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Big Brother: Over The Top, Week 5 (10/26/2016 - 11/01/2016)


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I love how they're all so excited they made it to the Halloween party like it's going to be some extravagant affair. Even on real BB it wouldn't be much, so I'm expecting this budget BB party to include them having to bake their own cake and make their own decorations/costumes.

ETA: BTW if you voted for the acp before 6 est you'll need to vote again because they reset it due to the Alex error.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm expecting this budget BB party to include them having to bake their own cake and make their own decorations/costumes.

I don't know about the cake, but the costumes are already available, as Shelby mentioned in her answer to Julie's question today.  Indeed, they picked them out back in Week 3; that's why Scott stopped shaving his chest hair so he'd make a better werewolf for example.  And we've already seen Neeley in the witch hat, albeit with her gone, we won't see it at the party.  (Much to Justin's relief; he was seriously freaked by that hat.)

Shane and Danielle were going to be a matching vampire/vampiress couple, but he was evicted.  The best-laid plans oft fang a-gley…

3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I love how they're all so excited they made it to the Halloween party like it's going to be some extravagant affair. Even on real BB it wouldn't be much, so I'm expecting this budget BB party to include them having to bake their own cake and make their own decorations/costumes.

ETA: BTW if you voted for the acp before 6 est you'll need to vote again because they reset it due to the Alex error.

And booze. Don't forget booze.

Some on Twitter are theorizing that the Dani stans are splitting the vote, so Shelby is looking good for ACP.

Edited by ZSweetJane
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I have very conflicting feelings about Justin. I find him charming as hell, and I think he would be a lot of fun to live with. He clearly has no problems getting along with everyone in the house. Except Shelby. What IS it about Shelby that so many people spend so much time trashing her horribly? I just don't get it, she is by far my favorite person in the house. Maybe because she seems to exude this attitude of "I really don't give a fuck, and if I don't like you, you're going to know I don't like you". I see how that would clearly annoy people, and is not a good thing to be in this game, but it's also a big reason I love her. Because I also don't like people, and find it very hard to pretend otherwise. But that's probably just my personal preference. Also, on a shallow note, I love her voice. Love it! The LNJ hate it, but I love it. No idea why, but there it is. 

But back to Justin. I think he's decided to just be fun and charming and cook and talk to everyone, and that's about it. Which fine, and could very well be a winning strategy in this game. But he's a bit of a closet asshole, and I tend to dislike really charming people who are closet assholes. And I REALLY want him to be a have not, because his obsession over never wanting to be made a have not bugs.

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Justin tells Whitney that Dani isn't going after Scott, because it's "too obvious".  Whitney wonders if Danielle is targeting Alex and he claims not to know, but assures her that she's safe, because she's the only one of the Plastics that the Jamboree would be willing to take far.   She says she'd be down for a F3 with him and Kryssie and he expresses interest, but they don't fully commit.

Danielle is telling a story about how her track coach offered to buy her a dozen donuts if she could high jump 5'2" and she did it and he got her the donuts and she ate them all in one day and refused to share any with her friends.  I think she thinks this story makes her look good. 

Well, better this than "Tales of the 'Suicidal' Puppy", but still.

Edited by DAngelus
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So far Shelby has 46% of the vote for ACP on Joker's.  Jason is in second with 29% and Danielle is in third with 11%.  So even if the Misfits fans had coordinated their efforts more, there is a chance that Shelby would still get it (though it would be close).  

From Danielle's POV: If Shelby gets ACP, I suspect Danielle will put up Shelby and whoever is her target (Alex?) on the block.  Assuming Shelby does not win veto (she hasn't won a comp yet), it would make sense that Shelby cancels votes in her favor.  So even if America's Nom (whether it is Scott or Kryssie) comes off the block, the votes in theory should be cancelled towards her target.  It might be too risky to put another pawn next to Shelby because then if Kryssie is America's Nom and Danielle's side wins veto, they would have to decide between taking Kryssie down or putting Danielle's target up (which likely means whoever is the pawn would be going home).  At least I hope Danielle aware enough that there is a high likelihood of someone on her side going up as America's Nom.  

Though I'm not sure where Shelby stands within the Plastics.  So maybe it is possible that Shelby would go home regardless of the vote cancelling?

Well, if it ends up just Alex/Shelby on the block and the Misfits want Alex out, then Shelby should cancel the Plastics's votes and let the Misfits have their way.  If she ends up with another pawn (such as Morgan) because Danielle tried a double-pawn move and then the Veto was used on the AN, then she would might have to campaign among the general house and figure out whose vote is going where.  And of course Kryssie or Jason is the AN and stays up, she's got an easy path to cancelling the Jamboree's votes and letting the un-nominated Ballsmashers vote the AN out.

Last I heard, Dani was thinking about a Morgan/Whitney double-pawn anyhow.  But that could all change after the CP.

4 cams on the smoking couch because Shelby is telling roommate stories inside and too many of those people haven't signed releases.  But she was telling some great "bad date" stories earlier (about 6.25 PM, BBT) and BB let her run with those, so that's an option, if you want it.

1 hour ago, zenithwit said:

From Danielle's POV: If Shelby gets ACP, I suspect Danielle will put up Shelby and whoever is her target (Alex?) on the block.  Assuming Shelby does not win veto (she hasn't won a comp yet), it would make sense that Shelby cancels votes in her favor.  So even if America's Nom (whether it is Scott or Kryssie) comes off the block, the votes in theory should be cancelled towards her target.

Doesn't the Care Package winner get safety from nomination each week?

1 hour ago, Michel said:

Doesn't the Care Package winner get safety from nomination each week?

No, it's not like Veto.  The various CPs have different prizes and only some come with safety.  

Kryssie's CP allowed her to make someone else safe, not herself.  She chose Jason, and was upset that Alex backdoored her onto the block after they'd agreed she wouldn't as part of the consultative process.

Scott was safe the week of his CP, but that's because he was already HoH.  The "pick-a-Veto" aspect had nothing to do with safety for himself, although it certainly increased his odds.

