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Australian Survivor - General Discussion

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I wonder if they would have still done the twist if the Champions would have lost again. That would have made the tribes very lopsided in numbers.

Harry's plan was stupid. Assuming it would be a normal vote, if he had just kept his mouth shut, he knew they were already going to vote for him. The old champions weren't going to split the votes cuz they didn't have the numbers to do that. So why on earth would Harry want to float the idea that he has an idol, knowing it might shift the votes onto an unknown (Casey, Blond Guy, Shaun), but then try to get everyone to vote for him anyway by being an ass.  

Couples-wise, I am rooting for Luke/David over Shaun/Daisy!

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I also thought that Harry overthought the whole thing, it was perfect for a blindside. 

But I wasn't that surprised at the twist, I think something similar has been done before with two tribes at tribal.  A player has definitely been switched out of one tribe and moved to another, it's probably happened twice before on Australian Survivor.

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Noooo Luke, don't believe them, listen to David!!

Noooo David, shut up, your tribal antics might make then switch targets!! 

Noooo David, if you are going to trust Andy THEN VOTE WITH HIM.

Hard to say if they were gonna split votes on David/Hannah all along or if it was really David/Luke until tribal talk. I wish they would have let us in on that part.  

I am enjoying these tribals much more than what has become of the US tribals where Jeff lets people basically have a cocktail party chatting with everybody else until they vote.

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On 8/11/2019 at 5:13 PM, amazingracefan said:

I also thought that Harry overthought the whole thing, it was perfect for a blindside. 

But I wasn't that surprised at the twist, I think something similar has been done before with two tribes at tribal.  A player has definitely been switched out of one tribe and moved to another, it's probably happened twice before on Australian Survivor.

Yeah I had a feeling this twist was due pretty soon as well.  I do not recall if they did it during the first return season of the show (I know I am on a computer and I can look it up, but I am trying to avoid spoilers).  But I am pretty sure they have done a variation of it in every season since.  I think one of the ones they did was have the player voted off their tribe pick a player to join them on the new tribe.  Because I recall the picked player being pissed about having to join a new tribe.

5 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Noooo Luke, don't believe them, listen to David!!

Noooo David, shut up, your tribal antics might make then switch targets!! 

Noooo David, if you are going to trust Andy THEN VOTE WITH HIM.

Hard to say if they were gonna split votes on David/Hannah all along or if it was really David/Luke until tribal talk. I wish they would have let us in on that part.  

I am enjoying these tribals much more than what has become of the US tribals where Jeff lets people basically have a cocktail party chatting with everybody else until they vote.

The tribal are so intense for the Aussie version.  I normally read spoilers for the American version but I do not for the Australian version, so I tend to be on the edge of my seat when there is a tribal where I have no idea what might happen.

I kind of wish they would have listened to Andy and went with Daisy.  I have not like her since the first day when she made the comment about how her tribe was going to mop the floor with the Champions because they were younger.  

Really right now I only dislike Daisy and Matt.  Because they are so cocky and not in an over the top way that David and Luke are.

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Good lord, I dislike David so much he's making me like LUKE and I haaaaaate Luke.  Also, the way he treated the spilled popcorn was disrespectful to the rest of the tribe and then somehow also grosser than what happened with the nachos last season and the nachos thing was fouuuuuuul.

Luke crying while eating ice cream though?  We've all been there . . . right?!

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Since the start of the season I have been wondering why Simon looks so familiar to me.  Being an American and knowing nothing about the AFL, there would be no reason for me to know who he is.  Then it hit me, he looks a lot like Alexis Denisof from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.  It really is uncanny how much him and Alexis lookalike.  

Love the Harry storyline and I hope he makes the merge.  It sucks that Casey got sent home but I was happy to see Matt go. 

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3 hours ago, jsm1125 said:

I find it interesting that those who ended up being pre-merge had barely any airtime or storyline.

Which is odd because up until this season the editors seemed to be doing a really good job of giving everyone airtime.  Another thing they do that annoys me is they sort of tip off who is going to be eliminated each episode.

