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Small Talk: Slaves To Gab

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I watch with the boyfriend. We snuggle up and start watching sometime between 9 and 10 pm. It's nice not watching it alone, and we get most of the "WHAT?!?!" "WTF LITTLEFINGER??" out of the way during the show and have a quick speculation afterwards. Most of the time, we'll just shake our heads and murmur. There was a lot of "....fuckin Shae...." last week :)


Just wanted to let you know that I've added the "Historical Characters" section to the character guide. (After rewriting it twice, only to realize that the second post was acually posted, silly me). It's a bit later than I said it would be, again, and I'm sorry. I know that there are characters missing too, quite a few I'd imagine. I've only included the ones I knew where to find in episodes, otherwise it would have required a complete rewatch (which I will do eventually, and then I'll keep my ears open).


So, if you have anything to add, tell me. (Via PM of course)


Also to Mods: the new post is down at the bottom of the thread, after the episode-list-post. Is there any way to move it up (so all character-posts come after one another, with this one last), to make it easier to find/read?


EDIT: I'll start a thread where I can post these updates. They don't really belong here. You (unsullied, only unsullied) could also post ideas and opinions there. I'll copy this post to that thread.


EDIT 2: fixed by moving it up to a previous post.

Edited by Nymeria
Agggghhhh! Two weeks, that's right! Stoooopid holiday.


Well, it's a good holiday, really but I too wish to hell it wouldn't disrupt programming, because people who don't eat meat aren't exactly slamming busy on the first big BBQing event of the year.  Come on over, I'm grilling...peppers, mushrooms and zucchini.  Also?  Hooray!  In a display of stellar timing, if ever there was one, I picked May for an "eating clean, no drinking or sugar" month and of course, my husband is doing that too (because I'm the chief cook and bottle washer in these parts). 


So woo! I had to chuckle ruefully that I set myself up for "water, with a wedge of lime" Cinco de Mayo celebration and now, I can prepare to usher out May without a Game of Thrones episode to soberly contemplate.  Well done, me.  


Hey, I am just going to go ahead and ask this.  Does anyone have any good advice about tick prevention?  We moved from a state where fleas and ticks just didn't really hang out outside of the mountains.  Here we live on a couple of acres, surrounded by Oak trees, deer, a rather robust looking coyote and every other manner of critter.  We treat our yard for ticks.  


We use Advantix II (the type that is alleged to repel and kill ticks...and it seemed to work much, much better last year).  We spray the dog down on her tummy and legs with equal parts Apple Cider Vinegar and water (thanks for the tip, internet) and I swear to the old gods and new, every.single.day we still have to remove a tick from the poor dog.  Seriously, the other day she had three in one day.  


I'm brushing her down before bringing her in after a walk and doing a rub down check throughout the day and STILL having to remove at least  tick a day.  


Anyone have more advice?  My dog must be the most appealing dog to ticks on the planet, because everyone around here has dogs and as far as I know, we're the only people having to kill ticks every day of our (currently stone-cold-sober) lives.  


In other news, something is living in my ceiling and no, I'm not kidding.  We heard it both scritch and scratch DURING Game of the Thrones on Sunday.  We paused the program and stared in increasing alarm at the enclosed duct work above our heads from whence the scritching and scratching emanated.  My husband stood up and freaking tapped on the duct with an inquiring "Hello?" and although nothing answered him, I lost no time in assuring him I would flee the house and his presence if anything answered, so he'd better do his best to keep up.  


So mouse, raccoon, clawed spider or Borrower, there is something overhead that must go,,,,and we had an opportunity to miss our cantankerous, murderous, departed cat a bit.  So that was nice.  However, they do actually have services we can employ to speed the Uninvited on his or her way.   We have taken the appropriate measures in that area, by placing a speedy call. 


But what to do about the ticks?  I can't offer them a mug of grog and negotiate with them, at present, so what to do.  What.to.do?  


Anyone have any "bugger off, blood-suckers" advice to offer, that isn't based in Twilight Lore? 

Edited by stillshimpy

Thank you very much, MrMicrophone.  We actually do treat our yard with tick killer, but we aren't allowed to have deer fence here.   We have the world's most relaxed HOA really, I could stick a Chartreuse Hobby Horse, six feet tall and belting out "Howdy Neighbor!" as a lawn ornament, if I wanted, but deer fences (and goats) are not allowed.  


