Guest October 4, 2016 Share October 4, 2016 Week 2 Link to comment
Katesus7 October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 I want Shelby to win HOH. From her DR session, she's kind of a nutter. I think she'd go off on a few people. I would like to watch that. 3 Link to comment
mooses October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 (edited) I was just thinking how amazing it would be if America didn't have so much influence. But I'll take this as a nice first step. Shelby's favorite in the House is Jason, who she doesn't know hates her. The girls. And Scott. She doesn't like anyone else. Shelby: I don't like anybody who watches Harry Potter and doesn't read Harry Potter. Cough, cough. Danielle. She is prettier than me. She has got to go. Shelby: Cornbread thinks he's so funny, but he's not funny ... He's always like, "I'm a funny guy!" Um, have you met Jason? Have you met Justin? It's official: Shelby has the most amazing Live DRs. We need her to stay. Forever. Her sense of humor is ridiculous and I love it. Edited October 5, 2016 by mooses 1 Link to comment
ByaNose October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 I really like Scott after his DR. He is spot on about everybody and their games. The dude has it going on. LOL!!! 1 Link to comment
flipflopdiva October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 Shelby's "I don't trust anyone who watches Harry Potter and doesn't read Harry Potter!" I'm dying. I don't care that three-fourths of the house doesn't like her. I do. She is a bit of a mess, but I would actually love if she won HoH since everyone hates her so much. These live DRs are awesome. I wish we had these on regular season BB. I just really love getting to know what people are thinking and finding out who they trust and don't trust. I'm also glad they are doing everyone. I thought maybe they were just going to do a few people, and then we would have had to wait till Friday. So A+ that we get everyone tonight. 2 Link to comment
Katesus7 October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 I do NOT like Kryssie. She's blatantly pandering to America, managed to bitch about production once again, called Shelby "trash", and said CB should go because he wasn't 'playing the game', where I've yet seen her do one damn thing. If she stays, it's due to Danielle, not anything she managed to do. Oh lord, CB is a shouter. I'm switching feeds on this one. Not gonna wait on his rant about Shelby. Link to comment
mooses October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 (edited) I also love that we get to see HGs that aren't necessarily the center of the action this week. I like Neeley a lot more after her DR, and I have a clearer picture of what she's thinking, but I doubt we would have seen any of that on TV episodes because she's not a big part of the action. 2 hours ago, Katesus7 said: I do NOT like Kryssie. She's blatantly pandering to America, managed to bitch about production once again, called Shelby "trash", and said CB should go because he wasn't 'playing the game', where I've yet seen her do one damn thing. If she stays, it's due to Danielle, not anything she managed to do. Oh lord, CB is a shouter. I'm switching feeds on this one. Not gonna wait on his rant about Shelby. And she lectured us on how to be Feedsters and HGs "respecting the game" and playing it right. She seemed genuine, but I was like: Puh-lease! You aren't even a fan of the show. CB wants to make sure if he doesn't win this, Scott wins. And Scott is planning on blindsiding him this week. Ouch. First hated by America, then stabbed in the back. That'll hurt. ETA: Man, I love that Danielle is a gamer, but her number one ally is Jason, Jason, Jason. And I like the sisters, but don't like their connection with Monte. And I find Shelby entertaining, but she's probably not long for this game. This is one of those seasons where I'm going to have a tough time choosing a side because I only like a couple in each alliance. Edited October 5, 2016 by mooses 2 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 Scott's the next one up. He's aligned with Monte, Shane and Cornbread, although he wants Cornbread gone. He also likes Jason. He's most loyal to Alex because he finds them both alike. Alex, Shane, Monte, and Jason as his top four favourites. He doesn't like Cornbread (I think Feedsters might warm to him because of this). He wants to win HOH because he wants to help protect Monte and to prove where his loyalties lie. He did talk quickly, but I guess he's nervous. He's eyeing Justin as a target, even though he really likes Justin. He also thinks of Danielle as a target. Scott also wants to keep Shelby around because he likes her and thinks people trash talk her too much. Scott definitely has a different vibe to him than Ian or Shane. He's more confident and definitely cockier. He could definitely grate on my nerves sooner rather than later. He wouldn't mind Jason winning as long as he doesn't go after