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S11.E09: Frightening Families

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14 hours ago, qtpye said:

I do not think there is any real animosity between Adam/Logan and Emily/Tyler, but I do think they were disappointed in that moment and not hiding it very well.  It is ironic considering Emily/Tyler are much more talented then Adam/Logan

Interesting. I interpreted it as disappointment that the mad dash was to get Cig and George, and Adam and Logan felt like the last kid picked in kickball. It wasn't so much a matter of whom they wanted, but who wanted them. Or... didn't want them. Adam and Logan are very aware that they have a poor track record this season, so they know they're not the team everyone wants to pair up with. I kind of feel sorry for Logan. He seems like a nice enough guy, but I think he knows he's competing against people who have a little more of the quick-thinking, inspired nature that is important for this kind of challenge week after week. (Apologies for the longish edit; I just kept thinking about this after posting.)

Edited by Reishe
more thoughts (sorry!)
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Just now, Reishe said:

Interesting. I interpreted it as disappointment that the mad dash was to get Cig and George, and Adam and Logan felt like the last kid picked in kickball. It wasn't so much a matter of whom they wanted, but who wanted them

I think Adam and Logan might have wanted to partner with Ben and Evan as a point of strategy.  They thought that partnering with a weaker team would lessen their chance of going home.  They knew that if it came down to Emily/Tyler or them, that one of them would go home.

That being said, the only impressive thing about their make up was the little girl created by Emily/Tyler.

It was so good, because E/T understand the value of restraint.

Adam puffed up like a peacock and took credit for the idea to use a male model for the little girl and a female model for the dad, when he thought he was going to get showered with praise.

When Glen actually said that it did not work for the dad, you know he wanted to take it back and now claim it was actually a group decision.

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I've never been able to read Logan very well, though he seems like a peach.  Every now and then he just busts out with personality and creativity.  Not sure if the team thing was good for him either, but I'm excited to see next week. 

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I just watched the preview for next week, and realized I don't want to see the finale. I want Glenn to tell the Fab Four that they rocked the competition and it was impossible to elevate one of them over the others, they each get a job offer and a pony. 

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9 hours ago, sourpickles said:

I've never been able to read Logan very well, though he seems like a peach.  Every now and then he just busts out with personality and creativity.  Not sure if the team thing was good for him either, but I'm excited to see next week. 

 I think Logan is amazingly talented, but so is Adam it's just that Adam came across as a self-important jerk wad (could be the edit he got), so I dont think Adam pulled Logan down artistically (unlike what I feel Kaelighanaranabingbanghowdoyouspellherfreekingname did to Melissa), he was just such a negative Nancy it made the work suffer too much.

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Watching belatedly and... yeah, I get the "fuck Adam" comments from when I first read this forum on Tuesday night. :)  Between his shitty attitude and the obvious childlike joy of the C/G/B/E contingent, it was clear who was going to win this week regardless of the degree of difficulty involved with circus v. nuke testing.  He was just so transparently checked out ages ago, and oozing a certain bitterness and resignation, probably because he (correctly) knew he was at risk if their "superteam" didn't win.  I agree with @qtpye's theory above that he probably knew being paired with Ben/Evan meant he had more weeds to hide in (or alternately, just had to outperform Ben/Evan to be guaranteed a shot at the finals).  

On the reddit thread for the puppets episode, none other than Cig commented that Adam's full, unedited stonemason spiel went on and one for like 2-3 minutes, so it's not surprising that Glenn kind of dismissed his whole pitch at that point if they had to sit through him babbling.  It does seem like he tries to save his work during the explanatory period with a big long "funny voice" pitch, and still hasn't learned that it doesn't really ever work.  Ah well.  To his credit, he did take his elimination with grace and professionalism, so points for that.


Ben killed it this week, so wow... go Ben!  That hydrocephalic character is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen on this show, and the model (Nyali of the- as @Toaster Strudel put it- "big, great, magnificent eyes") sold it so well with the rolling random eye movement and drooling. I agree the tough part is similar to what @Monty9 said, that it was close enough to realistic there arose that discomfort of thinking about people back in far less compassion times who lived their lives stuck in some rickety wooden chair just like that fictional character.


Loved Glenn ripping on the wig for the strong woman, then saying "Of course, look at his own haircut... but then, who am I to talk?"  Self-aware, self-deprecating Glenn is the best Glenn!  Or at least in the top 2, alongside kittie-loving Glenn.  Hey, maybe Mattel should release a line of Glenn dolls like with Monster High, so we could collect them all!  Crazy Hair Glenn, Kittie Lovin' Glenn, Malibu Beach Glenn, etc, etc. :)

I really enjoyed the guest judge; he was smart and had great insights about both the makeup and concepts as well as how the camera and lighting would impact things.  I enjoyed his little "I go- you stay!" joke to Adam, even though I did not want Adam to stay.

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On 3/21/2017 at 7:07 PM, starri said:

You know, if anybody other than Adam had gone home, I may have ragequit the show.

I know he could probably blame editing, but as Heather B said on the Real World many, many years ago, the editors only work with what you gave them.  If you looked like an asshole, it's because you acted like one.

