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S04.E05: There’s Daggers In Men’s Smiles

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Eleanor’s storyline is so good. I love that she’s helping people. Her bringing the lady candlesticks to help pay for her cat’s surgery made me misty.

Jasper’s dad is creepy as hell. I can’t wait until he’s gone.

I can’t help loving Jasper and Eleanor. I know how they got together was gross, but they always had such great chemistry and have come a long way to finally being happy. I wish she told him about her secret angel bit so he doesn’t get suspicious.

I was worried about the promo monkeys with Robert falling for Cassandra while wooing Willow. Glad I was wrong. She brings out the best in him and they are so cute together. I guess it will come out soon that Robert hired someone to kill Jasper and this will drive a wedge between them? Or maybe it’s Jasper’s Dad.

Helena and Sebastian? I can get behind that.

Edited by twoods
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I don't understand why Eleanor is stealing from the palace. Doesn't she have a very nice trust fund which she could use to finance her charitable causes, anonymously if she wanted? Eventually someone is going to realize that items from the palace are being taken and being pawned around the city. And it is short-sighted because the people that she is trying to help could potential face jail time as they try to pawn those items and they don't have a good reason why it was in their possession.

Jasper's dad is so sketchy. I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind the shooting.

God, I love Robert and Willow. 

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Waited all week to see the Willow and Robert stuff play out. And I was granted with a big fat HECK YES!

Oh goodness the smackdown on Casandra was too sweet. "Bye Felicia!" 

I really love the ease in which they both interact, there's no games (well not what I can see) and they are just so on the same level. He listens and values her. She in turn believes in him.

Everything he said to her before he proposed was legit and I love that he knows he doesn't deserve her but he's gonna take a chance and hope maybe one day he can be worthy of her.

And there was some major foreshadowing with Casandra for sure ...girl ain't happy to be jilted.

The Liam stuff was a bore, they really don't know what to do with him anymore. 

Robert is the real king in this show. Oh deliciousness. 

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So Cassandra has crazy eyes. Whatever-as long as Willow doesn't get hurt.

Helena and Sebastian? That was Sebastian, right? Now that's an unexpected twist. I can't imagine where this is going. Why do the Royals do their hookups at the palace? Wouldn't it be more private at the hookup's home instead of at the Royal dorm where there's security cameras and guards and family and staff everywhere? Or maybe that's the point-drama. Anyway get it Helena. She looked really good this episode.

Jasper's dad is sleazy. I'm not at all interested in seeing him and Duchie together. Ewwww!

Why, Liam, why? Kathryn's sister would be a better, more fun partner, she seems to have an actual personality. It seems all of his actions are based on being rebellious, he gets that determined, pouty lipped face going and off we go. Let's bring Robert's ex down low lover to a family celebration (previews) because 'I saw her first and he took her and I loooove her". And she's willing to be the Royal pass around pack? I'm sure its not historically unprecedented but wow, so tacky. I'm thinking Liam needs to go into exile with poor Cyrus. When they hung out at least Liam looked like he was having fun.

I have to admit I admire Robert's strategic planning. Yeah, it is evil and inconsiderate but he is goal oriented and is making things happen the way he wants them to happen. He's extreme but clever. He needs Willow to balance him out.

Eleanor is Robin Hood, huh? Girlfriend, just put some cash in an envelope and shove it in the mailbox. Simplify.

Jasper, your default setting should no longer be LIE especially to Mr. Hill. Your dad is scum and you know that.

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I guess they've realized that Liam is too boring to handle anything other than bouncing between love interests and avenging his father's death. But if Liam has to be with someone, and apparently he does, it has to be someone with personality, zest, because Liam's pretty boring himself. I guess that's why I liked him with Willow (though now that Robert/Willow's a thing, I don't miss them anymore!) I liked the stuff with Liam and Robert in this episode but I think Liam (and Cyrus) will be proven right in the end, especially now with the ballistics report about Jasper's shooting. I totally believe Robert engineered that to help his causes (total power + getting rid Jasper), and the fallout will be even worse now that Eleanor and Jasper are public (and the people seem to like them).

I was surprised that Cyrus was exiled, as I thought they "saved" him by having his cancer go into remission. But I'm sure he'll be back after Robert is exposed. I hope the only thing Robert's to blame for is the power grid stuff and not that he had his dad killed in an effort to maintain the monarchy. At least that way there might be a chance to keep him around.

I'm so happy Robert's feelings for Willow are real! If only they had gotten together sooner, maybe her positive influence could have stopped him from pulling all these stunts, lol. There did seem to be foreshadowing with Cassandra's evil look. Stay mad, Cassie.

I'm relieved that Jasper told Eleanor about his dad's scheme, and I look forward to "Bellagio" finding out he's getting absolutely nothing out of Duchie. But Jasper should have told Frost as well! Why protect him (other than for plot purposes)?

I love that Eleanor is so interested in helping others but yeah, all those people she's helping are probably going to get arrested for stealing royal property. Of course, she'll be able to fix it but they'll probably be traumatized. She can still ding dong ditch people with envelopes of money. I did tear up a bit at that lady finding the silver candlesticks, though.

Next week's promo: I'm not looking forward to Robert/Willow and Liam/Kathryn drama.

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Welp - guess we were right that Robert tried to have Jasper killed?  Wow - give Robert some layers show - do you HAVE to make him a full on murderous villain just to prop up Liam and now Jasper?  I might have to quit watching if this goes down that path.

