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2 hours ago, Christi said:

What were the placings week? My recording cut off at 46 min...Yeah, I need to get a life

Madysyn won diamond for really coming out of her shell  and nailing her part in the video, Ashland won platinum, and Ian won gold for having fun instead of being emo.

Grant and Cravetay didn't place, because Grant did not take it seriously most of the time, and only 2 seconds of his part in the video were really great, and Cravetay did not place because the director told Timbaland she "pushed back" when he wanted her to remove her cat ear headband during the wind machine scene. She is developing a bit of a reputation for not following directions and being difficult, and Timbaland is not pleased at all.

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I had a student last year who, absolutely, 100% did not take redirection because "I only have to listen to one person and that's my mama."  I have a feeling that Cravetay is the same way.  She isn't going to listen to or acknowledge any criticism until it comes from Deneen.  I used to think she was going to win by default because Timbaland adores her but would he really let someone that he signed look this bad on the show?

I don't know who I want to win but I really don't want it to be Cravetay. 

2 minutes ago, topanga said:

Is it just me, or are these kids really rude to their parents? Creatay told her mom to shut up, and Grant told his dad...I can't remember what he said, but it was something rude to his dad. 

Grant also told his dad to shut up and get off his back or something.  I remember because my head snapped up like my mom smacked me through clairvoyance. Real Missouri values, folks.

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That little smug smirk that Cravetay flashed when Madysyn gave up the bridge because she didn't want to get into a confrontation with Cravetay was so infuriating I wanted to smack it right off her face. And her mother just giggles right along with her, both of them laughing at what they are getting away with, and mocking those that are too nice or meek to stand up to her.

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Oh and then Cravetay was horribly off tune (and again Timbaland didn't call her out on it) on the entire bridge.  It was the weakest vocal of the video.

I like Ashlund but I think that her "look" is entirely inappropriate for a girl who is "only 13."  Her look is way too sexy for somebody who is barely in her teens.  I also think her voice is pretty weak - she is prettier than her voice.

Madysyn's biggest problem is her mother.  Her constant criticism denigrates Madysyn's confidence.

Ian seems to be the total package of songwriter/artist if he can just get out of his own head.

I like Grant and his voice is amazing (and his face will sell a million albums just because he's so pretty).  I think his father has decided that he needs to "manage" him and has really started pushing him.

I wondered why my video cut off - I finally was able to get the end of the last episode on On Demand last night.

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Ok, my daughter is a performer, a very strong singer. Think of Gaga or Christina Aguilera. Her voice is strong like that and she has a great presence, very pretty etc blah blah. I'm not telling you that to brag but to ask, are these kids really the best that Timbaland can find? Hell no! My kid doesn't have pop aspirations but because she's a performer, she has friends who are also performers and in Springfield, MO, right this second, Timbaland could find kids that would blow the kids on this shit show away! So if I can pick out at least 10 kids I know here personally in a small city, how many more are in the entire US, Canada and beyond? But we're watching children that CANNOT stay on key, are inconsistent, bad attitudes, and generally not even close to ready. And Timbaland knows it. That's what's frustrating. All he's doing right now is damage control because he made a big mistake. Any kid from this season who's signed by Timbaland will be quickly dropped from the label. Just because you're signed doesn't mean a damn thing. Many very successful and strong singers have been dropped from labels in the past. I'll bet you now that if there's a season 2, Timbaland will be way more selective. Season two may be worth watching. Not this season though. It's second-hand embarrassing to watch.

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18 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Ok, my daughter is a performer, a very strong singer. Think of Gaga or Christina Aguilera. Her voice is strong like that and she has a great presence, very pretty etc blah blah. I'm not telling you that to brag but to ask, are these kids really the best that Timbaland can find? Hell no! My kid doesn't have pop aspirations but because she's a performer, she has friends who are also performers and in Springfield, MO, right this second, Timbaland could find kids that would blow the kids on this shit show away! So if I can pick out at least 10 kids I know here personally in a small city, how many more are in the entire US, Canada and beyond? But we're watching children that CANNOT stay on key, are inconsistent, bad attitudes, and generally not even close to ready. And Timbaland knows it. That's what's frustrating. All he's doing right now is damage control because he made a big mistake. Any kid from this season who's signed by Timbaland will be quickly dropped from the label. Just because you're signed doesn't mean a damn thing. Many very successful and strong singers have been dropped from labels in the past. I'll bet you now that if there's a season 2, Timbaland will be way more selective. Season two may be worth watching. Not this season though. It's second-hand embarrassing to watch.

