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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

 Magician vs. Illusionist -Plaintiff Robert Bailey  suing defendant/magic trick or illusion builder  David Pavlov for the return of a deposit for a $19,000 magic trick, deposit was $6450 .  Plaintiff has been a working magician since 1989.   Plaintiff runs a nonprofit for veterans, schools, Native American events, to raise money to support his magic fundraisers.   There are sponsors for the foundation.   Foundations gives his 501 ( c) (3) registered charity money to sponsor shows, and plaintiff’s income comes from that money too.  Plaintiff does 10 events during the year and gets $500 for each show, and does non-sponsored magic shows and gets all of that money for income, not under the foundation.  Tamaka’s Magical Tales (name is Tamaka’s Magical Revue is his company., Tamaka is Mr. Bailey’s middle name )

Plaintiff wanted defendant’s magic trick or illusion, and put down a deposit of $6450, and there is no written contract.  Contract with defendant was through a retailer, so defendant didn’t have a separate contract with plaintiff.    Plaintiff would pay retailer the full price, and defendant would drop ship to plaintiff, check paying retailer to defendant was from the 501 (c )(3) foundation he runs.   However, the foundation money paid for a trick that would be for the non-profit events, and his profitable business.

I agree with JJ, plaintiff makes $5,000 a year through foundation, but pays for tricks or illusion for many times that amount with foundation money, but uses the same illusions for his profitable business.   Plaintiff claims he doesn’t used the illusions funded by the foundation in his private business.   

JJ doesn’t like the case, and tells plaintiff she will dismiss the case without prejudice to go back to local small claims court.   She doesn’t like the overlap of charity, and profit business, and I don’t either.

In the hall-terview, defendant says plaintiff has had the illusion

Pit Bull Choke Hold -Plaintiff Kerri Flook suing defendant/Pit Bull owner Jennifer Diottaviano for medical bills when plaintiff intervened when defendant’s Pit Bull attacked.  They both live in the same mobile home park. 

Plaintiff was walking her leashed terrier mix, a 20-lb. dog, when defendant’s dog got loose, and attacked plaintiff’s dog without warning. Plaintiff was afraid the Pit Bull would rip out the dog’s throat, so she put the Pit in a choke hold.     When plaintiff was getting the Pit off of her dog, plaintiff scraped her knees up, and had other bruises and abrasions. 

Defendant says she didn’t see the attack, her cousin did.   After the attack, someone opened defendant’s gate, and let her Pit Bull back into her yard after the attack.  

I wonder if the mobile home park allows Pit Bulls, or mixes?   Plaintiff wanted vet bills for her dog. Defendant claims her dog looks like another dog in the park, and the dog didn’t have blood on him, or look like he’d been in a fight.  Defendant claims manager of complex told defendant to pay the vet bills, or get the dog out of the mobile park.   Plaintiff says the dog went right to defendant’s driveway, and on defendant’s porch after the attack. 

Plaintiff wanted $836 for vet bills, and defendant still owes $377.

$377 to plaintiff.

Second (2014)-

Disability Debate! -Plaintiff/ mother Bridget Mora suing defendants/ ex-husband Keith Henderson, and her adult children (son) Keith Henderson, Jr. and Christine Henderson (daughter) for return of a security deposit, property and stress.   Plaintiff’s only income is from disability. Plaintiff’s witness is her long-term boyfriend, Joe Lopez.   Defendant ex-husband is about to get disability for back injuries, and repeated surgeries, spinal stenosis.  

After plaintiff got a settlement, she paid rent and security for the house four litigants to live in, while she was still seeing the boyfriend/witness.   The daughter moved in with her two children.    Plaintiff was kicked out by the other residents, and she wants the furniture she bought for the house, security deposit returned, and everything else.   When plaintiff was kicked out, she stopped paying the bills, and the rent, and ex-husband and her ungrateful brats want her to pay two month’s rent, and keep her furniture.  

Defendant ex says he’s keeping the furniture, and she owes two month’s rent for the two months she didn’t pay, before he got his disability payments.  Defendant and his ungrateful spawn are all suing to get money from the plaintiff.    Defendant ex was denied disability once, and has an attorney and is appealing.  

JJ wants to know if there is anything defendant ex can do to earn money.  Plaintiff wants her bedroom furniture, bar stools, TV stand and TV, dryer, two couches for her current home.    Plaintiff will pick up her property, hopefully with a police escort.

Plaintiff paid first and last month’s rent, and $1500 additional for security, for the extended family home.

Defendants’ claim is dismissed.

Plaintiff gets her property back, within 5 days. 

Hotel Room Party Pooper – Plaintiff John Hall suing defendant/former co-worker (Joe’s Crab Shack) Ashlynn Waldhelm for half the cost of a trip to Rochester, NY, and Niagara Falls.   Defendant is counter claiming that after the trip plaintiff stalked her, and she left her job to get away from him.  The trip was supposed to be with 10 people, all staying in the same hotel room.   Defendant was surprised to see only plaintiff was going.  And the other three carloads of people didn’t go on the trip.    

Defendant says her cost was supposed to be $20 for hotel, and $30 for gas, however, it ended up being a lot more expensive.   Defendant never agreed to pay more than $50 for the trip.

Defendant claims after they returned home, that plaintiff harassed and stalked her, and she felt so threatened that she left her job.   On her first day at her new job, plaintiff came there to harass her.

$50 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Off-Road Vehicle Swindle-Plaintiff David Matsko suing an ATV buyer/defendant Zachary Bergeron for stopping payment on the check, after "As Is" vehicle stopped working.   Plaintiff advertised an ATV, for $3400, and defendant wrote a check, for the entire amount, and then defendant stopped payment on the check.  Fortunately, plaintiff held title until after check clears, and still has it.   Plaintiff tried to cash check, but his credit union wouldn't cash it.   

So, plaintiff talked to defendant, who agreed to bring cash in exchange for the title.   There is a text saying defendant has cash, and will swap for the check, title, and bill of sale.    Defendant brought the ATV back, and plaintiff will have to pay $2500 to rebuild the engine.  A dealer would charge $4800 to rebuild the ATV engine.

Plaintiff receives $2500, will rebuild, and sell the ATV.   

Uninsured, and Driving Drunk-Plaintiff Nevin Donovan suing defendant Jared Ayres for crashing into plaintiff's parked car while defendant was driving drunk.    While plaintiff was looking at an apartment to rent with his brother, he heard a crash, and defendant had crashed into his parked car.   Defendant is counter claiming for medical bills, and is claiming plaintiff was backing out, not parked.   

Defendant only tries to submit medical bills, because as JJ says, medical reports will say if loser defendant was drunk or stoned.    Police report is submitted, and confirms plaintiff's story.     As usual, defendant had no insurance, and his license was suspended.   Defendant told police he swerved to avoid a deer, and hit a parked car.   Police officer says defendant was drunk, and refused blood or breathalyzer tests.

Pictures of plaintiff’s Mustang are bad.     

$3,000 to plaintiff.  I would have given the plaintiff $5,000.

Wipe That Smile Off Your Face! -Plaintiff Sarita James (mother) is suing defendant/ daughter Justice Ingsfor cost associated with a repossessed car, daughter wasn’t making her payments.  Plaintiff co-signed for her daughter’s Kia.   Mother claims daughter didn’t make three months of payments.   Defendant claims she paid the three months.   Defendant claims her mother told the company to repossess the car.  Defendant claims company wouldn’t repossess the car for being late one month, but apparently thought she was going to the beach today, so brought no proof.

Grinning idiot daughter won’t stop smiling. 

Car deficit was $10.978 after the auction, so mother gets $5,000, so she’s still on the hook for almost $6,000. 

Second (2017)-

Muzzle Your Pit Bull- Plaintiffs Amanda Alleman and boyfriend John Kidd suing neighbor defendant/Pit Bull owner Bobbie Nickell over an attack on one of plaintiff's Pit Bulls (they have 1 year old, and 2 year old), for vet bills, punitive damages over the attack.    There was a minor dust up on day one. 

The next day, plaintiff's roommate was walking one dog (plaintiff girlfriend was walking the other dog too), when defendant's dog (being walked by defendant’s roommate)  attacked the Pit walked by the plaintiff's roommate.         

Defendant is getting the grieving grandfather letter telling the sad story about the grandchild being in the hospital after the dog attacked the 3-year-old grandson, after he warned the parents that the dog was a danger to the baby.     

Defendant dog attacked the plaintiff's dog two days in a row, and claims she muzzles her dog, and still keeps the animal, because "it's her best friend".     Day two, roommate was walking the plaintiff's dog on leash, the defendant's dog attacked the plaintiff's dog.   Defendant claims her dog was in her apartment, and plaintiff’s dog attacked her dog inside her apartment.   

Defendant wants her medical bills, and boarding for her dog until her lease runs out. Defendant wants $3300 for boarding her vicious animal until she could move out.

(A landlord that has guts! Apparently, the attacking dog's owner was told to move out).  

$422 for vet bills, to plaintiff.

Rebellious Grandson Rent Control-Plaintiff Janice Branscum suing defendants, step-granddaughter, Audrey White, and boyfriend Chrisofer Estorga (Apparently he’s step granddaughter’s boyfriend)  /defendants for rent, and return of property.    Plaintiff grandson (plaintiff’s witness, the grandmother is payee for him) went to live with his step sister (the defendant), and her boyfriend.   Plaintiff is payee for grandson's Social Security payments, and she gave the step-granddaughter some money, but kept the rest.   

 Grandson was an issue at defendant's apartment, and was told to leave, and the rent refund is gone.    Defendant has already packed up grandson's stuff, ready for pick up.  Plaintiff / grandmother lies about threats from defendant step-granddaughter.   Defendant told grandma she was not welcome on her property, and that's her right.   

I wonder if any of the grandson's money is left?   I bet it's all gone right in grandma's pocket.   As soon as grandmother sends a $575 money order to defendant, she will mail the grandson's stuff back, including the TV.   If the money order isn't received in 15 days, the matter is over and defendants can trash the grandson's stuff.       

Plaintiff has to send $575 to defendants, or property is trashed. 

I Should Have Let My Wife Speak-Plaintiff Dale Smith suing defendants/ April Pearson and husband Jack Pearson for a $1,000 loan to move, after they were fired from job at mobile home park.    About 10 days before the defendants were fired, they were looking for a place to live.   

Defendants had two days left to move, and borrowed the money from plaintiff.   Defendants claim that plaintiff engineered their firing, because he wanted defendant's job.     

$1,000 to plaintiff, and defendants’ absurd counter claim is dismissed. 

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3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Wipe That Smile Off Your Face! -Plaintiff Sarita James (mother) is suing defendant/ daughter Justice Ingsfor cost associated with a repossessed car, daughter wasn’t making her payments.  Plaintiff co-signed for her daughter’s Kia.   Mother claims daughter didn’t make three months of payments.   Defendant claims she paid the three months.   Defendant claims her mother told the company to repossess the car.  Defendant claims company wouldn’t repossess the car for being late one month, but apparently thought she was going to the beach today, so brought no proof.

Grinning idiot daughter won’t stop smiling. 

Car deficit was $10.978 after the auction, so mother gets $5,000, so she’s still on the hook for almost $6,000. 

The smiling defendant seems to embody many of the irresponsible characteristics of some people (mainly young, but not exclusively) - she claims that the bank sent her the "wrong statement", so she just gave it up, saying "I know I made the payments, so whatever." Is that how you plan to run your life? You just lost this case, because you couldn't provide proof of payment (assuming she made any payments). Why not persist a little with the bank to get the right documentation? She kept smiling / grinning because it was better than frowning. Huh? Those aren't the only two facial expressions! You could look serious, concerned, sorry - any of those would be appropriate. My guess is that she took this whole thing as a joke because realistically she isn't out any money herself. 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Arson Allegations -Plaintiff Dolores Sandoval suing defendants Dasa Frasier, and John Schultz (boyfriend) over arson of a property.    The litigant’s properties share a garage, and that what burned.   Laura Gonzalez (plaintiff witness and neighbor) saw and heard defendants arguing, and then witness heard a long bang, and woman defendant hit the garage with her car.   When defendant woman put the car in reverse, she backed away from the damaged garage door.   Then, plaintiff witness left for an errand, and an hour later when plaintiff witness returned, was when the garage fire had happened. 

Fire Inspector’s report says “Unintentional”.   Defendant woman claims she has a witness that says she hit the garage door the evening before, not during the next morning.   Samuel Postell (defense witness, security guard) claims the damage happened to the door the day before, and defendant’s three cars were not damaged. Defendant woman is blaming plaintiff for damaging her property, and has no witnesses.   Defendant woman claims plaintiff threatened her, and manages to put in that plaintiff was evicted.

Plaintiff’s husband put out the fire, and defendant woman claims her boyfriend saved the husband’s life by stopping him from opening the garage door.    I believe the plaintiff and her witness.   

Plaintiff and defendant cases dismissed.

Grand Theft Restitution -Plaintiff /ex-girlfriend Jennifer Lawson is suing her fiance’s son /defendant Brandon Perez for return of money she paid for defendant’s son’s restitution.   Brandon Perez is 30-years-old, convicted of Grand Theft in 2012, for stealing appliances out of a house.   Defendant got a month in jail, but was sentenced to pay restitution, and plaintiff paid the restitution for him.   

Fiance is plaintiff’s witness. 

Defendant claims he never asked plaintiff for any money.  

Restitution costs given back to the plaintiff $1,800.

Second (2014)-

Racism or Renter Neglect? -Plaintiff/former tenant Misty Ziegler is suing defendant/landlord Peggy Terrill for return of her security deposit, and claims landlord didn’t deal with the members of the HOA because they harassed her, and landlord should have protected tenant.   Defendant alleges damages and HOA fines from defendant and her children’s actions when renting plaintiff’s condo.   

Defendant claims the HOA only did the complaints and fines because the board is racist. Rent was $900, for tenant, a friend, three children.   Chelsea the plaintiff witness, was the tenant who was not on the lease.   My guess is Chelsea is a roommate, and not a friend, or maybe closer.

Plaintiff says she had to clean carpet, replace the garbage disposal, and it was taken off of the rent by landlord.    Plaintiff says CPS knocked on her door, wanted to inspect the unit, and talk to her children.  CPS has nothing to do with the defendant.    There is no way to know who called CPS, but it could be almost anyone.  

Plaintiff says the craigslist ad said a kid’s clubhouse, and gym were available, the gym had been closed for three years, and the kid’s clubhouse never existed, but yet plaintiff stayed to the end of her lease.    Plaintiff says her kids went to the pool, but then the kids were told they couldn’t swim without a swimming pass, and kids didn’t have a swimming pass.   (This happened in Los Angeles).

Defendant claims she had to replace the common keys.  $135 for replacing keys, leaving $365 of security left.   Defendant has move out pictures, not move in pictures.     There are a lot of damages, and I disagree with JJ, cleaning the ground in dirt and grease left by plaintiff are disgusting. 

Bill to replace door knobs $35, leaving $330.   Door was replaced by tenant, or so she claims, so how did defendant get a picture of the broken door?  Plaintiff replaced one door, but there were two other broken doors.   (Defendant claims the complaints were her children jumping on the roof of the unit, running loose, causing constant problems, and other issues).

Plaintiff gets $331 back.  (I have zero sympathy for the tenant.  I live in an HOA community, and it only takes one household like the plaintiff and her family to make living there a nightmare).

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Daughter Steals $10K from Mother?     -Plaintiff Penny Webb suing defendant/daughter Shelby Webb   for her settlement ($18,000) she entrusted to her daughter, so mother wouldn't spend it foolishly.  Plaintiff admits she has a history of alcoholism, and making bad choices.  Daughter claims mother told her to spend part of it on daughter's wedding, mother says that's a lie.   Plaintiff received a disability settlement for COPD, and Asthma.   

Plaintiff has been off work since 2002, and applied for disability after quite a few years on welfare.   Plaintiff was turned down the first time she applied for disability, hired an attorney and received disability the second time.   Plaintiff says she called daughter to hold the $18,000 check, so mother wouldn't waste it.   Plaintiff gets $1186 a month disability,

Plaintiff has a lifelong history of alcoholism, and finally went to rehab for a month in 2016, and has repeated failed attempts to get and stay sober.   Plaintiff claims the $10K was not a disqualifier for qualifying for disability.    Plaintiff gave daughter cash, wanted $8000 to bank for CD, and daughter was supposed to hold cashier's check for $10k, $5,000 to CD, and keep the rest held back, and $4k for daughter's wedding.   

(Mother claims her sworn complaint, and statement is really wrong, and she's really being robbed by her daughter). 

Case is dismissed.    Sadly, daughter's hall-terview where she says she's over being her mother's parent, and putting up with mother's lies is probably the best way to go forward.    You can't convince me that the mother is still sober.  

Hawaiian Cash Flow Fail-Plaintiff Christina Lewis suing defendant/daughter's former friend Irene Tully for a expenses paid for a group trip to Hawaii.    There have been several other previous trips with plaintiff, her daughter, and friend going along without incident, or loans.   The arrangement was defendant paid for airfare, and that was paid by defendant's parents.  There were no extra hotel costs, and defendant paid for her own food.    Defendant goes to school full time, works part time, and seems like a good person.   

Defendant and plaintiff's daughter had an argument, and are no longer friends, so now the money was a loan, not a gift.    Defendant says argument was because plaintiff, and her daughter kept making remarks about defendant's mother, and other personal issues. 

Idiot plaintiff advances on the Sacred Desk of Judge Judy, and Byrd has to stop her.  Doesn't she ever watch this show?    Unfortunately, there are texts about owing money for dolphin excursions, etc. totaling $375, but some aren't really separate costs.   

Plaintiff gets $250.   

Second (2017)-

Wild Pigs That Bite-Plaintiff Laura Taylor claims defendant/neighbor's Kelli Braunecker pigs destroyed her garden, and wants to be paid for the destruction.    Police report says defendant admitted they were her pigs.   They live in a rural community.    Defendant has four pigs, and all are over 100 lbs.    Defendant says two weigh 30 lbs, and two weigh 50 lbs.   Plaintiff has pictures of the pigs, and they aren't 30 to 50 lbs.    The biggest one looks like 100 lbs., the other one on the playground video is well over 50 lbs. The video clip showing four pigs.  

Plaintiff has a video of the pigs destroying her garden, on her property, from July to October.    Defendant claims her pigs are always penned.    The pigs are destroying the plaintiff's playground area, and rooting up the back yard.   Plaintiff has called police four times, and seven times asked the plaintiff to keep her pigs confined.    Plaintiff says the pigs bite, and her children, and others in the neighborhood can't play outside because of the danger.       

Defendant brought baby pig pictures, and only one showing the big spotted pig in a kiddy pool, and it's the same pig as in the video.    Plaintiff says there have been 24 citations for animals at large from sheriff, and one from the health department for biting a neighbor.  Defendant keeps claiming that's not her pig, but are wild pigs, then JJ suggests shooting the destructive, and biting pigs is an option. 

Unfortunately, there is no animal control in the county area where litigants live.   Defendant shows a picture of a pig with kids, and claims her pigs don’t bite.   

What the neighborhood needs is a pig hunter, and a BBQ pitmaster.   This happened in Indiana.  JJ tells plaintiff that if they’re wild pigs, that the plaintiff or neighbors should shoot, and BBQ, and defendant can’t complain.  

My understanding is that even the so-called miniature piglets can get huge with overfeeding.

I think the neighborhood hunters or farmers should take care of the wandering pig, but be nice and invite the defendant to the BBQ after.

$5,000 to plaintiff. 

Sinking Boat-Plaintiff Larry Crowley is suing for the return of a boat trailer from defendant Linda Smithies.   Boat was stored, and plaintiff was authorized to sell it.    $2800 was the price (only the boat top was for sale, but defendant wanted the boat), and she paid in full for the boat.    This happened in Clackamas, Oregon. 

Defendant borrowed the trailer to transport the boat.   Defendant says she's not returning the boat trailer, because plaintiff sold her a bad boat.   I guess she can't read two words, "As is".   The first time the boat was launched it sank.   

Defendant bought boat in July, husband and son-in-law worked on boat, launched it and it sank.    She didn't take it to a mechanic until November, and didn't return the boat trailer then either.   In November woman finally got an estimate to fix the boat, then put it in storage, where it still remains.   

Defendant is counter suing for fraud on the boat.    Defendant bought a 30-year-old boat, and should have had an expert examine it.    Defendant claims plaintiff lied to her, said boat was wonderful, and perfect.     

Plaintiff receives his trailer back, with the help of a marshal.

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One of the more nifty things about the Judge Judy channel on Pluto is that we're looking at the 90's episodes, when they were still pulling real cases from small claims and not competing with a dozen other shows for material.  Not a lot of dog bites and cell phone charges.  This week I saw a repeat of the one where the woman sued that contemptible police officer that had a weekly show wherein he literally slandered people who had been arrested that week.  Not adjudged guilty or not guilty - merely arrested.  The real karma in this is that several years later, said police officer was found guilty of theft.  

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Subsidized Siblings -Plaintiff/brother Maurice Frye is suing defendant/sister Latanya Frye because she was taking rent from the brother, $1,000 a month, and he wants his $4123 back.  However, defendant only paid $180 a month for her portion of the rent, on a subsidized apartment.  

Sister says she isn’t on the lease, so she didn’t need to pay more rent to the landlord.  Sister and her friend have lived in the same rented house for seven years.   The rent is $1350 a month, 

Brother only lived there from February to May.   Brother got arrested for disorderly conduct, and would be incarcerated, so he made sister POA, and that's when she took his $4100, for the four months he lived there. 

Defendant sister refuses to say how she spent the money.

Plaintiff received a settlement, and paid the defendant, and the rest of the settlement was spent. 

$4100 to plaintiff.

Friends No More -Plaintiff Kendra Deslandes suing defendant Danielle Morgan for unpaid rent, and utilities after defendant and children moved into plaintiff’s place.  There were a total of two adults and five children living in the apartment, but not the plaintiff.  Then when defendant moved out to be with her current roommate, there were lease breaking fees on the first apartment that plaintiff had to pay.  

Plaintiff leased the apartment, but only defendant and family lived in the apartment.   When defendant moved out plaintiff could have found a sublet tenant, or moved back to the apartment herself, but plaintiff didn’t do either option, so had to pay the lease breaking fees.

Plaintiff case dismissed.   

Second (2014)-

Death Threat? -Plaintiff Jonathan Graciani suing defendant /former landlord Shavon Brice for stealing his laptop, TV and other property.  Plaintiff says defendant had him living in her home for six weeks, then they argued, she threw him out, and kept his property.  

Defendant claims he didn’t live in her home, she’s married, and plaintiff is a liar.     Plaintiff had everything but the TV in the house owned by defendant, and moved into the home with defendant and family.    Plaintiff says his stuff was on the first floor, and his stuff was stored there too, he slept on the couch.    After the argument plaintiff made a police report alleging defendant said her cousin was going to shoot him. 

Defendant says she stored two storage bins for plaintiff, that she gave back to him, and she has nothing else of plaintiff’s property, and she claims he never slept on her couch.  

Defendant says he’s a stranger to her, that she lived with her four kids, and her husband George, who is outside the courtroom.   Defendant’s husband, George Brice is sworn as a witness.    Defendant witness says he was out of state working from before plaintiff claims he moved for work, and is still out of town (he’s only the biological father of the youngest child). Defendant witness only saw wife and baby when the wife visited him in Rhode Island. 

Defendant and husband are both pretty shifty, and keep smirking, and giggling.   I suspect the plaintiff is the one telling the truth. 

$3,000 to plaintiff.

 Man Cave Clash -Plaintiffs Robert and Charlotte Brett (married) are suing defendant/former roommate Taylor Nichols, for breaking their lease.    The plaintiffs, and defendant were all roommates.  Then, defendant got in trouble, and had to either go on probation, or move home, so he moved home.  

The house had three bedrooms, the couple shared one bedroom, the defendant had another bedroom, and the third was for the guy to play video games.    The plaintiffs never tried to get another roommate.

There is no copy of the lease, only a statement that someone paid the rental company.  JJ doesn’t know what the lease requirements were, subleasing, etc.

Only half of the lease wasn’t covered by defendant.   Plaintiff wife claims that since they just had a baby, that they need the money from defendant, they are out of luck, because they have no evidence of lease breaking fee payment, lease provisions or anything else.   Apparently, plaintiffs lack of evidence means JJ was supposed to just give them money, and that’s not happening.

Unfortunately, they won’t tell what Taylor did, and why he was given the option of getting probation locally, or leaving for his home.  I really wondered why. 

Defendant says Robert Brett told him to leave, and that they will figure it out.  Defendant left in January, but defendants stayed in the apartment until March, and then left for the cheaper apartment with four months left on the lease.  As JJ points out, they could have staying in the leased apartment, for the last four months for another roommate.  They would have lost nothing, and would have received their security deposit back, and have a clear rental record.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Child Support Feud! -Plaintiff/ grandmother Debra Hartzel suing defendant/grandchild's mother and defendant’s ex wife Mandy Hansel (former daughter in law, with two of her grandchildren), and her husband Shawn Hansel (they have three children) for an unpaid loan.   

Defendant and wife were behind in a mortgage from plaintiff's son, and defendant man wanted to use child support for the mortgage.  Plaintiff's son gave defendant $400, and was going to pay him $1100, but didn't pay the $1100.   Defendant wife and plaintiff talked, and they borrowed it from the plaintiff, $1000, and $1100 the next day.   

On the way to pick up the money, the defendant was told there was an issue in the house purchase, but the deposits were made anyway.   Defendant claims the $2100 was for back child support for plaintiff's son.  Repayment was supposed to be from defendant's tax refund, that would be credited to the son's money owed for child support.   (Defendant and son's ex-wife have two kids together, and one more on the way).

Latest dust up was grandson wanted to live with the father, over Christmas vacation, but son didn't return to his home with the defendants.  Mother/defendant is custodial parent.   Defendant took police to get grandson from father and grandmother's house.    When grandson was picked up at father's house, son was high as a kite, and so was the father.   Grandmother lies about trying to sign that same grandson out of school illegally.    

Plaintiff case is not going to get cash, but defendant will send $2100 through the child support office, to pay back the loan, and reduce the plaintiff's son's child support bills.   With the $2100 paid off, the plaintiff’s son is still $5,000 behind on child support for his two children.

Everything dismissed.   

Don't Prey on My Daughter-Plaintiff Diana Cruz suing defendant/former neighbor LaDonna Lathon for a damaged storage shed, and property inside the shed.   Plaintiff's late mother owned two properties, one was bought by the defendant.     When mother went into rest home, and later died, plaintiff moved out and rented a room.   (This was in Clarksburg, WV).

Plaintiff says the neighbor talked the druggie daughter, Natasha into selling neighbor the wrecked shed, and contents for $75.   Plaintiff claims she could have lived in mother's house, after mother died, except the city of Clarksburg condemned the house.   Neighbor/defendant who bought house, bought shed from plaintiff's daughter, and shed was on condemned the property.

Plaintiff wanted shed back, so defendant returned it, it was in bad shape, and didn't survive the move.    Plaintiff wants $4,000 for the shed and contents.     

 Plaintiff mother is a real jerk.  The only one who is preying on the daughter is her own mother.   Plaintiff just wouldn't stop talking about the daughter's drug issues.  (My guess is the plaintiff's daughter is only in court because the mother doesn't trust her home alone). 

Plaintiff claim dismissed, because it's garbage. Defendant didn't even get the $75, and JJ gives that back to defendant. 

Second (2017)-

Ex-Lover's Expensive Mistake-Plaintiff Monique Donale Anderson Roberts suing defendant/ex-boyfriend bought a $28,000 car on payments, and then she dumped him, she’s suing him for traffic tickets, car payments, and emotional distress.    Defendant has no driver’s license, and hasn't for years.   Plaintiff used her car for a trade in, and she wants payments from defendant.   

Defendant was driving when they were pulled over for speeding, and since defendant has no license, they received a ticket.  Plaintiff will not get paid for the traffic ticket.    When plaintiff started do payments, and insurance from defendant's bank account, he reversed the charges, and dumped her. 

Defendant retired with 40 years of federal service.  Defendant hasn’t had a driver’s license for 15 years. 

Years ago, litigants bought a car with only his name on the title, when they broke up defendant took the car, and she had no rights to the car.   This time car was in plaintiff’s name, on the payments, and she got the tickets when they were pulled over for speeding.  Plaintiff claims she didn’t know for sure defendant didn’t have a license. 

Defendant says when his brother got out of his unfortunate incarceration, defendant and brother got an apartment together.  Defendant says he discovered that plaintiff was making the car and insurance payments without his knowledge, but he says that he couldn't reverse the charges.   

Plaintiff made the $1,000+ payment from defendant's bank account, and then dumped him.   Plaintiff gets nothing for the traffic ticket, because she let defendant drive without a license.     

Plaintiff case dismissed.  

Shoot My Dogs If You See Them-Plaintiff/Mini Schnauzer owner Jennifer Samenus  is suing defendant/owner of American Bulldogs (Bullies) Justin Rummel for vet bills, after dog attack, on her mini Schnauzer by defendant’s dogs.  Plaintiff wants to be paid for her ruined garden, from his cows escaping and violating her garden.   

 Plaintiff has four acres, and defendant has 10.4 acres.    Defendant has American Bulldogs, the attacking dog got run over a couple of months before the court case.      Defendant claims his dogs couldn't get out because of his world-class fencing, and that's a lie, because one of the attacking dogs got out, was run over, and died a couple of months after the attack.   

When plaintiff let her dog out into her yard, she saw two of defendant's dogs savaging her Mini Schnauzer.   When she came out to find out about the commotion in her yard, the two dogs ran back to defendant's yard.   Plaintiff says part of the defendant’s fence is two rails, not full wire.   

Defendant told plaintiff his dogs didn't do it, and if she saw them on her property again, shoot them.      Poor attacked Schnauzer had a lot of problems, and huge vet bills.   

$2600 to plaintiff for her dog's vet bills, and nothing for her garden. (If plaintiff is smart, she'll move away from the defendant).

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5 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Plaintiff mother is a real jerk.  The only one who is preying on the daughter is her own mother.   Plaintiff just wouldn't stop talking about the daughter's drug issues.  (My guess is the plaintiff's daughter is only in court because the mother doesn't trust her home alone). 

Don't prey on my daughter!!  None of it was her fault!  Kid's probably never had a moment of accountability in her young life.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Sisters’ Assault and Stand-Off -Plaintiff/half-sister Bianca Payne and her fiance (car owner) Sebastian Jordan.  suing defendant/half-sister Danielle Blocker for vandalizing their car and an assault.  Mr. Jordan owns the car, being driven by plaintiff Ms. Payne.    Defendant is counter suing for injuries when plaintiff Payne pushed her into the car during the argument.  

Argument started over plaintiff’s niece Alexis was upset about defendant going somewhere without the plaintiff’s niece.      Alexis wanted to the store with Danielle and cousin Rachel, and she wasn’t asked, so she was crying about it, and her Aunt Bianca was angry.   

Then, plaintiff called her sister/defendant, and told her that Alexis was upset (I’m sick of hearing about Alexis and her crying), and it was defendant’s fault, and didn’t want the other niece to go with Danielle to the store either.   

Now we’re past the kid crying, and the argument started in front of the house, by the car.   Plaintiff claims defendant kicked the car owned by plaintiff Sebatian Jordan several times.    This is when defendant claims car damages came from plaintiff sister pushing her into the car.   JJ looks at the car photo, and says no way the dent on the car door was made by defendant kicking the door.

Another sister, Denisha Block is defendant’s witness (and defendant’s twin sister), and claims there was no car damage.      Plaintiff called the police, and defense witness says there was no damage on the car door.  

Everything dismissed.   JJ tells plaintiff to fix her boyfriend’s car. 

Heartbroken and Broke -Plaintiff Elizabeth Gazdziak suing ex-boyfriend/defendant Zachary Tubbs for unpaid rent, utility bills, and car loan while they were living together as a couple.  Defendant says they were a couple, he lost his job, and plaintiff covered the bills until he could get another job.  

They lived together for about 14 months.   They were both on the lease.

Plaintiff claims they were only a couple for a few months, and lived as roommates for most of the lease, and says defendant owes her everything she asked the court for.

Defendant says he doesn’t owe anything to plaintiff.  JJ suspects that this case is here only for the TV money from Officer Byrd.

Plaintiff gets car loan remainder back $1,000.

Second (2014)-

Stepfather Payback -Plaintiff/stepdaughter LisaMarie Sanchez suing defendant/estranged stepfather Jerry Rogers for repayment of a loan to catch up on mortgage payments.     Plaintiff claims she loaned estranged stepfather money to get the mortgage current.   Stepfather, his two teen boys, and stepdaughter lived in the home, after mother moved out.   Defendant say soon to be ex-wife never worked during the marriage.

Defendant claims the mother, Renee Rogers, and daughter arranged the loan, so they wouldn’t get foreclosed on.  Defendant says plaintiff called him, said she was getting a loan for the mortgage shortfall, but claims there was no mention of repayment.   The plaintiff’s mother, soon to be the ex-wife of defendant, she watched the defendant’s sons while they lived together.   Plaintiff mother hasn’t worked outside the home for years.   The two lived together for 14 years, and Renee Rogers hasn’t worked outside the home for over 10 years, and still doesn’t.  Ms. Rogers lives off of her grandmother, and from money from her other relatives. 

Renee Rogers has never worked outside the home, and so there was no expectation that mother would

$2567 to plaintiff stepdaughter.

Repo Mom -Plaintiff /mother Annette Price suing defendant/daughter Teffanie Price for missed payments, and maintenance costs on a car that plaintiff had to repo twice.    First time daughter missed a payment, so plaintiff repo’d it, and then daughter paid the car payment, so car was given back to defendant.    The second time, the daughter missed less than one payment, but there were late fees, so plaintiff repo’d the car the second time.   

Defendant finally found out where the car was stashed with a friend in May, but didn’t get the car until December.    When the second repo happened, defendant got another car, and when that one fell apart, defendant went for the car in December.   Plaintiff kept the car after the repo, instead of give it back to the finance company.    Plaintiff wants the payments she had to make after the second repo, and maintenance while the other person had the Jeep, until defendant found the car and took it back.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Child Hit by Car! -Plaintiffs/parents Jordan and Erichia Green suing defendant/motorist Anthony Smith for hitting their 7-year-old daughter when she ran between two cars and right in front of the defendant.  Little girl suffered a broken Tibia.   Initial claim was for medical bills, but the bills were covered by insurance.   Now parents are suing for pain and suffering, and his lost wages.  

Plaintiff parents weren’t even watching their 7-year-old daughter. 

Defendant was driving a Volvo, it was insured.    The day after the accident the plaintiff father consulted an attorney.    Defendant grew up in the neighborhood, but recently moved out, and was going to his friend’s house, across and up a few houses down the street from plaintiffs. 

Defendant was driving his stepmother’s car, which is insured.    Defendant is a medical student, and I wonder if future earnings account for father consulting the attorney the day after the accident?  Monge & Associates dropped the case six months later, because the general release cancelled law suit.   Medicaid paid the medical bills, not defendant’s insurance company.  

Defendant’s parents were dropped by insurance company after the accident.  Car belonged to defendant’s stepmother, and he wasn’t named on the policy, so the insurance wouldn’t pay plaintiffs, so attorney dropped the case.   Journei (the little girl) claims she looked both ways before crossing, and I think she's been coached to say that.  

I think JJ was way too hard on the defendant, he was going slow, watching for people running across the street, and the child ran out from behind a parked car.   If he would have been going faster, then the child would have been badly injured or dead.    

Plaintiff case is dismissed for lost wages, but Journei gets $1,000 for pain and suffering.   

Second (2017)-

Angry Brother Vandal   -Plaintiff/sister Shafieh Bryant suing brother/defendant Richard Blake for getting mad in an argument over Halloween candy, and claims he destroyed a TV, and slashed plaintiff's tires.   Plaintiff let brother host a crab dinner at her apartment, and there was an argument with the sister over the phone.  The argument was about him eating her kid's Halloween candy.   (Note to litigants, candy is half price all over town on Halloween and for days after, so next time buy a few bags for yourself).       

Plaintiff witness says man was angry after arguments with sister, and poured a full pitcher of water into the TV, and then he slashed the sister's tires.  Plaintiff says front door was propped wide open, two TVs were full of water, and the police were called.    Unfortunately for defendant, JJ doesn’t believe defendant’s claims that someone else did this (the Other Dude Did It Defense).

Defendant brother says the plaintiff's witness is lying about seeing him do this, and claims witness is an ex-friend with an ax to grind (or maybe he took her candy too).   

 $1500 to plaintiff.   

