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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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3 - My heart, it breaks. My husband was in his late 20s when his dad passed away (three days after our youngest was born) and it's still hard.

I sometimes wonder, was Luke just too young when his mother died to remember much about her? We never find out how old he was when his mom died, right? Just that he and Liz were still kids? Is that why his dad's death messed him up so much more than his mom's? It's interesting to think about.

Edit - I didn't even realize we were down to the last two, ha ha! Remember to vote FOR the one you want to WIN!

Favorite Scenes in a Vehicle

1. Luke drives Lorelai to the hospital after Richard collapses during the Christmas party. "‘Grandpa’s in the hospital, please come.’ No details, no info. Who taught her to leave a message like that?" "I’m sure she was in a hurry." "A person needs details. Why is he in the hospital? How bad is it? What are the circumstances involving him being in the hospital? These are simple questions." "We’ll be there very soon and you’ll know everything." "What if he’s dead?" "He’s not dead." "How do you know?" "I know." "Oh, you’re psychic now? You’re suddenly getting visions while you’re driving 20 mph in the oldest truck known to man? [pause] I’m sorry, you’re killing yourself to get me there and I’m yelling at you. I don’t mean it." "I know." (Forgiveness & Stuff)

7. Lorelai and Luke drive back from Rory's 21st birthday party. "Hey. You can pull link sausages out of me if you want." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

Edited by Taryn74

So I guess it's up to me to cast the deciding vote.

I'm gonna go with -

Favorite Scenes in a Vehicle

Luke drives Lorelai to the hospital after Richard collapses during the Christmas party. "‘Grandpa’s in the hospital, please come.’ No details, no info. Who taught her to leave a message like that?" "I’m sure she was in a hurry." "A person needs details. Why is he in the hospital? How bad is it? What are the circumstances involving him being in the hospital? These are simple questions." "We’ll be there very soon and you’ll know everything." "What if he’s dead?" "He’s not dead." "How do you know?" "I know." "Oh, you’re psychic now? You’re suddenly getting visions while you’re driving 20 mph in the oldest truck known to man? [pause] I’m sorry, you’re killing yourself to get me there and I’m yelling at you. I don’t mean it." "I know." (Forgiveness & Stuff)

This scene is everything that's beautiful about L/L's relationship. He's the steady rock she needs when she's flying off the handle (for whatever reason - in this case, out of fear) and he doesn't take her verbal abuse personally. And when Lorelai gives herself a moment to calm down, she recognizes she's being completely unreasonable and apologizes. He accepts her apology without making a big to-do about it. It's just a great, great scene.

Any ideas what we should do next? I've still got these jotted down that I don't think we've done - white lies, awkward moments, favorite moments at work. I'd also love to do a favorite Kirk scenes. But I'm open to suggestions!!

Start listing your Favorite Awkward Moments please!

Editing to add one that never fails to make me snicker.....

1. Lorelai stops by Kim's Antiques. "Oh, hey, Mrs. Kim." "Hello, Lorelai. What can I do for you?" "Well, do you still have the big door knockers -- metal with the chipped red paint? [Mrs. Kim picks up a door knocker.] You're a magician. Do you know that? Oh, it's great. Isn't it big?" "And good price, seeing as how it may have belonged to James Madison. It was commonly known that James Madison liked big knockers." "I bet a lot of the founding fathers liked big knockers. ....... I'm sorry for laughing. I'd explain if I could." "It's a double entendre. I've been in this country 20 years. I get things." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

Edited by Taryn74

Favorite Awkward Moments!

1. Lorelai stops by Kim's Antiques. "Oh, hey, Mrs. Kim." "Hello, Lorelai. What can I do for you?" "Well, do you still have the big door knockers -- metal with the chipped red paint? [Mrs. Kim picks up a door knocker.] You're a magician. Do you know that? Oh, it's great. Isn't it big?" "And good price, seeing as how it may have belonged to James Madison. It was commonly known that James Madison liked big knockers." "I bet a lot of the founding fathers liked big knockers. ....... I'm sorry for laughing. I'd explain if I could." "It's a double entendre. I've been in this country 20 years. I get things." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

2. Luke and Lorelai go to Sniffy's Tavern for their first real date. "Is this like a Mafia thing?" "Excuse me?" "The whole coming in, special table, reserved sign. Are you gonna have to whack someone before the soup course?" "No, I've filled my whacking quota for the week. [cringes] Dirty?" "Extremely." (Written in the Stars)

3. Rory and Lorelai discuss laundry. "One of us has to do laundry tonight." "Why?" "Because I haven't had any clean underwear for three days." "So right now under your skirt you're wearing...?" "Not underwear." "Mom!" "It's kinda nice, actually -- breezy." "My role model, ladies and gentlemen." (Kiss and Tell)

4. Rory and Lorelai are up really early for the Yale/Harvard football game. "Where's Luke?" "Probably in bed where the rest of the world is on a Saturday. Did I put on underwear?" "What?" "I think I forgot to put on underwear. Can you check? ....... Did I just ask you to check if I put on underwear?" "Yes." "I hate football." (Ted Koppel's Big Night Out)

5. Emily and Richard have reconciled after months of separation. "When did this reconciliation happen?" "Yesterday." "And last night. And this morning." "Richard!" (Come Home)

6. Rory is buying coffee at a kiosk and drops all of her money just as Logan walks up. "This would definitely qualify as a cute meet if we hadn't already met." "Logan. Hey. This is nice and embarrassing." "Are we going after the rollers? A couple of them are headed into the bushes." (So....Good Talk)

7. Sookie realizes Joe thinks their 'catching up' is a real date. "You know, I’m really glad we ran into each other. It’s not often you get a second chance." "What do you mean?" "I can’t tell you how many times I kicked myself for not asking you out that summer. It just seemed like every time I got close, we’d end up talking about the best way to make calves' liver or something." "Sautéed with caramelized onions." "Exactly. Then when I saw you at the Learning Center, it was like fate was saying, 'Here you go, man. Try not to screw it up again.' I guess things just had to happen in their own time." "Uh huh, in their own time. Um, could you just. . .uh, stir. . . yeah, I’ll be back." (I Solemnly Swear)

8. Lorelai gets nailed like a 2x4 by a bunch of sixteen year olds. "Didn’t you get pregnant when you were sixteen?" "Um, sixteen. . .it was around that age. Sixteen, that sounds right. Okay. Different people working for you will have different needs. . .yeah?" "Well, what about school?" "School? I’m sorry?" "Did you drop out when you got pregnant with Rory?" "No, technically, I didn’t drop out. I, uh, I kept going as long as I could while I was pregnant, which I would recommend to any girl. Not the getting pregnant part, obviously." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

9. Paris and Tristan see each other after their date the night before. "I just wanted to tell you again that I had so much fun last night." "Yeah, after five messages on my answering machine, I kinda got that impression." "Too much, sorry." "No, forget it, it was cute." "You know, maybe we could do it again sometime. I mean a different movie of course, but the same basic plan." "Absolutely." "Great, because it was really fun." "It was fun and we should do it again. I mean you know -- as friends." "Oh, yeah, as friends. "You noticed it too, right? That we’re sort of more friends material than dating material?" "Yes, I did notice. I have excellent deductive skills." (The Third Lorelai)

10. Jamie comes to Yale after Paris keeps brushing him off. "Has she been seeing someone else?" "Not that I know of." "I'll let you go. Thanks, this actually helped." "Good. It will get better, Jamie. I really think that." "Good. [backs away] It's my birthday." "Oh wow, happy birthday." "Thanks." (A Family Matter)

11. Paris and Rory both come back to school early. Rory sees Paris kissing Asher goodbye. "So, you guys have fun?" "I told you that on the phone." "I know. You have fun after that?" "Sure. The resort was beautiful. A little too star-studded. Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart were there. They tongue kissed in public." "They're in love." "Then she'd tickle his tummy and he'd giggle. It was foul." "To each his own." "Well, I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way. I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way." "Well, I'll just stay here, then." "Good." (The Nanny and the Professor)

12. Lorelai runs into Nicole at the diner, not realizing she and Luke have gotten back together. "So, is Luke coming out, or. . ." "He should be." "You know, I'm not hungry." "No?" "I just remembered, I just ate." "Oh." "So. . .but it's really good to see you." "Same here." (Die, Jerk)

Edited by Taryn74

Favorite Awkward Moments!

1. Lorelai stops by Kim's Antiques. "Oh, hey, Mrs. Kim." "Hello, Lorelai. What can I do for you?" "Well, do you still have the big door knockers -- metal with the chipped red paint? [Mrs. Kim picks up a door knocker.] You're a magician. Do you know that? Oh, it's great. Isn't it big?" "And good price, seeing as how it may have belonged to James Madison. It was commonly known that James Madison liked big knockers." "I bet a lot of the founding fathers liked big knockers. ....... I'm sorry for laughing. I'd explain if I could." "It's a double entendre. I've been in this country 20 years. I get things." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

2. Luke and Lorelai go to Sniffy's Tavern for their first real date. "Is this like a Mafia thing?" "Excuse me?" "The whole coming in, special table, reserved sign. Are you gonna have to whack someone before the soup course?" "No, I've filled my whacking quota for the week. [cringes] Dirty?" "Extremely." (Written in the Stars)

3. Rory and Lorelai discuss laundry. "One of us has to do laundry tonight." "Why?" "Because I haven't had any clean underwear for three days." "So right now under your skirt you're wearing...?" "Not underwear." "Mom!" "It's kinda nice, actually -- breezy." "My role model, ladies and gentlemen." (Kiss and Tell)

4. Rory and Lorelai are up really early for the Yale/Harvard football game. "Where's Luke?" "Probably in bed where the rest of the world is on a Saturday. Did I put on underwear?" "What?" "I think I forgot to put on underwear. Can you check? ....... Did I just ask you to check if I put on underwear?" "Yes." "I hate football." (Ted Koppel's Big Night Out)

5. Emily and Richard have reconciled after months of separation. "When did this reconciliation happen?" "Yesterday." "And last night. And this morning." "Richard!" (Come Home)

6. Rory is buying coffee at a kiosk and drops all of her money just as Logan walks up. "This would definitely qualify as a cute meet if we hadn't already met." "Logan. Hey. This is nice and embarrassing." "Are we going after the rollers? A couple of them are headed into the bushes." (So....Good Talk)

7. Sookie realizes Joe thinks their 'catching up' is a real date. "You know, I’m really glad we ran into each other. It’s not often you get a second chance." "What do you mean?" "I can’t tell you how many times I kicked myself for not asking you out that summer. It just seemed like every time I got close, we’d end up talking about the best way to make calves' liver or something." "Sautéed with caramelized onions." "Exactly. Then when I saw you at the Learning Center, it was like fate was saying, 'Here you go, man. Try not to screw it up again.' I guess things just had to happen in their own time." "Uh huh, in their own time. Um, could you just. . .uh, stir. . . yeah, I’ll be back." (I Solemnly Swear)

8. Lorelai gets nailed like a 2x4 by a bunch of sixteen year olds. "Didn’t you get pregnant when you were sixteen?" "Um, sixteen. . .it was around that age. Sixteen, that sounds right. Okay. Different people working for you will have different needs. . .yeah?" "Well, what about school?" "School? I’m sorry?" "Did you drop out when you got pregnant with Rory?" "No, technically, I didn’t drop out. I, uh, I kept going as long as I could while I was pregnant, which I would recommend to any girl. Not the getting pregnant part, obviously." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

9. Paris and Tristan see each other after their date the night before. "I just wanted to tell you again that I had so much fun last night." "Yeah, after five messages on my answering machine, I kinda got that impression." "Too much, sorry." "No, forget it, it was cute." "You know, maybe we could do it again sometime. I mean a different movie of course, but the same basic plan." "Absolutely." "Great, because it was really fun." "It was fun and we should do it again. I mean you know -- as friends." "Oh, yeah, as friends. "You noticed it too, right? That we’re sort of more friends material than dating material?" "Yes, I did notice. I have excellent deductive skills." (The Third Lorelai)

10. Jamie comes to Yale after Paris keeps brushing him off. "Has she been seeing someone else?" "Not that I know of." "I'll let you go. Thanks, this actually helped." "Good. It will get better, Jamie. I really think that." "Good. [backs away] It's my birthday." "Oh wow, happy birthday." "Thanks." (A Family Matter)

