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Season 12 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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22 minutes ago, smoker said:

totally agree MMC!!

At least the horrid toupée is still on holidays

Too damn bad it can't take one of these long extended holidays. She happens to be a very pretty lady, but that wig doesn't do her any favors. Hopefully they have heard the complaints from the fandom and will give the actress a wig that is a bit more flattering to her.

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So according to Harry, KV,TG and the new guy are on the set today. Somebody asked him about MGG and was told that he will be on the set Monday. And than someone asked about AJC. And Harry said she wouldn't be on the set until Friday. And I am wondering if he meant next Friday. Because if it was this Friday Harry would have just said that AJC was going to be on the set tomorrow. Harry also said something about the actress already having worked some. Whatever that means.

It has been pointed out to me elsewhere that next Friday the show will have started filming the second episode of the season. So I stand corrected. It has to be this Friday Harry was talking about.

Edited by MMC
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well someone somewhere else thought he said Lou Galvez. *shrug* I've tweeted him and Harry to ask what it is, cause his enunciation sucks, quite frankly. And Luke will always be Mark Hamill to me O:-) so, yeah, Luke was not a good name for his character. Is he supposed to be Hispanic? Alvez? Galvez? either sounds Hispanic to me. Luke. Definitely not.

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13 hours ago, ReidFan said:

well someone somewhere else thought he said Lou Galvez. *shrug* I've tweeted him and Harry to ask what it is, cause his enunciation sucks, quite frankly. And Luke will always be Mark Hamill to me O:-) so, yeah, Luke was not a good name for his character. Is he supposed to be Hispanic? Alvez? Galvez? either sounds Hispanic to me. Luke. Definitely not.

I had a boyfriend with a Spanish first name (his mother emigrated from Cuba) and a German last name (his father was of mostly German and English ancestry.

I have a Jewish surname, but not Jewish (and I look very Irish).

But Luke is so random. And like you, I think of Luke Skywalker when I hear the name Luke. Or of Anthony Geary's character, Luke, of Luke and Laura fame on General Hospital.

Lou could be a possibility. Luis is pretty Hispanic sounding.

But then like you said, this dude's enunciation sucks. Sure, Matthew talks fast when emoting as Spencer, but I can understand him, and I can also imagine Spencer speaking rapidly when explaining the motivations of a possible unsub. The BAU team and the LEOs they work with need all the info they can get when solving a case.

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and Matthew's enunciation does not 'suck' when he's Matthew and not Spencer. I mean, when he's speaking in his normal speaking voice. I find 'Reid' hard to follow sometimes when he's on one of his statistics/scientific explanation speeches, but it's more likely just the big words I'm unfamiliar with. But 'Matthew' I have no trouble understanding.

I find I have the CC on quite a bit when watching Criminal Minds, because 1. the damn music is always so freakin' loud it overruns the dialogue sometimes; 2. I love him to death but Thomas Gibson is such a mumbler, half the time I don't know what Hotch just said; 3. lol to verify the spelling of things sometimes..

aside....watching Boogeyman right now (love Cameron Monaghan, what a great young actor) and I never really paid attention before but Holy Crap- Gideon sure liked to boss everyone around, telling HOTCH what to do! geez *smack*

  • Love 3
47 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

and Matthew's enunciation does not 'suck' when he's Matthew and not Spencer. I mean, when he's speaking in his normal speaking voice. I find 'Reid' hard to follow sometimes when he's on one of his statistics/scientific explanation speeches, but it's more likely just the big words I'm unfamiliar with. But 'Matthew' I have no trouble understanding.

I find I have the CC on quite a bit when watching Criminal Minds, because 1. the damn music is always so freakin' loud it overruns the dialogue sometimes; 2. I love him to death but Thomas Gibson is such a mumbler, half the time I don't know what Hotch just said; 3. lol to verify the spelling of things sometimes..

aside....watching Boogeyman right now (love Cameron Monaghan, what a great young actor) and I never really paid attention before but Holy Crap- Gideon sure liked to boss everyone around, telling HOTCH what to do! geez *smack*

Sure, sometimes Spencer talks about topics we might not be familiar with but we are smart ladies with the ability to look things up. I used to be a copywriter for our local science/technology museum. My job was to write about emerging (and not so-emerging) technologies and make them audience-friendly without dumbing them down. I did this by researching these topics and interviewing people working with these technologies. It was a lot of fun but very challenging. If I was to base a CM character on wee little me, I'd make her someone who stays behind to write brief, yet informative profiles on the cases the BAU has worked on and making them easily understandable to other people with the FBI, LEOs and criminology students. I bet I'd have a lot of fun interviewing Spencer!

