peachmangosteen October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 So who is Kryssie nomming? Link to comment
Christina October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 (edited) I missed the HOH comp, and when I saw Kryssie won, I cringed and decided I should probably just bail on this week, but keep checking in anyway. Every time I turn on the feeds, it seems to be Kryssie bitching about something or someone, more so than usual. She is such a negative, judgmental and abrasive person, and must be torture to be around on a regular basis. As time goes on, it has become more and more apparent that she thinks she is better than everyone in that house. I would love to be a fly on the wall when she reads the comments about her after she is evicted. BB must think we want to hear her, because they put her on every single feed. She's talking again... Edited October 23, 2016 by Christina 4 Link to comment
Christina October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 Actually, that can go for Danielle too. 1 Link to comment
Katesus7 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 To be fair to Neeley, according to Jokers, the HGs were playing some random game which involved 'punishments' for the losers. Neeley's 'punishment' was that she had to twerk for all the safety noms. That's the only reason she did it. Still want her to be America's nom, though. 1 Link to comment
DAngelus October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 (edited) Ah, okay. Any other interesting "punishments"? (Didn't half of these people just get punishments from that Veto two weeks ago? Looks as though the alterna-casting people recruited from a masochists' convention, lol.) Bathroom strategy sessions. Alex is taking off her makeup and Justin and Scott come in, talk as though The Alliance That Wasn't is actually a thing, and then Justin leaves. Scott then says he's been promised complete safety by the Jamboree (!) and for some reason, he believes them. (The hell??) I guess he's assuming his "alliance mates" Jason and Justin worked their magic on Kryssie, or that Kryssie is now actually buying his argument that she needs him as a goat, but I'd be very shocked if either was the case. Scott claims that Justin wants Shelby gone, Jason wants Whitney, and Kryssie wants Morgan. I think the fact that the Jamboree can't even agree on a single story to tell Scott is a good indication that they're fibbing, but whatever. Alex says that it might be best for them (Alex/Scott) if Whitney went home, in those circumstances, but doesn't commit. Scott leaves and Morgan comes down from having been in the HoH. Morgan says that both she and Whitney have volunteered to be the single pawn against Scott, but Alex repeats what Scott just told her and so it looks as though Kryssie is making different promises to different members of the Virgin/Ballsmashers alliance. At this point, the only one she hasn't promised safety to is Shelby. Alex is shocked at Morgan's news that Kryssie is (allegedly) putting up Scott straight away. Both because blindsiding Scott after promising him safety unnecessarily damages Kryssie's game, and because if "America" can't vote for Scott as a nominee, it would make Kryssie's friends "nervous" about getting chosen and cause tension among the Jamboree. As ever, I'm hoping that Neeley (or Jason) would have good reason to be nervous, as "America" has already voted against them this week, but even from Alex's more pessimistic p.o.v., she has a point. Disqualifying Scott from being the AN probably pushes somebody forward who Kryssie might not want on the block at all. The sisters agree that if they had to lose a Plastic, Whitney would be the best one to go because her good relations with the Jamboree might mean that they would favor her in the late game. They also hope that Morgan's connection to Neeley will help her out, but that seems dubious; given the state of Kryssie and Neeley's relationship, that might be an argument for Kryssie to try to evict Morgan, not save her. Of course, the problem is that the Ballsmashers are misreading the tension in the LNJ; they think it's all about targets/nominations/each Jamboree member wanting to save their "parachute" when it's really about personal dynamics between the Jamboree members. Morgan thinks that nobody in the Jamboree is targeting Neeley, but Alex tells Morgan that Scott told her that Justin told him (yep, still fun…) that he (Justin) wants Neeley gone next week. Alex thinks this means the other side is fracturing, and Morgan then says that's an argument for keeping Whitney over Scott, as if that's the case then it's better for the girls to stay a strong foursome. Morgan doesn't seem to be terribly fond of Scott and Alex is upset with him for going around saying that Alex and he are each others' #1s, which Alex says she's never said and puts a target on her. Of course we know why Scott says that sort of stuff, right? He halfway wants people to think he's Brendon, taking the eviction for the sake of his Rachel, even though there's nothing resembling a showmance there, just a one-sided and unvoiced crush. That boy's a virgin for a reason, folks… Alex says that the story of her and Scott being a pair has even reached Justin, who referenced it when saying that Kryssie was his #1. Apparently part of Scott's confidence that he's staying comes from Justin (and Jason? I don't know) having pledged him their votes, while meantime Morgan says that Neeley and Kryssie have given her 100% guarantees of safety and she'll blow up their game if she gets evicted. Either way, it looks as though somebody in the Jamboree has dug themselves a hole…although a Shelby eviction might just thread that needle, as noted. (#NotMyShelby! #NoNoNever!) Actually, perhaps it's best for the Jamboree if Neeley is nominated and evicted, as we've been hoping. At least that way, they won't have broken too many promises… It's somewhat interesting that the only member of the LNJ who isn't exposing themselves by reaching out/making promises to the VirginBallsmashers is Danielle. Is she being crafty and lying low? Or is it just that she can't stop talking about herself long enough to cut any deals? Edited October 23, 2016 by DAngelus 3 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 8 hours