What I mean by that is I notice that whomever it is that is about to be eliminated always gets a brief candid interview near the start of the episode.  They did it with Matt and Ross (Others as well but without recalling the episodes directly, I cannot remember who they did it for.).  When Ross got his candid at the start of the episode, I thought something might happen where he gets eliminated.

Then I talked myself out of it because I thought, "How is it even possible that he would be voted out, he is loved by everyone."  I was not thinking evac.  It sucked to see Ross go because I enjoyed watching him play and I think had he made merge he might have been a huge agent of chaos of the opportunity was right for him to play that way.

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Bummer about Ross. He was such a lovable scamp and clearly having the time of his life out there. I don't think he cared too much about the money or winning.

Matt was never going to win. I didn't really get his "game" except that he always went 100% on the challenges. 

For as competant a player as Andy should be, he just made too many mistakes and was outgunned by David/Luke. I'm glad he's on the jury though. I wonder why more people don't throw grenades on their way out. 

For the sake of David's family and friends, he can't win. If he does, there will be NO living with him. He is a brilliant strategist though. He knows when people are lying, flushed the idol, got Andy out, AND kept his idol. I would have totally played my idol tonight if I were him. 

Of those left, most would be deserving to get the end, except maybe Abby, Simon, Baden, John. Haven't decided about Pia, and Daisy/Horse.

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8 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Bummer about Ross. He was such a lovable scamp and clearly having the time of his life out there. I don't think he cared too much about the money or winning.

Matt was never going to win. I didn't really get his "game" except that he always went 100% on the challenges. 

For as competant a player as Andy should be, he just made too many mistakes and was outgunned by David/Luke. I'm glad he's on the jury though. I wonder why more people don't throw grenades on their way out. 

For the sake of David's family and friends, he can't win. If he does, there will be NO living with him. He is a brilliant strategist though. He knows when people are lying, flushed the idol, got Andy out, AND kept his idol. I would have totally played my idol tonight if I were him. 

Of those left, most would be deserving to get the end, except maybe Abby, Simon, Baden, John. Haven't decided about Pia, and Daisy/Horse.

I didn't think Andy was on the jury. 

Why wouldn't Baden be deserving? 

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I love the fact that Baden has gotten to where he is thus far.  The "obvious" challenge liability has done great in challenges.  I am obviously nowhere near as smart as Baden (I think the vast majority of the world can say that) but his initial social awkwardness reminds me a lot of myself.  I need to warm up to people before I start becoming more socially active.

Also, the editors once again telegraphed Andy's elimination by giving him a little story video.  

If they do an All-Stars next season does Andy make the cut?  He is sort of a Boston Rob type player in that he stirs the pot and I would love to see him play again.  Also, I got a huge laugh out of him saying David had an HII.  I actually thought he knew this and thought I missed David telling him until I saw his post-elimination confessional where he said he was bluffing.

One more thing, I think American Survivor should bring back the opening credits.  It really does help and I remember the players names quicker.  

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For some reason I had in my head once there is a merge the jury starts. I watch so many versions of the show I can't really remember what goes on where! 

I like Baden and he has proven his worth in challenges. I just don't see any effort to strategize or think things through. I'm not even sure who he is aligned with really. He makes some decisions that favor David/Luke (not throwing the challenge, letting David go first to the reward, voting out Andy) but then he seems to still mostly vote with the old contenders, so ?!. 

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12 hours ago, TVbitch said:

For some reason I had in my head once there is a merge the jury starts. I watch so many versions of the show I can't really remember what goes on where! 

I like Baden and he has proven his worth in challenges. I just don't see any effort to strategize or think things through. I'm not even sure who he is aligned with really. He makes some decisions that favor David/Luke (not throwing the challenge, letting David go first to the reward, voting out Andy) but then he seems to still mostly vote with the old contenders, so ?!. 

John seems to be in the same boat.  I thought he was Contenders strong but he seemed deeply offended when he heard Andy tried throwing the challenge.  If he was Contenders strong that should not offend him as it was Andy trying to help all of the Contenders out.  

Both John and Baden are wild cards in that we really do not know where either of their heads are at.  

