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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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The reason I thought they took Clif on vacations with them is because I had read somewhere that some of the pictures we've seen were taken by Clif.  The ones of Jensen and Danneel in Disneyland come to mind.  That could be completely untrue, and I honestly can't remember where I read it, so I guess it doesn't matter.  


I'd be curious to know whether they met him for the first time during Folsom Prison Blues, or whether he was already working for them at the time.  Not for any particular reason, just because I find it interesting that he was an actor and now he's a bodyguard.  I'm sure it's not a bad job...driving around with J2 all the time, and traveling the world for cons.  I can think of worse jobs, and I'm sure he makes a decent living, regardless of who's paying him.

Edited by MysteryGuest
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The reason I thought they took Clif on vacations with them is because I had read somewhere that some of the pictures we've seen were taken by Clif.  The ones of Jensen and Danneel in Disneyland come to mind.  That could be completely untrue, and I honestly can't remember where I read it, so I guess it doesn't matter.  


I'd be curious to know whether they met him for the first time during Folsom Prison Blues, or whether he was already working for them at the time.  Not for any particular reason, just because I find it interesting that he was an actor and now he's a bodyguard.  I'm sure it's not a bad job...driving around with J2 all the time, and traveling the world for cons.  I can think of worse jobs, and I'm sure he makes a decent living, regardless of who's paying him.

I agree, it is interesting.

I think Clif gets to be an invited guest sometimes. They're all good friends now after spending so many years together.


I looked Clif up on supernaturalwiki.com. It says he was first employed as a driver in S3. Doesn't say when they first met him though. I know Clif is on twitter, I bet he'd be down with answering any of your questions like this.



ETA: Oops...link or it didn't happen, right? http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/index.php?title=Clif_Kosterman

Edited by DittyDotDot

Thanks for the info.  I'm sorry to hear about the passing of his father.  I don't do the Twitter thing anyway, so I'll just have to live without the answer.  If he was hired sometime in season 3, then I will assume he was hired as an actor first for Folsom, and then somehow later on either approached them or was approached by them for his current position.  The details really aren't that important, and it does seem like they're all pretty close now, so another good friendship made from this show.


On that note, it really does seem that they are fully aware of just how lucky they are to go to work every day on this particular set, with this particular group of people, and that they truly appreciate it.  That's nice to see.

  • Love 3

LOOOL.  Oh lordy. Jensen and Misha are idiots. LOL






I swear if we don't  get Jensen coming out of the shower.....



ETA: I mean 'idiots' in the best possible way...like just funny idiots doing funny things.

Edited by catrox14

I need to rant.


I've been reading comments on Jensen's FB page about how bad this YANA campaign is and how triggering the videos are.


I completely understand if one does not approve of the nature of the campaign. Fine, ignore the campaign, don't contribute. But I get the sense that the anger is specific to Misha like for existing...I guess.  I dunno. 


But what really chaps my hide is that they are bashing Misha personally on Jensen's page. It's 'concern' trolling.  They are literally calling him names, saying he's just trying to steal money; that Random Acts is a fake charity and how could Jensen be associated with such a thing. They are bashing other fans that want to be trained to be a support line volunteer.  JFC if you are bold enough to bash Misha on Jensen's page be a grown up and post it on Misha's page if that's the case. WTF?


They are suggesting that something must be wrong with Jensen's  state of mind if he would join with Misha on this. I've only been fandom adjacent for like a year now and I've seen some silly things (Destiel vs Wincest and shipping wars etc ) but this is a movement to actively undermine a good cause.  WTF?  I'm just befuddled at the ugliness of the whole thing. :(.

Edited by catrox14
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The problem with the videos is that they have a "HA HA, you have a stalker" vibe.  Which, of course, isn't funny.  I'm sure Jensen and Misha don't see it that way, but the recent one with the bathroom was a little cringe-worthy.  And, frankly, even my husband side-eyed the one with Misha, in a trench coat, "flashing" Jensen.  Creepers, you know?


About the rest, I don't read the comments on FB.  I did that once and a bunch of people attacked a girl, calling her a "whore" and whatnot.  It was awful.

  • Love 2

I took all those videos as completely playing on the Dean/Cas dynamic of Cas just randomly showing up out of thin air and being awkward because he's trying to be there for Dean.  Nothing more. Nothing less.


