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Criminal Minds Analysis: Profile The Show

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Is this where we can vent about the attitude of the writers? Some of the writers just can't handle constructive criticism. Virgil is being a big baby about it on Twitter and trying to get sympathy right now. I mean, I get that he doesn't want to be told that his work is crap and he wants to hear that people enjoyed it, but its the way he's doing it that is offputting. Just not professional behavior.

  • Love 5

What made it even worse is that she didn't even direct the tweet to Virgil directly, but just the #criminalminds hashtag. She didn't even express any specific disdain for the writing, just that she didn't feel this was the Criminal Minds she loves (and I didn't either). But then again Virgil is a giant baby who can't handle even mild criticism of his writing. Last year, he threw a minor tantrum when CMRT gave "Rabid" a 7 out of 10 (or was it 8/10?) But he makes it worse by taking it public and calling out fans specifically, because it is unprofessional.  At least he is not AS bad as Jim Clemente, because that guy can get nuts. But that is not exactly a compliment to Virgil. 

  • Love 6

My rant: I've been threatening to quit this show for years. Ever since they fired AJ Cooke and Paget Brewster. I don't think the show ever really recovered. The problem with leaving is that there is there is nothing else on Wednesday at 9:00 to replace it. I've looked. I watch because this is one of the few procedurals that I can tolerate plus I like AJ Cooke and yes I know I am in the minority. Plus I like the few episodes with female UNSUBS. We need more female UNSUBS.

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 1

I lowered myself a little and joined in some of the Twitter fray. Virgil was all "THIS is the thanks I get," and that, frankly, was childish. Anyone doing any job poorly should expect criticism. I know I'd certainly get it if I weren't up to task at my own job.

As a writer I am usually very sensitive and empathetic towards my fellow writers. Writing (like any other form of creative expression-acting, music, art, even cooking a meal, etc) is both very personal and very public. It doesn't matter if you are writing a book, an article, a poem, a piece of ad copy, a blog post, or a script. You are figuratively putting your heart, mind and soul out there for public consumption and opinion. And we all know the public sphere can be brutal (or at times, if you are lucky, infinitely kind).


That being said, Virgil needs to put on his big boy Underoos and cope. As a writer, you have to maintain a skin tougher than a rhino hide. Yes, stupid remarks like, "you suck" or "you are a poopie head" are best left ignored. However, if someone offers some nuanced constructive criticism regarding your writing, try to learn from it and use it to improve your writing. That is simply being a grown-up and a professional.


Hmm, where did this soap box come from?

Edited by Bookish Jen
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It probably came from experience, which is the kind of soap box i respect.

Way too much experience, doll face, way too much experience. Let's just say my experience as a writer and a woman is the reason why I'm not ashamed to call myself a feminist.


RE: Virgil. I just read some of his tweets about the response to last night's episode. I whined less when I was mugged and severely beaten ten years ago. Remember the scene when Tobias Hankel beats Reid? (Oh, Bookish Jen, look at who you are talking to! Of course, they do!). Well, my beating was nearly as severe, complete with a lot of blood in my hair. And I'm a small women nearly a foot shorter than Matthew. And the only weapon I had on me was my fierce will to survive this nearly describable experience. So Virgil, STFU!!!!!!


And Virgie-Poo, did you also insult Packer fans? As a cheesehead and a Packer supporter, I'm sure Aaron Rodgers would like to have a word with you. Oh, here it is:


Edited by Bookish Jen
  • Love 3

Why would anyone be ashamed to call themselves a feminist? If you're out there, identify yourself!


[OK, just kidding, I'm just trying to say i'm proud to be a feminist.]

Feminist. It's not a dirty word.


And here is a t-shirt every Spencer-loving feminist would love to give the adored and adoring Dr. Reid:



Oh wait. This is a rant board. Okay, here is another CM related-rant. I could not give a whit about Kate's niece, Meg. I have dish towels smarter than Meg. I think Meg (and her impending story line) is a slap in the face to so many kick ass tweens and teens out there. A much more smarter and original Meg/Kate story is to have Kate and Meg work on a school project informing young people about Internet-based pedophiles and the sexual exploitation of young people. But because of EM, we can't have nice things.

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Jen, (may I call you Jen?) I'm so sorry you went through that. Some people are just so despicable to attack others like that.


