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Gilmore Girls Elimination Game

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4, 7, 28 out.  Still voting against three.


Favorite Literary References

1.  Rory's graduation speech.  "I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann's Way.  It's a rewarding world."

2.  Jess returns Rory's book that he borrowed (without her knowledge) after they meet for the first time.  "I thought you said you didn't read much." "Well, what is much? Goodnight, Rory." "Goodnight, Dodger." "Dodger?" "Figure it out." " .... Oliver Twist."

3.  Robert stops by to ask Rory out and catches her reading in the dining hall.  "Business or pleasure? .... Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant and the Making of the Modern World. Oh. Pleasure." "Have you read it?" "I’m waiting for the film to come out." "Yeah, I heard Renee Zellweger is gaining a ton of weight to play the peasant."

5.  Lorelai borrows Proust from Max.  "So how's 'Swann's Way' coming?" "Oh, finished." "You're kidding! It took me forever to read that. I had to renew it ten times." "The first sentence - I finished the first sentence."

6.  Paris and Jess both crash Rory's alone night, they end up eating a ton of food and discussing books and other literary works all night.  "A tragic waste of paper." "I can’t believe you just said that." "Well, it’s true, the Beat's writing was completely self-indulgent. I have one word for Jack Kerouac – edit." "It was not self-indulgent. The Beats believed in shocking people, stirring things up." "They believed in drugs, booze, and petty crime."

8.  Richard and Rory have lunch at Yale.  "Well, Dickie made a mistake. He emailed me, thinking that I wouldn't read it for days, but I read it the minute he sent it. He figured my weekend starts at lunch on Fridays, as so many others do -- error followed by error." "That man needs to reread his Sun Tzu." .... "So, been reading anything good lately?" "I'm very into P.G. Wodehouse right now." "Oh, that's great." "You?" "Actually, I've had a personal triumph of late." "Oh, yeah? What?" "I've just finished the sixth and final volume of 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.' " "That is a triumph." "I started it in 1968. So it took only, what, 36 years to finish it? But by G-d, I finished it."

9.  Dean returns Rory's book.  "Here." "Oh, how'd you like it?" "Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." "Aha! You liked it, you liked Jane Austen. I knew you would. Lane, Dean likes Jane Austen." "Wow, who would've thought." "I told him he would, but he was all, 'Forget Jane Austen, you have to read Hunter Thompson.'"

10.  Jess and Rory sit on the bridge for their picnic.  "Ten." "Ten?" "Yeah, but I didn’t understand a word of it, so I had to reread it when I was fifteen." "I’ve yet to make it through it." "Really? Try it. The Fountainhead is classic." "Yeah, but Ayn Rand is a political nut." "Yeah, but nobody could write a forty page monologue the way that she could." "Okay, tomorrow I will try again, and you will. . ." "Give the painful Ernest Hemingway another chance. Yes, I promise." "You know, Ernest only has lovely things to say about you."

11.  Sookie agrees to go to dinner with an old friend, not realizing he's had a thing for her for years and thinks this is a date-date. "He’s liked you for ten years?" "Yes." "Wow. That is some serious Great Gatsby pining." "I know." "You’re his Daisy." "I am? I’m his Daisy. I’m someone’s Daisy."

12.  Richard gives Rory a gift after he and Emily return from their second honeymoon trip to Europe.  "Leaves of Grass in Greek. A hundred years old, some beautiful engravings." "Now I have to learn Greek."  Years later, we see a copy of Leaves of Grass by Richard's coffin in the Revival.

13.  Jess shows Rory around NYC.  "So how much time you got?" "I got a bit." "There's a record store you should check out. It's run by this insane freak who's like a walking encyclopedia for every punk and garage-band record ever made. Catalog numbers, it’s crazy. The place is right out of High Fidelity."

14.  A random guy tries to hit on Lorelai in Luke's.  "Yeah, I've never been here before. Just, uh, passing through on my way to Hartford." "You're a regular Jack Kerouac." " .... Yeah." "Yeah."

15.  Lorelai's window is broken and the house is cold.  She and Rory sit next to the oven to try to stay warm.  "Hey, did anyone ever think that maybe Sylvia Plath wasn't crazy, she was just cold?"

16.  Rory and Dean discuss if they actually want to go into the Chilton dance.  "And these kids at my school -- awful. Have you seen The Outsiders?" "Yeah, I have." "Just call me Ponyboy."

17.  Rory is upset that Lorelai encouraged her to accept Emily's offer of a trip to Europe after sleeping with a married Dean.  "So, what is this, a Henry James novel? The young lady acts up, and her family ships her off to Europe?" "Oh, come on." "How fast did you tell Grandma that I had nothing to do this summer?" "I'm not shipping you off." "Oh, please!" "I'm not. I'm just -- okay, maybe I am." "Ha!" "I wasn't planning on it, but maybe in the back of my mind, I just thought - " " - Say Goodbye to Daisy Miller."

18.  Emily makes excuses as to why she cannot invite Lorelai to stay for dinner.  "Lorelai, do not get dramatic. Dinner is not ready, and even if it was, I would still not be able to invite you to stay because your father and I have plans tonight. We are eating quickly and then leaving." "To go where?" "The Thompsons." "For what?" "Book club." "What book?" "Lovely Bones." "Did you like it?" "It's not my taste but I respect the attempt." "Now I know where I get it from."

19.  Rory invites Paris to stay for the Bracebridge dinner, since she doesn't already have plans.  "Rereading the Iliad a third time is not 'not doing anything'. I'm not pathetic."

20.  The elder Gilmores are upset that they aren't going to be able to make their usual trip to Martha's Vineyard and don't understand Lorelai's suggestion of going to Paris instead.  "We only go to Europe in the fall." "You know, Mom, I heard a rumor Europe's still there in the spring." "I heard that too." "We know that it's there in the spring but we never go in the spring because we always go in the fall." "It's getting a little too Lewis Carroll for me."