ago, Katesus7 said: To be fair to Neeley, according to Jokers, the HGs were playing some random game which involved 'punishments' for the losers. Neeley's 'punishment' was that she had to twerk for all the safety noms. That's the only reason she did it. The game's called What Are The Odds. They played it for the last safety ceremony, but it was just Justin and the Ballsmashers. It made things a lot more fun, even though the Misfits bailed and hid in the London room. This time around, I read some of what happened and it doesn't sound like it was much fun. On the plus side, now that Scott's going up, Neeley is most definitely being nominated. And if she's taken off the block, then Scott goes. It's a perfect scenario for me. Well, Neeley leaving would be a perfect scenario, especially since she already wants to put up Alex/Shelby, and that's a big no-no for me. It's nice to see the Misfits are still inwardly crumbling. Danielle was bitching about Alex not sharing personal life information, and Jason came to her defense, saying that Alex may not want personal information to be out on the internet. Justin/Jason seem very annoyed by the girls they are aligned with. I think if someone like Alex or Whitney wins HOH next week, they'll happily throw their girls under the bus. The hatred for Shelby flared up again. Now Justin's joining in on the Shelby bashing. I honestly think that's the only thing keeping the Misfits together. I kind of want to see Justin win HOH, just to see what he'd do. Or even Jason, because I feel like he'd want to put Danielle up. I think one of those two winning would have them choose a side and I don't think either want to. 1 Link to comment
zibnchy October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 So I've been away for a couple of weeks visiting a place that had, at best, a spotty internet connection. I'm trying to decide if I want to catch up. I have a few questions: Do the HGs really not know that Alex and Morgan are sisters? They look exactly alike when sitting next to each other. I know that "ride or die" means that a person is the one you want to go to final 2 with, but what is the origin of the phrase? I've never heard it before and I am old. Is it specific to BB? I've seen it here and it seems everyone uses it on another board I read. It just sounds stupid to me. Can someone brief me on the details of the "armpit on the pillows" situation. I seems to me that Jason and Kryssie's group is reaching for (and achieving) Amanda-esque levels of grossness. Is that right? I'd love it if someone could point me in the direction of a few videos. Seems like people generally like Whitney but does she still chew with her mouth open? Because that is a deal breaker for me. That's all for now. Thanks. I feel comfortable asking these questions here. The folks on that other board are mean and scary. 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 53 minutes ago, zibnchy said: Can someone brief me on the details of the "armpit on the pillows" situation. I seems to me that Jason and Kryssie's group is reaching for (and achieving) Amanda-esque levels of grossness. Is that right? I'd love it if someone could point me in the direction of a few videos. I'm sure I can find some videos, but the basic gist of it is that Jason/Shane were upset about the Krackel situation, when the Ballsmashers found the hidden Krackel chocolates in the Yoga Room (if you recall Jason hid them because they're Shelby's comfort food, and Jason hates Shelby) and the BS hid the chocolates somewhere and they were found by the Misfits. So when the Misfits hid the Krackels in the London room behind a dresser, the Ballsmashers went to go look for them again. At this point, the Ballsmashers turned it into a fun game, even though it wasn't the Misfits' intent. So when they went to look for them, they were rummaging through the rooms, and according to Kryssie, "someone rifled through her dirty laundry" (ed. Morgan barely touched the top layer of Kryssie's clothes; they were basically untouched and not like it was clearly rifled through). Kryssie got overdramatic and upset and was basically sobbing about this, so Jason/Shane decided that the other side must be punished or something and rubbed their armpit sweat on Shelby's pillow and Shelby/Morgan's clothes. Everyone in that group, except for Justin, found it hilarious. Then Kryssie, I believe after Scott's HOH reign was over or close to being over, decided to rub her armpit sweat on Scott's pillow because she was upset with Shane leaving, and them being targeted. And then I think she also farted on his pillow, or someone else's pillow. Once I find videos of this, I'll post them here. But that's basically what happened. I watched the Kryssie/Scott incident live and I was personally disgusted because that is a form of bullying. It definitely reached BB15 levels of bullying for me. It's not quite there with the racism, but it's definitely a form of bullying that I haven't seen since that season. 1 hour ago, zibnchy said: Do the HGs really not know that Alex and Morgan are sisters? They look exactly alike when sitting next to each other. Not that I can see. I think everyone just assumes that they're two "white blonde girls" that look the same. Nobody has questioned them as sisters yet, but they've been doing a good job at pretending that they're not. They haven't slipped up much. Jason might suspect, but nobody's brought it up, so I assume nobody knows, and they might not until Julie asks them in their interview. 2 Link to comment
