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S20.E08: The Heroin Triangle: Episode 8

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I hope that both Kiersten and David can get off the dope.  I also think they both have a nasty, rude streak in them and behave immaturely.  HIs mother certainly seems to enable him and it does feel like both their parents blame the other kid.

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Something tells me Kiersten and David end up not going- at least that day, but we will see. Mom ‘ I’m no longer going to baby you’ , 5 minures later, she’s making excuses for him. 

I don’t know what to make of Taylor. I just can’t bring myself to like her or her Mom. 

Hope Angela stays in recovery. 

I still think Tiffany is pregnant and they are just trying not to publicize it for some reason. 

Any idea why Jeff hasn’t done any interventions this season? 

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I could not let my child live in my home if I knew they were shooting up drugs.  David is like a big spoiled baby, but Kirsten has a steely streak in her.  If they do both get clean (which I doubt, but fingers crossed anyway) I don't see the relationship continuing.

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I think one of the hardest things in the world for me to do would be to actually kick my adult child out to live on the streets.   Doesn’t mean I couldn’t/wouldn’t do it - I’m pretty opposed to illegal activity in my hone.  Plus I’d be opposed to the idea of enabling their deaths by drugs. I’ve never had to deal with  the issue. 

I could see Angela’s Moms’  dilemma. She’s clean and sober now, doing what was expected of her. But rehab gives her a better shot of staying that way. 

But Kiersten and David. They’d have been gone before now.   Couldn’t handle the stress. They have enough money to keep themselves in drugs so they could find a friend to camp out with. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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The other day I watched an old movie with Jack Lemmon - Days of Wine and Roses - he kicks the alcohol addiction but his wife can't.  He begs her to get help but she says... "everything is so dirty when I'm sober".

This is the issue for all addicts once they've gone through withdrawal.  Facing up to life's difficulties without a crutch.  

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I can't believe Donna let David and Kiersten take a shower before leaving. Letting the two of them hole up together---what did she think was going to happen? I always thought that was the reason you had flights already scheduled, bags packed, etc, so they didn't have time or excuses to stall.

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Tracy has bought into recovery and it shows. He looks good and he looks committed to getting and staying clean. I think Tiffany has as well, but I also think she is going to run straight back home as soon as she can and that she needs to stay away longer. I cannot imagine being away from a child like that, but it really worries me what will happen if she rushes back too fast. Billy...I just don't buy it. He is saying all the right things, but I don't think he believes what he is saying. He just seems so hollow when he talks about how happy he is being clean. I think he's going to run as fast as he can straight back to Tiffany and count on her to keep him clean, which she can't and shouldn't do. I am not even sure he knows who he is without her, and that's scary for his recovery. 

Taylor is so heartbreaking to me. I have a niece who is thin as a rail, has contact stomach pain of unknown origin that the doctors can never seem to figure out (or she just doesn't go to them) and recently had to get all of her teeth pulled and false teeth at the ripe old age of 20. She has been with a guy for a few years who was certainly using marijuana and possibly other things. She can't keep a job because everything is everyone else's fault and was charged with stealing $600 from WalMart when she worked there (which of course she says she didn't do, but I don't buy it). I have been questioning her substance use for a few years now, but she lives in another part of the state and I would never bring this up to my in laws because they already don't like me much and would flip out if I suggested that. They know she smokes pot, but aren't concerned about it.  My spidey sense just tells me there is opiate abuse there, and seeing Taylor just reminds me of her so much. 

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4 hours ago, sara416 said:

Taylor is so heartbreaking to me. I have a niece who is thin as a rail, has contact stomach pain of unknown origin that the doctors can never seem to figure out (or she just doesn't go to them) and recently had to get all of her teeth pulled and false teeth at the ripe old age of 20. She has been with a guy for a few years who was certainly using marijuana and possibly other things. She can't keep a job because everything is everyone else's fault and was charged with stealing $600 from WalMart when she worked there (which of course she says she didn't do, but I don't buy it). I have been questioning her substance use for a few years now, but she lives in another part of the state and I would never bring this up to my in laws because they already don't like me much and would flip out if I suggested that. They know she smokes pot, but aren't concerned about it.  My spidey sense just tells me there is opiate abuse there, and seeing Taylor just reminds me of her so much. 

If your niece is a daily pot smoker, she could have this: http://www.newsweek.com/mysterious-rare-illness-linked-smoking-weed-causes-severe-screaming-and-728682

Pot has a reputation for helping with pain, so people who have pain caused by it often don't want to quit.

I felt for Taylor too. With all the money she's making stripping, even if her mom kicks her out, she could still afford her habit. Although if she starts losing teeth, she may not be making that kind of money for long.

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That dental work is not cheap. There is a chain clinic here that charged my elderly neighbor $50K to pull all her teeth, treat the abcesses and restore bone and stuff, provide four implants, and top it all off with dentures. If you keep teeth but have to have restoration, it's still very expensive, although now that more dentists are doing implants the prices are coming down. I wonder if those dentists donated their services or offered a greatly reduced price. I hope she appreciates how lucky she is. I volunteer at a free health clinic and there are people who would give anything for a restored mouth.

Agree that Billy is just biding his time until he and Tiffany can reunite. I commented earlier that due to his learning disabilities, I think he's dependent on her for more than drugs. Hopefully the treatment folks will hook him up with some support for his LD.

David's mother has no impulse control regarding him - no boundaries. He'll use that if he can. Kudos to Donna for dealing with both families.

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I hope that Tracey makes it.  I really like him; he doesn't seem be an entitled assdouche like most of the addicts we see on this show. 

Regarding Taylor, girlfriend makes $4,000 a week (right?) and I get that she spends it all on dope but it really sucks that someone is paying for her to get her teeth fixed.  It actually seems enabling to me.  I work full time for the State and can't afford to have everything done to fix my teeth, even with insurance.  Must be nice to be a pretty, dope fiend.

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JenMcSnark, I agree 1000%.  Must be nice to have friends who will pay or provide tens of thousands of dollars in dental work for a junkie stripper who makes thousands a night and puts it all in a vein.  SURELY there are more deserving people out there who would benefit from this kindness.  I say get clean, show you can work a program and face your responsibilities and then be given the mouth of your dreams.

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6 hours ago, Red Bridey said:

JenMcSnark, I agree 1000%.  Must be nice to have friends who will pay or provide tens of thousands of dollars in dental work for a junkie stripper who makes thousands a night and puts it all in a vein.  SURELY there are more deserving people out there who would benefit from this kindness.  I say get clean, show you can work a program and face your responsibilities and then be given the mouth of your dreams.

You said it much better than I could, so this x100!

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I just finished watching the entire Heroin Triangle season. I lived in the neighboring county in GA for almost 10 years. I was (and still am) impressed by the huge community effort that has gone into fighting the opioid epidemic...it was particularly impressive how progressively the law enforcement agencies are dealing with it. That said I couldn’t help but notice the STARK contrast between those communities (which are upscale and largely white) and the ones that I lived and worked in which are much more diverse racially and socioeconimally. I really hate to be one of those ppl that makes everything about race but honestly we’re talking about miles away and WORLDS apart.

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