Alex's "Safety Servant" CP last week was the first one to guarantee safety for the recipient.

This week's "cancel three votes" will certainly help, but doesn't guarantee safety, no more than Da'Vonne winning the "last laugh" contest in BB17 and gaining the power to cancel three votes kept her in the house.  She simply went home 7-2 instead of by a larger margin.

Next week's co-HoH will make the recipient safe, being HoH and all.  

The CP for Week 7 is that you get the Veto during the double-eviction.  So you could still be evicted at F7 (the first part of the double-eviction) but after that you're good to F5, as you're holding the Veto for the second round of the night.

Finally, the last CP allows you to compete for a chance to advance immediately to F4.  So that would give you safety at F5 if you won your individual competition, but there's no guarantee of that.

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And this is why I didn't want Shelby getting ACP. There's definitely a good chance of Shelby going up. This CP makes her a target for sure. And if Kryssie wins veto or a Misfit wins veto and takes her down, then Shelby could go home. 

This is why I wanted Whitney to get ACP. She may be close with the Misfits, but there's no way she turns on her own alliance for them. Plus, she is in no danger of going this week. 

I'm not too worried about Kryssie winning the veto, between her horrible bloody hand injury, and now her constant complaining about her period and most likely being a HN , I can't see her winning veto. She will have so many excuses. I worry more about Danielle winning it. Not a fan of her personality, but she does know the game and is a good physical threat so she could win and we know for sure she is playing.

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Just now, Marie80 said:

Now Danielle is complaining that AMERICA is bullying them. She sure didn't seem to mind when America was on their side.

She's really just a Big Baby. Maybe she should have listened to Nicole's advice from season 16.

It's good to officially know that the insane Twitter fans are in the minority here. It's good to see things going well. That means Kryssie's up on the block, and we just have to hope that Danielle/Kryssie/Jason (if he's picked) choke during the veto comp and lose it. I really can't stand Kryssie's negative energy in the house. Her delusions are entertaining sometimes but she just always has something to complain about and I'd rather have someone there who actually wants to play the game, because she clearly doesn't.

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I think the main difference in the "sides" and what the LNC can't seem to comprehend is the way in which each group deals with a bad situation.  No one on the BS side gives up when things get hard, they do the best they can to work the situation to their advantage.  Sure, they celebrate when things go their way -- but so do the LNC.  The LNC just sits around and whines about how unfair it is that the "people  who suck" get all the advantages and no one sees how awesome they are in comparison.  It seems like they finally realize that "America" is not on their side, but not one of them is willing to take responsibility for their fall from grace.  "America" went their way for the first two weeks, maybe the change should be a clue that they did this to themselves.  There's still plenty of opportunity for game moves-- only one of them is leaving this week, if that--yet they seem ready to roll over and die. Even Justin is bitching about how terrible the girls are and how could anyone possibly like them.  I get that it must feel crappy, but for heaven's sake, get a clue. 

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3 hours ago, leocadia said:

Even Justin is bitching about how terrible the girls are and how could anyone possibly like them.  I get that it must feel crappy, but for heaven's sake, get a clue. 

Even Justin is doing this now?  Well, damn.  So much for any hopes that he might flip on the LNJ.  That's obviously not going to happen.  He can take several seats right along with Danielle, Jason, and Kryssie, then.

Edited by Michel
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Is anyone voting for Shelby to be a HN? She has been asking us to in her live diary rooms and now after winning the care package , she might want to confuse the other side if America likes her or not? I'm voting for Kryssie for sure and Justin but not sure between Whitney and Shelby.


Danielle hiding and not going to the DR after what 15 times being asked should get some sort of penalty or at least I hope we get an explanation during the recap. It is weird after we get almost 24/7 non stop  feeds, when something was going on with Danielle and Kryssie (not sure if they were together or not) after the CP delivery, it was frustrating they turn the cameras off them. I notice Kryssie is getting less feeds time, since her bloody horrible hand injury.

27 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

when something was going on with Danielle and Kryssie (not sure if they were together or not) after the CP delivery, it was frustrating they turn the cameras off them

It's because they started bashing production and since BB doesn't want them talking about the behind the scenes stuff, they switched just in case they said something incriminating that shouldn't be revealed on camera. I can understand that; these hypocridiots don't listen to BB. They really push production's buttons, which is why I don't blame production for probably rooting for the Ballsmashers instead. 

Danielle's thinking about putting Shelby and Morgan up on the block. If Kryssie gets off the block, then Shelby might be gone. Alex says that she'd vote out her sister, but we'll have to see when it happens. And apparently, she's not even going to think about putting up Scott/Alex....which...um, ok then??? 

It looks like Shelby may have inadvertently become a bigger target because of ACP. Or maybe she would have been in danger of leaving even if Whitney or Morgan had won it, who knows? But yeah, this week it'll be Kryssie or Morgan/Shelby gone. It all depends on who Alex/Scott/Whitney would vote to evict. And if it happens to be a tie if America/Whitney vote for Morgan and Scott/Alex vote for Shelby, then Morgan goes. 

I do get the feeling like Morgan or Kryssie will be evicted this week. We could lose Morgan, which would suck for me because I like her, but at least it's not Alex. But I really hope we lose Kryssie this week. 

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Alex thinks Shelby got the CP because "America" has always been on "their" side, which…not so much, initially.


SHELBY:  Maybe since last week when they [LNJ] were all "Shelby's gonna be the America nom, Shelby's gonna be the America nom"…SURPRISE, MOTHAFUCKAS!!  (laughter)

The Heartless Monsters had a talk in the backyard about various shirts that production wouldn't let them bring in.  Scott had shirts mentioning Bangor that were forbidden, and he wonders if production didn't realize that Bangor isn't a brand, it's his home city. Whitney says that she had a shirt where there was a chicken leg in the shape of Kentucky and it said "Born and Breaded" ("live up to the stereotype", she jokes) but that was disallowed, too.  She also loves tie-dye, but those were disqualified as being too distracting to the cameras.