11. Paris and Rory both come back to school early. Rory sees Paris kissing Asher goodbye. "So, you guys have fun?" "I told you that on the phone." "I know. You have fun after that?" "Sure. The resort was beautiful. A little too star-studded. Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart were there. They tongue kissed in public." "They're in love." "Then she'd tickle his tummy and he'd giggle. It was foul." "To each his own." "Well, I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way. I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way." "Well, I'll just stay here, then." "Good." (The Nanny and the Professor)

12. Lorelai runs into Nicole at the diner, not realizing she and Luke have gotten back together. "So, is Luke coming out, or..." "He should be." "You know, I'm not hungry." "No?" "I just remembered, I just ate." "Oh." "So...but it's really good to see you." "Same here." (Die, Jerk)

13. Rachel, looking fresh as a daisy with no airplane hair in sight, steps back into Luke's life. "I'm Lorelai." "Oh yeah. She's Lorelai." "I'm Luke's friend." "Yeah. She uh, uh, works at the Independence Inn." "I run it, actually." "Sorry, she runs it." "Wow, I love that place." "Oh!" "That must be a pretty big job." "It is! It's crazy. There's always something happening. Like, we just put these coffee makers in all the rooms, but only half of them work. They just like shake and gurgle, like they're having some kind of a fit. Why were you in the Mideast?" "I was doing a photo story, on how Palestinian and Israeli families have been affected by the violence." "Uh huh, well, so you understand about the job pressure." "Yeah." (Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers)

14. Lane confronts Kyon after seeing her come out of Kim's Antiques. "Who are you?" "Hi." "What are you doing here?" "Where?" "Why are you living in my house?" "Your house?" "That house right there. It's mine." "I'm staying there." "Why? Are we related?" "I hope not." (Afterboom)

15. Kirk panics when Lorelai offers him and Lulu a room at the test run of the Dragonfly and goes to Luke for advice. "The worst part of night terrors is it always ends up with me on top of the roof completely naked or running down the street completely naked or swimming in the community-center pool completely naked. That was the time I thought I was on fire." "Kirk, that's terrible." "Well, I'm used to it now, so it's kind of second nature to me, but Lulu -- " "Right, Lulu." "How is she going to take it? I mean, I could scare her or ninja-kick her and lock her up with a pillow. I think I love her, Luke, and I haven't even told her that I love her. I spelled it out in chocolate-covered Oreos once, but she was really hungry, and I'm not sure if she read it first. I can't assault her before I tell her I love her." "What do you want me to do about it?" "I called the Dragonfly and had them put me and Lulu in the room right next to yours. That way, if you hear anything -- screaming, or Russian -- you can come in and pull me off of Lulu." "Oh." "Unless, when you come in, it looks like you shouldn't pull me off of Lulu." "Kirk." "You can use your judgment on that one." (Raincoats & Recipes)

16. After finding out Luke and Lorelai are engaged, Babette shares the story of how Morey proposed. "Morey proposed to me spontaneously. Did I ever tell you the story?" "Um, no." "It was a brisk fall night, and Morey was on top. No, wait, I was on top." "What?" "Hold on! Stony Morrison was on top." "Babette!" "We were playing Twister. Did I not mention that?" "No!" "I probably should have." (New and Improved Lorelai)

When Rory asks the Smiths fan out in the laundry room and he turns her down. 

When Rory subsequently accuses said Smiths fan of talking about her and finds out that not everything is about her.

Rory and Jess fighting in front of Emily.

When Lorelai shames Sookie for not having been in a relationship for years.

When Lorelai comes down into the diner in just Luke's shirt.

Favorite Awkward Moments!

1. Lorelai stops by Kim's Antiques. "Oh, hey, Mrs. Kim." "Hello, Lorelai. What can I do for you?" "Well, do you still have the big door knockers -- metal with the chipped red paint? [Mrs. Kim picks up a door knocker.] You're a magician. Do you know that? Oh, it's great. Isn't it big?" "And good price, seeing as how it may have belonged to James Madison. It was commonly known that James Madison liked big knockers." "I bet a lot of the founding fathers liked big knockers. ....... I'm sorry for laughing. I'd explain if I could." "It's a double entendre. I've been in this country 20 years. I get things." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

2. Luke and Lorelai go to Sniffy's Tavern for their first real date. "Is this like a Mafia thing?" "Excuse me?" "The whole coming in, special table, reserved sign. Are you gonna have to whack someone before the soup course?" "No, I've filled my whacking quota for the week. [cringes] Dirty?" "Extremely." (Written in the Stars)

3. Rory and Lorelai discuss laundry. "One of us has to do laundry tonight." "Why?" "Because I haven't had any clean underwear for three days." "So right now under your skirt you're wearing...?" "Not underwear." "Mom!" "It's kinda nice, actually -- breezy." "My role model, ladies and gentlemen." (Kiss and Tell)

4. Rory and Lorelai are up really early for the Yale/Harvard football game. "Where's Luke?" "Probably in bed where the rest of the world is on a Saturday. Did I put on underwear?" "What?" "I think I forgot to put on underwear. Can you check? ....... Did I just ask you to check if I put on underwear?" "Yes." "I hate football." (Ted Koppel's Big Night Out)

5. Emily and Richard have reconciled after months of separation. "When did this reconciliation happen?" "Yesterday." "And last night. And this morning." "Richard!" (Come Home)

6. Rory is buying coffee at a kiosk and drops all of her money just as Logan walks up. "This would definitely qualify as a cute meet if we hadn't already met." "Logan. Hey. This is nice and embarrassing." "Are we going after the rollers? A couple of them are headed into the bushes." (So....Good Talk)

7. Sookie realizes Joe thinks their 'catching up' is a real date. "You know, I’m really glad we ran into each other. It’s not often you get a second chance." "What do you mean?" "I can’t tell you how many times I kicked myself for not asking you out that summer. It just seemed like every time I got close, we’d end up talking about the best way to make calves' liver or something." "Sautéed with caramelized onions." "Exactly. Then when I saw you at the Learning Center, it was like fate was saying, 'Here you go, man. Try not to screw it up again.' I guess things just had to happen in their own time." "Uh huh, in their own time. Um, could you just. . .uh, stir. . . yeah, I’ll be back." (I Solemnly Swear)

8. Lorelai gets nailed like a 2x4 by a bunch of sixteen year olds. "Didn’t you get pregnant when you were sixteen?" "Um, sixteen. . .it was around that age. Sixteen, that sounds right. Okay. Different people working for you will have different needs...yeah?" "Well, what about school?" "School? I’m sorry?" "Did you drop out when you got pregnant with Rory?" "No, technically, I didn’t drop out. I, uh, I kept going as long as I could while I was pregnant, which I would recommend to any girl. Not the getting pregnant part, obviously." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

9. Paris and Tristan see each other after their date the night before. "I just wanted to tell you again that I had so much fun last night." "Yeah, after five messages on my answering machine, I kinda got that impression." "Too much, sorry." "No, forget it, it was cute." "You know, maybe we could do it again sometime. I mean a different movie of course, but the same basic plan." "Absolutely." "Great, because it was really fun." "It was fun and we should do it again. I mean you know -- as friends." "Oh, yeah, as friends. "You noticed it too, right? That we’re sort of more friends material than dating material?" "Yes, I did notice. I have excellent deductive skills." (The Third Lorelai)

10. Jamie comes to Yale after Paris keeps brushing him off. "Has she been seeing someone else?" "Not that I know of." "I'll let you go. Thanks, this actually helped." "Good. It will get better, Jamie. I really think that." "Good. [backs away] It's my birthday." "Oh wow, happy birthday." "Thanks." (A Family Matter)

11. Paris and Rory both come back to school early. Rory sees Paris kissing Asher goodbye. "So, you guys have fun?" "I told you that on the phone." "I know. You have fun after that?" "Sure. The resort was beautiful. A little too star-studded. Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart were there. They tongue kissed in public." "They're in love." "Then she'd tickle his tummy and he'd giggle. It was foul." "To each his own." "Well, I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way. I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way." "Well, I'll just stay here, then." "Good." (The Nanny and the Professor)

12. Lorelai runs into Nicole at the diner, not realizing she and Luke have gotten back together. "So, is Luke coming out, or..." "He should be." "You know, I'm not hungry." "No?" "I just remembered, I just ate." "Oh." "So...but it's really good to see you." "Same here." (Die, Jerk)

13. Rachel, looking fresh as a daisy with no airplane hair in sight, steps back into Luke's life. "I'm Lorelai." "Oh yeah. She's Lorelai." "I'm Luke's friend." "Yeah. She uh, uh, works at the Independence Inn." "I run it, actually." "Sorry, she runs it." "Wow, I love that place." "Oh!" "That must be a pretty big job." "It is! It's crazy. There's always something happening. Like, we just put these coffee makers in all the rooms, but only half of them work. They just like shake and gurgle, like they're having some kind of a fit. Why were you in the Mideast?" "I was doing a photo story, on how Palestinian and Israeli families have been affected by the violence." "Uh huh, well, so you understand about the job pressure." "Yeah." (Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers)

14. Lane confronts Kyon after seeing her come out of Kim's Antiques. "Who are you?" "Hi." "What are you doing here?" "Where?" "Why are you living in my house?" "Your house?" "That house right there. It's mine." "I'm staying there." "Why? Are we related?" "I hope not." (Afterboom)

15. Kirk panics when Lorelai offers him and Lulu a room at the test run of the Dragonfly and goes to Luke for advice. "The worst part of night terrors is it always ends up with me on top of the roof completely naked or running down the street completely naked or swimming in the community-center pool completely naked. That was the time I thought I was on fire." "Kirk, that's terrible." "Well, I'm used to it now, so it's kind of second nature to me, but Lulu -- " "Right, Lulu." "How is she going to take it? I mean, I could scare her or ninja-kick her and lock her up with a pillow. I think I love her, Luke, and I haven't even told her that I love her. I spelled it out in chocolate-covered Oreos once, but she was really hungry, and I'm not sure if she read it first. I can't assault her before I tell her I love her." "What do you want me to do about it?" "I called the Dragonfly and had them put me and Lulu in the room right next to yours. That way, if you hear anything -- screaming, or Russian -- you can come in and pull me off of Lulu." "Oh." "Unless, when you come in, it looks like you shouldn't pull me off of Lulu." "Kirk." "You can use your judgment on that one." (Raincoats & Recipes)

16. After finding out Luke and Lorelai are engaged, Babette shares the story of how Morey proposed. "Morey proposed to me spontaneously. Did I ever tell you the story?" "Um, no." "It was a brisk fall night, and Morey was on top. No, wait, I was on top." "What?" "Hold on! Stony Morrison was on top." "Babette!" "We were playing Twister. Did I not mention that?" "No!" "I probably should have." (New and Improved Lorelai)

17. Rory chats with Laundry Room Guy after she realizes he took care of her clean clothes which had been dumped in the floor. "Hey, would you maybe wanna get a cup of coffee sometime, in between classes or something?" "I don't think so, but thanks." "You're welcome." (The Fundamental Things Apply)

18. Later, she confronts him after thinking he's been spreading the story of her asking him out all around Yale. "I know you've been telling the story." "What story?" "The laundry room story. Remember the laundry room?" "Machines, rinse cycle -- " "I asked you to get coffee, that's it. I did not ask you to get married, or say that I loved you, or ask to have your children. And I'm not stalking you! It was a complete coincidence that I happened to go into a meeting that you happened to be in. I had no idea you were there. And it's hard to ask someone out and it puts you in an incredibly vulnerable position! So, it's cruel to use that incident as a funny cocktail story. So from now on, I would appreciate it if you would refrain from telling the hilarious laundry room incident to anyone, anywhere, ever again." "I wasn't talking about you." "What?" "There was this girl from the third floor, she asked me out like a hundred times. She followed me to class. She baked me a cake every day for a month, then she snuck in my window and hid in my closet, covered in whipped cream." "Oh, well, that is a little … extreme." "I didn't tell anybody about the laundry room." "Well, good. Um, do you think that you could maybe not tell anyone this story also, 'cause, that would be great. Thanks." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

19. Jess comes to FND with a black eye. Rory refuses to believe it wasn't from getting in a fight with Dean and badgers him about it in front of Emily. "Grandma, would it be all right if I speak to Jess for a second? We can go to the study." "We’re eating." "Well, I want to talk." "You’re being a little rude to your grandmother, Rory." "I can leave the room for a minute if you want." "No, Grandma, we’ll be right back." (Swan Song)