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I think Baden and John are trying to be contenders but are seduced by the bro charm of David and Luke. giggle.gif

Also, Ross should totally get another chance to play. Show owes him that. He said in his exit interview that he was ready to go nuts after the merge. I wonder if he could sue the show, apparently he has had two surgeries and his ankle is still not right. I mean, how is their safety team allowing a swing rope to get frail enough to break. And why was the swing over what looked like a terribly uneven ditch with a big hole in the middle of it? ...Sand would have sufficed!

Edited by TVbitch
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Um, didn't Shaun have an idol? Or did he play it at some point and I am forgetting? 

Enough Daisy tears!

I was worried for Lukey. I do like how they openly talked about his hard luck back story being a factor for votes. Usually that kind of stuff is kept on the down low. 

The opening with the discussion about Dave's strutting was hilarious. I'm finding this season very entertaining. A lot of people on AU forums HATE Dave, but love him or hate him, the season would not be as much fun without him. I think I finally figured out why I can't be mad at him... he reminds me of Sawyer (from Lost).

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Your suffering is over @Nozycat. It was time. He has been so smart but he was totally stupid last night. Totally thought the show was faking us out on the big blindside and that it would be Janine or something. Way to spoil your own show, show! 

Would David have been allowed to hand off his idol to a Luke on the way out? 

Maybe not for you, Ncat, but the Jury Villa video of David and Shaun is pretty funny. 

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Ha now THAT was entertaining.  I knew who went before I watched so I watched David being so cocky with glee knowing what was coming.  Why do people keep doing that, it hardly ever works out.  I was also entertained by the others all laughing at him, his strut and his outfits.

I have never seen anyone hand off an idol so don't think that is allowed.

Yes I will watch jury villa, have been looking forward to how they were going to get on with each other.

I don't get people like Pia, but so many do it, saying it is much harder than they imagined.  Haven't they watched, it looks horrendous to me.

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Per Matt from the 2016 season, you can't give idols to other people while votes are being read or after you're voted out.

Also All-Stars is filming now. I mean, I say "All" "Stars" but when you consider there's only 95 people to choose from, they seem to have avoided the actual winners, some people were unavailable (Matt's touring in Europe, Fenella's pregnant, etc), a bunch of people were stuntcast celebs who had to be bribed to appear the first time, and half the women the last two seasons have been edited into oblivion, it's basically Australian Survivor: 24 People Who Were Able To Come Back, Whether You Like It Or Not. 

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Is anyone from this season going to be on all-stars? 

Okay, so based on last night's episode, I just cannot root for the contenders. They are just so goddamn dumb, I just can't. (Except for Harry.) First they willingly give up their numbers and vote each other out. Now, Daisy can't even manage to move away from the freaking water well with her newly found idol, nor even hide it as people approach. Nonetheless, they still could have pulled off a blindside... except we have Baden running to Luke to tell him everything, while Luke lies to his face and tells him nothing. It's just so painful!!

I have a bad feeling Pia is gonna win this and that will be so disappointing, if true. I know she is "playing a social game" blah blah blah, and she is supposedly some secret assassin, but she basically hides under Janine's wing, touts her amazing acting skills, and talks strategy with Janine while other's do all the heavy lifting. It's the Sandra Diaz model of play, I guess, but I don't like it. 

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So they film these seasons a year ahead of time?  Or is it because it is an All-Star season?

I was thinking about something while watching the last episode.  A woman is totally going to win this season.  Which if that does end up happening would be hilarious because nearly the entire pre-merge was filled with women getting voted out.

I am not sure which, my first thought was Abbie (Abby, Abbey however she spells it) but now I am not sure.  I honestly do not see Janine making it to the end, I mean if she does then she deserves to win.  But nobody would be stupid enough to take her. 

I highly doubt Daisy will make it to the end, though she like Harry is a cockroach and has lasted a hell of a lot longer than I expected.

I have to agree with TVBitch and go with Pia as the winner.  I think she'll get rid of Janine somewhere near the end and that might be the move to push her over the edge.  

