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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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8 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Go back a page or two, there is a video, and you can decide for yourself what she said.

I watched it but still confused as to why that's an issue.  Did somebody bully her over it?  Sorry, if I'm beating the dead horse, but I just keep reading this reference and I don't know why it's significant.  That's all.

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3 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Exactly! I don't get why they don't just let her get HOH because she is the only one who would actually go after Frank. I guess Day just doesn't trust her enough. Not to mention the fact that it would be hard for Nicole to explain to Frank why she let Tiffany get HOH.

Nicole: "I don't knoooow. I wasn't thiiiiiinking. OhmyGod, that was so stuuuupid."

Easy. And believable. 

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Exactly! I don't get why they don't just let her get HOH because she is the only one who would actually go after Frank. I guess Day just doesn't trust her enough. Not to mention the fact that it would be hard for Nicole to explain to Frank why she let Tiffany get HOH.

And Day is worried they won't have enough votes. Who would Frank have to be up against to leave? Frank/James/?

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1 minute ago, J.D. said:

I watched it but still confused as to why that's an issue.  Did somebody bully her over it?  Sorry, if I'm beating the dead horse, but I just keep reading this reference and I don't know why it's significant.  That's all.

I think just because production making her lie is gross - and people have said Zak is weird over the Tiffany/Paulie relationship because Z is crushing.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Nicole: "I don't knoooow. I wasn't thiiiiiinking. OhmyGod, that was so stuuuupid."

Easy. And believable. 

LMAO I would kill to see this!

1 minute ago, mooses said:

Who would Frank have to be up against to leave? Frank/James/?

It would depend on so many factors really. Honestly I just don't see it happening. Between Day's paranoia, most of these people being too chickenshit to go through with it, and Production it feels virtually impossible for Frank to get evicted at this point.

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Da'Vonne's target is switching to Nicole. LOL

Oh dear lawd -- !  Next she'll be going after Julie Chen.

2 minutes ago, mooses said:

I think just because production making her lie is gross - and people have said Zak is weird over the Tiffany/Paulie relationship because Z is crushing.

Ah... gotcha.  I forgot about the Tiffany / Paulie .... Zak jealousy weirdness.  

Oh this show - whew!

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NOOOOOOOOOOOO!  not Nicole.  I adore that woman and she would be with the women in a heartbeat!  Work with her.  I have vapors, I am going to take to my bed...........with the Scotch.

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All they talk about is Tiffany's "blow ups" "explosions" and "eruptions." The feeds are too boring for all of these to be true. She just hates Frank!

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Just now, mooses said:

All they talk about is Tiffany's "blow ups" "explosions" and "eruptions." The feeds are too boring for all of these to be true. She just hates Frank!

Oh good god. The only thing Tiff does is cry and pull her hat down over her eyes.  

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well Nicole's talking to Michelle now so it's all over.

Michelle is definitely going to spill something and it will all get blamed on Tiffany.

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8 minutes ago, J.D. said:

Oh dear lawd -- !  Next she'll be going after Julie Chen.

Granted, it's just guesswork on my end but Da'Vonne knows that Nicole is pissed at her for talking to Tiffany, because of the fear that Tiffany will freak so... Nicole's next in the crosshairs!


1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well Nicole's talking to Michelle now so it's all over.

Fuuuuck. And I thought this actually had a chance. Silly me.

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I started this season loving Day, then that changed.  I want to believe, from the depths of my heart, that Day and Tiffany are really and truly bonding. I love Tiffany.  I rescue dogs, it is similar. 

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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

I started this season loving Day, then that changed.  I want to believe, from the depths of my heart, that Day and Tiffany are really and truly bonding. I love Tiffany.  I rescue dogs, it is similar. 

Ha! I came in loving Nicole but this Cory routine is tiring. I thought I'd like Frank better without Boogie, but that's a no go.

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Keep the faith, Nicole is not stupid. She is beginning to put things together that have eluded her. She is lovable and not threatening.  I thought Day had a true bond with her.  Sigh, you just cannot believe anything Day says. 

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If Day is smart then later on she'll give Nicole and earful regarding Tiffany even if it's a totally fabricated earful because Day's been talking WAY too long with Tiff to have the conversation be non game related.  Nicole's bound to ask what they talked about for so long and if Day plays it off, like, "Oh,nothing.  We were just making small talk about our families and favorite music,"  -- Day will be screwed!