I have seen those comments about them being stalkery and I don't agree that is what they are doing or that they are mocking mental illness. I have been stalked myself personally by an abusive ex and never once did I get that stalker vibe from the videos.  


Even for those  that feel the campaign's humor is troublesome and not the best way to promote the campaign IMO why would they try to  undermine something that the funds will be used to specifically help SPN fans. Why ON EARTH would Jensen or Misha be involved with something that could be considered even slightly borderline criminal? 


It really boggles my mind.

  • Love 2

Obviously, our viewpoints are colored by our experiences.  Is it really such a stretch to think that people might be uncomfortable with the videos?  I'm glad that you didn't feel uncomfortable after your experience, but is it really fair to tell someone else who is uncomfortable that they're wrong?


I'm not saying that you said that, but some of the people in the comments did -- and worse.  It's discouraging to see people pile on a person who is only expressing concern over the "stalker vibe" of the videos.


Even more discouraging is the people who are calling for Misha to "stalk" Jensen in the shower.  (ETA  I've just realized that a shower scene was mentioned here as well.  I don't want to make anyone feel bad for saying that, but it does make me uncomfortable.)


I really hate what social media and the internet have done to us sometimes.  It's much, much too easy to attack other people because they're not really people, in our minds.  They're just a name on a screen.  And I don't understand how people can be so hurtful while supposedly supporting a campaign like You Are Not Alone.

Edited by Demented Daisy
  • Love 3

I have been seeing a lot of negativity toward YANA, and frankly, I don't get it either.  I think Jensen and Misha are just trying to give the fans what they want with these funny videos.  It's about providing a support network for anyone who's going through a difficult time for whatever reason, so why not try to bring a smile to people's faces?  I really think this is just a handful of "fans" who 1) don't like Misha (I've read a lot about how he doesn't have the right to do this campaign because he's not one of the main stars??  WTF?), 2) don't like the perception that Jared was left out of this campaign, or that he was an after thought, 3) think that Jensen and Misha are trying to steal Jared's thunder by starting their own campaign to compete with AKA, or 4) don't like the fact that Jensen is being friendly with Misha when he's supposed to be Jared's friend only.  


All of these reasons are extremely juvenile and pathetic.  I honestly had no idea there was so much competition between the different factions within the SPN fan base.  It really is ridiculous, considering this is something the actors are doing specifically for these very fans.  Social media is a wonderful thing...not.


Edit to add...if YANA was specifically about people who have dealt with stalking, then I can see how these videos could be construed as insensitive.  But it's about showing support for people who are going through difficult times, and letting them know that other people are here to help them and that they don't have to suffer alone.  I suppose anything they might do in a video could trigger a response in someone, so maybe they should have done these videos without the humor and just played them completely straight.  As Catrox stated, these videos are a direct reflection of the type of relationship Jensen and Misha have, and they're just playing off that. Had I not seen all of the over-the-top childish responses to this campaign, I might be more inclined to feel that the guys had crossed a line.  

Edited by MysteryGuest
  • Love 3

Obviously, our viewpoints are colored by our experiences.  Is it really such a stretch to think that people might be uncomfortable with the videos?  I'm glad that you didn't feel uncomfortable after your experience, but is it really fair to tell someone else who is uncomfortable that they're wrong?


I'm not saying that you said that, but some of the people in the comments did -- and worse.  It's discouraging to see people pile on a person who is only expressing concern over the "stalker vibe" of the videos.


Even more discouraging is the people who are calling for Misha to "stalk" Jensen in the shower.  (ETA  I've just realized that a shower scene was mentioned here as well.  I don't want to make anyone feel bad for saying that, but it does make me uncomfortable.)


I really hate what social media and the internet have done to us sometimes.  It's much, much too easy to attack other people because they're not really people, in our minds.  They're just a name on a screen.  And I don't understand how people can be so hurtful while supposedly supporting a campaign like You Are Not Alone.



I wasn't dismissing those who felt triggered by it, like at all. I pretty much said that in not so many words. My experience is not reflective of everyone and I was in no way speaking for everyone. By the same token those who have dealt with stalking and are not bothered by it should not be spoken for by those that have an issues. Do you see my point?


