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Canada's Worst Driver - General Discussion

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Krystal... just wow...  Most of them seem to be the standard fair, but Krystal scares me. No wonder the road crew refused to drive with her; just what the static cameras got was scary enough.  And then she sobbed because 'Andrew was mean to her'. He's barely warming up; I'm getting the feeling that she is the type that's a maniac on the road, then starts sobbing for pity after. Basically, a selfish B- as Andrew described her. 


And (another?) Mustang pays the price for our edutainment. I don't think this one will survive either. 

Krystal isn't just a bad driver, she is a nasty person with serious anger issues. 

There is no way I'd get in a car with her. I don't blame the camera operators for now getting in the car with her. I'm surprised her brother gets in with her!

i think the 41 year old new driver will be the first grad. She just need a confidence boast 

A good call for the graduation. Coby seemed to legitimately have his revelation and it seemed to take (or else he's a damn good actor). Regardless, his driving skills are perfectly fine, it's his attitude that needed adjustment. Keeping him on for more eps may even have done more harm than good.

Amrindar may be the next graduate; he needed some skill corrections but seems to be improving and learning.

Tyler will be a mid pack graduate. He's starting to see the light, but needs his skills refined a bit more and the DUI needs to be stamped out for good.

Mike will probably last until the end, just for the theraputic effect the show provides. He won't be CWD, but he does needs the confidence boost and the healing.

Daniella will be a late graduate. She needs a huge confidence boost in driving, but once she gets it she'll probably be fine. 

Diana seems to be getting over her need for the spiritual knick-knacks. I could easily see her graduating in the next ep or two.

Lou, like Daniella, needs a major confidence boost. A late graduate but once again, if she can boost herself she should be fine.


And finally, without a doubt, CWD this season (if not all time) is Krystal. What the hell is so g-d damn important that you need to text or message of whatever it every minute of the day? And she seems so naive about the danger around her. She's controlling a multi-tonne machine travelling at 100+kph with all the risks inherent in it, and she doesn't see the risk. And her attitude.... complaining to the panel that "Andrew said mean things to me!"  and expecting to get coddled. At this point the only way she won't be CWD is if she quits before the end, and I could easily see that happening. She couldn't be more Me-lennial if she tried. 

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Just found out this was back and am catching up on the website. Wow Diana is a nut, she's a sub teacher? and she's driving around my city? I was expecting the usual assortment of assholes, idiots, and crybabies, can't wait to see the aforementioned Krystal if she gets the "top" honours over Diana.

Edit: And krystal is from Edmonton too?! oy

Edited by MrWhyt

I agree. She is the worst by far, and is already quitting challenges, and is cocky enough to think she can't be taught anything more. Next week judging by the promos she'll probably walk out. Hopefully after or because of the distracted driving challenge. 

What did she say? 3 texts a minute for 21 hours a day or so? What the hell is so damn important to be sending that many messages out so often? Ugh.... :(


As for the ep itself, Either of the possible graduates would have been good. I think Amrinder was the good choice, especially with distracted driving coming up. He seemed to get it for the most part; mainly he had to lose his Indian driving habits and develop Canadian driving habits.


Tyler and Diana could easily be among the next two graduates. Both seem to have had their Eureka moments, but just need a bit more time to prove they have learned their lessons.


I wonder if they'll award the CWD Trophy in absentium to Krystal even if she does quit. No one else seems as bad as her; even if some of them are really scary. 

To be honest, I'm kind of wondering if she's actually on Twitter etc. instead of texting. You can certainly get away with a lot more nastiness on social media than you usually can in an actual friendship and she does remind me of people who are social media celebrities in their own minds because a celeb follows them. The only question is why the show would say texting if she was actually on s.m? Would it be a licensing thing or just the show trying to keep people away from her feed (I'm assuming there are some pretty nasty posts about my dear Andrew, for example)?

"Texting" is the general catch-all phrase for doing stuff on your phone while driving. It covers actual SMS texts, tweets, FB posts, G+ posts, and everything else that would distract you while driving basically.  There might be some legal reasons not to use "Tweet" or similar, but "Texting" is generally known to cover everything. 

I do wonder if the show has access to her accounts (ie if they 'friended' her or 'follow' her) and if they do, if they'll do a 'text dump' of everything she's saying during the show at some point. 

Diane seemed to get it. She'll probably still a lot of her totems with her; but hopefully she'll be less distracted going forward. And her skills did improve a lot. So I have no problem with her leaving.

Krystal still just Does Not Get It. Everyone's trying to help her, but she just sees it as attacks. Admittedly some of the show antics can be challenging but sometimes its needed. 


And she killed the poor mustang. :( 

Every time ti looks like Krystal takes a step forward, she jumps back big time.