But I genuinely appreciate the help, thank you.  It's not our property she's getting the ticks from, of that we're pretty darned sure.  


Pud is a rescue and she does have a couple of things left over from that, including a tendency towards anxiety if she does't get enough exercise.  For as small as she is, she's actually a mix between two large breeds and a smaller breed (we had a DNA test done).  


So it is coming from her walk and not our yard.  I really need a way to keep them from clambering on my dog, because they're coming from her walks, which she has to have in order to not go nuts.  

Edited by stillshimpy

shimpy: Give the uneaten Memorial Day steak to the ticks as an offering, spread the sugar around the house to lure the vermin outside while you seal up their means of access, and bribe a HS track athlete with your unconsumed alcohol in return for taking Puddles for a run in a tick-free environment. You're welcome. ;-)


I feel for you re: strange noises. Mrs. Stumbler and I just moved into a new house, and within a few weeks we (and our cat) heard some strange scritchings in the wall. Rats. I wanted to burn the house down for the insurance money, but cooler heads prevailed. Traps set, bait stations deployed, all means of entry sealed, and no noises for weeks *knocks wood*. Maybe they were just house hunting and moved on to more hospitable pastures? (hopehopehope) Our house backs up to a stream, and rats like water (it is Seattle, after all), so constant vigilance going forward is the watchword. Good luck!

  • Love 2
Give the uneaten Memorial Day steak to the ticks as an offering, spread the sugar around the house to lure the vermin outside while you seal up their means of access, and bribe a HS track athlete with your unconsumed alcohol in return for taking Puddles for a run in a tick-free environment. You're welcome. ;-)


I knew I could count upon you, Good Sir!  Brilliant, absolutely brilliant and in no way likely to cause more trouble (and potential lawsuits as well as lawful scolding for supplying fleet of foot and underage dog walkers, plied with rum).  You will be called up to plan the next siege.  Also, to execute the next siege. In addition to that, to extricate yourself from the world of trouble the next siege brings you.  


In the meantime I will make you some sort of raw , nut-based, date-packed cake/pie/raw food-ist treat to heave at the rats as you make your escape.  


Seriously, thanks for the luck though :-)  


Also, I already told my husband (in regards to ceiling dweller) that if he returns home to the site of me, the dog and  a fire safe perched atop the smoking pile of rubble that was our home; he will know I decided not to wait for any exterminators, but rather took matters into my own hands.  


I use garlic. It is toxic for dogs and can cause anemia, liver damage and many other problems. But the vet swears (literally, I made him swear) that it is ok, if it is in very small quantities. There are chewable tablets but they seem as harmful. It has to be oral medication because my dog swims almost every day. Sometimes I use chamomile tea as a rinse. I don't know if this is ok for every dog but since Sane is a husky it works for us. It is not like it reaches his skin anyway, and it smells better than garlic. Also, some people believe that omega 3 supplements help too. I have never given him any because he lives on fish and eggs.

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Thank you, 3well (hybrid of your two screennames :-) ).   I had read the garlic one, but I didn't know anyone who used it.  I'll ask my vet.  


I recently started adding a splash of apple cider vinegar to her water dish too, that's supposed to help make her less palatable. 


Seriously, thank you.  


How was your Name Day Celebration? 


(I have edited my post. It was more emotional than I am comfortable with. Also really long.)


So...have you ever watched or read something that...I don't know...broke your mind? Something that you thought about 24/7?
Not being able to sleep? Thinking and talking about it all the time? It recently happened to me. I love it and I hate it at the same time.

Do you have a TV show or a book that you absolutely love? Maybe the only way to get over this is to find something just as good. Can you recommend something? Anything that you loved...that isn't The Show obviously!

Edited by unworried well

I saw your original post, 3well (or the artist formerly known as 3eyedpigeon).  Don't feel uncomfortable, it's great to have an engrossing interest and it's rare when we're adults, which makes it all the cooler.  


One of my close friends and I became friends when she told me a story about being a kid -- twelve or so -- and staying up late to finish a book.  It was something super weighty for a kid that age, I think it was actually Les Miserables and her mom finding her sitting up, with her lights on, crying her eyes out, because she'd finished the book and would miss the characters so much.  It was such a nice memory for her to share, because we were talking about being fully engrossed in a story, but her point was "My mom was just so nice about it, she didn't laugh at me, or tell me it was silly." 