ITA. I like the concept of the show, but these kids are terrible.  No, not terrible--they sing better than I do. But they aren't that good. I think they were chosen based on their YouTube success, which people hoped would drive ratings. But as we see, online popularity doesn't always equal actual talent. I hope Timbaland will get better singers next season.

Although Ian did sound amazing when he was singing at the piano. 

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I think Ian is the most talented of the group. Grant is cute, but his weird mumbly way of singing is an affectation that he takes too far and makes it impossible to discern any lyrics in the songs he sings. Madysyn has a fairly passable voice, but her wet dishrag personality makes her boring to watch. Ashlund and Cravetay can hardly even call what they do "singing": Ashlund, because she is so nasal, and Cravetay for her inability to hit the right note if her life depended on it.

I enjoy seeing each contestant reach outside their comfort zone and do things they never thought they could do, but overall none of these kids stands out as the entire package of "pop star".

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These girls are a dime a dozen. Madysyn has some singing chops but she is lacking in looks and charisma, to be honest. Grant is a cute all-American boy who can front a boy band. Ian, for me, is another story. He is the only one with standout talent. He sticks out like a sore thumb, although in a good way. What I want to know, though, is who the hell told him this show would be a good idea!? His so-called manager? Why would he want to be signed to Timbaland's label? Talk about a mismatch!

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I honestly think Madysyn has an amazing voice but I agree that her personality is mediocre.  She would need to be surrounded by other singers to have a chance at a career - perhaps a girl group?

Grant could, with the right handling, make somebody a lot of money simply because of his looks and his voice.  His voice is very good and he has those clean, All American looks that would make him popular among young teen girls and their moms.  He wouldn't even need a personality.

Ian has the most raw talent but I'm not sure he would fit in the "pop" genre.  He is (in my opinion) much more of an emo-type singer.  I'm not sure he should settle for pop stardom.

Cravetay...just no. 

Ashlund has the personality and charisma that Madysyn lacks.  if the two of them were molded together they would make a really good performer.

It all depends on what Timbaland wants...does he want true talent?  Then I think it is Ian's competition to lose.  Does he want pure vocals?  Madysyn.  Does he want to sell a lot of records fast?  Grant.  Does he want nubile sex appeal?  Ashlund.  Does he want sass and attitude?  Cravetay.  Don't forget - it today's recording world it isn't so much about talent as it is about what is going to sell...auto-tune makes singing ability an almost nonexistent factor.

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I think if we're talking earnings potential I'd go with Ashlund. I can imagine her going the Disney route for a few years then having a mainstream single or two.

If they do this again I think they need a better balance of displays of talent (whether it's singing or dancing) and drama. Heck, I'd rather see them eliminate the contract and the parents crap and just show him coaching, developing someone. Then it'd be more clear what he's going for when he thinks pop star. 

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4 hours ago, phoenix780 said:

I think if we're talking earnings potential I'd go with Ashlund. I can imagine her going the Disney route for a few years then having a mainstream single or two.

If they do this again I think they need a better balance of displays of talent (whether it's singing or dancing) and drama. Heck, I'd rather see them eliminate the contract and the parents crap and just show him coaching, developing someone. Then it'd be more clear what he's going for when he thinks pop star. 

I do wonder: are these kids getting vocal lessons? American Idol did it. Dancing with the Stars contestants get lessons. 

I would cry if Ashlund won. Not because she's a bad kid, but because her vocal talents are minimal at best. I would cry if that's what America is now calling a future pop star. I do think she would be good on a Disney channel or Nickelodeon tween show, but I don't think she's talented enough for a recording contract. 