Either way there is no excuse for trying to drag these actors who don't owe us a fucking thing and see a need in the fandom. The campaign is not ONLY for those who experience issues but for those that support those with issues too. It's for any fan who needs support and feels alone.


It seems to me that Jensen and Misha had figured the fans would see the humor as it relates to Dean/Cas and Misha/Jensen. 

  • Love 2

What did I say?  I said that you didn't say that:



Obviously, our viewpoints are colored by our experiences.  Is it really such a stretch to think that people might be uncomfortable with the videos?  I'm glad that you didn't feel uncomfortable after your experience, but is it really fair to tell someone else who is uncomfortable that they're wrong?


I'm not saying that you said that, but some of the people in the comments did -- and worse.  


I don't think you see my point.  My point is that people are uncomfortable with the videos -- for whatever reason -- and they are being attacked for it.  And that is wrong.



I wasn't dismissing those who felt triggered by it, like at all. I pretty much said that in not so many words. My experience is not reflective of everyone and I was in no way speaking for everyone. By the same token those who have dealt with stalking and are not bothered by it should not be spoken for by those that have an issues. Do you see my point?


So you're not speaking for everyone, but people are speaking for you?


I don't know who's speaking for anyone but themselves.  I know I sure as hell am only speaking for myself.

I think two separate things are being discussed here.

There are people who think the videos can be triggering. I can see that, actually; I actually tweeted to J and M that one of the videos verged on creepy, and I'm not triggered at all. Nothin' to trigger. But they do edge on a pervy vibe, even though they're funny.

Then there are the people who are all down on YANA because Misha's involved with it, because...? He's coming between Jared and Jensen? He's not one of the "stars" of the show? God only knows; there's a small, very vocal subgroup that has this attitude, and I think they're just gross and real live creepy people who hide behind the safety of the typed word.

  • Love 3

What did I say?  I said that you didn't say that:




I don't think you see my point.  My point is that people are uncomfortable with the videos -- for whatever reason -- and they are being attacked for it.  And that is wrong.




So you're not speaking for everyone, but people are speaking for you?


I don't know who's speaking for anyone but themselves.  I know I sure as hell am only speaking for myself.


I was trying to make a point. Clearly badly. 


Those who speak of their own personal reactions (me) are not speaking for the entirety of those have a bad experience.


I have seen comments that have painted Misha and Jensen and the campaign with a broad brush like "it's not respectful of mental illness or those that have been stalked" . That is speaking for everyone IMO.


In any case, it doesn't warrant the abuse that IMO the actors are being subjected to,  who again owe us nothing, are trying to accomplish.

  • Love 1

I can see how some folks who maybe don't know what dorks the entire cast is could be put off by the videos. They're basically saying they're raising money to help people with mental illness, but also making a joke of it and another issue. Personally, I thought some of it was clever and some of it may have went to far, but I also know enough to know they are trying to do something good--and they're complete dorks. 


I just think the bigger problem is social media allows people to react loudly and strongly before knowing all the facts. We're such a reactionary society anymore and I believe we're addicted to drama. If you're not outraged about something, you're not alive it seems. The whole thing is very exhausting. That's why I stay away from a good portion of those places who just have people trying to shout louder than the person shouting at them--no twitter, facebook, tumbler, instagram, etc for me.


I say, good for Misha and Jensen for actually doing something more than just selling T-shirts, though.

  • Love 5

You know what's really sad? So much of this backlash could've been avoided. Not mentioning #AKF when they kickstarted this campaign was bound to piss people off. I thought it was weird and most of my fandom related knowledge comes from reading this thread. It's not difficult to foresee that people invested in #AKF and/or Padalecki were not going to be happy about the lack of acknowledgement on either the creation or RA web pages. Obviously, they didn't have to do it and Padalecki doesn't own mental health issues. But sometimes a little graciousness goes a long way.

I thought it was back on track with the first livestream. But the promotion for the campaign seems to have led to a backlash yet again. From what I can tell, people are upset that the actors are mocking their own tag line with stalking videos. Particularly within the context of a mental health campaign. I don't think it takes a genius to expect that some would think it's hilarious, while others hate it.

