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Game of Hodors: Insert "Hodor" Into Your Favorite Quotes

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Kind of self-explanatory. This is a favorite pastime on the Westeros forums, and I thought I'd bring it here. The game has only one rule here: NO SPOILERS. Show quotes only, please.

CERSEI: And when I finally saw him on our wedding day, in the Sept of Baelor, lean and fierce and black-bearded, it was the happiest moment of my life. And that night he crawled on top of me stinking of wine, and did what he did, what little he could do, and whispered in my ear, "Hodor."

JAQEN: To be a dancing master is a special thing. But to be Hodor? That is something else entirely.

DROGO: Hodor.
DANY: Do you know the common tongue?
DROGO: Hodor.
DANY: Is that the only word that you know?
DROGO: Hodor.

EDDARD: Tell me Varys... Whom do you truly serve?
VARYS: Hodor. Someone must.

JAIME: There are no men like me. Only Hodor.

JON: It's just... I always wanted to be a Ranger.
SAM: I always wanted to be Hodor.

SYRIO: And what do we say to the God of Death?
ARYA: Hodor.

ROBERT: You ever f---ed Hodor?
RENLY: Once, I think.
ROBERT: You think? I think you'd remember. Back in our day, you weren't a real man until you'd f---ed one girl from each of the seven kingdoms, and Hodor. We used to call it 'making the eight'.

LITTLEFINGER: Do you want to be a queen?
MARGAERY: No. I want to be Hodor.

BRAN: I'd rather be Hodor.
ROBB: Don't say that. Don't ever say that!
BRAN. I'd rather be Hodor.

  • Love 1

Robert Baratheon: We're telling war stories. Who was your first kill, not counting old men?
Jaime Lannister: One of the outlaws in the Brotherhood.
Barristan Selmy: [to Jaime] I was there that day. You were only a squire, sixteen years old.
Jaime Lannister: [to Selmy] You killed Simon Toyne with a counter riposte. Best move I ever saw.
Barristan Selmy: Good fighter, Toyne, but he lacked stamina.
Robert Baratheon: Your outlaw... any last words?
Jaime Lannister: I cut his head off, so... no.
Robert Baratheon: What about Aerys Targaryen? What did the Mad King say when you stabbed him in the back? I never asked. Did he call you a traitor? Did he plead for a reprieve?
Jaime Lannister: He said the same thing he had been saying for hours... Hodor

Eddard Stark: Hodor is coming.

(ps. Man do I miss season 1...when everything was still normal :( )

Edited by Attaboy000

From my S4E1 re-watch:

OBERYN: You think your gold, your lions, and your gold lions make you better than everyone. Can I tell you a secret? You're not a golden lion. You're just Hodor.

SHAE: Hodor?
SANSA: No, thank you.
SHAE: You love Hodor!

JON: I was jealous of Rob my whole life. The way my father looked at him? I wanted. He was better than me at everything. Fighting and hunting and riding... and Hodor. Gods Hodor loved him. I wanted to hate him, but I never could.

HOUND: What the f*ck's a Hodor?

  • Love 1

"The Lannisters always pay their Hodor."

"Tell your father, the Lannisters aren't the only ones who pay Hodor"

"To Hodor or not to Hodor; that is THE question."

"I'm going to have to eat every fucking Hodor in this place"

"Chaos is a Hodor"

"The things I do for Hodor"

"There's no cure for being a Hodor"

I could go on & on with this lol.

Ser Meryn: The people love their king. They know who keeps them fed.
Jaime: Hodor, I've heard.


Littlefinger:  I risk everything, to get what I want.
Sansa:  What do you want?
Littlefinger:  Hodor!


Margaery: We may be faced with an alarming number of weddings soon. I won't even know what to call you. Sister? Or Hodor?

  • Love 2

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