This is my post from last week which didn't submit but was saved in the reply box:

OK here I go - I loved the episode and yes I know it's edited - but from what we saw - I thought Ashlund would get Diamond for sure. Madesyn just does not do it for me and I really noticed her ears in the wind machine. When she mentioned them  before - I wasn't sure what she was embarrassed about and forgot about them - but when they blew the wind on her  - I definitely was drawn to the ears.

I thought Grant did terrible but Ian came out of his shell. Cravetay - even in the video had to make herself the star attraction - I really dislike her - There is a way to be confident and a way to be arrogant - she's arrogant.

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As far as this week - we have to remember that Timbaland probably did not pick these kids himself - there are producers that looked for certain types of kids to be in this project. Timbaland may have had maybe 20 kids to pick from that fit the producer's criteria.

As far as who can sing and not sing - again - so many singers are made stars that if based on their vocals I would never listen too. Britney admitted she wished she had Christina's voice. Christina can out sing Britney Spears any day of the week - but Christina's team didn't market her accordingly to fit into the pop star image like Britney's did. Britney always was the bigger star and continues to be. Phil Collins is not a great singer in my opinion - he was not the lead until after Peter Gabriel left the group - and only got the lead as out of all of them he was the better singer. Again - the music itself is what sold the group and Collins made a name for himself because of that.

I think Ian is by far the best vocalist - but not pop - I'm hoping to see him get the win but I think Ashlund and Grant have better market ability and will take the recording contract. Will it launch either of their careers - who knows? After all the years of watching the Voice - how many winners can you remember? AI produced Clarkson and Underwood - but others who were not winners used the show to make something of themselves - Dougherty, Jennifer Hudson and Adam Lambert.  One of the losers here could end up being a bigger star than the winner - or they'll all fade back to the internet.

Cravetay still doesn't get it - I didn't feel that they should have praised or blamed the managers for how the kids did on the interview because I felt their was very little coaching from any of the managers - and when you get stuck with someone like Cravetay who doesn't listen - you'd never be on the winning side.

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18 hours ago, topanga said:

I do wonder: are these kids getting vocal lessons? American Idol did it. Dancing with the Stars contestants get lessons. 

I would cry if Ashlund won. Not because she's a bad kid, but because her vocal talents are minimal at best. I would cry if that's what America is now calling a future pop star. I do think she would be good on a Disney channel or Nickelodeon tween show, but I don't think she's talented enough for a recording contract

I think Ashlund could get better, I highly doubt they're getting lessons now though. 

I also don't think lack of vocal ability in a pop star is a now thing. Madonna can barely sing. I love Janet Jackson but her range is...limited. Even before them, pop to me is about appealing to a specific demo first, with vocal talent not as important as it is in other genres. 

I'd only be upset if Cravetay won, because I flat-out don't like her. 

On Monday, April 17, 2017 at 3:23 AM, kitten59 said:

He sticks out like a sore thumb, although in a good way. What I want to know, though, is who the hell told him this show would be a good idea!? His so-called manager? Why would he want to be signed to Timbaland's label? Talk about a mismatch!

Not necessarily. One Republic is on Timberlands' label, and I can see Ian helping to further diversify it.

On Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 1:34 AM, phoenix780 said:

I think if we're talking earnings potential I'd go with Ashlund. I can imagine her going the Disney route for a few years then having a mainstream single or two.

If they do this again I think they need a better balance of displays of talent (whether it's singing or dancing) and drama. Heck, I'd rather see them eliminate the contract and the parents crap and just show him coaching, developing someone. Then it'd be more clear what he's going for when he thinks pop star. 

I like this idea.  Like a return to Making the Band (man, I miss MTB 3 - Danity Kane popped up on my ipod yesterday).

On Monday, April 17, 2017 at 3:23 AM, kitten59 said:

These girls are a dime a dozen. Madysyn has some singing chops but she is lacking in looks and charisma, to be honest. Grant is a cute all-American boy who can front a boy band. Ian, for me, is another story. He is the only one with standout talent. He sticks out like a sore thumb, although in a good way. What I want to know, though, is who the hell told him this show would be a good idea!? His so-called manager? Why would he want to be signed to Timbaland's label? Talk about a mismatch!

