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Gemma Teller Morrow: Long Live The Queen


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I hate Gemma with the heat of a thousand burning suns. I hated her before she killed Tara and before she set up the Chinese for Tara's death. I think that the real reason she killed Tara is because Jax loved Tara more than he loved his mother. I hope that Jax finds out that Gemma was the person who really was responsible for the death of his father.

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I think Sutter's goal is to show the audience that no one ever gets out of this life, so I fully expect one of the final scenes of the series to be Gemma holding a little toy motorcycle in front of Thomas, saying, "You want one these, don't you?", or something similar, while Abel keeps staring at nothing with those blank eyes of his, a mini-Jax in training.  Jax himself will probably be dead or on the run, but Gemma will be there for her boys, just like she always has been. *shudder*

Edited by Billina
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WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE?!?!?! Just kidding. Maybe.


Gemma is an interesting character for me because I really did like her a lot as a character in the beginning of this series.  I have never, ever, done such a 180 in my feelings for a character before.  My biggest fear for this last season is that she just gets away with everything.  Even if Jax figures it out, I would not put it past her to kill Jax so she can raise "the boys" (seriously, why did they bother even naming them? Jax should've just tattooed "Da Boys" on his chest.) on her own in some sick, smotherly, incestuous vibe kind the way.  Long story short, Gemma gonna be Gemma. If that happens, How I Met Your Mother will still have the most show ruining finale of all time, but SOA would have put up a good fight for it.

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I don't want Gemma to die at the end, I want her to lose everything. I want to see every single person turn their back on her and for her to be left with nothing. Death would be too good for Gemma at this point, she deserves to suffer for all the pain she's caused. I imagine the worst punishment would be seeing her son, grandchildren, and the club live life as though she no longer exists.

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I think the only fitting end for Gemma would be losing everyone, even Da Boyz.  I agree that death is too good for her.  After all the shit she's pulled, the most satisfying ending would be Gemma left with nothing, just some broken down old broad stuck in Charming.


I still love watching Gemma, though.  When she was talking to Tara at the sink, she gave me chills.  Bitch is finally being pushed over the edge, and it's scary and fascinating to watch.

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I think the only fitting end for Gemma would be losing everyone, even Da Boyz.  I agree that death is too good for her.  After all the shit she's pulled, the most satisfying ending would be Gemma left with nothing, just some broken down old broad stuck in Charming.

     I think a "Vic Mackey-esque" ending for Gemma  would be very satisfying.  I'd love to see the Queen Bee de-throned.  

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I couldn't have put it better myself. This is the exact way I felt about Clay...HATED him, but at the same time loved watching him.

My husband laughed at me because I got a little teary eyed when they burned Clay's tattoo off.  I also felt kind of bad for him when he died...that there, my friends, is good acting.  I feel the same with Gemma (just like with Clay), I despised their actions but for some odd reason, I found myself routing for them.

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My husband laughed at me because I got a little teary eyed when they burned Clay's tattoo off.  I also felt kind of bad for him when he died...that there, my friends, is good acting.  I feel the same with Gemma (just like with Clay), I despised their actions but for some odd reason, I found myself routing for them.


 I feel the same. Despite every rotten thing he did it was sad to see the old warhorse go down. Not only stellar acting but his motivations were and Gemma's are clear, they don't waver. That's good writing as well. I didn't agree with him and I don't with Gemma but why she does her twisted deeds is for family. The club counts as family but Tara didn't. Gemma first, then family, that has not changed, no matter what. Tara almost made the list but then she betrayed Gemma and was permanently off. JMO

Everyone else wavers in loyalties and motivations but these two never did, never will.

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Guest Accused Dingo

I love me the villains. When everyone else is wishing them dead I am wishing them victory. Honestly a part of me is hoping Gemma survives. I have twisted little fantasy of her holding Thomas singing him a lullaby, the new prince. The last surviving Teller (Jax and Able are dead). With the club in the room having a meeting. Status quo remains. Gemma wins. But it has to be a really creepy lullaby.

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 I feel the same. Despite every rotten thing he did it was sad to see the old warhorse go down. Not only stellar acting but his motivations were and Gemma's are clear, they don't waver. That's good writing as well. I didn't agree with him and I don't with Gemma but why she does her twisted deeds is for family. The club counts as family but Tara didn't. Gemma first, then family, that has not changed, no matter what. Tara almost made the list but then she betrayed Gemma and was permanently off. JMO

Everyone else wavers in loyalties and motivations but these two never did, never will.

I wanted to ask. Do you think Gemma every really cared about Tara? It seemed like they got along in season 2, 3 and 4.

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I wanted to ask. Do you think Gemma every really cared about Tara? It seemed like they got along in season 2, 3 and 4.

Good question.  I think Gemma always saw Tara as competition for Jax, and even when they got along, that never left her mind.  I don't think she ever loved Tara, or was capable of loving Tara.  She might have acted the part for a few seasons, but no matter what, Tara was always the bitch who was pulling Jax away from the club and the family, in Gemma's eyes.  That's how I see it.