Don't Give Away My Cat-Plaintiff Nathan Mitchell suing for defendant Matthew Lawson, stealing his cat, and giving the cat away.    They are both long haul truck drivers, plaintiff went to visit his fiance in the Philippines, and needed a cat caretaker for the 30 days.    They were supposed to meet up in May, and plaintiff would get the cat back.    They were talking on the phone when plaintiff returned to Phoenix.

Defendant claims plaintiff didn't contact him for over two weeks after returning, and it ended up being two months caring for the cat.        Defendant told plaintiff that he had to go on the road to get more money, and his pregnant fiance couldn't change the litter box.   So the defendant found a lovely home for the cat, and plaintiff gets nothing.  Defendant is counter suing for lost wages, and pet supplies, for $3500.  

The defendant and fiance advertised for a home for the cat, and it apparently has an owner that doesn't leave the cat for two full months.     Defendant will not get pet sitting fees, no contract with plaintiff.    Instead of three weeks, the cat was there eight weeks.   Defendant has no receipts, so no money.   The defendant actually cancelled several trips to stay home and scoop cat litter.   

Both cases dismissed. 

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Handyman Shows off Gunshot Wounds (2016)- 

Plaintiff: Cynthia Martinelli from Hampstead, NC. Cynthia is a wide-eyed grandmother type who is wearing some business casual attire and is apparently retired military. Cynthia has a daughter. Cynthia also can’t seem to tell the truth to save her life. I, being prior service, understood that the military teaches you (indirectly, of course) how to bullshit people convincingly. Cynthia, however, must have been out at Lowe’s that day or something. She was trying to pull JJ’s leg so hard that the thing would have been ripped off, but I’ll get on that in a minute.

Defendant: Matthew Lewis, from Hampstead, NC. Matthew is an ex-con, gunshot wound victim, and part-time handyman. Matt has the whole “loner” type look about him. He is wearing a nicely pressed blue shirt, a tie, and some khaki slacks. Matt doesn’t have the best past, whatwith drug addiction and prison, but he claims he is working hard to get his life back together. Matt is adept at cleaning gutters, fixing plumbing, and his rates are extremely reasonable.

The Complaint: Cynthia is up in court suing Matthew for refund of his work fee, lock change fees, and property damage.

What Does He/She want: Cynthia wants $1,049 for damages and a refund 

Countersuit?: YES. Lost wages, harassment, false restraining order.

Puppy Multiplier: N/A

Driving Around Without Insurance: N/A

What Went Down: Cynthia met Matthew as he was cleaning out the gutters of a fellow neighbor. Cynthia, being the opportunist that she is, hired Matthew to clean out her gutters for $60, as that was substantially cheaper than a quote she had gotten elsewhere. When he completed that job, Cynthia was so satisfied with her cleaned out gutters that she hired Matt again to replace her sink and vanity in her bathroom for a fee of $100. This is where shit started going south.

Like JJ stated: “It was quite a savings!”

See, Handyman Matt would need to take out the old vanity and replace it with the new vanity that was in the garage. Cynthia claimed the Matt broke the marble top for the vanity, that he didn’t finish the job, and she had to turn around and hire someone else to finish the job.

JJ just laughs at her.

And I just have to take a moment here to reflect on Cynthia’s damn “deer in headlights” expression. I don’t understand why she always looks like a scared rabbit. This woman appeared as if she had seen a tornado right outside her damn door or if she had seen Batman swoop down from a building and whoop Penguin’s ass. Imagine what she looks like if you throw her lying ass a surprise birthday party. That’s another thing. Is she looking like that because she’s cooking up a story to tell in her head, or if she does not understand that JJ isn’t buying it?

At any rate, Cynthia begins to tell the tale about she offered Matt a dolly to bring the box in, with Max declining. He picked up the box and dropped it.

That is what Cynthia attests to.

JJ then turns her attention to Handy-Matt, with her stating that she is a fair person. Matt kinda smiles and agrees with the Judge. JJ point blank asks him if he dropped the box. Matt denies dropping the box. He claims that as he was carrying the box, he could hear pieces jingling in the box. “That doesn’t sound good,” is what he told Cynthia. When he and Cynthia opened the box, there was a corner missing from the vanity.

JJ then switches the game up again (gotta keep us viewers on our toes, I suppose), and goes back to Cynthia. JJ queries where Cynthia purchased the vanity from. Cynthia was emphatic in her answer that she got it from Home Depot.  She and her daughter took the vanity home. JJ then tricks Cynthia and asks her if she saw him drop the box.

JJ: “Did you see him drop the box?”

Cynthia “….”

JJ: “Di- LOOK AT ME. Did…you…see him drop the box??"

Lying Cynthia: “No..”

This causes JJ to fly off the handle because she caught Cynthia in a lie. Cynthia tried to rebound and claim that she didn’t hear any jingle in the box, but JJ quells that story very quickly. JJ then reiterates the fact that Cynthia never saw him drop the box. JJ rants a bit more, remarking that Cynthia may look like a sweet old woman, but she is indeed a devious liar.

JJ then asks again if Handy-Matt disassembled the old vanity and replaced it with the new one. She states that Matt started working on that and when she came back home after getting the replacement vanity, Matt was working on the plumbing. She tried to give extra details, but JJ wasn’t having that, demanding to know what happened on “that date”.

Matt steps up to the plate and states that he was the one who took the new vanity out of the car to install it. He did what was asked of him and JJ states that Matt earned his $100.

Cynthia then begins the next part of her testimony.

Cynthia: “So, basically…”

JJ: “I don’t wanna HEAR basically, Mrs. Martinelli!! I wanna hear what happened next!”

Cynthia claims that Matt never finished the job (even though she just admitted that he did. I told ya, that Martinelli lady is a sneaky minx), and that he left a mess in her bathroom. She stated that Handy-Matt had an emergency and had to leave to pay someone $100.

JJ wants to know about the time that Matt stated he had to leave. JJ then throws some shade at Martinelli, by stating that if she doesn’t remember the time, then she’ll ask Matt what time he left for his emergency. Cynthia keeps stalling, and JJ gets fed up with it and asked Matt what time he left. Matt explains that he received the money on a Sunday, the job began the very next day. The job wasn’t complete because Martinelli claimed that she was going to donate the other one. Matt is about to tell about the plumbing fixtures that Martinelli needed, JJ interrupts him and asks what time he left. Matt then states that he didn’t leave due to an emergency. He left because that Lyin Cynthia needed plumbing fixtures to complete the job.  She said she was going to pick those up either that night or the next day.

Cynthia sort of nods in agreement to what Matt is saying, and JJ picks up on that. She asks Cynthia to confirm if it were true that she didn’t have the required materials to finish the plumbing job. Cynthia confirms it. Meaning everything she said about the Handy-Matt having an emergency and leaving was complete bullshit.

JJ wants to know what Cynthia did in the meantime. At this point JJ is just screwing with her. It included this amazing exchange between the plaintiff and the Judge.

Cynthia: “Well, he sent me to Lowe’s…”

JJ: “He sent-He didn’t send you to Lowe’s!! How old are you?!”

Cynthia: “It-“

JJ: “How old are you?!”

Cynthia: “It was the Lowe’s down the street.”

JJ makes sure that Cynthia knows that Matt has waited on her twice because she didn’t have the necessary materials for the job. After all, Hampstead has a booming home renovation market and Matt’s time ain’t cheap.

JJ wants to know what happened next, but before Cynthia can answer, JJ gives her fair warning to be truthful with her response. JJ makes it no secret that Cynthia has been quite deceptive in her past answers to JJ. She wants to know what happened between Cynthia and Matt in the following days.

Cynthia, not adept at lying though wants to be liar, kills the awkward silence by beginning her next piece of testimony:

Cynthia: “Well…”

JJ: “Well? Let’s have it!”

I can tell JJ is starting to get annoyed and impatient with this entire case.

Cynthia states that he had damaged baseboards and she was attempting to contact Matt to finish the job and each time she reached out to him, there was always an excuse. JJ wants to see the texts where he stated he wouldn’t finish the job. Cynthia then says that she has a “basic phone” that doesn’t allow her to “do that thing”. I have no earthly idea what a “basic phone” is or how it doesn’t allow someone to “do that thing”. I mean, seriously, what is a “basic phone”? Does it not have a screen? She can’t be talking about a landline. Her ass was just talking about texts, so I know she wasn’t talking about a landline. But then again, with as many yarns Cynthia has spun thus far, you never know.

JJ then loops back to Matt while complaining that she isn’t getting anything from Cynthia. Handy-Matt says that he texted Cynthia stating that he can be there to finish the job between 11 and 1. When asked for the texts, Matt claims he has Boost Mobile (damn, I remember them from way back), and they would not allow him to print his texts. Matt stated that he texted her three times to get her attention so he can finish the job.

Cynthia claimed that Matt called and asked for more money. JJ then uses that as an opportunity to chastise Cynthia on her new memory abilities. Cynthia told him that she wouldn’t give Matt more money. JJ reminds Cynthia that she’s a liar and that she didn’t forget by forcing Cynthia to admit that in order to get a new vanity, she told the workers at Home Depot that the vanity came broken, not that Matt dropped it. Cynthia’s tongue would catch fire if she told the truth once. She is such a damn liar. Cynthia doesn’t even believe her own damn lies.

Matt was being pretty reasonable if he asked for more money. The job was $100, with him waiting on her for the most part. Cynthia stated that he didn’t install it correctly and that there is damage. JJ doesn’t want to hear any more of that nonsense, moving on to Cynthia’s other part of her suit. Cynthia claims that Matt the Builder was “inappropriate” with her daughter. Cynthia claims that he lifted his shirt to show off his gunshot wound. The daughter told the story later on. Cynthia admits going on Facebook and asking people if they had any work done by Handy-Matt. Cynthia also lets in on the little fact that Matt is an ex-convict. The camera switches to a close up of Matt, where his face is wearing a mask of shame, regret, and embarrassment.

JJ still wants to know why Cynthia is in front of her, wasting her time. Cynthia was trying to get ALL she could get and JJ lets her know that. JJ tells Dizzy Cynthie that her claim is dismissed. She is far more interested in the countersuit that Matt has.

We get to the counterclaim, which is about how Cynthia is spreading lies and rumors all around town, with word spreading like the late night news. This had a negative impact on Matt’s business. We get our (rare) Judge Mathis Moment where Matt talks about how his life spiraled out of control due to drugs. Matt claims that the reason he showed the daughter the gunshot wound was because the daughter claimed to have a scar on her knee from surgery. While Matt was still telling the story about his hard ass life, JJ switches her attention back to Cynnie. JJ asks her to confirm if the daughter has a scar on her knee. Cynthia looks around for a bit before she answers. JJ again tricks the dimwitted broad and asks Cyn Cyn if her daughter ever had surgery on her knee. Cyn admits to it, but tries to backpedal and say “But there’s no scar…”

JJ wants to see the proof of harassment from Matt, with Matt testifying that Cyn Cyn took out a restraining order against him. There was a court case for it that Cynthia didn’t show up to and it was subsequently dismissed.

JJ sees the restraining order and is aghast at such a dumb restraining order. JJ then makes fun of Cynnie’s eyes again before demanding proof from her on why she got the restraining order to begin with. JJ then does a hilarious rundown on all the lies that Cynthia has told thus far. She then reminds Cynnabon that Matt may be a convicted felon, but Cynthia is a stone cold liar, and a very bad one at that.

The restraining order was basically the fact that Matt couldn’t do the job and he wanted more money. LOL. Cynthia is a WHOLE Karen. I bet she hangs out on those Facebook Mommy Groups.  

JJ then gets super fed up with the entire case, grants Matt $800 on his counterclaim, and throws them both out of court.

During the Hall-ter-View, Cynthia just kept lying. Like, this the lady just can’t tell the truth about anything. She just keeps up with her bullshit façade. She ends all her lying by saying that the cops told her to get a restraining order and then go to small claims court, so she did. Idiot, they didn't tell you to ruin that man's reputation in that small ass town. 

Verdict: $800 on the Countersuit. Nothing for Lying ass Cynthia. FINISH YOUR DRINK!

Did Auntie Judy say anything effed up to anyone: {to Cynthia} “Actually, Mrs. Martinelli, you are outrageous. I’m so glad that they dismissed your application for a protective order against him. So thrilled that they did that."




Edited by DjamillasMan
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Cynthia Martinelli ranks right up there with the beauty shop owner who kept calling the police and claiming the reverend running the church in their strip mall was a drug dealer.   That one's reason was his church in their strip mall was going to have a summer program for kids, and she wanted his parking spaces,  and to get him evicted.    What kind of horrible person lies about someone's activities, just to get a phony restraining order?   Or tries to get false criminal charges against someone?     

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3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Cynthia Martinelli ranks right up there with the beauty shop owner who kept calling the police and claiming the reverend running the church in their strip mall was a drug dealer.   That one's reason was his church in their strip mall was going to have a summer program for kids, and she wanted his parking spaces,  and to get him evicted.    What kind of horrible person lies about someone's activities, just to get a phony restraining order?   Or tries to get false criminal charges against someone?     

Cynthia was a piece of work and a terrible liar. I was also in shock that she had a fake restraining order on Matt for absolutely no reason at all. She was just a deceptive, horrible, evil human being. Then the whole time she was acting as if she were justified in all of her actions; including lying to destroy this man's livelihood. I mean, the man is already an ex-con, so his job opportunities are quite limited, but this lady made it even worse for him by running around town destroying his reputation. The fact that Cynthia has spent time as a social worker terrifies me. 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Slapped for Cheating? – Plaintiff /ex-girlfriend Nelida “Maria” Sandoval suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Sam Rodriguez for filing a false restraining order, unpaid money, and vandalizing her car.  Plaintiff wants back rent, dismissed.   Defendant says he filed for the restraining order for stalking him, slapping him and vandalizing his car.  Defendant says he wants property back from her house, and loaned her money she never repaid.

Plaintiff wants lost wages, they worked at the same place, and she claims defendant told her not to go to work, and expenses for the restraining order he filed against her.    Defendant moved out of plaintiff’s home, and then filed for the protective order the next day.   Defendant says plaintiff showed up at a friend’s house at 2:00 a.m. (I’m guessing female friend).    When another tenant opened the door, an ex-nun, plaintiff pushed past her, and confronted the defendant.   Defendant says plaintiff drove 100 miles from Fontana to Los Angeles, to confront defendant, and she slapped him.  

Defendant says after the restraining order, plaintiff applied for three different restraining orders against defendant, and all three were denied.

Plaintiff case dismissed, and $2000 to defendant for harassment. 

Friendship Fraud? -Plaintiff Giancarlo Eiras suing defendant Dustin Pestano for parking tickets, and car insurance.     This case concerns a missing car, a suspended license, and fraud.  Defendant says he bought the Lexus for $5,000, and put it in plaintiff’s name, and plaintiff had insurance in defendant’s name, because defendant’s license was suspended, so it was fraud.

Plaintiff gets zero money, because he came to court with dirty hands, and defrauded the state, and the insurance company.

Defendant says the car disappeared, and no one is telling where it went.  This was after defendant’s license was reinstated, and title was put in defendant’s name.  Note to defendant, cars are stolen all of the time, especially a Lexus.

Everything dismissed.

Second (2014)-

When Unwed Parents Fight! -Plaintiff /former boyfriend Joshua Eagan suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Jamie Gunther for the return of an engagement ring, return of furniture, and loans for bills, for $4,000.   Defendant claims they took out two loans, to pay their bills.    Plaintiff owned the house, and defendant lived with him, and they had a child together at that time.   When defendant left plaintiff claims she took property purchased by him, and he wants it back.   Defendant claims she bought the engagement ring on her credit card, but plaintiff says he paid $700 down on the ring.   $1,000 loan was to pay the ring off, and buy a humidifier for the home, and loan was on defendant’s credit.

Defendant gets $500 to pay off the loan for the ring, and plaintiff gets the ring he doesn’t want. 

Plaintiff bought furniture, defendant co-signed on it, but plaintiff makes all of the payments.   Defendant has the furniture in her home.       Plaintiff gets the furniture and TV back, with a marshal escort.

There’s also another $1,000 loan, and that financed the TV.   TV tosses the TV claim out, also tosses the bed frame, box springs, and other claims out.

Defendant also had a $3,000 medical bill from before they met, and plaintiff took out a consolidation loan that he’s still paying on it to pay for that.   Defendant claims the plaintiff is responsible for a medical bill she will have to pay for the rest of her life.

Defendant hasn’t gone to court to get child support enforced.  JJ says if she could she would put non-paying parents in jail, until they agreed to pay their back child support.   However, JJ has no jurisdiction to do this any longer.   JJ points out when she could jail deadbeat parents, that there was always someone who paid it for them, usually the new boyfriend or girlfriend. 

So, defendant gets $500, plaintiff gets all of his furniture back with a marshal escort.  Everything else dismissed for both litigants.  (Plaintiff claims the child support is a non-issue, because he has the child more than she does).

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

If You Love Your Child…Don’t Do This! -Plaintiff/child’s father Joel Knutson suing defendant /child’s mother Katherine Harrison for damaging his guitar on the way out after a custody exchange.    There is a custody arrangement, father 45% custody, and mother 55% custody, plaintiff pays about $260 a month child support.    

Plaintiff is a professional musician, and sometimes his work schedule interferes with his custody schedule.   Defendant is an IT consultant, and claims she survives on $20k a year, plus child support.  JJ wonders why defendant caused this huge scene, and damage, in front of the child, over $200 defendant wanted.  

Defendant went to plaintiff’s home to drop off the 9-year-old child, pushed her way into the house, demanded the $200 she wanted, and when plaintiff said he wouldn’t pay her, she grabbed one of his guitars by the entrance, tossed it onto her shoulder, and said he’d get his guitar back when he paid her, and she walked out of the house.    So, she trespassed, forced entry, stole a guitar. 

Plaintiff is suing for his guitar damages, and defendant still wants the $200 daycare fee.  Plaintiff called police, and filed charges for a broken door, and guitar damages.  Door has a bent hinge, and injured the doorknob.   Guitar damages are demonstrated in extensive, boring detail.  After police arrived, defendant slammed the guitar down, cracking the internals, and other parts in three places.   Plaintiff has a music store, and his certified technicians couldn’t repair the guitar.  Guitar was only partially fixable, and took five months to be partially repaired. 

JJ tells defendant she’s making her son’s life worse because of her lack of control.   I also doubt she only makes $20,000 a year. 

$1945 to plaintiff, from $2145, so minus the $200 defendant wanted for day care. 

Second (2017)-

Heartbreaking Mother/Daughter Identity Theft-Plaintiff/ daughter (23) Lashapale Copes suing her defendant/mother Jzenita Copes for identity theft, ruining her credit.      Daughter lived with mother for a year at about 17, before that stepmother, grandmother.    When daughter was 17, she lived with the mother, and that's when the identity theft happened.    

Mother/defendant admits to being incarcerated on three counts of identity theft, and was incarcerated for two years.    Defendant claims she never stole daughter's identity, or signed up for an apartment lease, or utilities, using her daughter's name. 

The daughter found out about the identity theft when she received an eviction notice on her mother's apartment, when daughter was 17, and mother was using her social security number, and name.      There is also a utility bill in daughter's name, but she never lived there.   The credit report for daughter is full of evictions, past due utility charges, and other financial items, totaling $10k.       

Daughter lives with stepmother, paying $100 a month, and Section 8 pays the rest, at the time of the show filming.   Daughter doesn't qualify for a car loan, to drive Uber, that’s all because she was refused because of the bad credit report.  Daughter can't even get a bank account with many banks because of the back charges.    Daughter should write the mother off, and file police reports on the thefts.    Then as an identity theft victim, get another social security number, and dispute everything she can on the credit reports.  (Jzenita Copes has a long history of convictions, some after this case aired). 

The defendant is a total jerk, and doesn't care that her daughter is crying from being ripped off by the mother.  

(My personal opinion is embezzlers, and identity theft should be punished with real time in jail, meaning years.   Must identity theft (75% I've read) is by relatives.  I'm shocked the so-called mother actually received prison time before, and I hope prosecutors saw this case, and sent her back to prison for years.   Embezzling, and identity theft need to be punished for what they are, they're stealing a person's entire life).   

$5,000 to plaintiff.    Defendant should be ashamed, but never will be.  

Deer Takes Another Car Down-Plaintiff Heather Snyder suing ex-boyfriend/defendant Joshua Haga for unpaid loan to buy a car.   Defendant needed a car, so plaintiff took out a cash advance/loan for loser ex.   

It's hysterical when defendant says he has no loan on the car, because he pays the dealership every month (that's called a car loan you idiot).    Byrd seems to think defendant is funny, and stupid.   (The audience members are trying very hard not to laugh, and get yelled at).  He doesn't understand insurance deductibles either.  

What a shock, car was bought in July, paid in August, and he stopped making payments in October, in November he hit a deer, and had no gap insurance, and a $500 deductible.   The lack of gap insurance is telling to me, that usually comes with the loan and insurance unless you've had issues before.   Defendant never paid the down payment back, $1800, and $1937 with first month's insurance.   Six weeks after the car purchase, defendant dumped her.   However, plaintiff says she dumped him after he became controlling.         Car was repossessed after defendant stopped paying, after the wreck in November.   

$1937 to plaintiff.      

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Drug Dealer? -Plaintiff/car buyer Brittany Martin suing defendant/car seller Donna Youngblood   for return of payments, and insurance payments on repo’d car.   Plaintiff was buying the car from defendant, by taking over the payments.   Plaintiff would give the payments to defendant who would pay them to the car dealership (defendant had a second car she was driving).  

 Car owner repo’d car after finding out buyer was selling synthetic pot (Spice?) out of the vehicle.   Defendant’s witness saw the weed sale, and bought from plaintiff too.  Defendant claims plaintiff was letting an unlicensed driver use the car.   The unlicensed driver is plaintiff’s roommate / girlfriend, Ashley Bolitho, and her co-dealer according to defendant witness.  Defendant is manager who works with plaintiff, and defendant witness.  

JJ doesn’t believe the defendant’s witness. 

Defendant had the right to repo the car, for non-payment, and unlicensed driver.  Unlicensed plaintiff witness was driving two and from her work, and picking up Brittany from work, and drove all five months plaintiff had the car.

Plaintiff case dismissed.  

House Sitting Party Damage -Plaintiff / home owner Angela Marinakis suing defendant /former room renting tenant Cari Sims for house damages after an unauthorized party, and for making porn in their home (actually alleged porn was photographed with participants in home owner’s bed).  Plaintiff has pictures of damages, and wants $5,000.  (This happened in PA, but defendant now lives in Las Vegas).

Plaintiff says damaged computer was used to make porn in plaintiff’s bed by defendant, and claims defendant broke the computer.   Damages include nail polish on the coffee table.  Plaintiff’s closet shelf and rod were pulled out, and on the floor, and jewelry box was broken and no jewelry was around.

JJ thinks the closet rod could have just happened, and the jewelry stealing is discounted too.  Defendant was in the condo without plaintiff there for two weeks. 

Plaintiff gets $200 for coffee table, a little for floor damages, and computer replacement $1400.   

$1400 to plaintiff.

Second (2014)-

Get Out of My House! -Plaintiff/former landlord Michael Chapman suing defendant/former tenant   Lavaya Kettlehake for damages to his rental home, missing appliances.   Plaintiff moved from Ohio, to Michigan for a job opportunity, so he rented the house to defendant.     Their issues are a mysterious check, allergies, and vanishing appliances after they were evicted.  

Defendant signed a one-year lease with plaintiff, for defendant, and her children.   Then, plaintiff told her to move out because he was going to move back to Ohio.    Defendant only had a one year lease, and she could live in house until lease was up.   

Why did landlords come on this show?   JJ hates anyone who is a landlord, sold a house and made a profit, or is upset about damages.

Landlord says he wanted to move back, and also found out the defendant illegally moved her boyfriend into the house too.   Landlord has a signed letter agreeing if defendant, all tenants, and her belongings are out by the end of the lease, that he’ll forego rent for the last month, and return her $700 damage deposit.   Defendant also moved her boyfriend in illegally, and had a cat that was not permitted.  Since plaintiff is deathly allergic to cats, he would have to have the house professionally cleaned, and I bet the rugs ripped out.

Defendant is counter claiming for harassment, and wants $2,000.

Defendant took the fridge, and stove, plus washer and dryer, so JJ gives plaintiff $400.

JJ says plaintiff and wife are lying about never receiving the rent for the last month. 

$400 to plaintiff for appliances.    Defendant gets $2,000 for the wrongful eviction.

Invasion of Privacy? -Plaintiff/former tenant Dathan Brown suing defendant/landlady Michelle Slade for assaulting him with her car, return of rent, stealing his mail, and refusing to fix a broken sewage line.   Landlady says tenant lied about her trying to hit him with her car, and is suing him for unpaid rent.

(Defendant’s bright purple hair matches her scarf).

Defendant says plaintiff was evicted in October by sheriff’s deputy, and owed for five month’s rent.   Plaintiff claims the kitchen drain line was broken, spilled sewage on the lawn, and says because landlady didn’t fix the broken drain, he didn’t pay rent.  

Plaintiff claims the defendant hit him with her car, but he doesn’t have a police report, or medical records.    Plaintiff claims defendant was stealing his mail, and clipped him with her car while she was snooping through his mail.  

Plaintiff case dismissed. 

Defendant receives $2750 for unpaid rent.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Voter Fraud and Rabbits-Plaintiff Wendy Whitaker is suing her former foster daughter/defendant Ashlynn Parenteau for the items she claims she stole from her home.     Plaintiff asked defendant to housesit for her, and claims defendant stole her property.  

Plaintiff committed voter fraud, by filling out the provisional ballot for the defendant, and put it in the ballot box (totally illegal).     Plaintiff was foster mother off and on, for several years.    Defendant claims plaintiff changed the locks, and wants her property back that she couldn't get out of the house.    After the first time defendant was removed, defendant claims plaintiff committed Social Security fraud, and it's still under investigation. 

Plaintiff has done a bunch of internships for SICU (a union) (unpaid too).    When defendant went to the polls to vote, she was told that she had already voted.  Defendant has charged the desk twice, and Byrd is not happy.     Defendant will receive her sewing machine, rabbits, and items at the plaintiff's home (she will retrieve her items with a police escort). 

 Plaintiff's buddy lies to JJ, after plaintiff gets snotty with JJ.    I hope the local foster authorities will bar the plaintiff from having foster children. 

The items that plaintiff claim were stolen by defendant, were all gifts, including the cell phone.   

B$*#& plaintiff sasses JJ about the cell phone defendant has, when told to forget it.    Plaintiff will get tablet back when defendant picks up her stuff.   

Case dismissed.     

Judge Reveals Secret to Living Longer- (The secret from a gerontologist is: To live to be 100, don't fall)-

Plaintiff Christopher Clark (vacation condo owner) is suing defendants Michael Lewis (adult son) and (mother) Joyce Lewis over damages to his vacation rental (a condo in Florida).   Defendant and his mother, plus others were staying at plaintiff's place.   Ceiling fan wouldn't turn on.   So, 83-year-old mother stood on bed to pull the chain, and fell off the bed., and hit and broke a wall of mirrors during her fall.   Defendant claims the mattress wasn't firm, and that caused his mother to fall (he's counter suing for $3k for pain and suffering).   For once, the plaintiff has pictures before and after.   Defendant's mother didn't go see the doctor, and wasn't hospitalized.   

$540 to plaintiff to fix the mirror.  

Second (2017)-

Professional Driver Crash-Plaintiff Blake Macalus suing defendant Adam Owens for car insurance deductible, over a car accident, when defendant made a U turn in front of him.         Plaintiff was going straight, defendant was behind the plaintiff, defendant went to turn right, realized that he missed a turn, then made a U-turn instead, crossed in front of plaintiff, and the defendant's car was hit.       Both litigants were insured on the date of the accident.  

Defendant was a school bus driver at the time.   Defendant witness (passenger with defendant) swears she saw the cell phone light on plaintiff's phone reflecting on his face.   She testifies she could see him looking down at his phone while he was driving.    Plaintiff's insurance declined to pay his deductible, because he was on the phone.  JJ thinks plaintiff was looking at his phone, and hit the defendant.  (I hope the details of the accident are right, but I'm not sure of anything).  Photos submitted by defendant show damages don’t match plaintiff’s statement.   

Case dismissed.   

The Ultimate Sister Betrayal-(Another inspiring relationship case of familial love.)-Plaintiff  Corie Kolthoff suing sister/defendant Carissa Kilthoff for unpaid dental work charges (another Care Credit case).   Plaintiff opened a dental care charge card, to pay for defendant sister's dental work, and defendant refuses to pay.   

Defendant says the extra dental work was the plaintiff's fault.   The care credit bill is $7,013.    Defendant admits that the bills are hers.  Defendant claims she paid $550, but left the proof at home.    Defendant's defense for not paying the dental charges is that sister punched her in an argument over defendant boinking plaintiff's guy.   

The argument with plaintiff was when defendant was in the hospital having the plaintiff's boyfriend's baby (this is defendant's second kid with the same man).  After the dental work, defendant refused to pay after she found out plaintiff was seeing their mutual, sleazy boyfriend again.   Plaintiff is still seeing the father of defendant's kids.   

Plaintiff receives $5,000, leaving her still $2000 in the hole.  

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Tax Return Rift -Plaintiff Angela Woodard suing defendant Richard Goolsby for not paying a $4,000 payment from plaintiff’s tax refund, for defendant to find a car for her.   Defendant says they were shacking up, she paid him the $4,000 to pay their bills, and plaintiff only wanted the money back when they broke up.

The two litigants lived with defendant’s sister.  Plaintiff’s children were living with her parents while she was living with defendant. Some money went for bills, and some paid off defendant’s possession probation $1,000 charges. 

JJ doesn’t believe plaintiff’s story about the car search, and $4,000 owed. 

Car Versus Tree -Plaintiff/older cousin Kokka Manson Coleman suing defendant /cousin  Timmesha Manson .  Plaintiff says when defendant moved back to North Carolina, she was plaintiff’s business manager, and had keys to two cars, and plaintiff’s beauty salon, at no salary.    Plaintiff suing cousin/defendant for damages when a tree fell on a car belonging to plaintiff.  Plaintiff claims defendant was unemployed and on parole, and plaintiff made her the unpaid business manager to help defendant.   I don’t understand how an unpaid ‘job’ helped defendant.

Plaintiff claims she told defendant to garage the car at her father’s home, and defendant says plaintiff told her to park it in front of the house.  If car had been in garage,

homeowner’s insurance would have covered it, but it was parked outside, and it was an Act of G-d.

Plaintiff case dismissed.  

(Sad note-Kokka Manson Coleman died in 2018).

Second (2014)-

Shattered Windows -Plaintiff /former tenant Tremaine Grant suing defendant/former landlord Gregg Tobin for an illegal eviction, and damaging plaintiff’s property during the eviction.  Rent was $450 a month, rented from March 2012 to January or February of 2013.    A year later the plaintiff’s case now gets on JJ’s court docket.   Plaintiff says he had no money, so it took him over a year to file the small claims case.   

There is a statement from the upstairs tenant who cleaned out the plaintiff’s apartment, and trashed everything. 

Plaintiff admits he rarely paid full rent, and defendant says for almost a year plaintiff didn’t pay rent, and moved back to his mother’s place in New York.  So, plaintiff wasn’t evicted, he voluntarily moved out.

Defendant has no witnesses to plaintiff breaking the 11 windows, so that’s dismissed.   Defendant can prove the rent that was unpaid, and that partially matches the plaintiff’s list of payments. 

Plaintiff case dismissed.    Defendant receives $1,025 for unpaid rent.

Drunken Knife Fight -Plaintiff Craig Knox suing defendants/former friends Jason Kamman  and fiance Amber Goodyear  for unpaid loan for $500, return of rent, and medical bills from an assault. Plaintiff is an alcoholic, and defendants allowed plaintiff to move into a rental.   Plaintiff receives SSDI, and claims he accumulated enough to loan defendant man $500.   Plaintiff claims defendants were drunk, assaulted him, and when he was taken to the hospital, the defendants tossed all of his extremely valuable belongings.   Plaintiff claims after the assault, he accumulated $60,000 worth of hospital bills.

This happened in Reno, NV.   

Defendant man claims the plaintiff threatened him, and his fiance with a knife, and plaintiff was drunk.   

Defendant witness is plaintiff’s brother, who testifies he dropped off plaintiff’s stuff with a friend of plaintiff.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

BB Gun Play Date with Dad Gone Wrong-Plaintiff Tina Burke suing ex-boyfriend Ryan Kelsay for vandalizing her car after an argument.     Litigants have one 8-year-old together, and defendant has two other sons.   

Plaintiff claims it's been about two years since the defendant spent time with their 8-year- old child.     Plaintiff says the defendant was going to keep the son until almost 9 p.m.  Defendant's idea of quality time is shooting BB guns with dad.   But the defendant didn't want to keep the 8-year-old until 9 p.m., so he drove the kid home.    Defendant claims that he had to help someone move that evening, and that's why he wanted the son gone, but he finally admits that a lie.   

After father and son visited, the plaintiff/mother had a date, and defendant wanted son gone, so he drove the son home to mother's place.    The litigants start arguing, defendant grabbed plaintiff's car keys, and threw them the empty lot next door, and then defendant keyed her car.   

Doofus defendant has a 19-year-old, who doesn't live with him, and a 12-year-old son that does live full time with defendant. 

Defendant claims plaintiff dropped charges, but there is no proof, and plaintiff said she didn't.   

$549 to plaintiff.

Bullets and Boyfriends-Plaintiff Tariq Riddle suing defendant/former roommate Darrell Gast for stealing his TV, and borrowing his car, and returning it riddled with bullet holes.    Defendant says he went to the grocery store, but instead went to pick up his brother, and go see the brother's girlfriend.    When defendant's younger brother went to the girlfriend's place, there was an argument.  Then, bullets started flying.

As JJ point out, if defendant had only gone to Publix, (a lovely grocery store, that does not have flying bullets in their parking lot), as planned, the car would not have been riddled with bullets.      Funny note, defendant is getting subtitles, since he won't stop mumbling.  

Plaintiff receives $2700 for car damage, and the TV. 

Second (2017)-

Creative Estate Planning Bust-Plaintiff/ mother Ann Robertson was trying to prepare defendant/ daughter Katherine Perdue for a future without the mother, is suing for mobile home title, and an unpaid loan.  Defendant says mother wanted to purchase a trailer for daughter, to reduce her assets (sounds like for Medicaid).   

Mother thought she was getting sick, so she bought the trailer, put it in daughter's name, and said that when plaintiff dies, it would simplify things.       When the plaintiff said she was going to take the daughter to small claims, and then Judge Judy, the daughter said she was going to evict the mother from the mobile home that mother purchased, and put in daughter's name the second they get back.    The defendant is never going to sell the trailer, and split the money with the other two adult children. 

Defendant / daughter says she's not going to throw mother out of trailer.   JJ asks daughter to sign a life estate order for the mother to stay in the trailer, and daughter refuses to do that.    Defendant says mother split trailer into two apartments (no permits, so illegally done), to rent out the back of the trailer.     Katherine Perdue (not related to the rich chicken family), of Harker Heights, TX (at last, a place I've not only heard of, but visited), says her only job is taking care of a disabled child (I don't know if this is a job, or her own child).    As JJ says, there is nothing she can do to force the daughter to give the mother a life estate on the trailer the mother purchased, and made the mistake of putting in the daughter's name.     A local attorney told the plaintiff that already.      

Defendant whines that the mother was not a real mother to her for many years.    Daughter never paid a penny for the trailer.   Trailer lot rent is $250 a month, and trailer was $4,000.   Mother also loaned daughter $5,000 for purchasing a trailer for herself, and daughter never repaid that either, and sold it, and never paid the mother a penny of that either.

Defendant says mother illegally split trailer in two (trailer is a double wide, and built a wall in the middle) to be able to rent out the other side of the trailer.   Since mother didn’t get permits for the build, I bet renting out half of the trailer in the mobile home park are against the park regulations, and maybe the city regulations. 

JJ suggests the mother move in with someone else, and stick daughter with trailer, and lot rent since it's in the daughter's name.   Mother wants assistance from her home health aide, and daughter says the aide stole from the mother.   

Daughter says mother dumped her at age 3, and didn't come into her life until she was 46 (7 or 8 years ago).   

When JJ tells defendant she's a lousy daughter, unless she's going to sign a life estate on the trailer, and the audience applauds.       (If what daughter says is true, then there isn't really a mother/daughter relationship, because the mother never acted like a parent to defendant.   I suspect mother only contacted her daughter because she needed her, not because she wanted to start a relationship). 

The defendant claims she'll sign a life estate, so the mother can live in the trailer the rest of her life.   (Sorry, but I've been around a lot of trailers, and how good can a $4,000 trailer be?)

