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LIVE CHAT: The Song in Your Heart

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Does anyone know if Colin has a choir background? I know he's doing rock stuff now, and there were a few rock touches in his song, but his technique sounds like a choral singer. And he has excellent high notes.

But as catchy as the song is, it's basically just repeating his core character trait from that time period. I wish the songs went a bit deeper and said something these characters might not have said if they weren't singing.

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Zelena's song mostly seems to exist because Bex is too good a singer to waste in a musical episode. It really has no point.

I think most of these songs would be perfect if this were a self-contained musical. They're the perfect songs to introduce characters. The problem is that this is season six. So, if we met the Charmings singing about hope and happy endings, and then they introduced Hook as a character with the Revenge song and Regina with her hatred of Snow and Zelena singing about being wicked, it would have made for a great act one of a musical.

And I still need a reason why the Black Fairy gives a damn about defeating Emma. There's got to be more than just Because Prophecy.

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