20. Sookie presses Lorelai about cooling things off with Max. "Hey, you will not stand there singing Ricky Martin songs to me. This is not a pattern ok? I'm not doing what I always do. This is not the same." "Actually, you're right. Usually you don't get so upset and defensive during the cha-cha talk. You must really like this guy." "When did you become the relationship expert? You haven't been in a relationship in years. ..... Wow! Zero to jackass in 3.2 seconds." "It's alright, your feet hurt." "No it isn't. It's never ever ok for me to talk to you like that. I'm so so sorry." (Paris is Burning)

21. Lorelai wakes up wanting coffee after sleeping with Luke for the first time and he's too asleep to warn her not to go down to the diner. "Well, I think people are gonna know." "What? What are you talking about? [fully awake now] Why are you wearing my shirt?" "I put it on to go get coffee." "Downstairs?" "Well, you don't keep it upstairs." "The diner's open." "You're kidding!" "You walked into the diner like that?" "I didn't think the diner could open without you." "I had Caesar open." "Well, he did, with a floor show." (Written in the Stars)

22. Richard and Emily worry that Rory is planning to have relations with Logan and call in a minister to warn her of the dangers of premarital sex. "You know, Rory, being a young lady comes with many gifts. Your virtue, for example, is a gift, a precious gift. Possibly the most precious gift you possess." "Uh-huh." "You want to give this gift very carefully. It is a gift you can give to only one man. Once you give it, it's gone. You can't re-gift it. If you give it away too soon to the wrong man, then when the right one does come along, you have no gift to give. You'll have to buy him a sweater. Do you understand what I'm saying?" "No." "Think long and hard about when and to whom you want to give the ultimate gift you have to give away." "Oh." "Yes." "Oh, dear." "Oh, dear, indeed." "Um...well, listen, Reverend. I really appreciate you taking the time out of what I assume is a busy day to come here and talk to me about...all of this, but, um, I'm afraid the ultimate-gift ship has sailed." "What?" "A while ago. It's probably in Fiji by now." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

23. Mrs. Kim has The Talk with Lane on her wedding day. "Marriage is a job, Lane. There are rewards that come with this job, but there are also sacrifices. There are things you're going to have to do." "Things?" "Terrible things." "Mama, you don't have to…" "You need to hear this, you need to know what to expect. It will start early." "What will?" "The man's expectations. It starts early, at the wedding, actually. At the wedding, you're going to have to kiss him." "Mama." "You will then be expected to share a bed tonight, and when you’re in that bed you're expected to…" "Mama, please." "You're going to have to do it with this boy, Lane. You're just going to have to do it." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

24. Richard insists Luke go golfing with him since Luke and Lorelai are dating. "Golf isn’t my thing, you know. It’s definitely a thing, but not my game." "Well, what is your main hobby?" "Uh… [to caddy] Give me a hobby, quick." "Uh, reading." "Reading. I read like crazy." "Wonderful! What have you been reading lately?" "Uh, books. You know, this, that. Dick!" "Dick?" "That Dick guy, science fiction guy, Dick something, something Dick… I just read one of his." "Well, I’ll bring Dick up on the internet, see what comes up." (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

Time to start voting! Voting against three.

Favorite Awkward Moments!

1. Lorelai stops by Kim's Antiques. "Oh, hey, Mrs. Kim." "Hello, Lorelai. What can I do for you?" "Well, do you still have the big door knockers -- metal with the chipped red paint? [Mrs. Kim picks up a door knocker.] You're a magician. Do you know that? Oh, it's great. Isn't it big?" "And good price, seeing as how it may have belonged to James Madison. It was commonly known that James Madison liked big knockers." "I bet a lot of the founding fathers liked big knockers. ....... I'm sorry for laughing. I'd explain if I could." "It's a double entendre. I've been in this country 20 years. I get things." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

2. Luke and Lorelai go to Sniffy's Tavern for their first real date. "Is this like a Mafia thing?" "Excuse me?" "The whole coming in, special table, reserved sign. Are you gonna have to whack someone before the soup course?" "No, I've filled my whacking quota for the week. [cringes] Dirty?" "Extremely." (Written in the Stars)

3. Rory and Lorelai discuss laundry. "One of us has to do laundry tonight." "Why?" "Because I haven't had any clean underwear for three days." "So right now under your skirt you're wearing...?" "Not underwear." "Mom!" "It's kinda nice, actually -- breezy." "My role model, ladies and gentlemen." (Kiss and Tell)

4. Rory and Lorelai are up really early for the Yale/Harvard football game. "Where's Luke?" "Probably in bed where the rest of the world is on a Saturday. Did I put on underwear?" "What?" "I think I forgot to put on underwear. Can you check? ....... Did I just ask you to check if I put on underwear?" "Yes." "I hate football." (Ted Koppel's Big Night Out)

5. Emily and Richard have reconciled after months of separation. "When did this reconciliation happen?" "Yesterday." "And last night. And this morning." "Richard!" (Come Home)

6. Rory is buying coffee at a kiosk and drops all of her money just as Logan walks up. "This would definitely qualify as a cute meet if we hadn't already met." "Logan. Hey. This is nice and embarrassing." "Are we going after the rollers? A couple of them are headed into the bushes." (So....Good Talk)

7. Sookie realizes Joe thinks their 'catching up' is a real date. "You know, I’m really glad we ran into each other. It’s not often you get a second chance." "What do you mean?" "I can’t tell you how many times I kicked myself for not asking you out that summer. It just seemed like every time I got close, we’d end up talking about the best way to make calves' liver or something." "Sautéed with caramelized onions." "Exactly. Then when I saw you at the Learning Center, it was like fate was saying, 'Here you go, man. Try not to screw it up again.' I guess things just had to happen in their own time." "Uh huh, in their own time. Um, could you just. . .uh, stir. . . yeah, I’ll be back." (I Solemnly Swear)

8. Lorelai gets nailed like a 2x4 by a bunch of sixteen year olds. "Didn’t you get pregnant when you were sixteen?" "Um, sixteen. . .it was around that age. Sixteen, that sounds right. Okay. Different people working for you will have different needs...yeah?" "Well, what about school?" "School? I’m sorry?" "Did you drop out when you got pregnant with Rory?" "No, technically, I didn’t drop out. I, uh, I kept going as long as I could while I was pregnant, which I would recommend to any girl. Not the getting pregnant part, obviously." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

9. Paris and Tristan see each other after their date the night before. "I just wanted to tell you again that I had so much fun last night." "Yeah, after five messages on my answering machine, I kinda got that impression." "Too much, sorry." "No, forget it, it was cute." "You know, maybe we could do it again sometime. I mean a different movie of course, but the same basic plan." "Absolutely." "Great, because it was really fun." "It was fun and we should do it again. I mean you know -- as friends." "Oh, yeah, as friends. "You noticed it too, right? That we’re sort of more friends material than dating material?" "Yes, I did notice. I have excellent deductive skills." (The Third Lorelai)

10. Jamie comes to Yale after Paris keeps brushing him off. "Has she been seeing someone else?" "Not that I know of." "I'll let you go. Thanks, this actually helped." "Good. It will get better, Jamie. I really think that." "Good. [backs away] It's my birthday." "Oh wow, happy birthday." "Thanks." (A Family Matter)

11. Paris and Rory both come back to school early. Rory sees Paris kissing Asher goodbye. "So, you guys have fun?" "I told you that on the phone." "I know. You have fun after that?" "Sure. The resort was beautiful. A little too star-studded. Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart were there. They tongue kissed in public." "They're in love." "Then she'd tickle his tummy and he'd giggle. It was foul." "To each his own." "Well, I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way. I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way." "Well, I'll just stay here, then." "Good." (The Nanny and the Professor)

12. Lorelai runs into Nicole at the diner, not realizing she and Luke have gotten back together. "So, is Luke coming out, or..." "He should be." "You know, I'm not hungry." "No?" "I just remembered, I just ate." "Oh." "So...but it's really good to see you." "Same here." (Die, Jerk)

13. Rachel, looking fresh as a daisy with no airplane hair in sight, steps back into Luke's life. "I'm Lorelai." "Oh yeah. She's Lorelai." "I'm Luke's friend." "Yeah. She uh, uh, works at the Independence Inn." "I run it, actually." "Sorry, she runs it." "Wow, I love that place." "Oh!" "That must be a pretty big job." "It is! It's crazy. There's always something happening. Like, we just put these coffee makers in all the rooms, but only half of them work. They just like shake and gurgle, like they're having some kind of a fit. Why were you in the Mideast?" "I was doing a photo story, on how Palestinian and Israeli families have been affected by the violence." "Uh huh, well, so you understand about the job pressure." "Yeah." (Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers)

14. Lane confronts Kyon after seeing her come out of Kim's Antiques. "Who are you?" "Hi." "What are you doing here?" "Where?" "Why are you living in my house?" "Your house?" "That house right there. It's mine." "I'm staying there." "Why? Are we related?" "I hope not." (Afterboom)

15. Kirk panics when Lorelai offers him and Lulu a room at the test run of the Dragonfly and goes to Luke for advice. "The worst part of night terrors is it always ends up with me on top of the roof completely naked or running down the street completely naked or swimming in the community-center pool completely naked. That was the time I thought I was on fire." "Kirk, that's terrible." "Well, I'm used to it now, so it's kind of second nature to me, but Lulu -- " "Right, Lulu." "How is she going to take it? I mean, I could scare her or ninja-kick her and lock her up with a pillow. I think I love her, Luke, and I haven't even told her that I love her. I spelled it out in chocolate-covered Oreos once, but she was really hungry, and I'm not sure if she read it first. I can't assault her before I tell her I love her." "What do you want me to do about it?" "I called the Dragonfly and had them put me and Lulu in the room right next to yours. That way, if you hear anything -- screaming, or Russian -- you can come in and pull me off of Lulu." "Oh." "Unless, when you come in, it looks like you shouldn't pull me off of Lulu." "Kirk." "You can use your judgment on that one." (Raincoats & Recipes)

16. After finding out Luke and Lorelai are engaged, Babette shares the story of how Morey proposed. "Morey proposed to me spontaneously. Did I ever tell you the story?" "Um, no." "It was a brisk fall night, and Morey was on top. No, wait, I was on top." "What?" "Hold on! Stony Morrison was on top." "Babette!" "We were playing Twister. Did I not mention that?" "No!" "I probably should have." (New and Improved Lorelai)

17. Rory chats with Laundry Room Guy after she realizes he took care of her clean clothes which had been dumped in the floor. "Hey, would you maybe wanna get a cup of coffee sometime, in between classes or something?" "I don't think so, but thanks." "You're welcome." (The Fundamental Things Apply)

18. Later, she confronts him after thinking he's been spreading the story of her asking him out all around Yale. "I know you've been telling the story." "What story?" "The laundry room story. Remember the laundry room?" "Machines, rinse cycle -- " "I asked you to get coffee, that's it. I did not ask you to get married, or say that I loved you, or ask to have your children. And I'm not stalking you! It was a complete coincidence that I happened to go into a meeting that you happened to be in. I had no idea you were there. And it's hard to ask someone out and it puts you in an incredibly vulnerable position! So, it's cruel to use that incident as a funny cocktail story. So from now on, I would appreciate it if you would refrain from telling the hilarious laundry room incident to anyone, anywhere, ever again." "I wasn't talking about you." "What?" "There was this girl from the third floor, she asked me out like a hundred times. She followed me to class. She baked me a cake every day for a month, then she snuck in my window and hid in my closet, covered in whipped cream." "Oh, well, that is a little … extreme." "I didn't tell anybody about the laundry room." "Well, good. Um, do you think that you could maybe not tell anyone this story also, 'cause, that would be great. Thanks." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

19. Jess comes to FND with a black eye. Rory refuses to believe it wasn't from getting in a fight with Dean and badgers him about it in front of Emily. "Grandma, would it be all right if I speak to Jess for a second? We can go to the study." "We’re eating." "Well, I want to talk." "You’re being a little rude to your grandmother, Rory." "I can leave the room for a minute if you want." "No, Grandma, we’ll be right back." (Swan Song)