Case dismissed, and daughter will sign the life estate for the mother, but only to mother’s half of the trailer.    I bet daughter will rent out the other side of the trailer the second she can, and then toss mother out on her butt.    (Like hell daughter will sign anything for the mother, I bet the mother was out on the street the second they returned to Texas).  

Watch Out for Deer-Plaintiff Jack Poquette is suing defendant /driver Jeffrey Willis over car accident, for damaging plaintiff's yard when defendant drove onto the yard.   As usual, defendant didn’t have insurance.   Police left message for plaintiff about the damage, and truck was on his front yard too.      Accident happened around midnight, and defendant claims a deer ran out in front of him, the accident happened, and defendant got a ride home.    Defendant drove across the yard, hit a tree in plaintiff's yard, and swerved across the road into a ditch.     

Plaintiff didn’t see the assault on his property, he just had a notice from police in his mailbox.   There is a police report.    Tire tracks go across the plaintiff’s lawn, continue over the tree and roots, and across the lawn, and went across the road.    

I love this part! -- Plaintiff found the license plate from defendant’s truck in his injured tree.   Two citations were issued to defendant, failure to report an accident, and failure to have insurance.  

Defendant claims he wasn’t on plaintiff’s property, but across the road in a ditch. 

Defendant had no insurance, because he bought the truck recently, and didn't get around to insuring it.    He refuses to say when he purchased truck, but decided to drive it on a Saturday, when his insurance company was closed.   He was allowed to pick up the truck from impound without proof of insurance.     (That wouldn't fly in Philadelphia, on Parking Wars).    

Plaintiff receives $4200.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Dishonest Damages? -Plaintiff/former tenant Cerra and Gabriel Smiddy suing defendant/landlord Susan Van Rooy.   Landlord claims she couldn’t afford a cleaning lady and she wanted tenants to pay for her cleaning service.  When plaintiffs moved out, the new landlord called defendant for a reference, and defendant claims tenants damaged her house.   Plaintiffs had to pay defendant more money to clear up the damage claim.   

On the 30-day written notice to tenants, defendant claimed cleaning fees, for cleaning her house.   Defendant paid $40 for cleaning, and plaintiffs paid $40 for the cleaning, for defendant’s house. 

Plaintiffs had to pay $1406 to defendant so she would tell new landlord that plaintiffs were good tenants.  

Plaintiff’s witness testifies against them for defendant about the defamation.

Defendant claims she got Valley Fever from mold from the tenants bad housekeeping.  

However, according to Dr. Google this is a fungus found in the soil in the Southwest U.S., and recently in a few other states.   I lived in the Southwest for years, and Valley Fever is tough to treat, and not from house mold.   The germs/spores, whatever that cause Valley Fever are all over the place in the SW.

Plaintiffs receive their claim, and defendant loses.

Imprisoned Wedding Caterer -Plaintiff Taylor Dodgin (bride) suing defendant/caterers Andrew and Julie Sample for not showing up to doing her wedding catering.   Plaintiff says she only found out caterer was in jail five hours before her wedding started.     Defendant man knew a week before the wedding he wouldn’t get out in time. 

Defendant was in jail, expected to get out in time to do the catering, but didn’t.  Defendant also didn’t give the payments back to plaintiff, and spent the money. 

Catering money to plaintiff, but she did find another caterer.

Second (2014)-

Grieving Teen Assault -Plaintiff /grieving daughter Shawntell Summage is suing defendant/her late mother’s boyfriend Cairo Loggins for bills, damages to apartment, and an assault.  Defendant lived with mother for 8 years, and mother paid all of the rent and bills.  Lease was in mother’s and daughter’s name, and daughter lived there for 7 ½ years.     When daughter turned 18, she moved out.   (This happened in Davenport, Iowa).

Mother paid SSI and that paid the rent on the apartment.   However, daughter wants the money back on the apartment for the three months mother was in the hospital, until she died.  After mother died, daughter paid the rent until Loggins moved out.   Then, daughter moved into the apartment.  Rent is dismissed.   When daughter moved back, the apartment had tobacco smoke damages, cabinet doors missing, and other damages.  This is dismissed.

When daughter refused to give the washer to defendant, then she says defendant assaulted her, pulling her hair out, hit her, and daughter filed a domestic violence charge with police.    Defendant claims the washer belonged to him, but not the dryer.   Defendant says nothing else he bought was left behind.  Defendant claims daughter, and her grandmother attacked him, and defendant’s mother was a witness.

Defendant took bedroom set, play station, clothes, and everything else he owned in the apartment, under police supervision.  Defendant is counter claiming for the washer, and cell phone cancelation.

Defendant claims the plaintiff’s mother paying the rent wasn’t rent-free.

Plaintiff case dismissed.   Defendant case dismissed.

Barking Dog Threat -Plaintiff /mother Betty Jones is suing defendants/ (husband) Aaron Hudson and (wife) Shannon Hudson for return of belongings and harassment.   Plaintiff moved into home with defendants, was supposed to babysit their two kids.   Plaintiff brought her two dogs with her.   Plaintiff claims the two dogs are service animals for her seizure and fainting issues.  

Plaintiff went to visit a boyfriend defendant husband didn’t like, so when the dogs started barking during a storm, defendant husband sent a text to plaintiff that he would beat her dogs to death.   Defendant wife downplays the threat from her husband.  (This happened in Clarks Grove, MN)

Defendant husband has a problem remembering anything he did.   The text says husband will beat the dogs to death if they don’t stop barking.    Plaintiff immediately came to the house to get her dogs.

Defendants claim plaintiff has the property that she’s claim for in court.

Plaintiff claims there is property that defendants have in the house (she moved out right after the threats from the defendant husband).

Defendant wife says the police told them to put everything outside the house, and they put it into the garage.  Wife claims plaintiff came to pick up her items.    Babysitting fees for children are dismissed.

Everything dismissed.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Exotic Fish Mass Funeral-Plaintiff/fish buyer Tracie Vestall suing tropical fish seller /defendant Thomas Meador (Rain Forest Farms) over a dozen diseased tropical fish she purchased from him.   In a matter of days, plaintiff's fish were decimated by the disease from the sick fish.   Agreement says that any fish that arrives dead, then they will replace the fish by sending a replacement fish.  They only replace fish that arrive dead.   

The agreement also says new fish should be quarantined for at least 10 days, and gradually acclimate the fish to the new tank.   Plaintiff did not quarantine the new fish.    The fish guarantee only says they replace fish that defendant sells them, and arrive dead. 

 The only issue are the nine new fish purchased from defendant, so either they get replacements or $270 back (bet defendant changed the contract FAQs about guarantees since this case).   

$270 to plaintiff.

That's No Excuse for Driving Drunk-Plaintiff Rita Kirven suing ex-boyfriend /defendant Milton Cosby for stealing money from her purse, and car damages (defendant is plaintiff's on/off boyfriend, who is also married to someone else).  After the drinking at the club, defendant drove the plaintiff's car to his home, and plaintiff claims some money was stolen from her purse, which was in the trunk of the car.   

Defendant didn't want to drink any more, but drove plaintiff's car home after the accident.  The next morning, plaintiff went to pick up her car, and caused a scene, and claims he damaged her car, and stole her money.     

Plaintiff receives $575 for car damages, and that's it.  

Second (2017)-

Foster Care Horror Story-   Plaintiff/mother Vivian Hammond is suing defendant/daughter Toni Hammond for an unpaid electric bill, $1254, in mother's name.   Plaintiff put her daughter into foster care when she was 10.    Then daughter reappears as an adult, with four kids, and a couple of years ago she needed the electricity turned back on.   Defendant says she didn't ask the mother to pay for the electric bill, but it was a gift to the grandchildren.   

Defendant says mother wasn't much of a mother, and owed her.   Vivian Hammond (the mother) has been on fixed income, disability for six years.   Mother is in a ticket-to-work program, under SS disability, and she can earn any amount for the nine months.    Then for three years, mother can't exceed her disability amount ($1300 a month) or SSD is cut off.   

When they were little, oldest son (10 years old) moved in with his grandfather, and mother says son moved in with his grandfather because the schools were better where grandfather lived.   

Daughter was dumped on the foster system at 10, because she misbehaved (daughter says she went into foster care at 8 years old).    Mother says daughter was a liar, thief, and a behavioral problem from 3 years of age, and totally out of control.    Plaintiff claims daughter was expelled in second grade.   Daughter was sent to a hospital at 8 or 10, then the county home, then foster homes (not relatives).  I'm not liking the mother at all, the daughter may have been a handful, but foster care at 8?   

Defendant claims her only income at the time of the electric bill was PTSD disability for a daughter, and she had no other income.   My view, so-called mother had no expectation of repayment.   Daughter apparently has a history of bad credit, and skipping on utility bills.    Plaintiff was actually babysitting the kids while daughter was in a previous apprentice program.   Mother says daughter couldn’t pay the electric bills, but could buy an Xbox, wigs, and other fripperies.

Plaintiff had no expectation of getting repaid, and Byrd and JJ aren't paying that electric bill, (I’m not either) so case dismissed.  

Lose the Ring If You Don't Like Him-Plaintiff Jack Knudsen suing defendant/ex-fiance Stefanie Chandler for his share of down payment ($2600), and fees for a boat the litigants purchased together, and the return of an engagement ring, for a total of $4050.    

Plaintiff put down initial payment, and claims the litigants would split the price of the boat monthly payments, loan was $19,100.   This was defendant’s first boat.     Plaintiff's name isn't on the boat, and he's not getting boat money back.   

Defendant swears no more bad boyfriends, and I hope she stuck to that.

The engagement ring is defendant’s now, and plaintiff gets the ring back.  

Everything else dismissed.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Maced in the Face! -Plaintiff /car owner Danielle Sims suing defendant /neighbor and car owner Tierra Battle  for a car accident by defendant’s boyfriend, Ikeanthony Terry, who was driving with defendant’s permission on plaintiff’s parked car.  Accident was 2:30 a.m., when plaintiff heard a loud noise from the street, and saw two men get out of a Mercury, exiting from the driver’s and passenger’s side of the car.   Plaintiff’s car had been hit, and also another neighbor’s car was hit.   Plaintiff says Ikeanthony Terry climbed out of the back seat of the car, and a friend of Mr. Terry was driving (Mr. D)., because Mr. Terry was maced at the bar by some random woman.    So, Mr. T.D. drove Ms Battles’ car home, because the other passenger has no license, and Mr. Terry couldn’t see to drive.   So, Mr. D was driving, saw a police officer, pulled over, because he apparently didn’t have a license either.   When Mr. D pulls over, he hands the keys to Mr. Terry, and the driver and passenger took off.  

Police report says defendant hit and ran, and was driving.   Neighbor’s car that was hit is SOL, because the defendant car owner has no insurance, so they will have to sue also.     Defendant car owner seems proud of her lack of insurance, because her car is a secondary car that no one drives, but  apparently no one with a license drives it.  Defendant boyfriend claims plaintiff hit his car, but plaintiff’s car was parked.

(I know the defendant boyfriend’s name is pronounced Ike Anthony, but when I look at it I see Ikea Anthony).

$5,000 to plaintiff for her car.

Divorced and Still Fighting! -Plaintiff Katherine Allen suing defendants Gregory Allen (plaintiff’s ex-husband) and defendant’s current wife Amy Luner-Allen, for the cost of a lien on the former marital home.  Plaintiff won the house and contents in the divorce, and when she went to sell the home, there was a lien because defendant ex-husband hadn’t paid child support, so there was a lien on the home.   Plaintiff had to pay the lien off to sell the house.  

Defendant husband doesn’t pay child support to plaintiff for their child, or for a previous child support from another marriage or relationship.    JJ says plaintiff took house ‘as is’ in divorce, and could have found out about liens on house or contents.   Lien was in place in 2003, and divorce was 2010, and plaintiff claims she didn’t know about the lien.    Do-it-yourself divorce by plaintiff come back to bite her in the ass.   Plaintiff says defendant ex never showed for the two divorce hearings, so she got everything she asked for.   Defendant ex- hasn’t paid child support, or seen the child in 2 years.   In over 2 years defendant ex- hasn’t gone to court for visitation, but claims he will be going to court soon.  This all happened in Sacramento County, CA.

Defendant has a child with plaintiff, that is 14 years old, and a 23 year-old with a previous relationship, and he’s a stay at home dad.   He has no children with current wife, so who is he a stay at home dad for?  Yes, the current wife’s kids.  

JJ tells defendant wife, someday she’ll be in the same place the plaintiff is, and will be sorry she supported the deadbeat husband.

After the sale, and paying the lien off, plaintiff ended up with $151 for her former home. 

Everything dismissed.

Second (2014)-

Mama Drama -Plaintiff/home owner and cousin Heather Gerst is suing defendant /former house guest and cousin, not tenant Chasity Purington for unpaid rent, and part of the utilities, and costs for defendant and children’s food and other supplies. 

 Plaintiff told defendant to leave, and defendant refused without 30-days notice.   Defendant was a house guest, not a tenant, with her children living there also.   So, as JJ says defendant and children were guests, not tenants.   Defendant stayed at plaintiff’s house for two months, instead of the short term she claimed she would stay for.   Defendant was getting $1,000 a month from one child’s father in child support, and contributed nothing to the household.

Plaintiff says defendant was only supposed to stay for less than a month, and claims she wanted rent from defendant, but there was no contract.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Human Shield -Plaintiff Hailey Prasad suing defendants/former roommates Alexiz Ramirez and Elaisa Ramirez for property damages and eviction fees to their joint apartment.    The three women, and another woman lived together in the same apartment, and all four were on the lease.

Plaintiff’s roommate moved out, and plaintiff replaced her with two men.   Defendant Alexiz claims the new roommates’ friends assaulted her, and used her as a human shield, and only left when the police arrived.  So, defendants were afraid to stay in the apartment with the shady friends of plaintiff assaulted them, and the police broke the door down.  

(This happened in Santa Rosa, CA).    Only the plaintiff took responsibility for the eviction fees, and property damage.  Defendants also paid the complex management lease breaking fees, $1580, and $600 more.  Plaintiff claims the police never came to the apartment.

$1618 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Good Samaritan or Stalking Friend-Plaintiff Troyana Rodriguez suing defendant/ former friend N’Shaia Swindeman for the return of a TV (5 years old), a broken phone, and gas money ($550).    Defendant claims plaintiff stalked her. (Defendant's beige underlay material on her lace dress makes it look like she's not wearing anything under it.  At least, I hope that’s a beige underlay).   Plaintiff loaned defendant a TV.  Defendant says TV wasn't a loan, but a gift.    TV is still at defendant's former home, when she moved out to avoid an abusive ex.      Plaintiff gets nothing for TV.   

Plaintiff claims defendant broke her phone, while defendant was pushing plaintiff out of the apartment she was in then.   Plaintiff claims they were in a relationship, but defendant says they were just drinking buddies.  Plaintiff came to defendant's new apartment, defendant told plaintiff to leave, and pushed her outside.    Plaintiff claims defendant threw her phone out.     (I hate plaintiff saying “I tried to peacefully resolve” repeatedly.)

Case dismissed.  

Blindside Collision-Plaintiff Kassandra Hiebert (car owner) suing defendant/motorist Nina Kraai (car owner) for car damages from a car accident.    Defendant was driving her witness' car, which was fully insured.    Plaintiff loaned her witness her car, (her live-in boyfriend).   

Plaintiff was in left lane, driving straight, and a truck was in right lane by plaintiff, defendant claims she was waved out from a side street to make a left in front of plaintiff.   Plaintiff says truck next to him in the right lane was turning right into the street, that the defendant was coming out of.     Defendant pulled out to make left turn, and plaintiff hit her.     

Defendant swears the plaintiff was behind the truck, swerved around it, and hit her.  Plaintiff was in the left lane, and truck was in the right lane, turning right into street defendant was coming out of.     Either way plaintiff had right of way.   Both cars were insured.     

 $1250 to plaintiff

Second (2017)-

Pocket Pit's Owner Attacked by Chow?!-Plaintiff Carl Young Jr suing neighbors Merri and Peter Francis, and adult son Charles Francis for their dog attacking him, and his dog, and is suing for medical bills, and vet bills.   Defendants' dog was being walked by a six-year-old, dog is a Chow, and weighs over 60 lbs.   Plaintiff has a 21 lbs. pit looking dog, and defendants have 3 dogs (2 small ones, and the Chow).     Plaintiff was going to walk his dog on a leash in front of his house, when defendant's dog, also on leash, but kid walking Chow had lost the end of the leash, and Chow attacked plaintiff's dog on plaintiff's property.    Plaintiff says the dog jumped his dog without warning.    Defendants didn't see this, until after it started.  

Plaintiff says defendant's dog ripped the leash away from the little kid (he weighs the same, or less than the dog), and defendant's dog attacked his dog, and plaintiff was bitten while saving his dog from the defendant's Chow.    Defendants say the plaintiff was only bitten because he got in between the dogs.   Chow has a history of aggression to other animals.    Defendants claim this is their dog's only bite, but dog wasn't up to date on rabies shots at the time of the attack.  (My guess is the dog is so uncontrollable at the vet's office, that they told the defendants to muzzle the chow before entering the office).   Defendant's dogs not registered, or had shots.   

$2500 to plaintiff for vet bills, and deductible for medical costs for plaintiff.  

Homeless Teen Meets Good Samaritan-Plaintiff Jeffrey McBride suing defendant George Zavala for medical expenses, clothes, and other money he spent on the defendant.  Defendant was homeless, kicked out by parents, and living in a cheap motel with a friend a few times a week.  Other times the defendant was sleeping on the beach.    

Plaintiff rented a room in the motel, and the 48-year-old plaintiff started living with the 19 year old defendant.   

Plaintiff is trying to sue for room costs, food, medical expenses, and clothing he bought the defendant.   

I am not happy with plaintiff's case, or anything to do with him.  

Plaintiff case dismissed because it's garbage.  

Back to Mommy?-Plaintiff Stephanie Derrick suing ex-boyfriend Patrick Howard for an unpaid loan.    They lived together for about three years, then defendant moved back in with his mother.     

When the couple broke up, he moved back with Mommy, but they were still seeing each other.  That’s when the car flipping business came up.    The two were going into a business together to flip cars bought at auction, and split the proceeds.   Plaintiff says she made the defendant a loan to start the business, $7500 and only has a copy of the front of the check.  

Case dismissed without prejudice so plaintiff can collect more evidence, and file again in local small claims court. 

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Childcare Center Revenge?! (2016)

I did! I let her know every day. She said she would take care of it. She never did! She got all this money. Every time I see her, she pullin up in something new. But she never take care of the bugs!” – Evelyn Williams

*DISCLAIMER UP FRONT* I couldn’t review the second case in this episode as Djamilla is screaming at me to come eat dinner. I will post the second portion of the episode tomorrow*

Plaintiff: Evelyn Williams from Kanas City, MO. Evelyn is a poor, struggling single mother with a child, Evelyn, Jr. She happened upon the defendant when she was homeless after ditching her Section 8 apartment due to gun violence in the neighborhood. The defendant hooked her up with a job at the defendant’s daycare center. Evelyn also moonlights as a waitress at Gates BBQ. She is sporting some wild hair with some type of sewn overcoat and a long red dress, with her ensemble complete with some gaudy deco style earrings. During her testimony, she drops some serious accusations about the defendant and the state of Patricia’s child care center.

Defendant(s): Patricia Rushing, accompanied by LaToya Johnson as her co-defendant. Patricia is wearing a Navy blue top and a sort of mid ‘90s long ponytail that starts at the top of her head. She is also adorned with a necklace. LaToya has multicolored braids and looks as if she wishes she were somewhere else. Patricia owns a daycare, which was reported to CPS, allegedly by the plaintiff.  Apparently, Patricia is  “pullin up in something new” every time Evelyn sees her.

The Complaint: Evelyn is suing Patricia Rushing and LaToya Johnson for unpaid wages, child endangerment, and property damage.  

What Does He/She want: Evelyn wants $5000 for unpaid wages, child endangerment, and damage to her property.

Countersuit?: YES. $1500 for a false CPS report against Patricia.  

Puppy Multiplier: N/A

Driving Around Without Insurance: N/A

What Went Down: JJ kicks things off with identifying who Patricia Rushing is. She asks LaToya to have a seat. Apparently, Patricia was looking out for the homeless Evelyn by inviting her to work for her, paid her some money, and got her a new place. Patricia must be the best good Samaritan ever because that’s a lot she went through just to save Evelyn.

This all took place during the end of August 2016. You see, Evelyn was working for “another company” while living in subsidized housing (she even explains to JJ that it is “called based off your income”, which we all know means Section 8), Evelyn voluntarily gave her apartment up due to safety issues. She claims that there is a lot of “shooting” and “gun violence” in that particular neighborhood. I would think shooting and gun violence would be synonymous, but what do I know? I mean, can you shoot someone with a cell phone? Would that be considered “cell phone violence” or “shooting”? She didn’t want the state of Kansas to take Evelyn, Jr.

Evelyn further explains that “Ms. DeeDee” introduced her to Ms. Rushing, who just so happened to be Evelyn’s boss at the time (we get a quick shot to Patricia looking perplexed at Evelyn’s statement just now), with Patricia giving Evelyn’s landlord $190 to get out of her lease or pay the remaining amount of rent or something. Hell, I don’t know how it all works, and JJ didn’t care too much either. JJ just makes a comment about Evelyn suing someone who was good to her for $5000. Evelyn claims that she is indeed suing for unpaid wages in the amount of $280.

Evelyn claims that she paid back the $190, as Patricia took that money directly out of her check. Patricia took it out the very next month. Evelyn explains that she didn’t get paid for the period of October 11th to October 17th, 2016. She gives us even more useless details about how she worked for five hours a day, Monday through Friday. Patricia confirms that Evelyn worked for that time and she did not pay her, though she does chime in and say that the pay should only be $268. Pat has the check right in front of her.

 Evelyn quips back immediately:

That’s with tax “tooken” out, Your Honor!” (Take a shot for misuse of the word “taken”.)

And does Evelyn not pay taxes? Does she have tax exemption, tax immunity, or something? I wish I had that. My entire paycheck gets its ass kicked by taxes before it gets deposited into my bank account. I would get on my soapbox for a minute here, but it’s not worth it. I think everyone can draw their own conclusions on where I was going with that.

JJ relinquishes the $268 dollar check to Evelyn. So that takes care of one part of her suit. JJ moves quickly to the child endangerment portion of the case. She wants to know what child endangerment Evelyn witnessed. Evelyn details how she started moonlighting at Gates BBQ upon suggestion from Patricia (what is Pat to her? Her financial planner or something?).  Evelyn complains that she took her daughter back to Pat’s daycare even after she made a CPS report. Patricia explains that CPS came out to investigate her place of business on October 20th . She accuses Evelyn of reporting her to CPS. Evelyn denies this, stating that she called the next day when Patricia brought her daughter to Gates BBQ. She said she made the first call in front of her boss and another call when she got home. Pat claims that she never fired Evelyn. Pat goes on to say that Evelyn eventually admitted to her that she was the one who called CPS.

Evelyn says that she has no video of the child endangerment in question, but just possesses a video of her boss talking about the alleged child endangerment. JJ says she doesn’t want to see the damn video. That’s when Evelyn’s witness, Callie Banks, begins to give her testimony on what she saw that day.

After JJ silences Evelyn, Callie states that she is a cashier at Gates BBQ where she witnessed, on the 28th of October, two ladies pulling up in a car. One lady was in pajamas, who Callie couldn’t identify. The pajama clad lady grabbed the baby out of the car by her arms and stated “Here. Get your baby!” The manager came out to hold the baby by her back and her behind. During, all this drama fueled testimony, Callie lets it slip that she only knows the baby has a weak spine because she has babysat the baby before. JJ is sort of incredulous of the whole ordeal once she establishes that Callie and Evelyn are friends. JJ makes Callie sit down.

It is revealed that Evelyn brought the child back to the daycare after she made the CPS reports about the daycare being dangerous. Why would you bring your child back and place them in a dangerous daycare? Let’s find out.

JJ does a quick recap that Evelyn got her missing wages. That’s when she calls LaToya to the stand. We are moving into the property damage portion of the suit at this point. Evelyn explains that LaToya broke her window because Evelyn called the cops on Patricia for not paying her. I’m not sure what the cops would do in that situation besides tell her to handle it in civil court. I don’t understand the logic there. Why waste police time when you can pursue her in court?

Evelyn begins to tell this bizarre story about how she was following the cops to the new police headquarters in downtown Kansas City, that she had police escorts, the works. This was so she could find out how to file a restraining order (for what?), and to get her unpaid wages. JJ kinda gives Evelyn a look of disbelief, but lets it go and allows Evelyn to continue. Evelyn states that LaToya called her while she was with the fuzz. When Evelyn picked up the phone, she warned LaToya that she was in the company of the coppers. LaToya didn’t give a fuck and was beating on Evelyn’s door, presumably at her house. Evelyn testifies that she heard glass shatter while LaToya was on the phone. She turned her attention to the cops and asked them if that could happen, when she goes home what will happen next from that?

Still on the phone with LaToya, Evelyn and LaToya have this neat little exchange when Evelyn went full on savage on LaToya supposedly:

Evelyn: “Gates is hiring and their slogan is ‘Hi, how may I help you?’. I said, well, you better learn it!

Man, I need to take my Black ass over to Gates to get some of that BBQ. You have great customer service, a good show involving drama between an employee and their daycare provider, and some good food. While writing this review, I came across the Gates BBQ website including the menu. That menu looked bussin. It was complete with slabs, long end ribs, with mixed plates. It even had center cut ribs to boot!! The prices weren’t that unreasonable either, at least from what the menu stated. I’m not sure when it was last updated.

After the commercial break (which included a commercial with a talking bear doll named “Dave” that had me rolling), JJ asks about the phone logs. LaToya denies ever calling Evelyn on that particular day. When the time comes for Evelyn to present her evidence on the call, Evelyn matter-of-factly states that she doesn’t have it because she has a new phone.

It is here that Evelyn begins displaying somewhat of a cocky attitude. I’m not sure if it is because she got her wages of $268 back (which, is chump change compared to the taxes that I pay), or if she thought JJ was going to rule in her favor for the property damage. Either way, Evelyn is beginning to put out some very cocky vibes that made me sort of turn against her and stay a bit neutral during this case, as I did not know who was telling the truth.

At any rate, Evelyn can’t produce any evidence that LaToya called her on October 24th, and JJ begins chastising her about not being able to produce evidence of said phone call. JJ browbeats Evelyn a bit before quickly dismissing the property damage suit. Now, we move on to the countersuit.

Patricia is countersuing for the vindictive phone call placed by Evelyn to CPS about Pat’s daycare. Evelyn can’t remember when the hell she started working at the daycare center (which is weird because I remember specifically (down to the month) on when I started working somewhere. It must be the former military in me), but some lady on Patricia’s full deck (take a shot) of witnesses says “I do” in response to Evelyn’s claim that she didn’t remember when she started working there. Who was this older woman? Who knows? Maybe it was the elusive “Ms. DeeDee”. “Ms. DeeDee” or whoever the hell the witness was then gives Evelyn an astonished look, as if she just morphed into a unicorn in front of her very eyes.

JJ is being relentless now, trying to get to the issue of why Evelyn called in the first place if she brought her daughter back to the daycare.

Evelyn claims she called CPS on the day that Patricia brought Evelyn, Jr. to Gates BBQ (which was the 20th according to Patricia, but the 28th according to Callie). JJ then makes it a point to state that it was the 21st that the incident at Gates BBQ happened and points to Callie and throws some shade about Callie possibly lying to make Evelyn look better.

JJ wants to know exactly what Evelyn told CPS when she called.

Evelyn begins her testimony on what she told CPS. She states that she told CPS that a table fell on a child and Pat failed to report it. Then Evelyn says this wonderful line:

JJ: “And what else?”

Evelyn: “That she had bugs…”

Just the way Evelyn said that in her accent made me almost spit out my wine from laughing so hard. I mean….that’s so very vague.

Check it out, this morning before hitting the gym, I killed a huge ass beetle that was crawling around in the living room. When I got home from the ShopRite, I killed a huge ass wasp that was hovering above the townhouse door. If I didn’t kill it, it would have certainly zoomed into the house as I was bringing groceries in. I guess someone can call CPS on me and say that I have bugs.

Something about Evelyn seems a bit “off” to me. I am not trying to be mean here, but she comes across as a little….I don’t know. Naïve, maybe? “Not all there”, so to speak.

JJ asks what sort of bugs Pat had at her daycare.

Evelyn begins listing off where the bugs were located (water fountain and in the refrigerator. Apparently, they were roaches).  Pat just shakes her head. Then Evelyn can’t list the dates on when she saw this, nor did she bother to take any photos or videos of these alleged bugs.

Evelyn then gets subjected to a rant by JJ on being honest, but Evelyn is trying to combat JJ’s verbal assault, including the quote that is listed in the beginning of this review. JJ then feels it’s time to get on her soapbox and starts complaining about the misuse of CPS. She states that this is what happens when everyday people are given power to report something and some people utilize it as a form of revenge. That is not acceptable to JJ. JJ even points out that Evelyn took Evelyn, Jr. back to the damn daycare the day after she made the CPS report. If Evelyn truly felt that the daycare was a den of debauchery and filthy, why would she take her daughter back there. Evelyn has sort of an answer to that:

Evelyn: “My baby wasn’t in the room that the roaches was at. The roaches was in the kitch-chen.”

Pat is looking at Evelyn like she’s a dumb ass. JJ and Pat both laugh at Evelyn’s weirdo story. JJ, fed up with the nonsense of this case, awards Patricia $1500 on the malicious CPS call. Evelyn is in disbelief, audibly giving out a “Whhhaaaaaat?” Pat gives JJ a “Thank You” and the audience erupts in applause (take two shots).

During the Hall-ter-View, Evelyn is nowhere to be found, but Pat makes it clear that she really did care for Evelyn and Evelyn, Jr. since they were homeless. LaToya is much less savory in her remarks about Evelyn, stating that Evelyn came to the show to spread “false information” because she “didn’t have all her evidence or nothin.” Pat then takes it back to 1990 and states “I love Judge Judy. Judge Judy is the BOMB!”

Verdict: $268 to Evelyn for her missing wages, but $1500 to Pat for the false CPS report. FINISH YOUR DRINK!

Did Auntie Judy say anything fucked up to anyone?: {to Evelyn} “Why weren’t you honest before you got fired?”




Edited by DjamillasMan
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9 hours ago, DjamillasMan said:

Verdict: $268 to Evelyn for her missing wages, but $1500 to Pat for the false CPS report. FINISH YOUR DRINK!

Did Auntie Judy say anything fucked up to anyone?: {to Evelyn} “Why weren’t you honest before you got fired?”

First let me admit--it also irks me to no end to have to continually call my man to the supper table.  I cook.  We live too far out for eat out food.  He better get to the supper table when I call him

Second--you live in the south, you have bugs.  Big bugs, little bugs, nice bugs, mean bugs.  They are everywhere.  JJ probably hasn't seen a bug in years.  

Thanks for your review.  My first laugh of the day!

Edited by parrotfeathers
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6 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

First let me admit--it also irks me to no end to have to continually call my man to the supper table.  I cook.  We live too far out for eat out food.  He better get to the supper table when I call him

Second--you live in the south, you have bugs.  Big bugs, little bugs, nice bugs, mean bugs.  They are everywhere.  JJ probably hasn't seen a bug in years.  

Thanks for your review.  My first laugh of the day!

Thank you! I was glad I could make you laugh. 

I don't live in the South myself, but I have been to Florida many times. The bugs there are the same size as the alligators. When you're in the South seeing huge bugs is nothing out of the ordinary. I agree, JJ hasn't seen a bug since the Nixon administration. 

And you made me laugh about calling your man to the dinner table. I almost got my neck broken last night. I had to sleep with one eye open. 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

War of the Roommates -Plaintiff Stacy Halvorsen suing defendants/former roommates Tammie Renee (mother) and Samantha Bennett (daughter) for destroying her property after they evicted her, and claims they kept other property of hers, gas money, and moving costs.  Plaintiff now lives with her 24-year-old boyfriend and part time with his 2 and 4 year-old children.   (This happened in Oregon).    Plaintiff says defendant offered to let her move in to their apartment, and only spent 4 nights in the apartment.   Defendants said that plaintiff never moved in, just her stuff was there.

The plaintiff claims the defendants put her stuff outside, dresser, mattress/box spring, clothing, and it was ruined by rain, but she took it anyway.    Plaintiff claims defendants have her sofa, but defendants say that and a lot of other things were stored or in the apartment, but they took it outside with plaintiff’s boyfriend after they told plaintiff to leave.   

There are no texts from defendant about the sofa.    Plaintiff says defendants have the sectional sofa, a 42” TV, and other items, plaintiff’s schoolbooks.    Because defendant mother keeps chiming in, her counter claim is dismissed.    Plaintiff claims her sister’s sentimental lamp (don’t ask, it was ridiculous).  Defendant claims the TV was smaller than 42”.  

Plaintiff told defendants don’t have any of her stuff.  Plaintiff has notarized witness statements, and JJ doesn’t accept those. 

Plaintiff case dismissed.   Defendant case dismissed.    

Granny or Nanny?  -Plaintiff/grandmother Lynnmarie Johnson suing defendant/daughter Elesia Howard, for child care fees, and lost wages.   Plaintiff was babysitting her daughter's children.  Grandmother says daughter didn't pay for childcare, claiming daughter said she was broke, but still bought weaves, and wigs, and other luxury items.  Daughter has one child. 

Plaintiff says she babysat for the one granddaughter, and says daughter was to fill out paperwork to get state babysitting payment.  Since daughter didn't fill out paperwork correctly, it was rejected, so plaintiff was never paid.   Plaintiff is suing for $5,000.  Plaintiff says this is the third time this daughter did this to her, and she's not babysitting again. 

JJ says this isn't a lawsuit, and plaintiff case is dismissed. 

Second (2014)-

E-Cigarette Scam? -Plaintiff/e-cigarette products supplier Eidan Hameiri is suing defendant/former employee Crystal Martin for theft.   Plaintiff claims defendant took $5500 worth of merchandise when she was watching the merchandise at his mall kiosk when plaintiff was out of the country for a few months.   This was in Frisco, Texas.  Plaintiff got out of the business after eight months.  

Defendant watched the booth in return for free product, for a couple of days.   Then, plaintiff’s grandmother got sick, and defendant watched the stock for the couple of months while plaintiff and wife were in Israel.   The kiosk was closed, and merchandise was at defendant’s home.  Stock is about the size of the litigant desk.    Defendant says it was her compensation, and that she left items outside for plaintiff to pick up.    The two boxes cost up to $6,000 or so (bad receipts by plaintiff, stock list, but no prices).   

E-cigarettes do have a smell, and around here many of the liquid suppliers have been busted for selling items other than tobacco-based products.   JJ tells plaintiff to contact the wholesaler, and get the invoices faxed to court.    Defendant does produce invoices, and claims the kits look OK, but when kit boxes were opened the products were all removed.   

I believe the plaintiff, and don’t believe the defendant’s various stories.  

So, the defense is that defendant only took a little, and only what she was owed, besides she never agreed to pay anything for what she took.    JJ discounts the price of stock.

When plaintiff returned from his trip, they talked on the phone, and she admits she had the same two boxes of stock to return to plaintiff.   A friend of plaintiff picked the stock up off of her front porch.  Plaintiff says many kits were missing from the boxes, and many of the kits were empty inside the box. 

JJ is not really listening to plaintiff and letting him explain anything to her.    JJ calls the defendant a hustler, and I agree with that.     

There is an inventory of what he gave the defendant, and the invoice to defendant of what was missing out of the stock when he got the stock back.     

Defendant also was advertising e-cigarette on eBay.   Defendant also claimed to have no assets, so plaintiff would get nothing from suing her.

Plaintiff says since defendant was a customer, she was aware of how much the products cost.

Plaintiff receives $2,000.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Family Movers and the Police Chase-Plaintiff LeAnn Watson suing defendants/ her former friends (father) James Millus and (daughter) Brittney Millus over a rental car that was impounded by police, she wants $5,000 for the rental car costs.    Plaintiff's hoarder father was being evicted from storage units, and his home, she wanted some stuff delivered to her home (huge mistake).   Defendants were family friends, and worked about 20 days moving stuff (defendants say 45 days), and were to be paid $10 an hour.   JJ will estimate 30 days of work, equals 240 hours, $2400 total wages (plaintiff didn't keep track of hours, or days worked).   Plaintiff gave them $1000 up front. still owing $1400.   

Defendant man says he was given the Jeep Cherokee, for a down payment of $2500, man was going to work off.    Then pay $200 a month to pay off.    JJ will call the Jeep paid.   Jeep is in Reno, NV, impounded by police, and title was never signed over to the defendant.   (On a shallow note, how much younger is the plaintiff's fiance than plaintiff?)