21.  Rory tries to argue with Logan that she doesn't want to jump off the scaffolding because journalists observe, not participate.  "Bill Buford lived with soccer hooligans in amongst the thugs. Ernie Pyle was so deep in the action in World War II, he was killed by a Japanese sniper, not that you gotta go that far." "Buford, Pyle. I know." "Richard Hottelet was four months in a Nazi prison working for the U.P. Hunter Thompson lived with the Hell’s Angels. Got in the muck, didn’t just orbit around it, and it drove his writing. He put you in those biker’s parties. He put you in those biker’s heads."

22.  Rory chastises Jess for causing problems for Luke with the other townies.  "You did it. The whole town knows you did it. They had a meeting about it." "You actually went to that bizarro town meeting? Those things are so 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'"

23.  Norman Mailer has been having lunch at the Dragonfly (well, sort of).  "Norman Mailer’s back, for the third time this week!" "Yep, sure is." "This is so exciting. I’ve got to call and tell Rory. You know, she read The Naked and the Dead while she was still wearing footsie pajamas."

24.  After finding the letter where Gran begged Richard to marry Pennilyn Lott instead of her, Emily shirks her funeral planning duties and lounges around with a cigarette and a drink, reading The Crimson Petal and the White.  "Lorelai, here, I just finished reading, and I think you'll really like it. It's about this prostitute named Sugar in Victorian England. She starts rising through the ranks of society, and she meets these really vivid characters!" "Okay, sure, you don't have to tell me the whole story now." "I'm not giving anything away. That's all on the back cover."

25.  Rory is annoyed that Lorelai won't just go to Luke's to eat even though Luke and Lorelai had an argument about Nicole.  "You're gonna starve to death." "Well fine, I will starve to death, because I'm not going to reward bad behavior." "Is there something in the fridge?" "Nothing edible." "There's Beefaroni. You like Beefaroni." "I'm not in the mood for Beefaroni." "Mom, you have to do something." "I need a suggestion." "Have you read The Bell Jar?" "Ah! Not funny!"

26.  Rory tries to help Jess study.  "Have you ever read Please Kill Me?" "No." "Oral history of the punk movement. You’d like it – you can borrow it if you want." "I’m here to help you study. Now, if you want me to go, I’ll go, but if I’m going to stay, then you will stop distracting me and start paying attention, understand?" "I understand." "Good. And yes, I would like to borrow it, thank you very much. Now open your book."

27.  Logan comes home early and catches Rory and Jess going out for a bite.  He tries to intimidate Jess.  "You write? Impressive. What do you write?" "Nothing important." "He wrote a book." "Oh, you penned the great American novel, Jess?" "Wasn't quite that ambitious." "So, what are we talking here? Short novel? Kafka length or longer? Dos Passos, Tolstoy? Or longer? Robert Musil? Proust? I'm not throwing you with these names, am I?" "You seem very obsessed with length."

29.  Lorelai helps Rory study for her big Shakespeare test.  "‘The Comedy of Errors’ - written?" "1590." "Published?" "1698." "Ooh 1623 - close." "How is 1623 close?" "You got the ‘16’ part right."

30.  Anna leaves April and her friends with Luke for April's birthday party.  "ANNA: Oh, please. She's excited about this. Plus, your chaperoning got rave reviews." "Really?" "April said you were the least-embarrassing parent on the trip." "Good, that's good, right?" "It's a rave. Her friends call you Hagrid." "Really? Hagrid. Wow. I don't know what that means." "He's a character from Harry Potter, very big, very hairy, very lovable. It's a huge compliment."

Aw, I loved how silly and petty Logan looked trying to rattle Jess, and Jess's perfect 'obsessed with length' comeback. Ah well. 17, 23, 27 gone. Still voting against three.

Favorite Literary References

1.  Rory's graduation speech.  "I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann's Way.  It's a rewarding world."

2.  Jess returns Rory's book that he borrowed (without her knowledge) after they meet for the first time.  "I thought you said you didn't read much." "Well, what is much? Goodnight, Rory." "Goodnight, Dodger." "Dodger?" "Figure it out." " .... Oliver Twist."

3.  Robert stops by to ask Rory out and catches her reading in the dining hall.  "Business or pleasure? .... Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant and the Making of the Modern World. Oh. Pleasure." "Have you read it?" "I’m waiting for the film to come out." "Yeah, I heard Renee Zellweger is gaining a ton of weight to play the peasant."

5.  Lorelai borrows Proust from Max.  "So how's 'Swann's Way' coming?" "Oh, finished." "You're kidding! It took me forever to read that. I had to renew it ten times." "The first sentence - I finished the first sentence."

6.  Paris and Jess both crash Rory's alone night, they end up eating a ton of food and discussing books and other literary works all night.  "A tragic waste of paper." "I can’t believe you just said that." "Well, it’s true, the Beat's writing was completely self-indulgent. I have one word for Jack Kerouac – edit." "It was not self-indulgent. The Beats believed in shocking people, stirring things up." "They believed in drugs, booze, and petty crime."

8.  Richard and Rory have lunch at Yale.  "Well, Dickie made a mistake. He emailed me, thinking that I wouldn't read it for days, but I read it the minute he sent it. He figured my weekend starts at lunch on Fridays, as so many others do -- error followed by error." "That man needs to reread his Sun Tzu." .... "So, been reading anything good lately?" "I'm very into P.G. Wodehouse right now." "Oh, that's great." "You?" "Actually, I've had a personal triumph of late." "Oh, yeah? What?" "I've just finished the sixth and final volume of 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.' " "That is a triumph." "I started it in 1968. So it took only, what, 36 years to finish it? But by G-d, I finished it."

9.  Dean returns Rory's book.  "Here." "Oh, how'd you like it?" "Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." "Aha! You liked it, you liked Jane Austen. I knew you would. Lane, Dean likes Jane Austen." "Wow, who would've thought." "I told him he would, but he was all, 'Forget Jane Austen, you have to read Hunter Thompson.'"

10.  Jess and Rory sit on the bridge for their picnic.  "Ten." "Ten?" "Yeah, but I didn’t understand a word of it, so I had to reread it when I was fifteen." "I’ve yet to make it through it." "Really? Try it. The Fountainhead is classic." "Yeah, but Ayn Rand is a political nut." "Yeah, but nobody could write a forty page monologue the way that she could." "Okay, tomorrow I will try again, and you will. . ." "Give the painful Ernest Hemingway another chance. Yes, I promise." "You know, Ernest only has lovely things to say about you."