I'm hoping the funny videos have run their course and the two will do a serious one talking about the cause because I think it's a shame if a worthy issue is not getting all the funding it deserves due to some people not being able to separate the promotion from the campaign. And that's not to put all the blame on fandom either. Like I said, I think a lot of the backlash could've been avoided and that's on whoever came up with the marketing for #YANA.

  • Love 1

It doesn't help that Gwyneth Paltrow's alleged stalker was just acquitted.  It's really hard to convict these people and it touches a nerve.


I don't blame Jensen or Misha.  It's hard to imagine how things will affect other people when you've never been in that position.  Maybe they should have had Jensen in front of a whiteboard, trying to solve a really difficult equation or getting stuck fixing the car -- situations you wouldn't expect to find Jensen in -- then have Misha step in and offer to help.  Written correctly, it could still get the point across and be comical without that "stalker vibe".


Comedy is so subjective.  You'll never make everybody laugh.

  • Love 2

Quite frankly, from what I`ve seen in this fandom, I`d say at least 90 % of the "this is so horrible" commenters would squee and get heart eyes if they saw the exact same videos, but just with Jared and Jensen. Absolutely nothing would be triggering then. It´s been nothing but shipper wars for years now and it gets worse every year. 



Not mentioning #AKF when they kickstarted this campaign was bound to piss people off.


Which actually pisses me off. All I got from it was basically "but what about MY favourite celebrity?" "MY favourite celebrity always has to be involved and come first,." The reverse is never true.


Jensen has become somewhat of an accessory, either to one fan-group with Jared or the other with Misha. And it`s betrayal to the other one if he does anything with the "enemy" guy. But both share the not being interested in him on his own in the slightest. As someone who is interested in him first and foremost, I couldn`t care less if those people are pissed off. I don`t have to worship their favourite celebrity and the entitlement of it boggles my mind.   

  • Love 3


ou know what's really sad? So much of this backlash could've been avoided. Not mentioning #AKF when they kickstarted this campaign was bound to piss people off. I thought it was weird and most of my fandom related knowledge comes from reading this thread. It's not difficult to foresee that people invested in #AKF and/or Padalecki were not going to be happy about the lack of acknowledgement on either the creation or RA web pages. Obviously, they didn't have to do it and Padalecki doesn't own mental health issues. But sometimes a little graciousness goes a long way.



Jensen and Jared are literally best friends.  Jensen and Jared know each other better than anyone else on the planet.  They themselves have said this repeatedly. They have been in each others'  hip pocket from the day they met more or less. They work together 12 hours a day, 5 or 6 days t week.  They are practically next door neighbors in Austin. They take family vacations together. They are nearly always together even away from set.  This is a fact.


Jared being open about his mental health issues does not make his issues new.  It seems pretty obvious to me he's dealt with it his whole life and thus Jensen has dealt with it too for at least the 11 years they've been friends and co-workers. 


So together they formed the PACK (Padalecki/Ackles) fund to fund various charitable organizations beyond the AKF Represent t-shirt fundraising campaigns. They themselves from the get-go said they would be working jointly with Random Acts/Misha. It's right there on the box(so to speak). 


Considering all of the above, I find it nearly impossible to believe that Jared had no involvement in the YANA campaign in some way from the get go even if it's BTS. I find it even more impossible to believe that anyone who pays even a little attention to J2's friendship would think Jared was excluded on any level. 



It seems to me starting a support hotline thing takes MONTHS AND MONTHS of planning...maybe even a YEAR of planning. You don't just pull something like that together in a couple of weeks.


I'm of the opinion that J2M were very aware of the divisions in the SPN fandom. They go to all the conventions. They talk to fans. They know there a Sam girls/Dean girls/Cas fans, and Destiel shippers and Wincest shippers. I'm sure those 3 have their people who read the Facebook pages and they also read their own occasionally, unless someone else is replying on Facebook for them, which is always possible, but I do think they at least occasionally do things on it themselves. They have done FB livestreams together.  Jensen plays the Luddite Grampa but that's all BS. He knows what's up.


The following is my theory of this entire thing. Just my opinion based on how I've seen it all play out.


IMO they saw BS in the fandom and decided together (J2M) to try and unite the fandom for a good cause. It's pretty genius if you ask me.


