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S05.E20: Australia

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The entire family tags along as Phil fulfills his mom's wish for him to return to his roots and visit the country where he was conceived, Australia. Unfortunately, Phil's attempts to embrace his native land are met by a lot of rejection, while Jay and Claire let work eat into vacation time, and Mitch and Cam get reacquainted with an old friend they can't stand but is now a big-time celebrity in Australia.
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What a wasted opportunity. They took the cast and crew to Australia and condensed it into 1 episode? Boobs, boys and bitching about work. The Brady Bunch spent 3 episodes in Hawaii, and all 3 were better than this. We didn't even get good scenery porn. They had more character growth when they went to the ranch.

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As per the captain's announcement "Welcome on board our flight from Australia to Los Angeles" I can confirm that there is indeed only one airport in the whole country, and it is called "Australia airport".  Gets a bit crowded at peak times though.

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What a wasted opportunity. They took the cast and crew to Australia and condensed it into 1 episode? Boobs, boys and bitching about work. The Brady Bunch spent 3 episodes in Hawaii, and all 3 were better than this. We didn't even get good scenery porn. They had more character growth when they went to the ranch.


I agree with all of this. I thought the episode was funny enough but certainly not worth whatever time and effort they spent moving operations to Australia to shoot an episode. Wasted opportunity.


I did like Crocodile Dunphy, Phil getting kicked by the kangaroo, and Luke losing his bathing suit when trying to check out the topless woman who then had to come help him. Also, I enjoyed Cam's giggles at "penal colony" and "the bush." Hee.

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What a wasted opportunity. They took the cast and crew to Australia and condensed it into 1 episode? Boobs, boys and bitching about work. The Brady Bunch spent 3 episodes in Hawaii, and all 3 were better than this. We didn't even get good scenery porn. They had more character growth when they went to the ranch.

I just came to post the same exact thing. I get it was probably more about a vacation for the cast and the crew, but 1 episode seems like a wasted opportunity. It didn't help they shoved 5 story lines into the episode (Phil's mom, Alex's essay, Cam/Mitch being starfuckers, boys and boobs, and Claire/Jay working). Six if you include Hailey, Alex, and Lily shopping for a fucking stuffed animal. At least make it 2 episodes and flesh it out a bit, show more than the 2 Australia tourist traps every show ever has already shown. 

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I think my favorite line was "I'm Crocodile Dunphy."


The whole episode was done so that he could say that one line. I think  the sat around and thought up that line and said, "hey let's take them to Australia so he can say that" and the network said ok.

BTW, HATED everything about Mitchell and Cam ditching their child to star-f-ck rather than be with their daughter.

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I would have totally been disgusted if she had said "a dingo ate my baby" or anything similar. It's been done to death and I didn't find out funny years ago when Elaine said it on Seinfeld or when Daphne said it on Frasier. I'm glad they went the way they did.

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I like what they did with the line too. We all knew what they were really saying, without saying it, and it was a creative spin. Plus, with the case being officially ruled as a dingo attack 2 years ago, it would be really crass to still be pulling that line out for comedic effect. 

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What part of Australia do you hale from? I lived in Sydney for 2.5 years and while I barely remember any of the actual plot of this episode I did spend a lot of time watching the background and letting the setting tug at my heart strings.
It was a wasted opportunity, but was also basically a 22 minute Qantas and Tourism Australia promotional vehicle.

Edited by Traveller519
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What part of Australia do you hale from? I lived in Sydney for 2.5 years and while I barely remember any of the actual plot of this episode I did spend a lot of time watching the background and letting the setting tug at my heart strings.


It was a wasted opportunity, but was also basically a 22 minute Qantas and Tourism Australia promotional vehicle.


I currently live in Melb.  Never been to Sydney and seen the tourist things 'in the flesh'.  The episode truly was a promotional vehicle and boring as hell...the reaction to it in oz was a resounding nationwide "meh".

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