11.  Sookie agrees to go to dinner with an old friend, not realizing he's had a thing for her for years and thinks this is a date-date. "He’s liked you for ten years?" "Yes." "Wow. That is some serious Great Gatsby pining." "I know." "You’re his Daisy." "I am? I’m his Daisy. I’m someone’s Daisy."

12.  Richard gives Rory a gift after he and Emily return from their second honeymoon trip to Europe.  "Leaves of Grass in Greek. A hundred years old, some beautiful engravings." "Now I have to learn Greek."  Years later, we see a copy of Leaves of Grass by Richard's coffin in the Revival.

13.  Jess shows Rory around NYC.  "So how much time you got?" "I got a bit." "There's a record store you should check out. It's run by this insane freak who's like a walking encyclopedia for every punk and garage-band record ever made. Catalog numbers, it’s crazy. The place is right out of High Fidelity."

14.  A random guy tries to hit on Lorelai in Luke's.  "Yeah, I've never been here before. Just, uh, passing through on my way to Hartford." "You're a regular Jack Kerouac." " .... Yeah." "Yeah."

15.  Lorelai's window is broken and the house is cold.  She and Rory sit next to the oven to try to stay warm.  "Hey, did anyone ever think that maybe Sylvia Plath wasn't crazy, she was just cold?"

16.  Rory and Dean discuss if they actually want to go into the Chilton dance.  "And these kids at my school -- awful. Have you seen The Outsiders?" "Yeah, I have." "Just call me Ponyboy."

18.  Emily makes excuses as to why she cannot invite Lorelai to stay for dinner.  "Lorelai, do not get dramatic. Dinner is not ready, and even if it was, I would still not be able to invite you to stay because your father and I have plans tonight. We are eating quickly and then leaving." "To go where?" "The Thompsons." "For what?" "Book club." "What book?" "Lovely Bones." "Did you like it?" "It's not my taste but I respect the attempt." "Now I know where I get it from."

19.  Rory invites Paris to stay for the Bracebridge dinner, since she doesn't already have plans.  "Rereading the Iliad a third time is not 'not doing anything'. I'm not pathetic."

20.  The elder Gilmores are upset that they aren't going to be able to make their usual trip to Martha's Vineyard and don't understand Lorelai's suggestion of going to Paris instead.  "We only go to Europe in the fall." "You know, Mom, I heard a rumor Europe's still there in the spring." "I heard that too." "We know that it's there in the spring but we never go in the spring because we always go in the fall." "It's getting a little too Lewis Carroll for me."

21.  Rory tries to argue with Logan that she doesn't want to jump off the scaffolding because journalists observe, not participate.  "Bill Buford lived with soccer hooligans in amongst the thugs. Ernie Pyle was so deep in the action in World War II, he was killed by a Japanese sniper, not that you gotta go that far." "Buford, Pyle. I know." "Richard Hottelet was four months in a Nazi prison working for the U.P. Hunter Thompson lived with the Hell’s Angels. Got in the muck, didn’t just orbit around it, and it drove his writing. He put you in those biker’s parties. He put you in those biker’s heads."

22.  Rory chastises Jess for causing problems for Luke with the other townies.  "You did it. The whole town knows you did it. They had a meeting about it." "You actually went to that bizarro town meeting? Those things are so 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'"

24.  After finding the letter where Gran begged Richard to marry Pennilyn Lott instead of her, Emily shirks her funeral planning duties and lounges around with a cigarette and a drink, reading The Crimson Petal and the White.  "Lorelai, here, I just finished reading, and I think you'll really like it. It's about this prostitute named Sugar in Victorian England. She starts rising through the ranks of society, and she meets these really vivid characters!" "Okay, sure, you don't have to tell me the whole story now." "I'm not giving anything away. That's all on the back cover."

25.  Rory is annoyed that Lorelai won't just go to Luke's to eat even though Luke and Lorelai had an argument about Nicole.  "You're gonna starve to death." "Well fine, I will starve to death, because I'm not going to reward bad behavior." "Is there something in the fridge?" "Nothing edible." "There's Beefaroni. You like Beefaroni." "I'm not in the mood for Beefaroni." "Mom, you have to do something." "I need a suggestion." "Have you read The Bell Jar?" "Ah! Not funny!"

26.  Rory tries to help Jess study.  "Have you ever read Please Kill Me?" "No." "Oral history of the punk movement. You’d like it – you can borrow it if you want." "I’m here to help you study. Now, if you want me to go, I’ll go, but if I’m going to stay, then you will stop distracting me and start paying attention, understand?" "I understand." "Good. And yes, I would like to borrow it, thank you very much. Now open your book."

29.  Lorelai helps Rory study for her big Shakespeare test.  "‘The Comedy of Errors’ - written?" "1590." "Published?" "1698." "Ooh 1623 - close." "How is 1623 close?" "You got the ‘16’ part right."

30.  Anna leaves April and her friends with Luke for April's birthday party.  "ANNA: Oh, please. She's excited about this. Plus, your chaperoning got rave reviews." "Really?" "April said you were the least-embarrassing parent on the trip." "Good, that's good, right?" "It's a rave. Her friends call you Hagrid." "Really? Hagrid. Wow. I don't know what that means." "He's a character from Harry Potter, very big, very hairy, very lovable. It's a huge compliment."

I think I liked Robert best out of all of Logan's friends.  He seemed genuinely funny and not a total d*ckhead like Colin always was, and Finn could often be.

3, 14, 29 gone!  Still voting against three.

Favorite Literary References

1.  Rory's graduation speech.  "I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann's Way.  It's a rewarding world."

2.  Jess returns Rory's book that he borrowed (without her knowledge) after they meet for the first time.  "I thought you said you didn't read much." "Well, what is much? Goodnight, Rory." "Goodnight, Dodger." "Dodger?" "Figure it out." " .... Oliver Twist."

