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Criminal Minds Analysis: Profile The Show

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had Gabby and The Edge of Winter, both of which I thought were decent episodes and I also like the finale episodes Angels and Demons.

Agreed on all counts---though bringing up finales reminded me that for some inexplicable reason I tend to be really underwhelmed by CM's finales overall. The Fisher King was my favorite, though even with FK I definitely preferred Part 2 (the S2 premiere) to Part 1 (the S1 finale). Other than that, I mostly liked (but didn't love) No Way Out Part 2, Lo Fi and Our Darkest Hour and could happily never rewatch the rest :) 

On 8/5/2016 at 9:10 PM, amensisterfriend said:


Agreed on all counts---though bringing up finales reminded me that for some inexplicable reason I tend to be really underwhelmed by CM's finales overall. The Fisher King was my favorite, though even with FK I definitely preferred Part 2 (the S2 premiere) to Part 1 (the S1 finale). Other than that, I mostly liked (but didn't love) No Way Out Part 2, Lo Fi and Our Darkest Hour and could happily never rewatch the rest :) 

Fisher King would be my favorite of the finales, too. I thought Lo-Fi was also good. I wasn't watching when it originally aired so I had the luxury of being able to pop in the next DVD to watch Mayhem and not have to wait all summer to see who got blown up. 

Hated the pig farm episodes because of the creep factor to the subject matter, and also just didn't care for the scenes with the girl (nepotism) and the retarded character. But it did have an outstanding ending with Hotch and the Reaper. I hated all the season finales since season 3, especially since Erica took over, except for Angels and Demons. Police corruption is more believable than Hit and Run and the stupid Replicator story. 

  • Love 1

Not rating best and worst episodes, because I just can't.  But I can say that I think MGG is best at drawing emotion from the actors.  I watched Moseley Lane again today, and I can't applaud enough his choices in casting the mothers and fathers of the victims in this episode.  I've always found the unsubs quite off-putting, but the rest of the cast was outstanding, and largely because of the choices Matthew made.

Looking at Matthew's other CM offerings, I see some additional work to be proud of.  I think he brought all of his fellow cast members to excellent performances in Mr. Scratch, especially, Thomas Gibson.  (I much preferred Morgan's 'death' in Mr. Scratch to his 'death' in "Derek').  And he even drew something special out of Shemar in 'Lauren', when Morgan attends to the dying Emily.  

Some of his other directorial episodes were 'misses' for me.  But, when I think about significantly impactful scenes in CM episodes---well, they all belong to MGG.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, SSAHotchner said:

Fisher King would be my favorite of the finales, too. I thought Lo-Fi was also good. I wasn't watching when it originally aired so I had the luxury of being able to pop in the next DVD to watch Mayhem and not have to wait all summer to see who got blown up. 

Hated the pig farm episodes because of the creep factor to the subject matter, and also just didn't care for the scenes with the girl (nepotism) and the retarded character. But it did have an outstanding ending with Hotch and the Reaper. I hated all the season finales since season 3, especially since Erica took over, except for Angels and Demons. Police corruption is more believable than Hit and Run and the stupid Replicator story. 

Hit and Run is a low quality episode, but Hotch is sooo hot on it I rewatch it anyway xD

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I've liked pretty much everyone they've introduced for potential or real love interests. I even warmed to Sam (borderline doofus). I have a theory that so many railed against Beth because they didn't care for how Hotch became around her - nearly submissive - and yes I do understand that.

Beth, as a standalone character, was fine, imo. She was athletic, compassionate, accommodating to Hotch's schedule, supportive, and kind. I do think people may have seen her as "too perfect", maybe. It would have been nice to see her have her own agency, her own problems. Her flaw for me was that she existed solely to be a prop for Hotch. But I still liked her. 

I've liked all the girls they set up for Reid, too. Lila, Austen, Maeve, Dylan, Dorian. Though I think Maeve and Dylan were his best matches (what would Spencer do with a bartender?), I like that they touch on the fact that he's attractive to the opposite sex, and responsive (though awkward).

