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2 hours ago, MrPissyPuppy said:


I think Sarah got shot based on the gunshot and her expression.   Either that or she had some sort of gastric distress and that's why she disappeared behind a tree. 


I thought that too, but if she had been shot, she should have just fallen down behind the  tree and Matt would have found her.  Since she "disappeared" something else happend, probably another time travel loop.

Gotta agree, this show is the top for redic.

That was even stupider than the penultimate episode -- and yes, this was the season finale (and hopefully the series finale).

With only 2 hours until a giant moon rock destroys the Copelands, everyone seems to go on a different quest that is a complete waste of time.

Pa Copeland, Dana and Moondog go to visit 'The Junkman' to print out the old computer punch cards, which end up repeating the same phrase -- "the end of the world is not" -- over and over again.  Blah, blah, blah, Pa Copeland is an adept.  Dana shoots the Junkman in the ass, and then they all go back to Moondog's lair.

Matt and Brianna are chasing after Sarah when Matt disappears and Brianna goes after them when she encounters a shapeshifter that looks like Matt and the real Sarah, and real Matt kills shapeshifter Matt.  Turns out Matt also encountered shapeshifter Sarah, but killed her.  They never explain how Sarah walked behind a tree in the previous episode and travelled miles away in the blink of an eye.  Brianna, Matt and Sarah hop into a jeep and head back towards Moondog's lair.  Funny thing -- the shapeshifters need a DNA sample to replicate a person, but they never show how both Matt and Sarah got sampled.

Karen travels to a diner (the Delphi diner) and encounters a waitress (I guess she is supposed to be the 'Oracle of the Delphi diner' or some such bullshit) that tells Karen to put her green necklace into a pinball machine to "get answers".  In the vision Karen receives the waitress tells her that she has to pay a price or something like that.  After the vision, the waitress disappears as if she was never there and Karen's car has disappeared, so after 2 too many 'Karen is frustrated that can't find her kids and her car was stolen' montages, before sitting down in the middle of the road Karen is met by Brianna, Matt and Sarah who take her back to Moondog's lair.

Moondog, Pa Copeland and Dana all determine that they have to turn the Tesla tower encountered last episode back on in order attract the rapture holes (which turn out to be wormholes, who knew ?) so the rapture holes will suck up the falling moon rocks like a vacuum cleaner.  Only hiccup in the plan is that there's an electrical problem that only Karen can fix (because she has to 'pay a price') and after fixing the the Tesla tower and re-powering the rapture holes that manage to suck up exactly 1 of the many, many falling moon rocks Karen proceeds to get sucked into the rapture hole.  Sucks to be the rest of the planet because if you thought the earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, killer mythical Japanese plants, disease, skinwalkers, feverheads, GRs, crazy people, meteors, demons, dragons, shapeshifters and coronal mass ejections (among other things) were bad, just wait until the Earth gets pummeled over and over again by moon rock impacts into a molten hellscape.  They showed montages of other cities with moon rocks burning their way through the atmosphere and having that rapture hole suck up exactly 1 and only 1 moon rock will make very little difference (except temporarily postponing the eventual deaths of the murderous Copeland clan).

The end.

I'm serious, that's all that happens.   Basically nothing, and Karen gets sucked into a rapture hole/wormhole.  One problem -- they showed that the rapture holes were 2-way, so that giant moon rock is probably coming back at some point.  Karen only takes off her aviator sunglasses accidentally when she gets sucked up in to the rapture hole, but wears them everywhere all the time.

Seriously, those montages of Karen being all frustrated on the highway makes you wonder how Anne Heche is a working actress, because she is just terrible at it.

By the way, the 5 dragons shown flying away from Mt. Rainier -- were never seen again.

ETA: The last 3 episode titles are also TS Eliot related
Episode #1.11 -- Where the Dead Men Lost Their Bones -- TS Eliot's 'The Wasteland'
Episode #1.12 -- Now That We Talk of Dying -- TS Eliot's 'Portrait of a Lady'
Episode #1.13 -- Whispers of Immortality -- TS Eliot's 'Whispers of Immortality'

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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What the hell was that??  I started out loving this show.  But I get a sense that the creators never expected to even last one whole season, so they just stopped trying about half-way through.  And the final scene felt, to me, like they just cut off the episode part-way though, almost like someone was cut off in the middle of a sentence.  I don't see a season two coming!

1 hour ago, Canada said:

What the hell was that??  I started out loving this show.  But I get a sense that the creators never expected to even last one whole season, so they just stopped trying about half-way through.  And the final scene felt, to me, like they just cut off the episode part-way though, almost like someone was cut off in the middle of a sentence.  I don't see a season two coming!

It was pretty much every disaster tossed into a blender and set to puree to see what comes out.  And what came out was just crap.

I finally decided to clear my backlog and watched the final two episodes of this series.  The cliffhanger ending seemed rather abrupt -- and I am not expecting to ever see it be resolved. I had such high hopes for this show before it began, then wanted to enjoy it for camp and snark, but by the end it was ... well, it ended with a whimper.

I'm sorry we bothered creating the other sub-categories for discussion here.  Later episodes had fewer quotable lines, with or without context. I stopped wondering where they were getting their food, their clean water, and whether or not they ever bathed. The show quickly dispensed with any pretense of addressing real issues anywhere on the spectrum between mythology and science. In the end, none of those questions mattered.

Thank you for surviving with me.

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