I think this show exemplifies much of what is wrong with finding "popstars" on YouTube. Half of them had never performed in front of live audiences before this show and the other half can't carry a damn tune.  Madasyn looks so damn uncomfortable everything she's on stage.  I had to laugh when her mom tried to compare her to Adele.  Even the shy musicians/stars come to live and embody something entirely different when on stage (MJ, Janet, Prince, and Britney in her heyday immediately come to mind).  She just doesn't have it.  And she needs to cut her hair into a fun bob; the long hair doesn't fit her. And hermon sucks.  Aushlund is cute, but every time she sings and no one tells her she's off key is only doing her a disservice.  She would definitely benefit from vocal coaching....she has everything else.  And word to whoever said she should go a Dsiney/Nick route.  Cravetay and her mom will get blackballed early in her career.  Although I agree with a lot of what her mom says in regards to the other moms (let someone come sanctimoniously quote scriptures to me....oooh boy), she is quite rude and disrespectful and has passed that on to Cravetay.

21 hours ago, tessat said:

Cravetay still doesn't get it - I didn't feel that they should have praised or blamed the managers for how the kids did on the interview because I felt their was very little coaching from any of the managers - and when you get stuck with someone like Cravetay who doesn't listen - you'd never be on the winning side.

Yeah, I thought it was unfair to judge the managers on what was essentilly just the kids' personalties.  He didn't really give the managers anything to manage.  At least on the rap game, they do the manager swap after the marketing research and they identify a few things the manager and artist should focus on.  This one was just, "they have an interview."

Edited by luckyroll3
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I was ready to pitch a fit if Cravetay had won.  I wish he'd driven home the point about her stank attitude one more time, just to knock her down a peg.

I figured Ian would win.  He really was the most experienced and "ready."  He's the only one I would even call an artist. The rest of them are just kids with a YouTube account.  If this show has a second season, they really should find kids with real talent and artistry. 

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4 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

I was ready to pitch a fit if Cravetay had won.  I wish he'd driven home the point about her stank attitude one more time, just to knock her down a peg.

I figured Ian would win.  He really was the most experienced and "ready."  He's the only one I would even call an artist. The rest of them are just kids with a YouTube account.  If this show has a second season, they really should find kids with real talent and artistry. 

I felt the same way. 

I think Ashlund would benefit from going to a performing arts high school. She has the stage presence and personality, but she needs more vocal training.

Madysyn should perform more--state fairs, local gigs, etc. I'm sure--I hope--her mom/manager can get on top of this and get her more comfortable with crowds. 

Someone above said Grant seems like boy band material. I totally agree. 

Cravetay...I don't see a future for her. But she and her mom have determination, I'll give them that. 

Madysyn has such a good voice, but there is a deadness when she performs; her facial expressions seem hollow because she is forcing them. She doesn't have that ability to project her energy into the performance that people with charisma have. She could have done so much better with the sassy, flirty tone of that song.

Ashlund is still such a gangly kid with hardly any singing talent, but she has the charisma and energy that Madysyn lacks. Unfortunately when I watch her I just think "tone deaf praying mantis".

Ugh. Cravetay. So glad she is off my screen and hopefully I will not have to ever hear her name again. And for the record? Her vocals still were pitchy. Just not quite as bad as before.

Grant did fine, not much to say about him except "meh". He is cute and can carry a tune. Nice kid, I hope he finds success.

Ian was definitely the best of this bunch. Love his passion when he sings, and his voice has a great sound.

Like the rest of you, I heaved a big sigh of relief when Cravetay did not win. Her head would not have been able to fit through the doorway.

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It was funny, the only negative comment from someone on the show last night came from Cravetay about one of the other kids, and they didn't bring up her attitude at all. Whatever, it's done. 

I think Madysyn needs to sing a different kind of song, for some reason I want to say Christian pop. I think she's "dead" because the subject of the songs she got wasn't right for her. Timbaland should have figured that out and adjusted. Not all pop is sassy. Give her a different emotion to work with, or even a pop ballad, she may come to life.

Also, with both this and the rap game...why bring on younger kids if you're looking for someone already ready?  

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My 2 cents - Cravetay - stunk - there's no better word for her. Her vocals were awful and I'm surprised she made it to the top 3.