The only one I never liked was Kevin. He was... sort of gross. I kept wanting to swat him away like a fly.

Oh! and worst was Hit/Run, best was Mr. Scratch. I know it wasn't the finale, but it should've been.

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, Franky said:

I've  liked all the girls they set up for Reid, too. Lila, Austen, Maeve, Dylan, Dorian. Though I think Maeve and Dylan were his best matches (what would Spencer do with a bartender?), I like that they touch on the fact that he's attractive to the opposite sex, and responsive (though awkward)

Oh! and worst was Hit/Run, best was Mr. Scratch. I know it wasn't the finale, but it should've been.

Yes!  What would Spencer do with the bartender?  I never figured that out.  But I've liked every potential Reid romance as well.  I'll take Reid with anyone at this point.  I have no standards in that regard anymore.  The only thing I can't abide is the thought of him alone.

And definitely, Mr. Scratch should have been the finale.  No doubt.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, Droogie said:

Yes!  What would Spencer do with the bartender?

Didn't she write him that she was studying magic? Don't think the bartending was a gig she meant to carry on for too long.

I wish they'd revisit either her, or my first preference, Dorian Loker. And even better, when she was (re)introduced, make them (Rossi/Hotch/etc) aware that this relationship has been ongoing for ages now and is only now coming 'out'....


  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Franky said:

I've liked all the girls they set up for Reid, too. Lila, Austen, Maeve, Dylan, Dorian. Though I think Maeve and Dylan were his best matches (what would Spencer do with a bartender?), I like that they touch on the fact that he's attractive to the opposite sex, and responsive (though awkward).

I have to disagree with the character turd that was Dylan Einstein. Sheesh. You can just hear them in the writer's room, slapping Rick Dunkle on the back for the brilliant inspiration that was this character. I'm very glad that in the final cut of the show, they didn't have very much interaction between her and Reid, just some chitchat, and zero followup, thank god. It's a shame, because the actress was good, I thought she did the best she could with a hackneyed cliche to portray.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

oh please! *please please PLEASE!* :) Loker and Reid was soooooo good! :)

I agree. The problem being though is that the person(Sharon Lee Watson) who originated the story line is now gone. I am not sure if any of these other writers would be able to do a continuation of Reid's and Loker's story line, and to do it justice. So there is a part of me who would just rather they leave well enough alone. But then there is another part of me that wants Reid to have that happiness that has alluded him for so long.

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Again, Franky, I just have a different take on Reid and Maeve. I thought they were potentially good together, the not so obvious juxtaposition of different styles of genius. But as it went on, they mad Maeve more and more implausible. And the end was awful and stupid (her death). But the Sleepwalk scene was sweet. It was definitely Reid there, you see his face crumple when they embrace. That wasn't Matthew.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, normasm said:

. But the Sleepwalk scene was sweet. It was definitely Reid there, you see his face crumple when they embrace. That wasn't Matthew.

oh that most definitely was Matthew :) (I mean, his idea) This is from Alchemy, another one that he directed and I absolutely LOVED the Spencer deals with grief storyline (hated the other one though)...probably the best Reid/Rossi scenes of the series in this one, the sad story about Uncle Sal and how Rossi does his best to help Reid deal with grief. I loved that dance scene, and again, the framing of it with the black curtain that culminates in being drawn shut, to mirror the fade to black every episode ends in. Really well done, like a new take on same old. See also Thomas Gibson's "Lockdown" where the gate slamming shut at the end mirrors the usual fade to black. Really creative. and kudos to them.

2 minutes ago, Franky said:

Because of their real-life friendship, it was hard for me to see anything other than Matthew/Beth. I'm glad you were able to. :)

it's funny you say that because, well, 1. Matthew has chemistry with pretty much anyone they put up against him. He'd bring a rock to life in a scene..... and 2. He's also real life friends with Aubrey Plaza and I thought they had a tremendous chemistry, it was almost too bad she was a bad guy cause they coulda sizzled together. and 3. sorry, but I'm with Normasm here, I really liked Spencer/Maeve and although I understand, reluctantly, why they killed her off..........