Monte or Alex. He also thinks that he's a threat. Shelby's up. She's aligned with the Plastics and she's loyal to them, but she also wants to align with Scott and Jason. She loves Jason, she likes Scott and she likes the girls. She doesn't like anyone else. She doesn't like Danielle. I think she was joking about hating Danielle because she's prettier, but it's hard to tell. She's definitely trying too hard to appeal to Feedsters. She has a sense of humour, I guess? She's aware that she could be the target, so she wants HOH. She does genuinely love Jason and wants to work with him as well as be friends with him outside of the house. Alex is up. She also didn't want to align with her sister. Both her and Morgan are willing to screw each other over later, which isn't bad. She's loyal to Morgan. She doesn't trust Scott or anyone. She likes Whitney, Scott, and Morgan. She doesn't like Danielle. She thinks their personalities clash and is also self absorbed to her. Her main target is Danielle/Shane. She knows they're a power couple and she knows she needs to break that up. She's aware that her alliance has fallen apart. Her DR session did give me a little insight. Out of all the DRs so far, I feel like hers gave me the most information that I wasn't aware of (her not trusting anyone but Morgan, her believing that the alliance has fallen apart). Kryssie's up next. She was hoping to align with a strong male, and that didn't happen. She knows the alliance she's in has fallen apart and trusts nobody but Jason. She likes Danielle, Neeley, and Justin. Oh, Kryssie has a sun allergy, so I guess that makes sense as to why she was uncomfortable during the photo session and why she wears sweaters. She thinks Shelby is trash. LOL, she thinks that if Cornbread leaves that it was her doing. She's now complaining about what a rough first week she's had. They accidentally cut from her DR session to Monte and the Plastics so I missed some of her session. She thinks Cornbread isn't playing and that she is. So, I guess she did end up applying and I guess she is a fan? I think? I can't tell anymore. Cornbread's next. Not even a hello from him. And he's a shouter. STOP SHOUTING. He wants to start thinking about bringing people into his game instead of just Monte/Shane/Scott (or just Monte/Scott). He's aligned to Scott (LOL). He's confident that he's staying. He likes Scott. He also wants to work with Jason. Cornbread has skipped two questions. He won't throw any competitions. He thinks America put him up because they like him and wanted to challenge him...Yeah, he didn't provide much. And finally, Danielle. She trusts Jason/Shane. She thinks she's playing a very straight and forward game. She doesn't really hate anyone. She has a crush on Shane, and she thinks that she's a bigger power in the house. She enjoys playing the game as well. She didn't want to be on the block against Jason, so she was glad when he won. She doesn't want the other side to win again. She wants to win HOH, and she wants more snacks. She also wants Cornbread to leave because he's been rubbing people the wrong way. So, all in all, it took two hours to go through the 13 houseguests, which is not bad. I think the only two HGs who rubbed me the wrong way with their DRs are Jason and Shelby. The two DRs that I like a lot are Alex and Danielle. I got to be surprised by some of Alex's responses, and Danielle was naturally funny without trying hard. I also thought Neeley's gave me more insight on her as a person. Link to comment
LordBowen October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 Danielle throwing quite a bit of shade at Zakiyah. Says Z is a knock-off of her. And that she (Danielle) got the better looking guy. LOL. Link to comment
Lonesome Rhodes October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 If Corny didn't snore so much, he would be safe this week. Link to comment
J.D. October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 (edited) Question: Is there some area (probably right in front of my eyes) where those of us who can't constantly watch the live feeds can go back to see what everyone else is watching? I know there's the flashback feature, but that doesn't help if you don't have a date / time stamp and camera number to know where to flashback to. I keep reading people saying, "Oh, THIS just happened" or "So-and-so's DR session was so funny, stupid, awesome, ridiculous... etc..." and it's kind of like being a blind person listening to someone else describe how beautiful a sunset it. If you can't SEE it for yourself, it's really not the same. I don't mind spoilers where people write what just happened, but if it's something really interesting, I'd like to go back and watch it for myself. Anyone? Edited October 5, 2016 by J.D. Link to comment