I think they decided on a two pronged attack (so to speak) leading to the same river of awareness and tangible help through the idea of the SPNFamily. 


IIRC, Jensen designed and put his face on the first SPNFamily t-shirt before Jared did the first AKF campaign. It was very quiet and IMO was testing the waters, of the fandom's willingness to support something. It planted the first seed of "SPN Family" in a formal way along with celebrating 10 years of SPN.  Jensen used the Don Corleone 'A man who doesn't spend time with his family, can never be a real man" 'Here's to the SPN Family theme and with a bit of goofy Jensen humor IMO from the perspective of being the elder sibling/friend.  It was not promoted much but they still sold 8000+ shirts.  Again, IMO a test.


Shortly thereafter came Jared's face on the first Always Keep Fighting campaign and him PUBLICLY sharing his own struggles with depression which IMO Jensen has long known.  Jared is the spokesperson for Mental Health Awareness in the SPN Family; The side that says "Yes, this is an issue I personally suffer but I will Always Keep Fighting and so should you".  #SPNFamily theme reinforced.


Then came the joint tshirt with both Jared and Jensen's blended face. Always Keep Fighting together is the message.


Next was the 3rd shirt Jared and the moose antlers and then 4th shirt campaign which did not feature either Jared or Jensen's face but had as the anti- possession tattoo, surrounded by Always Keep Fighting and SPN Family.  Reinforcing the theme of SPN Family helping each other other..IMO


Now it's Jensen with Misha on #YouAreNotAlone side of the equation, the support/coping side of it. Humor is subjective of course, but the use of humor as a coping mechanism is not a bad thing. Clearly not everyone found the humor of it, but the t-shirts being sold is the point of the campaign not the videos. It's stressing that YOU ARE NOT ALONE even if you think you are. I do think most look beyond the videos to the purpose of the campaign which is to raise money to fund a support helpline and to get fans to actually do something to help each other instead of fighting with each other.  I don't see how that is a bad thing on any level. 


I'll bet dollars to donuts the next campaign will involve all 3 of their faces or none of their faces and will be a blending of Always Keep Fighting because Your Are Not Alone and You Are Not Alone so please Always Keep Fighting.  It's the next logical progression for me. 


Heh, I've also wondered if they are setting up a support system for fans by fans because they are going to announce the end  of the show. That was kind of a joke, kind of not. 


These campaigns IMO are not done in a vacuum without all Jensen and Jared being involved together whether it's publicly acknowledged or not.

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 1

Jensen and Jared are literally best friends.  Jensen and Jared know each other better than anyone else on the planet.  They themselves have said this repeatedly. They have been in each others'  hip pocket from the day they met more or less. They work together 12 hours a day, 5 or 6 days t week.  They are practically next door neighbors in Austin. They take family vacations together. They are nearly always together even away from set.  This is a fact.


Jared being open about his mental health issues does not make his issues new.  It seems pretty obvious to me he's dealt with it his whole life and thus Jensen has dealt with it too for at least the 11 years they've been friends and co-workers. 


So together they formed the PACK (Padalecki/Ackles) fund to fund various charitable organizations beyond the AKF Represent t-shirt fundraising campaigns. They themselves from the get-go said they would be working jointly with Random Acts/Misha. It's right there on the box(so to speak). 


Considering all of the above, I find it nearly impossible to believe that Jared had no involvement in the YANA campaign in some way from the get go even if it's BTS. I find it even more impossible to believe that anyone who pays even a little attention to J2's friendship would think Jared was excluded on any level. 



It seems to me starting a support hotline thing takes MONTHS AND MONTHS of planning...maybe even a YEAR of planning. You don't just pull something like that together in a couple of weeks.


I'm of the opinion that J2M were very aware of the divisions in the SPN fandom. They go to all the conventions. They talk to fans. They know there a Sam girls/Dean girls/Cas fans, and Destiel shippers and Wincest shippers. I'm sure those 3 have their people who read the Facebook pages and they also read their own occasionally, unless someone else is replying on Facebook for them, which is always possible, but I do think they at least occasionally do things on it themselves. They have done FB livestreams together.  Jensen plays the Luddite Grampa but that's all BS. He knows what's up.


The following is my theory of this entire thing. Just my opinion based on how I've seen it all play out.


