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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 7 (11/09/2016 - 11/15/2016)


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3 minutes ago, missyb said:

Their sobfest leaves me very unmoved. But, they have a solid alliance .

And Dani was just snotting at the BS for celebrating and being "poor sports".  What happened to "it's just a game", Kry Babies?  (Yes, new alliance name for me!  I'm gonna run it into the ground, you bet.)

25 minutes ago, Marie80 said:

I know, but this [the election] is pretty historic. Apparently they're telling them tomorrow. 

Eh, they have them every four years.  They could have waited, IMO.

  • Love 1

I was actually somewhat relieved that I was "out" earlier, lol.  Oh well, Here's hoping it's a good week for the girls.  @DAngelus - love Kry Babies!

I know they didn't have a lot of time to think, and I can respect the "loyalty" game (take note:  Whitney), but I wish Dani had thought (or the girls had pitched to her) that America gave Morgan the CP instead of Whit, Justin or herself and that America is voting for the winner at the end, therefore working with the girls might be a great way to ensure that she gets the final CP.  I would have voted for her if she had let Justin go, but now my vote is all for Justin.

Edited by leocadia

Danielle was just called to DR, so HOH comp will start soon. Well, it'll take ten minutes for Danielle to get the info in DR, then about 10-15 minutes to get everyone outside and have the rules explained. 

Or...it'll be rather quick to get the HOH comp started. 

Edited by Lady Calypso

Jason goes first and he waits in DR.

Morgan goes second and she's waiting in London room.

Kryssie goes third and has to wait in Have Not Room again.

Shelby goes fourth and waits in SR

And Justin's fifth and waits in YR.

Danielle apparently doesn't even get to watch.

Ok, Heath, I love the comps that you've been creating, but I do not love that this is so inconvenient for viewers. EST, especially. I have work in the morning and it's already 1:20am. Stop with the one at a time comps, especially after a DE.

  • Love 1
22 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Now, if we could get a Shelby or Morgan HOH, that would be swell. At least they could attempt getting Justin out. 

Screw that.  I want him in F4 with Shelby/Morgan/Kryssie now.  Jason and his puppet can go next.

[sad face] When referring to the BSers, I keep typing "Alex" and having to fix it.  Damn you for being first alphabetically, Alex!  It's a reflex by now. [/sad face]

The girls' new name for the two of them is "Team Longshot".

So, does that make me Team Team Longshot, then?

  • Love 1

Well, they're capping the timed comps at 30 minutes apiece this year.  So worst-case scenario is three more hours, allowing for an interval between the five contestant.  

That's only 4.45 AM EST. ;)

ETA:  This set-up is taking forever, though.  This better be some fucking comp, Heath.  Be embarrassing if we had to wait so long for the set-up and it's "seven pictures and a wall", again.

Edited by DAngelus

I was wrong, btw.  Time was roughly 7.38.  (I forgot to check the start time; I got spoiled by the clock on the last one.)

ETA, okay 8.15 is good enough.  This is blazingly obvious if you just do what I do with maze puzzles…start at the end and work your way back.  That column from the target all the way down to the back of the grid is just calling out to be used.  You could do this in as little as 2 minutes.  (Janelle would probably get it in 90 seconds.)

Edited by DAngelus
1 minute ago, DAngelus said:

I guess that was just a sound-check.  Danielle is begging for a pee break. Um, isn't there a bathroom right there in the HoH?  Or was I somehow getting Shelby audio with Dani's video?

It was Shelby. Cams cut to her bouncing in her seat.

Ok, let's go! Come on Morgan, learn the rules quickly and let's start.

  • Love 1

Morgan's being too direct.    The field is a 5x5 grid, and you have to route the laser from B1 to D1.  She's using the stand at B2, rather than letting it go through to B3, and working off of there.  Oy.  (Says the man who thought you could use 60° angles, instead of 90°.)

3.00 in, she's still completely wrong.

Switching to B3 at 3.30, yay! And she's got the second one at A3, yay!

Again too short.  She needs to try A5, not A4!

Approaching 5.00 played now.

And she goes back to B2 temporarily.  But fixes it.

Edited by DAngelus

10.00 played.  Getting embarrassing here, Morg.  And I think BB's just trolling with the random noises, now.

She just figured it out…3 minutes too late.

Final time, 12.45.

"If there's a BB god, please let me win this for Alex."  I guess Morgan just became a BB atheist, then. :(

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 2

Kryssie probably thinks this is "her comp" because her band has used lasers, or something.

Correctly gets B3, but then switches it out.  Trying B1-B2-D2-D3 now.  Nope.

2.15 played.  Tried B3, but didn't look at A3, back to B2 instead.  2.45 now.

3.30.  Now trying B1-B2-D2-D4.

Edited by DAngelus
9 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

ETA:  BTW, Lady C, are you still counting this as your (and Teaghan's) birthday?

Oh, oh no! My birthday? Thank god it ended on a high note yesterday, before the eviction happened. When my birthday ended, Justin was almost going home.

Teaghan can have his own birthday!! Mostly because I have a bad feeling that Shelby will not do well on this comp and Jason'll win.

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