CindyBee October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 3 hours ago, LordBowen said: Danielle throwing quite a bit of shade at Zakiyah. Says Z is a knock-off of her. And that she (Danielle) got the better looking guy. LOL. That was a really weird rant by Danielle as like does anyone care about that shit??? And Shane might be "nicer" than Paulie but for me, he's not better looking, especially compared to first week Paulie. Link to comment
J.D. October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 I just watched the DR sessions. I was surprised to see how many HG's love Jason: Neeley, Justin, Scott, Shelby, Kryssie, Cornbread and Danielle. The only ones who dislike Jason are Alex, Monte, Morgan, Shane and Whitney. Interesting. If you're limited on time (like me) at least watch the DR sessions. You learn a lot about the HG's when they let their guard down. Up until the DR sessions, Neeley's been very quiet. I thought she was a snob because she keeps to herself and doesn't seem to want to mingle, but after watching her DR session, she's starting to grow on me. I'm still not sure why everyone dislikes Shelby. Justin's funny as hell, but he really needs to stop saying "retarded." SMH Link to comment
ByaNose October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 7:30 pm pst: Live DRs on Tuesdays will be my night to watch. Too bad it's later on the East Coast. I'm a little tired today. LOL!!. I watched almost everyone. I turned off CB after 2 minutes. I couldn't take him or his voice. Oddly enough, he like's Jason...or was it Justin? Scott doesn't like CB but has to work with him for a while, Morgan & Alex are playing a smart game. I think Morgan is an all around nice person from what I can tell. Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 (edited) 9 hours ago, mooses said: This is one of those seasons where I'm going to have a tough time choosing a side because I only like a couple in each alliance. I'm the same. I actively hate members of each alliance and I don't like anyone enough to make up for it on either side. 2 hours ago, J.D. said: I'm still not sure why everyone dislikes Shelby. I think they just don't get her personality. So the Plastics hate Danielle because she's self-absorbed but they love Monte. OK, girls. At least Shelby was honest about how it's just jealousy lol. I hate Scott. Might have a bit to do with PTSD from all the horrible 'nerds' and 'superfans' they've had on the show. After the DRs I'm really liking Danielle and Neely. I also still love Shelby and her insanity. I didn't think I'd like Morgan initially, but then I was liking her, but her devotion to Monte and her having no loyalty to the Plastics is kind of a turn off. Same with Whitney, but I never liked her lol. So far so good with this season. But BB18 was good at first too and it went to shit real fast, so we'll see how this goes. I'm excited to see how tonight works. I don't really get it. So there will be an hour long episode, which presumably will just be a recap of everything so far with DRs thrown in I guess, and then at 11 they'll start the eviction and then at midnight they'll start the HOH. It just doesn't really make sense to me. And I will not be staying up that late anyway so! Edited October 5, 2016 by peachmangosteen 3 Link to comment
gunderda October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 I'm going to be so pissed when the HOH comp is endurance because it's so freaking late! 1 Link to comment
njbarmaid October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 29 minutes ago, gunderda said: I'm going to be so pissed when the HOH comp is endurance because it's so freaking late! Well the back yard is still open as of 825am bbt, don't know what they could still setup for big production endurance comp. Oh wait, nothing about bbott has big production value about it, so wonder what they will come up with? Link to comment
gunderda October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 I'm willing to bet we'll see them bring back one where they just stand in a box or something holding a button. And I'm not saying tonights will be endurance, but I think we will get at least a couple this season. Link to comment
mooses October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 (edited) Big Brother is doing a lot of interesting things with this season. From what I've seen, Feedsters are generally thrilled with it so far. I hope they carry over some elements (please stop letting Feedsters have so much control) to a regular season. I am a little worried about Voting ruining what could be a very interesting set of HGs. Now that Jason's side has the majority, the Plastics may not even be able to affect the game if they have power because of the third nominee. Unless you're in the majority, HOH is almost useless if you're not on America's side. It's the first week, so things will obviously shift and change, but we have some real gamers this season and it will probably all be ruined by us. Even watching the DRs - a suspicious number of HGs mentioned working with Jason (Scott comes to mind as one who I thought was pandering). And, since CB was nominated and Jason made it clear it was to help him, CB is hanging out with them to seem more likeable now. And Shane completely decided on a side, which is Jason's of course. I am excited to see some strategy - the first week has been a success in this respect - but I am definitely worried it will just turn into "let's make America loves us!" Edited October 5, 2016 by mooses 1 Link to comment