Plaintiff will have to get a copy of the title, and sign it over to defendant man, and call the payment for moving even.  Plaintiff will sign the title over to plaintiff.  

Plaintiff rented a car, (after her Mercedes was crashed by defendant man) it was used by defendants to travel to and from the moving venues.   Defendant daughter gave it to her boyfriend, who ended up arrested with daughter, by the police during a police chase.   

Plaintiff wants $5,000 for letting the defendants, and boyfriend to drive the Hertz car, and to get it out of impound.    Defendants weren't on the rental contract as drivers.   JJ looks at the rental contract.  (Officer Byrd would love to kick the plaintiff's fanny for her dithering, and not giving JJ what she asked for).   Title to impounded Jeep will be signed, and given to defendant man.   

Defendant daughter claims plaintiff gave the keys to the rental to the boyfriend.   Daughter claims they were arrested after a police chase, and boyfriend is still in prison.   Daughter denies she knows why boyfriend was arrested, after the police chase while eluding.   Daughter claims they lived with plaintiff for three weeks to move, and clean house.   

Defendant daughter claims plaintiff said they were going to open a thrift store.  Plaintiff claims her parents were hoarders with a full house, and yard, and multiple storage units.   

Everything for both sides dismissed, and defendant man gets title to Jeep signed over.  (All of the litigants, and witnesses are idiots).   (I really wish there was a video of the police chase and the arrest, I love a good police chase and perp walk)

Second (2017)-

Mother Leaves Toddler in Car-Plaintiff A’Kalli Carter is suing defendant/ex-boyfriend and Baby Daddy Quinton Fitcheard over an assault, ramming her vehicle. and other garbage.     Plaintiff trespassed on defendant's property, found him with another woman, left her two- and six-year-old children in the car alone (Defendant is only father of the two-year-old).   Plaintiff was supposed to meet defendant at defendant's mother house, and she claims he would give her some money.     (Defendant is wearing the large, shirt, with fold marks, I'm suspecting nasty tattoos, or something inappropriate under it).    Defendant said they were going to meet at a neutral place, because he knew the plaintiff wouldn't be rational if she saw the new girlfriend.    New girlfriend of defendant is his witness in court.

There is no custody support order for the two-year-old.    She just would call the defendant, ask for money, and they would meet and he would pay her.     Defendant claims they didn't agree to meet, or come to his mother's house (he doesn't live there), when the defendant's new girlfriend was there.     Defendant said he told plaintiff not to drop in at his place, his mother's place or anywhere else.  

(Quinton Fitcheard has a cute posting on FB [it pops up when you search his name], saying "Love You, Mrs. Judy"-it's actually hidden now.  He looks really familiar to me.)

Plaintiff claims she called defendant, he didn't answer, and so at 8 p.m. she saw his car at his mother's house.   Plaintiff left her children alone in the car, she walked into the house without permission, and went to the family room where the defendant was (actually she said, Man Cave).   Plaintiff demands money from defendant, and he asked her why she was in his mother's house.     

He's counter suing for stalking, and car damages.    Plaintiff sat down in Quintin’s Man Cave, and refused to leave.     Plaintiff was sitting there chatting with defendant's sister about going to a strip club, meanwhile the two children were sitting alone in the car outside.   Plaintiff claims defendant grabbed her hair, dragged her outside, and threw her outside.   (I personally would like to do the same to her, her head shaking no is very irritating).

Police report claims defendant assaulted her.    Defendant says he told plaintiff to leave, several times, and claims she lunged at him, and he was fending her off.   Defendant claims plaintiff bit him, punched, and kicked him, and several others.    When defendant finally went outside, defendant claims she pulled her car in front of his, and wouldn't let him leave.   

JJ says plaintiff started all of the trouble, and defendant shouldn't have gone to his car until plaintiff left.   Plaintiff didn't file for a protective order, mostly because at the hearing there would have been eight witnesses against her.   

 JJ suggests child support with automatic deductions by the court, with fixed court ordered visitation, and have a neutral exchange place, after the court sets all of this up.    Why do I suspect the older child’s other parent probably has a similar story with plaintiff.

JJ tells plaintiff to leave the defendant alone.    Both cases dismissed.  

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Dog Training Disaster -Plaintiffs/Chinese Crested dog owners Matthew Coons and fiance Nicole De Graan (dogs were her dogs before she met the fiance) suing defendant/trainer Dane Lightfoot for failing to train their dogs, and want their fees back.   Plaintiff claims the dogs are 6-year-old Chinese Crested longhair dogs.    Dogs have ongoing bad behavior that are getting worse.    Dogs are around plaintiff’s two daughters, 9 and 11, and Mr. Coons, and around other people fairly often.    Plaintiff woman paid $1100 to defendant, to take one dog one week, and the second dog the other week, to try to retrain the dogs.

Plaintiffs say dogs are just as bad as they ever were.  Defendant’s flyer about training has no guarantees dogs will permanently change.  There is a video of the dogs’ bad behavior.   JJ mentions that if you don’t house train a dog by a year of age, they’ll probably never be reliably trained.  

Plaintiffs wanted dogs to stop jumping on visitors, would be able to be walked calmly by the two daughters, and stop whining and barking constantly.     Plaintiffs say defendant guaranteed that dogs would meet the three goals of plaintiff, but it says if they find a non-shock collar trainer who can retrain the dogs, for under $1500 he will refund their money.   After six years, the plaintiff thinks the dogs will still be trainable?  

Plaintiff case dismissed.   

Family Damages -Plaintiff/home owner Beverly Utley suing defendant/niece Kendra Ogletree for unpaid rent, and trashing the house.   Plaintiff rented the home to her niece, and really regrets it.   (This case is reason #5978 why I would never be a landlord, especially renting to a relative).   Plaintiff claims niece owes her rent, because after defendant moved, she left a lot of stuff in the house garage, so she’s still occupying the house technically. 

Plaintiff agree to dismiss an unlawful detainer against niece if she would leave.   Defendant claims she left nothing at the house, but the garage is full of defendant’s stuff, and she has to pick it up.  Plaintiff gave a rent receipt for each month’s rent.   Defendant claims she got tired of waiting for aunt to do house repairs, and took that off of the July and August rent.   The ‘repairs’ include putting up curtains, doing gardening, etc.    

Photos of damages when defendant moved out include a giant hole in the drywall, that I bet is at least 2’ x 4’.   Photos show a lot of stuff left in the house by niece, including stacks of cardboard boxes.   There are pictures of niece’s stuff in the garage that niece left, the garage is at least half full with stuff. 

Plaintiff gets $4500 for the stuff being in the house for three months. (in hall-terview defendant says she’s never renting to family again, and selling the house).

Second (2014)-

Kidney Transplant Travesty -Plaintiff / mother Karen Lyday is suing defendant/son Bradley Robbins for living expenses and rent, after his kidney transplant.  Mother of the Year candidate says son agreed to pay $200 a month, but she thought he would move out after a couple of months.  Son had a kidney transplant, and stayed about seven months at mother’s house.  

Mother complains son had transplant, was in the hospital for five days, and came home to her house, then on Day 12, he went to the casino.  I didn’t know going to the casino meant you should move out, or you’re some kind of daredevil risking your life.  

 Son agreed to pay mother $200 a month for food, and part of the utilities, out of his $1100 a month social security disability.    JJ says plaintiff’s oral agreement for son to pay rent isn’t a valid contract.  (Apparently Mother-of-the-Year wasn't the kidney donor, or she would have wanted that back too). 

Officer Byrd boots the plaintiff and her cold heart out.

Plaintiff case dismissed.  Son hugs mother in hall. 

You Trashed My Home! -Plaintiff/landlady Regina Brown suing former tenant/defendant Sandra Sanders for property damages, unpaid rent, trashing her home, and unpaid utilities.   Plaintiff gave defendant a 3-day notice to quit for not paying December’s rent in full, and didn’t pay for January at all.   Here comes the “You Ate the Steak” lecture.  House was rented furnished, and plaintiff says defendant trashed the furniture too.  (This happened in Victoria, VA)

Plaintiff says defendant left a lot of trash in the house, and items like shot gun shells, and house is still being cleaned and repaired.   

$375 to plaintiff for the rent.     $0 for utilities, cleanup is too early, because there are no final bills.  Plaintiff should have waited until work on cleanup and repairs were completed and paid for to bring the case.

Defendant’s security deposit of $400 is applied to clean up.

$375 for rent to plaintiff.  

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Gun Play and a Knife Fight-Plaintiff Adam Yomtov suing defendant/former roommate Jeff Koester for damages resulting from a false arrest.    Defendant purchased a car from a friend of the plaintiff, and plaintiff wanted a commission of $250 over the car sale.    That started the disputes between the two litigants.   

On the date of the argument, plaintiff was in the kitchen, girlfriend was napping after work, and defendant says plaintiff threatened him with a gun he pulled from his left pocket (plaintiff is a gun licensed security guard, who is right-handed, and legally carries a gun).    Defendant called police, claims the plaintiff threatened to shoot him, and plaintiff was arrested, spent two days in jail, and his gun was confiscated.  

Plaintiff admits he asked the defendant to stop using his personal kitchen utensils, not cleaning them after, and the fight was on.   Defendant now claims the plaintiff pulled the trigger on the gun.   I think the defendant is more than a few sandwiches short of a picnic.   He's embellishing in court, from what he told the police.   I don't believe the defendant at all, but I don't like the plaintiff either. 

JJ believes the defendant, claims the girlfriend of plaintiff covered for him.  

JJ believes the defendant, and awards him $1500.   Plaintiff case dismissed.

Most Respectful Bad Driver Award-Plaintiff/car driver Matthew Gutierrez is suing defendant/bicycle rider Jeffrey Smith for hitting his car while the plaintiff was turning right.   However, the very polite plaintiff is full of poo-poo, because there is a big sign saying "No Right Turn".   

When plaintiff turned right, illegally, he crossed the bicycle lane, and hit the defendant.     Plaintiff claims the ‘No Right Turn’ was only when the construction people were present, but nothing on the sign says anything about conditions.    Defendant is lucky he wasn't killed.   It looks like plaintiff hit defendant near or in the crosswalk.    

Plaintiff case dismissed.  

Second (2017)-

Online Dating Fail-     Plaintiff Susan Jervis suing defendant/former boyfriend Joseph Russo (met through a dating website), for return of rent and property, and moving costs.   Plaintiff went from California to Arizona, defendant moved to Arizona, and then litigants moved in together a few months later, in plaintiff's rental house.  Plaintiff lived part time in her late mother's trust house in California, and in a rental house with defendant in Bullhead City, AZ.   Litigants only have a lease signed by them, not the landlord.    Plaintiff wants her items she bought for the house back, most of which are gone, so she's not getting money for those.   

Case dismissed. 

Who's Telling the Truth?-     Plaintiff Seer Rees rented room to defendant/former tenant, David Noble II and plaintiff wants rent, a bike, and property defendant took with him when he moved out.     Defendant moved out because of on-going drug use in the house, and other issues.      Plaintiff claims defendant trashed the room, and had bed bugs.   Plaintiff claims the bed bugs got into the wall socket, and infested the light switch.    (I did research and with a heavy infestation bed bugs can infest behind switch plates, and in outlet boxes, but there have to be a lot of them).

Defendant will return the bike, and plaintiff gets $500.  

Restraining Order Roommates-Plaintiff Barbara Daly suing defendant/ex-roommate Antonio Ferraro for return of rent, legal fees, and a false restraining order, plus belongings back.   Litigants rented a multibedroom place together, and rented bedrooms to other tenants.   

Defendant claims he paid the entire security deposit, and landlord gave the deposit to plaintiff.   Plaintiff also wanted to move her boyfriend in, and a large dog (no pets were allowed in the lease).    Plaintiff looks like a bunny boiler to me. 

Plaintiff claims receipts for a previous house were the receipts from this house in question. Plaintiff didn't pay for the last 4 months rent.    Fortunately, plaintiff moved after being a squatter for the last four months.    All of plaintiff's property is not with the defendant.   

$250 to the defendant for the security deposit.   

Plaintiff receives what she deserves, nothing.

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 8/1/2022 at 4:17 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

War of the Roommates -Plaintiff Stacy Halvorsen suing defendants/former roommates Tammie Renee (mother) and Samantha Bennett (daughter) for destroying her property after they evicted her, and claims they kept other property of hers, gas money, and moving costs.  Plaintiff now lives with her 24-year-old boyfriend and part time with his 2 and 4 year-old children.   (This happened in Oregon).    Plaintiff says defendant offered to let her move in to their apartment, and only spent 4 nights in the apartment.   Defendants said that plaintiff never moved in, just her stuff was there.

The plaintiff claims the defendants put her stuff outside, dresser, mattress/box spring, clothing, and it was ruined by rain, but she took it anyway.    Plaintiff claims defendants have her sofa, but defendants say that and a lot of other things were stored or in the apartment, but they took it outside with plaintiff’s boyfriend after they told plaintiff to leave.   

There are no texts from defendant about the sofa.    Plaintiff says defendants have the sectional sofa, a 42” TV, and other items, plaintiff’s schoolbooks.    Because defendant mother keeps chiming in, her counter claim is dismissed.    Plaintiff claims her sister’s sentimental lamp (don’t ask, it was ridiculous).  Defendant claims the TV was smaller than 42”.  

Plaintiff told defendants don’t have any of her stuff.  Plaintiff has notarized witness statements, and JJ doesn’t accept those. 

Plaintiff case dismissed.   Defendant case dismissed.    

The Television Gods have spoken. We have synched up network-wise on this episode. Meaning, I got this same episode today. I legit just finished watching it. 

The older defendant, Tammie Renee (that's a half hearted attempt at an adult film star name) could not keep her mouth shut for ANYTHING! I also didn't really believe a lot of what the plaintiff was saying, either. Both of them were a match made in the depths of hell. Then the plaintiff started bawling over that stupid sentimental lamp (some BS about how her sister had it in college and then pawned it off to her when she went to college). She was way too emotional and her eyes reminded me of Pruitt Taylor Vince. 

Some of what both defendants stated could have been accurate, such Stacy leaving her schoolbooks there after telling JJ proudly that she was full time student, but at the same time that she wasn't living there.  

Stacy also kept trying to go in on Tammie, prompting JJ to yell: "Don't look at her!" Stacy seemed like she was confrontational when need be, but tries to fool everyone with a dour, mousy, "poor me" demeanor. That girl is a wolf in sheep's clothing, man. So yeah, I believe the portion of Tammie's testimony about Stacy rollin up to the house and yelling obscenities. 

Also, what was that crazy subplot about Tammie beating up Stacy's old roommate? What the hell was all that about? If only Judge Mathis would have caught wind of that story, boy, he would have entertained the hell out of it. 

As you have stated, Stacy had some notarized letters from witnesses to attest to what she went through, but we all know how JJ feels about those. 

I felt kinda bad for Stacy during the Hall-Ter-View, as she was losing her faith in humanity. She looked legit weakened by the whole experience. I just wanted to tell her "Stacy, it's not the end of the world". 

Edited by DjamillasMan
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2 hours ago, DjamillasMan said:

The Television Gods have spoken. We have synched up network-wise on this episode. Meaning, I got this same episode today. I legit just finished watching it.

I guess my tv didn't say its prayers because that episode didn't come through.  Perhaps tomorrow.  Dog training one didn't either but I look forward to it.

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6 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Plaintiff gets $4500 for the stuff being in the house for three months. (in hall-terview defendant says she’s never renting to family again, and selling the house).

Thanks for that. Cox Cable came back from the last commercial break and finished up with the last few minutes and the verdict and hallterview from a completely different case. At least I think that is what happened, otherwise during the commercial break litigants changed clothes, hair and race, sort of disorienting to watch.

Edited by DoctorK
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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Rowdy Roommates – Plaintiff Miranda Barnes moved in with defendant Sydnee Lewis-Innes, prepaid four months rent, but moved out after three months, she wants broken and stolen property, part rent returned too.     Plaintiff and her brother had an altercation with defendant’s boyfriend, and plaintiff and brother were told to leave for 24 hours.   Defendant’s boyfriend was arrested.  

Plaintiff and brother were told that they couldn’t come back in the apartment, and that defendant had a restraining order against plaintiff and brother.   Plaintiff made several trips with police escort to get her property.  Plaintiff retrieved all of her property, and will get $500 back for rent when she wasn’t allowed to be in the apartment.

Boyfriend was bailed out of jail by his mother.   

Plaintiff gets $500.

Daycare Drama – Plaintiff Brandie Wallace suing defendant Kristopher Hammon for unpaid babysitting fees.   Defendants, husband and wife, both work.   However, defendant Kristopher is a job-hopper, and the defendant and wife used to coordinate schedules to cover their own child care needs.    They only hired plaintiff when both started working the same schedules.  

Plaintiff was canned by defendant Kristopher the day after he was fired from his dot com day job.  What an amazing coincidence.   Agreement was to pay $600 a week, for full day daycare for two children.

Defendant says he heard from relatives that Brandie was sleeping on the job, neglecting the children, and other issues. 

Plaintiff receives $2400. 

Ex-Lover Vacation Spat -Plaintiff /ex-girlfriend Brittany Bass suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Sean Minney for a trip to Salt Lake City, a stolen debit card, and other stuff.   This happened after defendant quit or left his job.    This became a loan after they broke up.   

The litigants never lived together, and were on-and-off according to plaintiff.   

However, defendant claims plaintiff came to his place at 5:30 a.m., forced her way into his place, assaulted him, kicked his dog, walked over his roommate's daughter, and she admits she hit defendant. 

$421 for trip, but defendant gets $421 for assault, so money is zeroed out.  

Second (2014)-

Store Rage! -Plaintiff/business owner Suzette Cook suing defendants/former business partners Frances Nesbitt and fiance Scott Smith for property damages, and loss of revenue.  Plaintiff already had another thrift store, and this was a second location.   Defendants were renting half of the store, and paying half of the rent. Store owner claims her business partners posted nasty signs, and blocked customer flow, and denies she evicted them illegally.  

Defendants claim they showed up at the shop one morning, the locks were changed on them, and they were illegally evicted. 

Ms. Nesbitt and plaintiff met when they were customers at the same thrift store.   Agreement was that defendants would pay rent to plaintiff, as subleasors.    There is a signed lease with plaintiff’s landlord saying no sublets.    Plaintiff says her lease said no subleases, but she paid $843 lease a month, and they split utilities.   Defendant’s rent was half of plaintiff’s rent, $422 a month, to put her merchandise in plaintiff’s thrift store.   Defendant never received a copy of the lease, so defendant didn’t know plaintiff wasn’t allowed to sublet.  

Plaintiff says defendant broke her lease by putting items on the sidewalk and parking lot, and it violated city codes.   Plaintiff says landlord told her to get rid of furniture outside, and that he was not renewing defendant’s or plaintiff’s lease.    The next day, plaintiff changed the locks.   Plaintiff changed the rules by changing the locks, and didn’t want defendants in the store unless plaintiff was present.  Plaintiff is still in business at the other location, but everything is moving to the second store location, and wanted the store in question to put her stock from the first store, which was going to close soon.    

Defendants are countersuing for illegal eviction.   Plaintiff complains the defendants didn’t get their stuff out on time, but they could only come in the store when plaintiff was there, because they didn’t have keys.   I wish defendant would stop shaking her head like a bobble head doll every time plaintiff lies to JJ.

Defendant Nesbitt says they arrived at the shop, and the doors were locked.    As soon as defendant could get ahold of plaintiff, they started moving their stuff out.   Plaintiff sent a message to defendant that plaintiff could increase her business in the store, if defendants left.    Defendants took about 3 weeks to move out of the store, and didn’t pay rent that month.   (This happened in Gainesville, FL).

Defendant receives $5,000 for the illegal eviction, and plaintiff case dismissed.

(This is one of the very few cases I don’t remember at all.   I remember virtually every other case no matter what year it originally aired).

5 p.m. episodes-

FIrst (2017)-

 Infant Breaks Leg in Day Care-Plaintiffs parents Tiffany and David Walker suing defendant/day care owners Heather and Justin Scherer for medical bills after their four-month-old son broke his leg at the day care.  Plaintiff had several older children in the day care for a few years, and then put the baby at the day care from 7 weeks, to 4 months, when the injury happened.     Defendant was watching between 10 and 12 children, (4 to 6 child care children) without helpers.    Defendant was actually licensed, and still is. 

Plaintiff dropped the baby off, and a few hours later the day care provider called, and said the baby wouldn't stop crying.    The defendant is blaming the injury on the 9-year-old sibling (plaintiff's kid), she says the baby cried, and told the 9-year-old to pick up the baby, and claims the kid was swinging the baby by the legs, and that's how this happened.    Defendant claims she told the 9-year-old to "play nicely".   

How on earth can the defendant still have a license to run a day care?   As JJ says the Idaho authorities are idiots for not yanking this woman's day care license.  

Then the defendant called the plaintiff mother to pick up the baby, and the baby was in surgery for a broken leg.   

Plaintiff receives $5,000 ($4,000 medical bills, and $1,000 for pain and suffering). 

Hair Straightening Trauma-Plaintiff Diane Griffin suing former hair dresser/defendant Nicole Childress, for causing her hair to fall out after a straightening process.  

Defendant claims the plaintiff had her hair straightened, and then had someone else braid the hair, and that caused the breakage.    Plaintiff had her hair straightened for years at the salon, stopped and went natural for three years.   Then, plaintiff went back to defendant's salon for a straightening.   Defendant is suing for slander, and defamation of character.  

Hair was relaxed in October, and two months later was the first complaint to defendant about breakage.    This was after several wash, and roller sets on the hair, and plaintiff claims there were no other chemical, braiding or other procedures on her hair.     

Plaintiff wanted her hair relaxed more often than the two-month gap schedule the defendant recommended, but she demanded that her hair needed relaxing more often.     There is no way plaintiff didn't have a more immediate reaction from the relaxer.      (My personal guess is that plaintiff dyed her own hair, or had another straightening at another salon, or did something to her own hair that caused the hair breakage). 

Plaintiff will be getting nothing.     

Defendant has no proof of plaintiff's slander (though JJ says plaintiff has been talking all over town about her hair loss).   Sadly, JJ just didn’t realize what talking garbage about a salon, or bad online reviews will do to a business.  

Cases dismissed.

Second (2017)-

Dysfunctional Household  -Plaintiff/ex-boyfriend Sean Dailey and boyfriend’s  father Patrick Daily suing defendant /former girlfriend of son, Sherri Englent for a false restraining order, and attorney fees defending against the restraining order.     

Plaintiff /boyfriend lived with defendant for three years, with her two minor children.  Plaintiff father moved in when he had health issues.   Defendant filed a restraining order against the boyfriend, to get him out of the apartment to move her new boyfriend in.   

Litigants broke up, but lived together with their kids (2 are hers, 1 is his), for a while.    Defendants didn't want the boyfriend, and his ankle monitor around the kids.   (I bet it's a condition of him staying out of jail to never be with minor children).   Defendant filed for a restraining order, to get rid of plaintiffs, and move in boyfriend (new boyfriend can't live with minor children (he's a registered sex offender with an ankle monitor).  New boyfriend was also convicted for drug offenses. 

 Defendant claims her 8-year-old was hit on the arm by plaintiff, and they didn't report to the police for over a week.   Then defendant filed for the protective order, so she could get the plaintiffs out, and she could keep the apartment.  Defendant did the restraining order and police report to avoid going to housing court, or moving to another location.    Defendant says they went to mediation on the restraining order, and they ‘agreed to live together’.    So, no restraining order was ever granted. 

Plaintiffs had to hire an attorney to defend against the protective order, because adult son carries a fire arm at his security guard job (convictions for domestic violence means no more license to carry fire arms).   

Plaintiff's get some property back from defendant, they also receive motel and moving fees, and $700 security deposit, and attorney fees.   

Plaintiff father discusses the defendant's boyfriend with the ankle monitors record as a registered sex offender, and drug charges in the hall-terview.   So, why didn’t plaintiff call whoever handles sex offender registry issues where they lived?

 $2300 for plaintiffs, defendant gets nothing.   

My Tenant, the Vandal  -Plaintiff/landlord Barbara Montoya is suing defendant/former tenant Katherine Crow for vandalizing her rental property.    Defendant moved out in (defendant is confused, and says she either moved out in June 2016, or August 2016).  Apparently, the actual move out was August 2016.    $550 was the security and pet deposit (they were supposed to total $850).   

Plaintiff/landlady found out multiple people not on lease, including defendant's husband, nephew, nephew's girlfriend, defendant's two brothers, and two other people, were living in apartment.      Original roommate moved out very quickly after signing the lease.     

One resident included defendant's husband, who she's trying to serve divorce paper on, she says he has 'anger issues' according to defendant, but defendant can't find him for divorce paper service.  Defendant did not take pictures of apartment condition, and didn't do a walk through, or notify the plaintiff when she was moving.   

I love the plaintiff, she has before, and after pictures of the apartment.    There are large holes punched in the wall, discarded cigarettes on the carpet, and lots of trash.   Plaintiff hired some outside repair people, and her husband and son to do the extensive repairs to the apartment.   

Defendant claims in hall-terview that someone else must have broken in, and damaged the apartment after she left.  

$5,000 to plaintiff.

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Homeless Teen Meets Good Samaritan? (2017)

“That's not what he said!” – Jeffrey McBride

*DISCLAIMER UP FRONT* I want to give a huge shout out to CrazyInAlabama. He/She is far more consistent, dedicated, and thorough than I am. It’s a Wednesday and I’m feeling drained so I could only muster up one case (of a three case episode) that I thought was quite bizarre so I had to comment on it. In the future, I need to be on CrazyInAlabama’s level with these reviews. I can’t even keep up. So big shout out to CrazyInAlabama on his/her hard work in reviewing these cases! Keep the reviews coming!

Plaintiff: Jeffrey McBride from Laguna Beach, California. Jeffrey is sporting a very nice suit and has a very smug look on his face. The suit is a nice slate grey blazer, blue shirt, and yellow tie, as if he’s about to go into a job interview. Jeff looks like a total jerk but comes across like a very nice guy. It’s a bit jarring. Apparently, he smokes cigarettes outside, witnesses fights between two people, and invites others into his hotel room to share a living space with him. Jeff’s parents will also take you to breakfast where you can complain about your eye pain. Jeff will give you carte blanche, but then turn around and sue the fuck out of you when he feels like it.  

Defendant: 19 year old George Zavala, also from Laguna Beach. George was kicked out of his parents’ home after graduating high school, then kicked out of the hotel that he and his friend had, and has been homeless ever since. George used to work at the Mobil gas station, but his homelessness has put him in a situation where he could not maintain a job there. He was subsequently let go. He spends his evenings sleeping on the beach and fighting with his roommate in the hotel. He was taken in by the plaintiff and shared a hotel room with him. George is unapologetic about his entire situation and claims he doesn’t owe the plaintiff anything.

The Complaint: Jeff is up in court suing George Zavala for unpaid loans and medical expenses when George was homeless.   

What Does He/She want: Jeff wants $731 for loans and medical bills.

Countersuit?: No.   

Puppy Multiplier: N/A

Driving Around Without Insurance: N/A

What Went Down: JJ begins this case with George, the defendant (take a shot). She asks George how old he is, which he responds by saying that he is 19. George claims he met Mr. McBride when he was arguing with his friend in the motel room, where he was locked out.  Zavala’s family lives in Eastville (which I assume is in Cali). George explains to the Judge that he got kicked out of his family’s home because of “bad habits”, citing that he “went out too much”.

I don’t know about you, but when I turned 18, I went buck fuckin wild. At least until that same summer where I joined the Navy. I was king shit from the time I turned 18 in the middle of winter, balling up and down the street, looking for freaks, smoking that good, doing what I felt what I needed to do, however my parents never kicked me out of the house. Well, let me take that back, basically, they did kick me out of the house by making me go to the recruiting station after I took my ASVAB. So forget all I just said lol.

I just think George was being too extra and his parents got sick of it and tossed him out on his ass. This was red flag number one.

JJ asks George who he was living with in the motel in question. He states that he was just living with his friend. George claims that his friend had a tab at the hotel, which is also kinda weird. JJ looks pretty annoyed and impatient with the whole ordeal, but investigates further. It’s at this point that I suspect something very strange was afoot in that motel. George claims that he had no idea how his friend was footing the bill at this motel.

You see where I’m going with this? There’s something that’s not quite right. I’ve never heard of a motel that had a running tab for a customer. I stayed in a ton of hotels/motels with Djamilla over the course of our relationship (we took the kids to Disney World, Vegas, Disneyland, London, San Juan, PR, etc.) and not one time did the hotel/motel clerk say “Hey, do you guys want to put this on your tab?” No. It doesn’t work like that. They ask you for a major credit card (that they sometimes refund) for incidentals, then they turn around and charge the card that you use at checkout. They charge for EVERYTHING. I got a verbal beatdown (for hours) from Djamilla one time because I cracked open a bottle of water in Vegas, I believe, and the hotel charged for that and it was on our bill. How they knew about it is anyone’s guess.

Anyway, George is evasive in his answers to JJ, who is hellbent on getting to the bottom of how he and his “friend” were footing the bill. George claims that he went to the hotel two to three times a week. You know, to shower, shave, take a dump, things like that, meanwhile, Jeff is just standing there chilling, looking smug. George admits that he doesn’t have a car or a job. Jeff interjects, but JJ ignores him and asks George again why he doesn’t have a job. George claims that he had a job at Mobil for a while, but then his lack of hygiene caused him to lose his job.

JJ then turns her attention to Jeff. Jeff is 48. McBride claims that he just got evicted from his apartment, so he was staying in the hotel to see what doors would open up for him next, as he was also trying to get his life situated.

If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought this was the Cecil Hotel in LA. I’m guessing it was the Econo Lodge or something. I don’t know. It seems like George’s friend was turning tricks to stay in the hotel. Jeff, meanwhile, was trying figure out his next move, and George was bunking with his buddy. Again, I understand life is hard, but how these two met, just…wow.

Jeff was there for a week. Jeff began his testimony that it was a Sunday night that was pouring down rain.  He states that he noticed a commotion outside, with George beating on the door after his roommate had locked him out. Jeff asked George if he was alright. This is where we first get introduced to Jeff’s “bleeding heart” commentary. Like I said, Jeff looks like a total jerk; actually he looks like an elitist, but comes across as a bleeding heart. I must say, I think it was a façade, but I’ll get on that in a minute.

Jeff invited George into his hotel room to wait out the rain. George ended up spending the night, then the next day, the friend was “no longer available”. This was around the 2nd of February. The two lived together for a week.

This is where the cracks in Jeff’s façade begin to show. Jeff immediately states that the room was $554 a week. JJ immediately dismisses that. JJ states that George himself wasn’t even paying for the room that he lived in. Jeff rebuts this and states (with shifty eyes) “That’s not what he said!”.

JJ asks if an agreement between the two was established to split the room. Jeff denies this, but then goes on to say that George offered to pay him back. JJ isn’t entertaining it and repeats that George doesn’t owe him for the room.

Jeff then brings up some clothes that he purchased for George. Jeff then lets in on the little fact that George smelled. Well, I mean, he was homeless. Of course he isn’t going to smell like candy. After all, YOU, Mr. McBride, invited this fool inside your home, you nitwit.

Jeff went the cheap route and purchased George clothes from the Goodwill. Like, come on. You come in here rockin a suit straight from Men’s Warehouse, yet you took this fool to the Goodwill to get him pants and shirts? Really? You could have at least took his ass to Ross. He only spent $24. JJ, again, isn’t bothered with this and asks “What else?”

Jeff states that they went to Don Jose’s restaurant (what is that?) and he spent money on other food in cash, which he doesn’t have a receipt for.

JJ: “I don’t care.” (take a shot)

Jeff is adamant that he fed George and put a roof over his head.

Okay. Here’s my thing. Jeff willingly took George in. Where did he expect George to get the money from to pay him back? George was unemployed and also living in this hotel. Jeff had to have known if this guy smelled as bad as he did to purchase him new clothes that he was unemployed. He wasn't getting up in the morning (or in the evening to go to work) where did he think he was working?  How in the hell did he expect all this money back? I’m beginning to think there was something else to this story if you catch my drift.

Then JJ admonishes Jeff and states that George is 19 years old. Jeff then states his parents took George out for breakfast (I would love to meet Jeff’s parents for a free breakfast. I'm an omelette kinda guy) where George was complaining about his eye pain. Jeff took him to the urgent care in town where Jeff spent $160 dollars on this guy. There’s more to the story here than what we’re getting. George promised to pay him back with an additional $200. Jeff declares that he never saw a red cent from George. Jeff states that George made a lot promises to pay him back, but never came through.

George begins his next testimony to that, stating:

“So basically, he had “boughten” a kitten…” (Take a shot for misuse of the word “bought”)

JJ immediately interrupts George and corrects his grammar. We all know that JJ is a stickler for grammar if she catches you misusing your transitive verbs. She chastises Zavala for this for a bit, and then allows him to continue. Zavala claims that the kitten scratched his eye, where Jeff interrupts abruptly and states that it was not true. JJ reprimands him on his interruption.

After the commercial break (which included an ad for Xyzal sleep aid with the Owl who looks like my uncle and some silly wrestling commercial), we get back to the case.

George claims that he did not want to go to the doctor’s office, but Jeff insisted that he go. You know, this is one of those cases where I don’t know who to fuckin believe. Honestly. I think they are both lying about things. There may be some truth to some of what they are both stating, but I think they are both full of shit.

Jeff loses his cool a bit, interrupting George’s testimony and JJ is all “You’re talking to each other…Okay…” (take a shot). JJ, obviously fed up with the whole affair, tells Jeff that he made a week’s worth of mistakes hanging out with a 19 year old. Then JJ drops her old adage:

JJ: “When teenagers’ mouths move, they lie!” (take a shot).

JJ subsequently throws out the entire case and walks off as if nothing happened.

During the Hall-Ter-View, George claims that Jeff was smoking a cigarette, saw the fight, and invited George into his hotel room. George was very grateful that Jeff took him in while he was trying to get his act together. Jeff is acting like he was the one in the right, stating that he is done playing victim to everyone else’s whims and desires.

I don’t know, this was a strange case. I think Jeff was the type that was going to “fix” George up and send him on his way, if you get my meaning. I also think George was kicked out of his house because his parents didn’t agree with his orientation. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I think that was the case. It’s royally fucked up, but I think that’s what happened. I also think his “friend” at the motel was turning tricks for a room.

Verdict: Plaintiff gets nothing. Case dismissed.  

Did Auntie Judy say anything fucked up to anyone?: {to Jeffrey}: “Okay. Very good. I’ve had enough, we’re done. You’ve made a week’s worth of mistakes, he’s 19 years old. I wouldn’t believe anything a teenager says to me. Teenagers lie. When their mouths move, they lie. You found somebody out in the rain, outside. The person who he was in the motel with threw him out. His parents…threw him out. And you think you can trust what he tells you? I don’t believe that, Mr. McBride. I don’t think you believe it. Your case is dismissed. We’re done!" 



Edited by DjamillasMan
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10 hours ago, DjamillasMan said:

Homeless Teen Meets Good Samaritan? (2017)

“That's not what he said!” – Jeffrey McBride

*DISCLAIMER UP FRONT* I want to give a huge shout out to CrazyInAlabama. He/She is far more consistent, dedicated, and thorough than I am. It’s a Wednesday and I’m feeling drained so I could only muster up one case (of a three case episode) that I thought was quite bizarre so I had to comment on it. In the future, I need to be on CrazyInAlabama’s level with these reviews. I can’t even keep up. So big shout out to CrazyInAlabama on his/her hard work in reviewing these cases! Keep the reviews coming!

Plaintiff: Jeffrey McBride from Laguna Beach, California. Jeffrey is sporting a very nice suit and has a very smug look on his face. The suit is a nice slate grey blazer, blue shirt, and yellow tie, as if he’s about to go into a job interview. Jeff looks like a total jerk but comes across like a very nice guy. It’s a bit jarring. Apparently, he smokes cigarettes outside, witnesses fights between two people, and invites others into his hotel room to share a living space with him. Jeff’s parents will also take you to breakfast where you can complain about your eye pain. Jeff will give you carte blanche, but then turn around and sue the fuck out of you when he feels like it.  

Defendant: 19 year old George Zavala, also from Laguna Beach. George was kicked out of his parents’ home after graduating high school, then kicked out of the hotel that he and his friend had, and has been homeless ever since. George used to work at the Mobil gas station, but his homelessness has put him in a situation where he could not maintain a job there. He was subsequently let go. He spends his evenings sleeping on the beach and fighting with his roommate in the hotel. He was taken in by the plaintiff and shared a hotel room with him. George is unapologetic about his entire situation and claims he doesn’t owe the plaintiff anything.

The Complaint: Jeff is up in court suing George Zavala for unpaid loans and medical expenses when George was homeless.   