zibnchy October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said: the other side must be punished or something and rubbed their armpit sweat on Shelby's pillow and Shelby/Morgan's clothes. Thanks LC. I am relatively old and I grew up with 5 brothers and I have had some pretty unpleasant interactions with other people but it has never occurred to me to wipe my armpit sweat on another person's stuff. On purpose, I mean. Where would someone even get an idea like that? Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 5 minutes ago, zibnchy said: I am relatively old and I grew up with 5 brothers and I have had some pretty unpleasant interactions with other people but it has never occurred to me to wipe my armpit sweat on another person's stuff. On purpose, I mean. Where would someone even get an idea like that? I have no idea, but the thought that they can do that and then STILL play the victim card, or the "we're the good ones" card is just astonishing. What's worse is their fans who support their trash talking and bullying and hate the other side because they're "mayo/bland/boring/awful mean people" when really, the Misfits make the Ballsmashers look like saints. The Misfits are just pathetic. They've also eaten the Have Not food when Morgan/Monte/Scott were Have Nots, and they were the ones that started hiding food from the others. Danielle, Kryssie, Neeley, and Jason are pretty despicable people. Even though Justin has started joining in on the bashing of Shelby, it hasn't been quite to the levels of everyone else. Kryssie/Neeley are definitely the worst, followed by Jason. I think Jason's the type to instigate and he definitely started the bashing early on. Kryssie does need to go next, week, though. I have no doubt she will be up on the block, whether by HOH or by America. And if she stays on the block, America will put a vote her way because I haven't seen many who can stand her, even from the Misfits' fans. She's not even entertaining; she's just miserable, rude, and a bully. Everyone else I can at least stand. Kryssie's delusional and sometimes it's funny, but this week has been hell to watch with her. Link to comment
Lamb18 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 Quote ETA: Eek! They're discussing vacation plans in the back yard and Shelby is insisting that Costa Rica is an island. Oy. (I think she may be confusing it with Puerto Rico.) I think this is part of her "playing dumb" as she said she was doing in her Diary Room last weekend. She's still my favorite. I like Ball Smashers for reasons you've all been saying, but also because they aren't mean to people outside of their alliance. They are fun to watch. 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 (edited) The houseguests have been up for barely an hour, and the Shelby bashing is already underway. Danielle wants to jump off a cliff by the mere sight of Shelby; Jason wants Shelby's food hidden; and Justin asked Danielle if she has suicidal thoughts when she sees Shelby as well. Class, just pure class. Also, Neeley's already complaining about the Have Not beds. Edited October 23, 2016 by Lady Calypso 1 Link to comment
Lamb18 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 Well, we'll get Neeley voted out and she won't have to worry about the Have Not Beds anymore. I'm gong to have to vote Justin for something unpleasant next week. Have Not for him and Kryssie! I might do Whitney for a third Have Not next week - not because I dislike her, but because if Kryssie and Justin are the other two, they'll probably treat her sort of well as opposed to totally nasty like they might Shelby. Link to comment
Lamb18 October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 I forgot - Danielle can be a Have Not again next week! She gets my third vote. Link to comment
MrHufflepuff October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 I posted the armpit video in one of the previous week threads. Link to comment
DAngelus October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 (edited) Plastics (-Whitney) in the kitchen, and here are the various criticisms they've thrown at the other side: • They don't clean the pans/dishes immediately, but they get all insistent when it's the Plastics doing the cooking for the house. (Shelby: "We'll leave a fucking spoon out, and they throw a tantrum…") • Danielle polished off an entire half-tub of frosting by herself last night. Alex is annoyed because she was planning to make various cookies during the week. • Danielle also ate an entire cake all by herself. • They're in danger of running out of peaches (and they don't get restocked until Thursday) because Justin keeps making them, even when nobody else is eating them. (I assume they mean grilled peaches as garnishes for the main course, not as fruit salad.) Not that all of these aren't likely to be true, nor that they aren't valid criticisms, but I do hear this stuff from every alliance talking about every opposing alliance, so I take it with a grain of salt. The more-interesting part is that Danielle pissed them off by making some comment about how nobody could have a relationship as stable as hers. Quote ALEX (sarcastic): Yeah, because you know me soooo well. You've asked me so many questions about my life. I've been with my boyfriend for five years. As for how the sisters are dodging the issue, one thing they've apparently done is split up the relatives. Alex is saying that her Mom is German, her parents live in Germany now, she's got "one German grandmother in Arkansas" and no cousins, so her "family reunions" are "like, five people". Morgan got custody of the family tree, it seems. Aww, that's sweet of big sis. I guess most of the HGs are just thinking all blonde girls look alike or something. Oh, and to be fair, some of the Misfits' criticism of this side's alleged non-cleaning of the dishes is due to the fact that Scott likes to take a very long time in doing it, so he can hang out in the kitchen and keep an eye on the bathroom/upstairs/living room/outdoors all at the same time. They're wise to that game, though. ETA: They've made some pretty nice-looking BBQ Chicken and Bacon pizzas for lunch. Alex, the non-cook, is proud of herself for moving beyond the tortillas-with-melted-cheese diet she had herself on the first week. Quote SHELBY: "Our lunch game is so strong right now." They're also impressed at how well the cooking went with them all pitching in. Quote BB VOICE: Danielle, I'll ask politely again. Please, no napping. Pretty please? Edited October 23, 2016 by DAngelus Link to comment