flipflopdiva October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said: I actively hate members of each alliance and I don't like anyone enough to make up for it on either side. I don't actually hate anyone yet. In terms of DRs, Jason's and Kryssie's made me like them less. And Neely and Danielle's made me like them more. (And, I feel dirty saying this, Shane's a little, too, because I like that he at least has big plans in mind.) I'm sad none of the Plastics are really all in with each other — I enjoy watching them the most so far — but at the same time, this is just the first week and first week alliances rarely last all the way to the end so maybe it's for the better. Things change all the time, and at least right now they like each other and are loyal to each other, so we'll see where it goes. I'd love for Shelby to win HOH primarily for the laughs and because so many people would flip out. But actually I would love if any girl won HOH to see what they would do, especially Alex or Morgan. I'm excited for tonight too. It's a good thing I'm a night owl, so I can watch it — I'm curious what this HOH competition is going to be like! 1 Link to comment
mooses October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 (edited) 7 hours ago, J.D. said: Justin's funny as hell, but he really needs to stop saying "retarded." SMH Shelby/Morgan just pointed out that HGs are using it (in front of Monte, who has also said it), and said that's a no-no. Shane says that you can use it to talk about yourself only. Shelby's like, I'm just going to steer clear of any of that. Apparently CB made a steak for breakfast. Shelby: He might as well! Maybe he does know something's up. She also thinks that CB's eviction is being blamed on his comment, but that's not really why he's leaving. The Plastics all know there's more to the vote flip (Alex also mentioned Scott being the swing vote and the reason it changed). But Monte is too thick-headed to think that anyone would choose Shane over him - he said Scott didn't flip on the team, just on CB. I'd prefer Monte (although he's fun to watch in a not-on-purpose way)/Whitney (I don't mind her, but she doesn't add much to the feeds)/Kryssie/Jason leave next week. I'd also be fine with Shane leaving. ETA: Scott/Whitney talking about Danielle running things behind the scenes. Scott points out that one of the nominees is choosing who is going home. Whitney says Danielle is controlling Shane, and Shane executes her plans. Edited October 5, 2016 by mooses 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 23 minutes ago, mooses said: ETA: Scott/Whitney talking about Danielle running things behind the scenes. Scott points out that one of the nominees is choosing who is going home. Whitney says Danielle is controlling Shane, and Shane executes her plans. It's funny because they could easily just vote out Danielle and that takes care of that problem. They just let Shelby know that the plan is changing and they have the votes to get out Danielle. But of course, they want Cornbread out "for America/Feedsters" so if Danielle wins, it's on them. They're already getting rid of an ally. I like Danielle a lot, though, so I want her to stay over Cornbread. Plus, I can stop typing Cornbread as a name. Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 3 hours ago, flipflopdiva said: But actually I would love if any girl won HOH to see what they would do, especially Alex or Morgan. They'd put up and target Danielle. They both hate her. Justin would probably be the 2nd nom. But since Danielle/Justin's side would be the majority it wouldn't really matter anyway and likely America's nom would just go home. I wish America didn't have so much control/influence. Like they should have done 1 of the America's Nominee and America's Eviction Vote twists, not both. Literally every time I turn to a feed with Monte he's talking about how much power he has, how he alone will protect whoever it is he's talking to, etc. I'm still loling over Morgan and Whitney hating Danielle because she's self-absorbed but loving Monte. Be more transparent! I honestly hate a lot of people lol. Yet somehow I'm still really enjoying this season so far. 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said: Literally every time I turn to a feed with Monte he's talking about how much power he has, how he alone will protect whoever it is he's talking to, etc. I'm still loling over Morgan and Whitney hating Danielle because she's self-absorbed but loving Monte. Be more transparent! Yep! He's doing it with Scott now, saying that he can protect him from Kryssie because he has power in the house! Ok there, buddy! Let's see how much power you have when your ass is up on the block! Seriously, some of their issues would be fixed if they just evicted Danielle this week while they have the numbers. Because I do really think that they'll lose the numbers after this week is over, and then they're screwed. But they apparently don't see it and still think they'd have a chance to get Danielle out in the upcoming weeks. If they're that worried about her, just evict her! 