20. Sookie presses Lorelai about cooling things off with Max. "Hey, you will not stand there singing Ricky Martin songs to me. This is not a pattern ok? I'm not doing what I always do. This is not the same." "Actually, you're right. Usually you don't get so upset and defensive during the cha-cha talk. You must really like this guy." "When did you become the relationship expert? You haven't been in a relationship in years. ..... Wow! Zero to jackass in 3.2 seconds." "It's alright, your feet hurt." "No it isn't. It's never ever ok for me to talk to you like that. I'm so so sorry." (Paris is Burning)

21. Lorelai wakes up wanting coffee after sleeping with Luke for the first time and he's too asleep to warn her not to go down to the diner. "Well, I think people are gonna know." "What? What are you talking about? [fully awake now] Why are you wearing my shirt?" "I put it on to go get coffee." "Downstairs?" "Well, you don't keep it upstairs." "The diner's open." "You're kidding!" "You walked into the diner like that?" "I didn't think the diner could open without you." "I had Caesar open." "Well, he did, with a floor show." (Written in the Stars)

22. Richard and Emily worry that Rory is planning to have relations with Logan and call in a minister to warn her of the dangers of premarital sex. "You know, Rory, being a young lady comes with many gifts. Your virtue, for example, is a gift, a precious gift. Possibly the most precious gift you possess." "Uh-huh." "You want to give this gift very carefully. It is a gift you can give to only one man. Once you give it, it's gone. You can't re-gift it. If you give it away too soon to the wrong man, then when the right one does come along, you have no gift to give. You'll have to buy him a sweater. Do you understand what I'm saying?" "No." "Think long and hard about when and to whom you want to give the ultimate gift you have to give away." "Oh." "Yes." "Oh, dear." "Oh, dear, indeed." "Um...well, listen, Reverend. I really appreciate you taking the time out of what I assume is a busy day to come here and talk to me about...all of this, but, um, I'm afraid the ultimate-gift ship has sailed." "What?" "A while ago. It's probably in Fiji by now." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

23. Mrs. Kim has The Talk with Lane on her wedding day. "Marriage is a job, Lane. There are rewards that come with this job, but there are also sacrifices. There are things you're going to have to do." "Things?" "Terrible things." "Mama, you don't have to…" "You need to hear this, you need to know what to expect. It will start early." "What will?" "The man's expectations. It starts early, at the wedding, actually. At the wedding, you're going to have to kiss him." "Mama." "You will then be expected to share a bed tonight, and when you’re in that bed you're expected to…" "Mama, please." "You're going to have to do it with this boy, Lane. You're just going to have to do it." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

24. Richard insists Luke go golfing with him since Luke and Lorelai are dating. "Golf isn’t my thing, you know. It’s definitely a thing, but not my game." "Well, what is your main hobby?" "Uh… [to caddy] Give me a hobby, quick." "Uh, reading." "Reading. I read like crazy." "Wonderful! What have you been reading lately?" "Uh, books. You know, this, that. Dick!" "Dick?" "That Dick guy, science fiction guy, Dick something, something Dick… I just read one of his." "Well, I’ll bring Dick up on the internet, see what comes up." (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

25. Luke and Lorelai come back from a date and hear something - possibly a raccoon - in the garage. "Kirk! Wake up." "Annnd he’s naked." "Oh, Kirk! Geez!" "Where am I?" "You’re in my house, Kirk." "You’re in my boat, Kirk." "I’m exposed." "We know, Kirk." "Yeah, let’s do something about that, huh, Kirk?" (Pulp Friction)

26. Lorelai finds Miss Patty crying outside of Fran's funeral and sits down to comfort her while Rory runs into Doose's for kleenex. "I'm gonna get her to the church." "I'll meet you there." "Come on, let's go." "You know, it's times like these that you realize what is truly important in your life. I'm so glad I had all that sex." "Hurry, honey!" (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

27. Lorelai offers to let Luke and Nicole stay in a room at the Independence and has to do turn-down service for them. "Okay, here are your towels. And, let me see...oh, I'll draw your curtains closed. What else, what else? It's been a little while since I've done this. Oh, do you want a fire?" "I don't know. Nicole?" "Uh, a fire would be nice." "Okay, I'll light it for you. We have these new log bags now, makes it real easy. Uh, okay. [tries to light the fireplace] So, nothing like a fire on a cold night like this, huh?" "Mm." "Hm, I'm not having much luck here. And, uh, you know what, we laid off the person who was able to light these things no problem, now we can't light these things, and ironically we laid him off because of a fire." "It's okay, forget it. I can light it." "Okay. What else, let's see. Oh, um, well, turn down. I need to turn down the bed." "Really, Lorelai." "No, no, no. Up, up, up. Okay, I'll get ya all settled here, nice and comfy. Great lines with these covers here. Pillows, nice and plump. And a couple of pillow mints. There you go, now you're all ready to...uh, you're all ready for your evening." (Keg! Max!)

28. Lane comes to pick up some of her things from her room after she has moved out. Aunt Jun and Christine are there. "I left the inventory list in the room." "Very good." "I guess I'll be going." "Yes." "Step away from Lane, Christine." (Scene in a Mall)

29. The band meets Gil for the first time. "Whoa." "Yeah." "He's....he's...." "Old. Just say it, dude. Grandpa's old." "He's not a grandpa." "Did you know how old he was?" "He sounded young on the phone." "Right here, he's got some lines. That blows my mind." "What is he, late thirties?" "Approaching forty." "Forty?" "He was alive before man walked on the moon." "Don't do that, man. You're freaking me out." (The Festival of Living Art)

30. Jason meets Gran. "What is that?" "Well, actually, this is a little present that I got for you." "For me?" "Yes." "Why would you give me a present?" "Well...." "It's not my birthday. It's not Christmas." "Yes, but...." "You don't even know me." "No, but you're Richard's mother, so I thought -- " "What is it? What is this present that you got for an old woman you've never met?" "It's a book." "What sort of book?" "It's a book on French antiques. I heard you liked French antiques." "I do like French antiques." "You can just open it later." (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

6 - Meh.

10 - I know Paris isn't a people person, but good grief.

27 - Words cannot describe how much I hate this scene LOL. I don't know why they made Nicole always so catty around Lorelai. Also, does the whole idea of turn-down service creep anyone else out? The last thing I want when I'm staying somewhere is having a stranger come into the room where I'm going to be sleeping/showering/etc with me in the room. *cringe*

Still voting against three.

Favorite Awkward Moments!

1. Lorelai stops by Kim's Antiques. "Oh, hey, Mrs. Kim." "Hello, Lorelai. What can I do for you?" "Well, do you still have the big door knockers -- metal with the chipped red paint? [Mrs. Kim picks up a door knocker.] You're a magician. Do you know that? Oh, it's great. Isn't it big?" "And good price, seeing as how it may have belonged to James Madison. It was commonly known that James Madison liked big knockers." "I bet a lot of the founding fathers liked big knockers. ....... I'm sorry for laughing. I'd explain if I could." "It's a double entendre. I've been in this country 20 years. I get things." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

2. Luke and Lorelai go to Sniffy's Tavern for their first real date. "Is this like a Mafia thing?" "Excuse me?" "The whole coming in, special table, reserved sign. Are you gonna have to whack someone before the soup course?" "No, I've filled my whacking quota for the week. [cringes] Dirty?" "Extremely." (Written in the Stars)

3. Rory and Lorelai discuss laundry. "One of us has to do laundry tonight." "Why?" "Because I haven't had any clean underwear for three days." "So right now under your skirt you're wearing...?" "Not underwear." "Mom!" "It's kinda nice, actually -- breezy." "My role model, ladies and gentlemen." (Kiss and Tell)

4. Rory and Lorelai are up really early for the Yale/Harvard football game. "Where's Luke?" "Probably in bed where the rest of the world is on a Saturday. Did I put on underwear?" "What?" "I think I forgot to put on underwear. Can you check? ....... Did I just ask you to check if I put on underwear?" "Yes." "I hate football." (Ted Koppel's Big Night Out)

5. Emily and Richard have reconciled after months of separation. "When did this reconciliation happen?" "Yesterday." "And last night. And this morning." "Richard!" (Come Home)

7. Sookie realizes Joe thinks their 'catching up' is a real date. "You know, I’m really glad we ran into each other. It’s not often you get a second chance." "What do you mean?" "I can’t tell you how many times I kicked myself for not asking you out that summer. It just seemed like every time I got close, we’d end up talking about the best way to make calves' liver or something." "Sautéed with caramelized onions." "Exactly. Then when I saw you at the Learning Center, it was like fate was saying, 'Here you go, man. Try not to screw it up again.' I guess things just had to happen in their own time." "Uh huh, in their own time. Um, could you just. . .uh, stir. . . yeah, I’ll be back." (I Solemnly Swear)

8. Lorelai gets nailed like a 2x4 by a bunch of sixteen year olds. "Didn’t you get pregnant when you were sixteen?" "Um, sixteen. . .it was around that age. Sixteen, that sounds right. Okay. Different people working for you will have different needs...yeah?" "Well, what about school?" "School? I’m sorry?" "Did you drop out when you got pregnant with Rory?" "No, technically, I didn’t drop out. I, uh, I kept going as long as I could while I was pregnant, which I would recommend to any girl. Not the getting pregnant part, obviously." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

9. Paris and Tristan see each other after their date the night before. "I just wanted to tell you again that I had so much fun last night." "Yeah, after five messages on my answering machine, I kinda got that impression." "Too much, sorry." "No, forget it, it was cute." "You know, maybe we could do it again sometime. I mean a different movie of course, but the same basic plan." "Absolutely." "Great, because it was really fun." "It was fun and we should do it again. I mean you know -- as friends." "Oh, yeah, as friends. "You noticed it too, right? That we’re sort of more friends material than dating material?" "Yes, I did notice. I have excellent deductive skills." (The Third Lorelai)

11. Paris and Rory both come back to school early. Rory sees Paris kissing Asher goodbye. "So, you guys have fun?" "I told you that on the phone." "I know. You have fun after that?" "Sure. The resort was beautiful. A little too star-studded. Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart were there. They tongue kissed in public." "They're in love." "Then she'd tickle his tummy and he'd giggle. It was foul." "To each his own." "Well, I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way. I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way." "Well, I'll just stay here, then." "Good." (The Nanny and the Professor)

12. Lorelai runs into Nicole at the diner, not realizing she and Luke have gotten back together. "So, is Luke coming out, or..." "He should be." "You know, I'm not hungry." "No?" "I just remembered, I just ate." "Oh." "So...but it's really good to see you." "Same here." (Die, Jerk)

13. Rachel, looking fresh as a daisy with no airplane hair in sight, steps back into Luke's life. "I'm Lorelai." "Oh yeah. She's Lorelai." "I'm Luke's friend." "Yeah. She uh, uh, works at the Independence Inn." "I run it, actually." "Sorry, she runs it." "Wow, I love that place." "Oh!" "That must be a pretty big job." "It is! It's crazy. There's always something happening. Like, we just put these coffee makers in all the rooms, but only half of them work. They just like shake and gurgle, like they're having some kind of a fit. Why were you in the Mideast?" "I was doing a photo story, on how Palestinian and Israeli families have been affected by the violence." "Uh huh, well, so you understand about the job pressure." "Yeah." (Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers)

14. Lane confronts Kyon after seeing her come out of Kim's Antiques. "Who are you?" "Hi." "What are you doing here?" "Where?" "Why are you living in my house?" "Your house?" "That house right there. It's mine." "I'm staying there." "Why? Are we related?" "I hope not." (Afterboom)

15. Kirk panics when Lorelai offers him and Lulu a room at the test run of the Dragonfly and goes to Luke for advice. "The worst part of night terrors is it always ends up with me on top of the roof completely naked or running down the street completely naked or swimming in the community-center pool completely naked. That was the time I thought I was on fire." "Kirk, that's terrible." "Well, I'm used to it now, so it's kind of second nature to me, but Lulu -- " "Right, Lulu." "How is she going to take it? I mean, I could scare her or ninja-kick her and lock her up with a pillow. I think I love her, Luke, and I haven't even told her that I love her. I spelled it out in chocolate-covered Oreos once, but she was really hungry, and I'm not sure if she read it first. I can't assault her before I tell her I love her." "What do you want me to do about it?" "I called the Dragonfly and had them put me and Lulu in the room right next to yours. That way, if you hear anything -- screaming, or Russian -- you can come in and pull me off of Lulu." "Oh." "Unless, when you come in, it looks like you shouldn't pull me off of Lulu." "Kirk." "You can use your judgment on that one." (Raincoats & Recipes)