And seriously, can any of you imagine me out in the field with the BAU, examining dead bodies and severed limbs, and shooting off a gun? I'd probably spend my entire time in the field fainting!

Yep, Matthew enunciates fine, I've never had a hard time understanding Thomas Gibson myself. Maybe it's my TV? But then again, I'm positively woobie over TB's voice. It's a total panty-dropper.

On-topic: I'm of both minds as we reach season 12. Part of me fears it will be a total suckfest, and a part of me is hoping it's a fresh start and we get some amazing episodes. And Matthew better get to direct at least one episode, but at this point I'm afraid the guy who delivers the Jimmy John's will get to direct an episode before Matthew does.

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What was the date they started filming the first new episode of the season and when will they be through. I saw where someone had also asked about Joe.And Harry's answer to them was that Joe had already worked some and that he would be back on set Tuesday. So it looks as if everyone including the newbie has filmed so far with the exception of Matthew. I also noted that Harry told this person that they try to give each of the core cast 2 if not more days off. Anyways I certainly hope that when Matthew finally arrives Monday to start filming this episode he won't be taking anymore days off.

Who do I gotta kill see about this problem I'm having?  It's this show I love, that I've watched for more than a decade, wasting its waning days introducing a character to me that I will see for a season or two at best, when there are beloved characters I've followed for 11+ years, for whom I'm still trying to find answers to questions about their lives and see them have closure?

Who thinks up this stuff?  Who thinks this is a good idea?  Who would honestly rather spend 42 minutes a week getting to know Luke/Lou/Luis/Whateverthehell when Reid has never had a personal life outside the BAU or kicked in a door or been recruited by all the alphabet agencies and we still wonder was Hotch abused as a child or wasn't he and what did Mr. Scratch do to him anyway?  

Any one of us could probably run this show better than this lot.  

  • Love 7

The problem is that CBS/CM has managed to dumb down so much of the audience to a point that it is not as discerning as it was in the past. So you get them accepting these convoluted story lines such as 200. Or being perfectly okay with Rossi so easily forgiving and welcoming his ex-wife back in his life despite the fact that she denied him the right to be a father for many years.

Now that is quite a big contrast compared to the earlier seasons. You see I have always been of the opinion that they wanted some sort of reconciliation between Reid and his dad. And from all appearances it looked like there had been some sort of reconciliation between father and son. But then afterwards we never again heard a peep out of Reid about his dad. Now I could be wrong but I always believed that there may have been some sort of backlash from pissed off fans who weren't about to buy William Reid's excuse as to why he abandoned his wife and young son.

It's just too damn bad(not really) that they didn't hold off on any sort reconciliation attempt with Reid and his dad. Because who knows CBS/CM just may have had an easier time getting the audience to accept William Reid's cockamamie excuse for why he abandoned his family in the later seasons where the audience doesn't seem to be as discerning as it use to be.

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It is not surprising at all that CBS hired a new actor to replace Shemar. I mean, NCIS hired TWO series regulars to replace Michael Weatherly, and that show is starting its 14th season. SVU did the same thing after Christopher Meloni left. Grey's Anatomy did it after Patrick Dempsey left. It's just the way of  most long running TV shows. 

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Of course I understand intellectually that Shemar will be replaced.  I simply would prefer to not waste precious screen time "getting to know him," as we have been promised will happen.  Let him remain a mystery and unfold, naturally. If the show ends before that fully happens, oh well.  Meanwhile, I want to see the folks I do know and have come to care about reach their own personal/professional fulfillment.  Of course, I could argue that with some better writers, there'd be no need to replace Morgan, if the focus of the BAU went back to cerebral crime busting rather than takedowns with guns a-blazin'.  But that's a tired old horse and I'm sick of beating it.