And Virgil whining that this is the thanks he gets? Ugh, he's doing his JOB. He's not writing stories out of the goodness of his heart as a favor to the fans. He's doing it to collect a paycheck. He's not putting his life on the line and risking being killed like cops, firemen, military, etc... And he thinks the fans owe him some sort of gratitude? If he hadn't written the episode, someone else would. I'm sure there are plenty of starving writers out there who would gladly take his place. Hell, there are fanfiction writers who have come up with better stories than his last one. From what I understand, his episode had the absolute lowest ratings of the entire season. He may try to blame it on other things, but it seems like his episode just wasn't that good-- and I've seen worse episodes, but his attitude and response to the fans just makes me like the episode less.


As for Meg, I am sick to death of stupid teens being portrayed on TV. Yeah, I get that Meg thought it sounded odd, but she should have had the stones to say to her friend "Listen to me, this doesn't feel right, lets just go".

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Okay, so this is awkward. I'm here on the new rant thread, not planning to rant.  But I did want to say that I actually don't mind the Meg storyline, as long as it's done well. After this week, all bets are off on that.  (mini-rant). 


While the majority of adolescents don't meet someone offline after they've only 'met' them online, there are enough who do, and they include otherwise smart teens.  If a well-done episode prompts even a few parents to have a conversation they wouldn't otherwise have had, I'm all for it. I've heard enough presentations by police and victims' services about how potential victims are recruited for trafficking to believe that no one is completely immune to it. That it could happen to someone being raised by an FBI agent might drive the point home.

  • Love 4

Okay, so this is awkward. I'm here on the new rant thread, not planning to rant.  But I did want to say that I actually don't mind the Meg storyline, as long as it's done well. After this week, all bets are off on that.  (mini-rant). 


While the majority of adolescents don't meet someone offline after they've only 'met' them online, there are enough who do, and they include otherwise smart teens.  If a well-done episode prompts even a few parents to have a conversation they wouldn't otherwise have had, I'm all for it. I've heard enough presentations by police and victims' services about how potential victims are recruited for trafficking to believe that no one is completely immune to it. That it could happen to someone being raised by an FBI agent might drive the point home.

Perhaps five, six years ago, the Meg storyline would have handled with grace, nuance and compassion, but I'm afraid in CM's current state, this episode will be a shit sandwich. Maybe I will be proved wrong. I'm not holding my breath.

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Guys, it's called vent and rant. Vent isn't necessarily angry, as rant is, at least IMO. I think we can just say what we want that is CM but maybe not honed in on specific whatevers. Rant with abandon, vent with aplomb!!

As if we'd do it any other way.

Jen, (may I call you Jen?) I'm so sorry you went through that. Some people are just so despicable to attack others like that.


And Virgil whining that this is the thanks he gets? Ugh, he's doing his JOB. He's not writing stories out of the goodness of his heart as a favor to the fans. He's doing it to collect a paycheck. He's not putting his life on the line and risking being killed like cops, firemen, military, etc... And he thinks the fans owe him some sort of gratitude? If he hadn't written the episode, someone else would. I'm sure there are plenty of starving writers out there who would gladly take his place. Hell, there are fanfiction writers who have come up with better stories than his last one. From what I understand, his episode had the absolute lowest ratings of the entire season. He may try to blame it on other things, but it seems like his episode just wasn't that good-- and I've seen worse episodes, but his attitude and response to the fans just makes me like the episode less.


As for Meg, I am sick to death of stupid teens being portrayed on TV. Yeah, I get that Meg thought it sounded odd, but she should have had the stones to say to her friend "Listen to me, this doesn't feel right, lets just go".

Of course, you can call me Jen.


And you are so right (almost typed write...hmm, how Freudian). There are truly talented struggling and writers who would give their eye teeth to have Virgil's job. And he reacts to a few well-thought out Twitter criticisms like he's being beheaded by ISIS. I'm sure Freddie Gray would but he can't because he's dead!


And word re: Meg. Righteous rant on this matter.

  • Love 3

Okay, so this is awkward. I'm here on the new rant thread, not planning to rant.  But I did want to say that I actually don't mind the Meg storyline, as long as it's done well. After this week, all bets are off on that.  (mini-rant). 