It's not silly to be able to so fully lose yourself in a story.  To have it breathe with the kind of life that stays with you when you aren't in the story's presence.  It's enviable and it's the mark of an agile mind, I think.  Now, maybe I think that because it has happened to me.  Maybe not quite to the extent my friend described, or what you're talking about with the other show, but I wish it would. 


Realistically most of us spend our time trying to find that wonderful, harmless, intriguing and satisfying form of escapism.  Trying to create space for it within our lives and even trying to force it to happen.  But most people who hang around here are going to be the exact sort of person who will get the "Seriously, it invaded my brain!" feeling.  Most of us have stayed up until we finished a book, or marathoned a series. 


The first couple of seasons of BSG were incredibly good.  That did change and that poor thing limped across the finish line (to put it kindly), but the first two seasons were great and the start of the third contains the single most thrilling episode of anything, ever.  Literally the night before you asked this, my husband and I were talking about seeing that episode Exodus II and remembering our reactions and then fan reactions to it.  If there was anyone who managed to remain in their seats when Bill dropped the Battlestar into atmo and then jumped away, then I firmly believe it's because they could not stand.  I had a house full of people and we were all on our feet wildly cheering.  It was the best, most exhilarating feeling.  I'd clone that feeling and have it at least once a week if I humanly could.  


So don't feel uncomfortable, feel super-duper lucky :-)  That's a great boon to have in life.  This morning I woke up, turned over and my first entirely clear thought was "that was a weird dream..." followed immediately by worrying about something that will not be fixed by my worrying about it...and I couldn't remember the dream as soon as that worry hit.  


You're not weird, you're fortunate and I'm really happy that you have that all-engrossing interest in your life right now.  It's beyond harmless and well into enviable whenever that happens :-) 

Edited by stillshimpy
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I haven't read Watership Down. I didn't even know it. I found out about it last year, when I was asking about fantasy books (that were not written by Martin) and it came up. I added it to my tbr list then, together with the other suggestions, but never bought it. I will order a copy today! Thanks:-)


Sorry you had to read that first post! And thanks for your reply! A friend has the BSG dvds. I will ask to borrow them. I was never gave it a chance because it is sci fi. I knew even less about this genre than I knew about fantasy. But now that I have read Herbert, Clarke and Adams I feel more confident that I will be able to watch it.


You are right! I should feel lucky! I was posting in TWoP not long ago, that I envied people who were so involved with another show. It led to disapointment, but I thought it was better than my indifference. And then this happened! :-P


Don't even sweat it, 3Well, I like expressive people, always have.  It's really good to see people have passionate reactions about fun things.  


Oh hey speaking of that?   Wow, was I ever glad my month long detox with a raw beet a day and no alcohol whatsoever (it's to cure anemia and laugh if you like, but it works) was officially over yesterday.  


My husband and I had been wondering if Oberyn would win for days and had both talked ourselves into believing that he would, right up until Elaria said, "Don't leave me alone in this world"....and then we knew, "he's going to die, isn't he?"  


At least IMMEDIATELY afterward it was a case of "TIME TO HAVE A DRINK!"  

Edited by stillshimpy
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Hey people! Anyone a fan of Futbol here? And I mean Futbol as in soccer, the real futbol :P


Well, my predictions for tomorrow's matches, if anyone is interested in bets, in TWOP style, hehe:


World Cup matches, June 13:


Mexico – Cameroon:
Expected to Win: I’d say Mexico, but they tend to be unreliable, so probably Cameroon.

Who I want to win: Tough one, Mexico is the Latin one to root for, but I have a soft spot for African teams.

Spain - Netherlands: Yay! This is THE GAME to watch, a repeat from last year finals.
Expected to Win: Beats me! But my brother, the expert, thinks Spain is stronger than The Netherlands this year.

Who I want to win: I guess Spain.

Chile – Australia:
Expected to Win: Chile.

Who I want to win: CHILE!!! Go La Roja!!


