on where Oliver might end up at the end of the [unintelligible word]... at the end of the season. (Aisha asked, "At the end of Season 7?") Yeah."

-- SA: "I think that we're going to lean into more of the comic canon version of the Green Arrow this year. I mean, the show is the show. Um, and I am me... But this year, I think we're going to lean into it little bit more, because - sorry to spoil the finale, but - my secret identity, which wasn't really a secret identity, is definitely not a secret identity."

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H&VFF London - Arrow Villains: Katie Cassidy on Black Siren's possible redemption (May 27th)
Published on May 29, 2018, by Jess

-- On Black Siren's possible redemption, KC: "A lot more will be revealed next season. Um, sorry, careful how I answer this, 'cause again we really like our jobs, and we don't want to spoil anything. Um, I do think there's room for redemption. I feel like she's almost her own island, in a way. And I do think that there will be a way for - she's a bit of a loose cannon. And you never know what you're going to get with her, and I think there will be a way - if the team were [unintelligible words] her, that they would be able to utilize her, in a way, um, whether - but I don't think she's ever to be trusted fully. But I definitely think we'll find out more about her back story, and her journey will certainly continue to evolve, and we'll see what happens - we'll see if it happens in Season 7. Stay tuned."

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Both of these interviews were done at Motor City ComicCon (May 18-20, 2018)...

Kirk Acevedo of "Arrow" Interview 2018
Published on Jun 1, 2018, by Ginger Beggs

-- On what's next for him in terms of projects, KA: "I go back to Arrow... It starts up in, like, five weeks." Interviewer: "So you're about to start shooting again?" KA: "Yeah. In July. Yeah." 

Kirk Acevedo Talks Arrow | Comics, Beer & Sci-fi
Published on Jun 1, 2018, by Comics, Beer & Sci-fi

-- On what he has coming down the pipeline, KA: "I don't know if I could say - you up to date on Arrow?" Interviewer: "Yeah." KA: "Well, that starts up in five weeks. So that's - that's what I'll be doing." Interviewer: "I'm glad he's coming back and he's saving my show. I'm really happy. You're doing a great job. Thank you so much." KA: "Don't tell that to Stephen. Don't tell Stephen I'm saving his show." Interviewer: "He's saving his show - no, I'm sorry. I don't want to  fail."

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By Skyjoker   June 8, 2018


SR. Season 6 was a massive roller-coaster. (Spoilers ahead) The team got divided, Oliver went to Jail, Diggle is now working at Argus and Quentin Lance died. What can we expect from Season 7?
. I wish I could tell you (laughs). I saw the script for the first episode of season 7 as is amazing. This season  will probably be one of the biggest and most ambitious to date.

We now had a show-runner of the series who will be taking the role full time, and her vision for the show is superb, I’m sure she will take it to the next level.

Oliver’s time in prison will be hard, and many things will happen while there.

Regarding my character, I can only share with you that he is still working at Argus with Lyla, and teaming up with the others once in a while to take down Diaz once for all. But, many things happen, there are some huge twists that nobody saw coming. It’s so good…I’m so sad I cannot tell you more.

SR. One thing we do know about the new season is that in the new crossover, we will finally get a hint at the Batman universe, as Batwoman is set to debut. What do you know about it?
I know as much as you to be honest. However, I’m really excited to find out what’s going on, as I’m curious about where does Gotham city is in this universe we created, and get to know about Bruce Wayne and what will be the take on the whole Batman legend, because you know there have been some hints at it during all the series, but finally get to see something about it is just awesome.

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Special guest interview David Ramsey - Melbourne Oz Comic-Con
Shaken Not Nerd (Dudi)   June 8, 2018

--On directing an episode in S7. DR: "I am slated for episode 11 of Season 7... You know, I am excited. And I'm excited because Beth Schwartz, our new, fearless showrunner - and Marc Guggenheim and Wendy were also fearless - but I don't think Beth is going to have any mercy on me. She's already kinda given a mandate of upward and onwards, we're going even higher this season, we're taking gloves off... I mean, they kinda give us an outline of what the season's going to be about every beginning of the year - or beginning of the season. And Beth just wants to do big, big, big things... And I don't think episode 11 is going to be the one that's the weak link in the chain at all. She's not going to have any mercy on me."

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Dave Griffith   June 8, 2018

-- DR: "That kind of philosophical argument between team members [on how their vigilante group should be run] will spread through Season 6 and continue through Season 7. So this is a - it's a long running arc throughout our story and, um, it's going to continue even through the end of Season 6 into 7."