5.  Lorelai borrows Proust from Max.  "So how's 'Swann's Way' coming?" "Oh, finished." "You're kidding! It took me forever to read that. I had to renew it ten times." "The first sentence - I finished the first sentence."

6.  Paris and Jess both crash Rory's alone night, they end up eating a ton of food and discussing books and other literary works all night.  "A tragic waste of paper." "I can’t believe you just said that." "Well, it’s true, the Beat's writing was completely self-indulgent. I have one word for Jack Kerouac – edit." "It was not self-indulgent. The Beats believed in shocking people, stirring things up." "They believed in drugs, booze, and petty crime."

8.  Richard and Rory have lunch at Yale.  "Well, Dickie made a mistake. He emailed me, thinking that I wouldn't read it for days, but I read it the minute he sent it. He figured my weekend starts at lunch on Fridays, as so many others do -- error followed by error." "That man needs to reread his Sun Tzu." .... "So, been reading anything good lately?" "I'm very into P.G. Wodehouse right now." "Oh, that's great." "You?" "Actually, I've had a personal triumph of late." "Oh, yeah? What?" "I've just finished the sixth and final volume of 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.' " "That is a triumph." "I started it in 1968. So it took only, what, 36 years to finish it? But by G-d, I finished it."

9.  Dean returns Rory's book.  "Here." "Oh, how'd you like it?" "Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." "Aha! You liked it, you liked Jane Austen. I knew you would. Lane, Dean likes Jane Austen." "Wow, who would've thought." "I told him he would, but he was all, 'Forget Jane Austen, you have to read Hunter Thompson.'"

10.  Jess and Rory sit on the bridge for their picnic.  "Ten." "Ten?" "Yeah, but I didn’t understand a word of it, so I had to reread it when I was fifteen." "I’ve yet to make it through it." "Really? Try it. The Fountainhead is classic." "Yeah, but Ayn Rand is a political nut." "Yeah, but nobody could write a forty page monologue the way that she could." "Okay, tomorrow I will try again, and you will. . ." "Give the painful Ernest Hemingway another chance. Yes, I promise." "You know, Ernest only has lovely things to say about you."

11.  Sookie agrees to go to dinner with an old friend, not realizing he's had a thing for her for years and thinks this is a date-date. "He’s liked you for ten years?" "Yes." "Wow. That is some serious Great Gatsby pining." "I know." "You’re his Daisy." "I am? I’m his Daisy. I’m someone’s Daisy."

12.  Richard gives Rory a gift after he and Emily return from their second honeymoon trip to Europe.  "Leaves of Grass in Greek. A hundred years old, some beautiful engravings." "Now I have to learn Greek."  Years later, we see a copy of Leaves of Grass by Richard's coffin in the Revival.

13.  Jess shows Rory around NYC.  "So how much time you got?" "I got a bit." "There's a record store you should check out. It's run by this insane freak who's like a walking encyclopedia for every punk and garage-band record ever made. Catalog numbers, it’s crazy. The place is right out of High Fidelity."

15.  Lorelai's window is broken and the house is cold.  She and Rory sit next to the oven to try to stay warm.  "Hey, did anyone ever think that maybe Sylvia Plath wasn't crazy, she was just cold?"

16.  Rory and Dean discuss if they actually want to go into the Chilton dance.  "And these kids at my school -- awful. Have you seen The Outsiders?" "Yeah, I have." "Just call me Ponyboy."

18.  Emily makes excuses as to why she cannot invite Lorelai to stay for dinner.  "Lorelai, do not get dramatic. Dinner is not ready, and even if it was, I would still not be able to invite you to stay because your father and I have plans tonight. We are eating quickly and then leaving." "To go where?" "The Thompsons." "For what?" "Book club." "What book?" "Lovely Bones." "Did you like it?" "It's not my taste but I respect the attempt." "Now I know where I get it from."

19.  Rory invites Paris to stay for the Bracebridge dinner, since she doesn't already have plans.  "Rereading the Iliad a third time is not 'not doing anything'. I'm not pathetic."

20.  The elder Gilmores are upset that they aren't going to be able to make their usual trip to Martha's Vineyard and don't understand Lorelai's suggestion of going to Paris instead.  "We only go to Europe in the fall." "You know, Mom, I heard a rumor Europe's still there in the spring." "I heard that too." "We know that it's there in the spring but we never go in the spring because we always go in the fall." "It's getting a little too Lewis Carroll for me."

21.  Rory tries to argue with Logan that she doesn't want to jump off the scaffolding because journalists observe, not participate.  "Bill Buford lived with soccer hooligans in amongst the thugs. Ernie Pyle was so deep in the action in World War II, he was killed by a Japanese sniper, not that you gotta go that far." "Buford, Pyle. I know." "Richard Hottelet was four months in a Nazi prison working for the U.P. Hunter Thompson lived with the Hell’s Angels. Got in the muck, didn’t just orbit around it, and it drove his writing. He put you in those biker’s parties. He put you in those biker’s heads."

22.  Rory chastises Jess for causing problems for Luke with the other townies.  "You did it. The whole town knows you did it. They had a meeting about it." "You actually went to that bizarro town meeting? Those things are so 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'"

24.  After finding the letter where Gran begged Richard to marry Pennilyn Lott instead of her, Emily shirks her funeral planning duties and lounges around with a cigarette and a drink, reading The Crimson Petal and the White.  "Lorelai, here, I just finished reading, and I think you'll really like it. It's about this prostitute named Sugar in Victorian England. She starts rising through the ranks of society, and she meets these really vivid characters!" "Okay, sure, you don't have to tell me the whole story now." "I'm not giving anything away. That's all on the back cover."

25.  Rory is annoyed that Lorelai won't just go to Luke's to eat even though Luke and Lorelai had an argument about Nicole.  "You're gonna starve to death." "Well fine, I will starve to death, because I'm not going to reward bad behavior." "Is there something in the fridge?" "Nothing edible." "There's Beefaroni. You like Beefaroni." "I'm not in the mood for Beefaroni." "Mom, you have to do something." "I need a suggestion." "Have you read The Bell Jar?" "Ah! Not funny!"

