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S02.E02: I Looked Like a Man in a Dress

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This show has become very hard to watch. I fear so much not just for Jazz but all trans people. They have become such a flashpoint for hate and bigotry.

I adore Gramma Jazz. I plan to sport her look when I'm that age.

I've gotta disagree with those who think Jazz's mom is an attention hound. I find her very genuine, along with the rest of the family. I think that she's very fearful of Jazz being in the public eye but sincerely feels that the awareness it creates is saving lives. When Jazz told her therapist that she had been moved into her parents' room during her deep depression so they could keep an eye on her at all times, my heart ached. I had a troubled teen myself who self-harmed. It was terrifying (all good now, happy to say). Jazz has circumstantial reasons to be depressed complicated by hormones. I am so relieved she seems to have come out of that dark place for now.

Mom and Sander openly discussing his disappointment was very touching. Again, even though there is an obvious UNreality to the show, most of the family moments feel real to me. I just think they are good people.

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This was a frustrating episode for me, exemplifying why I can't watch most reality TV:  I think every issue and emotion discussed tonight was genuine.  I think every single conversation in which those things were discussed was done for the show.

Let's film with your therapist about how you felt during your depression.  Guys, how about you was the car while you talk about Jazz getting a greater share of the attention; Sander, we're going to do a dinner scene with you and your mom to address it.  Let's film a family meeting about the creepy phone calls and whether Jazz should remove herself from the public eye.  How about we bring in a fire pit and do a burning of the clothes ritual.  We'll do a scene with your parents to recap the issues being focused on in this episode.

Etc.  It's not fake, in that most if not all of these conversations did happen, it's just that they'd already happened and these were reenactments of them to tell the story.  That's not inherently bad, but as a decades-long viewer of documentaries, reality TV is hard for me to swallow.

The reason I keep going with this show, though, is the fact this isn't commonly-explored territory on TV, and it can make a difference.  And Jazz is an incredibly likable person, and her family is pleasant to watch as well.  As hard as Jazz has it, we have consistently seen that the difference between her experience transitioning early enough to prevent male puberty and those - young and old - who transitioned afterward is striking, so that's an ongoing conversation I think it's great to see.

The scene with Jeanette and Sander, while obviously done for the show, seemed a genuine expression of both their feelings.  I like that they keep going back to that well, too, like with the first season scene of Ari talking about how many family photos showed Jeanette and Jazz together, because any time you have a multi-child family where one has special needs of some sort, this is going to be a recurring issue, no matter how much love and understanding. 

And, yay - Nemo!  Do they have two other cats?  The cat on top of the fridge and the cat one of the boys carried downstairs and had on his lap (while Nemo snoozed on the back of the couch) looked like two different cats, but I didn't get a good look at the fridge kitty. 

Edited by Bastet
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10 hours ago, Bastet said:

This was a frustrating episode for me, exemplifying why I can't watch most reality TV.  I think everything discussed tonight was genuine.  I think every single conversation in which those things were discussed was done for the show.

The reason I keep going with this show, though, is the fact this isn't commonly-explored territory on TV, and it can make a difference. 

I agree completely. It's all scripted and fake, but it also seems that the real emotions come through. When Jeanette and Sander began that conversation, the dialogue was so bad. And it seemed like dialogue, not a real conversation. But when both got emotional, I absolutely believed it. Same with Jazz's interactions with Noelle. It started out hokey but then became real.

In short, I give this show a pass because it is so important to have Jazz's story out there. I can roll my eyes at the fakeness of it all because the overall message is needed.

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Wait, we have a camera crew with us, we televise our family, we do events and write books, but then we wonder how people know us and the details of our lives? Well, duh. What did they think would happen? It's not like reality shows are some new genre that people are new to and don't know how they work. 