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Oz Comic Con Interview: David Ramsey of Arrow
Mandy Griffiths  June 10, 2018


You’re going to be directing an episode of “Arrow” this season, is that right?
Season 7, episode 11.  7-11. ...
*  *  *
... But Beth is just really kind of just going for it.  She’s just really like “we’re going to do this, we’re going to do that” and it’s like oh my gosh.  So it’s just great.  She’s just fantastic and I’m looking forward to doing it.  And I don’t…she hasn’t said this but my feeling is that I won’t get any mercy in terms of the episode that I’ll be directing.  It’s going to be in the same daring vein as all the other episodes of the season.'
*  *  *
What do you think she’ll bring that’s a little bit different than in the past?
I think some of the stuff is just…some of these fans are talking about “Oh I would love to see…” yeah they’ll see it.  “Wow it’s time to see, why don’t try…” Yeah we’re going to try it. It’s kind of, to some degree, answering some of the things I think fans want to see.  And I think in other ways, taking it in directions the fans would never have thought of.  And really to Mark and Wendy’s credit, and to Beth’s credit, for season six, I think we ended in a way people didn’t think we were going to end it. There was no big bad guy ending finding justice, it’s continuing into season seven, putting Oliver in the prison and all that.  I mean, that was a risky for our show.

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Posting here for archival purposes - Kiss Radio 105.9 Vancouver podcast interview titled "Adam Taylor Chats with Emily Bett Rickards" (recorded Jun. 13, 2018):

-- On the next season of Arrow, EBR: "Well, we're going into our seventh season and we've had a massive change in our writers room. Beth Schwartz, who's been there since the beginning, is now our showrunner, and she is so overly qualified and writes from her heart. And it's going to be this - it's just going to be a different type of season. I think it's going to be a different show in a sense. Um, still with all the, like, original things that, like, make us know that Arrow is Arrow. And going forward, um, since our characters are in different spots, I think there's going to be different types of storylines, and more character growth this season, as well as, you know - people are going to learn - those characters are gonna have to like learn how to deal with sort of a lack of knowledge of what their purpose is, 'cause they've been so purpose-driven for six seasons, and I think now the purpose is sort of lost. And, um, you know, I believe we sort of like work with that like in our own lives. It's like if we don't have purpose, like, where are we going? We're just constantly trying to find purpose. And I think that's where they're gonna go. The structure of the episodes is going to be a little different, too, um, so we're excited about that." 

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Why Stephen Amell Wants The ‘Arrow’ Writers To Live Like There’s No Tomorrow In Season 7
Jun 15th 2018 | Mitch Knox


“I think that’s one of the things I’m getting out of what they’ve planned for season seven – we’re not writing like we’re guaranteed something beyond this, because we’re not; nobody is. I want them to really push forward and take the fact we have a certain license and a certain respect from the fans to take some chances.”
*  *  *
Well, especially not now; not when, after hints and teases and name-drops over the past few seasons, Arrow will finally, actually, welcome the nigh-mythological setting of Gotham City to its fold during next season’s Arrowverse crossover event. And, even better, it will also see the introduction of Kate Kane, aka Batwoman, Batman’s more-interesting cousin (and, in this writer’s opinion, a super-worthy possible successor for solo-show status whenever Arrow does ultimately wrap, especially given Gotham’s impending finish after its next season).

As intriguing as that prospect is, it’s hard not to wonder about some other identities from the DC canon and whether they’ll be making long-overdue Arrowverse appearances of their own – namely Ted Kord (aka Blue Beetle), whose Kord Industries buildings and shipping containers have been a persistent presence in the show for years, and Hal Jordan, the pilot-turned-space cop known as Green Lantern, whose flight jacket was briefly seen on-screen at a bar back in season four and has kept fans waiting in hope ever since. Despite some good-natured goading, Amell is well-trained in the art of keeping mum. He does concede there will be new faces both known and unknown to comic book fans but, unless someone can get the exact details out of him at Supanova, it looks like we’ll just have to wait a little longer to find out what’s in store when Arrow returns for its next leather-clad run through the streets.

“I think that you will see some very, very new and exciting characters in season seven; characters that have a canon in DC,” he allows. “And I think that we will continue to do what we’ve always done on this show, which I’m very, very proud of, which is create some new characters. Hopefully, long after I’m done playing Arrow – whenever that may be – hopefully we’ll carry on in the DC universe.

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Arrow Audition Tape Teases New Archer For Season 7
Eric Joseph   June 18, 2018


Having taken that quick trip down memory lane, it shouldn’t come as too much of a shock to learn that we may be adding another to the quiver come this fall. As you may recall, word on the street has said at least two notable DC characters will be surfacing in Star City before long, one of which is a female vigilante.