26.  Rory tries to help Jess study.  "Have you ever read Please Kill Me?" "No." "Oral history of the punk movement. You’d like it – you can borrow it if you want." "I’m here to help you study. Now, if you want me to go, I’ll go, but if I’m going to stay, then you will stop distracting me and start paying attention, understand?" "I understand." "Good. And yes, I would like to borrow it, thank you very much. Now open your book."

30.  Anna leaves April and her friends with Luke for April's birthday party.  "ANNA: Oh, please. She's excited about this. Plus, your chaperoning got rave reviews." "Really?" "April said you were the least-embarrassing parent on the trip." "Good, that's good, right?" "It's a rave. Her friends call you Hagrid." "Really? Hagrid. Wow. I don't know what that means." "He's a character from Harry Potter, very big, very hairy, very lovable. It's a huge compliment."

5, 11, 25 out!  Still three.

Favorite Literary References

1.  Rory's graduation speech.  "I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann's Way.  It's a rewarding world."

2.  Jess returns Rory's book that he borrowed (without her knowledge) after they meet for the first time.  "I thought you said you didn't read much." "Well, what is much? Goodnight, Rory." "Goodnight, Dodger." "Dodger?" "Figure it out." " .... Oliver Twist."

6.  Paris and Jess both crash Rory's alone night, they end up eating a ton of food and discussing books and other literary works all night.  "A tragic waste of paper." "I can’t believe you just said that." "Well, it’s true, the Beat's writing was completely self-indulgent. I have one word for Jack Kerouac – edit." "It was not self-indulgent. The Beats believed in shocking people, stirring things up." "They believed in drugs, booze, and petty crime."

8.  Richard and Rory have lunch at Yale.  "Well, Dickie made a mistake. He emailed me, thinking that I wouldn't read it for days, but I read it the minute he sent it. He figured my weekend starts at lunch on Fridays, as so many others do -- error followed by error." "That man needs to reread his Sun Tzu." .... "So, been reading anything good lately?" "I'm very into P.G. Wodehouse right now." "Oh, that's great." "You?" "Actually, I've had a personal triumph of late." "Oh, yeah? What?" "I've just finished the sixth and final volume of 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.' " "That is a triumph." "I started it in 1968. So it took only, what, 36 years to finish it? But by G-d, I finished it."

9.  Dean returns Rory's book.  "Here." "Oh, how'd you like it?" "Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." "Aha! You liked it, you liked Jane Austen. I knew you would. Lane, Dean likes Jane Austen." "Wow, who would've thought." "I told him he would, but he was all, 'Forget Jane Austen, you have to read Hunter Thompson.'"

10.  Jess and Rory sit on the bridge for their picnic.  "Ten." "Ten?" "Yeah, but I didn’t understand a word of it, so I had to reread it when I was fifteen." "I’ve yet to make it through it." "Really? Try it. The Fountainhead is classic." "Yeah, but Ayn Rand is a political nut." "Yeah, but nobody could write a forty page monologue the way that she could." "Okay, tomorrow I will try again, and you will. . ." "Give the painful Ernest Hemingway another chance. Yes, I promise." "You know, Ernest only has lovely things to say about you."

12.  Richard gives Rory a gift after he and Emily return from their second honeymoon trip to Europe.  "Leaves of Grass in Greek. A hundred years old, some beautiful engravings." "Now I have to learn Greek."  Years later, we see a copy of Leaves of Grass by Richard's coffin in the Revival.

13.  Jess shows Rory around NYC.  "So how much time you got?" "I got a bit." "There's a record store you should check out. It's run by this insane freak who's like a walking encyclopedia for every punk and garage-band record ever made. Catalog numbers, it’s crazy. The place is right out of High Fidelity."

15.  Lorelai's window is broken and the house is cold.  She and Rory sit next to the oven to try to stay warm.  "Hey, did anyone ever think that maybe Sylvia Plath wasn't crazy, she was just cold?"

16.  Rory and Dean discuss if they actually want to go into the Chilton dance.  "And these kids at my school -- awful. Have you seen The Outsiders?" "Yeah, I have." "Just call me Ponyboy."

18.  Emily makes excuses as to why she cannot invite Lorelai to stay for dinner.  "Lorelai, do not get dramatic. Dinner is not ready, and even if it was, I would still not be able to invite you to stay because your father and I have plans tonight. We are eating quickly and then leaving." "To go where?" "The Thompsons." "For what?" "Book club." "What book?" "Lovely Bones." "Did you like it?" "It's not my taste but I respect the attempt." "Now I know where I get it from."

19.  Rory invites Paris to stay for the Bracebridge dinner, since she doesn't already have plans.  "Rereading the Iliad a third time is not 'not doing anything'. I'm not pathetic."

20.  The elder Gilmores are upset that they aren't going to be able to make their usual trip to Martha's Vineyard and don't understand Lorelai's suggestion of going to Paris instead.  "We only go to Europe in the fall." "You know, Mom, I heard a rumor Europe's still there in the spring." "I heard that too." "We know that it's there in the spring but we never go in the spring because we always go in the fall." "It's getting a little too Lewis Carroll for me."

21.  Rory tries to argue with Logan that she doesn't want to jump off the scaffolding because journalists observe, not participate.  "Bill Buford lived with soccer hooligans in amongst the thugs. Ernie Pyle was so deep in the action in World War II, he was killed by a Japanese sniper, not that you gotta go that far." "Buford, Pyle. I know." "Richard Hottelet was four months in a Nazi prison working for the U.P. Hunter Thompson lived with the Hell’s Angels. Got in the muck, didn’t just orbit around it, and it drove his writing. He put you in those biker’s parties. He put you in those biker’s heads."

22.  Rory chastises Jess for causing problems for Luke with the other townies.  "You did it. The whole town knows you did it. They had a meeting about it." "You actually went to that bizarro town meeting? Those things are so 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'"

24.  After finding the letter where Gran begged Richard to marry Pennilyn Lott instead of her, Emily shirks her funeral planning duties and lounges around with a cigarette and a drink, reading The Crimson Petal and the White.  "Lorelai, here, I just finished reading, and I think you'll really like it. It's about this prostitute named Sugar in Victorian England. She starts rising through the ranks of society, and she meets these really vivid characters!" "Okay, sure, you don't have to tell me the whole story now." "I'm not giving anything away. That's all on the back cover."