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Re Einstein, she was definitely my least favorite potential Reid-plus-one.  But here's my opinion:. If they'd have gone there, I'd have gone there with them, because it is ridiculous at this point that he is and has always been alone.  I don't care how they do it, I want it addressed.

I guess I understand that he was perhaps written as unattractive to women in the beginning but come on.  Just look at the man.  And "Pretty Boy" is hardly a derogatory moniker (when did Morgan actually start with that, anyway?).  Plus even if he were hard on the eyes, his personality is just made of win.

But he has eaten one crap sandwich after another in life, and not one writer, or the showrunner, thinks it prudent to introduce Reid to a dimension he hasn't ever experienced?  They think we wanna repeatedly watch Rossi's love life, whether it's him trolling a jazz club for some strange or implausibly reuniting with a woman who perpetrated a truly vile act of malice on him by denying him the knowledge he had a child?  They think I wanna see Will's Mr. Mom act yet again early on this season but don't need to see Reid fulfilled and secure and happy?  I know they gave him fish; I guess I should be satisfied with that.

Darn it all.  I've gotten myself all mad about it all over again.


edited:  I got so worked up I forgot I wasn't in the Reid thread; sorry.

Edited by Droogie
  • Love 4

Egad, just the brief glimpses of Einstein made my teeth itch. She seemed rather pleased with herself, didn't she? Spencer is just way too modest to be pleased with himself. Sure, he knows he is smart and proud of his accomplishments, but he's not a smug little shit about it.

Once again, I adored him with Maeve, and to this day I am pissed off on how it was handled. I have to admit, I loved how it didn't matter what she looked like to him; he loved her through the conversations they had and the sound of her voice. This was pretty powerful stuff for me because (and if you'll allow a bit of self-indulgence on my part), I've been told by guys for ages that they love to talk to me, saying I'm a good conversationalist, who can talk about various subjects at a very deep level. I've also gotten a lot of compliments on my speaking voice since I was in my twenties. I've been told my voice is soothing, lovely, gentle, even hot. Not too long ago, this young guy told me my voice is really sexy. So yes, I was thrilled that this character, Spencer, was falling for a woman by actually listening to her.

I also saw potential in Loker, and I wish this would have been explored more even if most of it is off-screen. Loker, to me, seemed polished, professional and mature, but also down-to-earth.

The others? Just a pile of meh to me.

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3 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

"I've been told by guys for ages that they love to talk to me, saying I'm a good conversationalist, who can talk about various subjects at a very deep level. I've also gotten a lot of compliments on my speaking voice since I was in my twenties. I've been told my voice is soothing, lovely, gentle, even hot..."

And Einstein was 'full of herself'? In reading through all these threads you seem very confident and complimentary to yourself, and that's awesome! Congrats! I don't think though, that Einstein (or any woman for that matter) being assured in who she is, or her abilities, or actually friendly, or enthusiastic... is a bad thing. I think it's great!

So many times women are taught to minimize themselves, to 'tone it down'. I actually get a kick out of women who put themselves out there and project positivity and self respect. If they won't do it, who will? :D

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I love self-assured women, it's just that the construction of Einstein was so cynically designed to push buttons for casual fans. It was poorly conceived and written, IMO, and the decade plus of the character of Spencer Reid deserves a better focus than some glib, fakey, "Einstein, oh she's a special, special genius!" treatment. But, hey, I'm not really invested in this Reid character. Much. 

  • Love 3

Or, Rick Dunkle was just an inferior writer, and couldn't quite get hold of a professional, enthusiastic, cute female that had a sense of humor and may have also appreciated Reid? 

Her overtly anvil-heavy last name notwithstanding, she was capable, intelligent, and attractive. I guess I'm just not understanding the dislike. She was cool, in my opinion.