I have loved Reid since forever.  But it would've been weird even for me if they'd dumped him down my throat and told us all his secrets in the show's first couple of episodes.  We even had "Derailed" before we ever knew about Diana, which to me made "Derailed" even better in retrospect.  That was some good planning/writing.

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On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 7:42 AM, Droogie said:

Of course I understand intellectually that Shemar will be replaced.  I simply would prefer to not waste precious screen time "getting to know him," as we have been promised will happen.  Let him remain a mystery and unfold, naturally. If the show ends before that fully happens, oh well.  Meanwhile, I want to see the folks I do know and have come to care about reach their own personal/professional fulfillment.  Of course, I could argue that with some better writers, there'd be no need to replace Morgan, if the focus of the BAU went back to cerebral crime busting rather than takedowns with guns a-blazin'.  But that's a tired old horse and I'm sick of beating it.

I have loved Reid since forever.  But it would've been weird even for me if they'd dumped him down my throat and told us all his secrets in the show's first couple of episodes.  We even had "Derailed" before we ever knew about Diana, which to me made "Derailed" even better in retrospect.  That was some good planning/writing.

I'm with you. Spencer is the character I loved the most when I finally discovered CM (thankfully during the earlier seasons). Sure, it helped that he's played by a very good looking man, one who can actually act. But it was truly the character of Spencer and his decency, intelligence, empathy, love of learning and all-around decency that made me truly feel for him. I told my friend Nora to watch some earlier eps of CM to find out why I liked this show and Spencer so much. She did and she told me (and I'm paraphrasing), "Yep, I can totally understand why you like this character so much. He has qualities you admire. And he's really cute!" Yes, Nora knows me so well.

I wonder where Spencer would be in the current day of CM if MESSer and co hadn't messed up so much. Would he have reconciled with his father? Would he be allowed to have a girlfriend or wife, or at least a social life outside of the BAU? What furthering his education or mentoring kid geniuses? Spencer could be made so much more, yet has been whittled down to nothingness. And it is such a pity.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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They messed him up before the "days of Messer", IMO. She wasn't in charge in season 6, when they started hinting at Reid's headaches/possible exit-because-he's-crazy. The thing that messed him up is the same thing that caused Rachel to be hired and AJ and Paget to be fired, and episodes like "The Thirteenth Step" to be proffered in hopes of a new audience who loved extreme Unsubs, because, apparently, those of us who liked it the way it was were old fogies. 

There is all the opportunity to make Spencer central again, with the exit of Morgan, but will they do it? I highly doubt it. But is it just EM calling the shots? No. Is it just her fault that things are perilous for the character of Spencer? No. Does she share blame? Of course, but please don't think for a second that the exit of any show runner and/or writer will make (or break) the show going forward. We may just have to be content with what we get, as in life.

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36 minutes ago, Bookish Jen said:

I'm with you. Spencer is the character I loved the most when I finally discovered CM (thankfully during the earlier seasons). Sure, it helped that he's played but a very good looking man, one who can actually act. But it was truly the character of Spencer and his decency, intelligence, empathy, love of learning and all-around decency that made me truly feel for him. I told my friend Nora to watch some earlier eps of CM to find out why I liked this show and Spencer so much. She did and she told me (and I'm paraphrasing), "Yep, I can totally understand why you like this character so much. He has qualities you admire. And he's really cute!" Yes, Nora knows me so well.

I wonder where Spencer would be in the current day of CM if MESSer and co hadn't messed up so much. Would he have reconciled with his father? Would he be allowed to have a girlfriend or wife, or at least a social life outside of the BAU? What furthering his education or mentoring kid geniuses? Spencer could be made so much more, yet has been whittled down to nothingness. And it is such a pity.

Yes all of this. Plus would he be making more contributions towards helping solve the cases? Would his genius be on display a lot more? And would he in fact still be the BAU's one and only Bona fide genius. The earlier writers had this amazing ability to show off Reid being a genius without dumbing down the other characters. Quite a contrast to the later years when they wanted to show us how brilliant the "Golden Girl" was and at times doing it at the expense of Reid. 

