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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Okay...so this seems kind of strange to me.


There was a wrap party last night for the entire cast and crew. Jim Michaels flew from LA back to Van in the same day for the party per his tweets. I know they had a dinner with some cast and crew over the weekend by they were not done filming. Jared finished on Monday and was back in Austin on Tuesday as evidenced by his pic with Tom. Jensen wrapped on Tuesday and was spotted at the airport by a pap and took a pic with a fan at the airport in Austin.


So that means the boys were not at the big wrap party with the rest of the cast and crew. Haven't they always been at the wrap parties with the crew like EVERY season?  I absolutely understand them wanting to be back in Austin with their kids but in this case it was two days after filming for Jared and one day for Jensen. I just figured they would have stuck around and then gone back to Austin. I dunno it just seems kind of peculiar to me given how close they are with their cast and crew.  


Things that make you go ..hmmmmm

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Oh, I was under the impression they had always been at wrap parties with the whole crew. Not just the dinner they had at the fancy restaurant.  If they missed them before then never mind. Still weird but not as peculiar as I thought this was. 

I agree, I thought it was strange too and I was also under the impression that they went to them.  Who knows.

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I think that is just some random fan tweet, not someone involved with the show. It comes off in the same vein as those "I`ve pieced together their entire lifes from tweets and pictures, ask me anything" posts. 


They went to a couple Wrap Parties that I know of, from vids and pictures of such events. Jensen used to sing with "The Impalas". No idea why they didn`t go this year.  



Jared Padalecki Verified account ‏@jarpad

Tom and I want to wish you a happy summer :)


Are you sure they took this photo in Austin? Central Texas and the Houston area have had some baaaaad weather this week. The sun came out for a wee moment on Wednesday in Houston but it wasn't warm enough to bask in a pool. Or, in Houston's case right now, in the floodwaters.

Are you sure they took this photo in Austin? Central Texas and the Houston area have had some baaaaad weather this week. The sun came out for a wee moment on Wednesday in Houston but it wasn't warm enough to bask in a pool. Or, in Houston's case right now, in the floodwaters.



I have no reason to think it wasn't taken that day. That is his pool.  I mean I don't know why he would post that pic and imply it was current relatively recent if it wasn't.  He posted a pic of himself in a pool from the winter hiatus and you could see the construction in the background. So the pool must be finished in that pic. 


And there are some pics of him on tumblr with fans in Austin that are supposed to be from this week too. I dunno sounds to me like he was back in Austin.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by catrox14

I wonder if everyone is invited to the dinner, or whether that's just for the actors?  I can certainly understand that Jensen and Jared want to get home to their families.  Maybe they hung around for the wrap parties before they had kids, and just don't do it anymore.  

Austin has had moments of sunshine between torrential rain downpours. In fact, I think, yesterday afternoon was pretty sunny. Of course, I can't remember exactly. Since it was 24 hours ago. Sigh. 


Glad that y'all have had long sunny moments between the downpours. Houston has had fewer of them, but some parts of the city are now drying out. Other parts are still deep in the water and mud -- a portion of one of our major highways (SH 6) will be closed for at least a month while the water drains. That's what happens when 17 inches of rain falls in less than 12 hours on the northwest side of the city. My more urban area only got 10 inches in that time.



I just hope it's the end of the heavy rains for us (and Dallas) so we get good weather for our comic cons in May/June. Unfortunately, the SPN guys won't be attending those events.

Edited by dragonsbite

Glad that y'all have had long sunny moments between the downpours. Houston has had fewer of them, but some parts of the city are now drying out. Other parts are still deep in the water and mud -- a portion of one of our major highways (SH 6) will be closed for at least a month while the water drains. That's what happens when 17 inches of rain falls in less than 12 hours on the northwest side of the city. My more urban area only got 10 inches in that time.



I just hope it's the end of the heavy rains for us (and Dallas) so we get good weather for our comic cons in May/June. Unfortunately, the SPN guys won't be attending those events.

Y'all have gotten it so much worse than we have this time around. I hope you're not having to deal with flooding too much yourself. The pictures I've seen are crazy.

It really is pretty amazing just how close Jensen and Jared are.  It's one thing to get along with your co-workers, but they genuinely seem like family.  They're wives are close, their kids play together, they definitely are fortunate.


My nephew's wife has a female friend and they have declared themselves heterosexual life partners. It's pretty funny

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I know we get a distorted picture because we only see pics of them when they're together, and not when they're with their own siblings, parents, friends, etc.   I'm sure they actually do things separate from one another


Eh, I'm convinced they spend 80% of their time together...at mimimum. Not even kidding LOL

Saw tweets saying the boys were out and about in Austin this weekend. One person commented on how nice they were, and also how drunk. They seem a little old to be going out and getting drunk so often. But I'm admittedly from a different generation and I guess they're celebrating the end of the season.

I wonder if all the tales of just how drunk they seem to be are exaggerated a bit.  I'm sure they go out and have a few drinks, but if they're really noticeably drunk, that seems a bit odd.  I think most of these posters are pretty young themselves, so maybe they think everyone's drunk because they are.  I don't know.  

I wonder if all the tales of just how drunk they seem to be are exaggerated a bit.  I'm sure they go out and have a few drinks, but if they're really noticeably drunk, that seems a bit odd.  I think most of these posters are pretty young themselves, so maybe they think everyone's drunk because they are.  I don't know.  


Eh, who knows what is really true. I'm not gonna judge it. All the kids use XXXXXX af (as fuck) as a measure of EVERYTHING.

AF to one person is not AF to another person


I think some of those sighting were at Jared's bar too so maybe they were being SUPER friendly as a bit of PR to show that Jared's bar is a fun, friendly place for the masses.  I have no problems with it.