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 (edited) Currently the Shane/Justin/Jason/Neely/Danielle/Krissy (+Cornbread lol) are discussing Whitney Houston's death while the Monte/Alex/Morgan/Shelby/Scott/Whitney group bash Krissy. Monte has said 'petty girl crap' about 400 times. But I gotta be honest, I enjoy watching the latter group more. Their arrogance and pettiness cracks me up. I just find Danielle's group annoying when they're all together. Edited October 5, 2016 by peachmangosteen 1 Link to comment
mooses October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 (edited) 18 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said: They'd put up and target Danielle. They both hate her. Justin would probably be the 2nd nom. But since Danielle/Justin's side would be the majority it wouldn't really matter anyway and likely America's nom would just go home. I wish America didn't have so much control/influence. Like they should have done 1 of the America's Nominee and America's Eviction Vote twists, not both. Literally every time I turn to a feed with Monte he's talking about how much power he has, how he alone will protect whoever it is he's talking to, etc. I'm still loling over Morgan and Whitney hating Danielle because she's self-absorbed but loving Monte. Be more transparent! I honestly hate a lot of people lol. Yet somehow I'm still really enjoying this season so far. Yeah, I wish America just had the vote. It'd allow an underdog group that needs another number to switch things up have that option. But the America's Nominee really takes a lot of strategy out of the HGs hands. I mean, a lot of this has to do with me not trusting the general Feedster consensus. It's like having a bitter jury all the time - if you don't want to do what I wanted you to do, or get along with who I wanted you to get along with, you're done! Monte is ridiculous. Anytime a HG talks about the perception of the House or what they'd do next week, he tells them he knows more than everyone because he's HOH. Meanwhile, he's one of the most clueless in there. He really believes whatever anyone tells him to his face instead of looking at the facts. And his arrogance/pride isn't going to allow him to admit he got played. Honestly, I find it kind of amusing. He's harmless and delusional. 11 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said: Seriously, some of their issues would be fixed if they just evicted Danielle this week while they have the numbers. Because I do really think that they'll lose the numbers after this week is over, and then they're screwed. But they apparently don't see it and still think they'd have a chance to get Danielle out in the upcoming weeks. If they're that worried about her, just evict her! Yeah, I agree that I don't want to see her gone, but it's all because Scott doesn't want to cross Shane. Scott broached the subject of keeping CB earlier with Shane, and Shane shot down all of his concerns. I also think staying on the "right" side with America is also on Scott and Shane's mind. Considering CB said in his DRs that Scott's his Number One, and that he wants Scott to win if he can't himself, Scott's booting a big ally. But, without Scott, the Plastics don't have the numbers and don't really have a choice. ETA: I would want to nip that Showmance ASAP. Danielle/Shane having a guaranteed vote at all times, plus being close with Jason-the-Annointed, is going to be dangerous. Edited October 5, 2016 by mooses 2 Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 (edited) 7 minutes ago, mooses said: I also think staying on the "right" side with America is also on Scott and Shane's mind. I think this is 100% why Scott is booting Cornbread. He's telling the Plastics it's because of Shane, but that's totally just a cover. I think for Shane it's literally all because he has the hots for Danielle lol. Quote Honestly, I find it kind of amusing. He's [Monte] harmless and delusional. I agree. I enjoy Monte immensely right now tbh. His brand of arrogance/delusion is highly amusing. Hell, even his brand of sexism and racism doesn't make me rage because it's so totally obvious so at least I don't have to see a lot of people defending him. He might become insufferable later on though. Does Cornbread know he's going? In a way I almost feel bad for him. It's gotta hurt to be nommed by America and then to be evicted when you were sure you were safe. But he sucks so I don't really care! Edited October 5, 2016 by peachmangosteen 1 Link to comment