I get what Noelle was doing with the old clothes, but all I could think was I hope to hell those things don't burst into massive flames. The sports clothes were basically all plastic based! LOL! I kept waiting to see both girls jump back from a wayward spark. I hope Jazz did go shopping with her. Jazz always looks so cute, especially in a time when most girls her age (she's what? 15?) either look incredibly age inappropriate, going too young or too old, or just plan wrecks. 

I know there was a small discussion about Jazz's birth name in the last episode thread, but that left me wondering if Jazz is short for anything. Jasmine? Jocelyn? It seems like a nickname for something longer. 

The phone call thing bugs me.  It was something that the guy said in the message.

I still think it’s cooked up by TLC for storyline in the regards that it’s a re-enactment of some phone call they may have gotten and TLC just dialed up a few notches. 

Felt bad for the girl Noelle. Glad she got closer and that she is transitioning now instead of say 5 more years from now.  But I wish she would have just burned the jersey (for symbolism) and donated the rest of the clothes to Goodwill and then went shopping.  I would have loved to see their shopping trip more than awkward talk.

Glad Jazz has a real therapist and not a hack like the Sisterwives. Which makes me wonder, do all TLC “celebs” have therapists? Seems so.


But I wish she would have just burned the jersey (for symbolism) and donated the rest of the clothes to Goodwill and then went shopping.

That's what I said to a friend of mine -- someone could have used those clothes, but I also understand it could be cathartic for her to have a ritual, so I wish she'd have just burned the football uniform (which she said was the primary symbol of the false identify she'd been forced to live) and donated the rest.

Edited by Bastet
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I've watched this show from the beginning and really do like Jazz and her family.  However, I'm getting a little irritated with the constant promos for next week's episode with all the angst about the $20,000.00 for the testosterone implant that's not covered by insurance.  I've no idea how much Jazz's family gets per episode, but I'm guessing it's plenty.  I know this is TLC's fault for once again scripting this "reality" series to keep us on the edge of our seats, but enough already! 

Jeanette is really starting to peeve me. I asked on last week's about Jazz going to therapy. I caught up on the second episode today, and could not beliiiiiieve Jeanette sat in on Jazz's session. It was totally inappropriate for the discussion being had. I don't know if she only was there for the cameras or what but hoo boy...

 Notice how the therapist asked JAZZ what complications or botherings, whatever she was dealing with and "Momma Bear" jumped in with the phone calls that didnt bother Jazz at all. 

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I have serious side eye for any therapist who allows a camera in their office, staged reenactment or not, so I'm more than with you on Jazz's mother not only being there, but talking in the appointment. So completely inappropriate. This was not a family session, it was supposed to be an appointment for Jazz.

And I noticed something Jazz and the new generation of young women do that completely bugs me. Does no one tell girls to sit with their knees together anymore, especially in a skirt or tiny shorts? In the therapist's office, her legs were all sprawled apart and I've seen more than a few of friends/bridesmaids sitting like that on Say Yes To the Dress. I know there's a new term for when guys sit like that, man-spreading, but it was always known as flashing the goods for girls when I was growing up. I'm not even 40 and I feel like I'm showing my age here! LOL!

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Re the therapist, when my teens were seeing a counselor, the parents were brought in for the last few minutes of the session, providing the clients were willing.  In this case, since what was filmed was staged/reinacted, I have no problem with Jeannette being there. It actually seems less invasive to me than showing a one-on-one with Jazz and the therapist. I'm sure Jazz had her private time off camera. 

Not enough Jack and Jacky in this episode  :)

Jazz has seen this therapist since she was small. When my son was in therapy most of the time I went in for a few minutes to tell the therapist any thing that I thought might be a problem with my son. Sometimes, though, my son would ask me to sit in for the whole session. It helped me get an insight into my son opening up to help me later as well as letting the therapist see how he and I interacted. Or how he interacted with both of his parents when my husband came. We never asked to sit in and if I didn't sit in, I didn't ask what was said. It was his safe place. Perhaps Jazz wanted Jeannette in this session.

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