Jason joins the group (there's a lockdown coming and he needs one last cigarette) and it emerges Morgan has never seen Alice in Wonderland. (Scott was about to cite "Jabberwocky", which Jason correctly IDs as being from Through the Looking Glass, so points for him there.)  Jason, of course, being Jason, is all "OMG, Morgan's mom!" and telling Twitter to drag Morgan's parents for her lack of "culture", which would be obnoxious…except that we get a great shot of Alex's reaction, where she's practically giggling at the idea of Morgan being the family "shame".  Ah, sisterhood. ;)

There was a great Alex/Morgan conversation just after midnight that I spent way too long transcribing.  I'll put up parts of it later.

Edited by DAngelus
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27 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

Is anyone voting for Shelby to be a HN? She has been asking us to in her live diary rooms and now after winning the care package , she might want to confuse the other side if America likes her or not? I'm voting for Kryssie for sure and Justin but not sure between Whitney and Shelby.


Danielle hiding and not going to the DR after what 15 times being asked should get some sort of penalty or at least I hope we get an explanation during the recap. It is weird after we get almost 24/7 non stop  feeds, when something was going on with Danielle and Kryssie (not sure if they were together or not) after the CP delivery, it was frustrating they turn the cameras off them. I notice Kryssie is getting less feeds time, since her bloody horrible hand injury.

I picked Justin, Kryssie & Shelby.  The cook will find ways to make the slop taste good. I am tired of Kryssie's crying (this may also be why they have stopped showing her on camera, so much.) and Shelby can hold her own with those two. 

Danielle was called 7 times in a row before BB called another person earlier today. With her and Kryssie off camera I am thinking (hoping) BB told them the rules to this game they signed up for and this is why the camera was on Dani for the 8th call to the DR. 

When these two do not win something or have it go their way, they pout, give up or complain non-stop. How do they survive in the real world?

I don't think Danielle lives in the real world. She lives at home while collecting a decent amount of child support (last night on cbs chat someone said 6k a month, does anyone know if this is true?), works part time at a preschool and is able to still lead from her endless storytelling the carefree life of a young 20 something.  Again from the story telling , it seems like Danielle could have been a successful independent young women. She was good at sports and a good student. I don't thin she is lying about her track team or grades but obviously she got derailed and is in some sort of fantasy land and this show is only making it worse.

Shane better watch out. Last night Danielle told Justin she wanted wait and have another kid when she was 25. She is about to turn 24 so 25 is coming up soon. She also excepts the full package, big wedding, and nice lifestyle. I don't think Shane is that bad of a guy but he sure fell hard for her and I hope he comes to his senses before she traps him or gets him to commit.

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31 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:


I love this!

Danielle told Justin that she will take down Scott if he is AN. Dammit Danielle I was hoping there might still be a chance Scott could go home this week!

The Plastics were discussing the election and based on the convo I would bet none of them have ever voted except maybe Shelby. ETA: I just realized that maybe none of them (minus Alex who I think is 25) are even old enough to have voted yet LOL. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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48 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

[Danielle] lives at home while collecting a decent amount of child support (last night on cbs chat someone said 6k a month, does anyone know if this is true?)

Well, baby-daddy Steven Nelson (not "Jackson" as I wrongly had it before) makes $682,988 (presumably the NFL minimum, he's a rookie) from Kansas City, so $6,000/month isn't out of line for CS.  If Steven can get a guaranteed contract (unlike the other three major sports, NFL rookie deals are not guaranteed, they can drop you and bam! No more money), Danielle could even get that adjusted upwards.  So yeah, she could move out, but I guess she likes having her mother to rely on.  Even if mom didn't so such a good job watching over the "suicidal" puppy, either.

29 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

The Plastics were discussing the election and based on the convo I would bet none of them have ever voted except maybe Shelby.

Well, Whitney was underage in 2012.  Still, they could have voted in the mid-terms, it's true.

Anyway, here's some of the Sister convo I enjoyed from late night:


MORGAN:  I just feel, like, hyper-paranoid today.

ALEX:  Today?  [I think this was sarcasm, as Morgan is always pretty paranoid, but she misses it and just replies]


ALEX:  Yeah, well…at least you're not the target. (Beat)  I'm actually feeling kind of calm.  -Ish.  Like, I'm scared because I'm on the chopping block.   But…I'm actually hopeful…

MORGAN:  Yeah.

ALEX:  That thing…there's a lot of opportunities for things to swing positively in my direction.  So, we'll see.  We'll see.  My only thing is, I don't wanna be taken out by Danielle.

MORGAN:  Yeah?

ALEX:  That would be—no one here wants that, 'cause she's completely such a ridiculous human being.

MORGAN:  Right.

ALEX:  So that would suck.  That's why I'm gonna take everything I can to free…stay here.

MORGAN:  When we see what the Care Package is…

ALEX:  Right.  

MORGAN:  My head is in a trillion million fricking different pieces.  It makes it so much harder having a sister in here, know that. 

[Oh, how would you know?  It's not like you ever played without Alex]

ALEX (small laugh):  It makes it harder on me, too.  

MORGAN:  It makes it hard?

ALEX: Because I feel like I'm having to protect you, but not give away that I'm protecting you.  But it—


ALEX:  But it will get really useful, when it comes down to our side having to turn on each other.  People will come talk to me about you, will talk to you about me, so we'll be able to know who the target it.

MORGAN:  Right.

ALEX:  That's gonna be really dangerous for others.

MORGAN:  If we can make it there.

ALEX:  If we can make it there.  

MORGAN:  But it's gonna be hard to make it there.

ALEX:  Well…yeah.  We need to get rid of about three more people.  

MORGAN:  Three more.

ALEX:  I hope America puts up Kryssie for America's nom.

MORGAN:  Same.  She's so irritating.

ALEX:  She just…ugghh, she drives me insane.  And like anything, she just doesn't…I mean, honestly, after her strategy, Morgan, like how she put up Scott instead of letting him be America's Nominee—

MORGAN:  That's so stupid.