Thanks to a recently surfaced clip over at Vimeo, we’ve been given an idea as to what the future may hold. You see, actress Izzy Alan has auditioned for a character currently being referred to as “Konomi Rhodes,” which we’re guessing is but a code name used to prevent major spoilers from leaking.
*  *  *
In this video, she reads for scenes being shared with whom we assume to be Green Arrow and Black Canary, in which we learn that she’s indeed a vigilante from the Glades relying on brutal methods – and that she’s lost her father to mafia violence. What’s more is that she mimes drawing back a bow at one point, so it’s safe to say we know her weapon of choice.

Now, this new info has caused some to shoot down the notion that “Konomi” is not the Emiko Queen character from the source material, but we’re not ruling out her being based on Emiko – it’s just that she’ll be of a different lineage. Don’t forget, she was among the more recent to dub themselves “Red Arrow” in the comics, so it’s very possible that Benjamin Percy’s run be used as inspiration for whatever lies ahead.

Here's the audition video:

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Audition videos for the role of "Daniel Porter" - the scene is shared with Curtis...

Tyler Sellers
May 21, 2018

Miles G Jackson
Jun. __, 2018

Oliver Thomson
Jun. 3, 2018

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From KA panel at Super Heroes Con IV (Paris) today - with Google translations...

 "A fan asks if we can have information on season 7. Kirk says he has the script of the first episode on his phone. He looks to see if he can read us the first page and says no because otherwise he will end up in jail with Stephen :) # SHC4"

"Kirk has received by email the script of the first episode of Arrow's season, but he is not allowed to talk about it. # SHC4"

"Kirk already has the premiere script on his phone. He received it a few days ago. But again he says he can not say anything 'If not, I'd go to jail with Oliver' # shc4  # Arrow"

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Auditions for prison guard named "Yorke"...

Arrow Audition [Jason Matthew Smith]
Posted: Jun. 25, 2018  Stefan

Evan Parke - Arrow - YORKE - Tk1
Posted: Jun. 25, 2018  Evan Parke

Evan Parke - Arrow - YORKE Take2
Posted: Jun. 25, 2018  Evan Parke

ETA: The vids for Evan Parke aren't embedding for some reason, so you'll have to go to the links to watch those vids.

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From CHaynes & JRBourne panel at Howl at the Moon 2 convention in Paris today (Sunday)...

English translation: "Colton says that tomorrow he returns to Vancouver for the shooting of Arrow! # HATM2"

English translation: "Colton is super excited to return to Arrow! This new season will be more fun than the others, we return to the roots of the beginning of the series, that's why he must also keep his beard he would like to shave a lot ? # HATM2"

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Colton Haynes Travels From Paris to Vancouver for 'Arrow' Filming!
July 9, 2018 Just Jared Jr.


Colton Haynes has arrived in Vancouver, Canada, to start filming for season seven of The CW’s Arrow!

The 29-year-old Teen Wolf star was spotted heading to catch his flight out of Charles de Gaulle Airport on Monday (July 9) in Paris, France.

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Fall TV Preview: Who's In? Who's Out? Your Guide to Every Casting Move!
By Matt Webb Mitovich / July 10 2018


9 of 89
TV Cast Changes (2018-2019)

Colton Haynes, who plays Roy Harper, is returning for Season 7 as a series regular.



10 of 89
TV Cast Changes (2018-2019)

Original cast member Paul Blackthorne will not be returning for Season 7.



11 of 89
TV Cast Changes (2018-2019)

Original cast member Willa Holland will not be returning for Season 7 as a series regular.


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3 new characters, I think they'll be the Longbow Hunters (or at least 2 of them, since they think Angeline is Batwoman)



To kick this off, we have “Dover”, a male in his 30-40s who is teased as a physically intimidating player. Even though he may not be the brightest person in the room, anyone who is in his presence will feel incredibly small. Whether or not “Dover” is a cover name for a DC character or not, he will be recurring this season.


Next is “Leah”, a 30-something woman who is a world-class mercenary who was born to be a leader. Don’t mess with this one because once you see what “Leah” has in her toolbox of skills, you will see why those are known across the world.


Last, but definitely not the least we have another recurring character, “Angeline” who may be something we should pay great attention to. Described as a diverse woman in her 30s, she is a fierce fighter despite of her smaller stature. Not only is she experienced in stealth, “Angeline” is able to wipe out buildings filled with foes all by herself before she is gone like a ghost. It will be made very clear that “Angeline” thinks incredibly highly of her work.

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