What Does He/She want: Jeff wants $731 for loans and medical bills.

Countersuit?: No.   

Puppy Multiplier: N/A

Driving Around Without Insurance: N/A

What Went Down: JJ begins this case with George, the defendant (take a shot). She asks George how old he is, which he responds by saying that he is 19. George claims he met Mr. McBride when he was arguing with his friend in the motel room, where he was locked out.  Zavala’s family lives in Eastville (which I assume is in Cali). George explains to the Judge that he got kicked out of his family’s home because of “bad habits”, citing that he “went out too much”.

I don’t know about you, but when I turned 18, I went buck fuckin wild. At least until that same summer where I joined the Navy. I was king shit from the time I turned 18 in the middle of winter, balling up and down the street, looking for freaks, smoking that good, doing what I felt what I needed to do, however my parents never kicked me out of the house. Well, let me take that back, basically, they did kick me out of the house by making me go to the recruiting station after I took my ASVAB. So forget all I just said lol.

I just think George was being too extra and his parents got sick of it and tossed him out on his ass. This was red flag number one.

JJ asks George who he was living with in the motel in question. He states that he was just living with his friend. George claims that his friend had a tab at the hotel, which is also kinda weird. JJ looks pretty annoyed and impatient with the whole ordeal, but investigates further. It’s at this point that I suspect something very strange was afoot in that motel. George claims that he had no idea how his friend was footing the bill at this motel.

You see where I’m going with this? There’s something that’s not quite right. I’ve never heard of a motel that had a running tab for a customer. I stayed in a ton of hotels/motels with Djamilla over the course of our relationship (we took the kids to Disney World, Vegas, Disneyland, London, San Juan, PR, etc.) and not one time did the hotel/motel clerk say “Hey, do you guys want to put this on your tab?” No. It doesn’t work like that. They ask you for a major credit card (that they sometimes refund) for incidentals, then they turn around and charge the card that you use at checkout. They charge for EVERYTHING. I got a verbal beatdown (for hours) from Djamilla one time because I cracked open a bottle of water in Vegas, I believe, and the hotel charged for that and it was on our bill. How they knew about it is anyone’s guess.

Anyway, George is evasive in his answers to JJ, who is hellbent on getting to the bottom of how he and his “friend” were footing the bill. George claims that he went to the hotel two to three times a week. You know, to shower, shave, take a dump, things like that, meanwhile, Jeff is just standing there chilling, looking smug. George admits that he doesn’t have a car or a job. Jeff interjects, but JJ ignores him and asks George again why he doesn’t have a job. George claims that he had a job at Mobil for a while, but then his lack of hygiene caused him to lose his job.

JJ then turns her attention to Jeff. Jeff is 48. McBride claims that he just got evicted from his apartment, so he was staying in the hotel to see what doors would open up for him next, as he was also trying to get his life situated.

If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought this was the Cecil Hotel in LA. I’m guessing it was the Econo Lodge or something. I don’t know. It seems like George’s friend was turning tricks to stay in the hotel. Jeff, meanwhile, was trying figure out his next move, and George was bunking with his buddy. Again, I understand life is hard, but how these two met, just…wow.

Jeff was there for a week. Jeff began his testimony that it was a Sunday night that was pouring down rain.  He states that he noticed a commotion outside, with George beating on the door after his roommate had locked him out. Jeff asked George if he was alright. This is where we first get introduced to Jeff’s “bleeding heart” commentary. Like I said, Jeff looks like a total jerk; actually he looks like an elitist, but comes across as a bleeding heart. I must say, I think it was a façade, but I’ll get on that in a minute.

Jeff invited George into his hotel room to wait out the rain. George ended up spending the night, then the next day, the friend was “no longer available”. This was around the 2nd of February. The two lived together for a week.

This is where the cracks in Jeff’s façade begin to show. Jeff immediately states that the room was $554 a week. JJ immediately dismisses that. JJ states that George himself wasn’t even paying for the room that he lived in. Jeff rebuts this and states (with shifty eyes) “That’s not what he said!”.

JJ asks if an agreement between the two was established to split the room. Jeff denies this, but then goes on to say that George offered to pay him back. JJ isn’t entertaining it and repeats that George doesn’t owe him for the room.

Jeff then brings up some clothes that he purchased for George. Jeff then lets in on the little fact that George smelled. Well, I mean, he was homeless. Of course he isn’t going to smell like candy. After all, YOU, Mr. McBride, invited this fool inside your home, you nitwit.

Jeff went the cheap route and purchased George clothes from the Goodwill. Like, come on. You come in here rockin a suit straight from Men’s Warehouse, yet you took this fool to the Goodwill to get him pants and shirts? Really? You could have at least took his ass to Ross. He only spent $24. JJ, again, isn’t bothered with this and asks “What else?”

Jeff states that they went to Don Jose’s restaurant (what is that?) and he spent money on other food in cash, which he doesn’t have a receipt for.

JJ: “I don’t care.” (take a shot)

Jeff is adamant that he fed George and put a roof over his head.

Okay. Here’s my thing. Jeff willingly took George in. Where did he expect George to get the money from to pay him back? George was unemployed and also living in this hotel. Jeff had to have known if this guy smelled as bad as he did to purchase him new clothes that he was unemployed. He wasn't getting up in the morning (or in the evening to go to work) where did he think he was working?  How in the hell did he expect all this money back? I’m beginning to think there was something else to this story if you catch my drift.

Then JJ admonishes Jeff and states that George is 19 years old. Jeff then states his parents took George out for breakfast (I would love to meet Jeff’s parents for a free breakfast. I'm an omelette kinda guy) where George was complaining about his eye pain. Jeff took him to the urgent care in town where Jeff spent $160 dollars on this guy. There’s more to the story here than what we’re getting. George promised to pay him back with an additional $200. Jeff declares that he never saw a red cent from George. Jeff states that George made a lot promises to pay him back, but never came through.

George begins his next testimony to that, stating:

“So basically, he had “boughten” a kitten…” (Take a shot for misuse of the word “bought”)

JJ immediately interrupts George and corrects his grammar. We all know that JJ is a stickler for grammar if she catches you misusing your transitive verbs. She chastises Zavala for this for a bit, and then allows him to continue. Zavala claims that the kitten scratched his eye, where Jeff interrupts abruptly and states that it was not true. JJ reprimands him on his interruption.

After the commercial break (which included an ad for Xyzal sleep aid with the Owl who looks like my uncle and some silly wrestling commercial), we get back to the case.

George claims that he did not want to go to the doctor’s office, but Jeff insisted that he go. You know, this is one of those cases where I don’t know who to fuckin believe. Honestly. I think they are both lying about things. There may be some truth to some of what they are both stating, but I think they are both full of shit.

Jeff loses his cool a bit, interrupting George’s testimony and JJ is all “You’re talking to each other…Okay…” (take a shot). JJ, obviously fed up with the whole affair, tells Jeff that he made a week’s worth of mistakes hanging out with a 19 year old. Then JJ drops her old adage:

JJ: “When teenagers’ mouths move, they lie!” (take a shot).

JJ subsequently throws out the entire case and walks off as if nothing happened.

During the Hall-Ter-View, George claims that Jeff was smoking a cigarette, saw the fight, and invited George into his hotel room. George was very grateful that Jeff took him in while he was trying to get his act together. Jeff is acting like he was the one in the right, stating that he is done playing victim to everyone else’s whims and desires.

I don’t know, this was a strange case. I think Jeff was the type that was going to “fix” George up and send him on his way, if you get my meaning. I also think George was kicked out of his house because his parents didn’t agree with his orientation. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I think that was the case. It’s royally fucked up, but I think that’s what happened. I also think his “friend” at the motel was turning tricks for a room.

Verdict: Plaintiff gets nothing. Case dismissed.  

Did Auntie Judy say anything fucked up to anyone?: {to Jeffrey}: “Okay. Very good. I’ve had enough, we’re done. You’ve made a week’s worth of mistakes, he’s 19 years old. I wouldn’t believe anything a teenager says to me. Teenagers lie. When their mouths move, they lie. You found somebody out in the rain, outside. The person who he was in the motel with threw him out. His parents…threw him out. And you think you can trust what he tells you? I don’t believe that, Mr. McBride. I don’t think you believe it. Your case is dismissed. We’re done!" 



No disclaimers necessary!  You do a fantastic, thorough job when you post, with so much humor included.  Thanks for your great writing 😁.

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5 hours ago, Tom1mac2 said:

No disclaimers necessary!  You do a fantastic, thorough job when you post, with so much humor included.  Thanks for your great writing 😁.

Why thank you!! I appreciate the kind words. I will say that I'm having a lot of fun recapping these episodes and making you guys laugh. 

Also, as for Jeffrey McBride, I knew there was something slimy about him. While in a meeting today at work (I should have been paying attention to what was going on, but whatever), I came across something about him. Does the screen capture below look something like Jeff to anyone else? 

EDIT: There's also a news article involving Jeff. I attached an image of it. I couldn't access the site because the website wants money to read the article, but I got a screen capture of it.  I knew there was something repulsive about him. I knew his facade was all BS. What a sick individual. Then he had the nerve to sue a homeless man and act like his shit didn't stink when he was doing vile actions involving children. Don't throw stones in a glass house. 



Edited by DjamillasMan
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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Diseased Puppy or Misdiagnosis? -Plaintiff Kathleen O'Connor suing defendants Kimberly and John Pearson over a King Charles Spaniel puppy she bought from defendant.  Puppy was purchased 18 months ago.   Puppy had a return guarantee for another puppy if the dog had a congenital defect.  Syringomyelia (or something like that) was the diagnosis, and puppy was returned to defendants.   (This disease is similar to Chiari Malformation in humans.).   

The vet report says an MRI would be required to diagnose the disease, but plaintiff chose not to do the MRI.  Instead, plaintiff put the dog on several anti-seizure medications.  Vet found no pain, no seizures, just what the plaintiff says. 

Dog has been at the defendants' home for eight months, was taken off of the medication plaintiff had dog on.    Defendants say the dog has zero issues over the eight months they've had her back.    Defendant says dog has zero issues in her home, but plaintiff claims the dog has a congenital neurological condition.   

Plaintiff claims puppy is either sedated, or another dog.   The plaintiff's video is very sad, bizarre behavior by the puppy.   

Defendant said she tried not to get attached to the dog, because if she was in pain, then defendant would put the dog down.     Defendant says the puppy came out of her shell, is off medication, and dog is fine.   Defendants don't want to return a puppy to plaintiff. 

Defendants say the puppy is doing the equivalent of chasing her tail, and it's not the seizure episodes. (To me the puppy looks like a dog with very itchy feet, allergies maybe?  I bet from food, or contact with something on the floors, or yard.  I had a dog with similar foot chewing, and when the dog treats were changed for another brand, the chewing and itching stopped.  Also, the door mats that are that very stiff brown fiber materials shed prickly fibers that will stick in your feet like a splinter, so there are lots of possibilities. ) 

Plaintiff claims puppy is drugged, and being neglected by defendant.  The dog is no longer a tiny puppy, she's eight months older, and calmer.   I'm sure she's overwhelmed with the crowd, the cameras, and the bright lights, and all of the new people on set.     JJ asks defendant if she would sell another puppy to plaintiff and plaintiff says no.   

Plaintiff receives $1500 for the puppy purchase, and vet bills.    I wouldn’t have given plaintiff a penny, she refused the offer of another puppy, she refused to get the MRI, and instead put the dog on tons of medications.   I don’t see seizure in the video, I see a dog with horribly itchy feet.    

Second (2014)-

Pit Bull Attack -Plaintiffs/dog owners John and Karen Sullivan are suing defendant/ Pit Bill owner Kevin Harris for vet bills.  As usual, defendant has six kids, and claims the breeding pair of pit bulls are safe to have around.   Plaintiff’s dog is a 9-month-old Pit Bull mix.   Defendant has a two adult Pit Bulls, one a new mother, and another about a year old.  Defendant’s front fence is only about 30” high.        Plaintiff and wife were walking their  young dog, on leash, past defendant’s house.   Plaintiff man says there were three adult Pits in defendant’s yard.   One dog came under fence and grabbed plaintiff’s dog’s leg, and second Pit jumped over fence and attacked the plaintiff’s dog, and then the third dog came after the dog.  (This happened in Staten Island, NY).

Plaintiff grabbed the defendant’s dog which was still biting the plaintiff’s dog, and told defendant to get the dog off of his dog, or plaintiff would break the defendant’s dog’s leg.   So, defendant got the dog off.  Defendant had three adult dogs, one with puppies, then defendant denies the one dog wasn’t a mother with puppies.    

$2,000 to plaintiff for vet bills.

Shoe Throwing Sister! -Plaintiff /sister Shaquita Ballard suing defendant /sister Christine Ballard for breaking plaintiff’s TV when defendant’s son threw a shoe at it.  Plaintiff says it started when one little girl scratched another kid.    Then daughter threw the shoe, and damaged the TV. (This was in Cicero, IL)

Plaintiff says this isn’t the first damage the kids did in either of their houses.   Kids are 4 and 5, and 8. 

Plaintiff says one child slapped another, and started fighting.   Then claims young niece threw a shoe and hit the TV, and cracked the TV.

JJ tells plaintiff she should have supervised the children at her house better.   Defendant is counter claiming for a broken dining table from a month ago, blaming the plaintiff’s son. 

The shoe that hit the TV has metal studs all over it, I can see how this cracked the TV.

Everything dismissed

Rent Games -Plaintiff/roommate on lease Chelsea Hill suing defendant/former tenant Michael Rabaino for taking her car without permission, and not paying rent.    Defendant only paid partial rent a few months, and skipped a few months.   Plaintiff owes $1600 unpaid rent.

Plaintiff’s car use claim is dismissed.    Plaintiff receives $1600 unpaid rent. 

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Auto Accident with a Twist-Plaintiff Luis Guevara-Henriquez suing defendant/ fellow motorist Alfred Boykins after defendant rear ended his car, and over failure of defendant to pay for car accident damage.     Defendant offered his car title to the plaintiff to pay for damages, because defendant had no insurance. 

Plaintiff had the defendant's car title, and the agreement, and a month later the police were called when plaintiff came to get the car.    Car was taken to impound after the police arrived.    Defendant wants money to pay to get the car out of impound, and that's not happening.     

Plaintiff gets $1,000.   (I would have given the plaintiff at least $2,000, bumper replacement is expensive.)

Mother Son Drama-Plaintiff/mother Pauline Henley suing defendant/son Dalecarlian Henley for the unpaid balance of furniture she sold him, and the unpaid balance of a car loan ($1,000).    Defendant says he's square with the mother on the furniture, and the car is totaled, and not his problem.   Plaintiff sold living room and bedroom set to her son.   

Plaintiff also has full time custody, and supports two of defendant's children, without help from defendant.   

Defendant hit a deer, and totaled the car, so he thinks he doesn't have to repay his mother, besides the defendant claims the car loan was a gift.     

Plaintiff receives $1,000.     

Second (2016)-

Dangerous Drinking- Plaintiff Justin Jacobs is suing ex-girlfriend Jessica Paolo for false police report and arrest, and stealing his stuff.  Plaintiff/ex-boyfriend and defendant/ex-girlfriend were both drunk, but defendant is proud of the fact she wasn't as drunk as the plaintiff.      

Defendant filed petition to get restraining order.  Plaintiff claims defendant filed exact same allegations to get restraining order against ex-husband, but has no proof.    Defendant's mother seems to think allegations her daughter is a drunk are amusing.  There is no proof of his abuse on defendant.   

Defendant claims after plaintiff's arrest, she moved the truck to guest parking.   She left everything in the truck for his mother to pick up, with the keys near the truck.   However, he couldn't find his truck keys, and a lot of property disappeared out of the truck.  Plaintiff even has a receipt for the rifle.   Defendant's uncle claims he saw items in the truck when defendant moved the truck to the guest parking spot, and she had the keys to the truck then.   

However, defendant 'lost' the keys, so plaintiff's mother had to get AAA to tow the truck.   Defendant's mother is just as pathetic as her daughter, and just won't shut up.     Defendant still claims the rifle was a gift to her.    Both sides need a group rate to rehab.   

$800 to plaintiff for the rifle.  

(At this point, with the episode titles, I just find, copy and paste the recaps I’ve done recently, since everything is a rerun from either 2013 or 2014, and the second hour is 2016 or 2017.   I also correct my boo-boos.    I’m really wondering if the constant reruns of the same shows from the four seasons means that the syndicator’s contract is over soon?   I suspect that 12 September which is the start of my local channel’s new line up will be severely different.)

(Mr. McBride has more issues since the show aired.   Apparently, Wasco prison is his host, and you can sign up for phone calls, and to make deposits to his commissary account). 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 hours ago, DjamillasMan said:

Why thank you!! I appreciate the kind words. I will say that I'm having a lot of fun recapping these episodes and making you guys laugh. 

Also, as for Jeffrey McBride, I knew there was something slimy about him. While in a meeting today at work (I should have been paying attention to what was going on, but whatever), I came across something about him. Does the screen capture below look something like Jeff to anyone else? 

EDIT: There's also a news article involving Jeff. I attached an image of it. I couldn't access the site because the website wants money to read the article, but I got a screen capture of it.  I knew there was something repulsive about him. I knew his facade was all BS. What a sick individual. Then he had the nerve to sue a homeless man and act like his shit didn't stink when he was doing vile actions involving children. Don't throw stones in a glass house. 



A detective in addition to your literary skills-Djamilla and your kids must be so proud of you!  We are lucky that they are willing to share you with us!  I agree with your feelings about good ol’ Jeff-it made no sense why he invited that kid to stay with him, except for the obvious…as JJ says “If it seems too good to be true, it (probably) isn’t!”

3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Diseased Puppy or Misdiagnosis? -Plaintiff Kathleen O'Connor suing defendants Kimberly and John Pearson over a King Charles Spaniel puppy she bought from defendant.  Puppy was purchased 18 months ago.   Puppy had a return guarantee for another puppy if the dog had a congenital defect.  Syringomyelia (or something like that) was the diagnosis, and puppy was returned to defendants.   (This disease is similar to Chiari Malformation in humans.).   

The vet report says an MRI would be required to diagnose the disease, but plaintiff chose not to do the MRI.  Instead, plaintiff put the dog on several anti-seizure medications.  Vet found no pain, no seizures, just what the plaintiff says. 

Dog has been at the defendants' home for eight months, was taken off of the medication plaintiff had dog on.    Defendants say the dog has zero issues over the eight months they've had her back.    Defendant says dog has zero issues in her home, but plaintiff claims the dog has a congenital neurological condition.   

Plaintiff claims puppy is either sedated, or another dog.   The plaintiff's video is very sad, bizarre behavior by the puppy.   

Defendant said she tried not to get attached to the dog, because if she was in pain, then defendant would put the dog down.     Defendant says the puppy came out of her shell, is off medication, and dog is fine.   Defendants don't want to return a puppy to plaintiff. 

Defendants say the puppy is doing the equivalent of chasing her tail, and it's not the seizure episodes. (To me the puppy looks like a dog with very itchy feet, allergies maybe?  I bet from food, or contact with something on the floors, or yard.  I had a dog with similar foot chewing, and when the dog treats were changed for another brand, the chewing and itching stopped.  Also, the door mats that are that very stiff brown fiber materials shed prickly fibers that will stick in your feet like a splinter, so there are lots of possibilities. ) 

Plaintiff claims puppy is drugged, and being neglected by defendant.  The dog is no longer a tiny puppy, she's eight months older, and calmer.   I'm sure she's overwhelmed with the crowd, the cameras, and the bright lights, and all of the new people on set.     JJ asks defendant if she would sell another puppy to plaintiff and plaintiff says no.   

Plaintiff receives $1500 for the puppy purchase, and vet bills.    I wouldn’t have given plaintiff a penny, she refused the offer of another puppy, she refused to get the MRI, and instead put the dog on tons of medications.   I don’t see seizure in the video, I see a dog with horribly itchy feet.    

Second (2014)-

Pit Bull Attack -Plaintiffs/dog owners John and Karen Sullivan are suing defendant/ Pit Bill owner Kevin Harris for vet bills.  As usual, defendant has six kids, and claims the breeding pair of pit bulls are safe to have around.   Plaintiff’s dog is a 9-month-old Pit Bull mix.   Defendant has a two adult Pit Bulls, one a new mother, and another about a year old.  Defendant’s front fence is only about 30” high.        Plaintiff and wife were walking their  young dog, on leash, past defendant’s house.   Plaintiff man says there were three adult Pits in defendant’s yard.   One dog came under fence and grabbed plaintiff’s dog’s leg, and second Pit jumped over fence and attacked the plaintiff’s dog, and then the third dog came after the dog.  (This happened in Staten Island, NY).

Plaintiff grabbed the defendant’s dog which was still biting the plaintiff’s dog, and told defendant to get the dog off of his dog, or plaintiff would break the defendant’s dog’s leg.   So, defendant got the dog off.  Defendant had three adult dogs, one with puppies, then defendant denies the one dog wasn’t a mother with puppies.    

$2,000 to plaintiff for vet bills.

Shoe Throwing Sister! -Plaintiff /sister Shaquita Ballard suing defendant /sister Christine Ballard for breaking plaintiff’s TV when defendant’s son threw a shoe at it.  Plaintiff says it started when one little girl scratched another kid.    Then daughter threw the shoe, and damaged the TV. (This was in Cicero, IL)

Plaintiff says this isn’t the first damage the kids did in either of their houses.   Kids are 4 and 5, and 8. 

Plaintiff says one child slapped another, and started fighting.   Then claims young niece threw a shoe and hit the TV, and cracked the TV.

JJ tells plaintiff she should have supervised the children at her house better.   Defendant is counter claiming for a broken dining table from a month ago, blaming the plaintiff’s son. 

The shoe that hit the TV has metal studs all over it, I can see how this cracked the TV.

Everything dismissed

Rent Games -Plaintiff/roommate on lease Chelsea Hill suing defendant/former tenant Michael Rabaino for taking her car without permission, and not paying rent.    Defendant only paid partial rent a few months, and skipped a few months.   Plaintiff owes $1600 unpaid rent.

Plaintiff’s car use claim is dismissed.    Plaintiff receives $1600 unpaid rent. 

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Auto Accident with a Twist-Plaintiff Luis Guevara-Henriquez suing defendant/ fellow motorist Alfred Boykins after defendant rear ended his car, and over failure of defendant to pay for car accident damage.     Defendant offered his car title to the plaintiff to pay for damages, because defendant had no insurance. 

Plaintiff had the defendant's car title, and the agreement, and a month later the police were called when plaintiff came to get the car.    Car was taken to impound after the police arrived.    Defendant wants money to pay to get the car out of impound, and that's not happening.     

Plaintiff gets $1,000.   (I would have given the plaintiff at least $2,000, bumper replacement is expensive.)

Mother Son Drama-Plaintiff/mother Pauline Henley suing defendant/son Dalecarlian Henley for the unpaid balance of furniture she sold him, and the unpaid balance of a car loan ($1,000).    Defendant says he's square with the mother on the furniture, and the car is totaled, and not his problem.   Plaintiff sold living room and bedroom set to her son.   

Plaintiff also has full time custody, and supports two of defendant's children, without help from defendant.   

Defendant hit a deer, and totaled the car, so he thinks he doesn't have to repay his mother, besides the defendant claims the car loan was a gift.     

Plaintiff receives $1,000.     

Second (2016)-

Dangerous Drinking- Plaintiff Justin Jacobs is suing ex-girlfriend Jessica Paolo for false police report and arrest, and stealing his stuff.  Plaintiff/ex-boyfriend and defendant/ex-girlfriend were both drunk, but defendant is proud of the fact she wasn't as drunk as the plaintiff.      

Defendant filed petition to get restraining order.  Plaintiff claims defendant filed exact same allegations to get restraining order against ex-husband, but has no proof.    Defendant's mother seems to think allegations her daughter is a drunk are amusing.  There is no proof of his abuse on defendant.   

Defendant claims after plaintiff's arrest, she moved the truck to guest parking.   She left everything in the truck for his mother to pick up, with the keys near the truck.   However, he couldn't find his truck keys, and a lot of property disappeared out of the truck.  Plaintiff even has a receipt for the rifle.   Defendant's uncle claims he saw items in the truck when defendant moved the truck to the guest parking spot, and she had the keys to the truck then.   

However, defendant 'lost' the keys, so plaintiff's mother had to get AAA to tow the truck.   Defendant's mother is just as pathetic as her daughter, and just won't shut up.     Defendant still claims the rifle was a gift to her.    Both sides need a group rate to rehab.   

$800 to plaintiff for the rifle.  

(At this point, with the episode titles, I just find, copy and paste the recaps I’ve done recently, since everything is a rerun from either 2013 or 2014, and the second hour is 2016 or 2017.   I also correct the boo-boos.    I’m really wondering if the constant reruns of the same shows from the four seasons means that the syndicator’s contract is over soon?   I suspect that 12 September which is the start of my local channel’s new line up will be severely different.)

Thanks for all of the efforts you put into your daily recapping!  We’ll see what happens in September.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Show Me the Lawsuit Money! -Plaintiff/ex-girlfriend Lucy Ortiz suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Nemecio Benevidez over loans she made to him.  Defendant says it wasn’t a loan, but part of household expenses. Litigants never lived together.  Plaintiff lives with her son, daughter in law, and their kids, and defendant has his own home also.    

Plaintiff says the money was from a loan from her IRA. Plaintiff took a loan from her IRA, and has texts from defendant saying he will pay her back.    There is no proof the $3000 taken from her IRA was given to defendant.

Also, plaintiff claims defendant had a lawsuit settlement due, for over $100k, so she loaned him money because he could pay her back.   This all happened in Evans, CO.

Then, plaintiff went on unemployment, so wasn’t putting deposits in her bank account, but only cashing checks, because the deposits would limit her unemployment.   So, plaintiff was cheating the government, and all of us.   So, plaintiff didn’t put the IRA money back in the account.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Dying Mother -Plaintiff/landlord Kolleen Dockins suing defendant/former tenant Kimberly Rendon is being sued for unpaid rent and property damages.     Defendant denies damaging the property, except for normal wear and tear, but omits saying how often she paid the rent in full.  (This was in Victorville, CA).

Defendant didn’t pay the rent after her mother died, because she was getting paid to be caretaker for her mother.   Defendant owes for two full month’s rent, $2600, and also another month, and a partial month, total is $4700.

Photos of house are full of trash, and there is a video of the day after defendant moved out.  Defendant says that her mother’s care and death ruined her finances.  Plaintiff says clean up bills are $8600, a lot of that is for smoke damage in the house, and smoking is prohibited in the lease.   There were additional tenants, and police were looking for one non-legal resident.

$5,000 to plaintiff

Second (2014)-

Family Fight Over Will -Plaintiff Todd Biggs suing defendant Michael Proctor (his late sister’s widower) over a car inherited from their plaintiff’s late mother.    After the death of a mother and her daughter, family members fight over their car.

Defendant is living in the late mother’s home. but paying no rent, he should be paying 1/3 of going rate to the older brother, and the widower.   Plaintiff ‘s mother died, and left the sister and plaintiff the car.    Plaintiff turned car over to his sister, and she drove it for 18 months, then sister died.  

Car was registered in late sister’s name, and the defendant brother-in-law.   Everything was divided in thirds by late mother’s trust, excluding the car.    Oldest brother was the executor and trustee, but not for  the car.   There were three siblings, the older brother (executor), plaintiff, and the late sister.    Plaintiff witness older brother relinquished his third of the car to plaintiff and sister.  

JJ thinks sister’s share should pass to defendant/sister’s widower, so plaintiff gets nothing.   

Motorcycle Mistake! -Plaintiff Anette Messinger suing defendant Dustin Altom over a loan taken out to buy a motorcycle, but loan is not repaid.   Plaintiff took out a personal loan for $5,000, claims defendant never paid anything on the loan, but defendant claims he paid her back.

Defendant claims he never saw the title, and can’t register the motorcycle.    JJ tells plaintiff to sell the motorcycle, and then plaintiff can sue for the shortfall.    

Single Mom Breakdown -Plaintiff Francine Woodford suing defendant Shawn Olson for a $4,010 loan to start his business.   Single mom sues former friend over a loan to start his business. Plaintiff kept buying more things for defendant, but he never repaid anything.

Case dismissed.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2016)-

Crock of Baloney-Plaintiff Bryan Wu suing defendant/former roommate Marta Suarez for apartment rent, and car damage, $5000.      Plaintiff Bryan Wu, his fiance Purple Herzig, and defendant Marta Suarez shared an apartment, all three signed the lease, and both sides want lease breaking fees.   Plaintiff and fiance moved out early, but paid the last two month’s rent as a lease breaking fee.     

Defendant and plaintiff girlfriend were co-workers at Barbizon.

 Defendant hasn't paid rent in over five months, still lives in the apartment, and landlord has finally started eviction proceedings.   Defendant thinks being a squatter is funny. 

Plaintiff also claims defendant damaged his car.  Defendant sent plaintiff fiance a text saying someone hit the plaintiff’s car.  

(Defendant needs to cover up her ample hooters, hanging out in court.  One sneeze and we'll get to see all of her assets).    (Plaintiff's fiance is named Purple Herzig, this is exactly what the caption on the show said).     

 Defendant Suarez is another reason I'll never be a landlord.    Defendant had plaintiff's car, and she sent a text and photo, and says the car was hit while she had it.  

Plaintiff gets $3,000 rent from defendant (That pays for his rent shortfall, but not the car). 

Pit Bull Chomps Chihuahua-Plaintiff Kaitlyn Cumpton suing defendant Mandy Pryor for pit bull chomping on her Chihuahua (6-year-old dog, 13 pounds) while 8-year-old owner Kaliyah, watched in horror.   

Defendant claims the tiny Chihuahua ran into her apartment, and her dog was being protective (Total Bull Pucky).    Cute plaintiff's kid Kaliyah, was walking a leashed Chihuahua, Hennesey, when Snickers the Pit Bull charged out of defendant's apartment, and attacked the tiny dog.      Little girl testifies the dog is usually off leash outside the defendant's apartment, and growls when the girl and her dog pass.     

The apartment complex needed to boot the defendant, and her vicious dog, and I hope they did.   Lucky for the little girl and dog, the plaintiff was watching them out the window and saw the attack.   Little girl says defendant was sitting outside the complex, when the Pit Bull charged the girl and the dog.    Defendant had to muzzle on her vicious animal, and had this dog around her two-year-old child (she has four kids, 8,7, 6, and 2 years old). 

 Defendant got the dog only two weeks before, and bought for $20.     Defendant claims Chi charged inside her door, and Snickers the Pit Bull attacked the poor little dog.     Total garbage.      My guess, even though Snickers the Chihuahua chewer was supposed to wear a muzzle, I bet that never happened.    I’m betting the apartment management demanded the Pit leave the complex. 

Defendant claims she gave the Pit bull to man who lives in Idaho (they live in Spokane).    I wonder if that’s the same farm that all of the unwanted dogs have been sent to? 

$800 to plaintiff.

Second (2016)-

Assault of the Landlord-Plaintiff Deborah Smith is suing defendant/home owner Marshall Smith (the two litigants are not related) for illegal eviction, changing the locks, and stolen property.     Defendant had the woman pet sit three years ago, and a year ago the woman told defendant she was a general contractor.  

Defendant paid her $25,000 to be general contractor for the roof replacement, and other work.      He says she never did any work, isn't a contractor, and has been on disability since 1992.   Plaintiff claimed she wasn’t paid to be a general contractor.   Plaintiff claims her disability started in 1992, and ended in 2015, but won't answer any of JJ's questions, so her case is dismissed.    Officer Byrd has to tell the plaintiff to stop commenting during the defendant's testimony. Plaintiff claims she was a tenant, illegally evicted, and wants $5,000 for garbage, and her case is dismissed.   

Defendant says he let her stay in the spare room occasionally, since she lived so far away.  She left for over three weeks, and when he noticed a bad odor from the room, he entered and found a lot of his stolen property.     

Defendant claims after he changed the locks, the plaintiff crawled under the house, into the basement, broke in, and assaulted him, and stole his laptop.   Defendant filed a police report alleging assault by her, theft, and wanted a protective order. and changed the locks.   Plaintiff wanted a temporary protective order and was granted a one-year protective order.  Plaintiff claims she was only out of town for three days, and was helping him get back in the house.

Before JJ's court, there was a protective order hearing to get it ended against plaintiff, plaintiff was late to that court, and argued with the judge that she was actually in court the entire time.  

JJ advises the defendant to have his attorney ask a judge to file a vexatious litigant order against plaintiff.   

I feel sorry for defendant, because I bet the plaintiff is still bothering him.  

Cases dismissed. 

Pedestrian Slam in a Parking Lot-Plaintiff Matthew McMurtrie claims the defendant Hamid “David” Sadeghi hit him with his car in a parking lot.  Plaintiff is lucky he wasn't injured more.    

Defendant says he didn't do anything wrong, didn't even put in a claim with his insurance company, because he thinks nothing is wrong with the plaintiff.   Defendant says he doesn't really think he hit the plaintiff.  Plaintiff claims the defendant doesn't have insurance, but defendant claims he does.   

Supposedly it's Geico, but the Gecko didn't show up in court to testify.   Plaintiff contacted an attorney over the medical bills, and defendant's refusal to give him the name of his insurance company. 

Defendant has video from the parking garage, but it isn't of the accident, just of the inside of the parking garage.  Defendant shouldn't be behind the wheel of a car.  

Plaintiff gets damages $2100 for medical bills, and lost wages. (I would have given plaintiff $5,000 with the extra for defendant claiming plaintiff is a liar).

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 8/4/2022 at 2:10 PM, DjamillasMan said:

I knew there was something repulsive about him. I knew his facade was all BS. What a sick individual. Then he had the nerve to sue a homeless man and act like his shit didn't stink when he was doing vile actions involving children. Don't throw stones in a glass house. 

When I watched that episode I did wonder if he was just looking for prey.  I'm certain Judge Judy knew that too but I suppose she had to be very careful and for once keep her mouth shut on the subject.  I was thinking what I would do if he was standing in the pouring rain and I thought well gosh I'd call the police or at least the front desk and tell them about some guy in the parking lot.

But perhaps both of them were looking for the same thing.

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Infant Breaks Leg in Daycare? (2017)

Maybe the baby was having a bad day…?" – Heather Scherer  

LOL. I have time today to do a two case episode because Djamilla is craving pizza and called Angeli’s (and did the curbside pickup option) so I can get a moment to myself to review at least one full episode involving two cases. Everyone have their favorite drink ready? Let’s go.

Plaintiff: Tiffany Walker, and her husband, David from Caldwell, Idaho. Tiffany is a grieving mother whose baby’s leg was broken after taking him to the defendant’s daycare. Tiffany’s hubby, David, looks like he moonlights with a cap and gown on, but not the kind that you wear at a graduation, if you catch my drift. Tiffany is just a pissed off and horrified mom, who wants justice for her little baby who was left in the care of the Scherers. Tiffany is also a nurse. Her baby is walking now, so “at least she has that”.   

Defendant: Heather Scherer and her husband, Justin, also hailing from Caldwell, Idaho. Heather runs a daycare and is licensed. She is the charge of several youths that run around her daycare, while he husband sometimes helps out. She is not very attentive when she and her husband are “making lunch”, allowing children ample time to play with matches, beat on each other, and stick forks inside of electrical outlets. You know, typical kid shit that you have to watch out for. Heather thinks babies have “bad days” where their bones get broken on their own. JJ tells her if she were queen for a day, she’d revoke her daycare license. Heather has blank stares that make me think she has some sort of “issue” that the state of Idaho isn’t aware of.   

The Complaint: Tiffany and her man are up in court suing for $4k worth of medical expenses.    

What Does He/She want: Tiffany and her Grand Wizard of the Western Suburbs of Boise husband want $4000 for medical expenses after their child was injured after being left in the care of Heather and her wanna-be balding Judd Nelson husband.

Countersuit?: Yes. Heather and her hubby are suing for the expenses of hiring a lawyer to combat Tiffany’s claims.  

Puppy Multiplier: N/A

Driving Around Without Insurance: N/A

What Went Down: JJ kicks this case off by detailing that a year and a half ago, the plaintiff was utilizing the defendant’s daycare when the injury to the baby in question occurred. Tiffany’s oldest son is 9. She also has a 5 year old, and an infant. This was July 2nd, 2015, and not the first time that Tiffany has taken her children to Heather’s daycare. Tiffany’s kids have been going to the daycare for a hot minute, as her two eldest children were going to that daycare prior to the incident in question.