Let's see how many I get right :)

Hey people! Anyone a fan of Futbol here? And I mean Futbol as in soccer, the real futbol :P


Well, my predictions for tomorrow's matches, if anyone is interested in bets, in TWOP style, hehe:


World Cup matches, June 13:


Mexico – Cameroon:Expected to Win: I’d say Mexico, but they tend to be unreliable, so probably Cameroon.

Who I want to win: Tough one, Mexico is the Latin one to root for, but I have a soft spot for African teams.

Spain - Netherlands: Yay! This is THE GAME to watch, a repeat from last year finals.Expected to Win: Beats me! But my brother, the expert, thinks Spain is stronger than The Netherlands this year.

Who I want to win: I guess Spain.

Chile – Australia:Expected to Win: Chile.

Who I want to win: CHILE!!! Go La Roja!!


Let's see how many I get right :)

Welllllll...since I was fortunate to attend the 2010 Cup in South Africa (I was working there at the time, lucky coincidence), and I was really lucky to attend both the Ghana-Serbia and South Africa-Uruguay matches, I have a very serious soft spot for the African teams too. I would love to see an African team win some day...Ghana or Cameroon would do. Ghana is such a great team in terms of spirit and thei spirit of their fans...they flew down to SA last time, by the planeload, including their drums. The day I was there, I heard this drumming from far away, and as it got closer, I saw a long stream of Black Star fans, all dressed in various manner of the flag, following a drumming procession...it was fabulous! They marched around the stadium walkway during match, drumming away, the entire stadium in Pretoria was behind Ghana. I felt sorry for the 50 lone Serbian fans who didnt stand a chance.

Anyway, the 2010 Cup was magical on so many levels that I would never attend another one because it would never live up to 2010, not even in Brasil. Speaking of which, I am not keen on the home team winning this year. I dont care who wins, but I would like it to be a smaller Latin America team like Uruguay, or an African team, though I dount it will happen...

They marched around the stadium walkway during match, drumming away, the entire stadium in Pretoria was behind Ghana. I felt sorry for the 50 lone Serbian fans who didnt stand a chance.


Historically this is a feeling poor Serbia has likely experienced before on all manner of playing fields,  "Oh...I see that we're hosed.  Drink!" 


So guys, you know how we spend our GoT lives just trying to dodge being bookwalked?  Even the nice readers in our lives have occasionally just said something that was a case of "No, I'm really not kidding, don't tell me anything!!"  My brother-in-law has read all the books, and did pull one of those "Oh, I didn't think that would matter" "It matters!" "Oh, okay." type of things when it came to describing a character's appearance. 


He's a big, big soccer fan.  He's been looking forward to the World Cup and is in Washington State (this becomes important in a second) , so yesterday my husband texted him during the World Cup "Goooooooaaaalllllllll!" and he texts back, "No, no spoilers, please! I'm watching the game when I get home."  My husband tells him to open a little window at the bottom of his screen and just watch live, because unless he is struck both blind and deaf , there's no way he's getting through the day completely unspoiled.  He texts back: 


"No way, I want to watch the game with a beer and a joint" my husband, of course completely respects that "no spoiler" request, knows his brother is a game programmer, and lives in WA for a reason,  and goes about his day. Apparently all day long all my BIL did was try to fend off people, who all know that he loves soccer, trying to spoil him on the World Cup and indeed, he was thoroughly spoiled by the end of the day, but hopes that everyone sort of blew their spoiling wad on that game and going forward, he'll be relatively safe.  He texts my husband saying he now knows how we feel about Game of Thrones.  


This is why my husband was sitting there with a completely horrified expression last night, staring at his phone and when I asked him what was wrong he said, "Nothing, I just tried to imagine Watching Game of Thrones stoned."  


By the Giant's Eyeball, what a terrible and freaky thought.  

Edited by stillshimpy
Welllllll...since I was fortunate to attend the 2010 Cup in South Africa (I was working there at the time, lucky coincidence), and I was really lucky to attend both the Ghana-Serbia and South Africa-Uruguay matches, I have a very serious soft spot for the African teams too.

Wow! I'm very envious now.


Apparently all day long all my BIL did was try to fend off people, who all know that he loves soccer, trying to spoil him on the World Cup and indeed, he was thoroughly spoiled by the end of the day, but hopes that everyone sort of blew their spoiling wad on that game and going forward, he'll be relatively safe.  He texts my husband saying he now knows how we feel about Game of Thrones.