  • Love 2
46 minutes ago, normasm said:

They messed him up before the "days of Messer", IMO. She wasn't in charge in season 6, when they started hinting at Reid's headaches/possible exit-because-he's-crazy. The thing that messed him up is the same thing that caused Rachel to be hired and AJ and Paget to be fired, and episodes like "The Thirteenth Step" to be proffered in hopes of a new audience who loved extreme Unsubs, because, apparently, those of us who liked it the way it was were old fogies. 

There is all the opportunity to make Spencer central again, with the exit of Morgan, but will they do it? I highly doubt it. But is it just EM calling the shots? No. Is it just her fault that things are perilous for the character of Spencer? No. Does she share blame? Of course, but please don't think for a second that the exit of any show runner and/or writer will make (or break) the show going forward. We may just have to be content with what we get, as in life.

Sadly I believe you are right. I had hoped with Breen being promoted things would be different. But for the most part it was the same old same old. And while I do lay a good deal of blame at the feet of EM and her writers, I also realize the buck stops with CBS. They were the ones who stupidly decided to fire the girls unnecessarily, this despite the fact that this cast actually won some sort of diversity award as favorite cast. And again despite the fact that the show's original concept was getting tremendous ratings, the geniuses who run CBS still felt it was necessary to push for changes. I am all for changes, because I realize that has to happen if a show is going to grow. And the same goes for it's characters. But when changes are extreme to the point where the show and its characters now seem but only a shadow of what they use to be. Well that is just very, very sad in my book.  

Edited by MMC
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4 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

I'm with you. Spencer is the character I loved the most when I finally discovered CM (thankfully during the earlier seasons). Sure, it helped that he's played but a very good looking man, one who can actually act. But it was truly the character of Spencer and his decency, intelligence, empathy, love of learning and all-around decency that made me truly feel for him. I told my friend Nora to watch some earlier eps of CM to find out why I liked this show and Spencer so much. She did and she told me (and I'm paraphrasing), "Yep, I can totally understand why you like this character so much. He has qualities you admire. And he's really cute!" Yes, Nora knows me so well.

I wonder where Spencer would be in the current day of CM if MESSer and co hadn't messed up so much. Would he have reconciled with his father? Would he be allowed to have a girlfriend or wife, or at least a social life outside of the BAU? What furthering his education or mentoring kid geniuses? Spencer could be made so much more, yet has been whittled down to nothingness. And it is such a pity.

When I first got one of my daughters to watch it, she said, "Oh, I could tell right away which guy Mom liked!" She loves Reid, too. Although, for me, after watching for awhile I just one day realized that I was crazy about Hotch. I still love Reid, but Hotch is the one who really has my heart. But I do gravitate toward smart guys. My husband's a genius. Not a Dr. Reid genius, but highly intelligent, well-read, quick thinker, etc. He's been on Jeopardy and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and won money. Okay, so he didn't win a million, but I still love him. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, MMC said:

Yes all of this. Plus would he be making more contributions towards helping solve the cases? Would his genius be on display a lot more? And would he in fact still be the BAU's one and only Bona fide genius. The earlier writers had this amazing ability to show off Reid being a genius without dumbing down the other characters. Quite a contrast to the later years when they wanted to show us how brilliant the "Golden Girl" was and at times doing it at the expense of Reid. 

Yes because even in the Gideon seasons both Gideon and Hotch admitted that they relied on Reid for his brains. Gideon nurtured him a bit more but even before he left, Hotch had some very nice moments encouraging Reid and showing him that he was valued. I miss those days. 

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Yes, as much as I want to lay blame at the feet of Messer and Co., it is really the top brass, the suits (or as my friend Mike calls them, the spreadsheeters) who are to blame. They ultimately make the decisions on how a show must go, both the good and the bad. Messer and Co are caught in the middle (and if they speak up they could end up losing their jobs) and ultimately the cast, crew, writers, viewers and CM as a whole pay a huge price.

