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S30 Spoilers: Dirty 30

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The thread for all spoilers pertaining to the 30th season of the Challenge...

The cast:



Cara Maria





Ashley M


Britini Thompson (AYTO)

Nicole Ramos

Tori Deal (AYTO)

Briana L (AYTO)

Simone (AYTO)


Marie Roda




Derrick k




Tony Raines




Christopher A (RW Go big or go home)


Derrick Henry

Devin Walker

Shane Raines

Nelson Thomas

Eliminations so far:

DISCLAIMER: this is not an official order of who has been sent home and when, merely an observation based on personal sources or social network activity. THIS LIST IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AS MORE INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE!



Shane Raines

Derrick Henry

Devin Walker

Darrell Taylor

Christopher Ammon

Cory Wharton

Nelson Thomas 

Dario Medrano

Leroy Garret

Johnny Bananas



Simone Kelly

Brianna Lacuesta

Amanda Garcia

Ashley Mitchell

Latoya Jackson

Marie Roda

Nicole Ramos

Veronica Portillo

Britni Thornton

Jemmye Carroll

Jenna Compono


Final 4 girls Cara/Camilla/Kalilah/Tori

Guys: CT/Derrick K/Jordan/Tony/Hunter

Edited by CheetaraThunder

Nicole is coming back?  Why do I have the feeling that she will be on EVERY Challenge from now on?   She's so damn annoying that I don't know if I can take another season of her. 

Shane's parents really named him Shane Raines or is that a married name?  I grew up with a girl named Sally Tally so nothing surprises me when it comes to names. 

Edited by Maharincess

Also looks like Tori/Cara/Camilla became a fete some threesome. Looks like they became new besties. 


Pinkrose from vevmo has said that CT has been performing better in his Dad bod then his recent performances when he had his perfect bod.


the prize money is a total 1 million dollars split amongst the finalist. So winners most likely get 400 grand each.


I am really sick of seeing Camilla, Johnny (but that's a given, the dude has only missed one challenge in how many years), Corey, Dario, Ashely.  Why can't they take one damn season off? 

Especially Camilla.  She does nothing all season and yet manages to make it to the finals every time.

Edited by BK1978
Because the word I wanted was one not on.
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On 7/3/2017 at 1:20 AM, BK1978 said:

I am really sick of seeing Camilla, Johnny (but that's a given, the dude has only missed on challenge in how many years), Corey, Dario, Ashely.  Why can't they take one damn season off? 

Especially Camilla.  She does nothing all season and yet manages to make it to the finals every time.

Thank you. All she does is bitch and start trouble. Just sick of her. The only win she got was because of Bananas. She sucks in the finals but blames all her partners. Seems funny she had three different ones on the last one and still sucked. Then had whoever the hell with the Pros and still sucked.  She is the female version of Corey who sucks and never wins. 

  • Love 3

Yeah, I heard that too.

Rumors about the finals, apparently this is how the finals went:

1st place: Jordan and Cara Maria

2nd: Derrick K. And Camilla

3rd: CT and Tori

Tori was apparently a couple of hours behind Camilla.

During the live reunion, a panel of the other contestants can penalize the finalists if they want. Heard, Derrick and Jordan were very close Battle.

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If I'm reading the vevmo spoiler page correctly, it looks like the winners will be 'announced' tonight after filming the reunion.  The spec there is that each person eliminated will get to add time to a finalist.  Some think it might be like a jury vote but then what's the point of running a final?  Either way, the cat should be out of the bag sometime tonight after they finish taping.  In any case, if I ran a final and had the best time but didn't end up winning, I'd be super pissed.

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On 8/29/2017 at 11:24 AM, CheetaraThunder said:

During the live reunion, a panel of the other contestants can penalize the finalists if they want. Heard, Derrick and Jordan were very close Battle.

My God it would be glorious if whatever money Camila won is forcibly donated to the NAACP or another similar charity.  We'd get to see how much that bitch truly repents.  Ha.  A girl can dream. 

On 9/11/2017 at 0:55 AM, Sonoma said:

 So she's winning money regardless. Disqualify her, like they do for Celebrity Big Brother in the UK for this kind of ugly behavior, and give her money for either all the finalists to split, all the cast members to split, or better yet, donate it to our hurricane victims. DO SOMETHING. Enough is enough.

So much YES!  She needs to have a consequence once and for all.  She wouldn't keep doing the shit she does if everyone stopped coddling her psycho ass. 