While the majority of adolescents don't meet someone offline after they've only 'met' them online, there are enough who do, and they include otherwise smart teens.  If a well-done episode prompts even a few parents to have a conversation they wouldn't otherwise have had, I'm all for it. I've heard enough presentations by police and victims' services about how potential victims are recruited for trafficking to believe that no one is completely immune to it. That it could happen to someone being raised by an FBI agent might drive the point home.


Here's the thing:


In the UO thread, it was just recently mentioned how ridiculous it was for Spencer to sit idly by while Maeve was being stalked, for him to more or less do nothing in the final few minutes of Zugzwang to prevent her from being killed by Diane. If we juxtapose that with this, how dumb does it make Kate look that she doesn't have a clue of what her niece, who lives in the house with her, does while she's online?


Now, I've been internet stalked. A few years ago, some weirdo glommed onto me through Facebook and then hacked into my email account. It never got to the violent stage, but since then I've been much more careful about my 'net security. One of the benefits of the Internet is that most people can use it, but one of the drawbacks of the Internet is that.....most people can use it. If a teenager who actually lives with an FBI agent who FFS profiles serial murderers gets into the kind of jam Meg is apparently going to get herself into, then its either that Meg isn't too bright or that Kate isn't a particularly good guardian.

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Meg seems to be doing all of this with her friend.  All they need to do is use the friend's tablet, or even go on Meg's computer under the friend's log-in. Unless Kate checks the history on the computer on a regular basis, she wouldn't know. 


Adolescent social media activity is very hard to monitor.  There is always some new form of it that the young ones know about, but the adults don't.  It doesn't make one a bad parent or guardian.  It just means they haven't caught up on the technology. 


Nor do adolescents have to be stupid.  They just have to be adolescents, wanting to fit in, going along to get along. 


And, on top of all that, Kate has pregnancy brain (which has been debunked, but not by those who suffer it).



  • Love 5


Here's the thing:


In the UO thread, it was just recently mentioned how ridiculous it was for Spencer to sit idly by while Maeve was being stalked, for him to more or less do nothing in the final few minutes of Zugzwang to prevent her from being killed by Diane. If we juxtapose that with this, how dumb does it make Kate look that she doesn't have a clue of what her niece, who lives in the house with her, does while she's online?


Now, I've been internet stalked. A few years ago, some weirdo glommed onto me through Facebook and then hacked into my email account. It never got to the violent stage, but since then I've been much more careful about my 'net security. One of the benefits of the Internet is that most people can use it, but one of the drawbacks of the Internet is that.....most people can use it. If a teenager who actually lives with an FBI agent who FFS profiles serial murderers gets into the kind of jam Meg is apparently going to get herself into, then its either that Meg isn't too bright or that Kate isn't a particularly good guardian.

Oh my goodness, CoStar. How absolutely chilling. I actually shuddered knowing this happened to you. I'm so glad you are doing okay. An activist and author I highly respect was libeled and bullied via Twitter by two immensely mean, ignorant and petty political pundits. She survived, but still remains very addled. She has to be extra cautious due to these nasty idiots; they have a huge reputation for being vicious and cruel bullies who have affected far too many innocent people.

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Did anybody notice that JJ was wearing Kevlar and looks to be part of a take down in the promo for next week's episode. Isn't that the episode she is suppose to tell Reid she is  pregnant. WTF is that all about. Surely at this point JJ must know that she is pregnant or at least highly suspect she is. But here she is stupidly putting her unborn child at risk once again. I am beginning to wonder just how badly she even wants this second child. For someone who is suppose to have such amazing insights when it comes to just about everything pertaining to motherhood,JJ seems to be amazingly clueless to the fact that you just shouldn't put yourself and your unborn child into extremely risky, as well as totally unnecessary, situations.

Edited by missmycat
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Maybe she finds out this episode. 

And just how does JJ find out that she is pregnant.Did she take a pregnancy test. Did she visit her doctor. Either one of those scenario would mean JJ must have suspected she might be pregnant. One would think after having suffered a miscarriage last time JJ would be a bit more cautious. The problem is JJ has never acknowledged the part her extreme carelessness played in her having suffered her previous miscarriage.

I would imagine she finds out very early in the pregnancy, even though AJ is about 5 months along when they are filming this. She really didn't look even 3 months pregnant to me in those pictures she shared. But I imagine she'll feel sick, Spence will notice and question her, she'll take a test out in the field, and he'll know before everyone else.