ALEX: I think she's terrible at this game.

MORGAN:  I think she is, too

ALEX:  I think she's terrible.

MORGAN:   I think that hit her yesterday, too.  She was like, "Oh, I screwed up."

ALEX:  She is not a good Big Brother player.  But she's also somebody, you take her all the way to the end, you'd probably beat her, 'cause she sucks, but—

MORGAN:  But she's also someone who's so annoying you don't really wanna keep her around.

ALEX:  I really…I hope America nominates her.  Anybody who quits in the middle of a competition deserves nomination.

MORGAN: You shouldn't be on this show if you're gonna quit in the middle of a competition.

ALEX:  I mean the fact that she came up to me yesterday and was literally offended* that we kept Scott over Neeley—

[*—bonus points for using "literally" correctly!]

MORGAN: "Scott is a horrible person!"

ALEX: —because "How could you keep someone like that in the house?"

MORGAN:  Because it's Big Brother.

ALEX:  Because this is strategy.  Because he might say some things that I don't agree with, but that doesn't make him a terrible person.  Like, everybody in this house says some things that they shouldn't say. 

MORGAN:  Right.

Aww, I think Alex likes Scott, too.  I mean, not "like" likes, but if she wasn't in a LTR (5 years) and if she were to win the game, he might have like a 1% chance of getting a "one-night consolation prize" in Vegas as part of the celebration.

And in any event, it's nice they're friends.

More Kryssie talk, and some concern about Whitney flipping (Alex is glad they made a formal alliance, as she feels that's part of what keeps Whitney loyal), and then personal stuff:


ALEX:  Do you think Mom’s watching the feeds?

MORGAN:  I have no idea.

ALEX:  You know she’s watching the episodes.  Do you ever give her a shout-out in the Live DRs?


ALEX:  You think she’s shocked we both made it halfway through?


ALEX:  Me, too.  For sure, she thought you were gonna be a complaining person, and I’m really proud of you.

MORGAN:  Thanks.  I’m trying to hold it together. 

ALEX:  You really aren’t embarrassing me.  You’re way more embarrassing in the real world.

MORGAN:  I know.  I’m just trying to hold it together.  People are getting on my nerves, though.

ALEX:  Like who?

MORGAN:  I don’t know.

ALEX:  This just shows me…like, that you nag on me for the littlest things, but it must just be me because you tolerate other people so well.

MORGAN:  Okay, well, what am I supposed to do in a houseful of people who could easily vote me out?

ALEX:  I'm just saying:  I'm your sister and you're supposed to love me, but you're rude to me in real life.  

MORGAN: Well, you purposely irritate me, so that's not my fault.


ALEX:  But now I know it's possible, so when we get out of this house, I expect you to be nice to me, 24/7.  Because you live with me for 30+ days straight…you couldn't even be nice to me when I see you at Christmas, because you suck.

Heh.  That must have been a fun Christmas.  More later.

Edited by DAngelus
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LMAO at this!  Scott and Kryssie "having sex".  (Blended audio from them in the Veto comp, in other words.)  

And more Alex/Morgan from the midnight chat…

Alex ranks how much she trusts those in her alliance:  Morgan 100%, Shelby 85%, Scott 70%, Whitney 60%.  They agree to divide the labor, with Alex keeping Shelby close because they have a connection, and Morgan trying to get closer to Whitney.  They agree that Whitney is dangerous because she’s smart, she’s not just “the cute girl”, and Morgan wonders if they’re the only ones that see that.  Alex says no, Jason has been warning her against Whitney from week one, he told Scott they need to get Whitney out.

Alex correctly susses out that Whitney has deals with Kryssie and Justin; Morgan says that she can’t even talk game with Justin because of it.  Alex says that they need to let Whitney and Jason make the first move on each other.

(This also ties in with my note on the Justin/Whitney chat from yesterday, where Justin says he wants to take her deep, and Whitney was talking about a F3 with her, Justin, and Kryssie.  As opposed to Justin's idea F4 of himself/Whitney/Kryssie/Jason…Whitney, like the sisters here, is aware that Jason completely lacks Justin's interest in keeping her around.  And this means that evicting Kryssie this week would cut off one of Whitney's escape routes, which would also be good for Alex and Morgan's games.)


MORGAN:  Yeah, I’m going to keep laying low.  It just sucks, because in my real life, I don’t like the idea.  Like, in real life, I like taking charge—

ALEX:  I know.

MORGAN: —and I like being a leader—

ALEX:  I know.

MORGAN:  —and I like big moves—

ALEX:  I know.

MORGAN:  —and I like controlling things.

ALEX:  Just be [like] Whitney and Shelby for right now.

MORGAN:  Right.

ALEX:  Because in my real life, I’m not like a danger until you’re…I’m not saying I remotely am in this game, but I do know that yesterday, after the Neeley thing, Kryssie came and asked me for answers, so I know she saw me as the ringleader or head of it—

MORGAN:  Right.

ALEX:  It’s getting like, Biblical (?)

MORGAN:  It’s like a complete role-reversal!

ALEX:  I know!

MORGAN:  Like, every week, I’m like “I’m gonna get HoH, and I’m gonna freaking RULE shit!” and—

ALEX:  I remember Week 3, before Scott won HoH, I was telling Jason how I didn’t wanna win comps and he was like “yeah, now you see how winning comps really isn’t good for your game”.

MORGAN: I know. It just sucks because I like to win.

ALEX: You’re very competitive.

Alex says that when she came in, she didn’t know that the season would be the way it is (clear house divide, large America involvement) and she had planned a traditional strategy, i.e. lie low then crank it up at the end.  (See Dan, Ian, Steve, even Derrick to an extent.)  But this season almost forces “your side” to win comps, or you’ll just get picked off, one by one.  So the fact that they've been able to "lie low" and have America do some of the work for them has been a help, at least until the other side gets whittled down and they've got to choose allies from within their own group.