Katesus7 October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 According to his conversation right now with Scott, he has NO clue. We'll see if/when people let him know. 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 (edited) Alex is gonna vote for Danielle so she thinks it was America and that America hates her. LOL. Alex and Morgan (and Whitney) have such an OTT hate for Danielle. But I hope Alex really does vote for Danielle because it would be hilarious. ETA: Ooooh, Whitney/Morgan/Alex are discussing Scott not being with them and being a threat they need to get out sooner than later. I love this! Edited October 5, 2016 by peachmangosteen Link to comment
mooses October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 (edited) Scott specifically said he wanted it to be a blindside (because America loves them). No one seems to want to clue him in. Sisters/Shelby think that Kryssie knows she's staying, but didn't talk about telling CB. I was thinking about how different this would all be if it was normal TV episodes. We'd probably see a lot of Sisters, Monte since he's HOH, some Shane/Danielle as the Showmance. Jason would probably get credit for the flip as the Vet. And Justin would probably get the in-between comic relief segments. ETA: Alex is on to Scott. I knew that his reasoning wouldn't work on her like it does with Monte. I hope she can lay low with that until she can use it. Edited October 5, 2016 by mooses 1 Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 2 minutes ago, mooses said: I was thinking about how different this would all be if it was normal TV episodes. We'd probably see a lot of Sisters, Monte since he's HOH, some Shane/Danielle as the Showmance. Jason would probably get credit for the flip as the Vet. And Justin would probably get the in-between comic relief segments. I was thinking about that, too. I think you're right on with you spec of how it'd be on the show. Link to comment
gunderda October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 We have a HOH lockdown with NO FISH! I wish the daily recaps would give some comic relief moments. I miss that type of stuff that's shown on the episodes. So I hope they include some tonight since it's suppose to be a 'real' episode. Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 I loathe Scott. He's my most hated right now. OK maybe tied with Jason. Link to comment
Katesus7 October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 I like Scott. He panders a bit, but seems to be cool with everyone, and everyone seems to trust him, while acknowledging how he's playing the game. Not too shabby. Link to comment
Lady Calypso October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 I don't loathe anyone, which is new. It's still early, I guess, but I'm mostly neutral on everyone. I mean, I have ones who I like more than others, but for the most part, I wouldn't have a preference on a winner, which is nice. So when people get evicted, I won't be too upset. Look at this week, for example. I don't care of it's Danielle, Kryssie, or Cornbread who goes. I'm content with any of them going. I might be annoyed at Kryssie's complaining and I may be annoyed with Cornbread's attempts to be part of the cool kids group, but nobody is downright awful. Ok. Maybe Jason. But mostly because the Feedsters want him to stay and win, so I want him to go and lose. 1 Link to comment
J.D. October 5, 2016 Share October 5, 2016 7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said: I don't loathe anyone, which is new. It's still early, I guess, but I'm mostly neutral on everyone. I mean, I have ones who I like more than others, but for the most part, I wouldn't have a preference on a winner, which is nice. So when people get evicted, I won't be too upset. Look at this week, for example. I don't care of it's Danielle, Kryssie, or Cornbread who goes. I'm content with any of them going. I might be annoyed at Kryssie's complaining and I may be annoyed with Cornbread's attempts to be part of the cool kids group, but nobody is downright awful. Ok. Maybe Jason. But mostly because the Feedsters want him to stay and win, so I want him to go and lose. LOL....Jason is the only reason I'm watching. Once he goes, I'm canceling my feeds. I don't care for this new format. I'm only struggling through its cumbersome path because of Jason. :D 1 Link to comment