The main reason I disliked Einstein, is because the show seemed to want to create some sort of Internet buzz for a possible Reid/Einstein coupling, but there is literally nothing in the writing from that episode that would support such a notion. There is no actual connection between the two of them, except for Reid looking at her as she walked away. She didn't seem interested in him in the slightest. There was no flirtation, nothing. They barely even talked and they certainly didn't connect. Hell, as much as I disdained the idea of a Reid/Austin hookup, at least the possible groundwork for that laid somewhat if they wanted to make that happen (I am dearly glad they didn't though). And it is particularly odd that the Criminal Minds' social media was teasing some sort of coupling between Reid and Einstein and asking fans what they thought of it, but then completely dropped the ball about developing anything further between Reid and Dorian, and barely even acknowledged that subplot. Sharon took the time to establish an actual connection between the two characters and even set up the possibility of expanding on it further, but the show didn't take that step. Erica basically said something to the effect that she was surprised that so many fans were rooting for a Reid/Dorian relationship and they had no intention of revisiting the character. It made all the Internet buzz about Reid and Einstein to feel more like them trolling the fandom. Now granted, I am glad they never went there with Reid and Einstein, as I found her character annoying and would have hated to watch Reid and Einstein be a couple. I just give some side eye to the show trying to generate a reaction from the fandom, when they never even wrote anything that indicated they wanted the characters to experience any sort of romantic connection with each other. 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Franky said:

Or, Rick Dunkle was just an inferior writer, and couldn't quite get hold of a professional, enthusiastic, cute female that had a sense of humor and may have also appreciated Reid? 

Her overtly anvil-heavy last name notwithstanding, she was capable, intelligent, and attractive. I guess I'm just not understanding the dislike. She was cool, in my opinion.

I think its mostly that. I don't really pay attention to who writes what, but I don't think Dunkle is consistently a good writer. IMDB lists him as a staff writer/co-writer for a bunch of good episodes, but he's also got Hit and 200 to his name as a solo writer, and IMO those episodes are bad enough to cancel out whatever pre-existing goodwill I might have.

As for Reid specifically, while I don't  have any issues with Einstein in particular, I think perhaps she is/was a bit too much like Spencer for it to be a good fit. Admittedly, I say this with my Spencer/Elle goggles firmly on the bridge of my nose, and Elle's a bit of an acquired taste herself. But as a character, her intelligence is different than Reid's, less cerebral, but no less sharp.  He seems like sometimes he'd need someone to pull him out of his own head and listen to his gut instead. My two cents. :-)

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Franky said:

Or, Rick Dunkle was just an inferior writer, and couldn't quite get hold of a professional, enthusiastic, cute female that had a sense of humor and may have also appreciated Reid? 

Her overtly anvil-heavy last name notwithstanding, she was capable, intelligent, and attractive. I guess I'm just not understanding the dislike. She was cool, in my opinion.

You saw something I sure didn't, then? I thought she was a condescending, smart-alecky little twit myself. Even the conversation with Rossi had me rolling my eyes. There was absolutely nothing between her and Reid. (thank god)!)

  • Love 4

In keeping with the Best and Worst subject matter, I have to say that Einstein was, while maybe not the worst, was certainly the clutziest attempt at getting the fandom excited about a girlfriend for Reid. I think Erica and the writers looked at this exercise as a litmus test: if the fandom "bit" it would prove that Reid was very popular and was deserving of this cutesy mini storyline. If they didn't bite, that meant the fandom wasn't interested in Reid. Move on.

Which makes it all the more of a head-scratcher that when Loker comes along, in a well-built, subtle episode that develops the Reid character in addition to having a mysterious unsub plotline (yes, it can be done, SLW proved it more than once), and the fandom does react positively, wanting to see her with Reid again, even just briefly and in a friendly way, TPTB just brush it off and tell us to forget about it. No wonder Sharon left.

  • Love 6
21 hours ago, Franky said:

And Einstein was 'full of herself'? In reading through all these threads you seem very confident and complimentary to yourself, and that's awesome! Congrats! I don't think though, that Einstein (or any woman for that matter) being assured in who she is, or her abilities, or actually friendly, or enthusiastic... is a bad thing. I think it's great!