Edited by DAngelus
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Thanks, peachmangosteen!  I'd forgotten this was Live DR night.  Thankfully, you can use Flashback on all four cams, not just the one you're on.  Over to Cam 4 I go.

Meanwhile, on Cam 1 a few minutes ago, Kryssie and Danielle were in the HoH, agreeing that if things went their way (with the AN going against the Plastics, or a Jamboree member winning Veto) and it was only two/three of the girls on the block at the end, then Shelby might just eliminate all the votes on her side of the house and let the Misfits decide who goes, so the Ballsmashers don't have to get "blood on their hands."


a) is ridiculous and the other side already decided that one of the great things about Shelby getting the CP is that even in such a worst-case scenario, they could control the vote and make a decision about who it was best to have stay, and 

b) would seem to be a very large clue that Danielle isn't thinking of putting Shelby on the block, because obviously Shelby would never trust to fate/the LNJ if it were her ass on the line.  So with Scott being a non-target (except possibly by "America") it's looking like Morgan/Whitney noms and a planned Alex backdoor.

Well, at least this helps Morgan in her "get close to Whitney" strategy.  And if the Veto goes the wrong way, it's an easy path to cutting Whitney and not needing to worry about her flipping in the future/winning because she's so likeable.  (It would cut off their relationship to Justin, though…or maybe it would just lead Justin to make new relationships; we'd have to see.)

Edited by DAngelus
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35 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Jason acted like a completely different person in his live DR. All because he knows now that America isn't on his side anymore. So hilarious.

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Job well done, America!

It looks like the Misfits camp is voting for Scott and the Plastics camp is voting for Krissey. I'm torn because, although Krissey is horrible, I find her ridiculous dramatics kind of entertaining. However, she just straight up quit during that comp and is literally™ still bitching about her hands and saying they might not be healed by the next HOH comp. I just can't. So in that regard I think Scott is more deserving since he is actually playing the damn game, pesky comps and all. But if Danielle is just going to take him off the block if she wins then what the heck. I really don't want Shelby to go as she's my favorite right now.

Speaking of Shelby, tonight's replay was pretty good. Shelby being hilarious bouncing on a yoga ball while reciting South American capitals and Scott realizing Shelby is much smarter than she lets on. Then we have Danielle crying in the DR after the CP is delivered, moaning that once again, just as has happened throughout her entire life, people (America) don't like her and she is being picked on. If people have consistently disliked you for as long as you can remember then perhaps it's time you took a long, hard look at yourself and admitted "Hey, maybe I'M the asshole!"

Edited by Marie80
  • Love 5

During his DR, I finally figured out one of the major things about Scott that makes him a) difficult to watch and b) unlikeable (to me):  He obviously spends a lot of time thinking about things and working them out in his head so whenever he speaks he sounds painfully rehearsed.  I get that he has all these ideas and phrases that he feels really "proud" of, but it's so incredibly awkward and annoying.

ETA"  Krissy is the biggest hypocridiot of them all.  In her DR, she claims that the separation was entirely caused by the BS'ers because her side is all open, honest and wonderful people.  She also wants to "pick off the nuisances" on the other side because they aren't playing the game.  Right.... I don't even find her delusion amusing any more.  I will be happy if she or Scott go home this week.

Edited by leocadia
  • Love 3

I might have to vote for Krissey after watching her live DR. Her self-righteousness knows no bounds! She is a master of BB logic though: When you lie it's because you're an awful person without a soul but when I lie it's because I'm the only one in the house actually playing the game! Never ceases to amaze me.

  • Love 8

Well, damn!  If I'd known the Weekday Recap was going to show so much of the Alex/Morgan conversation, I wouldn't have bothered to transcribe it, above.

Of course, if I'd been thinking logically, I'd have realized that if the Secret Sister convo appealed to me, it would appeal to other people, and the editors were capable of seeing that, too.  Oh, well.  (And I still think the best line was Alex's "You're much more embarrassing in the real world", which didn't make the cut.)

Love that Shelby does her π recitation at 3.14 every day!  It's like a stoner lighting up at 4.20, only using brain cells instead of destroying them.  And, let's face it, there's so little to do in there that such rituals are a pleasant diversion.

Had to love Alex realizing Scott has a crush on her.  This may be my favorite "no-mance" of recent times.  Right up there with Gina Marie/Nick from S15.

And poor, poor Danielle, weeping in the DR about people not liking her.  Well, if you keep that up, no wonder.  How about you try to bright-side this, instead?

• You're completely safe, so all this ultimately does is increase the odds of you/your allies getting a CP when your ass might be in a sling.

• In three of the four weeks, the CP has "gone against" the side of the HoH.  Only Scott got a CP on "his side" of the house, and that was the only CP that didn't give safety or affect the votes.  All it did was determine the shape of the Veto, which if you take popularity/etc. out of the equation, is a power that it's logical to give to the HoH, because you want to see how he adapts it to his strategy.

• If you could stop all of your sobbing (™-The Kinks, 1964), you'd stand a better chance of having the America's Nominee go your way.  Which would solve your problems for the week, Care Packager or not.

• Or you could just win the damn Veto.  The Ballsmashers realize that Shelby's power is minimized if they're the only ones on the block; you should, too.

In the words of Bugs Bunny, "Wotta maroon".

  • Love 1

Shelby just mentioned in her live DR that she secretly wants to work with Danielle.  I'm guessing Shelby's line of thought is that Danielle is not well-liked by America and would be easy to beat in the end.  Shelby is planning to talk to Danielle tonight.  I have a feeling that this is not going to go well.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, LuvizBlind said:

I got into a snickering sputtering mess over that word; it needs to be part of our official Big Brother board snark!

Unfortunately, I can't even take credit for the word! Reddit started with HypoKryssie and then it turned into Hypocridiots, so I will have to only take credit for bringing it here! 

1 hour ago, DAngelus said:

b) would seem to be a very large clue that Danielle isn't thinking of putting Shelby on the block, because obviously Shelby would never trust to fate/the LNJ if it were her ass on the line.  So with Scott being a non-target (except possibly by "America") it's looking like Morgan/Whitney noms and a planned Alex backdoor.