  • Love 3


I would imagine she finds out very early in the pregnancy, even though AJ is about 5 months along when they are filming this. She really didn't look even 3 months pregnant to me in those pictures she shared. But I imagine she'll feel sick, Spence will notice and question her, she'll take a test out in the field, and he'll know before everyone else.


That would be my guess as well.  Remember, we know JJ is pregnant, because it was spoiled to us.  That doesn't mean that she knows it.  No reason to assume negligence or  ill intent on the part of the character.

  • Love 6

I would imagine she finds out very early in the pregnancy, even though AJ is about 5 months along when they are filming this. She really didn't look even 3 months pregnant to me in those pictures she shared. But I imagine she'll feel sick, Spence will notice and question her, she'll take a test out in the field, and he'll know before everyone else.

Yeah I suppose that is a possibility. Was AJ really that far along. You're right she doesn't look it. I don't know part of my annoyance is with the fact that JJ has to be part of at least 99 percent of the take downs. Unlike last time AJ Cook's entire pregnancy isn't going to play out thru the show because part of it will take place during hiatus. But it would have been interesting to see what would had transpired if her entire pregnancy had played out thru the show. Would she have been sidelined like Kate is at the moment. Or would Messer and her people still have found away for JJ to continue to be in on just about every single take down.

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And just how does JJ find out that she is pregnant.Did she take a pregnancy test. Did she visit her doctor. Either one of those scenario would mean JJ must have suspected she might be pregnant. One would think after having suffered a miscarriage last time JJ would be a bit more cautious. The problem is JJ has never acknowledged the part her extreme carelessness played in her having suffered her previous miscarriage.



Jesus, I don't know. Maybe she skips a period. 


I guess if I want to rant against obsessed, hatred filled CM fans, this is the place? 


[JJ's Voice]"Boys, behave or I will ground you both."[/JJ's Voice] :-P


OTOh, it is kind of a worthwhile thing to ask, particularly given that JJ miscarried her last child because she was pregnant while doing something extremely dangerous. If she finds out right away, will she be taking a leave of absence from the field, as I think she should? And if so, will AJ be less in evidence at the beginning of next season?

Yeah I suppose that is a possibility. Was AJ really that far along. You're right she doesn't look it.


Correct, AJ doesn't look pregnant, while in the last episode JLH was visibly showing. Aren't they supposedly due at around the same time?

I'm not for sure, but I think AJ got pregnant about 2 months after JLH. She has been hiding stuff since about 4 episodes ago, at least. AJ is supposed to deliver in Late July (luck be upon her), so she will have some maternity leave to go at the front of the season, since *if* season 11 happens, they will begin filming about late July. It could be that she will miss 4 or 5 episodes, with perhaps a few little visits like she did with "Henry"

CobaltStargazer, if AJ is further along than she looks, they might try to extend it at the beginning of next season, then have her pregnant after she's had her real baby. That would work! In TV land, they can speed things up (or slow them down) however they like, right? So AJ wears the fake preggers belly for a couple episodes, maybe. I'd like to see that again, actually. See her presenting files and cases and profiling not in the field, but maybe via remote like Garcia, or just staying behind when the team went to case. 


Oh... I just remembered. Spencer is going to be the godfather again, probably. Sweet scene to look forward to.

Did anybody notice that JJ was wearing Kevlar and looks to be part of a take down in the promo for next week's episode. Isn't that the episode she is suppose to tell Reid she is  pregnant. WTF is that all about. Surely at this point JJ must know that she is pregnant or at least highly suspect she is. But here she is stupidly putting her unborn child at risk once again. I am beginning to wonder just how badly she even wants this second child. For someone who is suppose to have such amazing insights when it comes to just about everything pertaining to motherhood,JJ seems to be amazingly clueless to the fact that you just shouldn't put yourself and your unborn child into extremely risky, as well as totally unnecessary, situations.

I think AJC is the same length into her pregnancy as JLH -- aren't they both due mid-summer? But since AJC isn't showing like JLH, maybe TPTB are going to make it as though she's newly-pregnant, and write the show accordingly.

Ya think Spence will be godfather again? Interesting that he finds out first. Wonder how that will play out. Maybe he'll hold the stick while she pees on it...

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That would be my guess as well.  Remember, we know JJ is pregnant, because it was spoiled to us.  That doesn't mean that she knows it.  No reason to assume negligence or  ill intent on the part of the character.