26.  Rory tries to help Jess study.  "Have you ever read Please Kill Me?" "No." "Oral history of the punk movement. You’d like it – you can borrow it if you want." "I’m here to help you study. Now, if you want me to go, I’ll go, but if I’m going to stay, then you will stop distracting me and start paying attention, understand?" "I understand." "Good. And yes, I would like to borrow it, thank you very much. Now open your book."

30.  Anna leaves April and her friends with Luke for April's birthday party.  "ANNA: Oh, please. She's excited about this. Plus, your chaperoning got rave reviews." "Really?" "April said you were the least-embarrassing parent on the trip." "Good, that's good, right?" "It's a rave. Her friends call you Hagrid." "Really? Hagrid. Wow. I don't know what that means." "He's a character from Harry Potter, very big, very hairy, very lovable. It's a huge compliment."

8, 20, 30 gone.  Still three.

Favorite Literary References

1.  Rory's graduation speech.  "I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann's Way.  It's a rewarding world."

2.  Jess returns Rory's book that he borrowed (without her knowledge) after they meet for the first time.  "I thought you said you didn't read much." "Well, what is much? Goodnight, Rory." "Goodnight, Dodger." "Dodger?" "Figure it out." " .... Oliver Twist."

6.  Paris and Jess both crash Rory's alone night, they end up eating a ton of food and discussing books and other literary works all night.  "A tragic waste of paper." "I can’t believe you just said that." "Well, it’s true, the Beat's writing was completely self-indulgent. I have one word for Jack Kerouac – edit." "It was not self-indulgent. The Beats believed in shocking people, stirring things up." "They believed in drugs, booze, and petty crime."

9.  Dean returns Rory's book.  "Here." "Oh, how'd you like it?" "Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." "Aha! You liked it, you liked Jane Austen. I knew you would. Lane, Dean likes Jane Austen." "Wow, who would've thought." "I told him he would, but he was all, 'Forget Jane Austen, you have to read Hunter Thompson.'"

10.  Jess and Rory sit on the bridge for their picnic.  "Ten." "Ten?" "Yeah, but I didn’t understand a word of it, so I had to reread it when I was fifteen." "I’ve yet to make it through it." "Really? Try it. The Fountainhead is classic." "Yeah, but Ayn Rand is a political nut." "Yeah, but nobody could write a forty page monologue the way that she could." "Okay, tomorrow I will try again, and you will. . ." "Give the painful Ernest Hemingway another chance. Yes, I promise." "You know, Ernest only has lovely things to say about you."

12.  Richard gives Rory a gift after he and Emily return from their second honeymoon trip to Europe.  "Leaves of Grass in Greek. A hundred years old, some beautiful engravings." "Now I have to learn Greek."  Years later, we see a copy of Leaves of Grass by Richard's coffin in the Revival.

13.  Jess shows Rory around NYC.  "So how much time you got?" "I got a bit." "There's a record store you should check out. It's run by this insane freak who's like a walking encyclopedia for every punk and garage-band record ever made. Catalog numbers, it’s crazy. The place is right out of High Fidelity."

15.  Lorelai's window is broken and the house is cold.  She and Rory sit next to the oven to try to stay warm.  "Hey, did anyone ever think that maybe Sylvia Plath wasn't crazy, she was just cold?"

16.  Rory and Dean discuss if they actually want to go into the Chilton dance.  "And these kids at my school -- awful. Have you seen The Outsiders?" "Yeah, I have." "Just call me Ponyboy."

18.  Emily makes excuses as to why she cannot invite Lorelai to stay for dinner.  "Lorelai, do not get dramatic. Dinner is not ready, and even if it was, I would still not be able to invite you to stay because your father and I have plans tonight. We are eating quickly and then leaving." "To go where?" "The Thompsons." "For what?" "Book club." "What book?" "Lovely Bones." "Did you like it?" "It's not my taste but I respect the attempt." "Now I know where I get it from."

19.  Rory invites Paris to stay for the Bracebridge dinner, since she doesn't already have plans.  "Rereading the Iliad a third time is not 'not doing anything'. I'm not pathetic."

21.  Rory tries to argue with Logan that she doesn't want to jump off the scaffolding because journalists observe, not participate.  "Bill Buford lived with soccer hooligans in amongst the thugs. Ernie Pyle was so deep in the action in World War II, he was killed by a Japanese sniper, not that you gotta go that far." "Buford, Pyle. I know." "Richard Hottelet was four months in a Nazi prison working for the U.P. Hunter Thompson lived with the Hell’s Angels. Got in the muck, didn’t just orbit around it, and it drove his writing. He put you in those biker’s parties. He put you in those biker’s heads."

22.  Rory chastises Jess for causing problems for Luke with the other townies.  "You did it. The whole town knows you did it. They had a meeting about it." "You actually went to that bizarro town meeting? Those things are so 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'"

24.  After finding the letter where Gran begged Richard to marry Pennilyn Lott instead of her, Emily shirks her funeral planning duties and lounges around with a cigarette and a drink, reading The Crimson Petal and the White.  "Lorelai, here, I just finished reading, and I think you'll really like it. It's about this prostitute named Sugar in Victorian England. She starts rising through the ranks of society, and she meets these really vivid characters!" "Okay, sure, you don't have to tell me the whole story now." "I'm not giving anything away. That's all on the back cover."

26.  Rory tries to help Jess study.  "Have you ever read Please Kill Me?" "No." "Oral history of the punk movement. You’d like it – you can borrow it if you want." "I’m here to help you study. Now, if you want me to go, I’ll go, but if I’m going to stay, then you will stop distracting me and start paying attention, understand?" "I understand." "Good. And yes, I would like to borrow it, thank you very much. Now open your book."

9, 16, 18 gone. Still three.

Favorite Literary References

1.  Rory's graduation speech.  "I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann's Way.  It's a rewarding world."