Well, at least this helps Morgan in her "get close to Whitney" strategy.  And if the Veto goes the wrong way, it's an easy path to cutting Whitney and not needing to worry about her flipping in the future/winning because she's so likeable.  (It would cut off their relationship to Justin, though…or maybe it would just lead Justin to make new relationships; we'd have to see.)

Yeah, so if this is true about Danielle still sticking with her Whitney/Morgan noms with her hope to backdoor Alex....she does realize that she has no power of performing a backdoor in any way, right? Shelby will NOT do what she wants, contrary to what she believes. Shelby will lie directly to her face before laughing on eviction night as she declares Justin/Jason and a Ballsmasher's votes be cancelled, and then the remaining, including America, will vote out Kryssie. I mean,  let's say that she puts up Morgan/Whitney and Danielle wins and she takes down Whitney. Kryssie goes. If Kryssie is taken down, then Whitney goes. Alex will vote out Whitney over Morgan, and Scott will do whatever Alex tells him to do. And I'm sure Alex can convince Shelby to lose Whitney over Morgan, so really, the Misfits would still be losing.

Basically, if Danielle puts up Morgan/Whitney, then she's dumber than I thought.

1 hour ago, Marie80 said:

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Job well done, America!

It looks like the Misfits camp is voting for Scott and the Plastics camp is voting for Krissey. I'm torn because, although Krissey is horrible, I find her ridiculous dramatics kind of entertaining. However, she just straight up quit during that comp and is literally™ still bitching about her hands and saying they might not be healed by the next HOH comp. I just can't. So in that regard I think Scott is more deserving since he is actually playing the damn game, pesky comps and all. But if Danielle is just going to take him off the block if she wins then what the heck. I really don't want Shelby to go as she's my favorite right now.

Yeah, go for Kryssie. She doesn't respect the game, she doesn't even seem to want to be there all that much, and she has no gameplay that is smart. At least Scott wants to be there and doesn't complain 24/7. Even though Scott's annoying, I'd rather someone who takes the game seriously, rather than someone who complains and bitches about every little thing while pretending to be a victim. Own your shit, man up, and move the fuck on, or get out of that house. 

Shelby might go, unfortunately. If she's put up as an initial nom, then there really is a chance of her going. However, that's only if Shelby is up on the block next to Morgan. Anyone else, and she's probably good. Kryssie would have to be off the block in order for Shelby to even be close to going home. Alex would definitely vote Whitney out before Shelby, but if Morgan's next to her, I do think that Shelby would go in that particular scenario. However, Alex has said that she wants to keep Shelby around and she'd cut Morgan if she has to, so it all comes down to Alex. Good thing Alex is a gameplayer, so there's a chance of her keeping Shelby if she believes it's good for her game. 

  • Love 1

So, y'all know I love the Ball Smashers (I finally will stop using the word Plastics. It just takes me awhile to adjust). And love the fact that "America" hates most of the LNJ as much as I do. But I'm going to have to say it. This is Season 1 BB, and I still don't like the fact that it all comes down to "America". I understand Kryssie melting down over being the one to evict Neeley (even as I cheered my ass off when it happened). I understand Danielle being defeated about her HOH, knowing "America" is against her side and she's screwed regardless (even as I chuckle, because I think she sucks). 

If Season six was in this format, Janelle would have won hands down. She would not have had to claw her way to that final HOH, it would have been a given. As much as I was pissed when she lost that final crapshoot to Ivette, as much as I loathed Maggie, her winning because of "America" would have felt a bit.....wrong to me. I don't know, I guess I still want these people to play their game. Everyone is now trying to play to America. Scott is obviously the worst, and I want him gone yesterday, but everyone is trying to play up to "America". I do not care for it. At all.

  • Love 3

Well, in a Morgan/Shelby scenario, Shelby could leave the voting in the Misfits' hands and work a deal with them.  No reason she has to give Alex/Scott the power instead of Justin/Kryssie, for example.  But those two have been almost as dismissive of her as Jason, and she thinks she may have an informal F3 with Alex/Scott, so she might make a wrong move there.

And yes, the Morgan/Whitney/backdoor Alex scenario would depend on Scott being the AN (and not winning Veto).  Which wouldn't seem impossible, from Dani's p.o.v.…a lot people voted to evict him last week, and she's probably thinks his confrontations with Neeley, Jason, and herself on Wednesday have cost him support. (When, in tandem with Alex's insisting that Scott is the one being bullied, he's probably actually gained some…of course, Dani hasn't seen what Alex has said.)  And they would be putting stock in the fact that Scott was the #1 Have-Not last week…but what they don't know is that Scott actually asked for that;  Alex guessed it, but the LNJ is still clueless, to my knowledge.

So she could easily try for the Alex backdoor, get screwed by the AN, win Veto to save Kryssie and be "stuck with" Morgan/Whitney as the final noms.  But that's still not a scenario worth weeping about; having Alex/Shelby/Scott amputate Whitney from their alliance helps her (Danielle is the only one on that side of the house Whitney isn't interested in even pretending to work with) and if all the votes come from the Ballsmashers' side, Dani would avoid getting the dreaded "blood on her hands" wrt her relationships with Justin and Kryssie.  (Jason, as noted, would be glad to send Whitney's ass back to the Bluegrass State, anyhow.)

Really, as long as she (or an ally) wins the Veto, it's a good week for her.  Not that Dry-Your-Tears Dani can see that, of course.

Edited by DAngelus

Hide and seek update: Jason found Kryssie hiding in the downstairs bathroom within the first couple of minutes.  It took him a while to find Justin hiding behind the washer/dryer.  And Jason finally found Danielle (after like at least 15 minutes) with the Ballsmashers hanging out under the covers with Shelby and Morgan sitting on the bed.  The Ballsmashers have been good sports but they were almost too good in lying to Jason.