Now if I was in charge (and why shouldn't I be-snerk) the suits would just count the money and I would encourage the creatives who truly are the reason why we tune into the TV shows we adore to keep coming up with innovative story lines, stronger characterizations and interesting direction. I empathize with the creatives because I, too, am very creative. I get them. But sadly, this isn't how it works, and not just in show business. I have worked as a copywriter, and I've had spreadsheeters who have only written college term papers tell me how to write, not quite getting I have vastly more writing experience, not just as a copywriter but also as a journalist, research writer and tech writer. But my experience means nothing to a man or woman who thinks he or she knows everything just because he or she has an MBA.

Screw them.

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Well I might very well be told that I am making too much out of it. And maybe I am. But I still feel compelled to speak my mind. I am sorry but that picture Beyond Boredom tweeted of Garcia and Monty and the caption they put with it seriously rubs me the wrong way. And if in fact I was on twitter my response would have been "Why yes I have and his name is Dr. Spencer Reid".

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Generally, I agree that, post S6, things haven't been as great on CM as they were at the beginning.

...but, if I may play Devil's Advocate here...

We are in Season 12. This will be Erica Messer's sixth season at the helm, longer than any other CM showrunner. She's produced 111 episodes (nine more than Edward Allen Bernero) and, by the end of S12, she will get to 133. That's a remarkable achievement in of itself, but it's even more remarkable considering she's taken over a show that was already past its syndication targets and a hit series' normal shelf life (when shows debut, initial contracts for the actors are for six seasons).

Arguably, Erica Messer has taken a show that should have been "left for dead" and rotted away after a few seasons and extended not just its longevity but its viability, especially after CBS bungled the situation with Paget Brewster and A.J. Cook. I think she deserves a commendation for that.

Yeah, in S7, CM's ratings were stratospheric, and under Messer's watch, the show has declined precipitously from those heights. However, TV ratings are down generally across the board, and CM's ratings have stabilized somewhat, with Messer doing enough to keep it being a safe renewal every year. That would be a great achievement for any show. For a show that she took over after S7, that's just downright fantastic.

Perhaps if we still had Bernero and his storywriting skills the show would be stronger. Perhaps. However, I just might have to say...given how far she's taken it, maybe Erica Messer really does know what she's doing.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, MMC said:

Well I might very well be told that I am making too much out of it. And maybe I am. But I still feel compelled to speak my mind. I am sorry but that picture Beyond Boredom tweeted of Garcia and Monty and the caption they put with it seriously rubs me the wrong way. And if in fact I was on twitter my response would have been "Why yes I have and his name is Dr. Spencer Reid".

I am on Twitter and tweeted as much.  Believe my exact quote was 'I thought Reid was the genius!' ?'

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, MMC said:

that picture Beyond Boredom tweeted of Garcia and Monty and the caption they put with it seriously rubs me the wrong way. And if in fact I was on twitter my response would have been "Why yes I have and his name is Dr. Spencer Reid".

What picture is that?

...and you should get a Twitter account, MMC. Then you could vent to your heart's content (in 140 characters or fewer, mind you).  

  • Love 1
37 minutes ago, Droogie said:

What picture is that?

...and you should get a Twitter account, MMC. Then you could vent to your heart's content (in 140 characters or fewer, mind you).  

Beyond Boredom tweeted it. I saw it on their official Set Report.

But I first saw it because that Jill woman(criminalminds@criminalminds) had retweeted it herself

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On 7/19/2016 at 5:46 PM, Bookish Jen said:

Yes, as much as I want to lay blame at the feet of Messer and Co., it is really the top brass, the suits (or as my friend Mike calls them, the spreadsheeters) who are to blame. They ultimately make the decisions on how a show must go, both the good and the bad. Messer and Co are caught in the middle (and if they speak up they could end up losing their jobs) and ultimately the cast, crew, writers, viewers and CM as a whole pay a huge price.

Now if I was in charge (and why shouldn't I be-snerk) the suits would just count the money and I would encourage the creatives who truly are the reason why we tune into the TV shows we adore to keep coming up with innovative story lines, stronger characterizations and interesting direction. I empathize with the creatives because I, too, am very creative. I get them. But sadly, this isn't how it works, and not just in show business. I have worked as a copywriter, and I've had spreadsheeters who have only written college term papers tell me how to write, not quite getting I have vastly more writing experience, not just as a copywriter but also as a journalist, research writer and tech writer. But my experience means nothing to a man or woman who thinks he or she knows everything just because he or she has an MBA.