DAngelus October 23, 2016 Share October 23, 2016 (edited) Pardon the double-post, but apparently this is too long of an edit to add in to my OP. And what, you're expecting me to keep it short, or something? Yeah, right, that'll happen. ;) Anyway… Scott was having a conversation with Justin in yoga, apparently about their getting Neeley out relatively soon. (We didn't see much of it.) He then goes into the kitchen, hangs with the girls for a bit, and then says that's all for "living vicariously" (he's on slop and they're eating) and goes outside. Shelby takes a minute to mention that she told Scott that for "his and Alex's games" he should stop doing "favors" for Alex. (Such as cooking for her when he's not a good cook, himself.) See, this is how you deal with the awkward crush, without hurting his feelings; she made it all about the game. She's a good friend. At least Scott can take comfort that Alex now has a "pet" nickname for him. No, not "creep-o", it's "Scotty D." (Scott's surname is "Dennis".) Hey, I didn't say it was a creative name… The girls move outside and Alex returns to her theory that Neeley might actually be somewhat famous and her whole "house persona" a fake. (Shelby has a friend that works at the Nordstrom's where Neeley also works, and says that her friend has never mentioned her, but of course that's really not "proof" that Neeley is lying. It just means that Neeley isn't a manager, which Shelby finds suspicious if Neeley's been there for six years. But in fact, Neeley just isn't too successful.) Alex wonders if Neeley is using a fake name, asking "What would 'Neeley' be short for, anyway?" Sounds as though somebody has never read/seen Valley of the Dolls and has never heard of Neely O'Hara. I weep for the younger generation… Elsewhere, Whitney says she'd never been west of Bowling Green KY before this. Morgan goes over to join that group, and Alex/Shelby talk some game. They note that Scott is really confident that it will be either Morgan or Whitney who goes and feel he's being "sketchy". He's said he wants them as his final three, but they note he says different things to the two of them. And he doesn't seem to mind being on slop; they speculate he's actually asking America (in his DR sessions) to make him a Have-Not, so as to appear less popular than he actually is. (This sounds like something Scott might do, but I don't think he actually has.) They note that Scott got off of slop early last time (because he won HoH) and might not realize how bad the full seven-day experience is, they way they and Morgan do. They then discuss the possible Morgan v. Whitney (or possibly Scott) choice, with Alex subtly working to keep Morgan, of course. She's saying that Whitney is more popular with the Jamboree, where Morgan is more loyal. She also notes that Scott thinks Whitney might get the next Care Package, but Alex says you can't rely on that. And finally she says that Morgan is less of a threat in the F3 than either Whitney (more likable) or Scott (would get there by "big moves") would be, anyway. Alex/Shelby really hope that if either Morgan or Whitney is evicted, they go after Neeley on their way out the door. Shelby does not like how Neeley allegedly thinks she's smarter than she (Shelby) is; I don't know if Shelby has told Alex about the whole "lawyer" thing, but apparently she's told Alex that she's playing dumb. She mentions how Danielle got the value of π wrong the other day and Shelby did it for lots of digits (I only know 3.141592 off the top of my head) and then she realized how she was blowing her cover. But apparently the Misfits decided that Shelby was full of shit, so that's all good, after all. Shelby is a fan of classical piano players on YouTube and Alex mentions that they have a big competition in Fort Worth every year, but she can't remember the name beyond "V". She gets called to a Safety Servant task, passes the couch and asks Neeley, who immediately identifies it as the Van Cliburn International (as seen in the 1980 movie, The Competition). So I guess that Neeley might be smarter than Alex, anyhow. ETA: Shelby is now telling Scott the π story as well (I guess Scott is in the "Shelby is smart" loop, too) and wow. First of all, Danielle was only one digit short of what I know :( and secondly, Shelby really did fire off the value to 40 digits or so. "3.141592653897932384626433832795028841!"…holy shit, Shelby! I mean, I don't really see the value of knowing that, but… And yet the Jamboree decided to name the clownfish after Shelby because "she's so stupid". Alrighty, then. Edited October 23, 2016 by DAngelus Link to comment
zibnchy October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 2 hours ago, DAngelus said: The more-interesting part is that Danielle pissed them off by making some comment about how nobody could have a relationship as stable as hers. Which relationship is she referring to? The one with Shane? Because she knew him for 5 minutes and I'll bet she never asked him anything about himself. I don't care if they jumped into the sack right away. I don't even care that they did that in front of the feeds BUT it was way out of line to do it in the HN room while others were trying to sleep. Especially in the HN room because those folks don't have the option of going to sleep in another room. Anyway, is that the stable relationship she's referring to? I am so glad her son's father refused to sign the release. Sounds like he might have the boy's actual interest at heart. And now Shane's gone. Does she think they're still in a relationship? 3 Link to comment
DAngelus October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 (edited) I don't have a clue; I didn't hear the original comment. I didn't even hear Morgan repeat the comment to Alex/Shelby, because her mic wasn't working at full power. All I know is Morgan was like "did you hear the comment?" (quiet but not inaudibly) and Alex was like "which one?" and then Morgan said it (with a hand gesture, but I couldn't hear) and Shelby snarked "yeah, because nobody can have a relationship as stable as hers" and then we had the Alex line I quoted above. Now that I think about it, the "hers" that Shelby cites doesn't necessarily have to be Dani herself. I suppose Danielle could have been praising Kryssie or Neeley's relationships, not her own. Kryssie is in a LTR, I know. Perhaps Dani was simply doing some public ass-kissing of the HoH, I don't really know. Alex's point (that Danielle is being disdainful to the Plastics without bothering to know about their lives) would still hold, though. Edited October 24, 2016 by DAngelus 2 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 Kryssie nominated Morgan and Scott, which means Neeley is pretty much guaranteed third nom. Hopefully Alex and Justin can get picked for veto (again!) and if Justin wins it, then he can "make a mistake" and not use it on Neeley. I still think he gave Alex that first veto on purpose and played it off as if he was dumb. Link to comment