16. After finding out Luke and Lorelai are engaged, Babette shares the story of how Morey proposed. "Morey proposed to me spontaneously. Did I ever tell you the story?" "Um, no." "It was a brisk fall night, and Morey was on top. No, wait, I was on top." "What?" "Hold on! Stony Morrison was on top." "Babette!" "We were playing Twister. Did I not mention that?" "No!" "I probably should have." (New and Improved Lorelai)

17. Rory chats with Laundry Room Guy after she realizes he took care of her clean clothes which had been dumped in the floor. "Hey, would you maybe wanna get a cup of coffee sometime, in between classes or something?" "I don't think so, but thanks." "You're welcome." (The Fundamental Things Apply)

18. Later, she confronts him after thinking he's been spreading the story of her asking him out all around Yale. "I know you've been telling the story." "What story?" "The laundry room story. Remember the laundry room?" "Machines, rinse cycle -- " "I asked you to get coffee, that's it. I did not ask you to get married, or say that I loved you, or ask to have your children. And I'm not stalking you! It was a complete coincidence that I happened to go into a meeting that you happened to be in. I had no idea you were there. And it's hard to ask someone out and it puts you in an incredibly vulnerable position! So, it's cruel to use that incident as a funny cocktail story. So from now on, I would appreciate it if you would refrain from telling the hilarious laundry room incident to anyone, anywhere, ever again." "I wasn't talking about you." "What?" "There was this girl from the third floor, she asked me out like a hundred times. She followed me to class. She baked me a cake every day for a month, then she snuck in my window and hid in my closet, covered in whipped cream." "Oh, well, that is a little … extreme." "I didn't tell anybody about the laundry room." "Well, good. Um, do you think that you could maybe not tell anyone this story also, 'cause, that would be great. Thanks." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

19. Jess comes to FND with a black eye. Rory refuses to believe it wasn't from getting in a fight with Dean and badgers him about it in front of Emily. "Grandma, would it be all right if I speak to Jess for a second? We can go to the study." "We’re eating." "Well, I want to talk." "You’re being a little rude to your grandmother, Rory." "I can leave the room for a minute if you want." "No, Grandma, we’ll be right back." (Swan Song)

20. Sookie presses Lorelai about cooling things off with Max. "Hey, you will not stand there singing Ricky Martin songs to me. This is not a pattern ok? I'm not doing what I always do. This is not the same." "Actually, you're right. Usually you don't get so upset and defensive during the cha-cha talk. You must really like this guy." "When did you become the relationship expert? You haven't been in a relationship in years. ..... Wow! Zero to jackass in 3.2 seconds." "It's alright, your feet hurt." "No it isn't. It's never ever ok for me to talk to you like that. I'm so so sorry." (Paris is Burning)

21. Lorelai wakes up wanting coffee after sleeping with Luke for the first time and he's too asleep to warn her not to go down to the diner. "Well, I think people are gonna know." "What? What are you talking about? [fully awake now] Why are you wearing my shirt?" "I put it on to go get coffee." "Downstairs?" "Well, you don't keep it upstairs." "The diner's open." "You're kidding!" "You walked into the diner like that?" "I didn't think the diner could open without you." "I had Caesar open." "Well, he did, with a floor show." (Written in the Stars)

22. Richard and Emily worry that Rory is planning to have relations with Logan and call in a minister to warn her of the dangers of premarital sex. "You know, Rory, being a young lady comes with many gifts. Your virtue, for example, is a gift, a precious gift. Possibly the most precious gift you possess." "Uh-huh." "You want to give this gift very carefully. It is a gift you can give to only one man. Once you give it, it's gone. You can't re-gift it. If you give it away too soon to the wrong man, then when the right one does come along, you have no gift to give. You'll have to buy him a sweater. Do you understand what I'm saying?" "No." "Think long and hard about when and to whom you want to give the ultimate gift you have to give away." "Oh." "Yes." "Oh, dear." "Oh, dear, indeed." "Um...well, listen, Reverend. I really appreciate you taking the time out of what I assume is a busy day to come here and talk to me about...all of this, but, um, I'm afraid the ultimate-gift ship has sailed." "What?" "A while ago. It's probably in Fiji by now." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

23. Mrs. Kim has The Talk with Lane on her wedding day. "Marriage is a job, Lane. There are rewards that come with this job, but there are also sacrifices. There are things you're going to have to do." "Things?" "Terrible things." "Mama, you don't have to…" "You need to hear this, you need to know what to expect. It will start early." "What will?" "The man's expectations. It starts early, at the wedding, actually. At the wedding, you're going to have to kiss him." "Mama." "You will then be expected to share a bed tonight, and when you’re in that bed you're expected to…" "Mama, please." "You're going to have to do it with this boy, Lane. You're just going to have to do it." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

24. Richard insists Luke go golfing with him since Luke and Lorelai are dating. "Golf isn’t my thing, you know. It’s definitely a thing, but not my game." "Well, what is your main hobby?" "Uh… [to caddy] Give me a hobby, quick." "Uh, reading." "Reading. I read like crazy." "Wonderful! What have you been reading lately?" "Uh, books. You know, this, that. Dick!" "Dick?" "That Dick guy, science fiction guy, Dick something, something Dick… I just read one of his." "Well, I’ll bring Dick up on the internet, see what comes up." (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

25. Luke and Lorelai come back from a date and hear something - possibly a raccoon - in the garage. "Kirk! Wake up." "Annnd he’s naked." "Oh, Kirk! Geez!" "Where am I?" "You’re in my house, Kirk." "You’re in my boat, Kirk." "I’m exposed." "We know, Kirk." "Yeah, let’s do something about that, huh, Kirk?" (Pulp Friction)

26. Lorelai finds Miss Patty crying outside of Fran's funeral and sits down to comfort her while Rory runs into Doose's for kleenex. "I'm gonna get her to the church." "I'll meet you there." "Come on, let's go." "You know, it's times like these that you realize what is truly important in your life. I'm so glad I had all that sex." "Hurry, honey!" (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

28. Lane comes to pick up some of her things from her room after she has moved out. Aunt Jun and Christine are there. "I left the inventory list in the room." "Very good." "I guess I'll be going." "Yes." "Step away from Lane, Christine." (Scene in a Mall)

29. The band meets Gil for the first time. "Whoa." "Yeah." "He's....he's...." "Old. Just say it, dude. Grandpa's old." "He's not a grandpa." "Did you know how old he was?" "He sounded young on the phone." "Right here, he's got some lines. That blows my mind." "What is he, late thirties?" "Approaching forty." "Forty?" "He was alive before man walked on the moon." "Don't do that, man. You're freaking me out." (The Festival of Living Art)

30. Jason meets Gran. "What is that?" "Well, actually, this is a little present that I got for you." "For me?" "Yes." "Why would you give me a present?" "Well...." "It's not my birthday. It's not Christmas." "Yes, but...." "You don't even know me." "No, but you're Richard's mother, so I thought -- " "What is it? What is this present that you got for an old woman you've never met?" "It's a book." "What sort of book?" "It's a book on French antiques. I heard you liked French antiques." "I do like French antiques." "You can just open it later." (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

12 - Uggghhh.

19 - I hated Rory so much in this scene.

28 - Breaks. My. Heart.

Still three!

Favorite Awkward Moments!

1. Lorelai stops by Kim's Antiques. "Oh, hey, Mrs. Kim." "Hello, Lorelai. What can I do for you?" "Well, do you still have the big door knockers -- metal with the chipped red paint? [Mrs. Kim picks up a door knocker.] You're a magician. Do you know that? Oh, it's great. Isn't it big?" "And good price, seeing as how it may have belonged to James Madison. It was commonly known that James Madison liked big knockers." "I bet a lot of the founding fathers liked big knockers. ....... I'm sorry for laughing. I'd explain if I could." "It's a double entendre. I've been in this country 20 years. I get things." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

2. Luke and Lorelai go to Sniffy's Tavern for their first real date. "Is this like a Mafia thing?" "Excuse me?" "The whole coming in, special table, reserved sign. Are you gonna have to whack someone before the soup course?" "No, I've filled my whacking quota for the week. [cringes] Dirty?" "Extremely." (Written in the Stars)

3. Rory and Lorelai discuss laundry. "One of us has to do laundry tonight." "Why?" "Because I haven't had any clean underwear for three days." "So right now under your skirt you're wearing...?" "Not underwear." "Mom!" "It's kinda nice, actually -- breezy." "My role model, ladies and gentlemen." (Kiss and Tell)

4. Rory and Lorelai are up really early for the Yale/Harvard football game. "Where's Luke?" "Probably in bed where the rest of the world is on a Saturday. Did I put on underwear?" "What?" "I think I forgot to put on underwear. Can you check? ....... Did I just ask you to check if I put on underwear?" "Yes." "I hate football." (Ted Koppel's Big Night Out)

5. Emily and Richard have reconciled after months of separation. "When did this reconciliation happen?" "Yesterday." "And last night. And this morning." "Richard!" (Come Home)

7. Sookie realizes Joe thinks their 'catching up' is a real date. "You know, I’m really glad we ran into each other. It’s not often you get a second chance." "What do you mean?" "I can’t tell you how many times I kicked myself for not asking you out that summer. It just seemed like every time I got close, we’d end up talking about the best way to make calves' liver or something." "Sautéed with caramelized onions." "Exactly. Then when I saw you at the Learning Center, it was like fate was saying, 'Here you go, man. Try not to screw it up again.' I guess things just had to happen in their own time." "Uh huh, in their own time. Um, could you just. . .uh, stir. . . yeah, I’ll be back." (I Solemnly Swear)

8. Lorelai gets nailed like a 2x4 by a bunch of sixteen year olds. "Didn’t you get pregnant when you were sixteen?" "Um, sixteen. . .it was around that age. Sixteen, that sounds right. Okay. Different people working for you will have different needs...yeah?" "Well, what about school?" "School? I’m sorry?" "Did you drop out when you got pregnant with Rory?" "No, technically, I didn’t drop out. I, uh, I kept going as long as I could while I was pregnant, which I would recommend to any girl. Not the getting pregnant part, obviously." (One's Got Class and the Other One Dyes)

9. Paris and Tristan see each other after their date the night before. "I just wanted to tell you again that I had so much fun last night." "Yeah, after five messages on my answering machine, I kinda got that impression." "Too much, sorry." "No, forget it, it was cute." "You know, maybe we could do it again sometime. I mean a different movie of course, but the same basic plan." "Absolutely." "Great, because it was really fun." "It was fun and we should do it again. I mean you know -- as friends." "Oh, yeah, as friends. "You noticed it too, right? That we’re sort of more friends material than dating material?" "Yes, I did notice. I have excellent deductive skills." (The Third Lorelai)

11. Paris and Rory both come back to school early. Rory sees Paris kissing Asher goodbye. "So, you guys have fun?" "I told you that on the phone." "I know. You have fun after that?" "Sure. The resort was beautiful. A little too star-studded. Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart were there. They tongue kissed in public." "They're in love." "Then she'd tickle his tummy and he'd giggle. It was foul." "To each his own." "Well, I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way. I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way." "Well, I'll just stay here, then." "Good." (The Nanny and the Professor)

13. Rachel, looking fresh as a daisy with no airplane hair in sight, steps back into Luke's life. "I'm Lorelai." "Oh yeah. She's Lorelai." "I'm Luke's friend." "Yeah. She uh, uh, works at the Independence Inn." "I run it, actually." "Sorry, she runs it." "Wow, I love that place." "Oh!" "That must be a pretty big job." "It is! It's crazy. There's always something happening. Like, we just put these coffee makers in all the rooms, but only half of them work. They just like shake and gurgle, like they're having some kind of a fit. Why were you in the Mideast?" "I was doing a photo story, on how Palestinian and Israeli families have been affected by the violence." "Uh huh, well, so you understand about the job pressure." "Yeah." (Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers)

14. Lane confronts Kyon after seeing her come out of Kim's Antiques. "Who are you?" "Hi." "What are you doing here?" "Where?" "Why are you living in my house?" "Your house?" "That house right there. It's mine." "I'm staying there." "Why? Are we related?" "I hope not." (Afterboom)