Good point. One of the things that's often overlooked even by relatively sophisticated fans is the degree of creative interference and micromanagement in network television these days. It's actually increased especially for established series, At least according to my friend who is a television writer and what I read, as I can't say I have any experience producing TV series. There have always been notes and casting approval, but many networks now insist on approving script outlines, changing creative decisions in response to social media, and other minutiae. And they are more involved in hiring of lower level creative personnel too. It's a big part of the reason why so many established creators are moving to cable, streaming, etc.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

Generally, I agree that, post S6, things haven't been as great on CM as they were at the beginning.

...but, if I may play Devil's Advocate here...

We are in Season 12. This will be Erica Messer's sixth season at the helm, longer than any other CM showrunner. She's produced 111 episodes (nine more than Edward Allen Bernero) and, by the end of S12, she will get to 133. That's a remarkable achievement in of itself, but it's even more remarkable considering she's taken over a show that was already past its syndication targets and a hit series' normal shelf life (when shows debut, initial contracts for the actors are for six seasons).

Arguably, Erica Messer has taken a show that should have been "left for dead" and rotted away after a few seasons and extended not just its longevity but its viability, especially after CBS bungled the situation with Paget Brewster and A.J. Cook. I think she deserves a commendation for that.

Yeah, in S7, CM's ratings were stratospheric, and under Messer's watch, the show has declined precipitously from those heights. However, TV ratings are down generally across the board, and CM's ratings have stabilized somewhat, with Messer doing enough to keep it being a safe renewal every year. That would be a great achievement for any show. For a show that she took over after S7, that's just downright fantastic.

Perhaps if we still had Bernero and his storywriting skills the show would be stronger. Perhaps. However, I just might have to say...given how far she's taken it, maybe Erica Messer really does know what she's doing.

I get what you're saying, but what she's done is turn CM into just any old crime show instead of the genius it once was. The fact that she drew in a new audience of folks who actually enjoy it doesn't earn her any kudos in my book. I'm still going to mourn what was once a refreshing show with a great cast and clever writers. I don't think any of us here would care about who the show runner is or fret about changes in cast if the writing were still good. 

  • Love 7

well Kirsten just mentioned at SDCC --and tweeted out-- and it's been confirmed by Erica Messer as well, Paget is back for 'multiple episodes' this season. I'm guessing she'll be involved in the whole recapture the 13.... As long as it doesn't turn into the Power Puff Girls of CM. Hopefully, she's there to attend a Reid wedding :D

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15 minutes ago, ForeverAlone said:

And apparently there will be more crossovers with the spinoff. *snores*

that doesn't surprise me. BeyondBoredom isn't doing as well in the ratings and they're probably hoping to bribe   entice more OriginalFans to watch that crap by trotting out more familiar and loved characters. Kirsten is doing at least one, and didn't Joe do one last season too?  It'll have to be promises of naked Reid on a beach before they get me to watch that drek. O:-)

  • Love 4
54 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

well Kirsten just mentioned at SDCC --and tweeted out-- and it's been confirmed by Erica Messer as well, Paget is back for 'multiple episodes' this season. I'm guessing she'll be involved in the whole recapture the 13.... As long as it doesn't turn into the Power Puff Girls of CM. Hopefully, she's there to attend a Reid wedding :D

Hopefully, she's there to marry Reid..... OK/jk

Edited by normasm
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This article seems to confirm that she is back to help re-capture the thirteen, but there isn't a direct quote or anything about that.

I suppose I can buy that interpol would become involved in something like this.

Edited by secnarf

It must really irritate TPTB that Beyond Borders did so poorly and the original show is still hanging in there. I'm sure bringing Paget back is merely to boost ratings. But I love her, so I don't mind. That doesn't mean I'll overlook lousy writing, even though Paget is able to elevate the material with her delivery. They ought to move Joe over to BB. He's really too old to be running around chasing killers in the field. 

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