29 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Unfortunately, I can't even take credit for the word! Reddit started with HypoKryssie and then it turned into Hypocridiots, so I will have to only take credit for bringing it here! 

I don't know when Reddit started it, so maybe it's just a really weird coincidence, but Hypocridiots is what Shelby called the LNJ in her live DR. Last week, I think? I can't remember exactly, but I do remember I laughed when she said it.

  • Love 2
55 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

This is Season 1 BB, and I still don't like the fact that it all comes down to "America".

Well, it's not that bad…we only get 1 vote each eviction, there are HoH and Veto comps/considerations that didn't exist back then, and our intentions have already been thwarted, with Shane getting binned in Week 3 despite the America's Vote going to evict Danielle.  But yeah, far too close for comfort.

I just think of this as BB using the online-only season to clean out the Closet of Bad Ideas, see which ones might work and which should get kicked out faster than Willie Hantz.  (Have I mentioned how much I HATE the idea of a Final 3 yet?  Don't worry, I will again…and again, I'm sure.)  I really doubt we'll see an America's Nominee each week next summer.  Or at least I hope not.

I wouldn't mind the America's Vote getting a summer trial, though.  (Not for the winner, just the weekly eviction.) It would increase the chances of people casting a hinky vote, like Alex did in Week 1, and blaming it on "America", which could well increase paranoia/drama.  I wouldn't mind being the house scapegoat if it stirred the pot; I'm a whipping boy, raised by mongrels and set on a sacrificial stone*, so I'm used to it.

(*-Yes, this is a paraphrased Buffy quote kludged in there.  I do that sometimes.  Sorry.)

ETA:  From a pro-Danielle thread elsewhere, that I read but don't post in, about a HoH conversation that I didn't see on Wednesday night:


Loving seeing Alex/Morgan grovel. Morgan realizes now that getting rid of Neeley has f-cked her game, as Neeley was the one ally she had on the Misfits side. Now she has to make it with Danielle or she's f-cked. Unfortunately (for them), Danielle adamantly declared she's taking no deals from any of the 4 women as it's 4 weeks too late. 

Really?  Well, there goes Dani's "use my HoH power to make friends/allies" plan that she talked about in the DR on Tuesday.  Her "brilliant strategy" lasted barely more than a day, and now she's back to "oh, how I loathe them" bitterness to the Ballsmashers, not caring how it affects her long-term.

Of course, maybe she decided that any "deals" made when she was HoH would be disregarded the moment she was out of power.  Which is a fair consideration…and means she should have tried some outreach before this.  As practically everybody else on her side (bar Shane, who'd burnt his bridges there by flipping) did.

Granted most of those connections (Neeley/Morgan, Justin/Scott, Jason/Scott) died or were damaged by the vote on Wednesday, but there's still Justin/Whitney, Kryssie/Whitney, and Jason/Alex outreach going on.  Notice whose name is absent from those lists…Danielle?

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 1

OK, so my last post being said, I hope the BSers get what they want this week, again. Why? Spent an hour watching them trying to figure out how to prank Justin/Jason. They even tried to figure out if they could  move a mattress into the bathroom (they could not move a mattress a foot. BB was not amused, but I was). Then I switched to the HOH. These people are just unlikable. All they do is bash the BSers, while the BSers are just trying to figure out Haloween pranks. And they wonder why "America" does not like them. 

And watching them right now, this is the worst part about them - their full belief that the fact that the other side does not do what they want them to do means the other side is playing so stupid (TM Kryssie). THAT IS NOT HOW THIS GAME WORKS! GAH! 

  • Love 6

Caught all the way up on that Dani thread I referenced above.  Two items of note:

1)  After the Justin/Whitney conversation on Thursday night (where Justin talked about his possible F4 with Jason/Whitney/Kryssie and Whitney tried to lock down a Justin/Kryssie/herself F3, rightly not trusting Jason), Justin went to Kryssie and said that they couldn't trust Whitney.  Apparently she overplayed her hand, trying to get him to dump one of his core allies for her; he's willing to let her be 4th, but not actually reach the finale.  (A bit patronizing for him to assume he gets to decide, of course.)

2) As of 2PM BBT, Danielle was planning on Morgan/Shelby noms, winning Veto to lock them in place, and thus evicting Morgan.  Theory being that this would leave only Whitney on the BS side of the house eligible for a care package, and she's the one most likely to flip, anyhow.

Personally, I think that Danielle is overstating the value of the CPs, and of course she doesn't know that Justin/Kryssie are now somewhat off the Whitney train, anyhow.  But it's a decent enough plan.  Of course, that was nine hours ago, so who knows what might have changed?  H-N reveal should be the next key, I'd guess.

35 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

And watching them right now, this is the worst part about them - their full belief that the fact that the other side does not do what they want them to do means the other side is playing so stupid (TM Kryssie). THAT IS NOT HOW THIS GAME WORKS! GAH! 

THIS! Kryssie's smug over confidence coupled with her almost complete ignorance of how the game is actually played is what makes her simultaneously insufferable and yet fascinating to me. I can't look away! She's nearing Josea levels of delusion.

  • Love 4

So after they got the CP, the Ballsmashers and Scott loudly sang "God Bless America", and BB let them do it, since the song is in public domain and there's no royalty issue.  (Not that they knew half of the lyrics, anyhow.)  So now Shelby says she has it stuck in her head.

Reap what you sow, Shelbster; reap what you sow!

Jason keeps on spilling, I see.  I rewound to watch the live DRs and right before I see Alex telling Morgan that Jason told her that Danielle told him (never not fun…) that Alex isn't the target, and neither is Scott.  He must really be wanting to earn credit/safety with the Ballsmashers this week; we'll see if it works.

DR highlights:

• Jason is taking a very conciliatory tack.  His answer to Question #1 ("How do you feel about Neeley's eviction?") showed much more equanimity than his actual reaction (especially the fight with Scott) did.  He also tries to play down the arguments and says he's working to rebuild connections to the other side.  He says he's going to have to win his way to F3, because other players are still worried about his online support from S17. He talks about letting Danielle run her own week, but does mention that he wants Morgan/Shelby noms, because that leaves Alex and Scott as voters and those are his best connections on the other side.