15. Kirk panics when Lorelai offers him and Lulu a room at the test run of the Dragonfly and goes to Luke for advice. "The worst part of night terrors is it always ends up with me on top of the roof completely naked or running down the street completely naked or swimming in the community-center pool completely naked. That was the time I thought I was on fire." "Kirk, that's terrible." "Well, I'm used to it now, so it's kind of second nature to me, but Lulu -- " "Right, Lulu." "How is she going to take it? I mean, I could scare her or ninja-kick her and lock her up with a pillow. I think I love her, Luke, and I haven't even told her that I love her. I spelled it out in chocolate-covered Oreos once, but she was really hungry, and I'm not sure if she read it first. I can't assault her before I tell her I love her." "What do you want me to do about it?" "I called the Dragonfly and had them put me and Lulu in the room right next to yours. That way, if you hear anything -- screaming, or Russian -- you can come in and pull me off of Lulu." "Oh." "Unless, when you come in, it looks like you shouldn't pull me off of Lulu." "Kirk." "You can use your judgment on that one." (Raincoats & Recipes)

16. After finding out Luke and Lorelai are engaged, Babette shares the story of how Morey proposed. "Morey proposed to me spontaneously. Did I ever tell you the story?" "Um, no." "It was a brisk fall night, and Morey was on top. No, wait, I was on top." "What?" "Hold on! Stony Morrison was on top." "Babette!" "We were playing Twister. Did I not mention that?" "No!" "I probably should have." (New and Improved Lorelai)

17. Rory chats with Laundry Room Guy after she realizes he took care of her clean clothes which had been dumped in the floor. "Hey, would you maybe wanna get a cup of coffee sometime, in between classes or something?" "I don't think so, but thanks." "You're welcome." (The Fundamental Things Apply)

18. Later, she confronts him after thinking he's been spreading the story of her asking him out all around Yale. "I know you've been telling the story." "What story?" "The laundry room story. Remember the laundry room?" "Machines, rinse cycle -- " "I asked you to get coffee, that's it. I did not ask you to get married, or say that I loved you, or ask to have your children. And I'm not stalking you! It was a complete coincidence that I happened to go into a meeting that you happened to be in. I had no idea you were there. And it's hard to ask someone out and it puts you in an incredibly vulnerable position! So, it's cruel to use that incident as a funny cocktail story. So from now on, I would appreciate it if you would refrain from telling the hilarious laundry room incident to anyone, anywhere, ever again." "I wasn't talking about you." "What?" "There was this girl from the third floor, she asked me out like a hundred times. She followed me to class. She baked me a cake every day for a month, then she snuck in my window and hid in my closet, covered in whipped cream." "Oh, well, that is a little … extreme." "I didn't tell anybody about the laundry room." "Well, good. Um, do you think that you could maybe not tell anyone this story also, 'cause, that would be great. Thanks." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

20. Sookie presses Lorelai about cooling things off with Max. "Hey, you will not stand there singing Ricky Martin songs to me. This is not a pattern ok? I'm not doing what I always do. This is not the same." "Actually, you're right. Usually you don't get so upset and defensive during the cha-cha talk. You must really like this guy." "When did you become the relationship expert? You haven't been in a relationship in years. ..... Wow! Zero to jackass in 3.2 seconds." "It's alright, your feet hurt." "No it isn't. It's never ever ok for me to talk to you like that. I'm so so sorry." (Paris is Burning)

21. Lorelai wakes up wanting coffee after sleeping with Luke for the first time and he's too asleep to warn her not to go down to the diner. "Well, I think people are gonna know." "What? What are you talking about? [fully awake now] Why are you wearing my shirt?" "I put it on to go get coffee." "Downstairs?" "Well, you don't keep it upstairs." "The diner's open." "You're kidding!" "You walked into the diner like that?" "I didn't think the diner could open without you." "I had Caesar open." "Well, he did, with a floor show." (Written in the Stars)

22. Richard and Emily worry that Rory is planning to have relations with Logan and call in a minister to warn her of the dangers of premarital sex. "You know, Rory, being a young lady comes with many gifts. Your virtue, for example, is a gift, a precious gift. Possibly the most precious gift you possess." "Uh-huh." "You want to give this gift very carefully. It is a gift you can give to only one man. Once you give it, it's gone. You can't re-gift it. If you give it away too soon to the wrong man, then when the right one does come along, you have no gift to give. You'll have to buy him a sweater. Do you understand what I'm saying?" "No." "Think long and hard about when and to whom you want to give the ultimate gift you have to give away." "Oh." "Yes." "Oh, dear." "Oh, dear, indeed." "Um...well, listen, Reverend. I really appreciate you taking the time out of what I assume is a busy day to come here and talk to me about...all of this, but, um, I'm afraid the ultimate-gift ship has sailed." "What?" "A while ago. It's probably in Fiji by now." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

23. Mrs. Kim has The Talk with Lane on her wedding day. "Marriage is a job, Lane. There are rewards that come with this job, but there are also sacrifices. There are things you're going to have to do." "Things?" "Terrible things." "Mama, you don't have to…" "You need to hear this, you need to know what to expect. It will start early." "What will?" "The man's expectations. It starts early, at the wedding, actually. At the wedding, you're going to have to kiss him." "Mama." "You will then be expected to share a bed tonight, and when you’re in that bed you're expected to…" "Mama, please." "You're going to have to do it with this boy, Lane. You're just going to have to do it." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

24. Richard insists Luke go golfing with him since Luke and Lorelai are dating. "Golf isn’t my thing, you know. It’s definitely a thing, but not my game." "Well, what is your main hobby?" "Uh… [to caddy] Give me a hobby, quick." "Uh, reading." "Reading. I read like crazy." "Wonderful! What have you been reading lately?" "Uh, books. You know, this, that. Dick!" "Dick?" "That Dick guy, science fiction guy, Dick something, something Dick… I just read one of his." "Well, I’ll bring Dick up on the internet, see what comes up." (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

25. Luke and Lorelai come back from a date and hear something - possibly a raccoon - in the garage. "Kirk! Wake up." "Annnd he’s naked." "Oh, Kirk! Geez!" "Where am I?" "You’re in my house, Kirk." "You’re in my boat, Kirk." "I’m exposed." "We know, Kirk." "Yeah, let’s do something about that, huh, Kirk?" (Pulp Friction)

26. Lorelai finds Miss Patty crying outside of Fran's funeral and sits down to comfort her while Rory runs into Doose's for kleenex. "I'm gonna get her to the church." "I'll meet you there." "Come on, let's go." "You know, it's times like these that you realize what is truly important in your life. I'm so glad I had all that sex." "Hurry, honey!" (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

29. The band meets Gil for the first time. "Whoa." "Yeah." "He's....he's...." "Old. Just say it, dude. Grandpa's old." "He's not a grandpa." "Did you know how old he was?" "He sounded young on the phone." "Right here, he's got some lines. That blows my mind." "What is he, late thirties?" "Approaching forty." "Forty?" "He was alive before man walked on the moon." "Don't do that, man. You're freaking me out." (The Festival of Living Art)

30. Jason meets Gran. "What is that?" "Well, actually, this is a little present that I got for you." "For me?" "Yes." "Why would you give me a present?" "Well...." "It's not my birthday. It's not Christmas." "Yes, but...." "You don't even know me." "No, but you're Richard's mother, so I thought -- " "What is it? What is this present that you got for an old woman you've never met?" "It's a book." "What sort of book?" "It's a book on French antiques. I heard you liked French antiques." "I do like French antiques." "You can just open it later." (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

8 - I've never understood this scene, really. Why were the kids being so weird about something that (to them) is ancient history and not even remotely what Lorelai's visit was supposed to be about? I could understand them having that reaction if they just happened to find out during the talk that Lorelai got pregnant at 16, or if the Angry Mom Brigade had put together a 'dangers of sleeping with your gf/bf too young' talk which didn't go the way they wanted it to, but for a bunch of kids to ambush Lorelai with these completely off-topic questions almost like they had planned it was just bizarre.

9 - Poor Paris. 99% of the time I really hated Tristan, and this scene is a perfect example of why.

20 - No reason at all for Lorelai to be such a jerk to Sookie here.

Still three.

Favorite Awkward Moments!

1. Lorelai stops by Kim's Antiques. "Oh, hey, Mrs. Kim." "Hello, Lorelai. What can I do for you?" "Well, do you still have the big door knockers -- metal with the chipped red paint? [Mrs. Kim picks up a door knocker.] You're a magician. Do you know that? Oh, it's great. Isn't it big?" "And good price, seeing as how it may have belonged to James Madison. It was commonly known that James Madison liked big knockers." "I bet a lot of the founding fathers liked big knockers. ....... I'm sorry for laughing. I'd explain if I could." "It's a double entendre. I've been in this country 20 years. I get things." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

2. Luke and Lorelai go to Sniffy's Tavern for their first real date. "Is this like a Mafia thing?" "Excuse me?" "The whole coming in, special table, reserved sign. Are you gonna have to whack someone before the soup course?" "No, I've filled my whacking quota for the week. [cringes] Dirty?" "Extremely." (Written in the Stars)

3. Rory and Lorelai discuss laundry. "One of us has to do laundry tonight." "Why?" "Because I haven't had any clean underwear for three days." "So right now under your skirt you're wearing...?" "Not underwear." "Mom!" "It's kinda nice, actually -- breezy." "My role model, ladies and gentlemen." (Kiss and Tell)

4. Rory and Lorelai are up really early for the Yale/Harvard football game. "Where's Luke?" "Probably in bed where the rest of the world is on a Saturday. Did I put on underwear?" "What?" "I think I forgot to put on underwear. Can you check? ....... Did I just ask you to check if I put on underwear?" "Yes." "I hate football." (Ted Koppel's Big Night Out)

5. Emily and Richard have reconciled after months of separation. "When did this reconciliation happen?" "Yesterday." "And last night. And this morning." "Richard!" (Come Home)

7. Sookie realizes Joe thinks their 'catching up' is a real date. "You know, I’m really glad we ran into each other. It’s not often you get a second chance." "What do you mean?" "I can’t tell you how many times I kicked myself for not asking you out that summer. It just seemed like every time I got close, we’d end up talking about the best way to make calves' liver or something." "Sautéed with caramelized onions." "Exactly. Then when I saw you at the Learning Center, it was like fate was saying, 'Here you go, man. Try not to screw it up again.' I guess things just had to happen in their own time." "Uh huh, in their own time. Um, could you just. . .uh, stir. . . yeah, I’ll be back." (I Solemnly Swear)

11. Paris and Rory both come back to school early. Rory sees Paris kissing Asher goodbye. "So, you guys have fun?" "I told you that on the phone." "I know. You have fun after that?" "Sure. The resort was beautiful. A little too star-studded. Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart were there. They tongue kissed in public." "They're in love." "Then she'd tickle his tummy and he'd giggle. It was foul." "To each his own." "Well, I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way. I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way." "Well, I'll just stay here, then." "Good." (The Nanny and the Professor)

13. Rachel, looking fresh as a daisy with no airplane hair in sight, steps back into Luke's life. "I'm Lorelai." "Oh yeah. She's Lorelai." "I'm Luke's friend." "Yeah. She uh, uh, works at the Independence Inn." "I run it, actually." "Sorry, she runs it." "Wow, I love that place." "Oh!" "That must be a pretty big job." "It is! It's crazy. There's always something happening. Like, we just put these coffee makers in all the rooms, but only half of them work. They just like shake and gurgle, like they're having some kind of a fit. Why were you in the Mideast?" "I was doing a photo story, on how Palestinian and Israeli families have been affected by the violence." "Uh huh, well, so you understand about the job pressure." "Yeah." (Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers)

14. Lane confronts Kyon after seeing her come out of Kim's Antiques. "Who are you?" "Hi." "What are you doing here?" "Where?" "Why are you living in my house?" "Your house?" "That house right there. It's mine." "I'm staying there." "Why? Are we related?" "I hope not." (Afterboom)