ZSweetJane October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 I'm neither Team Jamboree nor Team Ball Smashers. I just want to see a good game. Neely or Shelby can go next. Neither brings anything to the game, if you ask me. I was thinking the same about Krissy but her delusions are entertaining. I'm nominating Neely. Watching another ally of the HoH get evicted will be fun. Link to comment
DAngelus October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 Safety ceremony. Jason, Whitney, and Shelby got safety in turn, leaving Morgan and Scott as nominees. As part of the stupid self-inflicted houseguest "punishments" mentioned above, Scott literally took it lying down, as he had zucchini slices on his eyes and a towel/turban on his head, as if he were getting a facial, while Morgan wore Scott's opening night outfit (yellow shirt, blue sleeveless hoodie) and Shelby had a "witch" theme going with the broom. At each safety, Morgan and Shelby jumped up and danced (while Neeley still twerked), which led to Morgan wondering why she was dancing when she'd just been nominated. Gee, because you're doing some inauthentic house "fun" instead of just reacting normally? I mean, Jason, of all people, noted that this would never fly on a regular season, that they take the ceremonies seriously and you have to sit silently. And Grod knows, the Sassy Swansea Stockboy and I don't end up on the same side very often. I mean, you've got 168 hours a week to act "zany" all you like, kids; don't have it distract from the moments that are actually about something else, mmkay? That's all I ask. Just when we get a season where the HGs go to vote one at a time and so we no longer see those annoying hand-slaps and pas des deux and whatever else in the hallway to the DR and now we have to deal with this sort of organized jackassery en masse. It's as though everyone thinks they're Chicken George or something. Groan. [/Grouchy middle-aged person] In any event, Morgan is feeling good because Kryssie promised her safety, ditto Whitney, ditto Scott (via Justin) and I don't think she's actually targeting Shelby. Who earlier told Morgan that Kryssie said to her that Alex was never her #1 target this week, Care Package or no, and neither Plastic believed that one. Seems a whole lot of unnecessary over-promising to me, but what do I know? Oh, and before the ceremony, the VirginBallsmashers were noting that the Jamboree aren't spending the nights this week hanging out in HoH, despite it being less cold than the back yard is at that hour. Perhaps they're running low on camaraderie? We'll see how they feel as things ramp up, I suppose. 1 Link to comment
flipflopdiva October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 10 minutes ago, DAngelus said: I mean, you've got 168 hours a week to act "zany" all you like, kids; don't have it distract from the moments that are actually about something else, mmkay? That's all I ask. I actually liked watching them have fun. I prefer seeing people smiling and dealing with it, then running off to cry in the corner. I just really like the Ball Smashers attitudes toward most things. And it's Big Brother, so I don't really care if they don't take the safety ceremony as a super serious thing (maybe also because I think they make the other versions 'super serious' so they can make it 'suspenseful' for the tv audience, but with these, we pretty much know what is going to happen anyway). 10 minutes ago, DAngelus said: Shelby had a "witch" theme going with the broom Shelby was Harry Potter. But BB made her remove the lightning bolt from her forehead. 5 Link to comment
Katesus7 October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 Yeah, I'm fine with them being as ridiculous as they want for something with such a ridiculous name. "Safety Ceremony"? Seriously? Well for as much as Kryssie likes to pat herself on the back for playing such a "smart" game, nominating Scott straight up (not a back door)was a stupid move. He was the only one on the other side made a have not this week, and is the only one to be made one twice. She has to think he's her best bet for being America's nom. I guess she's banking on Shelby being the nom, but I would be surprised if that happened. Maybe she really wants to work with Whitney down the line, but why not Shelby instead of Scott? I guess she believes the Plastics that they'd totally vote him out no matter what? If Neeley is the nom, I want the Plastics and America to vote her out, and then the Plastics explaining to Kryssie that they felt they just had to do what America clearly wanted. Because the LNC has been so butthurt about the Plastics "going against America" by not voting out Monte, and Scott saying he had to play his own game. Yeah, we'll see how much the LNC wants to do "America's" bidding once "America's" bidding is against their alliance. 6 Link to comment
Michel October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 (edited) I had absolutely no idea an online season of BB was going on and have only now jumped in to catch up via the discussion threads! So I'm trying to get the alliances figured out. This is generally like BB6, with the Sovereign Six vs. the Friendship, and BB13, with the Vets + Adam vs. the Newbies + Daniele, right? Two distinct sides going against each other? We have the Late Night Jamboree vs. the Plastics/Ball Smashers. So the current lineup of the remain houseguests is Danielle, Neeley, Kryssie, and returnee Jason as part of the Late Night Jamboree, Alex, Morgan, Whitney, Shelby, and Scott as part of the Plastics/Ball Smashers, and Justin kinda floating the middle in a way that everyone knows it? And the latter alliance started out with America against them, but has slowly gained the voters' favor, while the former alliance initially started out in the voters' favor, but has gradually lost it? Would someone please tell me if I have this right, and then tell me exactly how the support started shifting sides? Edited October 24, 2016 by Michel 1 Link to comment