On 9/11/2017 at 0:55 AM, Sonoma said:

Camila has been placed on a do not call list for MTV (she was not at the reunion), but only after she flipped out on the new Champs/All-Stars/Pros where she hit a producer and threaten to kill herself. Rumor has it that it's because she was suicidal and sounding depressed on her social media, TPTB are hesitant about airing her racist clips. Sorry, but that bitch is playing you. DO BETTER, SHOW.

Again, WORD.  It's about TIME they decided to not invite her back!  Although shame on MTV for waiting this effing long.  How many people did she have to berate and abuse before it was the final straw?  Maybe it wasn't even enough, because it sounds like MTV made this decision for Camila's own mental health, not the safety of everyone else.  This had better be a permanent ban.  I hope TPTB see the public's disgust with her on social media and take note.  SMH.

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9 hours ago, Sonoma said:

Ugh these recent edits of Camila are making me fear the worst that the rumors of her winning are true.

It sure does seems like she is getting a favorable edit now. The production crew should be ashamed to let her stay in the game after her racial tirade. I am sure they now regret allowing her to stay and then cast her for the Champs vs Stars special. 

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Rumors about the finals, apparently this is how the finals went:

1st place: Jordan and Cara Maria

2nd: Derrick K. And Camilla

3rd: CT and Tori

I wonder how that is going to work out now that both of them, CT and Jordan, are both at the redemption house.  Either 2 guys and 2 girls come back from this second redemption house or the spoiler is wrong.  I'm hoping for the latter, with the hopes CT pulls out the win. :)

Edited by Jwd
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I can definitely see a little part of Jordan wanting to to fight with Cara...she be a perfect partner for Rivals.

I think the final mission before the final is a purge like mission. They are divided into teams of two. I believe some of the teams were CT/Cara, Derrick/Camila, Jordan/Tori...don’t know the rest. It’s rumored that Ct/Cara won that last mission before the finale.

16 hours ago, Remlab said:

Thanks! I know OTT means Over The Top, but the N threw me and I had no clue for UTR. 

There's also MOTR (Middle of the Road) which can also be positive or negative. It's used by Survivor fans to try and predict the winner based on how the players are edited each episode. After seasons 5 and 6, Survivor typically hasn't edited their winners to be OTTN, even if they are unpleasant behind the scenes. This is why Camila's quiet edit makes me nervous.

Edited by Oholibamah

Uggghhh. Well if that's the case, it goes with the theme of 2017, that you can be a vile racist unhinged entitled asshole and still come out on top. The year of barely any consequences for appalling behavior. I hope she stays holed up in Canada with her repetitive model-wannabe "motivational" instagram pics and quotes and is never allowed to compete again. I feel if she is ever allowed to come back, I actually legit would have to stop watching this show. :(

  • Love 8

I've been doing mental gymnastics trying to convince myself that racist psychotic creature doesn't win.

Here were the girls' results: Lines show an indeterminate amount of time between finishes. Asterisks show the amount of time is in the seconds and negligible.

Donation: Camila--CM--Tori
Bola Throw: Camila--Tori--CM
Puzzle: Tori--Camila--CM
Totem: CM**Tori--Camila
Smokehouse: Tori**CM**Camila
Climb: Cara**Tori--Camila
Run #1: Camila--Tori**CM
Final Run: Camila--Tori--CM

We know from the reunion spoilers that Tori places third. What I don't understand is how she loses to Cara based on these results. Tori beats Cara in every round except 3: Donation, Totem and Climb. But in two of these events (Totem and Climb) it's apparent Cara barely beats Tori by a tiny margin, and the third is indeterminate (Donation), but the Talking Heads made it sound very close. How could there have possibly been enough of a gap in any of those events to make up for the fact that she loses to her overall? And if there indeed was, the times should be so minimal that the 5 minute penalty given to Camila should be a huge factor.

Moving this same logic to Cara v. Camila, Cara lost in the Donation, Bola Throw, Puzzle, and both Runs. She won in the Totem and Rock Climb, both where Camila had errors. Smokehouse is negligible. Editing made it look pretty close for the Donation and Runs, so that could arguably even out the time Cara gained in the Totem and Rock Climb.

So I guess what it comes down to is: was Cara bad enough in the Puzzle and Bola Throw to account for Camila's 5 minute penalty? The fact that Cara lost both of these events to Tori, but still beat her overall, makes that hard to believe.

I know it seems logical that because Jordan clearly won and pulled his "winner" results with Camila c/o TJ that Camila wins. But wouldn't it be craftier to have Jordan pull his result with the loser, and have the second winner pull her result the following week? Please? Pretty please?

Basically I'm just trying to make myself feel better between now and the results next week.

Edited by Oholibamah
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