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Just because it's All-Stars. They usually film around May-ish. It sounds like it'll be airing early next year, with another season at the usual time (so basically, what the US version used to do before they started filming seasons back to back). Notably, the filming schedule means there isn't going to be a reunion this year, which may also be a way to avoid having to discuss the sexist-editing-shaped elephant in the room.

If the rumoured cast is accurate, there's three people from this season, two of whom haven't been voted out yet.

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19 hours ago, SnideAsides said:

Just because it's All-Stars. They usually film around May-ish. It sounds like it'll be airing early next year, with another season at the usual time (so basically, what the US version used to do before they started filming seasons back to back). Notably, the filming schedule means there isn't going to be a reunion this year, which may also be a way to avoid having to discuss the sexist-editing-shaped elephant in the room.

If the rumoured cast is accurate, there's three people from this season, two of whom haven't been voted out yet.

After I read what you posted I tried looking for information/spoilers on the All-Star season (I love being "in the know" when it comes to spoilers.  Heck I already "know" the rumored winner of season 40 for the US version, which is not a big deal because it is posted on this site for anyone who is interested.) and came up with nothing.  All I came up with was a couple of Reddit threads talking about who they would like to see come back.  

I am not sure this season was edited in a sexist way.  What I mean by that is the four women who are still in the game have come across as fully developed players and I think we as an audience know a good deal about them, their quirks, playstyle, what have you.  Hell I know more about them than I do Simon.  I swear every damn time he talks I am in shock because it simply never happens.

The problem with this season was that the vast majority of the women were voted out pre-merge (I hate it when all of one gender is voted out early, it makes the game less interesting to me) and therefore probably had less of an impact on the overall game.  It is hardly the editor's fault that, that happened and it probably gave the editor's less material to work with when it came to some of the women.  I say some because I think Nova was featured a lot during her time in the game but honestly she was the exception to the rule.

Don't get me wrong, I wish some of the pre-merge women were edited better and we got to know them.  Usually the Aussie version does a good job in doing that and I do think they did drop the ball to an extent.  

I guess the way I look at it is, as a fan of American Big Brother there have been people that have made it to the end and they are just not focused on.  Because they are not interesting or they just do not provide good talking heads.  Maybe that was the case here.

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Please use spoiler tags for any spoilers about any Survivors, y'all! I just hate to be spoiled! 

I think there are always gonna be issues with editing. You can't make everybody happy. A lot of people HATED the focus on Dave this year and they probably did leave scenes of a lot of other contestants on the cutting room floor to make room for more Dave. But I thought he was hilarious and smart and a huge player, so I just went with it. I wish they would have let his blindside be a shock instead of spoiling it. 

I have a bad memory, so even now when I see the opening I'm like... really, there was a Sam?  

I think they do the best they can to be "entertaining," which means different things to different people. I understand the ratings are way up this season, so I'm sure they will stick with this groove. I love the show, warts and all, and will just continue to watch and bitch accordingly! :)

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11 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Please use spoiler tags for any spoilers about any Survivors, y'all! I just hate to be spoiled!

I would never willingly spoil anything or want anything spoiled in a non-spoiler thread.  It is funny with Survivor and Big Brother I love to know the spoilers.  However, when it comes to The Amazing Race I avoid spoilers for it like the plague (I was spoiled last season, but that was only because they filmed it a year in advance).

In regards to Dave, I thought he was a great villain.  He was so smug and cocky and so seeing him get voted out was fun.  

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I like John but he didn't seem to be playing very hard.  And he said he would never have voted with the champions but didn't he do exactly that a few times?

Love the Aussie spirit but why do they throw their filthy dirty selves on to the clean beds, that's disgusting.   And they are making it look like their first shower is only the next morning which may well be edited to look that way but if so - ewww.  A shower would be the first thing I would do before I touched anything else.

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9 hours ago, Nozycat said:

I like John but he didn't seem to be playing very hard.  And he said he would never have voted with the champions but didn't he do exactly that a few times?

Love the Aussie spirit but why do they throw their filthy dirty selves on to the clean beds, that's disgusting.   And they are making it look like their first shower is only the next morning which may well be edited to look that way but if so - ewww.  A shower would be the first thing I would do before I touched anything else.