DAngelus October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 Pretty much, yeah. There were no pre-existing pairs as in S6, though, so things have the possibility of becoming more fluid as they go on. For example, Week 3 evictee Shane was originally in a guys alliance with W1 evictee "Cornbread", W2 evictee Monte, and Scott, but once he started showmancing with Danielle, he flipped sides. The LNJ got the original support because Jason had a built-in fanbase, because snarky groups such as that tend to get support, because the showmance was originally popular, and because the Plastics were all white and "Southern" (well, Shelby's LA-born and Arizona-bred and while both areas were "open to slavery" under the Missouri Compromise of 1820, that's not really "the South", but people ignored that) and were hanging out with Georgia-fried Cornbread and Mississippi Monte (and originally, North Carolinian Shane), a certain amount of the online fandom accused them of being everything from Trump supporters to flat-out racists (many of course automatically conflating the two, which even Mrs. Clinton herself doesn't do), as they were aligned against the two women of color and the two older/larger women and the gay guy, etc. What changed things was that the showmance got out of control (Danielle and Shane were all over each other, had sex on the feeds multiple times, and she does have a child at home, so some people objected), that the Plastics got some "underdog" status when their allies went home despite their winning the first two HoHs, that the LNJ took to bragging about how much "America" loved them, that Monte (the most objectionable on that side of the house, in many people's opinions) went home and there wasn't any guilt by association, that the LNJ (except Justin) engaged in some very juvenile and spiteful antics, and that Danielle (and Kryssie) Just.Can't.Shut.Up. with Kryssie being pseudo-moralistic and Danielle being so self-involved that even her allies were saying she's the worst person to live with. Oh, and that Danielle told the story about how she killed her puppy. (Well, technically, was neglectful and lacked the common sense to take the puppy to the vet when it started rejecting food, but close enough to annoy many watchers. A definite image-killer there.) Much of this can be found in the Weekly Episodes that are posted on the CBS website (for All Access members). They're too big for me to attach, but they can be found on the torrent websites as well, which is where I got them from. These are almost as long in running time (without commercials) as a couple of episodes of the regular show would be (Week 1's episode ran 68 minutes, Week 2's 102, and Week 3's was about 75) so they do cover a good bit of ground. In addition, the 7PM BBT Weekday recaps have some info that doesn't make it into the Weekly show, so that's also a way to catch up. These run about 6-11 minutes long. Enjoy! 3 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 6 hours ago, DAngelus said: Oh, and that Danielle told the story about how she killed her puppy. (Well, technically, was neglectful and lacked the common sense to take the puppy to the vet when it started rejecting food, but close enough to annoy many watchers. A definite image-killer there.) Ok, @DAngelus, your explanations and recaps have all been spot on and amazing. However, small correction here that I'm sure Danielle would appreciate: Danielle didn't kill her puppy; her puppy killed herself by not eating the food that was given to her by Danielle...or her mom (Danielle swears her mom was feeding her puppy). And her puppy wouldn't eat from the syringe that Danielle got when she went for advice on what to do from a sales clerk (I presume) from a pet depot. See? It's not Danielle's fault that the puppy wouldn't eat! It's not! Just like it's not her fault that time she got into a four car accident because her son was crying and she had to go pick up his pacifier from the back seat (or front seat or something)! Also, just something else to add, @Michel, about the Plastics/Ball Smashers is that people were/are so against them because Alex and Morgan are sisters and nobody has caught on. So people are obsessed with getting Morgan evicted (or Alex) to expose the sister twist....even though it won't actually expose anything unless the sisters tell, which would be dumb of them to so they won't. Link to comment
Lamb18 October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 Huh, CBS won't let me vote again. I voted last night and voting closes in 7 minutes here in Central Time. Rats. Link to comment
DAngelus October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 The site I've been using for viewing the feeds went off-line last night for "late night updates" and isn't back up yet. Come on guys, the HGs will be waking up soon. (How can they sleep for 10+ hours at a clip? I can barely manage 8 on a good day…most of the time it's like 6.) Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 (edited) A couple of funny clips from yesterday: "I am NOT basic, I am more than basic ... maybe." LOL! I love Morgan. And lbr Alex is 100% the more basic sister. LMAO! I mean I can't believe anyone ever believed that lie. Like Neely looks 40 easily. I don't even believe she's 32! Another funny thing, Kryssie was complaining about the Plastics cutting the crusts off sandwiches/wanting to make them heart shaped because it was a 'waste of food' and they grew up privileged and don't know what it's like to be poor blah blah blah self-important whining. And then BB gave Alex a Safety Servant task and it was to make Kryssie heart shaped cookies. I see you, BB, and I appreciate you! Edited October 24, 2016 by peachmangosteen 7 Link to comment