Good riddance.

I still think of Heather B whenever people try to blame the editing. To be fair, I know that reality shows have gotten much more aggressive in the way that they edit their shows, sometimes manipulating the footage to make things appear totally different. I remember I saw some behind the scenes reality show documentary ages ago where they got producers of various shows to admit the things they had done, like showing a shot of a person from behind (so you couldn't see their face or mouth) and then inserting the audio of them saying something from a completely different conversation. But in general, I totally agree with Heather B - they can't show it if you didn't say it.

Sure, maybe Adam got a bad edit but he was the one kicking things in frustration last week or the week before and this week he didn't come off well either so that's more on him than anyone else. I know we're ending the near of the season so maybe fatigue is setting in, but as has been pointed out before, being on this show is essentially a longer, more drawn out job interview that's being televised and people like Adam should remember that and quietly excuse themselves to the bathroom to calm down if they are getting frustrated.

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On 3/21/2017 at 11:44 PM, Quilt Fairy said:

Circus freaks vs. nuclear holocaust doesn't seem quite equal to me.  I wish they both had the circus.  I also wish Tyler/Emily/Adam/Logan had gone with something other than burns, it's such a boring obvious choice. I think they might have had more creative freedom if they went with a family that had been living for generations with radiation causing bizarre mutations.

Yes, I felt the same way, partly because I would also have greatly preferred the circus and partly because mutations would have been way more interesting than burns and given them so much more to work with.

I was also super annoyed that Team Circus put a HAT on the pinhead chimpanzee.  I get that they were going for organ grinder's monkey - but no freak show in history EVER put a hat on a pinhead.  In fact pinheads not only didn't wear hats, they didn't have hair - they always were displayed with shaven heads to show off the full effect.  Of course the whole thing was good enough for that not to matter - but still.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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18 hours ago, hincandenza said:

Loved Glenn ripping on the wig for the strong woman, then saying "Of course, look at his own haircut... but then, who am I to talk?"  Self-aware, self-deprecating Glenn is the best Glenn!  Or at least in the top 2, alongside kittie-loving Glenn.  Hey, maybe Mattel should release a line of Glenn dolls like with Monster High, so we could collect them all!  Crazy Hair Glenn, Kittie Lovin' Glenn, Malibu Beach Glenn, etc, etc. :)

Love this and love Glenn! Thanks hincandenza. 

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I get that they were going for organ grinder's monkey - but no freak show in history EVER put a hat on a pinhead.

The thing I did love about this, though, was that he was holding a meat grinder. I got a good giggle out of that.

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I lost a lot of respect for Adam when he just barged ahead of Emily during the choosing of the maps, and I'm glad he went home. This whole challenge I felt like he was condescending to Emily and I think he's just jealous of her amazing talent at such a young age.

I'm also disappointed in the single eliminations and no more immunities. I liked the team dynamics for most of them, and now I don't like that I have to choose one person to root for!! I want all of Emily, Tyler, Cig and George to win, lol.

I thought the encephalitis patient was awe inspiring, it looked so realistic, and the model drooling and having watery eyes just clinched it.

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6 hours ago, SherriAnt said:

I lost a lot of respect for Adam when he just barged ahead of Emily during the choosing of the maps, and I'm glad he went home. This whole challenge I felt like he was condescending to Emily and I think he's just jealous of her amazing talent at such a young age.

I thought his behavior wasn't great, but on the reddit threads- where some of the facetestants post such as Cig, Ben, George, and Melissa- they say he did get a bit of a bad edit ths episode.  Apparently he and Emily get along well and joke/prank quite a lot, and honestly they're all so nice I'm inclined to believe that while Adam was probably a bit flustered, he wasn't really being that much of a pill as we think from the edited version.  And I like that about my Face Off, the lack of draaaaaama.

I still think he was the right person to go home this week, though.  :) Purely on the merit of his craftwork, as it should be!

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52 minutes ago, hincandenza said:

they say he did get a bit of a bad edit ths episode.  Apparently he and Emily get along well and joke/prank quite a lot, and honestly they're all so nice I'm inclined to believe that while Adam was probably a bit flustered, he wasn't really being that much of a pill as we think from the edited version.  

I sure hope so, because I remember liking him during his season, and his behaviour this season felt almost like sour grapes. I find it easier to believe he got a bad edit based on Logan and Tylers interactions with him, I feel like they would have interacted with him differently if he was being a dick. I totally agree about the drama, Skin Wars is usually pretty friendly too, probably for the same reason, it being a season long job interview.

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I said it before...I was a huge fan of Adam, still am, both his seasons, but his behavior this week was insane.  I just could not believe it, edit or not.  Things always seem better in retrospect, so I'll give him that, but man, I was not happy with him.  And disappointed.  But he seemed to be kind of over it.  I wish only the best to people on this show, so same to him.  And now, on to tonight.  I'm very curious......................I'll see ya'll then.

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The ads on this page are probably targeted, but did anyone else get a PayPal ad featuring a male model with a beard and hairstyle worthy of Team Facial Hair? Too funny.

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