I know right its exactly what I was thinking!

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LOL when Daisy said that Harry pulled her aside and told her to stop being so emotional, and that pissed her off. He was trying to help you Sad Eyes!! Cut to Janine.. we have to get rid of Daisy cuz she is too emotional!  

I think Simon's balls are still burried in the sand of that one challenge. 

Memo to Janine: We know that your hair is growing is gray, dear. It's okay. Her ego is what's concerning. It's reaching David proportions.   

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On 8/31/2019 at 7:35 PM, Nozycat said:

 A shower would be the first thing I would do before I touched anything else.

A shower and a shave for me.  I hate having just two days worth of beard growth on my face, I would be going nuts with thirty plus days of beard growth.

It does seem that Janine might have blinders when it comes to Luke.  She's pretty much saved him twice, when it probably was not in her best interest to do so.  I do think it is admirable of her that she seems to have such strong loyalty to him, but it might end up biting her in the ass.

I am not buying her saving him because she wanted Daisy gone instead as her reasoning.  From what we have been shown, she and Luke seem to have a real friendship or as real as one could have on a show like this. 

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Wow, Abbey, brilliant move.  Go from the solid 3rd position in the final to primary target because you've proven no one can trust you now.  If she had any brains, she would have waited until they were down to the final 5 and she would have maintained her position and still had respect from the champions by targeting Pia and Janine then.

The next few episodes should be interesting.

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Daisy often looks to me like she should have an empty thought bubble over her head or one with 'wait, what?' written in it but that was clever how she got to Luke.  And he was stupid just outright believing it.

Wow Janine is fit, strong and flexible, she is really impressing me.  Also how calm she is.  Easier to do though when you have the upper hand, will be interesting to see how she responds now.

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I am not sure why I noticed this, and it is not like I was actively looking but I have noticed that none of the women had armpit hair or at least noticeable armpit hair.  You would think after forty days they would have some, but I guess they must have access to razors or something.  

This is not a fetish thing, it was just something I noticed and found interesting.😁

Interesting that they decided to take Simon out when they did.  Mainly because what if Daisy wins the challenge and comes back to the game?  That would mean Luke and Abbey would be the minority of this new alliance.

It was funny to see Pia and Janine's reactions though.  Also, I loved when Janine made the cocky comment to Harry (I am paraphrasing here), "Well you contenders put yourselves in this mess."

After she made that comment I was so happy that the blindside went through.  I hate when people get cocky.  That was why I did not like Matt and to a lesser extent Daisy.

I will say I did like Dave's cockiness because I always felt it was more tongue in cheek.  Whereas Janine came across as more arrogance.   

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Yeah I noticed about the underarm hair too but was that the women who won the spa reward?

I actually liked Janine saying that to Harry because they did squander some chances.

WHY didn't we see straight after the last tribal, I wanted to see how they all handled it.

WHY were Janine and Pia going on about Abby 'might' be in another alliance, wasn't it obvious?

WHY is hardly anyone looking for idols, would be one of my priorities.

I am disappointed with how this season is playing out and Abby is looking way too smug for me.

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Razors and waxing are not the only way to get rid of unwanted hair. There is a procedure done with laser that burns the root so the hair doesn't ever come back. It is expensive, but quite common among actresses (Pia), athletes (Abbey) and business women (Janine).

Edited by WearyTraveler
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@Nozycat I was thinking the same things! We got cheated out of seeing the immediate aftermath of Abby and Luke's blindside! And why?! --so we could watch stupid Daisy cry some more! Ugh.

And when Simon was looking for the idol, I was wondering why Luke, Harry or Baden had not found it yet. They should be looking! Or at the very least taking turns monitoring Simon!!

Really glad Simon is gone. He was getting so gaunt, he looked like a prisoner of war or something. Can't wait to see the Jury Villa! Four big bros and Daisy. She will be in heaven.  

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Watching Simon hunt for an Idol honestly made me wonder if he had ever watched the show before.  I mean the guy was digging holes in the ground...the hell?