So many times women are taught to minimize themselves, to 'tone it down'. I actually get a kick out of women who put themselves out there and project positivity and self respect. If they won't do it, who will? :D

Franky. At first I thought you were going to tell me to stop being so conceited, but instead of doing that you commended me for being confident and self-assured. Thanks, because a lot of time I'm filled with a lot of self-loathing and serious lack of self-confidence. So hugs to you!!!

And you are right, women are taught to be meek, modest and not proud of their accomplishments. There is a saying (and I'm paraphrasing), "Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses; women are taught to apologize for their strengths."

Now Einstein wouldn't have bothered me if she was written better, in a way that truly seemed natural and organic, not in a way that hit us over the head with a figurative anvil (right down to the last name) and seemed to be written to garner Internet babble and chatter. If done in a less obvious way, I might have warmed up to a Reid/Einstein pairing the way I did with both Maeve and Dorian.

And yes, Einstein was very attractive, smart and capable. And the actress did the best she could possibly do with a poorly written character.

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I do think viewers could have warmed to her better if they didn't 'rush' her. Like if she was local, and popped in every now and then, her and Spencer could have started with a warm familiarity that maybe eventually turned into something else. I know they don't have a lot of time in the course of one episode to develop much (the exception being the episode with Dorian, where she and Reid were on a stakeout), so I do think they tried to push her too hard on us. It worked for me, but I can see where it would put people off. 

Maybe Matthew (and I have no evidence of this, just speculation) has something to do with the adamant "Oh never mind that girl" response from the show. I say that because I doubt they would try to force Matthew to build a relationship with an actor/character he felt no kinship or attraction to. I can easily see him having the power to put the kibosh on future ties to a character he was bored by, or had no interest in pursuing. 

  • Love 2
42 minutes ago, Franky said:

Maybe Matthew (and I have no evidence of this, just speculation) has something to do with the adamant "Oh never mind that girl" response from the show. I say that because I doubt they would try to force Matthew to build a relationship with an actor/character he felt no kinship or attraction to. I can easily see him having the power to put the kibosh on future ties to a character he was bored by, or had no interest in pursuing. 

Yes, how dare they try to force him to do his job.

I don't disagree with you - this show seems to have a history of letting the actors have far too much say in their storylines - but it would annoy me if this was the sole reason or the main reason. It is unfortunately very easy for me to believe, though. And in keeping with the thread title, I'd argue that some of the worst moments - and none of the best - come from letting the actors dictate storylines.

Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey apparently didn't like each other after doing "Red Dawn" together and Jennifer Grey nearly refused to do Dirty Dancing if he was a co-star. But the two of them did their jobs, and (so it would seem) got over it, and the final product definitely did not suffer for it.

It's different if two characters lack chemistry, don't test well with the audience, etc. But just because one actor doesn't really like or is ambivalent towards another? Come on.

16 minutes ago, secnarf said:

Yes, how dare they try to force him to do his job.

I don't disagree with you - this show seems to have a history of letting the actors have far too much say in their storylines - but it would annoy me if this was the sole reason or the main reason. It is unfortunately very easy for me to believe, though. And in keeping with the thread title, I'd argue that some of the worst moments - and none of the best - come from letting the actors dictate storylines.

Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey apparently didn't like each other after doing "Red Dawn" together and Jennifer Grey nearly refused to do Dirty Dancing if he was a co-star. But the two of them did their jobs, and (so it would seem) got over it, and the final product definitely did not suffer for it.

It's different if two characters lack chemistry, don't test well with the audience, etc. But just because one actor doesn't really like or is ambivalent towards another? Come on.

One of the best, or should I say worse, example of this is Rossi so called manufactured family. As I understand it Joe had a lot of sway in getting this story line for his character because he is convinced it is what the fans want. I blame Janine too even though she is no longer there. She and whoever the hell else it was just had to make it where Rossi like Reid had had a history of being bullied. The bit about him being force to push that poor black kid in that locker just didn't ring true for me. And while I have no objections to one of Rossi's ex-wives having been black, the whole damn timing of when that marriage was suppose to have happened just does not add up. And now we are being told that she was/is supposedly the great love of his life. Yet at one time we had been told it had been Caroline. 