Did Jensen (and Jared) have a bit to drink? Clearly and he might have just been being silly to. He seems to do that sometimes. I


I look at it this way :


Are they drinking and driving? Not that I've ever heard about.

Did they cause trouble with their drinking? Nope.

Does their drinking interfere with work? Not that I know of.

Do they have to maintain some image that they are squeaky clean? Not for me 



Well, most likely they just like to party.  Whatever they do in public places is going to get reported on, so they must not care too much.  I know that behavior I did in my 20's is still being done by friends and co-workers of mine, well into their 40's.  Drinking to the point of getting drunk and hungover lost it's appeal for me a long time ago, but to each his own, I guess.

Edited by MysteryGuest

They've been drinkers for years now. I'm not quite sure why this outing is particularly concerning 

Jensen told the story of having had a bit much and falling and busting his chin.They made a little video of their s10 wrap celebration and seemed a bit inebriated. They FB live streamed from Jensen's apt after one of the episodes this season and I couldn't tell if they were drinking or just being silly.


But with all of that, I would caution...these guys are actors. The moment they are on camera for any reason there is a certain "persona" they put it out there. Had they been drinking during that outing with fans? CERTAINLY.  But I do think they "perform" to an extent even in their more "candid" moments.  I think they only time they are really probably truly themselves is behind closed doors and we will never be privy to that.



  • Love 1

I don't disagree, Catrox.  I know they go out and drink, because they say they do, but that doesn't mean much of anything.  I just think it's fun for people who meet them while they themselves are out drinking to talk about just how drunk Jensen and Jared are.  I don't read much into it, honestly.

I don't disagree, Catrox.  I know they go out and drink, because they say they do, but that doesn't mean much of anything.  I just think it's fun for people who meet them while they themselves are out drinking to talk about just how drunk Jensen and Jared are.  I don't read much into it, honestly.


Maybe these people are competing for the title of "My pic with J2 is more drunk AF than your pic with J2".  LOL

And now that Jensen has actually kissed one of them, and given someone money, the competition has just been ratcheted up a bit.


I feel kind of bad for Jensen. If he was that hammered and just felt generous in the moment, I'm worried that people are now gong to expect that and then will think he's an asshole if he doesn't do it. I dunno, I think if Jensen gave me 200 bucks I would just keep it to myself. The kiss on the forehead though....Yeah I'd share that! LOL

I thought:

1) it was her birthday

2)!she didn't have much money and her friends took her out

3) she areas spending the money on a mission trip to Alaska or somewhere 'not here'

He just may have found her to be someone who he wanted to encourage in her life.

I suspect both know how to hold their alcohol in public.

Yes, there was some story about how she had just turned 21 and was going to do some missionary work.  I'm sure it was a very nice gesture, as was the kiss to the forehead of the other girl.  It's just that with social media, simple gestures get blown all out of proportion.

I thought:

1) it was her birthday

2)!she didn't have much money and her friends took her out

3) she areas spending the money on a mission trip to Alaska or somewhere 'not here'

He just may have found her to be someone who he wanted to encourage in her life.

I suspect both know how to hold their alcohol in public.


It was her birthday. Do we know that Jensen knew the story of the 200 bucks for her mission? I'm just saying that he might have set a precedent that if he doesn't do it with other fans, he'll be slammed unnecessarily for it regardless of why he did it.

Edited by catrox14



Damn, boys. Lookin' good. I'm not jeally of them being on that beautiful lake in a speed boat. NOPE...


Jared should wear a backwards ballcap more often. Much better than the beanie.

Jensen has the scruff underway...






  • Love 1

Or is it a backwards ball cap? Whatever it is, it's working for him.

I imagine it's a bit like coming off a military campaign. They've got a 'shit were going to enjoy on hiatus list' and it's probably longer than hiatus.


I wish the CW would let them wear heavier scruff especially Jared. They just look so good that way IMO.

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Sooo I saw this exchange when I saw this pic of Jensen.

I guess Jared(and I guess by extension Jensen) has a private plane now


Canadagraphs ‏@canadagraphs

#Supernatural star Jensen Ackles stops to sign #autographs on his way out of Vancouver after wrapping season 11.


Ѕнλςκlεlεςκι_ #ᴸᵞᶠ ‏@TinaTinamhlman 24h24 hours ago

@canadagraphs did you happen to get "that tall ones" Lol!

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Canadagraphs ‏@canadagraphs 15h15 hours ago

@TinaTinamhlman Jared Padalecki?

2 retweets 1 like

Ѕнλςκlεlεςκι_ #ᴸᵞᶠ ‏@TinaTinamhlman 15h15 hours ago

@canadagraphs LOL! Yes...

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Canadagraphs ‏@canadagraphs 14h14 hours ago

@TinaTinamhlman No, I'm not going to risk imprisonment to get an autograph.

1 retweet 1 like

Ѕнλςκlεlεςκι_ #ᴸᵞᶠ ‏@TinaTinamhlman 14h14 hours ago

@canadagraphs huh?... no worries... I was just wondering, but he's the sweetest guy I don't think that would happen :)

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Canadagraphs ‏@canadagraphs 14h14 hours ago

@TinaTinamhlman he has a private plane. So outside of going out onto the tarmac to get him... theres no way to get to him at airport now.

5 retweets 9 likes


6 minutes ago, Binns said:

Guess he got tired of all of the crappy customer service, lol. 

That explains why we get so few pap sightings now. So what Jared couldn't send the plane back for Jensen at the end of the season?? Come on, Jared! WTF ...You use Jensens jet skis the least you could do is send him the plane! (I'm kidding btw )

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