JMO, I'm sorry but with Erica Messer and these writers I can't help but make such an assumption.I mean just look at what they had JJ doing the last time she was pregnant.

No. I too give side eye to JJ's whole miscarriage storyline, because that would have NEVER happened in reality. She knew she was pregnant. Her boss knew she was pregnant. Pregnant women don't remain in combat zones long. They are usually sent home at the earliest opportunity. They are NOT sent out on combat missions. My disdain for that particular piece of story is not at JJ, because she is a fake character who only does what the writers write for her. My contempt is for the writers who put that unrealistic point into "200." It really felt emotionally manipulative, like the writers were just piling on tragedies so we would feel sorry for JJ. Uh no...I don't, because none of that would have gone down like that in real life. Of course if we were being realistic, she never would have been sent on that mission at all in the first place. But that is another rant for another time.

  • Love 7

It doesn't matter. Once her boss found out she was pregnant, he never would have (in real life) sent her out on that mission. It is completely against protocol. As for her getting out in time, they weren't out in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't that difficult to fly in and out of. And somehow she was able to go back to DC at a moment's notice when she heard about Emily. Of course that is another bit of unrealism, because if she is out in a combat zone, she would not have been called back for that. But that was Rick retconning the crap out of previously established stories, desperately trying (and failing) to make all the pieces fit together in a plausible way. 

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Well I think I am done with posting here or anywhere on this board. So much for not having to worry about repercussions for merely expressing ones self. Anyways Spinner33 it was a nice idea even if it didn't work out for me personally.


Let me add my voice to the chorus asking you to stay, MMC. I enjoy your posts and would like to keep hearing from you.

  • Love 3

Exactly. So, writer fail? 

Oh it is a total writer fail. I have never considered it anything but a writer fail. Rick failed by writing it, and Erica failed for approving it. I am sure all the other writers enabled that crapfest, but those are the two I hold most responsible. Erica is the showrunner, and everything that happens or fails to happen ultimately falls on her shoulders. She wanted this. because otherwise their 200th episode would have been radically different. 

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Well I think I am done with posting here or anywhere on this board. So much for not having to worry about repercussions for merely expressing ones self. Anyways Spinner33 it was a nice idea even if it didn't work out for me personally.

Don't give up posting! I would miss you a lot. We should all be able to express an opinion freely so please stay.

  • Love 4

Oh man.. Reid just sitting there and not trying to grab Diane's gun away when she leaned to kiss him was just incredibly stupid. He could have overpowered her.


As for JJ's pregnancy, my guess is that she doesn't realize she's pregnant. Remember that show about women who didn't know they were pregnant until they went into labor? And not all of them were overweight-- some didn't really show any signs and some had been told it was impossible for them to have children. So, lets just assume that JJ thought she could no longer have children and had to do a urine test for something and it turned out she was pregnant and she doesn't find out until after she's in the kevlar? unless the kevlar is a flashback scene or a dream?


I think I read somewhere that AJ is due in July or something? Not sure. But I think JLH is due anytime now.


I'm now going to vent about how the current writers have a hard time not revealing the unsub right away. Its one of the biggest letdowns for me. Whenever they show the unsub early it makes me want to turn the TV off.


I also agree with people that an FBI agent like Kate should have better security on the computers in place for Meg. I get that she and her husband want to be somewhat "cool" parents and trust Meg, but that doesn't mean they should trust other people.


We didn't have internet when I was Meg's age so I don't know what my parents would have done, but I was never overly trusting of other people and I didn't lie to my parents and sneak out or do any of the crap that teens do on TV and movies.

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MMC, please keep posting. I highly recommend the ignore user option. Don't let people silence you. Your opinion is valid and you should be able to express it.

Something I would like to rant about at length is the way particular fans attack anyone who doesn't agree with them. Those who brow beat other fans to silence dissenting opinions, hoping they'll leave or be quiet. MMC, don't let anyone silence you. No matter how certain fans want to twist reality and justify certain characters because they like the character or the actor, you shouldn't let them win by driving you away.

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I'm venting because I can't find this supposed "ignore user" button. LOL. 


I'm not a fan of bullying and I don't like ad hominem arguments. If a person has to resort to personal attacks rather than addressing the issue, then they are losing. Now, sometimes a person is so unreasonable that there is no arguing with them because their statements are just ludicrous beyond words-- then its best to not reply at all.