If it were mean I would be searching near the well, near or in the shelter, or any nature object that looked weird.  I would not be digging holes on the beach.  

There is no episode Sunday and the last two episodes of the season are on Monday and Tuesday.  Is that correct?  

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In the AU forum it says that Harry and Luke planted fake clues for Simon to find and that's why he was digging by the shelter. That's smart (and hilarious) and they should have shown us that! Great way to keep him occupied without having to babysit him or worry about him looking in reasonable spots. Still those to should be looking for their own idol, and probably they have been we just aren't shown. 

But yeah, Simon is not the brightest Survivor bulb. 

They say next week Mon/Tues and then finale following Sunday. That seem like a very abrupt end to a long season. 

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13 hours ago, TVbitch said:

In the AU forum it says that Harry and Luke planted fake clues for Simon to find and that's why he was digging by the shelter. That's smart (and hilarious) and they should have shown us that! Great way to keep him occupied without having to babysit him or worry about him looking in reasonable spots. Still those to should be looking for their own idol, and probably they have been we just aren't shown. 

But yeah, Simon is not the brightest Survivor bulb. 

They say next week Mon/Tues and then finale following Sunday. That seem like a very abrupt end to a long season. 

That is hilarious, I wish they had shown us that.

One thing interesting about Simon's first vote out was that he seemed to blame/was mad at Luke and Harry for his elimination (It seemed he was more mad at Luke).  Whereas Pia and Janine seemed to be more angry/placed more blame on Abbey.  

I wonder if it was a case of Pia and Janine underestimating Abbey and thinking Abbey would be a good soldier and willingly finish in third place.  Maybe it was because they were expecting something like that from Luke but not Abbey.

I just find the whole situation very interesting.

One thing I will say is I really do not dislike anyone in the final six and I would be cool with any of them winning.  Usually there is always, at the very least, one person who I would hate to see win.  But once Daisy left the game she was the last "one person" who I would not want to see win the game.

I honestly think Baden winning would be the best story.  The self-admitted socially inept guy who everyone thought would suck at challenges, going on to not only be a threat to win Immunity but also a very sociable guy.  It would be a fantastic story.

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Didn't we just have that story in the US David Vs. Goliath version with that geek kid who talked Probst's ear off at challenges?

I can live with whoever else wins, but in order of "deserving" it, for me it's: Harry, Janine, Luke at the top, then Pia, Baden, Abbey. 

I think Simon is confused in general with how the game works and somehow felt his alliance was still with him at the end. He is kind of a survivor doofus.

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13 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Whereas Pia and Janine seemed to be more angry/placed more blame on Abbey.  

But, if you watch until the end when the credits are rolling, you can see that Janine and Pia, both, wrote down Simon's name. So, in spite of all the apparent maneuvers to vote Abbey out, they voted for Simon.

It seems there was a big chunk of negotiations that they didn't show us.

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Finally found the Jury Villas for Daisy and Simon 

Daisy: She knows her game was "too little too late" ...ya think? Also loved the boys calling her out for voting away the numbers after the tribe shuffle and other bone-headed moves. Indeed.

Simon: Um, I don't remember anything about his Jury Villa except that he lost of lot of weight. Nice guy, but damn is he dull! 

Shaun talks a lot about what a good guy Dave is, and how he wishes he would have teamed up with him. I wish he would have thought of that sooner. They would both still be in the game.  

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13 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Quick off topic post, but I just wanted to say @WearyTraveler:  I love your avatar.  My sister has a Huskie and he looks exactly like the dog in your avatar.  He is such a friendly, chill dog...for the most part.  He gets scared around rabbits and cries every time he sees one.

Thank you!! That's my doggie, Logan (named for The Wolverine).  He's a chill dog, too.  A rescue. He's about 9 yo now and a lot chiller tan your average Husky because when I rescued him he was already sick with a recurring illness from a tick bite (joints may get inflamed from time to time, low iron...); treatable stuff, but it flares up every now and then, so, he's not very active.  And yes, he's friendly as friendly can be.  His nicknames include, Judas, Traitor and Slut (jk!).

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