mooses October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 (edited) 1 hour ago, Katesus7 said: I like Scott. He panders a bit, but seems to be cool with everyone, and everyone seems to trust him, while acknowledging how he's playing the game. Not too shabby. Heh. He's actually starting to get on my nerves. Getting rid of CB is just plain stupid for him, and he just talked to the cameras saying it's going to be "one for the ages" and he "didn't come here to play nice." Maybe he'll win points with some Feedsters, but he's just so obviously trying so hard to win America's favor with a move that doesn't help him at all. And an unnecessary blindside the first week isn't "one for the ages." It's not like the vote would be in danger of flipping if CB knew. I'm not a CB fan, and I don't mind him leaving, but I feel bad for the guy. Thinks he's hated by America, said he was humbled by it, and he's about to get backstabbed by the one HG he loves. It just seems unjustifiably cruel. And now Scott wants to win HOH and evict Kryssie because he thinks she's coming for him - and she's already on the block! And he'd have the numbers to get rid of her! I get he was in a tough position and had to choose a side, but he could have easily gotten Kryssie out and justified it since he's been trash-talking her to Shane/Danielle/Justin all day today. And Alex/Morgan are onto him now and know he's playing all sides. ETA: Justin is ratting out Scott wanting to get rid of Kryssie now. He's not happy with him. Edited October 6, 2016 by mooses 3 Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 (edited) 2 hours ago, mooses said: Justin is ratting out Scott wanting to get rid of Kryssie now. He's not happy with him. Beautiful! I would love to see Scott's game get blasted this week. ETA: I'm bored by this ep already. Ugh I'm still SO annoyed the evictions and HOHs are so late. Is Julie even going to be part of the evictions? I'm assuming now that she won't be. LOL these people will be so sad, they really wanna talk to Julie. And they actually still believe these Wednesday eps are on tv, which is just sad. ETAA: Yep, Julie isn't even there. This is so cheap lol. What will even happen when they're evicted? They just leave the house and go out to an empty lot? So embarrassing! Edited October 6, 2016 by peachmangosteen 2 Link to comment
mooses October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 Great. We're probably going to hear, "Let's keep America happy by doing the right thing" in every eviction speech. Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 Alex voted to evict Danielle! I love it! 2 Link to comment
Vicky October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 "I will go and get the results now" after I stand in front of the door for a really long time. Link to comment
peachmangosteen October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 (edited) LMAO Cornbread just got up and walked out without hugging anyone and said "fuck ya'll" as he walked out the door. Edited October 6, 2016 by peachmangosteen 1 Link to comment
Vicky October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 Now I didn't watch very closely in the last week, but was Cornbread pretty bad? I feel sad for him - selected by America and evicted by America et al. Link to comment
LordBowen October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 Woah, CB! Pissed much? Link to comment
Katesus7 October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 I missed the "live" show, because I have no interest in that. I'm all about a 100% true live feeds show. So they showed who everyone was voting for? Because when I tuned in, peole would go to the DR to vote, but I didn't see anything. CB did not take that well. Oh well, won't miss him. Hoping for a Plastics HOH. Hoping the comp is fun to watch. Link to comment
Vicky October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 5 minutes ago, Katesus7 said: Because when I tuned in, peole would go to the DR to vote, but I didn't see anything. I did the same thing!! But, then I realized I had the screen expanded and didn't notice the other cameras. It turns out another camera was inside the voting booth, so I caught the last vote. :) Link to comment
flipflopdiva October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 8 minutes ago, Katesus7 said: I missed the "live" show, because I have no interest in that. I'm all about a 100% true live feeds show. So they showed who everyone was voting for? Because when I tuned in, peole would go to the DR to vote, but I didn't see anything. I have to say, the 'episodes' are a lot more boring when you've seen pretty much everything. I guess that's why the competitions take up so much time on the regular shows. And yeah, I watched the eviction on the quad camera. One of the cameras showed them voting. They told them to put on athletic gear for HOH, so that's promising! Link to comment
ByaNose October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 I had no idea they were showing the votes. I didn't check the quad camera. So who voted for Danni? Link to comment
zenithwit October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 1 minute ago, ByaNose said: I had no idea they were showing the votes. I didn't check the quad camera. So who voted for Danni? Alex. Right before she cast her vote, she said something along the lines of "time to create some paranoia." Link to comment
flipflopdiva October 6, 2016 Share October 6, 2016 2 minutes ago, ByaNose said: So who voted for Danni? Alex. She said 'Time to create some drama!' and then voted for her. Link to comment
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