I get the feeling they're picking their fights with her. If they were progressing on the distracted driving front then they might have addressed the shoes; but for now, they have bigger issues to solve. (And at least bare feet are better than high heels for driving).

Pretty much as expected. I'm surprised they weren't planning on doing a trailer backup challenge this year; IMO that's as useful a skill as many of the highspeed skids and so forth they do. (If not more useful a skill). 

Got no qualms with who went home; in fact at this point, I'd have no qualms with anyone but Krystal being sent home. She's head and shoulders above everyone else for the worse, that I can barely remember what the rest are doing. I almost feel a bit sorry for them too; the show has to spend so much time on Krystal I have to wonder if everyone else is getting as much attention as they would normally get. 


As for Krystal, she's drunk heavily of the "Millennials are spess-shul" kool-aid. News flash to Krystal: There is nothing special about being born around the turn of the century. And the world is a harsh place that isn't going to coddle you no matter how many tantrums you throw. Sure Andrew is being harsh on you; he's trying to teach you the skills that will probably save your life, and the lives of people around the roads you drive on. He has nothing he needs to apologize for. 

I did love the Crewmember working in the back of the RV when Krystal had her tantrum. You could tell what was going on in his head. "Just keep working. Keep fiddling with this device. Do not react. Do not look over.... Aw screw it, I'm outta here."


What's sad too, is that Krystal is starting to show some skills and is starting to learn. But she's so g-d full of herself that the lessons are not taking fully. 

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This whole "I'm a millennial so you have to treat me with kid gloves" argument might fly if not for Cody, Daniella and her own brother all being about the same age as Krystal, and yet not displaying anything like the level of entitlement that she does (Daniella can seem like a drama queen at times, but that's not exclusive to millennials by a long shot).

Right now it's looking like it's between Krystal and Tyler for the worst. Though I'm a little worried that either Daniella or (less likely) Lou will pull a Jillian and end up getting named the worst by default due to not being able to finish the road test, which'll just validate Krystal's delusions about being a good driver.

So this is the 6th episode and this is the first time we find out Tyler has a brain injury.  My husband and I figured he did, its noticeable in his speech patterns, but they didn't think to mention it to the show people?  Also, it really makes me angry when people say "Fustrating, fustration, fustrated....."  I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it does.


I also have to add if anyone in my life acted the way Krystal does, they would not be in my life.  She is the most horrible person I've ever been exposed to.  I'm surprised someone hasn't decked her yet.

Edited by muffkins

I feel like Andrew was trying to be extra nice and extra attentive to Krystal, because she said that she doesn't handle 'harsh' comments well. But she still acted badly, which only frustrated Andrew even more. You can't win with her. It's not a millennial thing, it's just a bad attitude and spoiled behaviour.

I'm terrified for Andrew. The next episode is going to be rough for him.

Mom and I were talking a bit; she really seems bipolar. At one moment she's angrier than the birds, the next she's a bit apologetic, but still refuses to acknowledge she's done anything wrong. She always blames someone (anyone) else for her problems. When she does focus, she does have skills... but she can't seem to focus nor do what she should be doing.

Tyler won't be the worst driver; he was on the short list this week, and either could have graduated. He should be fine in the finals. 

Darlene is the wild card; if she melts down on the final challenge then that might nudge out Krystal; but I doubt that will happen. 


Congrats on Episode 100! It's been a long road that none of the drivers could ever back down. :)

I unfortunately have a niece who could be a Krystal clone and close to the same age. She doesn't really care what others may think of her since she's perfect in her own eyes.

The one thing that she does know ... if you go to a public place and start shouting, throwing things around, and have a full-out tantrum, people will generally give you what you want just to get you to leave and stop making a scene. I've seen it happen in the past, even when it was clearly her own fault something didn't work, or broke, or whatever.

Last season, Chaney said she cried and then gave the instructor a hug, and ended up getting her drivers license. I can picture Krystal yelling and stomping around until the instructor gave in and gave her a license.

Well, who didn't see THAT coming?

This episode just goes to show that Krystal is her own worst enemy. Had she actually bothered to put some effort into driving safely and not being so needlessly dickish towards Andrew, odds are Daniella would have been named the worst for her meltdown on the highway. And really, there was no reason other than her own selfishness that Krystal couldn't have had the same sort of redemption arc that Tyler ended up getting.

What a depressing finale; all because of Krystal's attitude and dickishness. Frankly, her days are numbered; I'm dreading the day when I see "Canada's Worst Driver involved in a fatal accident" headline on my newsfeeds. :( 


I am glad they reworked the trophy and awarded it to Tyler. He legitimately improved through the series, and unlike Krystal, the lessons on Drunk driving really seemed to take hold in him. His final run for the most part was pretty decent. Even on the road challenge, I'd mark a lot of it up to the pressure of the show and unfamiliarity with the area. The final eps, he was relaxed, having fun while still respecting the challenges and the vehicles; a good sign that he was over his bad-driving hump. He also seemed to get a kick over getting the trophy too. 