He then does some subtle shade, saying that his strategy is to be honest (as opposed to the Plastics, who've lied about their voting intentions in every week so far), and that "it's a little late in the game" for the "eliminate three votes" power.  (When Da'vonne won the "Last Laugh" in S17, there were 15 people playing [16 if you count Julia, but the twins were still swapping back then] as opposed to 9.  He then straight-up complains about "America" not liking "his side" with the CPs, but tries to backpedal a bit.  He's looking forward to the Halloween party.

He says the LNJ feels "picked on" by "America", but it's important to stay "grounded" and "humble" and tries to play it off.

• Morgan apologizes to Neeley for voting her out and says that it was upsetting to lie to her and Kryssie…"but it's Big Brother".  She thinks the house will stay tense as long as both Scott and Danielle are there.  She thinks that having to keep Alex in gives her double the problems of most people in the house. She considers Danielle an "untapped source" on the other side of the house, so perhaps that's something she can make use of that nobody else in the BS has.  She's going to use the fact that she hasn't gotten a CP as an argument that America doesn't like her and you can beat her in the end.

She's glad Shelby got the CP, both from an alliance standpoint and because she's glad Shelby gets to participate in the game.  She's inherited the witch costume from Neeley, and plans to prank Justin with it.  She doesn't want to be on the block with Alex (obviously) or Shelby (because of her controlling the votes).  She plans to propose working with Danielle. 

And…fudge.  Flashback still goes away at 12.15 BBT.  Darn World Series, slowing me down.  Hopefully the Indians wrap it up on the weekend and it's no longer an issue by Tuesday.  

(Sorry, Cubs fans.  Except that I'm not. [Anti-Cubs rant snipped here]  Go, Tribe!)

ETA:  The HGs got alcohol, as part of the weekly end-of-Have-Nots feast, and now the unlikely combination of Danielle/Jason/Scott is in the hot tub.  Dani is drunk, the others not so much.  Kryssie stands nearby, and complains that her towel is wet and smells like mildew.  Jason makes an association with Danielle's lady-parts.  Keep it classy, kid.

Danielle also claims that a couple weeks ago, Justin peed in the hot tub while she and Shane were in there with him.  Yeah, he wasn't particularly cool with the showmance, I'm thinking.  Jason calls Danielle out for snagging other people's drinks as Justin joins them.  They shade the Plastics for staying inside and going to bed.  Not really sure that makes you bad people, exactly.  Although things are boring inside, but now Kryssie is belching and Danielle is boasting about Shane peeing all over the place, so I think it's time to get back inside, after all…although Danielle's discussing how she sometimes wonders what it's like to have a penis is a bit interesting, I admit.  But they're too loud for my sober ears, especially while I'm using headphones.

Yep, Plastics all settling in for bed. Night, girls.  As much as I "enjoyed" hearing Justin talk about how inserting your penis in a vagina feels like being grabbed by tentacles (damn, he must be fucking up Virgin Scott's mind hard), I think I'm good here.  The Jamboree will have to jam on without my watching.

ETAA:  Justin spent the night in the HoH bed with Danielle.  Don't worry, though…Danielle kept the pillow that she has named "Shane" between them.

Wait a second…does that make "Shane" bisexual?  I always knew he "pinged"…

Houseguests are up for the day.  Or, as somebody in my live feeds chat put it:  "Time for Danielle to start talking about herself." :)

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 1
12 hours ago, DAngelus said:

Nothing in particular, I just hit "Quote" by mistake and now I can't get rid of this box.  Disregard…

Kryin' Krissie in the back yard: "It's way too hot for us to be locked out here [in anticipation of the Have-Not reveal at the top of the hour]".

Current temperature at the BB house?  74°…and cloudy.

Also…they're not actually on outdoor lockdown, as the Ballsmashers and Scott were just inside, getting snacks for the upcoming lockdown.  So Kryssie was complaining about the heat because she was too lazy to go indoors.

Wow, that was a quick lockdown.  Maybe 10 minutes, total.   I guess they're going to have another one at 1.00 BBT?

Oh, and Justin hid the witch hat, so Morgan can't wear it on Monday.  BS went searching for it…and found the Krackle bars!

ETA:  Jamboree fan in the chat, defending Danielle's decision not to share last night's beers with the Ballsmashers, claimed that they didn't share the HoH wine with the Jamboree during Alex's HoH in week 2 (possible and justifiable if so)…"and besides, there were only 7 beers so there weren't enough for everyone."

Um, you have heard about these useful things called "glasses" and how you can pour beer into them, right?  Just checking.

Whitney is a big fan of the Cranberry Sprite.  I'm intrigued, but I'm still waiting for the diet version.

ETAA: Justin is terrified he's going to get Have-Nots for the first time.  He won't eat in anticipation because he's not hungry, but he does one last rendition of his Bon Jovi-esque "I Don't Wanna Be a Have-Not" song.  Jason teases Justin that he won't even fit on the spider-web bed.


JUSTIN:  My only sanity in this house is food!

JASON:  But you can make all sorts of interesting slop food…

JUSTIN:  Fuck you, no!

Everybody agrees they'll know who the Have-Nots are by seeing Danielle's face when she opens the card.  They do not anticipate a poker face from her.

And our "winners" are…Whitney, Kryssie, and…Justin

Everybody except for Justin (and Kryssie and Danielle) does Justin's "I'm Not a Have-Not" celebration dance as Justin walks glumly around the living room.

Two silver linings:  Justin only drinks water, anyway, and they'll get Chinese food for the Halloween Party on Monday.

Predictions for next week's HN's:  Danielle (after 2 weeks off), Jason (assuming he's not evicted), and Scott (because he'll lobby for it, again).  Should be a fun week with Dani and Scott sharing that bedroom…

Edited by DAngelus

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