15. Kirk panics when Lorelai offers him and Lulu a room at the test run of the Dragonfly and goes to Luke for advice. "The worst part of night terrors is it always ends up with me on top of the roof completely naked or running down the street completely naked or swimming in the community-center pool completely naked. That was the time I thought I was on fire." "Kirk, that's terrible." "Well, I'm used to it now, so it's kind of second nature to me, but Lulu -- " "Right, Lulu." "How is she going to take it? I mean, I could scare her or ninja-kick her and lock her up with a pillow. I think I love her, Luke, and I haven't even told her that I love her. I spelled it out in chocolate-covered Oreos once, but she was really hungry, and I'm not sure if she read it first. I can't assault her before I tell her I love her." "What do you want me to do about it?" "I called the Dragonfly and had them put me and Lulu in the room right next to yours. That way, if you hear anything -- screaming, or Russian -- you can come in and pull me off of Lulu." "Oh." "Unless, when you come in, it looks like you shouldn't pull me off of Lulu." "Kirk." "You can use your judgment on that one." (Raincoats & Recipes)

16. After finding out Luke and Lorelai are engaged, Babette shares the story of how Morey proposed. "Morey proposed to me spontaneously. Did I ever tell you the story?" "Um, no." "It was a brisk fall night, and Morey was on top. No, wait, I was on top." "What?" "Hold on! Stony Morrison was on top." "Babette!" "We were playing Twister. Did I not mention that?" "No!" "I probably should have." (New and Improved Lorelai)

17. Rory chats with Laundry Room Guy after she realizes he took care of her clean clothes which had been dumped in the floor. "Hey, would you maybe wanna get a cup of coffee sometime, in between classes or something?" "I don't think so, but thanks." "You're welcome." (The Fundamental Things Apply)

18. Later, she confronts him after thinking he's been spreading the story of her asking him out all around Yale. "I know you've been telling the story." "What story?" "The laundry room story. Remember the laundry room?" "Machines, rinse cycle -- " "I asked you to get coffee, that's it. I did not ask you to get married, or say that I loved you, or ask to have your children. And I'm not stalking you! It was a complete coincidence that I happened to go into a meeting that you happened to be in. I had no idea you were there. And it's hard to ask someone out and it puts you in an incredibly vulnerable position! So, it's cruel to use that incident as a funny cocktail story. So from now on, I would appreciate it if you would refrain from telling the hilarious laundry room incident to anyone, anywhere, ever again." "I wasn't talking about you." "What?" "There was this girl from the third floor, she asked me out like a hundred times. She followed me to class. She baked me a cake every day for a month, then she snuck in my window and hid in my closet, covered in whipped cream." "Oh, well, that is a little … extreme." "I didn't tell anybody about the laundry room." "Well, good. Um, do you think that you could maybe not tell anyone this story also, 'cause, that would be great. Thanks." (In the Clamor and the Clangor)

21. Lorelai wakes up wanting coffee after sleeping with Luke for the first time and he's too asleep to warn her not to go down to the diner. "Well, I think people are gonna know." "What? What are you talking about? [fully awake now] Why are you wearing my shirt?" "I put it on to go get coffee." "Downstairs?" "Well, you don't keep it upstairs." "The diner's open." "You're kidding!" "You walked into the diner like that?" "I didn't think the diner could open without you." "I had Caesar open." "Well, he did, with a floor show." (Written in the Stars)

22. Richard and Emily worry that Rory is planning to have relations with Logan and call in a minister to warn her of the dangers of premarital sex. "You know, Rory, being a young lady comes with many gifts. Your virtue, for example, is a gift, a precious gift. Possibly the most precious gift you possess." "Uh-huh." "You want to give this gift very carefully. It is a gift you can give to only one man. Once you give it, it's gone. You can't re-gift it. If you give it away too soon to the wrong man, then when the right one does come along, you have no gift to give. You'll have to buy him a sweater. Do you understand what I'm saying?" "No." "Think long and hard about when and to whom you want to give the ultimate gift you have to give away." "Oh." "Yes." "Oh, dear." "Oh, dear, indeed." "Um...well, listen, Reverend. I really appreciate you taking the time out of what I assume is a busy day to come here and talk to me about...all of this, but, um, I'm afraid the ultimate-gift ship has sailed." "What?" "A while ago. It's probably in Fiji by now." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

23. Mrs. Kim has The Talk with Lane on her wedding day. "Marriage is a job, Lane. There are rewards that come with this job, but there are also sacrifices. There are things you're going to have to do." "Things?" "Terrible things." "Mama, you don't have to…" "You need to hear this, you need to know what to expect. It will start early." "What will?" "The man's expectations. It starts early, at the wedding, actually. At the wedding, you're going to have to kiss him." "Mama." "You will then be expected to share a bed tonight, and when you’re in that bed you're expected to…" "Mama, please." "You're going to have to do it with this boy, Lane. You're just going to have to do it." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

24. Richard insists Luke go golfing with him since Luke and Lorelai are dating. "Golf isn’t my thing, you know. It’s definitely a thing, but not my game." "Well, what is your main hobby?" "Uh… [to caddy] Give me a hobby, quick." "Uh, reading." "Reading. I read like crazy." "Wonderful! What have you been reading lately?" "Uh, books. You know, this, that. Dick!" "Dick?" "That Dick guy, science fiction guy, Dick something, something Dick… I just read one of his." "Well, I’ll bring Dick up on the internet, see what comes up." (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

25. Luke and Lorelai come back from a date and hear something - possibly a raccoon - in the garage. "Kirk! Wake up." "Annnd he’s naked." "Oh, Kirk! Geez!" "Where am I?" "You’re in my house, Kirk." "You’re in my boat, Kirk." "I’m exposed." "We know, Kirk." "Yeah, let’s do something about that, huh, Kirk?" (Pulp Friction)

26. Lorelai finds Miss Patty crying outside of Fran's funeral and sits down to comfort her while Rory runs into Doose's for kleenex. "I'm gonna get her to the church." "I'll meet you there." "Come on, let's go." "You know, it's times like these that you realize what is truly important in your life. I'm so glad I had all that sex." "Hurry, honey!" (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

29. The band meets Gil for the first time. "Whoa." "Yeah." "He's....he's...." "Old. Just say it, dude. Grandpa's old." "He's not a grandpa." "Did you know how old he was?" "He sounded young on the phone." "Right here, he's got some lines. That blows my mind." "What is he, late thirties?" "Approaching forty." "Forty?" "He was alive before man walked on the moon." "Don't do that, man. You're freaking me out." (The Festival of Living Art)

30. Jason meets Gran. "What is that?" "Well, actually, this is a little present that I got for you." "For me?" "Yes." "Why would you give me a present?" "Well...." "It's not my birthday. It's not Christmas." "Yes, but...." "You don't even know me." "No, but you're Richard's mother, so I thought -- " "What is it? What is this present that you got for an old woman you've never met?" "It's a book." "What sort of book?" "It's a book on French antiques. I heard you liked French antiques." "I do like French antiques." "You can just open it later." (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

14 - Lane was definitely out of line here. Just another example of the times when ASP thought bizarre OTT aggression was amusing, for who knows why.

17, 18 - I did like that not every guy who ever laid eyes on Rory was into her (secretly or openly) but otherwise hate this storyline.

Voting against just two now.

Favorite Awkward Moments!

1. Lorelai stops by Kim's Antiques. "Oh, hey, Mrs. Kim." "Hello, Lorelai. What can I do for you?" "Well, do you still have the big door knockers -- metal with the chipped red paint? [Mrs. Kim picks up a door knocker.] You're a magician. Do you know that? Oh, it's great. Isn't it big?" "And good price, seeing as how it may have belonged to James Madison. It was commonly known that James Madison liked big knockers." "I bet a lot of the founding fathers liked big knockers. ....... I'm sorry for laughing. I'd explain if I could." "It's a double entendre. I've been in this country 20 years. I get things." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

2. Luke and Lorelai go to Sniffy's Tavern for their first real date. "Is this like a Mafia thing?" "Excuse me?" "The whole coming in, special table, reserved sign. Are you gonna have to whack someone before the soup course?" "No, I've filled my whacking quota for the week. [cringes] Dirty?" "Extremely." (Written in the Stars)

3. Rory and Lorelai discuss laundry. "One of us has to do laundry tonight." "Why?" "Because I haven't had any clean underwear for three days." "So right now under your skirt you're wearing...?" "Not underwear." "Mom!" "It's kinda nice, actually -- breezy." "My role model, ladies and gentlemen." (Kiss and Tell)

4. Rory and Lorelai are up really early for the Yale/Harvard football game. "Where's Luke?" "Probably in bed where the rest of the world is on a Saturday. Did I put on underwear?" "What?" "I think I forgot to put on underwear. Can you check? ....... Did I just ask you to check if I put on underwear?" "Yes." "I hate football." (Ted Koppel's Big Night Out)

5. Emily and Richard have reconciled after months of separation. "When did this reconciliation happen?" "Yesterday." "And last night. And this morning." "Richard!" (Come Home)

7. Sookie realizes Joe thinks their 'catching up' is a real date. "You know, I’m really glad we ran into each other. It’s not often you get a second chance." "What do you mean?" "I can’t tell you how many times I kicked myself for not asking you out that summer. It just seemed like every time I got close, we’d end up talking about the best way to make calves' liver or something." "Sautéed with caramelized onions." "Exactly. Then when I saw you at the Learning Center, it was like fate was saying, 'Here you go, man. Try not to screw it up again.' I guess things just had to happen in their own time." "Uh huh, in their own time. Um, could you just. . .uh, stir. . . yeah, I’ll be back." (I Solemnly Swear)

11. Paris and Rory both come back to school early. Rory sees Paris kissing Asher goodbye. "So, you guys have fun?" "I told you that on the phone." "I know. You have fun after that?" "Sure. The resort was beautiful. A little too star-studded. Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart were there. They tongue kissed in public." "They're in love." "Then she'd tickle his tummy and he'd giggle. It was foul." "To each his own." "Well, I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way. I'll get out of your way." "You're not in my way." "Well, I'll just stay here, then." "Good." (The Nanny and the Professor)

13. Rachel, looking fresh as a daisy with no airplane hair in sight, steps back into Luke's life. "I'm Lorelai." "Oh yeah. She's Lorelai." "I'm Luke's friend." "Yeah. She uh, uh, works at the Independence Inn." "I run it, actually." "Sorry, she runs it." "Wow, I love that place." "Oh!" "That must be a pretty big job." "It is! It's crazy. There's always something happening. Like, we just put these coffee makers in all the rooms, but only half of them work. They just like shake and gurgle, like they're having some kind of a fit. Why were you in the Mideast?" "I was doing a photo story, on how Palestinian and Israeli families have been affected by the violence." "Uh huh, well, so you understand about the job pressure." "Yeah." (Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers)

15. Kirk panics when Lorelai offers him and Lulu a room at the test run of the Dragonfly and goes to Luke for advice. "The worst part of night terrors is it always ends up with me on top of the roof completely naked or running down the street completely naked or swimming in the community-center pool completely naked. That was the time I thought I was on fire." "Kirk, that's terrible." "Well, I'm used to it now, so it's kind of second nature to me, but Lulu -- " "Right, Lulu." "How is she going to take it? I mean, I could scare her or ninja-kick her and lock her up with a pillow. I think I love her, Luke, and I haven't even told her that I love her. I spelled it out in chocolate-covered Oreos once, but she was really hungry, and I'm not sure if she read it first. I can't assault her before I tell her I love her." "What do you want me to do about it?" "I called the Dragonfly and had them put me and Lulu in the room right next to yours. That way, if you hear anything -- screaming, or Russian -- you can come in and pull me off of Lulu." "Oh." "Unless, when you come in, it looks like you shouldn't pull me off of Lulu." "Kirk." "You can use your judgment on that one." (Raincoats & Recipes)

16. After finding out Luke and Lorelai are engaged, Babette shares the story of how Morey proposed. "Morey proposed to me spontaneously. Did I ever tell you the story?" "Um, no." "It was a brisk fall night, and Morey was on top. No, wait, I was on top." "What?" "Hold on! Stony Morrison was on top." "Babette!" "We were playing Twister. Did I not mention that?" "No!" "I probably should have." (New and Improved Lorelai)

21. Lorelai wakes up wanting coffee after sleeping with Luke for the first time and he's too asleep to warn her not to go down to the diner. "Well, I think people are gonna know." "What? What are you talking about? [fully awake now] Why are you wearing my shirt?" "I put it on to go get coffee." "Downstairs?" "Well, you don't keep it upstairs." "The diner's open." "You're kidding!" "You walked into the diner like that?" "I didn't think the diner could open without you." "I had Caesar open." "Well, he did, with a floor show." (Written in the Stars)