Yes, now he knows how we feel about trying not to get spoiled everywhere.

Wonderful posts about the World Cup.  Thanks for introducing the topic, ChocButterly, and I'm envious too, gingerella, even if my game-yet-distanced reaction to soccer is probably one of the more American-exceptionalism qualities about me.  As well as the terrific story from shimpy...


This is why my husband was sitting there with a completely horrified expression last night, staring at his phone and when I asked him what was wrong he said, "Nothing, I just tried to imagine Watching Game of Thrones stoned."


Laughing away here, with a cat in my lap.  What a great image (your husband's staring at the phone as he turned that idea around in his mind) and what a great line.


shimpy, actually the Serbian fans were pretty damn sure of themselves. I was standing nearby them while they were being interviewed by an Italian news crew, and they were definitely talkin' the smack, dressed all nice and tidy-like in their red, white and blue outfits...then the distant drumming got closer and (I was standing by the front stadium gates taking photos and checking out the scene as my hotel was literally across the street from the Loftus stadium and I had no idea since it was a 5 minute walk down the road to the gate), anyway, the looks on the Serbian's faces when this never ending line of Ghanains came drumming down the road was priceless! The Italian crew was yelling over the din their questions to the Serb's and although they were trying to answer them, they were also looking past the crew at what was coming at them and it was very funny. 


Another funny story about Ghana was that for the month leading up to the start of the Cup, SABC TV had this promo trailer that ran after just about every commercial and TV show and it went like this (said with South African accent), "Feel it, it is HERE!"  Meaning, it's game time people, it's finally all happening!  So for those of us who'd been seeing that promo for weeks, we were pretty sick of it.  Then during the Ghana match, I look down at the walkway that goes around the field (you were allowed to walk around that area because they had police standing arm to arm all around the perimeter of the actual field so nobody could run onto it), anyway, I hear this drumming and look over and there is a group of about 5 Ghanains with a tattered cardboard box that they have cut open so it's not a big sign, and on it, written in black marker they've written, "Ghana...Feel it, we are HERE!"  Everyone went wild in the stands as they drummed and marched around the entire field at least twice. I still get chills and teary eyes just thinking about it. They are just such amazing and enthusiastic fans down there.  In fact, the whole reason I was able to scalp a ticket from another fan is that I was looking for someone scalping and it was very hard to find anyone because they just don't do that down there, and people don't really know how to be stealthy about scalping.


Anyway, at the last moment I found this lovely Ghanaian fan who'd flown all the way there, but none of his friends had tickets to the game, only he did, and he didn't want to go in alone, he preferred to watch at a bar across the road with all his buddies, so I bought his ticket off of him and I literally walked into the stadium as they did the kick off, with the crown roaring. The vapor lights, the energy, it was like walking into the Colliseum or something, I've never experienced a moment like that ever, and I've traveled a lot to remote places. This was just so special because it was the sport of the continent, hosted on African soil, something no African ever thought they would see in their life time.  And for once, South Africa came together in the most beautiful way and was indeed that rainbow nation they talk about. When they sang the national anthem for the last SA match, it gave me chills listening to an entire stadium singing in perfect harmony...I am indeed lucky to have experienced that, and it was totally unexpected because I'm not what I'd call a soccer fan.


And yes, I own a Vuvuzela...they were not as annoying in person as they were on TV...


ETA: thanks a lot Chocy, now I'm getting sucked into the Cameroon-Mexico game. Thanks. Thanks a lot. Now the next month of my life will be wasted watching this damn game...Oy. 

Edited by gingerella
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Snerk.  My son and I have been having a Grim Off over text, because he'd recommended a song to me Frank Turner's Plain Sailing Weather -- if you have some weird yen to listen to that, please know that is absolutely not safe for work.  





We have fairly similar taste in music although he does skew closer to punk than I tend to these days (I should probably point out that my son is 23, in case anyone does check out that song and thinks a twelve-year-old is listening to that or something) .  


Here was my bid earlier and it occurred to me "Oh, it's a rather fitting song for the finale!! Just the right mood for this show!"  the song is by Demitasse, Comfy Coffins.  Safe for work, but ....aptly named so be aware of that.