JJ turns her attention to Heather, asking her how many children she has. Heather has a 12 year old, a 9 year old, a 7 year old, and a 4 year old. Damn. Heather stayed barefoot and pregnant. I guess there’s nothing to do in Caldwell besides get in your cap and gown (that’s not graduation related, mind you (and by cap, I mean hood)), smoke meth, have kids, run a daycare where you aren’t watching all of the kids, or be a nurse at the local hospital. I guess you can work at the local credit union, but where’s the fun in that? You can just have kids and burn crosses in the yards of- sorry….back to the case.   

Heather claims that she watches not just her children and the plaintiff’s children, but 10-12 other children. It’s just her and her husband working that daycare.

Pause. Time out. Just her and her husband are watching 10-12 kids, the majority of which aren’t yours? Heather has lost her fuckin mind. Kids are bad, I’m just saying. They do crazy things when they’re un/under supervised. Believe me, I know. They break shit, run around cursing and yelling and snitching, flush action figures down the toilet (that actually happened to me personally because I was too busy having Madden competitions with my buddies), and throwing heavy objects at $1200 dollar TVs. You have to watch everything a child is doing. Stop being cheap and hire at least one other person, Heath. Greedy ass.

Heather was charging Tiffany $20 bucks a day, but then Tiff butts in and states that she was paying $350 every two weeks. Tiffany claims that she knew that there were other children in Heath’s care, but then recants her statement and states that she knew of only Heather and her hubby. JJ lets that slide and goes on to ask Heather what state they live in. Heather responds by saying that she lives in Idaho. JJ then asks if Heather has a license to practice daycare in the state, which Heather confirms and states that she is licensed. Heather claims that she still takes care of the same amount of people, but then lets it slip that her husband works now, so he doesn’t help her watch the house.

I’m not even trying to be funny, but I can tell Heather’s house smells funny. It smells like dirty diapers, wild animal shit, and child activity.

JJ just kinda does an eye roll and starts messing with some papers. JJ then goes over the alleged facts of the case, that Tiffany dropped her four month old at the daycare that morning and he was fine. Then Tiff got a call from Heather stating that the baby wouldn’t stop crying. Initially, Tiff thought that her medical bills would be covered by some crime victim’s advocate agency, but when that fell through (due to insufficient evidence), she brought her case to small claims court to quench her thirst for revenge.

JJ tells Tiffany:

JJ: “Don’t tell me what they told you.” (take a shot).

JJ then goes over Heather’s answer to Tiff’s complaint. Heather confirms that she was in the kitchen making lunch, while the baby in question was in the swing that she had set up in her kitchen. Heather corrects JJ on this and says that the swing was in the living room. Heather says that the 9 year old (Which 9 year old? Because Tiff and Heather both have a 9 year old, that’s the common denominator between them. Let’s just assume it was Tiff’s 9 year old). Heather, in her answer, says that the 9 year old was holding the baby. The 9 year old was playing rough with the baby. (Oh, so it was Tiff’s 9 year old). The baby started crying again. Heather testifies that the brother had the baby on its back on the floor, with the baby's legs and/or ankles in his grasp, and was “twisting him back and forth throughout the living room”.  JJ asks what Heather did. Heather answered that she asked the 9 year old child to “Please stop”. But in her answer, she says that she “told him to pick up the baby and play nicely”.

This is where JJ just loses her fuckin mind on Heather. JJ says that if she were in charge of the Idaho Social Services department, she would investigate Heather’s daycare and shut her daycare down. JJ is just ranting and going in on Heather. All the while, Heather is just giving her this weird, blank stare as if she is in another reality. JJ says that Heather should have left the sink, the television, or whatever she was doing and to attend to the baby. JJ even taps Byrd and gets him on her side.

Here’s my thing, that what you have to do with children. Granted, my kids are 15 months apart (I had one with a previous baby momma and another with Djamilla), but I remember when they were about three or four, they would do crazy shit. I would be in the kitchen making them lunch, and the moment I got any inkling that shit was going down (kids are loud), I would rush in to intervene in whatever devious plan they were cooking up. I wasn’t a helicopter parent, but goddamn, kids are bad. They do things that are outrageous. That’s why you have to watch them carefully. It’s even more important when you are in charge of someone else’s kids.

JJ at one point says to Heath:

JJ: “You’re an idiot!” (take a shot).

Anyway, JJ just lights Heather up for a good 10 minutes, citing that the person who investigated the case has a double digit IQ. JJ then says that Heather went back to doing her nails, the TV, and wasn’t paying attention to the children. She also insults Heather’s balding, meth addicted, Judd Nelson-wanna-be husband, but real low key.

Heather’s defense is that she doesn’t think that it happened under her care, because Tiff suggested that the baby was mildly constipated.

This prompts JJ to further go in on Heather, while Heather is just standing there, lookin crazy. JJ isn’t even about to deal with the counterclaim that the defendant has and throws it out in short order.

JJ is just so upset and beside herself that she awards Tiff and her Grand Wizard husband $5k.

During the Hall-Ter-View, Tiffany is horrified that her baby had a broken leg and admits that she’s a nurse. She claimed that she heard her baby’s leg grinding. Heather keeps lying (take a shot). Heather also claims that she loves children. Yeah, she likes children in agony, apparently while making lunch. Her and hubby must have been making a charcuterie board for lunch that day. You know, for 4 year olds. 

Verdict: $5000 awarded to the plaintiff (FINISH YOUR DRINK!)

Did Auntie Judy say anything fucked up to anyone?: {to Heather}: “You’re an idiot! How can any state allow you to take care of children? You see a 9 year old playing roughly with a 4 month old infant, who you have already told to take out of a swing because the baby was crying. That’s your job. You leave the sink, or you leave the television, or you leave whatever you’re doing, and you go inside and you tend to the baby! Not you!

Hair Straightening Trauma (2017)

I guarantee you, two, three years from now, her hair will NEVER be as healthy as I had her hair.” – Nicole “Cola” Childress.

Plaintiff: Diane Griffin from somewhere. Diane is up in court lookin like somebody auntie. She is rockin a two tone reddish-magenta top and a cute wig. Diane’s hair fell out after she was got a relaxer from the defendant’s salon. Diane has one single expression on her face, a look of indifference, really. Diane only gets her hair done for special occasions, naturally, and noticed that all her hair fell out two months after visiting the defendant’s shop. Keep in mind, she got her hair done at THE PLAZA between visits to the defendant’s salon. According to Diane, the defendant’s prices are way too high. 

Defendant: Nicole “Cola” Childress from somewhere. Nicole looks like a psycho ex of mine. She’s cute, but just the fact that she looks like a psycho ex of mine turns me off. She agrees with JJ when JJ discusses hair treatments and claims that the plaintiff ruined her business by spreading rumors all around town, talking about what goes around comes around. Nicole is not having that and has launched a countersuit in her defense. Nicole is a master educator/stylist, so she knows what she’s doing apparently.  She often stares down Diane during Diane’s testimony of what occurred. Nicole’s witness is absolutely fucking useless

The Complaint: Diane wants $5000 for burning her scalp and causing hair loss.

What Does He/She want: Diane claims after a relaxer treatment from Nicole, she wants $5000

Countersuit?: Yes. Nicole wants $5000 for slander and defamation of character due to Diane’s malicious lies and rumors. I gotta break character and tell you, both of these dames are after ALL THEY CAN GET.   

Puppy Multiplier: N/A

Driving Around Without Insurance: N/A

What Went Down: JJ kicks this case off with Diane. She reminds Diane that Diane had hired the defendant to do hair straightening work for her in the past. The last time she did it, Diane’s hair started falling out. Diane wants $5000 for it. Nicole claims that she used the same product on her for the past three times she came to her salon, and the only reason she suffered hair loss was because she braided her hair in between treatments.

Look, I don’t mess around with my hair like that, I just use what nature gave me. I just use a brush and a comb and some Murray’s or Blue Magic. I come into the bathroom to brush my teeth before I go to bed at night, looking for some toothpaste and Djamilla has like 8 million different hair products in the bathroom. I just say “fuck it” and go to bed, I’ll find the toothpaste in the morning. I could never be a woman because they have to do way too much with their hair. Not only hair, but makeup, nails, eyebrows, all that shit. The most you’ll catch me doing is a pedicure here and there. Real men get pedicures. You can’t be walking around with your feet all rough and raggedy looking.

Anyway, my little soapbox moment is over.

According to Nicole, in between the second and third treatment, Diane went to go get her hair braided and that’s why she had hair loss. Nicole claims that she has proof of this. JJ then says that she assumes neither party has a doctor on hand to corroborate their claims.

Diane claims that she first went to the defendant’s salon in June of 2016, with the second time being August of 2016 (damn, 6 years went by fast af). Before visiting the defendant’s salon, the last time Diane had her hair straightened was three years before that. The three years before was at Nicole’s very own salon, but the Diane chimes in that she didn’t want to go because Nicole’s prices are too damn high. She claims the incident happened on October the 20th. Diane denies that she had her hair braided between the time of her last treatment and this one.

Diane is straight up looking like someone auntie.

Diane says emphatically that she only had a shampoo and wash at PLAZA SALON. Shit, that sounds like a spot where you are spending $1000s on your girl for her to get “made up” if you know what I’m saying. That place sounds imperial af.

Meanwhile, Nicole is over there staring Diane down, as if she is going to whoop her. Nicole is sizing Diane up. It’s kinda weird. She keeps giving her these “CASH ME OUTSIDE AFTA THIS CASE!” kinda looks.

JJ tricks Diane into admitting that she just didn’t get a shampoo and a wash, but a shampoo, wash, and a roller set. I don’t know what the hell that is, and if someone wants to educate me on that, please do. I love to gain knowledge from others. But yeah, I have zero idea what a roller set is. I know what a shampoo is, I'm assuming a roller set is when they put rollers in your hair? Can't you get those from Family Dollar? 

So JJ confirms that after Diane visited the defendant’s salon, she went back to PLAZA SALON to get another shampoo and set on November the 5th. This brings up reasonable doubt that the defendant did anything to her hair. Diane claims she started complaining to the defendant around December 18th about her hair loss. Diane just fucked her own case up by admitting that. JJ then asks Diane if she went back to PLAZA SALON after getting the shampoo and set. Diane answers frankly “No”. JJ then just asks:

JJ: “Why?”

Diane, you crazy lady, you can’t just admit to JJ that you did certain things. Like, I admire that you’re telling the truth, but jeez, keep a lid on certain stuff. Don’t tell EVERYTHING. LOL. Hold your cards close to your heart, Diane, and never let them show.

JJ then goes on a rant about perms and relaxers and finally just tells Diane:

JJ: “You have no case!”

Diane: “Okay

Diane isn’t even fazed by having her case dismissed and losing out on $5000. She just takes that shit in stride and moves on. Diane is an OG.

JJ rants a bit more at Diane. JJ then says this:

“Unless you have an expert witness to testify that it could take two months to show hair loss from a chemical burn…” (take a shot).

There’s also some older guy in the front of the gallery in a blue shirt (behind Diane) that’s falling asleep throughout this case. LOL. (take a shot to that, too).

JJ then goes in on Diane for a bit before turning her attention to Nicole for her countersuit. Nicole just has a look on her face like she cannot believe she is in court right now. Nicole says that she is a master educator/stylist. JJ wants to see some sort of published material of the slander (which would be libel, since it’s written), and Nicole says she has a document from PBS (the public broadcasting station?) that states that Diane was going around town talking trash about her and her shop. To Nicole, it killed her business.  Nicole hands Byrd the document from PBS (how did she get a broadcasting station to vouch for her?). JJ reads the document and renders it useless. Apparently it wasn’t from PBS, it was from the owner of the salon. JJ renders it hearsay (take a shot).

Nicole admits that she doesn’t have any other evidence. Then Nicole and JJ get into a sort of weird battle of wits for a few seconds before Nicole states that she has a witness in Marie Adams.

Marie states that she has been getting her hair done by “Cola” since 2006. She doesn’t know Diane nor has she ever met Diane. This pisses JJ off and she tells Nicole that she needs “proof” (take a shot). 

After the commercial break (which included some random commercial from Ray J (Brandy's baby bro) who, ironically, is less famous after he made the S-E-X tape with Kim K, and a “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” commercial with a modernized twist) we get back to the case.

JJ is still admonishing Nicole on her lack of proof. She seems kinda pissed off about the whole thing, while Diane is still looking on with no emotion on her face, Nicole looks slightly annoyed, but Marie Adams is looking kinda sheepish. I guess she isn't getting any discounts from Cola anytime soon. 

Nicole admits that the owner of the salon couldn’t come. This prompts JJ to kick them both out of court, with neither woman getting a dime. Though JJ does say that in all probability, Diane was running around town talking trash about Cola’s shop.

During the Hall-Ter-View, Diane is super upset about her hair loss. She stated that Nicole had no compassion and never tried to help her out.  Nicole, on the other hand, is showing a hitherto unknown narcissistic side, with her stating that she grew Diane’s hair out, with Diane’s husband complimenting her. I bet he did, just not in the way that Nicole thinks he did. Hell, I would be complimenting Nicole, but don’t tell anyone that.  

Verdict: Case dismissed. Plaintiff and defendant get nothing.

Did Auntie Judy say anything fucked up to anyone?: {to Diane}: “It took two months because that’s the first time you called her. She would have to be a psychic to know that you were having hair trouble before you called her! If my hair was burning I would have called said "Gee, my hair is burning" and called her the very next day. So you have no case!”








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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Malicious Skateboarder? -Plaintiff /bike rider Justin Brunner suing defendant /father Jason Allen for bike damages from 11-year-old Kenneth “Grant” Allen hitting his bike with his skateboard, and bike flipped over.  Bicyclist was going an estimated 30 mph, when skateboarder jumped off the skateboard, and kicked it in front of bicycle.    JJ seems to think if you’re 33 you shouldn’t do anything about an 11 year-old pulling a stunt like this.    (This was in Windsor, CO).

Bike was going North, skateboarder was going South.   Bike was on the right lane, skateboarder was on the wrong side of the road, stopped on the corner, and bike rider turned right, then skateboard was kicked up from the sidewalk gutter, and the skateboard was in front of bike, and there was no chance to evade by bike rider.   

JJ claims the plaintiff made the wrong-way skateboarder nervous, and the accident was plaintiff’s fault.   I disagree with JJ.   Defendant father wants $1,000, and gets nothing.    Plaintiff gets nothing.

Too Young to Live Alone    - Plaintiff Alexis Stotz suing defendant /former roommate Kaitlyn Wilson for a broken lease.      Plaintiff is too young to live on her own.    Plaintiff and brother moved into the apartment in March, with her brother, and he left in June, there was another roommate for a month, then Kaitlyn, defendant, moved in during August on the lease.  Defendant paid September's rent, $500 and has a receipt.     (Alexis says ‘beginningly)

Defendant says she had no choice but to break the lease and move. Defendant claims plaintiff wanted to move in some 18-year-old man who was going to sleep on the floor, and wanted to move in with a 16- year-old girlfriend.

Defendant moved out in October, to another apartment, with a real lease, and hopefully, better roommates.    Plaintiff claims defendant didn't pay for October, but isn't sure of anything about rent or utilities.   Defendant moved into another apartment in October, but plaintiff wants three months rent.

Everything dismissed.  (Hall-terview with plaintiff is sad, and disjointed).

Second (2014)-

Used Car Calamity -Plaintiff/car buyer Sarah Lambourne Marilyn Taylor (wife) and Verone Taylor (husband)suing defendant/car seller over a used ‘as is’ car claiming that the $2 repair cost a lot more to fix, and wants repair and transportation costs, $2958 total.     The car was ‘as is’ but defendant signed a paper stating that if she had issues with the car, her $2,000 would be returned.  

Cost to fix oil leak on car was more than $2.     There is no proof that plaintiff called defendant within the 30 days and wanted her money back.       Plaintiff dropped her phone in the toilet, and so her message history is gone, but defendant didn’t keep the message that he claims was more than six weeks after purchase.

Plaintiff has no proof of the call about the guarantee, case dismissed.

Collateral Ex-Girlfriend Damage -Plaintiff/ex-girlfriend  Shanequa Brown suing defendant/ex-girlfriend  Re’Anna Wilson for kicking in her door during an argument.   They only lived together for two weeks. Defendant claims the door was loose, and it didn’t take much force to kick the door down. 

$300 to plaintiff to fix the door.    

Abandoned or Stolen? -Plaintiff Charles Tilotta suing defendant/sister-in-law Angela Tilotta for a truck he left parked at defendant’s house.   Defendant has the truck that’s titled in plaintiff’s name.  Defendant claims the truck was given to her to settle an old debt from plaintiff, and she has the promissory note signed by plaintiff, saying the truck is in payment of the debt.   Truck was parked on defendant’s property for 14 months.  

Unfortunately, promissory note pertains to a 98 truck, not the 96 truck in question.    Defendant has the title to the truck. 

Plaintiff picks up his truck.  Everything else dismissed.

Co-Workers All Fired Up! -Plaintiff Rae Tacie Richards is suing defendant/ Jesus ‘Jesse’ Arriagae for an unpaid loan to pay his bills, loan was $1500.

$1500 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Defective Pug Puppy?!-   Plaintiff /dog buyer Rachael Kiser is suing defendant / breeder of Pug puppy, Penny Strasser, for a partial refund for a registered pure-bred Pug, and damages from a restraining order.    Plaintiff brought her young son as a witness, JJ excuses him from court.    Defendant breeds 2 or 3 litters of registered Pugs a year.    Plaintiff bought puppy for $1,250, and he was male, then months later plaintiff wanted a female Pug to breed, and have breeder do the breeding, in return for a female puppy.     

Five months after buying puppy he ate a peanut butter cup, went to vet, and at the vet visit vet said dog has one undescended testicle, and plaintiff should neuter puppy.  Cryptorchid testicles can be genetic (I checked Dr. Google, and yes, they can be genetic, and in some breeds up to 10% can have this).       

Plaintiff wants half or all of the cost of puppy back, to keep the puppy, plus damages for restraining order.   (How does the plaintiff not notice puppy only has one testicle showing?)     Plaintiff makes no sense, she wants to get a female Pug to breed with her male, so she can get another female from the litter (That's exactly what plaintiff said, and I’m not believing this story).    What fool who hasn’t had a dog since they were a kid wants to breed puppies, and have the daughter of her male, and another female she owned for breeding?   

Pug was neutered, so my guess is plaintiff wants more puppies to breed.   Breeder said she would return a full refund, but only if plaintiff returned puppy to breeder.    Plaintiff also contacted the state Attorney General Consumer Complaints office, and claims AKC officials told her to contact the state AG.    Plaintiff wants the puppy, and money too.   Plaintiff gets no money back, because she's keeping the puppy.   JJ said if she wanted to give the puppy back to the breeder, then she could get a full refund of $1250.   

Defendant filed for a restraining order against plaintiff, after many people came  to trespass on her property.   JJ says the restraining order was unnecessary.   I think the restraining order application was very appropriate.     However, as JJ says plaintiff is nutty.    (My opinion is the restraining order is justified, and I hope plaintiff gave up harassing the defendant after this ended, but I doubt it). 

Plaintiff keeps the dog, and no refund.  Defendant claim dismissed.

Salvaged Car Fraud-   Plaintiff Virginia Fuller suing defendant/mechanic Hane Othman for refund for fraudulent car repairs.  Car was purchased for $1400, and car is almost 20 years old.    Car needed brakes, tires, and smog check.    Plaintiff took car to defendant, and claims her mechanic says she was ripped off, but the witness didn't come to court. 

Plaintiff is suing for $2450, for the mechanical work which is almost a thousand more than the purchase price.   Plaintiff paid $2380 for the mechanic's work, and the plaintiff reversed the charges.   The mechanic refunded plaintiff $1100+, but her bank tried to reverse the charges, she got $3750 total back from the mechanic.   

Defendant mechanic said car was a salvage car, and he couldn't fix it, so mechanic reversed the charges for $1180 to plaintiff.    And then $1308 was refunded the next day to plaintiff. 

Plaintiff wants $2400 more back, when mechanic was only paid $2400 that was already reversed. 

Plaintiff case is dismissed without prejudice, to return with a witness (didn't see her since, so I'm guessing no one wanted to come to court).  Plaintiff already received $2400 back, so her case is bizarre.

Second (2017)-

Fraud and Forgery?!-Plaintiff/former employee Jermari Martin  and his grandmother, Brenda Gailliard, are suing defendant/former employer Brian Dougherty over unpaid wages, and forged checks for pay that employer forged, and cashed.    Defendant claims the plaintiff stole money from the business, and cashed forged checks.   Plaintiff worked for landscaping business for one summer, part time, and he pays in check and cash.   

 JJ sees the check copies, and signatures on cashed checks don't look like the same person signed them.    Even I can tell three of them are forged.   

Defendant doesn't know when two of the checks were signed, and cashed.   Defendant is very slippery.  Defendant fired plaintiff at the end of the summer.   Defendant has no proof of any loans or advances to plaintiff.    Defendant says he has text messages about loans on his phone (how miraculous, the phone still exists).   The texts prove nothing.  Defendant claims he deposited two checks for plaintiff, but has no proof. 

Plaintiff receives $1,700.

Contractor or Conman?  -  Plaintiff Karin Novy suing defendant/landscaping contractor Konrad Bishop for failing to complete a landscaping job she paid him $4,000 to do.   Contractor used to have his own landscaping, and tree trimming company (it's now gone).   He hasn't paid income taxes, or filed tax returns, since 2011. 

Defendant did a great job on trimming a huge oak tree for plaintiff.   She then wanted him to do a landscaping project, including a patio, planters, fire pit, etc.    Only one small pile of landscaping gravel was delivered (plaintiff already had pavers, and other landscaping items).

Defendant is blaming everything on the former partner, and he has several outstanding invoices for the work.

Plaintiff receives $4,000.

(This Thursday there is a baseball pregame, so I could only find out what the first 5:00 pm episodes would have been, and next week on Thursday there's a local programming from 5 pm to 6 pm, but those were listed on the TV Titan site already, so I found those.   So, things might not be in synch after that. I hate it when they substitute for something I don't care about.  )

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On 8/5/2022 at 10:04 PM, parrotfeathers said:

When I watched that episode I did wonder if he was just looking for prey.  I'm certain Judge Judy knew that too but I suppose she had to be very careful and for once keep her mouth shut on the subject.  I was thinking what I would do if he was standing in the pouring rain and I thought well gosh I'd call the police or at least the front desk and tell them about some guy in the parking lot.

But perhaps both of them were looking for the same thing.

Agree, agree, agree!!! Most of us would have just either left him out in the rain or called the front desk to report the fight. Jeff just went up to him and started talking to him. I think JJ did know something about the entire story didn't make any damn sense, but, going against her type, she just shut her mouth and kept the case moving. 

The damndest part of the whole case was Jeff in the Hal-Ter-View where he was saying that Laguna Beach was a "small town" and he wasn't going to leave another human being out in the rain. Knowing what we know now about his background, his statements become a bit more clear:  

1. We know why he got evicted from his apartment. 

2. Laguna Beach may be a small town and I'm all sure they know that he's a RSO. 

3.  He was looking for either prey (George was 19 after all, not Jeff's preferred age, but he won't get in legal trouble over it), or a partner in crime. 

4.  Jeff can't live less than 500 feet of a school. 

5. Jeff obviously doesn't give a damn about anyone else or who he hurts. He also doesn't have any morals, character, or regard for the law, for that matter. As long as Jeff gets to get his rocks off, he doesn't care. 

6. Jeff is a very sick, very vile man. 

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3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Too Young to Live Alone    - Plaintiff Alexis Stotz suing defendant /former roommate Kaitlyn Wilson for a broken lease.      Plaintiff is too young to live on her own.    Plaintiff and brother moved into the apartment in March, with her brother, and he left in June, there was another roommate for a month, then Kaitlyn, defendant, moved in during August on the lease.  Defendant paid September's rent, $500 and has a receipt.     (Alexis says ‘beginningly)

Defendant says she had no choice but to break the lease and move. Defendant claims plaintiff wanted to move in some 18-year-old man who was going to sleep on the floor, and wanted to move in with a 16- year-old girlfriend.

Defendant moved out in October, to another apartment, with a real lease, and hopefully, better roommates.    Plaintiff claims defendant didn't pay for October, but isn't sure of anything about rent or utilities.   Defendant moved into another apartment in October, but plaintiff wants three months rent.

Everything dismissed.  (Hall-terview with plaintiff is sad, and disjointed).

Oh wow. We are now in synch!! I got this one this afternoon as well! 

Alexis was kind of dull, but I kinda felt for the girl. She was just a young adult trying to put her bid in life. She just had a string of very unfortunate incidents befall her. Her brother dipped out on her, her cousin (who was still in high school? WTF?!) moved in to "go to college", but then her father yanked her back home, and she finally got Kaitlyn, who looked like Harry Potter's inbred half-sister. 

I also peeped Alexis saying "beginningly". LOL. I'm shocked JJ didn't catch on to that, but Alexis was so busy laying down a line of BS a mile long that she probably didn't hear it. 

After her and Kaitlyn were roomies, some goofy lookin' slacker moved in and Kaitlyn let in on the little fact that the slacker goof slept on a mattress on the floor with 16 year olds (Ewww). Kaitlyn then states she had no choice but to move out. 

I agree, during the Hal-Ter-View, Alexis was very disjointed (not understanding what the verdict was after JJ clearly kicked them both out of court), incoherent, and very immature.

Alexis has a lot to learn, and I kinda agree with JJ here, she was too young to live alone. She didn't even have an actual lease. Alexis could have easily went to the leasing office/landlord, and get copies of ALL the versions of the leases she had. You know, with the dates of signing, dates of occupancy, names of the tenants, etc. . She couldn't even be assed to do that. I really hope nobody else moves in with her and just uses her, because she seems extremely naive.  

Alexis looked like the love child of Jodi Arias and Jennie Garth 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Stolen Pit Bull Puppies- Plaintiff Marlon Leon and Corey Credic suing defendant Natalie Abbey over her theft of their Pit Bull puppies.   Out of seven puppies in the litter, two died shortly after birth, but plaintiff didn't take the other puppies to the vet. 

Plaintiff Leon's dogs are all kept at the grandmother's house.      Since plaintiff Credic paid plaintiff Leon $300 for a puppy, he's told to get his $300 from Leon.   Plaintiff Leon says they were registered, but they're UKC, not AKC of course.   The second puppy was cared for by a neighbor, not taken to a vet.  Plaintiffs dogs, and puppies are always outside, even in the cold, without shelter. 

Plaintiff says he asked neighbor defendant about the dogs, since she's a dog walker that works at a vet. 

 Defendant Natalie Abbey says the puppies were huddled against the house wall, and were skinny, lethargic, and sick.    This was the second litter of the same mother dog, owned by Marlon Leon.  There is no garage or other shelter so the puppies were freezing to death. 

The four remaining puppies were rescued by defendant, and taken to a vet, and one was adopted out, and three were taken to a rescue.   The defendant's neighbor called her for help with the first puppy, and it was taken to a 24 hour emergency vet, and puppy was euthanized.   

One puppy was surrendered to the vet clinic, and later euthanized for illness.   the remaining four were taken to defendant's home, puppies were warmed up, and later a friend of plaintiff came for the one puppy.    The defendant called animal services immediately about the puppies.    Defendant kept one puppy, and that one was adopted out.  The other two were surrendered to a shelter.   

(I loathe the plaintiff and his puppy buying friend.   The backyard breeder hadn't even registered that he owned the dog, and that's only one parent anyway.    Bet the paperwork to change ownership, and registration is still waiting to be filed.    When he left court and said he was going to do the registration, and sell the puppies for $1,000 to $1,500 each, that said exactly why he was into breeding the puppies.).

Plaintiff's case dismissed.   

(Several years ago, I knew someone who showed dogs, but they only bred their own replacement dogs, and were very active in rescue situations for the breed.    UKC wasn't his favorite, but the one he really disliked was CKC -(Continental Kennel Club, not our friends to the North, Canadian Kennel Club is a reputable organization)..    He knew someone who sent a registration application, with a photo of his guinea pig, and received 'registration' papers from CKC for a made up dog breed.  Canadian Kennel Club doesn't accept any papers or anything else connected with CKC, USA.   ).  

Second (2014)-

Boy Going Blind? -Plaintiff Lilia Holland suing defendant/boyfriend’s aunt Robin Peterson, for moving costs and unpaid bills.   Plaintiff, her boyfriend Chance Henson (nephew of defendant, but not father of plaintiff’s child), and plaintiff’s kid moved in with aunt/defendant.   Aunt says she raised nephew, so he’s more like her son.  

Plaintiff gets welfare, plaintiff witness Chance gets SSI, and they were supposed pay a couple of hundred each to aunt for rent.     After plaintiff and boyfriend had an argument, plaintiff moved home with her mother in Ontario, CA, and they’re back together again.  

Utilities were in plaintiff’s name, and plaintiff claims aunt owes her for utilities after the deadbeat plaintiffs moved out. 

Sadly, nephew is losing his eyesight, and that’s why he’s getting SSI.

Aunt also moved out, three weeks after plaintiff woman moved out, but Chance stayed behind. Aunt claims Chance was moving shady characters in as roommates, so she moved out.  Chance Henson claims aunt/defendant made bad remarks about his failing eyesight.   Plaintiff can’t prove aunt lived there after plaintiff moved, and aunt moved out.

Plaintiff case dismissed. 

In-Lawlessness -Plaintiff Carolyn Stapp suing defendant/sister-in-law Robbin Kleinschmidt for the value of a car plaintiff sold her.  Defendant says plaintiff gave her the car as a gift, she was given the title, and she never agreed to pay $900 for the car.

(This happened in Lakeland, FL)  Plaintiff says defendant never paid anything for the car.   Car is registered in defendant’s boyfriend’s Jerry Martin’s name.  Jerry Martin was the fiance of defendant when this aired, and I wonder if they ever married?   Twist is title wasn’t in plaintiff’s name.  So, if car was titled by original seller, how could plaintiff or grandson sell or transfer it, and car get a legal registration to Jerry Martin the boyfriend of defendant?

Defendant says plaintiff’s husband wanted to get the car gone, and she never agreed to pay for the car.  Car was titled to the original seller, who the grandson Jared bought the car from.    Plaintiff claims they never drove the car, but yet they claim they put hundreds of dollars into it after they bought it for $900, for their grandson.

Plaintiff case dismissed, total stupidity on all sides.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2016)-

Bad Babysitter Barter-Plaintiff Jamie Cox suing defendant Brian Richardson for defendant wanting a $400 loan repaid. Plaintiff claims she doesn't need to repay $400 loan to defendant, because she was supposed to get defendant's Jeep in return for babysitting his child, and taking child to and from school, and before and after school care.   She claims she worked many hours, paid off the Jeep, but defendant didn't pay her for more babysitting, and she got behind in her bills.   JJ figures out she didn't work for $1800 worth, but much less.   Defendant was only loaned to plaintiff for when she was babysitting.  Plaintiff wants $5,000.

The plaintiff claims defendant didn't pay her much, and repossessed. the Jeep.    Plaintiff also claims man lusted after her, but she obviously had another boyfriend (she's quite pregnant), and defendant says she watched the child every other week (custody issues).     

Funny note-defendant buries money in his back yard, and announced this to 10 million viewers.   JJ advises him to move the money.   

(I used to live in Colorado Springs, and why would plaintiff drive an hour each way from Pueblo to bar tend in snow country?   They have lots of bars in Pueblo, and this makes no sense).   Defendant claims a friend of plaintiff, and plaintiff's mom threatened him.  

Plaintiff wrote down loan on her list of money, for the $400.   

$400 to defendant, and nothing to plaintiff.  

Matching Tattoo Fail-Plaintiff Meghan Soncrant suing ex-boyfriend/defendant Tyler Nichols for cost of matching tattoos, and a bedroom set.    Defendant did not pay for bedroom set, $2350 (King size bed, frame, and TV), because he claims it's was a gift. 

Defendant's nasty emails are so bad that it can't be read on TV.  When JJ asks Officer Byrd to show defendant (who she calls Shakespeare) the emails where he admitted the loan, Officer Byrd is laughing the whole way at the Shakespeare remark.

Defendant's new girlfriend is his witness, and gets the Byrd boot.   She also had her hair dyed that awful neon red color.

$2235 to plaintiff (loser defendant actually made one payment already).

Second (2017)-

Internet Romeo Smackdown-Plaintiff /former fiance Linda Compton suing defendant/ former fiance James Henson, and his new fiance Karen Newton, over unpaid rent and utilities, an insurance payment, and claims he stole her engagement ring.   Plaintiff's diamond was used in the setting given by the defendant, replacing the small diamond that came with the ring.    Loser defendant swears plaintiff kept everything he owned, including the ring receipt explaining the size of the original diamond.     

Defendant paid for the setting only, not the diamond.   Defendant man should have paid for dental work, not a ring.    The mounting cost $900+, but the diamond was plaintiff's stone.    Ring goes back to plaintiff.     

Unpaid car costs are thrown out.    Defendant wants his property from the plaintiff's home.  Plaintiff sold the small speakers the defendant left at her home.   However, plaintiff has a text message from defendant saying plaintiff could sell everything he left behind.   

 In return for ring, defendant can pick up his computer, his fishing stuff, and his fishing stuff.   Defendant claims he couldn't pick up his insulin for two months, so he went without.   (I have a serious problem with calling this man "Romeo".   He's the furthest from a Romeo of any man on Earth.   So, the defendant claims he left his insulin behind in plaintiff's fridge, and went without for over two months?)    

Ring back to plaintiff, and property picked up by defendant.

Sweet 16 Party Upset-Plaintiff Stacy Knight suing defendant/former party planner Tameka Snow for ruining her daughter's Sweet 16 party that flopped.  Contract was to serve 100-125 guests, provide decorations, event venue, party bus, food, etc.     This costs $2890.   There were actually 50 guests (that is a very cheap price for all of that, even with 50 people).      Some decor is nice, some looks like I made it, and that's not good. 

Plaintiff wants everything back, ignoring that she paid for the venue, the bus, etc., that were fixed costs, no matter how many guests.   Food was supposed to be wings, cake, party food, that never happened.   The party guests ended up eating 26 pizzas purchased by the defendant.     Defendant claims that plaintiff agreed to get $500 back.   However, plaintiff now wants every penny back.   

That will not work, in my view.   Defendant paid for the party bus, the venue, DJ, etc.  Decor budget was $300, and the glow in the dark balloons were $18 a package.   Cake wasn't great, and neither were the decorations.   

Plaintiff gets $1800 for failed food, and decor.   Party planner has a lot of excuses.  

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

(Several years ago, I knew someone who showed dogs, but they only bred their own replacement dogs, and were very active in rescue situations for the breed.    UKC wasn't his favorite, but the one he really disliked was CKC -Continental not our friends to the North.     He knew someone who sent a registration application, with a photo of his guinea pig, and received 'registration' papers from CKC for a made up dog breed)

CKC would register a toad with no legs.

And it always has to be pits!  In the area I am in it's always pitties that need rescues.  Unfortunately there are few people willing to take them.  Can't sell them up north.  The shelters that will take them always say they will be euthanized and frankly the life they are rescued from is worse than death in some cases.

I'm very active in my dog club and have 2 AKC registered dogs.  Over the last 20 years I've taken in over a dozen strays.  They just show up and thankfully none of them were pits.  The best one has been our beagle that obviously was someone's hunting dog that never found her way home.  She's a couch potato now.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

(First case is a classic where the perp with the hammer is training to be an EMT, and tells JJ she’ll never give her CPR)

Road Rage Slam! -Plaintiff Kenneth Mabry suing defendant Kelly McKee for attacking his car windshield with a hammer.   This happened on 4 November 2014, at 2 p.m., and litigants don't know each other.    This happened in L.A. during early rush hour (sorry JJ, 2 p.m. is rush hour in L.A.). 

Defendant's witness is her mother.   Plaintiff pulled over for a passing ambulance, and others plus defendant pulled over, to let ambulance go by.  Then they both pulled back into traffic, stopped at a stop light, defendant started screaming at plaintiff, and threw a soda at plaintiff's car.    Both litigants got out of their cars, and defendant got a hammer or baseball bat out of her car, and smashed plaintiff's windshield.   

Plaintiff says he pulled up to the light, ignored screaming defendant, and then defendant threw a full cup of soda into his car.   Plaintiff says defendant hit his car 8 to 10 times with a hammer from her car, smashing his car window.   Defendant's mother was screaming all kinds of threats too. Then, plaintiff says defendant climbed in her car to leave, but the mother wasn't in the car, so police had time to arrive and see the end of the incident. 

Defendant claims plaintiff cut her off, so she had to apply her emergency brake.  What a bunch of garbage defendant, and her mother are talking about. 

Defendant is training for emergency services, an EMT student, which makes me very nervous.   I really hope she never graduated or was hired.

This is the one where JJ tells defendant her 'goose is cooked', and defendant says she doesn't have a goose, or eat goose.   Rotten defendant says she hopes JJ doesn't need CPR, because she wouldn't perform that for her (defendant is studying to be an EMT).    The gasp out of the audience is loud, and I bet Officer Byrd is on high alert, and really ticked.