Daniella could've been the worst, especially after the road challenge. But she did improve through the show. She just needs more lessons and a major confidence boost. She's driving in KW, which has a major highway artery (Route 8) along with the 401 between Kitchener and Cambridge; but the other roads would be enough for her to get around. And Transit in those cities isn't bad; she could get around without a car if she wanted to (especially once the ION Light Rail starts running). Hopefully she will continue the lessons post-show; being away from the cameras and with a focused instructor will help her now.


And back to Krystal.... I get the feeling everyone knew that she was CWD, including her. And everyone knew if they tried to give her the trophy, she'd smash it right then and there on camera. I really don't know what more could have been done for her. She's alienated everyone on the show, and her own brother. Hell, she managed to make Andrew lose his cool and walk out of the car; something that I think has only happened maybe once or twice before maybe? And of course as soon as she was alone in the RoadTest car, out came that damn phone. I suspect the number of folk who didn't want to smash that damn thing on the cast and crew numbered in the single digits. 


I really hope Krystal will get some help. I tend not to be very observant of other people in general; but even I could tell she's really bi-polar or manic depressive or something. Cam mentioned her extreme mood swings in the final assessment, and I suspect the show danced around trying to diagnose her; but really, I can't see any other explanation for what we saw. She swung wildly from Angry at the World and all around it; to almost normal, and back through the course of the day and the course of the challenges. 


Probably as a side effect of Krystal's mania; I noticed they didn't focus on proper footwear this season. Both Krystal and Daniella were flipflopping/sandalling while driving. Granted sandals are better than the High Heels that usually drew a footwear lesson. I suspect between how much time they had to spend babysitting Krystal, and the fact that Sandals aren't too bad for driving in; they decided not to show (or not to bother) with the footwear talks. 


Final thought on the season, once again is on Krystal. I really hope the cops in Edmonton are watching closely for her and going to nail her for every infraction they can land on her, just to get her off the road. My sister lives in Edmonton and drives alot, and I'm honestly scared to think that she's in the same city as that maniac. 

Edited by Taeolas
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50 minutes ago, Taeolas said:

My sister lives in Edmonton and drives alot, and I'm honestly scared to think that she's in the same city as that maniac. 

I'm in Edmonton and am very thankful that I drive a big truck and she seems to be in a tiny car, so I should come out ahead on any possible encounters with her. 

As for the finale I was worried that Danielle might sneak into the lead with her meltdown, but Krystal performed like she has all season and pulled out the "win".

Edited by MrWhyt

I feel like once Daniella gets a major confidence boast, she'll be a good driver. She did show initiative on the show and did improve a bit, but she let her nerves get the best of her. On Facebook, she mentioned that she has been improving more and recently got her G licenses so I'm glad that she's improving.

I was smiling along with Tyler on the show. He's shown a lot of growth and I think he benefited the most from this experience. Plus he got a couple of shirts from Andrew too.

As for Krystal....I'm glad I don't live in Edmonton. The sad thing is that she isn't a bad driver when she puts in some effort, it's just that she doesn't care and would rather lash out or cry for attention. It's frustrating to watch, because she has potential but refuses to use it. I really hope she gets the help that she needs, if she is suffering from something, and takes some classes. Otherwise she will eventually kill someone.

5 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

The sad thing is that she isn't a bad driver when she puts in some effort, it's just that she doesn't care and would rather lash out or cry for attention.

yeah in terms of skills she was certainly better than Daniella and at least as good as Tyler. She's just a terrible terrible person.

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Add me to the chorus of "Glad I'm not in Edmonton"! 

I'd like to say that Krystal has some kind of undiagnosed, yet treatable, mental illness that will eventually, and with help, improve, but there's a... I guess a level of calculation in her interactions that make me think this isn't the first time that she has had to talk with frustrated educators and mental health professionals and she just. does. not. care. Scary. I am kind of curious to know her back story, though. Her brother seems pretty stable, yet Crystal taught herself to drive which says something not too nice about parental involvement. I wonder if that had to do with nasty life stuff or if Krystal's constant tantrums made it impossible for an adult to teacher her to drive in the first place. 

Anyway, I felt Andrew's educator pain and if anyone associated with this show reads the forum, tell Andrew I sent him many virtual hugs this season. He was amazingly patient with this nonsense. 

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She may indeed have BPD, but I think she's also a raging narcissist. Krystal plain doesn't seem to care about other people, disorder or not. Of course she's claiming that she's all better now; perhaps she is. But I think this is more of a Cover Your Ass situation than any actual progress. I still hope that my friends in Edmonton are never on the same road as her and I thank the deity of your choice that I live in Vancouver.

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