2.  Jess returns Rory's book that he borrowed (without her knowledge) after they meet for the first time.  "I thought you said you didn't read much." "Well, what is much? Goodnight, Rory." "Goodnight, Dodger." "Dodger?" "Figure it out." " .... Oliver Twist."

6.  Paris and Jess both crash Rory's alone night, they end up eating a ton of food and discussing books and other literary works all night.  "A tragic waste of paper." "I can’t believe you just said that." "Well, it’s true, the Beat's writing was completely self-indulgent. I have one word for Jack Kerouac – edit." "It was not self-indulgent. The Beats believed in shocking people, stirring things up." "They believed in drugs, booze, and petty crime."

10.  Jess and Rory sit on the bridge for their picnic.  "Ten." "Ten?" "Yeah, but I didn’t understand a word of it, so I had to reread it when I was fifteen." "I’ve yet to make it through it." "Really? Try it. The Fountainhead is classic." "Yeah, but Ayn Rand is a political nut." "Yeah, but nobody could write a forty page monologue the way that she could." "Okay, tomorrow I will try again, and you will. . ." "Give the painful Ernest Hemingway another chance. Yes, I promise." "You know, Ernest only has lovely things to say about you."

12.  Richard gives Rory a gift after he and Emily return from their second honeymoon trip to Europe.  "Leaves of Grass in Greek. A hundred years old, some beautiful engravings." "Now I have to learn Greek."  Years later, we see a copy of Leaves of Grass by Richard's coffin in the Revival.

13.  Jess shows Rory around NYC.  "So how much time you got?" "I got a bit." "There's a record store you should check out. It's run by this insane freak who's like a walking encyclopedia for every punk and garage-band record ever made. Catalog numbers, it’s crazy. The place is right out of High Fidelity."

15.  Lorelai's window is broken and the house is cold.  She and Rory sit next to the oven to try to stay warm.  "Hey, did anyone ever think that maybe Sylvia Plath wasn't crazy, she was just cold?"

19.  Rory invites Paris to stay for the Bracebridge dinner, since she doesn't already have plans.  "Rereading the Iliad a third time is not 'not doing anything'. I'm not pathetic."

21.  Rory tries to argue with Logan that she doesn't want to jump off the scaffolding because journalists observe, not participate.  "Bill Buford lived with soccer hooligans in amongst the thugs. Ernie Pyle was so deep in the action in World War II, he was killed by a Japanese sniper, not that you gotta go that far." "Buford, Pyle. I know." "Richard Hottelet was four months in a Nazi prison working for the U.P. Hunter Thompson lived with the Hell’s Angels. Got in the muck, didn’t just orbit around it, and it drove his writing. He put you in those biker’s parties. He put you in those biker’s heads."

22.  Rory chastises Jess for causing problems for Luke with the other townies.  "You did it. The whole town knows you did it. They had a meeting about it." "You actually went to that bizarro town meeting? Those things are so 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'"

24.  After finding the letter where Gran begged Richard to marry Pennilyn Lott instead of her, Emily shirks her funeral planning duties and lounges around with a cigarette and a drink, reading The Crimson Petal and the White.  "Lorelai, here, I just finished reading, and I think you'll really like it. It's about this prostitute named Sugar in Victorian England. She starts rising through the ranks of society, and she meets these really vivid characters!" "Okay, sure, you don't have to tell me the whole story now." "I'm not giving anything away. That's all on the back cover."

26.  Rory tries to help Jess study.  "Have you ever read Please Kill Me?" "No." "Oral history of the punk movement. You’d like it – you can borrow it if you want." "I’m here to help you study. Now, if you want me to go, I’ll go, but if I’m going to stay, then you will stop distracting me and start paying attention, understand?" "I understand." "Good. And yes, I would like to borrow it, thank you very much. Now open your book."

13, 19, 26

2 hours ago, coffeecoffeecoffee said:

Is anyone else strangely overwhelmed by the new format on this site? I had just figured out the old site, and this new look is throwing my tiny brain for a loop!

12, 22, 24

Yep, not a big fan of change but I'm pretty much used to the new look already. I say that every time my phone updates too. LOL

  • Love 1
34 minutes ago, lulu1960 said:

Yep, not a big fan of change but I'm pretty much used to the new look already. I say that every time my phone updates too. LOL

Ha ha ha same. I always say I hate the changes - whatever they may be - but really I just hate trying to get used to something different. Within a few days I'm fine.

Just stay off my lawn, damn it.

13, 19, 22 gone.  Voting against two now.

Favorite Literary References

1.  Rory's graduation speech.  "I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann's Way.  It's a rewarding world."

2.  Jess returns Rory's book that he borrowed (without her knowledge) after they meet for the first time.  "I thought you said you didn't read much." "Well, what is much? Goodnight, Rory." "Goodnight, Dodger." "Dodger?" "Figure it out." " .... Oliver Twist."

6.  Paris and Jess both crash Rory's alone night, they end up eating a ton of food and discussing books and other literary works all night.  "A tragic waste of paper." "I can’t believe you just said that." "Well, it’s true, the Beat's writing was completely self-indulgent. I have one word for Jack Kerouac – edit." "It was not self-indulgent. The Beats believed in shocking people, stirring things up." "They believed in drugs, booze, and petty crime."

10.  Jess and Rory sit on the bridge for their picnic.  "Ten." "Ten?" "Yeah, but I didn’t understand a word of it, so I had to reread it when I was fifteen." "I’ve yet to make it through it." "Really? Try it. The Fountainhead is classic." "Yeah, but Ayn Rand is a political nut." "Yeah, but nobody could write a forty page monologue the way that she could." "Okay, tomorrow I will try again, and you will. . ." "Give the painful Ernest Hemingway another chance. Yes, I promise." "You know, Ernest only has lovely things to say about you."

12.  Richard gives Rory a gift after he and Emily return from their second honeymoon trip to Europe.  "Leaves of Grass in Greek. A hundred years old, some beautiful engravings." "Now I have to learn Greek."  Years later, we see a copy of Leaves of Grass by Richard's coffin in the Revival.