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My rant: people confusing the actor/actress and the character.

Examples: blaming AJ for JJ 2.0, blaming JLH as a reason to dislike Kate, etc.

The actors are people, and yes they are in a very public job which opens them up to a lot of criticism and admiration, but they are not their characters. Frankly, I don't even think there's a whole lot to rant about on this topic, other than to say that they should be separate. You don't know how much input the actors have on their characters' storylines, and it really shouldn't even be up to them to begin with. If they have an idea that the writers/showrunner accept, and then it is executed badly, that's not their fault. For one, it's not their job to come up with stories for their characters, and for another, they don't (generally) write the scripts or approve the stories with the bigger picture in mind.

I mostly have an issue with this when it is negative, because I feel bad for the actors - they're people just trying to do their job and nobody likes being criticized, especially for things out of their control and in the manner it is often done online (especially facebook and twitter). However, "positive" comments (e.g. I love Emily and therefore PB is the greatest person to ever walk on the planet earth) can also be kind of creepy. For examples of this, just take a look at any of the CM actors' Instagram comments - I find it extremely uncomfortable to read, given that the commenters don't actually know the person.

It's totally valid to criticize their acting - e.g. so-and-so came across as wooden, I didn't like the way they responded in this scene, etc. But it's another thing entirely to blame the actor for things you don't like about the character, and automatically dislike the actor because you dislike the character.
I would absolutely hate to be in the position that these actors are in. I think that's a big difference between TV and movie acting; on TV, you play one character for a logn time and the audience gets really attached to you as that character, and then you're no longer you - you're the character that you portray. Cognitively, everybody knows the difference, but it's hard to keep in mind sometimes when you get all worked up about something.

Anyways, that is my rant :) Thanks for making a thread where it belongs!

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I completely agree secnarf. A lot of people blame AJC for pushing the changes we've seen in JJ's character when they should be placing the blame on the show runner. I've said before that I think EM has trouble saying no to some of the actors' requests. I hated the whole arc with Rossi helping his veteran pal off the streets. It just felt way too preach-y and drawn out for my liking and I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Clearly it's something JM is passionate about and I think that's great, but one episode was enough to get the point across. I also know some of the changes we've seen in Garcia's character, particularly the over the top and often inappropriate dialogue, come directly from KV. She's also largely responsible for the wardrobe getting progressively less appropriate.


I also have to say that there appears to be a double standard when it comes to blaming the actor vs. blaming the show runner. AJC gets a lion's share of the blame for JJ's story lines while EM (and to a lesser extent the rest of the writers) gets the blame for the other poorly received choices. I always think of the Maeve arc and how MGG not only approved of the way it ended but pushed for it to be done in the most heartbreaking manner possible, yet he's blameless. Let me reiterate that the actors shouldn't be blamed for the writing, but if you choose to blame one individual actor you ought to blame them all.

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Although I do understand the dislike for the JJ character I do not understand the outright hate for AJ Cooke.


Very occasionally there's been a post or two that's headed in that direction, CT, but they've almost always pulled back.  I think people here have been very deliberate in saying they are frustrated with the character, and not the actress.  I don't read that many boards (and, after one foray, I definitely don't read any of the Facebook comments), so maybe the same is not true elsewhere. 


But poor JLH!  My brief visitation of the Facebook page led me to believe that there are a lot of people who vilify the actress herself, having given no consideration whatsoever to the character. That kind of personal hatred has no place being expressed anywhere. It's not the company I choose to keep, and it's why I avoid that particular Facebook page.


  • Love 3

But poor JLH!  My brief visitation of the Facebook page led me to believe that there are a lot of people who vilify the actress herself, having given no consideration whatsoever to the character. That kind of personal hatred has no place being expressed anywhere. It's not the company I choose to keep, and it's why I avoid that particular Facebook page.


What's so funny, in that way that's not really all that funny, is that when Paget Brewster first joined the cast, the posters at the old TWOP thread were equal parts furious and disgusted over it. Some of them apparently knew her from Huff and hated her there, and that hate bled over when she showed up as Emily, so there were lots of posts legit brutalizing both Paget and Prentiss. If they had been hollering for Elle to come back, that would have been one thing, but they weren't. Six short years later, the worm turned and Jeanne Tripplehorn was the one getting her virtual ass kicked every which way because Emily left and wasn't ever going to come back.

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