Edited by stillshimpy
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*clears throat, looks over shoulder*


Uhm, I watch GoT stoned. Almost inevitably. I usually do a re-watch w/o pot, but first viewing = very stoned: It is like watching a really intense two-hour movie (I usually watch the prior week's episode, then roll right into the new episode). But I live in WA, where marijuana is legal (ish). The Public still can't buy or grow it legally here, it is just supposed to magically appear somehow.


However, I have a "green card" for medical MJ, so that is not a roadblock for me. ;-)

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Cool, White Stumbler.  I spent most of my adult life in Colorado, I'm not opposed to it and I voted for legalization there -- and then promptly had to move to another state (ay yi yi with my timing, just in time for my son to be grown and no longer in need of a constantly alert mom...my timing doth suck) --  but man alive, this show?!?  Stoned?  You sir, are brave!  I would not face the Dreadfort in any other condition than highly freaking alert...so that I can hide my eyes very quickly.  


My husband? Similarly not opposed, but also easily scarred and traumatized :-)  

Edited by stillshimpy
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Bring Your Own Grog and a swiffer or two.  The Spitball Wall is dusty, but it's time for the cobwebs to come down, for the (giant pale) spiders to decamp and for the Giant to rub the sleep out of his blue eyes and get this party started.  


Funeral Party usually, but we need Pallas  to come up with a better nickname for Mountainstien.  The Risen Mountain.  The Reanimated Corpse of that fucker who did in Oberyn.  



Edited by stillshimpy
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Agree, @nachomama. 20 more days! I'm towards the end of re-watching Season 3 right now (Red Wedding is next: maybe I can watch without looking thru my fingers this time?), and I am going to try to hit an episode every other day until I watch S4E10 right before S5E01. Hype is building!


It is amazing how many of the stories I am invested in have shifted across the Narrow Sea.

- I am still enjoying the story of Dany and the Dragons, more so because of the dragons and those around her (Barristan Selmy, Grey Worm, Missandei the translator, less so Daario II) than from any excitement I have for the storyline of Danerys Stormborn, titles, titles... Yes, I think Dany is vital to the overall story of GoT, but her individual narrative has slowly started treading water again after the amazing episode where she sacked Astapor and got her army of Unsullied.

- I have always liked the Jorah Mormont character, and he is presently cut loose from Dany (and presumably still in Essos), so I hope we check in on him over there.

- Tyrion and Varys are headed east; this could be a buddy road show to rival The Hound + Arya or Jaime + Brienne.

- Speaking of Arya, she is heading to Braavos aboard a ship; could a reunion with A Man be in the future?

- They are currently north of the Wall, but King Stannis (the Rightful King of Westeros) and Ser Davos were on the other side of the Narrow Sea last season when they were asking for a loan from the Iron Bank of Braavos. Maybe they go back to restructure their debt obligations?

- Perhaps Salador Sahn is still hanging out in the giant spa / brothel? I like that guy.

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Did we see what became of the partner of the southerner, Martell? Is she still in the capital?


No, we didn't see what became of her.  I think that's Ellaria Sand (Dorne's illegitimate children evidently all have the last name Sand....which is a vote for "plan your vacation in Dorne , if you ask me).  


She was last seen screaming in complete horror when Oberyn's head ....um.  Yeah.   


So as far as we know she's still scrubbing the poor fellow up from the arena.    Although, here's hoping she had the wits to get the fuck out of there, because Nothing Good Ever Happens in King's Landing, so it's probably best to vamoose. 

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It's probably best, but he was a cool dude and I'd like to see her get revenge. I mean that would probably end poorly and then we'd have two dead lovers instead of one, but  I'd like to see it. Maybe we travel with her to Dorne.. it WOULD make a nice change of pace, and bw interesting to see how liberal and carebear-y it really is. 


I do enjoy coming here once a year, I have to say, it's become a tradition like other traditions now - because like Christmas, it's not the gifts that are the most important, it's the smell of the season- spring is in the air, days are getting longer and we get to speculate on who plays the violent, cynical game of thrones the least horribly. 

Edited by abcfsk
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Hey what's the name of the episode where Jorah....departs....let's stick with calling it his departure?  I need to rewatch that one.

Shimpy: S4E08 - The Mountain and The Viper. I would suggest skipping the last few minutes.


he was a cool dude and I'd like to see her get revenge.

abcfsk: So we know how that will turn out, right? Ugh. This show...