15.  Lorelai's window is broken and the house is cold.  She and Rory sit next to the oven to try to stay warm.  "Hey, did anyone ever think that maybe Sylvia Plath wasn't crazy, she was just cold?"

21.  Rory tries to argue with Logan that she doesn't want to jump off the scaffolding because journalists observe, not participate.  "Bill Buford lived with soccer hooligans in amongst the thugs. Ernie Pyle was so deep in the action in World War II, he was killed by a Japanese sniper, not that you gotta go that far." "Buford, Pyle. I know." "Richard Hottelet was four months in a Nazi prison working for the U.P. Hunter Thompson lived with the Hell’s Angels. Got in the muck, didn’t just orbit around it, and it drove his writing. He put you in those biker’s parties. He put you in those biker’s heads."

24.  After finding the letter where Gran begged Richard to marry Pennilyn Lott instead of her, Emily shirks her funeral planning duties and lounges around with a cigarette and a drink, reading The Crimson Petal and the White.  "Lorelai, here, I just finished reading, and I think you'll really like it. It's about this prostitute named Sugar in Victorian England. She starts rising through the ranks of society, and she meets these really vivid characters!" "Okay, sure, you don't have to tell me the whole story now." "I'm not giving anything away. That's all on the back cover."

26.  Rory tries to help Jess study.  "Have you ever read Please Kill Me?" "No." "Oral history of the punk movement. You’d like it – you can borrow it if you want." "I’m here to help you study. Now, if you want me to go, I’ll go, but if I’m going to stay, then you will stop distracting me and start paying attention, understand?" "I understand." "Good. And yes, I would like to borrow it, thank you very much. Now open your book."

10, 26 gone.  Dang, this is hard.  Let's just vote against one.

Favorite Literary References

1.  Rory's graduation speech.  "I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann's Way.  It's a rewarding world."

2.  Jess returns Rory's book that he borrowed (without her knowledge) after they meet for the first time.  "I thought you said you didn't read much." "Well, what is much? Goodnight, Rory." "Goodnight, Dodger." "Dodger?" "Figure it out." " .... Oliver Twist."

6.  Paris and Jess both crash Rory's alone night, they end up eating a ton of food and discussing books and other literary works all night.  "A tragic waste of paper." "I can’t believe you just said that." "Well, it’s true, the Beat's writing was completely self-indulgent. I have one word for Jack Kerouac – edit." "It was not self-indulgent. The Beats believed in shocking people, stirring things up." "They believed in drugs, booze, and petty crime."

12.  Richard gives Rory a gift after he and Emily return from their second honeymoon trip to Europe.  "Leaves of Grass in Greek. A hundred years old, some beautiful engravings." "Now I have to learn Greek."  Years later, we see a copy of Leaves of Grass by Richard's coffin in the Revival.

15.  Lorelai's window is broken and the house is cold.  She and Rory sit next to the oven to try to stay warm.  "Hey, did anyone ever think that maybe Sylvia Plath wasn't crazy, she was just cold?"

21.  Rory tries to argue with Logan that she doesn't want to jump off the scaffolding because journalists observe, not participate.  "Bill Buford lived with soccer hooligans in amongst the thugs. Ernie Pyle was so deep in the action in World War II, he was killed by a Japanese sniper, not that you gotta go that far." "Buford, Pyle. I know." "Richard Hottelet was four months in a Nazi prison working for the U.P. Hunter Thompson lived with the Hell’s Angels. Got in the muck, didn’t just orbit around it, and it drove his writing. He put you in those biker’s parties. He put you in those biker’s heads."

24.  After finding the letter where Gran begged Richard to marry Pennilyn Lott instead of her, Emily shirks her funeral planning duties and lounges around with a cigarette and a drink, reading The Crimson Petal and the White.  "Lorelai, here, I just finished reading, and I think you'll really like it. It's about this prostitute named Sugar in Victorian England. She starts rising through the ranks of society, and she meets these really vivid characters!" "Okay, sure, you don't have to tell me the whole story now." "I'm not giving anything away. That's all on the back cover."

15 out!

Favorite Literary References

1.  Rory's graduation speech.  "I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann's Way.  It's a rewarding world."

2.  Jess returns Rory's book that he borrowed (without her knowledge) after they meet for the first time.  "I thought you said you didn't read much." "Well, what is much? Goodnight, Rory." "Goodnight, Dodger." "Dodger?" "Figure it out." " .... Oliver Twist."

6.  Paris and Jess both crash Rory's alone night, they end up eating a ton of food and discussing books and other literary works all night.  "A tragic waste of paper." "I can’t believe you just said that." "Well, it’s true, the Beat's writing was completely self-indulgent. I have one word for Jack Kerouac – edit." "It was not self-indulgent. The Beats believed in shocking people, stirring things up." "They believed in drugs, booze, and petty crime."

12.  Richard gives Rory a gift after he and Emily return from their second honeymoon trip to Europe.  "Leaves of Grass in Greek. A hundred years old, some beautiful engravings." "Now I have to learn Greek."  Years later, we see a copy of Leaves of Grass by Richard's coffin in the Revival.

21.  Rory tries to argue with Logan that she doesn't want to jump off the scaffolding because journalists observe, not participate.  "Bill Buford lived with soccer hooligans in amongst the thugs. Ernie Pyle was so deep in the action in World War II, he was killed by a Japanese sniper, not that you gotta go that far." "Buford, Pyle. I know." "Richard Hottelet was four months in a Nazi prison working for the U.P. Hunter Thompson lived with the Hell’s Angels. Got in the muck, didn’t just orbit around it, and it drove his writing. He put you in those biker’s parties. He put you in those biker’s heads."

24.  After finding the letter where Gran begged Richard to marry Pennilyn Lott instead of her, Emily shirks her funeral planning duties and lounges around with a cigarette and a drink, reading The Crimson Petal and the White.  "Lorelai, here, I just finished reading, and I think you'll really like it. It's about this prostitute named Sugar in Victorian England. She starts rising through the ranks of society, and she meets these really vivid characters!" "Okay, sure, you don't have to tell me the whole story now." "I'm not giving anything away. That's all on the back cover."

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