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Here we go. Da'Vonne, Zakiyah, Michelle, and Nicole are having a meeting now. Which way is the spin going to go this time?

ETA: Oh and Tiffany! Let the fun begin!

Edited by Callaphera
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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Michelle is not buying what Tiffany is selling re: her not being Vanessa and how she's gonna be chill. Non-committal "Mmhmm"s and "Right"s. 

Out of all the Fatal 5, I think Michelle is the most sketchy. But when her name comes up, everyone "loves her" and trusts her "100%"

Michelle's contribution: "I want to have an 8-Pack meeting."

And Tiffany asks if the 8-Pack has her best interests in mind. A room full of silence and changing the subject. (Oops, called Tiff Vanessa! Day's not the only one confused.)

Edited by mooses
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Since ya'll are watching the girls, I figure I'd tune in to what the guys are talking about...see if I can get some info.  Yawn.  They're talking about alligators eating people and animals.  Double yawn.  Back to the girls convo.....

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Michele is so into Frank and the entire idea of the 8 pack going to the end.  THEY ARE THE COOL KIDS! The people she always wanted to love her.  I think she has delusions of being an FB star and get SM adoration for the fabulous the 8pack.  Scares me to even type this, 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Nicole's contribution: "*whine whine whine* I'm sick of talking game, to be honest."

I know! Says she's dehydrated so Michelle offers her water. "No, I have water." 

Nicole is not into this. Someone's gotta put on a Cory mask to keep her attention.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Nicole's contribution: "*whine whine whine* I'm sick of talking game, to be honest."

She does not want to expose how she feels or be required to lie.  This is a good thing. 

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1 minute ago, Umbelina said:

A one week banding together of all the girls?

Well, considering a couple of the girls are rats?  I see this backfiring.

Bridgette is going to scurry over to Frank and let him know. On the upside, that could be entertaining. Dangerous for the women, but entertaining for the feed watchers.

Nicole has mixed feelings. Of course she does. 

Edited by Callaphera
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I tried to avoid this season. I tried so hard. But I just can't help myself - another year of torture and disappointment.

Thank God for the sanity of these forums to deal with the insanity of the house.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Fixed that for you :)

What's their story.  Is Paulie into Zak?  Is Corey into Nicole?  Or is Paulie into Corey who's also into Paulie?  My head is spinning.  

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5 minutes ago, J.D. said:

What's their story.  Is Paulie into Zak?  Is Corey into Nicole?  Or is Paulie into Corey who's also into Paulie?  My head is spinning.  

This week on As The Stomach Turns... Paulie and Zakiyah are mutually flirt-using each other (I think), Nicole is into Corey but Corey strangely goes into the HoH bathroom to sit on the edge of the tub and "guard" (?) Frank every time he takes a shower. James likes Natalie but Natalie likes to complain about her two day boyfriend showmance, Victor. Paul strokes Bronte like Austin would stroke Liz. And Tiffany keeps asking, "Is this because I'm a lesbian?"

Edited by Callaphera
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Now Paulie doubting Frank while talking to Corey. While in bed together.

ETA: Frank and Day talking. Frank of course brings up Tiffany again.

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Michelle is moping and "having a moment" again. Nicole is whining again. 

But fuck all that because Frank is talking to Da'Vonne in the HN room.

ETA: I'm gonna threaten to give up on the feeds whenever it gets boring again, because the day after that, we get a day like this. 

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Frank is talking to Da'Vonne in the HN room.

I would love to see them in a final 2 bloodbath.  LOL.

Edited by J.D.
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Paulie/Cory talk - Paulie questioning Frank a little bit. 

And apparently Paulie does not want to take any girls to the end.

Meanwhile, Day tells Frank that she thinks Paulie/Tiffany are working together. And Tiffany will definitely put her up if she's HOH. Why does this help Day? She should be putting heat on the Spy Girls.

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I would do terrible on this show.  I wouldn't be able to keep all the lies straight.  No wonder Audrey hid in a room with a blanket over her sunglassed eyes.  

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Frank and Day just BS'd each other so much.

We have a James sighting. He's talking to the lovebirds in the HOH bed about BB16 and Derrick never being nominated.

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If they lose Frank as the target, I might need a handler tonight so I can recline on my chaise and be tended. 

Edited by wings707
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