I really thought either Madysyn or Ashlund would be in the tops 3 - I thought Madysyn did so much better in the final performance - than any of her other ones she's done - and Ashlund has the charisma if she could sing a little bit better.

Grant was good and definitely hit it with the young girls - so I was sure he'd be in it at the end.

So glad my Ian won it all - He calls himself indie pop - I think he's more soul and folk combined - but as long as he won - I don't care. I actually just came from youtube because I thought maybe they would have released his first record right after the show ended - wait to long and people will forget about him.

Now I like Jordan Sparks and loved some of her songs - but to me - she wasn't a pop star - didn't even come close. She's like a B Hollywood movie. I use the term pop star for someone like Madonna, Swift, Britney ect... someone who has longevity or it still ranking high on the charts.

Ian deserved it but I do hope the other kids get their break - except for Cravetay. I don't believe even with editing they could have made her a nice person.

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I was just looking around on youtube to see if Ian had released a song yet and he had done an EP but I also see that Cravetay has and is signed to a record label already and has been since 2014 - obviously it's small and it hasn't gotten her anywhere - but here's the link:


This Mike Kalombo is also associated with this record label: http://hiphop.sh/sosodef


Maybe that's why Cravetay thought she was all that - I'm glad Timberland took her down a peg. Her youtube videos aren't bad but man are they autotuned!

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2 hours ago, tessat said:

I was just looking around on youtube to see if Ian had released a song yet and he had done an EP but I also see that Cravetay has and is signed to a record label already and has been since 2014 - obviously it's small and it hasn't gotten her anywhere - but here's the link:


This Mike Kalombo is also associated with this record label: http://hiphop.sh/sosodef


Maybe that's why Cravetay thought she was all that - I'm glad Timberland took her down a peg. Her youtube videos aren't bad but man are they autotuned!

Then wasn't the whole concept of the show based on a lie? In the first episode, Timbaland said he took kids who were YouTube sensations and brought them to LA to see if they could become his next pop star. He didn't add that he took a girl with a recording contract and a boy who'd already released an EP. 

...But I forgot for a moment that reality shows are often based on lies. 

It's like NBC's "Last Comic Standing," which I loved.  The show's premise made it sound like the producers were taking unknown comedians and trying to turn them into stars. In reality, many of the comedians had been headlining comedy shows for years. Some had been appearing on TV for years. 

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I agree - in fact Kelly Clarkson was supposedly signed with someone when she appeared on AI. Wiki just says she made demo tracks but I know there was a lot of controversy back then.

I think a lot of these shows make the viewer feel that many of these contestants - are in their church choir, did high school musicals - maybe did open mike night at a bar - and we're discovering them! I think most in fact have been doing bigger shows at county fairs, recorded demos and made the rounds and at least this show was pretty much upfront letting us know that the kids were on youtube - Grant talked about doing fairs and things - we knew Ian was in CA for 3 years - pursuing his career although I do wish all of them would be more upfront. At least the Voice has had singers that admit being on shows like AI, having previous recording experience as a kid ect.. - but it's far from some of the discoveries made on America or Britain's got talent.

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Their past performance/recording history doesn't bother me at all.  Anybody can "sign" someone to a label - but whether the label has enough clout to get the artist noticed is another thing altogether.  Grant and Ashlund both talked at length about performing in front of larger audiences when they introduced themselves.  Also, anybody can put out a self-produced and financed EP these days.  In no way does that guarantee a career.

I thought Ian was the best of the bunch (and unlike some of you I really liked most of these kids - and I am a better than good singer and have worked teaching children to sing in the past and have a good ear for pitch).  I thought Ashlund and Cravetay's voices were overrated - Cravetay because she was more about attitude than singing and Ashlund because she was more about performance than singing - but Ashlund has the ability to learn whereas Cravetay is going to have to learn the hard way.

So many of today's youngsters are all about becoming famous instead of actually working at their craft.  It is unfortunate because there just isn't enough true talent out there.  I think Ian has a lot of true talent and I am happy he won, although I feel like he will have to be marketed very carefully to make certain he doesn't loose what makes him unique and special.  He isn't the definition of a "pop" artist but he is an intense young man who seems to be very talented and hopefully will be well managed.

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