My thought after Robert pulled that stunt to extend his power?  The same as Cyrus'.  I laughed long and hard - I mean that's one sneaky, conniving little bastard - but damn he's so sexy doing it I just don't care.  I was mad that it looked like his 'plan' might have resulted in Kathryn's dad being harmed/killed.  And clearly this blackout caused a lot of folks to lose property and have damage.  And even more mad that clearly the storyline is setting Liam up to find out that Robert planned the whole thing and then go after him in "righteous fury" on behalf of Kathryn and her dad/others.  Barf! 

The only thing I like about the storyline is Liam and Kathryn - I did like them at one point last season - maybe they can do better together storyline-wise.  But not if this is just leading to King Liam and Queen Kathryn.  Please no.

Love Robert and Willow - though I was wishing for a more torrid kiss - maybe that will come?  Maybe once Robert is found out and he's desperate to keep Willow?  I dunno.  But more of them please.  He's totally a dual personality.  He clearly wants unchecked power and to return the monarchy to a time of total power.  Basically the opposite of his dad, who felt the people could and should rule themselves and wanted to abolish the monarchy.

But HOLY SHIT he shut Queen Skanky down with the quickness.  He really does love Willow.  That's gonna make it juicy as hell when he goes down - what's crazy is I kinda don't want him to get found out, lol.  But since he must, I don't want him to lose power, but he will.  So I hope he doesn't lose Willow.  

And Jasper should have gone to the head of security anyway about his dad - maybe they all just let it pass because Duchy is so awful she deserves it - but tell him to cover your ass Jasper.  Eleanor knowing won't help much if Robert is on the warpath.

I'm suspicious the show might not be done with the "Robert killed his dad" storyline angle - can't figure out if the show is really pushing that or they just used that to have Cyrus banished?

OMG Helena - WTF?!!?!  Stop sleeping with your daughter's ex-men!!!!

Eleanor is truly going to end up Queen - or she should.  Love her little anonymous good deeds.

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I loved this episode. It was jam packed with so much goodness, I hope this show’s renewed.

It made sense that Eleanor would do the Robin Hood thing. It’s an extension of her throwing the Palace open to “the People” plus she was just so gleeful at learning all the con artist tricks from “Count Bellagio” (Besides, setting up her foundation was taking too long!) It was adorable to see her skulking about in her incognito outfit with the 5” spike heels, lol.

I am ALL in on Robert/Willow. There’s still a slight twinge of Robert possibly still having another motive regarding Willow, but their chemistry is off the charts. I give a lot of credit to the actor for making Robert so nuanced that I totally buy that he’s fallen in love, but still wonder if he’s a con artist on a royal scale.

My happiness about Mr. Hill telling Jasper the ballistics results is that whatever or whomever is behind it, it doesn’t involve Mr. Hill. The signs definitely point to Robert, but it could also be an elaborate red herring.  I wonder how Robert pulled off the power outage.

Wow Cyrus is really gone....but I think he'll turn up again if the show's renewed.

I still think Sebastian is better for Eleanor than Jasper, but what a surprise reveal! Glad that in this episode, all three generations of women are getting it ON.

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Oh, No!  They must have heard us about Sebastian being good for Eleanor so they wanted to ruin that to protect their vision.  I am so disappointed. 

Ok you guys have reeled me in.  I plan to watch this episode to see Robert in action.   I know they will run in, so if I get one good episode before the big fall I need to enjoy it. 

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I know this is fictionalized and the story lines are rather off the wall.  I accepted that Robert made the power for the entire city of London go out.  I accepted that Robert probably had his father murdered and was behind the phony attempt on himself in South London that was actually meant for Jasper.  

But he f___ing dissolves the democratically elected Parliament and the country isn't up in arms?  That's a coup d'etat a South American dictator would be proud of.   

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Liam annoys me, but damn if he does not have the looks of a total storybook prince. Those sunglasses were really working for me.

So...Kathryn is back. Yippee. I remembered last season her sister had more charisma in her pinky than Kathryn, and it looks like that's still true. I couldn't bring myself to give a damn about their missing dad or whatever. Even Cassandra, who is as one-note as they come, is still compelling to watch.

Robert could give Princess Diana a run for her money in terms of a good PR moment. If she existed in this timeline I'd say he learned everything he knows at her knee. I still cannot put my finger on exactly where they are taking his character, which bugs me. This show usually telegraphs everything from a mile away, and last season, everything pointed to Robert the heel. I really wonder if they've re-tooled the character or are simply building him up to take a huge fall. Liam's lack of an interesting storyline points to the idea of a re-tooling. However, attempting to kill Jasper points to villain, since Jasper is insanely popular with the fanbase. He gets points with me, though.

Jasper's dad is a real hoot and is interesting to watch. Jasper's self-righteousness is grating, particularly since it took him so long to give up his own con. This is my problem with the show. The villains are interesting to watch (Robert, Jasper's dad, Cassandra, Cyrus) and the good guys (Jasper, Liam) nearly drown themselves in a pool of their own self-righteous indignation.

Willow and Robert. I love that he loves her talent and values her advice. Last season, it was so obvious that Liam never cared about her PR talents. It seems clear that Robert wants competence on his team, so it was satisfying to see him steal her from disinterested Liam. As @Kaiju Ballet said, Brown is so nuanced  that it is hard to tell whether the character actually cares for Willow or is just putting it on. You  could make a compelling argument for both, based on his acting alone. I do like that they are positioning her as his conscience. I love that romantic trope, where the villain's only soft spot is the person he loves.

Willow is so lovely with her new hair. A textbook example of how the camera loves a person. The actress is so poised and elegant.

I bet that whole Cyrus/Liam fight right before Robert banished him was put on for Robert's benefit. Those two are still in cahoots, calling it now.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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