  • Love 3

I really don't think Matthew had anything to do with Einstein's perception. The chick was written like a bad fanfiction story. Not his fault, he can only act with what he's given (as any actor). Despite liking that episode, she was cringe worthy in my opinion.

Going back to the theme of this thread, I guess I'll word my opinion this way

Significant Others to BAU Team: Best to Worst (for me)



Early years Haley





Hayden (I don't really like her, but better than...)

Strauss (I know, they weren't married, but "involved")



I honestly can't remember if he had a steady girlfriend until Savannah, him being a player and all



Kevin Lynch


Man who tried to kill her



Well, erm...I actually like Will better than her







And waaaaaay down the line, Einstein.

17 hours ago, normasm said:

If she had been named Benson, or something unloaded, I wouldn't have felt forced to "LIKE" her, and this may have lead to fans going "oh, she's cute". Maybe. 

Good point, Benson, Feinstein, O'Neill...I don't care. But Einstein was laying it on a bit thick and so damn obvious, Stevie Wonder could see it. Subtlety. Look into it, CM writers.

11 hours ago, Franky said:

Sorry but I just... can't stop myself...

It may very well be AUSTEN, but I do have to confirm that so handwave this.

It's LOKER, not "Locker"

It's MAEVE. And she is not mauve, I promise.

Thank you for indulging my compulsive corrections. :)

Well, considering Matthew/Spencer looks so fetching in various shades of purple, Mauve might have been a cool name for a potential girlfriend for our favorite CM genius.

You know what would have been better? Not having Maeve/Mauve killed by a deranged stalker right in front of Dr. Reid. Such a shame we can't have nice things.

Goes in a corner and pouts.

Edited by Bookish Jen
  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

:::pats seat next to me:::

I ordered wine and crackers and cheese. He likes cheese.

Likes cheese? Good thing I'm from America's dairyland, Wisconsin. I know all about cheese. In fact, I make a mean cheddar baked chicken and my cheesy buttermilk biscuits are absolutely divine, can't wait for it to get cooler so I can get my bake on!

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Okay, back on topic; we're getting a bit off course.

Like a lot of you here, I think one of the worst aspects of CM is the torture porn and violence, especially when it comes to my favorite character, Spencer. We've seen this man shot, tortured, beaten up and held hostage. But at least there is some parity with all of this. Pretty much every member of the BAU has been shot, tortured, beaten up or held hostage-or a combo platter of all four. Shudder.

However, have anyone seen the level of condescension and "good natured" bullying Spencer has received pretty much since the beginning of his tenure with the BAU aimed at the other BAU team members? I think not. Early on he had to wear that ridiculous b-day hat on his 24th birthday. And let's not forget Derek being a complete dick to Spencer after Spencer failed his gun qualifications in LDSK, so rude and unprofessional.

And let's not forget how Derek and Rossi mocked Spencer during his absence, complete with Spencer-like hand gestures.

I'm also not a fan of terms like "kid" (aimed at a man well into his thirties), "pretty boy" or "pretty Ricky." I don't even like calling him Spence, but maybe it's because JJ calls him that.

And I can't forget when Spencer and Garcia went to a Comic Con like convention and when faced with Kevin and his date, Garcia just had to blurt out that she could never be sexually attracted to Spencer.


  • Love 4
15 hours ago, Franky said:

Sorry but I just... can't stop myself...

It may very well be AUSTEN, but I do have to confirm that so handwave this.

It's LOKER, not "Locker"

It's MAEVE. And she is not mauve, I promise.

Thank you for indulging my compulsive corrections. :)

On kindle. It auto corrects everything. I think my post is fine and clear. It's only concerning when people can't read it- otherwise, oh well. Thanks though. 

Edited by autumnmountains
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