Defendant laughs at JJ saying she committed vandalism. 

Plaintiff receives $500, I think he should have received $5,000 for having to associate with this nut case defendant.

Bunk Bed Blowup- Plaintiff Kevin Johnstone suing defendant Melissa Baldwin, over bunkbeds he bought for his kids, when they lived together.   Defendant wouldn't let plaintiff take the bunk beds when he moved out, claiming she paid for the bunk beds. 

  Plaintiff was hiding money from his soon to be ex-wife, and used that to buy the bunk beds.  Great move to say all of this to a family court judge who served for many years. Also, I’m hoping the ex-wife’s attorney was sent a copy of this case.    Money to buy bunk beds came from a settlement to plaintiff.   The litigants had a joint account, and plaintiff didn't want his ex-wife to get any money.   Plaintiff didn't have a bank account, just defendant, and he used the account.   

Plaintiff had $34,000 settlement, and received $28,000 after legal fees, for a bad back.   Litigants met playing softball after his disabling condition started.   Plaintiff still receives $1237 a month disability, and his last two kids were after he was disabled. How nice, plaintiff brought his mommy to court with him. 

Case dismissed.  (In the hall-terview, both litigants claim the other is still in love with them). So, girlfriend keeps the settlement money from plaintiff. 

Second (2014)-

Marijuana Mayhem -Plaintiff/landlord Christine DerVartanian suing former tenant/defendant Naomi Lomksy and son Sam Lomsky for evicting him for smoking weed, but plaintiff claims he has a marijuana medical card.   Plaintiff also is suing for property damages, and smoking weed in the house.  Plaintiff mother wants her security deposit back.   The defendants lived in plaintiff’s guest cottage.   Defendant son says he had surgery three years ago, and has constant pain so has the medical marijuana card.

The first time plaintiff smelled Weed in the guest house, she told defendant mother that the lease said no smoking in the guest house.   Then, when plaintiff smelled Weed again, and there were multiple occasions of smelling Weed, plaintiff moved to evict defendants.    Plaintiff claims defendant mother told her that the son didn’t have a Weed card, but his friend who was there constantly did.  Mother reacts to this by saying "I don't think I said son didn't have a medical Weed card, but his friend did". 

Defendant didn’t get pay rent for two months, and utilities for two months. Security deposit was $1550.  

Defendant son also used huge nails to hang all of his stuff on the walls, items like backpacks.   The nail holes are huge.   A screen was broken by son, the miniblinds were broken.  Defendant mother agreed to paint son’s room.  There was also pet damage, from two dogs and a cat.   The mother lied about everything, ignored what her precious little Weed smoker did, the damages he did to the house and the room.   I wonder what the next landlord said when they saw who they rented to? 

The son is despicable.  Apparently defendant enabler Mommy wasn't paying the utility bills, so son calls landlord telling her to pay them was harassment.   Also, getting smoke smell out of a house is very expensive and hard, not even close to what getting Weed smell out costs. 

Plaintiff gets $556, but $944 for security deposit to defendant taken out of the $1550 security. (Another case showing why landlords should never have come on this show). 

When Girlfriends Fight -Plaintiff/ex-girlfriend Jessie Miller suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Brianna Giles for breaking their lease, and unpaid rent.     It was a one-bedroom apartment, and plaintiff still lives there.   Plaintiff would like to leave the apartment, but $2,000 is the lease break fee, plus $3,000 in unpaid rent.

Defendant claims she signed the lease, but only visited the apartment occasionally, and didn’t actually live there.    Defendant claims plaintiff only wanted to sue her for rent and lease break fee after defendant dumped plaintiff for someone else.

However, defendant left an Xbox, dishes, and a few shirts at the apartment, so that made her a tenant.

Defendant claims she lost both of her jobs, and plaintiff was aggressive to her.   Plaintiff says defendant simply moved, and claims she never assaulted her.  There’s no way to bring another roommate into a one bedroom apartment.

Plaintiff says defendant owes her for at least two month’s rent, plus half of the lease breaking fee.

Plaintiff gets $1,000 lease fee.    

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Give Me My Prize Money-Plaintiffs Janine Berg and Adam Benevitez suing defendant/ pool tournament organizer (defendant owns the league, he's the league operator) Robert Rollston over their prize money.   Plaintiffs claim they are owed $600.   The league members pay a sanction fee, a price per person, and a price per game.   There are only six teams in the league.   Players were promised a banquet, a trophy, and prize money at the end of the season.   Defendant says you get a trophy and banquet at the end, but prize money wasn't guaranteed.    The banquet and trophies didn't happen either.     

Defendant claims plaintiff man assaulted him.  Plaintiff Berg claims the 'banquet' is a pot luck, and she doesn't care about trophies, just the prize money.    Plaintiff man claims the defendant actually assaulted him.    

Plaintiffs receive $600. (However, plaintiff woman wants the other two teams' money also, $400, and $200, she's not getting that).

Lesbian Marriage Fail-Plaintiff Eureka Starr suing defendant/ex-fiance Tomika Taylor for money owed for a wedding dress, and impound fees.   Defendant says plaintiff broke the engagement.   Dress was for defendant, but plaintiff paid for the dress, $1050.    The other expenses for the wedding were for the hall, with a $250 deposit by plaintiff (usually non-refundable, but refunded in this case).    Defendant kept the ring, given to her by plaintiff.   Each litigant paid for the other person's ring.     

Plaintiff bought the dress ($1.050 purchase price) on her credit card, and she wants the interest on the balance too.    Defendant has the dress, and is told to sell it, and give half to plaintiff.     

Car was in both names, and defendant was driving, stopped for a traffic infraction, and didn't have insurance, so car was impounded.   Plaintiff paid $1200 to get car out of impound, and both names are still on the title.    Car is a 2012 Chevy Impala, and cost $20k.    Defendant hasn't paid on car in over six months, and have no insurance on the car.   JJ isn't figuring out the car issue.

$525 for plaintiff for half of the wedding dress cost.  

Second (2016)-

Double Baby Daddy Drama-Plaintiff Lisa Johnson suing defendant Azeri Paige for windshield damage and an assault. Both litigants have a kid with the same man.   Idiot baby daddy, Gary, is witness for plaintiff, so I guess she got custody of baby daddy.   Plaintiff claimed at the time of the assault the plaintiff was on and off, with Gary.  However, she told police they weren’t ‘on’.    Plaintiff is suing for damage to her car, and an assault.  Defendant claims harassment, and vandalism of her car by plaintiff.   

Right after midnight plaintiff, and baby daddy were boinking, a call keeps hitting his phone, and plaintiff answers the phone.   Caller is defendant, who is pissed.   Right after call, defendant is at the door at plaintiff's home.    911 is called, defendant assaulted plaintiff, and police report was filed.    Plaintiff's car's back window was smashed. 

According to police both litigants were drunk, and so was baby daddy.       Defendant had a friend with her at the assault, and claims she never touched plaintiff, or the car.  Defendant claims she wasn't at the plaintiff's assault, but was at her mother's home, out of town.     Defendant is such a liar, and claims plaintiff has been harassing her for years, and is a liar.  Defendant’s witness is her fiance.  

Plaintiff submits photos of her bruises and scratches.   Defendant is court ordered by Champaign Co. IL court to not be around his child with her, except with supervision.   Plaintiff witness says he sees kids all of the time, and can be around his kids, and lives with plaintiff.

$1500 for plaintiff for car window, and assault.  

Go Bang Your Heads Against a Wall-Plaintiff Courtney Smith suing ex-boyfriend/defendant Brandon Brooks over unpaid loans, a car, unpaid rent, and utilities.   

There are text messages from defendant admitting he owed the $700 to plaintiff.   

Plaintiff was 17 when she started living with defendant.   Plaintiff is pregnant, claims it’s not defendant’s baby, is estranged from him, and living with her mother.

Defendant was loaned $700, to buy Audi to flip, and for half the profits, but car wasn't sold.    Plaintiff claims she paid for the Hyundai.  Defendant says he bought Hyundai for $500.    She registered the car in her name.  So, they each have a car with a title in each name.   Plaintiff had $1300, and loaned $700 to defendant.  

However, plaintiff committed fraud when she registered the car, by forging defendant's name.  Plaintiff committed perjury (for signing a false statement on a government document), and forgery when she registered the car in her name.   

Plaintiff had baby, and claims it's not defendant's kid.   They'll have to fight that out in Family Court after DNA tests.

$700 to plaintiff. 

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5 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

(First case is a classic where the perp with the hammer is training to be an EMT, and tells JJ she’ll never give her CPR)

Road Rage Slam! -Plaintiff Kenneth Mabry suing defendant Kelly McKee for attacking his car windshield with a hammer.   This happened on 4 November 2014, at 2 p.m., and litigants don't know each other.    This happened in L.A. during early rush hour (sorry JJ, 2 p.m. is rush hour in L.A.). 

Defendant's witness is her mother.   Plaintiff pulled over for a passing ambulance, and others plus defendant pulled over, to let ambulance go by.  Then they both pulled back into traffic, stopped at a stop light, defendant started screaming at plaintiff, and threw a soda at plaintiff's car.    Both litigants got out of their cars, and defendant got a hammer or baseball bat out of her car, and smashed plaintiff's windshield.   

Plaintiff says he pulled up to the light, ignored screaming defendant, and then defendant threw a full cup of soda into his car.   Plaintiff says defendant hit his car 8 to 10 times with a hammer from her car, smashing his car window.   Defendant's mother was screaming all kinds of threats too. Then, plaintiff says defendant climbed in her car to leave, but the mother wasn't in the car, so police had time to arrive and see the end of the incident. 

Defendant claims plaintiff cut her off, so she had to apply her emergency brake.  What a bunch of garbage defendant, and her mother are talking about. 

Defendant is training for emergency services, an EMT student, which makes me very nervous.   I really hope she never graduated or was hired.

This is the one where JJ tells defendant her 'goose is cooked', and defendant says she doesn't have a goose, or eat goose.   Rotten defendant says she hopes JJ doesn't need CPR, because she wouldn't perform that for her (defendant is studying to be an EMT).    The gasp out of the audience is loud, and I bet Officer Byrd is on high alert, and really ticked.

Defendant laughs at JJ saying she committed vandalism. 

Plaintiff receives $500, I think he should have received $5,000 for having to associate with this nut case defendant.

The defendant, Kelly McKee, was an absolute nutjob. We are actually in synch, CrazyInAlabama (henceforth known as CIA lol) !! Let's see how long this lasts. LOL. 

Yeah, Kelly was an extremely, EXTREMELY unpleasant woman (I would use another word, but I choose not to due to the current climate not being particular fair to Women's Rights (which I support 100%) and of course, I am in the company of a few women), who was a total head case. I, too, hope that a future employer saw this episode and decided not to hire her. She needs a therapist or some type of mental health professional. That girl was friggin INSANE

She was pushing 30 (at the time, she's probably pushing 40 at this point) and acting 20 years younger than her age. She didn't even know what "cooked your goose" meant (and yes, I eat goose. Every time in the week between Christmas and New Years. Goose is actually pretty good). She even admitted that she was an idiot. This woman (and I use that term loosely), threw Pepsi cans into people's cars, backtalked JJ, and acted like she was the one in the right. There is something very wrong with her. I may even do a background check on her behind and see what comes back, because I surmise between her lack of common sense and her atrocious attitude, that she was not long for this world. 

She was absolutely disgusting, down to her body language and attitude. I'm not trying to make fun or poke fun at people who need mental help (we all need help when we need it), but that girl SERIOUSLY needed to see some sort of professional to get her affairs in order. Her mother was no better by allowing her to stand in court, in front of a judge, and portray that selfish, entitled, disrespectful attitude. I seriously wanted to jump through the TV and clown her. She is one of the worst defendants that have ever came on JJ.  

She was just nasty in all regards. 

Sorry for the rant, but CIA, we're in synch as far as our networks go (I actually record off Hulu, I cut the cable cord a long, long, long time ago) and maybe I picked up a wayward channel of yours since this is two days in a row (kinda) that we've had the same episodes. This is the longest I've seen it. It usually lasts for a day, but now it's two days, which is nice.  Here, JJ comes on from 4-5 and then randomly at 2-3 am. So I don't which one is picking up your station. It's kinda weird since we live so far apart. 

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I think the 5 to 6 pm episodes are all sent for airing at the same time.   When the show gets zapped locally on my channel, then they run it from 4 to 5 am the next morning, but sometimes I'll record it, and it's actually one or two infomercials.   However, since baseball playoffs start next month, and the series after that, who knows what's going to happen.    I think I'm one of the few markets (Spectrum Cable, my local Fox channel), that has the 4 to 5 pm episodes. 

The last time the Kelly McKee episode aired, someone looked at the EMT certification listings, and she wasn't listed.   I'm hoping that if she didn't just quit, that appearing on this show tanked her EMT future.   I would have given the plaintiff the full $5k, for pain and suffering.   Actually, I should get $5k for seeing her again. 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Motocross Bulldog Attack -Plaintiff Shannon Miller suing defendants/bulldog owners, Jennifer and Michael McPherson over vet bills after an attack by defendant’s English Bulldog on plaintiff’s dog.  Plaintiff’s dog Casey, is a tiny Maltese-Poodle cross.  They were all at a motocross event, and plaintiff’s dog was at her camper.       Defendant’s Old English Bulldog got loose and attacked little, defenseless Casey.  Motocross viewers go from their campsites, about 100 yards to watch the kids’ motocross events.    Plaintiff started grilling, then some commotion started, then some woman was hitting a dog over the head with a folded umbrella.  Casey was tied to the trailer staircase, when the attack happened Casey was gripped in defendants’ dog’s mouth, and Casey broke his collar when he was attacked, until the Good Samaritan hit the defendants’ dog to get Casey loose. 

Defendants’ car was across the pathway from plaintiff’s parking site with her trailer.   After plaintiff’s dog escaped and collapsed next to plaintiff, defendant’s dog was in their Yukon.    (My question is defendants’ dog an American or other Bulldog called a Bully, or is it an Old English?     Defendant’s witness (a friend of defendants for many years) says plaintiff’s dog was running around loose with another loose small dog.    Witness is the one who hit the defendants’ dog to get him to let the little dog go.     

So, JJ is believing the defendants’ long term friend’s allegations that the little dogs were running loose, and ran right into the Bully?   Of course, after the attack plaintiff’s dog was off leash.  I disagree with JJ’s decision.     Plaintiff’s dog’s jaw is now gone.

Case dismissed. 

Odd Man Out -Plaintiff  Michael Tennant, Joseph Scott Stebner, and  Garrett Rice suing defendant/former roommate Alex Elandsen over a broken lease, security deposit, and an electric bill.   Defendant moved with less than 60-day’s notice.  There were three and later four roommates.    Defendant signed a 1 year lease, and moved out shortly after that.    The other three roommates want defendant to pay his share of the rent, for November and December, stopping in January when the  replacement roommate moved in.

Defendant’s portion of the rent was $446 a month for 2 months, minus the security deposit paid by defendant.   Defendant gave notice on September 13th, and moved on October 2th, so notice was 19 days.   

$900 minus $300 security, so $600 to plaintiffs for rent. 

Second (2014)-

Daycare Endangerment -Plaintiff /daycare provider Kaylee Novitske suing defendant/former client of daycare Jessica Fink for breach of contract.   Defendant’s child is the only full time daycare student, there were other part-timers or after school, plus plaintiff’s one child.     Defendant was temping, part-time, and wanted state to pay plaintiff’s child care bills.     Plaintiff no longer cares for any child but her own.   (this happened in Des Moines, Iowa, and Davenport, Iowa).  Plaintiff says state did pay her to watch defendant’s child, including for one week child was out of town with parent.  State paid $250 for every two weeks.

Defendant withdrew her child without the two-week’s notice required by the contract.   Defendant says she pulled her child from daycare after seeing dog poop inside and outside the home, people she didn’t know were at the day care house.     Plaintiff says after defendant pulled her child out, CPS had a complaint about the daycare.    Plaintiff is calling the CPS report harassment, citing the same complaint as defendant.    Defendant claims the people at the house were strangers to her, and that was cited by CPS in the complaint.  

I guess JJ doesn’t remember living in a home that didn’t have multiple rooms, and a full-time staff to clean up dog poop instantly.   

Plaintiff receives $125 for one week owed according to contract.

Housing Wars -Plaintiff Justin Anest (husband) and Angela Archuletta (wife) suing defendant Melody Dunn for repayment of a $2800 loan to pay her home mortgage.   

Plaintiffs loaned the money, and in return defendant would move out of the house for a year, and plaintiffs would rent the house out for a year.    Defendant moved in with her boyfriend Kenny, but the twist is defendant was trying to get on disability, and that apparently limits assets and income. 

Defendant could have moved in with Kenny, and rented her house out, but that would be more income than her disability claim would allow.   With the deal defendant would keep her home, and save her home from foreclosure.   However, defendant is counter claiming for house damages.  

 Defendant changed the deal, and wanted to move back into her home, with the tenants still living there.   Defendant says she was disabled from a TBI, and getting SSI, home was too much of an asset with the rental income, so she was moving back into the house with the tenants, and if she was living with Kenny, and collecting rent, she would lose her disability income.    When defendant tried to move back into her house, she claims plaintiffs were scaring her. 

Defendant claims plaintiffs’ tenants trashed and damaged her home.   Defendant claim dismissed.  Defendant claims the basement looked like illegal operations were going on, but no proof.   

Plaintiffs get $2800 for the loan, because defendant broke the one-year rental of the house contract.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2016)-

Eyelash and Tanning Business Bust-   Plaintiff Troy Vincent suing defendant/former friend Patricia Grugette for unpaid loans, and unauthorized use of his debit card.    Plaintiff sold his home, and needed to start a business as an investment, and invested in plaintiff's eyelash, and tanning business.  Tanning bed was $1400, and plaintiff claims another $500 in a check.  It is obvious that the plaintiff considered the defendant more than a friend, or business partner. 

Defendant accepted a check for granddaughter's preschool from plaintiff.   Defendant claims she remodeled his mobile home to repay him for the money, and helped him pack his home.    Defendant claims she bailed on the friendship when plaintiff sent her indecent photos on her cell phone.   Defendant erased the photos.  Defendant says plaintiff threatened to kill her.   

As JJ says, defendant should have paid the money back, if she thought plaintiff only gave her money because he had feelings for her.    Defendant claims her daughter witnessed a lot of this, but can’t come to court, and she wants JJ to call her daughter, and that’s not happening.  Defendant's witness is another buttinsky, and should have been booted.  JJ points out that if defendant really felt threatened, and had proof of threats, then she should have applied for a protective order, and she never did.

$465 to plaintiff for the child's school payment to defendant.

Surprise Evidence-Plaintiff Justine Craig was living with defendant/cousin Amanda Restrepo, and is suing for unpaid utility bills.   Before that they both lived in the plaintiff's grandparents’ home.     When plaintiff turned 18, she had moved in with defendant.   She says defendant wanted the gas and electric bills in plaintiff's name, because defendant had a bad history of non-payments to utilities, and bad credit.   

Defendant claims the utilities were in the brother's name.  However, the utility bills are addressed to plaintiff.    Plaintiff says at a previous residence of defendant the utilities were in the brother's name.

My opinion is if someone has bad credit and stiffed the utility companies, then they’ll rip you off too.

$747 to plaintiff

Second (2016)-

 Fear in a Cramped Rental!-Plaintiff Denzel Anderson suing former roommate Javonte Carter for breaking their lease.     The apartment was small, and defendant kept having his boyfriend stay over, but paying nothing.   Defendant lost his job, and plaintiff had to cover the rent, and utilities.    Plaintiff found the front door unlocked fairly often, left open by the defendant and friends.    Defendant also had his boyfriend staying over at the apartment, but boyfriend wasn't paying anything.     Plaintiff admits to physically assaulting the defendant during an argument, and threw the first punch.   Then the defendant claims he felt unsafe in the apartment after the fight, so he could either pay over $1,000 to break the lease, or get a subleaser, but defendant just left. 

Defendant moved out, to a friend's house.   Plaintiff and defendant haven't received the security deposit back yet.   

If plaintiff wouldn't have assaulted the defendant, then JJ would have given him half of the lease breaking fee.  

Case dismissed. 

Clueless Landlord?!-Plaintiff Randy Razack   suing former tenant Evelyn Feliciano  for unpaid rent, and damages to his rental property.   Defendant lived in apartment with her children, and husband for eight years, but didn't pay the last two months rent, and didn't leave until part of November.    Rent was $1300 a month.   As usual, everything is deemed normal wear and tear by the defendant.     After all of these years, landlord should have put in new carpet, and painted the entire place.   

Landlord receives $1600 for the back rent for two months, minus the $1,000 security deposit.

Security Deposit Abuse?!-Plaintiff Mary Sternotti suing former tenant Shawn Ryan for an unpaid utility bill, and damage to rental house (the tenants lived there four years).   Security deposit was used for back rent, for the last month. 

 Defendant/tenant wants to use the same security deposit for back rent, damages, the last utility bill.   Since the tenant’s wife was lease holder, then JJ will not give plaintiff damages for trash, the door the police kicked when wife was leaseholder.   JJ actually called the door being broken in by police as "normal wear and tear".   Plaintiff stopped paying utilities about the same time he wanted a rent reduction, in early 2015. 

Plaintiff says they removed over 50 contractor bags of trash.    Pictures of the tub are disgusting.   

I think the reason lease was in wife's name was because defendant had bad credit, or housing issues, or was hiding from the police, and wanted to dodge the bills.      Can you tell I think the defendant, and wife are professional squatters?   Defendant is also trying to lecture JJ on New Jersey housing laws. 

$1800 to plaintiff. 

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Wedding Tragedy -Plaintiffs Ait Hakimi (wife) and (husband) Ali Ranjbar suing DJ/defendant Farzad Khorshidian over cancelling their wedding after a miscarriage.   Plaintiffs want their money back, $600.    The plaintiffs cancelled five days before the wedding/reception.  Plaintiff’s say entire fee was $1800, but are suing for $2500.   How sad, miscarriage was at 5 months.  

Defendant wants the remainder of his fee, $1200 more.  

Plaintiff wife says they postponed the wedding, but they actually had a courthouse wedding civil ceremony because the Persian ceremony isn’t legal.     They already had the civil ceremony, and scheduled the Persian ceremony, and reception for two months later.

There is nothing in the contract about Act of God, or other emergencies.    Plaintiff wife says the other vendors worked with them and gave extensions, but DJ didn’t.   However, six months later, wife wanted to reschedule the Persian wedding and reception.   The wedding was rescheduled a year later, but defendant wasn’t available. 

JJ enforces the contract, no refund.   Plaintiff case dismissed.

Payback Time for Ex-Girlfriends -Plaintiff Katie Niman suing defendant/ex-girlfriend Heather Smith over thousands of dollars in unauthorized credit card charges.   The litigants lived together in defendant’s cousin’s home, and plaintiff paid part of the bills.  

Plaintiff gave credit card with a zero balance to defendant, but had to repay the money to plaintiff.  Plaintiff confronted defendant when the first bill arrived for $1288, defendant only repaid $300. 

Second month $900, and no payment.   So, total was $2108, after the $300 payment by defendant.

Plaintiff gets $2100.  

Second (2014)-

Rehab Brother -Plaintiff/brother David Cady suing defendant/brother Alan Cady for bills plaintiff paid for defendant while he was in rehab, including a motorcycle, bills, and rent.     Plaintiff is suing for defendant making false CPS charges, about the defendant’s daughters who were in plaintiff’s custody until the CPS charges were made, that put the daughters in the foster care system.  JJ can’t hear the false CPS charges part of the case, because it’s in court litigation.  Hopefully, after this case, plaintiff was given custody of the 12 and 17 year old daughters again.   

Defendant was in rehab for a year, and plaintiff paid the utilities, and apartment.   Plaintiff wants $60 a month for brother’s cell phone, and $100 a week for rent.    Defendant was supposed to pay plaintiff back when he got a job, which was a year ago.  Plaintiff says he evicted defendant after he had a job, but paid nothing for the motorcycle or rent for eight months.    Both daughters get $609 each a month from their late mother’s social security benefit.  

Plaintiff also supported Damian, the 20-year-old brother, who is witness for defendant.   Defendant claims defendant son Damian owns the property they all lived in.   The trailer they all lived in belonged to the grandmother, and when she died the deed went to defendant son, and two daughters.  However, the 12- and 17-year-old can’t inherit the home until they are 18. 

Plaintiff receives only $859 for motorcycle repairs.  Not the rent or cell phone bills.

Fire Hydrant Slam! -Plaintiff /car owner Monika Mills suing defendant/driver Tabitha Smith for car damages from accident defendant had in plaintiff’s car, including hitting a fire hydrant, and claims defendant took the car without permission.   The litigants rented an apartment together.  

Yes, defendant nailed a stationary, brightly painted object, and claims it was plaintiff’s fault.  Apparently, defendant is pleading stupidity.     Defendant’s ridiculous defendant is that plaintiff had so much dangling from her mirror, that defendant was distracted.      Defendant says since plaintiff gave her permission to drive plaintiff’s car, that the accident was plaintiff’s fault.   

Estimate for car damage is $1868.   After the accident, litigants and other roommate had a big argument, and defendant moved out, sticking the other two with her portion of the rent.  Defendant doesn’t want to repeat what plaintiff said to her after the accident, and JJ says she’s heard it all, and to say what plaintiff said.     (Plaintiff called defendant a ‘rude bitch’, they can bleep it, but I could figure that one out).   Since plaintiff and roommate didn’t find another roommate to replace defendant, so they get $291 for one month’s rent.

Plaintiff receives $1868 for car damages.  $2159 to plaintiff.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Sister Brother Breakdown-Plaintiff/sister Cecilia Ramirez suing defendant/brother Elias Ramirez for rent, bills, unpaid utilities, and taking furniture with him that belonged to her.  Brother is counter suing for utility payments, cars that were taken, and other garbage.    Plaintiff owned a house, and moved to another city, and rented to brother.  Brother was supposed to lease/purchase the house.    Plaintiff moved in with another brother and sister, in another part of Texas.   Brother claims sister forced him to move into house, and purchase her house.   Brother never qualified for a mortgage for the house.   

So, brother was still paying rent, pending purchasing another house.     Then the sister/plaintiff moved back to the house, and brother still paid same rent to sister.     Sister says brother let propane tank run out, hurting the propane system.     

Plaintiff says brother took her other bedroom set when he moved out.    Sister will have five days to pick up the bedroom set.    Rent is thrown out, and so are the utilities.

Defendant/brother counter claim for two unregistered cars is dismissed.   Plaintiff gets her bedroom set if she picks it up within five days.

Neighborhood Hit and Run-Plaintiff Ben Bland Sr claims defendant/neighbors Shari and Darnell Winbush across street backed across a two-lane wide road, and hit the plaintiff’s van parked on the street, then fled the scene.    Plaintiff didn't make a police report, because he thought neighbors would pay for the damage.      Plaintiff wife  Deborah Bland, and adult son saw the neighbor's car back up, and her van rocking, and other car driving off.    Plaintiffs don't know who was driving the car.  

Defendant wife says either brother or son drove van, and no one can prove that their van hit the plaintiff's van, but claims the van is only at her home occasionally.     Plaintiff says van is at the neighbor's house all of the time.     Plaintiff throws her husband under the bus, as the car driver.   

Plaintiffs receive $1100.

Second (2017)-

I Only Fear God and Judge Judy-Plaintiff Eddie Elder (former Marine, who only fears God and Judge Judy, and Byrd really laughs when plaintiff says this.) is suing defendant/former tenant Michael McEntee for cost of a new radiator, lock change fees, and unpaid rent.   Plaintiff took in homeless defendant, and has a history of helping others.   Defendant wanted to a pickup truck for him to start a landscaping business, and when the argument happened, plaintiff kept the pickup truck.    

Defendant is obviously not well.   A month after defendant left, he went to court for a protective order against plaintiff, and application for order is submitted.    Order application is bizarre.  Defendant was never granted a final order of protection.  

Plaintiff has the truck back, and changed the locks.  However, plaintiff paid $888 for a lawyer for defendant, in his case against defendant's sister over father.   

Plaintiff receives his $888 for the lawyer back. 

Fake Dreadlocks Disaster-Plaintiff Tiahna Pantovich suing defendant/salon owner Awa Sow for return of money paid for dreadlocks extensions (faux dreadlocks).   Plaintiff paid $240, plus $20 tip.  Plaintiff had hair extensions put in, and three days later plaintiff went back to salon for a refund.  Plaintiff says the dreads were too tight, and weren't washed before installation.   

When plaintiff went back to the salon, she complained that extensions were ripping out her hair, causing scalp issues, and plaintiff removed her own extensions.      Plaintiff claims instructions on hair package say to rinse hair extensions out before installation, but instructions don't say that.     

Defendant says plaintiff did come back three days later, but had another procedure on that second visit, and that was free of charge.    Plaintiff needed two braids rewound, and the ends burned.     

Defendant has been in business for 10 years, and JJ advises her to do the refund for good will for her business.   

$240 for plaintiff.   That’s the price of the service, and doesn’t get the $20 tip back.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Ex-lover Assault Story – Plaintiff Betty Harris is suing ex Joshua Floutin for breaking their apartment lease, and assault.  However, defendant says plaintiff was drunk, attacked him, and he was defending himself.   Defendant moved out of the apartment, with his daughter, after the assault.   Defendant paid his portion of the rent through October, even though he moved out three months before.   He told plaintiff she had three months to find another roommate, but she didn't and plaintiff is suing for rent for the last three months.

Plaintiff's Golden Retriever was sick, needed IV's and medication every hour, and she wanted the defendant to 'be there for her' with the dog.  

The police report plaintiff filed was only her story, because police witnessed nothing.   Plaintiff hit defendant, and then he pushed her away, and then she pushed him. and she claims he threw her on the bed, and punched her in the back.   Plaintiff also gets blackout drunk on occasion, and has had physical altercations too. 

Plaintiff case for rent dismissed, and assault also. The look on plaintiff's face when JJ dismisses everything is hysterical.  I bet it's the only time in plaintiff's life she ever didn't get what she wanted. 

Second (2014)-

Roommate Mayhem -Plaintiffs  Amber Walters and boyfriend Joe Russell suing defendant/former roommate Will Wood  for stealing and selling their property. Two plaintiffs and their witness (witness is wife of defendant) were living together, defendant got a protective order, and when plaintiffs move back in after protective order expired, plaintiffs claims that defendant sold their furniture while plaintiffs and witness were out of the house.   (Plaintiff Walters just got fired at O'Charleys the day before the filming). 

Only working plaintiff was Amber Walters, Joe Russell is on Worker’s Comp.   The apartment complex was under B.M.H.A. (Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority), for $99 a month, plus utilities.   Defendant makes t-shirts he sells online on eBay, trade shows, and still does that.    Defendant now lives with his handicapped father.

After restraining order was denied, plaintiff woman claims her former bedroom in the 3 bedroom apartment was empty.   However, defendant moved out three days before the hearing, and turned in his keys.   Plaintiff Amber claims plaintiff witness (former wife of defendant), made the 8-year-old clean, and the plaintiff witness too.

Everything dismissed.

Brother-in-Law Blowup -Plaintiff Christian Silva suing defendant Juan Corona (brother-in-law) for ruining the engine of plaintiff’s car when defendant was borrowing the car.

Plaintiff was in ICE custody, plaintiff’s wife loaned car to defendant, and car engine blew up. 

There is no proof defendant did anything to the car, so plaintiff case dismissed.  Car was a 2006 BMW.

Plaintiff’s wife had a ‘misunderstanding’ with authorities at the airport, so she couldn’t appear in court. Now, that's the interesting part of this stupid case.  

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Ex-Lover Payback -Plaintiff Michelle Lassiter-Vering suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Jeff Strasser for a loan ($2100) during their brief relationship, while she was separated from her husband, and then returned to husband.

Plaintiff claims she never lived with defendant, but defendant claims they lived together for a month.  The money is claimed to be borrowed by defendant, to pay his rent.   Defendant says he never asked for a loan.

Unfortunately, defendant paid seven payments, a total of  $580 to plaintiff, so it’s clearly a loan. Plus cash advance fees, and late fees. 

$1900 to plaintiff for the loan.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

28 Police Visits in Two Weeks ?! -Plaintiffs Jason and MIchele Ebert (wife, and sister of defendant) suing defendant/Brother-in-law (BIL) Tracy Hatch for property damage, lodging fees, attorney fees, and a false restraining order.    Plaintiff wife's mother was living in the big house (2 houses on the property, that plaintiff purchased), and plaintiff wife's mother, younger brother, and BIL lived there.    Plaintiff wife paid all of the bills for the mother.   

Plaintiff wife (property owner) suing brother / defendant for damages from his Chihuahuas peeing everywhere, and damages by the defendant.    Defendant is alleged to have broken windows, bashed holes in the garage door, damages from the dogs to the floors. 

Plaintiff mother had two potty trained dogs, but plaintiff wife said defendant's dogs were not potty trained, and one had a litter also.    Plaintiffs want attorney’s fees for the false restraining orders.   Plaintiff paid all of the bills for her homes, on the property that mother was living in with her two useless brothers. 

Mother moved into the little house on the property, but wanted to live in the big house with her two unemployed, useless sons.  (When mother left, she took younger son with her, not defendant, and defendant doesn't live with the mother now). 

Mother later moved to another town, and plaintiffs cleaned up and repaired their house, and moved back in, after evicting the defendant.   Defendant claims plaintiff sister is violent, and shut off the water (plaintiffs had to do that to fix the septic tank back up).    Defendant claims plaintiffs stole the mother's fire wood, and tried to blow up the mother's trailer up, and claims the garage door was broken by plaintiff husband.

Plaintiff wife/sister says the police were called 28 times in two weeks, on the brother.  (I believe everything the plaintiffs say, and think what they say about the defendant being an angry, destructive person is totally true). 

Defendant was granted a one-year restraining order against plaintiffs.  So, plaintiffs had to move to a motel until mother and brothers were off their own property.    Video is shown of defendant threatening to kill the plaintiffs.  (This happened in Washington state).  

(My view, the mistake was letting the mother move in, letting the first brother in, and then letting her move her favorite son in).   Plaintiffs have a restraining order against defendant now.    

Plaintiff gets $4,000. 

Ex-Friend Repo Drama! -Plaintiff Cheryl Still suing defendants Crystal and Matt Combs, for $1200 for a car she sold them.  Defendant woman only paid for six months of insurance, and claims the car was loaned to them, not sold to defendant.     

Plaintiff claims car had a cracked windshield when returned, but defendant man claims the windshield was cracked when they 'borrowed' it. 

Then plaintiff wants $59 for a new tire.   There is no photo of car before defendants took it over.   There is a big photo of a windshield crack.   Plaintiff still has a $1200 car, and jJ says to sell it.

Plaintiff receives $59 for tire, and money for windshield replacement.  In the hall-terview, defendant man says plaintiff received a big settlement, and shouldn't have been suing them for anything.   Why do people announce they received an inheritance or a settlement?  

Second (2017)-

Someone Stole My Car! – Plaintiff Melysa Juengel suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Luke Wesner (also known to me as Man Bun), they're from Medford, Oregon.   While living together, both litigants bought one car, with both names on the title, when they separated, he took the car.     They broke up in March, and defendant had the car for a year, and the following February things got worse, defendant didn't pay (he was a day late).     

In March, plaintiff called the car in as stolen, and she got the car back.  Car was not stolen, but co-owned by both litigants.   Police impounded the car, and it had to be towed, and plaintiff had to pay towing, and other bills, and that's thrown out.    Plaintiff's current live-in gets the Byrd boot, because he won't shut up (I enjoyed the Byrd boot).  Mr. Wesner is told to sign the relinquishment of title/registration for the car, so when plaintiff pays it off, he can't take it back.  

Defendant is told if he doesn't sign the title/registration transfer, then he'll be walking back to Medford, and the show won't be paying for that. 

Car is signed over to plaintiff, and defendant will pay plaintiff for his tickets, 

Plaintiff receives the car relinquishment document, and $870 for the tickets. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Unwed Parents’ Plight or Flight? -Plaintiff /aunt Rosialee Shelton (aunt of defendant woman) suing planitiff’s niece Brandi Spence and boyfriend David Smith for an unpaid loan to buy a car, and for vandalizing her car with rocks.  Defendant woman is a SMOTT (Sainted Single Mother of Two, younger one child is with defendant man) stays home with her kids, and defendant man works with roofing business owned by niece’s relatives. 

Defendant woman quit her cashier job right after borrowing $1600 from aunt.   Text messages say defendant woman would repay aunt after she got her tax refund. 