But I agree that a trip south would be lovely. Oberyn said that 'in Dorne, we don't abuse little girls' (paraphrase); if true, spending some time in a place like that would be the Westeros version of a beach holiday.

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Hear ye, hear ye! The fifth annual gathering of the members of the Spitball Wall commences.  


Greetings, Salutations and how the Seven Hells have you all been? Hail fellow and Willfully Ignorant Met! Good to see you back for the next campaign. The Siege of Season Five: Unsullied (Unsillied ™ gingerella) Survival Guide.


Remember, keep your wits about you and don't take Wolf-Shaped Biscuits from strangers.  Remember our motto:  Avoid That Which Cannot Be Unseen . Welcome fellow travelers of the Willfully Ignorant Variety on the road to Winter (Eventual and Perpetually Pending, though it may be).  Remember, our friends the White Cloaks need due time to patrol The Kings Road.  Varys spies could be anywhere, after all.

My fellow members of the Spitball Wall, remember, there's never any shame in hiding behind a rock while singing "La! La! La!"  

General guidelines for survival in this land include letting  someone else do the wine-tasting before you drink deeply from a stranger's flask. RIP Joffrey, the one time that worked out for all concerned! Huzzah!  Peering through fingers is also useful in a pinch.  Also, avoid the hell out of Huffpo and Buzzfeed, because those bastards are out to get your eyes, I'm telling ye. 


All are welcome, stay alive and guard your direwolves. Better yet, kennel those poor suckers some place like Narnia for the duration, because the Kingdoms aren't much for the Animal Rescue and Safety Set, if you get my dying-like-direwolves drift over here.


Grog is free to one and all, as always.


Please see the supply maester for earplugs and blindfolds and remember The Battle Hymn of the Unsullied by that musical maester Bylley Joaelathonmonposter: Only the Starks Die Young.


Also, if anyone ever says "Today is not the day I die" , take cover post haste if you want to keep your hide on your body and your head unmashed. Thank you Oberyn for that lesson. We have a potions Maester working night and day on the invention of 409 for that particular courtyard stain, until then, avert thine eyes.

Onwards towards Victory! Or a terrible and torturous death. It's usually one or the other.


May your journey be joyful, and your willfully ignorant virtue remain unscathed for all the remaining days of this series.


On an almost serious note: Be freaking aware and step nimbly around on HBO's onDemand and HBO in general, because they are just bound and determined to show previews.  I nearly Harry Reid'd my faced the other day whilst on ye olde elliptical, trying to rewatch 4.8 and HBO started the bloody thing off with a preview.  Cue frantic fast-forwarding while attempting to balance at high speeds.  I ended up leaping sideways into the middle of the room, while fast-forward and managing to land on my feet.  The East German judge gave me a 6.5 (from his time machine when East Germany still existed)  , knocking off points for rough language and complete lack of grace.  


Have a care, fellow travelers.  Have a care.  

Edited by stillshimpy
  • Love 5

Hail, brothers and sisters of the Just Watch!  Ten days and nights remain!


Reading back through this thread I recalled that yesterday, April 1st, was the anniversary of TWoP's passing.  We may now erect a headstone in the form of Tubey.  This reminded me what a blessing it was that Previously was already launched, and that rather than see us scatter like Stark scions, David then created this sanctuary for us.  


Funeral Party usually, but we need Pallas  to come up with a better nickname for Mountainstien.


Re-Mount.  A nickname that also alludes to his late stallion. 

  • Love 2

We are the only happy people in The Seven Kingdoms.  


We have a potions Maester working night and day on the invention of 409 for that particular courtyard stain, until then, avert thine eyes.


409: what comes after 4-08.  I loved your account of the narrow escape from HBO previews, shimpy, and have done the same while on the phone with the TV on mute and, from the side of my eye, catching a glimpse of a familiar face.  In the middle of two conversations I've unaccountably gasped "No!" and flipped around on the couch.  While it got easier to police myself after the first long summer, it has gotten exponentially harder to avoid A Show's public preeminence.  


The sudden glut of Sunday riches putting an end to this fierce winter -- Thrones, Mad Men, Wolf Hall -- may prove the cultural force behind a measurable drop in Monday productivity, lasting just past Father's Day...And as for that: which pater will it be this year?  

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