flipflopdiva October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 America nominated Neeley. (Thanks, America!) Then Justin was picked for veto and Kryssie drew Scott, so he got to pick someone, and he picked Shelby. (Alex had told him she didn't want to play in the veto.) So Morgan, Shelby or Scott for veto! The Ball Smashers are worried about Scott winning veto and taking himself off, because Shelby would go up, but I think there's a good chance that as long as Neeley is still up there that America will give their vote to her. She sure as heck will get mine! 2 Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 (edited) Jason is SO pissed that Shelby didn't get nommed. He has been calling her a whore, a prostitute, saying all she does is blow guys for money, that she's a horrible person, he's going to shit in her drawer, etc. He doesn't understand how America likes her; that during his season they didn't like people like that. And then he decided to blame Production for not showing Shelby and the other Plastics for who they are. Like do these people still not understand that this isn't on tv LOL! Why does Jason hate Shelby so much? It's so bizarre. Can we start a movement to get him on slop and nommed next week?! What does 'ignit' mean? Is it slang for ignorant or something? Neely says it like a thousand times a day and it's so annoying. Edited October 24, 2016 by peachmangosteen 6 Link to comment
Katesus7 October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 Jason, either you're a LOT more clueless of a BB fan than you think you are, or you are purposely ignoring the obvious. Fans don't like to see constant trashing of one contestant. They don't enjoy people lying around like sloths doing nothing but bitching and moaning and being self righteous and complaining, and on and on. They don't like it when a woman is constantly called a slut/whore/prostitute. The main reasons he was popular last year were because he was with DaVonne, and they could actually be funny (these people are not really funny, apart from Justin), and they were the underdogs. He doesn't have either of those things going for him this year, and his group sucks. Meanwhile, as he has spent the past 50 minutes since the meeting trashing Shelby in the worst way, the Plastics have been discussing all of the POV options, and coming up with possible good spelling words in case of a spell comp. And Jason? As boring as that might be, it's still 1000x more entertaining than your trifling ass! 6 Link to comment
CindyBee October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 Glad my 10 votes for Neely helped make Jason's head explode & his true colors come out. Love that he thinks its the "editing" that is protecting Shelby. Ummmmm, its all on live feeds, there is no editing, dumbass. Fingers crossed that Shelby wins POV. 7 Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 24 minutes ago, CindyBee said: Fingers crossed that Shelby wins POV. Jason would lose his mind. It'd be a top 10 BB moment! 5 Link to comment
Marie80 October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 I can't believe I was ever a Jason fan. His anti-Shelby rant after the nom was truly disgusting. I really hope we can get him on the block soon! 1 Link to comment
DAngelus October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 (edited) 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said: Why does Jason hate Shelby so much? It's so bizarre. Can we start a movement to get him on slop and nommed next week?! He's on slop next week, so he's immune next week. Week after, I hope. I was going to say that I'd hope he wasn't around week after next, but I can't pass Danielle and Kryssie to get to him. I know Big Brother wants Danielle gone and soon…the BB Voice's most recent admonition about her breaking the "no napping" rule was "Danielle, you've GOT to be kidding me!" As you can guess, my feeds site is working again. But I'm pissed [/Paul] that I missed Neeley's getting nommed. Guess it's time to see how much flashback I have working for me. 50 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said: Jason would lose his mind [if Shelby won POV]. It'd be a top 10 BB moment! I can't wait until she gets a care package. What's next week's, cancel three votes? That would be a total meltdown on his part. Scott wants a move-the-rings logic puzzle for Veto, like the one Corey won last season. It is week 4 again, but I'm not sure of those odds. I'll take "Tumblin' Dice", just as long as Scott really does have the logic skills he thinks he does. Love that [Jason] thinks its the "editing" that is protecting Shelby. Ummmmm, its all on live feeds, there is no editing, dumbass. Well, the weekly web episodes are edited (as I mentioned, Danielle got an IMO lovely Golden Edit last week) and there are people who only watch those (75 hours ago, I was a feeds virgin myself), but it's pretty fricking rich that the Jamboree has been spending all this time talking about how "America" loves them, and the moment something doesn't go their way, it's all due to "editing". He knows there are feeds. He knows the majority "America" is feedsters. They like Shelby better than they like you. Deal with it. Edited October 24, 2016 by DAngelus 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 I think that I'd love to see Shelby win veto. It would be HILARIOUS. I'm glad that only Neeley/Kryssie are really playing to take Neeley off the block. Justin's smart move would be to throw it (although judging from what happened last week, who knows!) but I think he might consider not taking Neeley off if he does happen to win. And that would be a sight to see. 1 Link to comment
CindyBee October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 So the best case result of this POV/vote if you really dislike Jason (like I always have) would be Shelby winning and taking down Scott. Then that will leave Whitney (replace)/Morgan/Neely noms and a really good chance of America breaking the tie of Alex/Scott/Shelby--voting out Neely Justin/Danielle/Jason--voting out Morgan by voting for Neely to leave the house. 2 Link to comment