22. Richard and Emily worry that Rory is planning to have relations with Logan and call in a minister to warn her of the dangers of premarital sex. "You know, Rory, being a young lady comes with many gifts. Your virtue, for example, is a gift, a precious gift. Possibly the most precious gift you possess." "Uh-huh." "You want to give this gift very carefully. It is a gift you can give to only one man. Once you give it, it's gone. You can't re-gift it. If you give it away too soon to the wrong man, then when the right one does come along, you have no gift to give. You'll have to buy him a sweater. Do you understand what I'm saying?" "No." "Think long and hard about when and to whom you want to give the ultimate gift you have to give away." "Oh." "Yes." "Oh, dear." "Oh, dear, indeed." "Um...well, listen, Reverend. I really appreciate you taking the time out of what I assume is a busy day to come here and talk to me about...all of this, but, um, I'm afraid the ultimate-gift ship has sailed." "What?" "A while ago. It's probably in Fiji by now." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

23. Mrs. Kim has The Talk with Lane on her wedding day. "Marriage is a job, Lane. There are rewards that come with this job, but there are also sacrifices. There are things you're going to have to do." "Things?" "Terrible things." "Mama, you don't have to…" "You need to hear this, you need to know what to expect. It will start early." "What will?" "The man's expectations. It starts early, at the wedding, actually. At the wedding, you're going to have to kiss him." "Mama." "You will then be expected to share a bed tonight, and when you’re in that bed you're expected to…" "Mama, please." "You're going to have to do it with this boy, Lane. You're just going to have to do it." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

24. Richard insists Luke go golfing with him since Luke and Lorelai are dating. "Golf isn’t my thing, you know. It’s definitely a thing, but not my game." "Well, what is your main hobby?" "Uh… [to caddy] Give me a hobby, quick." "Uh, reading." "Reading. I read like crazy." "Wonderful! What have you been reading lately?" "Uh, books. You know, this, that. Dick!" "Dick?" "That Dick guy, science fiction guy, Dick something, something Dick… I just read one of his." "Well, I’ll bring Dick up on the internet, see what comes up." (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

25. Luke and Lorelai come back from a date and hear something - possibly a raccoon - in the garage. "Kirk! Wake up." "Annnd he’s naked." "Oh, Kirk! Geez!" "Where am I?" "You’re in my house, Kirk." "You’re in my boat, Kirk." "I’m exposed." "We know, Kirk." "Yeah, let’s do something about that, huh, Kirk?" (Pulp Friction)

26. Lorelai finds Miss Patty crying outside of Fran's funeral and sits down to comfort her while Rory runs into Doose's for kleenex. "I'm gonna get her to the church." "I'll meet you there." "Come on, let's go." "You know, it's times like these that you realize what is truly important in your life. I'm so glad I had all that sex." "Hurry, honey!" (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

29. The band meets Gil for the first time. "Whoa." "Yeah." "He's....he's...." "Old. Just say it, dude. Grandpa's old." "He's not a grandpa." "Did you know how old he was?" "He sounded young on the phone." "Right here, he's got some lines. That blows my mind." "What is he, late thirties?" "Approaching forty." "Forty?" "He was alive before man walked on the moon." "Don't do that, man. You're freaking me out." (The Festival of Living Art)

30. Jason meets Gran. "What is that?" "Well, actually, this is a little present that I got for you." "For me?" "Yes." "Why would you give me a present?" "Well...." "It's not my birthday. It's not Christmas." "Yes, but...." "You don't even know me." "No, but you're Richard's mother, so I thought -- " "What is it? What is this present that you got for an old woman you've never met?" "It's a book." "What sort of book?" "It's a book on French antiques. I heard you liked French antiques." "I do like French antiques." "You can just open it later." (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

7 - Sookie's pantomime as she tries to get Lorelai's attention on the phone kills me! And I do love that she was someone's Daisy. Aww, Sookie. Poor Joe.

11 - I never had a problem with Paris and Asher. Extremely awkward scene though, for sure!

Still voting against two.

Favorite Awkward Moments!

1. Lorelai stops by Kim's Antiques. "Oh, hey, Mrs. Kim." "Hello, Lorelai. What can I do for you?" "Well, do you still have the big door knockers -- metal with the chipped red paint? [Mrs. Kim picks up a door knocker.] You're a magician. Do you know that? Oh, it's great. Isn't it big?" "And good price, seeing as how it may have belonged to James Madison. It was commonly known that James Madison liked big knockers." "I bet a lot of the founding fathers liked big knockers. ....... I'm sorry for laughing. I'd explain if I could." "It's a double entendre. I've been in this country 20 years. I get things." (Last Week Fights, This Week Tights)

2. Luke and Lorelai go to Sniffy's Tavern for their first real date. "Is this like a Mafia thing?" "Excuse me?" "The whole coming in, special table, reserved sign. Are you gonna have to whack someone before the soup course?" "No, I've filled my whacking quota for the week. [cringes] Dirty?" "Extremely." (Written in the Stars)

3. Rory and Lorelai discuss laundry. "One of us has to do laundry tonight." "Why?" "Because I haven't had any clean underwear for three days." "So right now under your skirt you're wearing...?" "Not underwear." "Mom!" "It's kinda nice, actually -- breezy." "My role model, ladies and gentlemen." (Kiss and Tell)

4. Rory and Lorelai are up really early for the Yale/Harvard football game. "Where's Luke?" "Probably in bed where the rest of the world is on a Saturday. Did I put on underwear?" "What?" "I think I forgot to put on underwear. Can you check? ....... Did I just ask you to check if I put on underwear?" "Yes." "I hate football." (Ted Koppel's Big Night Out)

5. Emily and Richard have reconciled after months of separation. "When did this reconciliation happen?" "Yesterday." "And last night. And this morning." "Richard!" (Come Home)

13. Rachel, looking fresh as a daisy with no airplane hair in sight, steps back into Luke's life. "I'm Lorelai." "Oh yeah. She's Lorelai." "I'm Luke's friend." "Yeah. She uh, uh, works at the Independence Inn." "I run it, actually." "Sorry, she runs it." "Wow, I love that place." "Oh!" "That must be a pretty big job." "It is! It's crazy. There's always something happening. Like, we just put these coffee makers in all the rooms, but only half of them work. They just like shake and gurgle, like they're having some kind of a fit. Why were you in the Mideast?" "I was doing a photo story, on how Palestinian and Israeli families have been affected by the violence." "Uh huh, well, so you understand about the job pressure." "Yeah." (Star Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers)

15. Kirk panics when Lorelai offers him and Lulu a room at the test run of the Dragonfly and goes to Luke for advice. "The worst part of night terrors is it always ends up with me on top of the roof completely naked or running down the street completely naked or swimming in the community-center pool completely naked. That was the time I thought I was on fire." "Kirk, that's terrible." "Well, I'm used to it now, so it's kind of second nature to me, but Lulu -- " "Right, Lulu." "How is she going to take it? I mean, I could scare her or ninja-kick her and lock her up with a pillow. I think I love her, Luke, and I haven't even told her that I love her. I spelled it out in chocolate-covered Oreos once, but she was really hungry, and I'm not sure if she read it first. I can't assault her before I tell her I love her." "What do you want me to do about it?" "I called the Dragonfly and had them put me and Lulu in the room right next to yours. That way, if you hear anything -- screaming, or Russian -- you can come in and pull me off of Lulu." "Oh." "Unless, when you come in, it looks like you shouldn't pull me off of Lulu." "Kirk." "You can use your judgment on that one." (Raincoats & Recipes)

16. After finding out Luke and Lorelai are engaged, Babette shares the story of how Morey proposed. "Morey proposed to me spontaneously. Did I ever tell you the story?" "Um, no." "It was a brisk fall night, and Morey was on top. No, wait, I was on top." "What?" "Hold on! Stony Morrison was on top." "Babette!" "We were playing Twister. Did I not mention that?" "No!" "I probably should have." (New and Improved Lorelai)

21. Lorelai wakes up wanting coffee after sleeping with Luke for the first time and he's too asleep to warn her not to go down to the diner. "Well, I think people are gonna know." "What? What are you talking about? [fully awake now] Why are you wearing my shirt?" "I put it on to go get coffee." "Downstairs?" "Well, you don't keep it upstairs." "The diner's open." "You're kidding!" "You walked into the diner like that?" "I didn't think the diner could open without you." "I had Caesar open." "Well, he did, with a floor show." (Written in the Stars)

22. Richard and Emily worry that Rory is planning to have relations with Logan and call in a minister to warn her of the dangers of premarital sex. "You know, Rory, being a young lady comes with many gifts. Your virtue, for example, is a gift, a precious gift. Possibly the most precious gift you possess." "Uh-huh." "You want to give this gift very carefully. It is a gift you can give to only one man. Once you give it, it's gone. You can't re-gift it. If you give it away too soon to the wrong man, then when the right one does come along, you have no gift to give. You'll have to buy him a sweater. Do you understand what I'm saying?" "No." "Think long and hard about when and to whom you want to give the ultimate gift you have to give away." "Oh." "Yes." "Oh, dear." "Oh, dear, indeed." "Um...well, listen, Reverend. I really appreciate you taking the time out of what I assume is a busy day to come here and talk to me about...all of this, but, um, I'm afraid the ultimate-gift ship has sailed." "What?" "A while ago. It's probably in Fiji by now." (Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number)

23. Mrs. Kim has The Talk with Lane on her wedding day. "Marriage is a job, Lane. There are rewards that come with this job, but there are also sacrifices. There are things you're going to have to do." "Things?" "Terrible things." "Mama, you don't have to…" "You need to hear this, you need to know what to expect. It will start early." "What will?" "The man's expectations. It starts early, at the wedding, actually. At the wedding, you're going to have to kiss him." "Mama." "You will then be expected to share a bed tonight, and when you’re in that bed you're expected to…" "Mama, please." "You're going to have to do it with this boy, Lane. You're just going to have to do it." (I Get a Sidekick Out of You)

24. Richard insists Luke go golfing with him since Luke and Lorelai are dating. "Golf isn’t my thing, you know. It’s definitely a thing, but not my game." "Well, what is your main hobby?" "Uh… [to caddy] Give me a hobby, quick." "Uh, reading." "Reading. I read like crazy." "Wonderful! What have you been reading lately?" "Uh, books. You know, this, that. Dick!" "Dick?" "That Dick guy, science fiction guy, Dick something, something Dick… I just read one of his." "Well, I’ll bring Dick up on the internet, see what comes up." (You Jump, I Jump, Jack)

25. Luke and Lorelai come back from a date and hear something - possibly a raccoon - in the garage. "Kirk! Wake up." "Annnd he’s naked." "Oh, Kirk! Geez!" "Where am I?" "You’re in my house, Kirk." "You’re in my boat, Kirk." "I’m exposed." "We know, Kirk." "Yeah, let’s do something about that, huh, Kirk?" (Pulp Friction)

26. Lorelai finds Miss Patty crying outside of Fran's funeral and sits down to comfort her while Rory runs into Doose's for kleenex. "I'm gonna get her to the church." "I'll meet you there." "Come on, let's go." "You know, it's times like these that you realize what is truly important in your life. I'm so glad I had all that sex." "Hurry, honey!" (Say Goodnight, Gracie)

29. The band meets Gil for the first time. "Whoa." "Yeah." "He's....he's...." "Old. Just say it, dude. Grandpa's old." "He's not a grandpa." "Did you know how old he was?" "He sounded young on the phone." "Right here, he's got some lines. That blows my mind." "What is he, late thirties?" "Approaching forty." "Forty?" "He was alive before man walked on the moon." "Don't do that, man. You're freaking me out." (The Festival of Living Art)

30. Jason meets Gran. "What is that?" "Well, actually, this is a little present that I got for you." "For me?" "Yes." "Why would you give me a present?" "Well...." "It's not my birthday. It's not Christmas." "Yes, but...." "You don't even know me." "No, but you're Richard's mother, so I thought -- " "What is it? What is this present that you got for an old woman you've never met?" "It's a book." "What sort of book?" "It's a book on French antiques. I heard you liked French antiques." "I do like French antiques." "You can just open it later." (The Incredible Shrinking Lorelais)

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