Edited by Billina
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I think Gemma cared about Tara because Jax did and as a mother to her grandchild but as a person, no. She was not trustworthy in Gemma's opinion. She originally broke Jax's heart by leaving him and Charming and it was always going to an uphill battle for Tara to get that back. They were okay for a while but Gemma knew the only reason Tara didn't tell Jax about Gemma's part in the murder of his Father was that Tara lost the proof. After the faked miscarriage, Tara's days were numbered.

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From the very beginning of the series Gemma's been obsessed with ensuring Jax lives the life she wants for him, right down to who manipulates and influences him. Tara was a wildcard, someone with ambition and ideas who saw more for her family than the SAMCRO path. 


My question -  Gemma completely obsessed with the power (wielding it through Clay and now Jax) or has it all been about getting Jax to the President patch?


I'm leaning more towards Jax simply being the way for Gemma to continue her reign. If it were possible I think she'd rip that President patch off of Jax and take control of the club herself.

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I wonder how Gemma and Tara got along when they were first dating, when they were teenagers.  We don't get much information about it but from what I gathered, Tara was into the life.  A little bit of a "wildchild" if you will, with Jax.  She got that stupid crow tattoo and all whatever happened and she left.  I guess I'm just wondering if that was when Gemma decided Tara cannot be trusted at all or if they've always had an antagonistic relationship.  I just cannot see Gemma genuinely liking any woman that Jax is with. No matter how into the life and "loyal" they are to the club, the fact that Jax loves them is enough for her to dislike/not trust them.  Because she is that creepy with her kid.


My question -  Gemma completely obsessed with the power (wielding it through Clay and now Jax) or has it all been about getting Jax to the President patch?

I don't think she would say no if the club was suddenly like "You know what Gemma, screw convention, we want you as president."  But I think her main goal is to stay Queen of the club without any of the "presidential" responsibilities.  I don't think she really has all that much interest in the day to day activities of a club.  She likes to be there for the big moments (generally doesn't have to do anything) but mainly I think she like her status as is.  It gives her a nice life and a sense of power without any real responsibilities.  It also gives her the thing that she likes best. Excuses that in her mind keeps her hands clean.  SHE hasn't actually done a whole lot of anything.  Sure she manipulates, but SHE doesn't take the action. SHE didn't torture and kill that poor asian dude.  Therefore SHE is not actually responsible for the actions of others even if she set it into motion.  At least that's how I think she thinks.

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Good question.  I think Gemma always saw Tara as competition for Jax, and even when they got along, that never left her mind.  I don't think she ever loved Tara, or was capable of loving Tara.  She might have acted the part for a few seasons, but no matter what, Tara was always the bitch who was pulling Jax away from the club and the family, in Gemma's eyes.  That's how I see it.

Thanks for the answer. Their relationship was so odd. When Gemma was attacked it was Tara that stepped up and helped her. I thought they kind of bonded. I didn't think about Tara being an adversary in Gemma's mind. I think your right. As long as Tara was listening to Gemma she was ok, but when she tried to break away.. it was over.

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I just cannot see Gemma genuinely liking any woman that Jax is with. No matter how into the life and "loyal" they are to the club, the fact that Jax loves them is enough for her to dislike/not trust them. 


Exactly. As far as that goes I'm not sure Gemma genuinely likes anyone.

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Guest Accused Dingo

From the S07.E04: Poor Little Lamb Episode Thread 


Umm yeah, Grandma's also a racist ( her comment toward the sherrif, ugh)



I Don't think Gemma is a racist.  At least not any more then anyone else on the show.  She just has no filter on her mouth.  She is the kind of person who will literally say any thing to get a reaction out of you.  The second episode of the first season Tara told her that everything comes around and that no one is untouchable.  Gemma response was "Do you want to touch me?"      When She was first sleeping with Nero she called him  spick pimp but he called her a drunken cracker milf and it was love.  If she was a true racist she wouldn't gone further with Nero.  She is an opportunist narcissist with no verbal filter.   She says things just to see what reaction she will get.    I actually think the comment she made to the sheriff is par for the course for her.  No better or worse then any one else.  Hell I am pretty sure she said worse to Stahl and she was hitting on her own son.  

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I think Gemma started as Gertrude, to be sure.  Perhaps she is Sutter's version of Gertrude if she had been allowed to fully fledge rather than being kept constrained by 17th Century England's expectations of a queen's portrayal?

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I think Gemma started as Gertrude, to be sure.  Perhaps she is Sutter's version of Gertrude if she had been allowed to fully fledge rather than being kept constrained by 17th Century England's expectations of a queen's portrayal?

  I think she's morphed from Gertrude to Lady Macbeth, with a tinge of Iago thrown in for good measure.....

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It seems to me, though, that Gemma is pretty predictable.  She's all about saving her family.  Blood first; brothers (the Club) second and an easy decision if the answer happens to be "both" (i.e., JT, Clay, Jax, Abel, Thomas.)  


Everyone and everything else is expendable.  

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I started a rewatch & just began season 1 this week.  It is amazing what a different character Gemma used to be.  She was evil from the beginning (what she did to Wendy was beyond horrible), but she was at least nuanced.  Now I feel like she morphed into a cartoon version of herself.

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