IMO they saw BS in the fandom and decided together (J2M) to try and unite the fandom for a good cause. It's pretty genius if you ask me.


I think they decided on a two pronged attack (so to speak) leading to the same river of awareness and tangible help through the idea of the SPNFamily. 


IIRC, Jensen designed and put his face on the first SPNFamily t-shirt before Jared did the first AKF campaign. It was very quiet and IMO was testing the waters, of the fandom's willingness to support something. It planted the first seed of "SPN Family" in a formal way along with celebrating 10 years of SPN.  Jensen used the Don Corleone 'A man who doesn't spend time with his family, can never be a real man" 'Here's to the SPN Family theme and with a bit of goofy Jensen humor IMO from the perspective of being the elder sibling/friend.  It was not promoted much but they still sold 8000+ shirts.  Again, IMO a test.


Shortly thereafter came Jared's face on the first Always Keep Fighting campaign and him PUBLICLY sharing his own struggles with depression which IMO Jensen has long known.  Jared is the spokesperson for Mental Health Awareness in the SPN Family; The side that says "Yes, this is an issue I personally suffer but I will Always Keep Fighting and so should you".  #SPNFamily theme reinforced.


Then came the joint tshirt with both Jared and Jensen's blended face. Always Keep Fighting together is the message.


Next was the 3rd shirt Jared and the moose antlers and then 4th shirt campaign which did not feature either Jared or Jensen's face but had as the anti- possession tattoo, surrounded by Always Keep Fighting and SPN Family.  Reinforcing the theme of SPN Family helping each other other..IMO


Now it's Jensen with Misha on #YouAreNotAlone side of the equation, the support/coping side of it. Humor is subjective of course, but the use of humor as a coping mechanism is not a bad thing. Clearly not everyone found the humor of it, but the t-shirts being sold is the point of the campaign not the videos. It's stressing that YOU ARE NOT ALONE even if you think you are. I do think most look beyond the videos to the purpose of the campaign which is to raise money to fund a support helpline and to get fans to actually do something to help each other instead of fighting with each other.  I don't see how that is a bad thing on any level. 


I'll bet dollars to donuts the next campaign will involve all 3 of their faces or none of their faces and will be a blending of Always Keep Fighting because Your Are Not Alone and You Are Not Alone so please Always Keep Fighting.  It's the next logical progression for me. 


Heh, I've also wondered if they are setting up a support system for fans by fans because they are going to announce the end  of the show. That was kind of a joke, kind of not. 


These campaigns IMO are not done in a vacuum without all Jensen and Jared being involved together whether it's publicly acknowledged or not.


I agree with everything you said.  Jensen even spoke at the last con about Jared's problems last summer and how Danneel was right there with Gen and Jared supporting them while Jensen was still overseas.  He spoke of how they are all best friends (family). Paraphrasing of course.  But that right there along with everything else they let us see, you can tell they are best friends and brothers.

  • Love 2

I can't help but wonder if part of the reason Jensen and Misha have taken YANA on alone is to give Jared a bit of a break.  He made AKA very personal by admitting that he has, and still does, suffer from depression.  It can be very difficult for someone who does struggle with depression, to be able to listen to others talk of their struggles, and not take on that burden, as well.  There was talk last year that Jared had broken down at a few of the cons when fans had made particularly heart-wrenching comments to him.  I understand that people mean well, and genuinely wanted to thank him for helping them, but that may be more than he can handle, emotionally, because of his own issues.  


Jensen was extremely concerned for Jared last year when he had to leave the con tour and go home.  I know they chalked it up to simple exhaustion, but I don't really buy that, in light of Jared's own tweets.  YANA may be their attempt to shift some of the focus from Jared, and put it more on the professionals who can help these people the most.  And I am in no way saying this as a criticism of Jared.  If the campaign was beginning to affect his own mental health, something needed to be done.  I know he would never have wanted to end AKF, but this is a way for them to still help people, while helping Jared, as well.  

  • Love 6

She could always brighten it up with a light grey border to offset all the black, you know! ;)


I got more caught up wondering how difficult the stretchy material would be to quilt.

I think you use a backing material.  I know my Mom did it years ago.  She's since passed but I'll ask my sister how it held up.

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