Aunt is on disability for her back issues.  She only makes $959 after taxes a month.

Niece keeps saying the aunt gave her a gift, and she never signed a contract or promissory note.

Plaintiff/aunt says defendant man vandalized her car with rocks, and mooned her.   I hope there isn’t a video of the defendant man’s rear end.

Aunt says defendant Smith came out swearing and screaming, mooned her, and threw rocks at her car.

Defendant Smith looks like he has his hair styled at Jiffy Lube.

Plaintiff gets $1600 for the loan.  

Phone or Fist at Fault for Crash? -Plaintiffs Alyssa Lees (SSMOO Sainted Single Mother of One with her boyfriend/witness) suing defendant Michael Sanders (her stepfather) for taking her car without permission, to take plaintiff’s boyfriend home, and defendant crashed the car into a ditch, totaling the car.   Since car owner/plaintiff woman was drunk, she couldn’t give consent to stepfather to drive her car.  Plaintiff’s witness is also the father of their child, Franklin Allen.

Plaintiff woman says the two only stay together because of their child, but child is adopted out to others.  No, that makes zero sense to me either. 

Plaintiff and boyfriend / witness were drinking and arguing, plaintiff passed out, and stepfather went to drive plaintiff boyfriend home.   Defendant says boyfriend slammed his fist into the console, knocking shifter out of gear, startling defendant, and he went into the ditch.    Plaintiff witness says defendant was talking on his phone, went in the ditch.

$1600 to plaintiff for car.

Second (2014)-

Pool Pushing Prank -Plaintiff Jennifer Eskridge (mother) suing defendant Michael Turnipseed (Father of defendant) over damages after plaintiff’s son Parker Eskridge was pushed into the pool by defendant’s son Michael “Boyd” Turnipseed Jr, and plaintiff son’s phone was ruined by the dunking.

The litigant teens’ stories are dramatically different.  The only witnesses to the dunked phone were other teens, the swim coach, and JJ will talk to the girls by phone.   First pushee was swim coach, then Lizzie, and someone pushed defendant into the pool (not the plaintiff), and defendant pushed plaintiff into pool ruining plaintiff’s phone.   (This happened in the Mobile, AL).

JJ goes to make calls on her sacred phone of justice to the witnesses.   Only one witness answers her phone, and will talk to JJ.  However, only reachable witness knows nothing, saw nothing, and the other three teens didn’t answer.

JJ gives plaintiffs $248 for iPhone (Why is it always an iPhone).

Bad Boyfriend? -Plaintiff Holly Wicker suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Jason Barrows for repayment of two loans, one for a used car, and one for tool purchases made while they lived together.   Defendant says the purchases happened, but he put an equal amount into remodeling and repairs on her home while they lived together.   Defendant says he put in new wood floors, and a lot of other expensive remodels.

I disagree with JJ, installing wood floors, and other upgrades done by defendant are high dollar projects, so I call that a real contribution by defendant. 

$1500 to plaintiff for the loans. 

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Suspicious Church Fire Payday?!-Plaintiff / SSMOO (Sainted Single Mother of One)  Lisa Hankins suing the defendants /former landlords Shannon and Laura Lastinger for stealing insurance money from her.   Single mother living in a building on church property gets renter's insurance.   A few weeks later she has a fire, and collects $12,000.   

Plaintiff's witness is now her roommate, and they were friends first, and he saw everything that happened.     The church owns 70 acres, with the church, and many out buildings on it.  A former garage was converted to a studio apartment, for plaintiff and daughter.   Plaintiff is now assistant manager at a dollar store.    Plaintiff couldn't make a rent, so she prepaid the rent from her tax refund, for 10 months.    Plaintiff paid rent in cash, in February 2015, and then February 2016.   Rent was $500 a month, so $5,000 for the first 10 months, and February 2016 was $5,000 (for 10 months).  

Plaintiff couldn't afford to pay her rent, but she bought renter's insurance, and the fire was February 2016, right before the plaintiff paid her $5,000 rent in cash for the next year.   Plaintiff has no record of start date of the renter's insurance, and only bought it in October or November of 2016, and her rent was due in February 2017.     There is no report to the fire department either.   

What a coincidence, she buys renter's insurance, but couldn't afford anything else, and right before the fire was supposedly was broke.   She only bought renter's insurance right before the second year started, and then the fire happened.    There is no way on earth that she had $12,000 in property in a studio apartment.   There were two claims, church had insurance on the building, and plaintiff had insurance on her furniture, appliances, clothes, etc.    What a total scam. 

(Personal tacky remark, what the hell did defendant woman do to her hair? Same hairdresser as the plaintiff?  Both bad perms.)    Plaintiff filed a claim for her property damage (it covered clothes, appliances, and other items), and church's insurance covered the structure plaintiff was living in.       

Plaintiff was suing church for their money.   She's now living with her witness and current roommate Manuel Lopez.   

JJ dismisses this phony claim.   

Cabin Renovation Gone Wrong?-Plaintiffs Dennis McGrew, and Nancy Barberis suing defendant Morgan "Max" Miles for misuse of funds.     Plaintiffs hired defendant to remodel their cabin, and plaintiff's grandson was supposed to help.    Defendant also had a Home Depot credit card, and another of plaintiff's credit cards, and is accused of misusing the plaintiff's funds.  Defendant claims plaintiff wife is a dictator, and is mad because plaintiff's grandson's girlfriend went to the cabin remodel with him.     

There is no contract, and JJ says defendant will get paid for the work he can prove he did on the cabin.   Plaintiff's claim that defendant bought a lot of items at Home Depot, and claims items returned to Home Depot should have been credited to the plaintiff's credit card.   Plaintiffs claim defendant instead received cash cards for the returns, and kept the money.    Plaintiff's business manager has proof of purchases, but no proof of where the items went, or proof that returns were given in cash cards.   Defendant says returned items were credited to the Home Depot account belonging to the plaintiffs, that supplies were originally bought from.   Plaintiff's business manager is their witness.  

Plaintiffs also claim defendant didn't finish the work he was supposed to do at the cabin.   I believe the defendant, and every thing he said about his side of the case. 

Case dismissed, because there is no proof of the defendant's work, and no proof of the plaintiff's charges against the defendant either.   (This is not good, the plaintiff wife looks, sounds and acts like someone I used to know.).

Second (2017)-

Costa Rican Vacation Con?!-Plaintiff Lane Morgan suing former friends, Sanaz Favier, and Maureen Humphrey for unpaid travel expenses for a trip to Costa Rica.   All three litigants were friends, decided to go to Costa Rica on vacation together.    First plaintiff was going to go with one friend on his air miles, and when second defendant decided to go a regular air ticket was purchased, and paid for.    They had nine nights at hotels, split three ways.   Each defendant paid $110 each for the plane points for the tickets.  

Plaintiff claims the women owe $396 each for their part of the hotel, in two separate rooms.    Plus, the third night in another hotel, that was $186.    On another night defendant woman got her own room.      Then on day two, defendant Sanaz Favier met some guy, and wanted him to go along, Then the defendant ditched the guy, and plaintiff paid $104 for the man's bus ride back home, because defendant wanted to strand the man.     

$459 to plaintiff, and this boring case is over. 

Teen Mother vs. Godmother-Plaintiff Brooke Harden, and her 17 year old daughter Ashley Lovejoy, are suing her godmother/defendant Riba Allen for hotel costs, and withholding daughter's mail.    Daughter was pregnant with second child, and plaintiff mother was homeless, and she asked defendant to take the daughter (17 years old), and her one year old into her home.    Plaintiff mother would pay defendant $200 a month, and some food stamps. 

Plaintiff daughter got locked out, and damaged the front door breaking back into the defendant's place, and defendant is suing for a broken door.         Daughter's godmother takes the 1 year old every weekend, and daughter locked the keys in the house, so she jimmied the door open, damaging the door.    Defendant came home, sees the front door is jimmied, calls the police thinking she had been burglarized.    

Plaintiff claims defendant called her, and said the daughter needed to leave her home.   However, JJ says defendant was taking care of plaintiff daughter, and she was under defendant's supervision.    So defendant will pay for her own door.  Defendant submits door pictures, but since plaintiff daughter was 17 at the time, plaintiff is not responsible for the daughter, and defendant will not get door money.      Defendant hands over the mail to plaintiff. Plaintiff now lives with a friend with her two children. 

Case dismissed.  

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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Unwed Parents’ Plight or Flight? -Plaintiff /aunt Rosialee Shelton (aunt of defendant woman) suing planitiff’s niece Brandi Spence and boyfriend David Smith for an unpaid loan to buy a car, and for vandalizing her car with rocks.  Defendant woman is a SMOTT (Sainted Single Mother of Two, younger one child is with defendant man) stays home with her kids, and defendant man works with roofing business owned by niece’s relatives. 

Defendant woman quit her cashier job right after borrowing $1600 from aunt.   Text messages say defendant woman would repay aunt after she got her tax refund. 

Aunt is on disability for her back issues.  She only makes $959 after taxes a month.

Niece keeps saying the aunt gave her a gift, and she never signed a contract or promissory note.

Plaintiff/aunt says defendant man vandalized her car with rocks, and mooned her.   I hope there isn’t a video of the defendant man’s rear end.

Aunt says defendant Smith came out swearing and screaming, mooned her, and threw rocks at her car.

Defendant Smith looks like he has his hair styled at Jiffy Lube.

Plaintiff gets $1600 for the loan.  

Phone or Fist at Fault for Crash? -Plaintiffs Alyssa Lees (SSMOO Sainted Single Mother of One with her boyfriend/witness) suing defendant Michael Sanders (her stepfather) for taking her car without permission, to take plaintiff’s boyfriend home, and defendant crashed the car into a ditch, totaling the car.   Since car owner/plaintiff woman was drunk, she couldn’t give consent to stepfather to drive her car.  Plaintiff’s witness is also the father of their child, Franklin Allen.

Plaintiff woman says the two only stay together because of their child, but child is adopted out to others.  No, that makes zero sense to me either. 

Plaintiff and boyfriend / witness were drinking and arguing, plaintiff passed out, and stepfather went to drive plaintiff boyfriend home.   Defendant says boyfriend slammed his fist into the console, knocking shifter out of gear, startling defendant, and he went into the ditch.    Plaintiff witness says defendant was talking on his phone, went in the ditch.

$1600 to plaintiff for car.

Second (2014)-

Pool Pushing Prank -Plaintiff Jennifer Eskridge (mother) suing defendant Michael Turnipseed (Father of defendant) over damages after plaintiff’s son Parker Eskridge was pushed into the pool by defendant’s son Michael “Boyd” Turnipseed Jr, and plaintiff son’s phone was ruined by the dunking.

The litigant teens’ stories are dramatically different.  The only witnesses to the dunked phone were other teens, the swim coach, and JJ will talk to the girls by phone.   First pushee was swim coach, then Lizzie, and someone pushed defendant into the pool (not the plaintiff), and defendant pushed plaintiff into pool ruining plaintiff’s phone.   (This happened in the Mobile, AL).

JJ goes to make calls on her sacred phone of justice to the witnesses.   Only one witness answers her phone, and will talk to JJ.  However, only reachable witness knows nothing, saw nothing, and the other three teens didn’t answer.

JJ gives plaintiffs $248 for iPhone (Why is it always an iPhone).

Bad Boyfriend? -Plaintiff Holly Wicker suing defendant/ex-boyfriend Jason Barrows for repayment of two loans, one for a used car, and one for tool purchases made while they lived together.   Defendant says the purchases happened, but he put an equal amount into remodeling and repairs on her home while they lived together.   Defendant says he put in new wood floors, and a lot of other expensive remodels.

I disagree with JJ, installing wood floors, and other upgrades done by defendant are high dollar projects, so I call that a real contribution by defendant. 

$1500 to plaintiff for the loans. 

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Suspicious Church Fire Payday?!-Plaintiff / SSMOO (Sainted Single Mother of One)  Lisa Hankins suing the defendants /former landlords Shannon and Laura Lastinger for stealing insurance money from her.   Single mother living in a building on church property gets renter's insurance.   A few weeks later she has a fire, and collects $12,000.   

Plaintiff's witness is now her roommate, and they were friends first, and he saw everything that happened.     The church owns 70 acres, with the church, and many out buildings on it.  A former garage was converted to a studio apartment, for plaintiff and daughter.   Plaintiff is now assistant manager at a dollar store.    Plaintiff couldn't make a rent, so she prepaid the rent from her tax refund, for 10 months.    Plaintiff paid rent in cash, in February 2015, and then February 2016.   Rent was $500 a month, so $5,000 for the first 10 months, and February 2016 was $5,000 (for 10 months).  

Plaintiff couldn't afford to pay her rent, but she bought renter's insurance, and the fire was February 2016, right before the plaintiff paid her $5,000 rent in cash for the next year.   Plaintiff has no record of start date of the renter's insurance, and only bought it in October or November of 2016, and her rent was due in February 2017.     There is no report to the fire department either.   

What a coincidence, she buys renter's insurance, but couldn't afford anything else, and right before the fire was supposedly was broke.   She only bought renter's insurance right before the second year started, and then the fire happened.    There is no way on earth that she had $12,000 in property in a studio apartment.   There were two claims, church had insurance on the building, and plaintiff had insurance on her furniture, appliances, clothes, etc.    What a total scam. 

(Personal tacky remark, what the hell did defendant woman do to her hair? Same hairdresser as the plaintiff?  Both bad perms.)    Plaintiff filed a claim for her property damage (it covered clothes, appliances, and other items), and church's insurance covered the structure plaintiff was living in.       

Plaintiff was suing church for their money.   She's now living with her witness and current roommate Manuel Lopez.   

JJ dismisses this phony claim.   

Cabin Renovation Gone Wrong?-Plaintiffs Dennis McGrew, and Nancy Barberis suing defendant Morgan "Max" Miles for misuse of funds.     Plaintiffs hired defendant to remodel their cabin, and plaintiff's grandson was supposed to help.    Defendant also had a Home Depot credit card, and another of plaintiff's credit cards, and is accused of misusing the plaintiff's funds.  Defendant claims plaintiff wife is a dictator, and is mad because plaintiff's grandson's girlfriend went to the cabin remodel with him.     

There is no contract, and JJ says defendant will get paid for the work he can prove he did on the cabin.   Plaintiff's claim that defendant bought a lot of items at Home Depot, and claims items returned to Home Depot should have been credited to the plaintiff's credit card.   Plaintiffs claim defendant instead received cash cards for the returns, and kept the money.    Plaintiff's business manager has proof of purchases, but no proof of where the items went, or proof that returns were given in cash cards.   Defendant says returned items were credited to the Home Depot account belonging to the plaintiffs, that supplies were originally bought from.   Plaintiff's business manager is their witness.  

Plaintiffs also claim defendant didn't finish the work he was supposed to do at the cabin.   I believe the defendant, and every thing he said about his side of the case. 

Case dismissed, because there is no proof of the defendant's work, and no proof of the plaintiff's charges against the defendant either.   (This is not good, the plaintiff wife looks, sounds and acts like someone I used to know.).

Second (2017)-

Costa Rican Vacation Con?!-Plaintiff Lane Morgan suing former friends, Sanaz Favier, and Maureen Humphrey for unpaid travel expenses for a trip to Costa Rica.   All three litigants were friends, decided to go to Costa Rica on vacation together.    First plaintiff was going to go with one friend on his air miles, and when second defendant decided to go a regular air ticket was purchased, and paid for.    They had nine nights at hotels, split three ways.   Each defendant paid $110 each for the plane points for the tickets.  

Plaintiff claims the women owe $396 each for their part of the hotel, in two separate rooms.    Plus, the third night in another hotel, that was $186.    On another night defendant woman got her own room.      Then on day two, defendant Sanaz Favier met some guy, and wanted him to go along, Then the defendant ditched the guy, and plaintiff paid $104 for the man's bus ride back home, because defendant wanted to strand the man.     

$459 to plaintiff, and this boring case is over. 

Teen Mother vs. Godmother-Plaintiff Brooke Harden, and her 17 year old daughter Ashley Lovejoy, are suing her godmother/defendant Riba Allen for hotel costs, and withholding daughter's mail.    Daughter was pregnant with second child, and plaintiff mother was homeless, and she asked defendant to take the daughter (17 years old), and her one year old into her home.    Plaintiff mother would pay defendant $200 a month, and some food stamps. 

Plaintiff daughter got locked out, and damaged the front door breaking back into the defendant's place, and defendant is suing for a broken door.         Daughter's godmother takes the 1 year old every weekend, and daughter locked the keys in the house, so she jimmied the door open, damaging the door.    Defendant came home, sees the front door is jimmied, calls the police thinking she had been burglarized.    

Plaintiff claims defendant called her, and said the daughter needed to leave her home.   However, JJ says defendant was taking care of plaintiff daughter, and she was under defendant's supervision.    So defendant will pay for her own door.  Defendant submits door pictures, but since plaintiff daughter was 17 at the time, plaintiff is not responsible for the daughter, and defendant will not get door money.      Defendant hands over the mail to plaintiff. Plaintiff now lives with a friend with her two children. 

Case dismissed.  

Between the missing teeth of the plaintiff (despite full make-up), and her daughter’s open-mouth stare, I had a hard time sticking with this case!

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2 minutes ago, Tom1mac2 said:

Between the missing teeth of the plaintiff (despite full make-up), and her daughter’s open-mouth stare, I had a hard time sticking with this case!

This was meant for the second case of the 2017 shows.

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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Deal with the Deceased -Plaintiff/former in-law Chad Tate suing defendant Thomas Seabolt (uncle of plaintiff’s ex-wife) over the unpaid balance on defendant’s his late brother’s four wheeler, $3922 he was buying from plaintiff.  Plaintiff sold a four wheeler to defendant’s brother, and defendant, then when defendant’s brother died, the defendant and brother were making payments.   Then, the defendant and brother stopped paying, and said because the brother died they don’t have to pay now.   The sale was end of 2011. 

Defendant claims he never had an obligation to pay for the four-wheeler. Defendant says his brother was going to pay for the four-wheeler, and defendant said the payments would be made to plaintiff, and defendant accidentally made himself a guarantor of the loan.

Payments were made directly to the bank.  Defendant claims he only made $100 for one partial payment.    ATV is at defendant’s sister’s house, for repairs.    Brother burned up the engine, and it’s been sitting for two years waiting for enough money to repair the ATV.   Plaintiff kept the loan, and title still owes $3799, and JJ tells plaintiff to sell the ATV.  When the brother of defendant died, the debt died.

Case dismissed, plaintiff told to pick up the ATV, fix or don’t fix, and sell it. 

Souped-Up Snowmobile Crash!   -Plaintiff/snowmobile owner Charles Cummings suing defendants Maurice Eull (rider) and Leah Eull (wife) for crashing and damaging his snowmobile.     Case against Mrs. Eull is dismissed. Defendant admits he crashed the plaintiff's snowmobile into a tree, but blames the friend for having such a powerful vehicle, and didn't tell him it was supercharged.    Defendant borrowed snowmobile from plaintiff, crashed it into a tree.    Defendant says supercharged snowmobile, and crash was all plaintiff's fault. 

Estimate for snowmobile damages $ 11,500 is repair estimate, new price in 2012 was $10,000+

Plaintiff says he's suing wife of defendant also, because defendant husband was willing to pay him, but defendant wife refused to let husband pay. 

Plaintiff has picture of snowmobile, and the innocent victim in this case, the poor tree.   The snowmobile is trashed, and the tree looks very bad too. 

Plaintiff receives $5,000.  (Snowmobile cost $10,500 plus taxes and fees two years ago, and cost $11,500 to repair).

Whose Lying? -Plaintiff Shirley Barron (mother) and (daughter) Latasha Barron suing defendant/ex-boyfriend of mother, Guy Cross for stealing the mother’s car.   Daughter handles mother’s affairs, and has for years. Car was paid for by plaintiff mother, but title was in defendant’s name. 

Defendant claims the car was a gift from the girlfriend.    Plaintiff mother received a settlement from her son’s death, and bought the car, and put it in defendant’s name because she doesn’t have a license. I know JJ said the plaintiff mother hasn’t been declared incompetent, but there’s something wrong with plaintiff woman.   

JJ is going to let plaintiff daughter testify.  JJ says it’s defendant’s car, it’s in his name.

In the hall-terview plaintiff daughter is upset, and defendant claims plaintiff daughter is controlling, and he’s keeping the car.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Second (2014)-

Freak Accident Move Out! -Plaintiffs Gina and James Jones are suing defendant /landlord Brenda McElmore because after a car came crashing through the bedroom of the rental house, defendant refused to fix the house, and won’t return their security deposit.   Car crashed into the plaintiffs’ son’s room, no one was injured.   Driver was no one the litigants knew.   Security was $1550, rent was $1550.   Plaintiffs paid their rent every month.    The car hit caused structural damages inside the bedroom, but defendant denies the damage was structural, or a reason to move out. (This was in Los Angeles).  

Defendant/landlord didn’t take pictures, and repairs took from 31 December, and finished in April.   There was no way the plaintiffs could live in that house, so they had to leave.  

Defendant calls the damage “just a crack in the wall”.   She claims the car didn’t come all the way through the wall, but there are cracks above and below the window, and the wall is obviously damaged. Defendant also claims the plaintiffs’ son’s temper tantrums in the bedroom caused more damages than the car did.   

$1550 to plaintiffs. Defendant is delusional.

False Arrest and Harassment? -Plaintiff Donna Williams suing defendant /former roommate for false arrest, moving expenses, and the return of property.      Defendant lives in a 50 and up age restricted community.  Plaintiff rented a room from defendant, and lived there for two months, and one or two weeks.

Defendant claims roommate situation wasn’t working out, he asked her to leave, and she didn’t.  So, defendant went to police, and filed for a restraining order instead of filing for eviction.   There were actually two applications for restraining orders.

As JJ says, you go to housing court to evict tenants, you don’t file for a restraining order. Defendant claim dismissed.   Plaintiff moved out, and two years later she was arrested for a warrant charging she violated the protective order, and she had to pay $1200 for an attorney.

$1200 to plaintiff for attorney fees. 

Stepdad's Good Deed Gone Wrong -Plaintiff /stepdad Norman Lewis suing defendant Rogers Clark over the unpaid balance on a truck that plaintiff financed for defendant and defendant’s wife (now divorced) (defendant’s wife is plaintiff’s step daughter).  Truck was just over $5000.   Defendant still has the truck, and stopped paying for truck.      Truck is in defendant, and ex-wife’s name.   

However, since defendant isn’t the sole owner of the truck, he won’t pay for it. 

JJ wants plaintiff to sign title over to defendant, but this was already done.  

Plaintiff step-daughter signs title over to defendant.  Plaintiff gets $3600 for the truck loan.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-  Scott

Beauty School Dropout?    -Plaintiff  Lan Pham-Fenniken (cosmetologist) , and husband Scott Fenniken (he paid for the course) wanted to learn microblading, and signed up for a three-day course at the defendants’ Brandon Triton and manager Kimberly McMacken of beauty school, and wants pain and suffering, and refund of the course fees.     

Defendants run a beauty academy (Evons Legendary Microblading) that trains students in doing microblading, and other permanent make up techniques.     Defendants used to own a beauty college (Evons Beauty School), and now concentrate in the permanent makeup sector, at two locations,and sold the beauty college a month before the show aired, but still operate the microblading locations. 

They have certifications for the beauty college (from the state cosmetology board), and the permanent makeup (that's a different certification, from the state health department).  I think it's considered tattooing, not cosmetology for microblading.   A lot of permanent makeup is considered tattooing in many states.  SInce plaintiff is a licensed cosmotologist, and already has to have sanitation and blood borne pathogens training. 

Original contract is submitted, for a microblading three-day course, at $2200.   Contract says 3-day course, non-refundable, plaintiff only went on two days, and not the first day, only went on the 30th and 31st.   Plaintiff was supposed to go on the 29th, 30th, and 31st.   Plaintiff claims what she wanted to learn wasn't taught to her satisfaction.    Plaintiff was supposed to bring a live model, and do that person's brows, but didn't do any procedures on the woman.  

However, the contract says 3 days of class, and plaintiff only went for 2 days.   Plaintiff claims defendant forged her signature on the contract, but the signature looks the same as her signature on her statement to this court. 

As JJ says, the plaintiff had the opportunity to go to all three days of the course, but only did two days, so she didn't qualify for a certificate.   Defendant says plaintiff threatened him that she had just won a court case, so she wanted a refund or else (She tried to fight an eviction, through unlawful detainer right before this course).    Plaintiff claims she has a cosmetology background, so she didn't need hygiene training for a beauty procedure, in my opinion I bet that everything the plaintiff is complaining she missed was taught on the first day of the course, when plaintiff bailed on attending.    

Defendants are counter claiming for the plaintiff trying to extort her course payment back, and harassing the owners of the school.   

Plaintiff case dismissed, defendant counter claim dismissed.   

Second (2017)-

Car Payment Meets Child Support!-Plaintiff June Stahr suing ex-boyfriend Gregory Russell Jr for an unpaid car loan.   Plaintiff is a Sainted Single Mother of One (SSMOO), with defendant.    Car pink slip was in both litigant's names, and loan was in plaintiff's name.    Defendant claims he put down $2500 on car, then refinanced car to get the remainder with a lower interest rate, by borrowing the money from plaintiff's boss.    First loan was 22%.   Remaining loan was still $2900.   Defendant keeps saying that plaintiff signed loan over to him for zero.    Defendant was paying child support after they split up.     

Car is now in defendant's name.    Defendant claims the tax refund will go to plaintiff for the car loan, and for their daughter.   Plaintiff claimed the child's tax deduction on her tax return, and received $1,000 for one year.    

JJ decides $1600 to plaintiff, to pay for the car loan.    

Unlucky Van Story-Plaintiff Vivianne Penzol suing mechanic Luis Rodriguez for unfinished work on a Mercury Villager Van.    Insurance company totaled the car after an accident, paid her $1,000 , and she paid the insurance company $175 to buy the salvaged van back.   Plaintiff agreed for defendant to fix the van for her.   Van is only worth $1,000 per Officer Byrd, and plaintiff was paid $1,000 by the insurance company.    

Defendant wanted $2,300 to fix the van, and has had it for 8 or 9 months.  Why did plaintiff pay $2300 to fix a van, that was only worth $1,000?  Defendant claims van could be finish within two months.   

This case is just wrong, and I don't see how $2300 will fix that van, the body work alone would be more than the mechanical work the plaintiff paid for.    Plaintiff submits photos from January, however, defendant says they were taken in the previous October.   Plaintiff claims mechanic went to her father, and asked for more money to fix the van, and plaintiff wants that paid to her also (nope, not happening).  Defendant has pictures of current van condition, and they're not much better either.  

Why do I suspect that JJ has been played by the plaintiff, with the help of the defendant?.   Plaintiff is not getting her rental car bills either.   Plaintiff already bought another car. 

$2300 to plaintiff.    (Because JJ says there was no substantial work done on the van).  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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4 p.m. episodes-

First (2014)-

Outrageous Landlord?! -Plaintiff/former tenant Nicholas Ivon Sr suing defendant/former landlord Steven Carney for property damage, theft, and harassment, $5,000. Plaintiff, his five children, and two dogs, and stayed in defendant’s rental property on the first floor, defendant lived on the upper floor.  Plaintiff works on the side for mechanic work, but lives off of public assistance, food stamps, etc.    Plaintiff lived there for a year, and welfare sent the 9 months of rent to defendant.   Then on the last 3 months, defendant received the check directly from the welfare office (Buffalo, NY).  

Plaintiff was there for 15 months, and only paid directly for the last three months (actually Officer Byrd paid the last three months).   Landlord claims he issued repeated 30-day and 3-day notices, but claims it was too expensive to file for and follow through evictions in NY.   

Landlord signed a letter to the housing assistance office saying plaintiff was a decent, paying tenant, so he could get the housing assistance rent check directly.    (This case is reason  #52899 why I will never be a landlord, along with the proposals in many cities where non-payment is not a legal reason for eviction).    Plaintiff claims house was disgusting, in disrepair, moved out, and then moved back in.     What a great father, who moved his kids back into a house he says was uninhabitable.

The property plaintiff is suing for was when he wasn’t paying rent, and moved out for two months, and moved back in.  The plaintiff’s witness is the mother of three of the children, and is plaintiff’s “fiance”, but she was living with her mother, so I bet plaintiff was getting more benefits.

Plaintiff case dismissed, and defendant case dismissed.

 Missing Title! –Plaintiff Casey Richesin suing defendant Jessica Crooker (Yes, that’s the right last name, how appropriate) over a car title. For $900 (for the $500 he paid for car, and storage).  Plaintiff bought car from defendant for a total of $600, but only paid $500 to her.   Title was in previous owner’s name, not defendant’s name.   Plaintiff is suing for a letter from defendant saying she lost the title, but she never had a title or registration in her name.  

He can’t register the car, because of the title issue, and wants his $500 back.    Defendant lives in Washington, plaintiff in Oregon, and he needs a notarized letter from owner saying title was lost.  Legal owner is in Kansas, along with Dorothy and Toto. 

Defendant says plaintiff knew “full headedly”, and that's ridiculous.  

Plaintiff says defendant promised him a title, and said it was in her camper.   Defendant has a bill of sale, but is playing stupid about the title, only saying ‘as is’.

JJ gives plaintiff $300, tells him to take everything to the Washington state DMV, and if they won’t give him a title, then JJ says to find someone to junk the car without a title, and he should get about $200.  

Party Jumper Jacked? -Plaintiffs Luis Espinosa and wife Jennifer Roberts are suing defendants Ernest Bladen and Shirley Diaz for stealing the party jumper defendants rented for their son’s birthday (party jumper must be a bouncy house? Sorry, I have no kids, and don’t speak parent or kiddy birthday party).  Defendants have rented from plaintiffs before.

Plaintiff dropped off bouncy house on the 3rd, with a contract signed by Ernest Bladen, and when plaintiff came to pick up the bouncy house (party jumper) the item was missing.    The contract clearly states that defendants are responsible for repair or replacement of bouncy house if it’s damaged, or not returned.

Defendants have no explanation about where party jumper/bouncy house went. 

Plaintiffs receive $2175.

Second (2014)-

Used Car Disaster? -Plaintiff /car sellers  Julie Misukanis and nephew David suing defendant/ John Teske for the unpaid balance on the car, and an unpaid insurance bill.  Nephew says his brother-in-law originally wanted to buy the car from plaintiff, changed his mind, and then plaintiff nephew found defendant to buy car.       Defendant paid 1000 for car, when plaintiff only paid $650.    Then plaintiffs claim defendant bought the car.   However, defendant says it was a test drive, and right after he got in the car the brake pads fell out, so he left it by the side of the road.

Plaintiff woman paid $650 for car, one month later they wanted to sell the car to defendant for $1500, but plaintiff nephew agreed to $1000 or $1200, on a missing contract.

Defendant had car for a month when it totally croaked and was left on the side of the road.   Officer Byrd’s 1995 Subaru KBR price is $800.

$1000 to plaintiffs.  Then plaintiff wants insurance money, not happening.

Ex-Girlfriends and Vandalism -Plaintiff Tatiana Luckett suing defendant /ex-girlfriend Tanisha David for cellphone disconnection fee, and for damaging her car in a parking lot scuffle.   The two were romantic, they broke up, and plaintiff cancelled defendant’s cell phone from her plan, and then defendant vandalized plaintiff’s car.    Plaintiff claims defendant stopped paying her portion of the cell phone bill, then defendant’s phone line was cancelled.  

No disconnect fee for plaintiff, because the bill doesn’t show that. End of cell phone case.  

Parking lot fight is ridiculous.

Plaintiff cases dismissed.

5 p.m. episodes-

First (2017)-

Let's Grow Marijuana?!-Plaintiff /landlord Christina Bequette suing former tenant Shawn Black over his modifications to her rental home to make house into a marijuana grow (in Colorado where pot is legal). Plaintiff says defendant changed a five bedroom home into a two bedroom home. 

Plaintiff leased house with option to buy for two years, it ended up being four years, he never qualified for a mortgage, and when she evicted him, she found he turned the house into a grow op (for weed).   Defendant says he enhanced the house, says his work fixed the house, and he's suing for $5000.   

Landlord says the septic tank cover was destroyed by the defendant.     It would help if the plaintiff would stick to the subject, brought pictures of the damage, and stopped dithering.     Defendant says the plaintiff wanted to be partners in the grow op with him, and knew about the modifications.    (I remember plaintiff from last airing, she's a homeopathic practitioner, who claims hydrogen peroxide will cure autoimmune diseases.   I'm believing the defendant after seeing everything this woman advertises about pot products being useful).    There is nothing in the lease about defendant having to take care of the septic tank servicing. 

Hopefully plaintiff's property manager Michael,  will be more coherent.    The septic tank needs to be replaced, and plaintiff thinks defendant will pay for that ($5,000 won't touch a new septic tank, it's just a temporary patch so they can sell the house).    Tank wasn't serviced since 2005, property was purchased in 2008, and septic was never serviced.   

Defendant moved out a year ago, and septic tank has been inoperative since, plaintiff wants to fix up house, and sell it. (I lived and bought and sold property in Colorado, and I'm hoping the idiot plaintiff disclosed the fact that the septic tank hasn't been touched in over 10 years, and who knows how long before that?   The disclosure form when I lived there (that was 20 years ago) was over three long pages, and if she omits something, or lies, she's toast)  (When I was selling my house with a septic system in Alabama, I had to get the septic pumped, and serviced, and it was certified for a year for the next owner).  Defendant admits that when he was moving out, his nephew drove a truck over the septic tank, and broke the lid.   

$2500 to plaintiff. 

Woodworking Hobby Fail-Plaintiff David Decaro suing defendant/former friend Libby Riley over woodworking tools he loaned to the defendant, so she could start a woodworking hobby.    Plaintiff claims he stored the items at defendant's place, and he let her used the items, while he stored them.   

Defendant sold the table saw to a friend.  Plaintiff claims defendant had his table saw, other tools, since October/November, and he wanted the items back in January.   However, defendant returned nothing, and already sold what she could.  

JJ tells defendant to return plaintiff's items within five days, and says the signed agreement for court says she has to obey JJ's ruling or she gets nothing.    Defendant claims she will.

Second (2017)-

House of Stolen Cards?!-Plaintiff Miercoles Bell claims the defendant, Antwon McNeese stole his collectible cards.    They do something about having the best cards, I absolutely understand not one word their talking about.    JJ says she finds it amazing that when the plaintiff's cards disappear, and then they were posted for sale by the defendant on the same day.  JJ says she will believe the plaintiff's cards were stolen, with a confirming police report.  Police report doesn't match the plaintiff's testimony.  

Plaintiff has a FB post trying to sell the 21 stolen cards, and defendant claims he didn't do it, and defendant says they were other cards he posted for sale that day.   

Defendant gives JJ the card pictures of what was posted for sale on the same day as the theft, and they are different from the stolen cards.  Plaintiff's witness claims defendant not only told him he stole the cards, but offered him some of the cards.   JJ Case will be recalled after JJ's sushi lunch, with defendant showing JJ his ads for the month of the theft, and the month before that.

JJ says the posted cards by defendant aren't the plaintiff's cards.  

Case dismissed, because plaintiff can prove nothing.  I don't believe the plaintiff's witness, Andre Macklin, either.  I think the plaintiff has no proof, so he lied to the police, and changed his story to JJ.  

(This is the case where Amy Schumer the comic was in the audience, she's sitting behind the defendant's left shoulder). 

Judge Discovers Tampering of Evidence?!-Plaintiff Marvin Hawthorn suing former landlady Rita Cassaro over his illegal eviction from a furnished room.     Landlady wanted him out, and plaintiff claims it was an illegal eviction, because he didn't have to move for three more days.    Plaintiff moved in with relatives on the 27th and 28th, and landlady claims nothing was left in the apartment when she did the lock out.   

Plaintiff is suing for hotel costs for four days, but the dates on the receipt from plaintiff are changed by him.    

JJ says that she can see he had an alternative place to go.  Plaintiff also claims his computer was stolen by defendant, but there is no proof of any property left behind, let alone a computer.

Plaintiff case dismissed.

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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On 8/16/2022 at 2:57 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

Plaintiff claims defendant called her, and said the daughter needed to leave her home.   However, JJ says defendant was taking care of plaintiff daughter, and she was under defendant's supervision.    So defendant will pay for her own door.  Defendant submits door pictures, but since plaintiff daughter was 17 at the time, plaintiff is not responsible for the daughter, and defendant will not get door money.      Defendant hands over the mail to plaintiff. Plaintiff now lives with a friend with her two children. 

I really don't agree with JJ, although I do understand her reasoning.  But there was no formal foster papers or anything like that making it official.  JJ is usually a stickler for "officialness."  I think the 17 year old Is somewhat handicapped.  Defendant should consider herself lucky the girl left.

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