DAngelus October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 (edited) Justin tells Scott he wants to throw POV (make a credible effort, but throw it), on condition that Scott doesn't come after Kryssie any time soon. (Justin's preferred F4 remains himself/Jason/Kryssie/Whitney.) Scott says he has no problem with that, they can get Neeley this week, Danielle next, and maybe consider a Plastic after that. Yeah, good luck getting "America" on that train, pal. I think if Neeley/Danielle were to leave, the AN would start running against the guys/Kryssie before it went against the Ballsmashers. But as long as Justin's throwing this week, I'm good. Scott and Whitney were half-joking about the possibility the Halloween party might include a buyback, as part of a "zombie" theme, but Justin hates the idea. Scott starts to imagine what Shane's speech would be like if he came back, won HoH and nominated Scott: "Scott, I have nominated you because you're a fucking scumbag and a dirty motherfucker and I want you to get the hell out of the house!" Heh. Justin accidentally broke the headpiece to Alex's "Safety Servant" costume and they panic it's coming out his stipend, but Scott assures BB it was an accident, and they say that Alex was complaining it put pressure on her temples, so they were only "adjusting" it. It's a good thing, see? Edited October 24, 2016 by DAngelus Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 43 minutes ago, CindyBee said: So the best case result of this POV/vote if you really dislike Jason (like I always have) would be Shelby winning and taking down Scott. Then that will leave Whitney (replace)/Morgan/Neely noms and a really good chance of America breaking the tie of Alex/Scott/Shelby--voting out Neely Justin/Danielle/Jason--voting out Morgan by voting for Neely to leave the house. I don't know; I worry that the Twitter people who are obsessed with getting Morgan out will actually get her out. It's definitely a tough decision as to who I want winning HOH. But ideally, as long as Neeley/Kryssie doesn't win, then Morgan might be safe, as will Scott. But who knows; Justin could surprise us by voting out Neeley. That would be nice. He probably wants to do it, but it all comes down to if he will. Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 58 minutes ago, DAngelus said: He's on slop next week, so he's immune next week. Week after, I hope. Oh yea, I forgot they couldn't be on slop two weeks in a row. Well, I really hope there can be a movement to get him nommed next week at least. That would be AMAZING. Apparently reddit might be down for it and so would ontdbb so we need to all band together and try to make it happen! 4 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 So, veto comp is underway. It's some sort of timed competition. I don't quite know what it is. But the order goes: Morgan, Neeley, Kryssie, Shelby, Scott, Justin. It'll make it harder for Justin to throw it, unless he just makes sure he takes the maximum allotted time. They have all cameras on the HOH room, where Whitney, Alex, Jason, and Danielle are. Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 (edited) They better not keep all 4 feeds on the HOH room during the comp. I'm gonna be pissed! ETA: Liars! Edited October 24, 2016 by peachmangosteen 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 Oh finally! It took them half an hour to set up! The veto comp is called Wall of Shame. It's a questions comp about the three evicted houseguests. They have to move along a wall to do this comp. Is it mean to say that I think Kryssie won't win this? And possibly Neeley? I think Morgan or Shelby can win this. Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 (edited) So, the answers are 2 (Shane's), 13 (Monte's) and 9 (Cornbread's). I assume the questions will stay the same. Morgan has Cornbread's answer wrong. If I timed it correctly, Morgan finished in about 9 minutes. Unfortunately for the Misfits, I don't know whether Neeley can beat nine minutes. I feel bad for saying with confidence that Kryssie won't beat nine minutes. The competition is not built for her. I'd love to be surprised, though. ETA: The Shane question was about how many people were eliminated from the Sword comp before him, Monte's was what day he was nominated, and Cornbread's was how many people voted to evict him. Edited October 24, 2016 by Lady Calypso Link to comment
Katesus7 October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 8:42 or 8:51, depending on who you believe in the chat rooms. They have stop watches :) I think Scott will crush the answers, it just depends on if he can handle the wall. 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 Well, Morgan sucked lol. I thought she'd do better. Alex's hinky vote for Danielle fucked her up lol. Shelby will probably know all the answers, but I don't know if she'll be quick enough. I don't know how Neely, Kryssie, and Justin would do because I don't watch them much so I don't know if they know the days and stuff. But, and this is rude to say lol, I doubt Neely or Kryssie will be very fast. Justin would probably be the fastest. I actually forgot Scott was competing until @Katesus7 just mentioned it lol. I bet he wins. Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 Just now, peachmangosteen said: Well, Morgan sucked lol. I thought she'd do better. Alex's hinky vote for Danielle fucked her up lol. Shelby will probably know all the answers, but I don't know if she'll be quick enough. I don't know how Neely, Kryssie, and Justin would do because I don't watch them much so I don't know if they know the days and stuff. But, and this is rude to say lol, I doubt Neely or Kryssie will be very fast. Justin would probably be the fastest. I actually forgot Scott was competing until @Katesus7 just mentioned it lol. I bet he wins. Morgan missed the buzzer when it went off the first time too; she seemed a bit frazzled. I hoped she would do better, but I think the rules mentioned penalty times added if someone fell off (not positive about this). Just under nine minutes to scale back and forth is not bad, though. I think Neeley might have a chance, but Kryssie's going to have a tough time scaling the wall quickly. She may answer all the questions right away, but the wall is pretty tough to scale. Neeley may beat Morgan, but has she paid enough attention about Cornbread or Shane to answer them correctly? We all know her obsession with Monte will have her answer that question correctly! But yeah, I think Scott or Morgan have got this. Maybe Shelby too, but we'll see. Maybe Neeley as well. Justin's throwing it (well....maybe) and Kryssie might get close but I can't imagine her winning, which I feel bad for saying, but it's true. Plus, Kryssie will probably fall off once and then complain to the cameras for five minutes. 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 24, 2016 Share October 24, 2016 Morgan sitting in the storage room alone eating tomato and guacamole on bread and saltines dipped in peanut butter is cracking me up. Link to comment
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