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Season 12 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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57 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

something to be positive about....Breen Frazier wrote it (he's my favourite of the regular writers, he does good Reid) and Glenn Kershaw is the best of the non-actor directors. I have hope for this one.... 

Now, is there any significance to 'crimson king' that may relate to one of the thirteen escaped killers?

Him and Sharon both.Although after the way he wrote Reid in that gawd awful Forever People,Sharon might just be a cut above him in my view.However Breen did redeem himself quite a bit when it comes to writing for Reid with the episode "Entropy"

I know that Breen said in that one interview that Reid holds a special place in his heart. That is if I am remembering correctly.Which to me is just another way of saying Reid is his favorite.Anyways despite my unhappiness over the fact that CM continued to be the unsub show under Breen's watch just as much as it had Janine's watch,I felt as a Reid fan the character wasn't as marginalized last season as he had been in previous seasons. I sincerely hope that trend continues in this up and coming season. In fact I am hoping that Reid is going to be even more relevant and even more prominent than last season.Hotch too for that matter.

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Well, there's the Stephen King Crimson King, and the band/song Crimson King. I'm voting it's the SK version.


Actually, now that I looked it up, the band was King Crimson, but they did have a song, In the Court of the Crimson King, which I see is what SK based his story partly on. It's the embodiment of Evil, kinda like Mr. Scratch.

Edited by normasm
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I would love for Paget to come back, but she has been pretty clear in saying she doesn't want to, and I really can't blame her for that. I'm also worried that if they bring her back, they will ruin her character. I mean, she's gone through a couple of "versions" and still turned out okay, but I'm not sure she would survive another version.

I think the character Emily returning would be the only way I would welcome more profilers. There are too many, but if one is Emily, I can look past that.

For a character like Tara who is actually on the show, I often forget she's supposed to be there until she's on screen, but a character like Emily, who hasn't been on the show in ages, I still miss her and half-expect her to show up at any minute. Even Morgan, who was on the show since the beginning, I haven't missed at all.

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actually, I just read that...and it quoted Messer. So it probably means there will be a short acknowledgement, something like this:

Hotch: And I'd like to welcome the newest member to the team, guys, this is SSA Whatsisname Whoshewhatzis.

Rossi: Welcome aboard!

Garcia: Don't be Baby Girling me

JJ: Can you babysit on Friday night?

Reid: You're not Morgan.

Hotchner: Okay, let's go over victimology......

15 minutes ago, secnarf said:

All of this lamenting over Morgan, you'd think he died.

part of me wishes they would have gone this route, lend some realism to the world of law enforcement. But part of me also acknowledges that 1. Moore  is open to guest appearances unlike Patinkin and Glaudini and 2. that may just have sent the Babygirls over the deep end. 

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28 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

actually, I just read that...and it quoted Messer. So it probably means there will be a short acknowledgement, something like this:

Hotch: And I'd like to welcome the newest member to the team, guys, this is SSA Whatsisname Whoshewhatzis.

Rossi: Welcome aboard!

Garcia: Don't be Baby Girling me

JJ: Can you babysit on Friday night?

Reid: You're not Morgan.

Hotchner: Okay, let's go over victimology......

part of me wishes they would have gone this route, lend some realism to the world of law enforcement. But part of me also acknowledges that 1. Moore  is open to guest appearances unlike Patinkin and Glaudini and 2. that may just have sent the Babygirls over the deep end. 

Your dialogue cracked me up and is totally spot-on in the current age of CM. And clearly this new agent's father is Dr. Seuss.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, ReidFan said:

part of me wishes they would have gone this route, lend some realism to the world of law enforcement. But part of me also acknowledges that 1. Moore  is open to guest appearances unlike Patinkin and Glaudini and 2. that may just have sent the Babygirls over the deep end.

Sent? ;-)

Yeah, I agree with reservations about Reid "mourning" the loss of Morgan. I can accept it if it is just something of him expressing a pang of missing for Morgan, but anything more is just too over the top for me. As an adult, you get used to people moving on with their lives, and it's not like Morgan isn't still in the area and they still communicate. And I will definitely raise an eyebrow if Reid treats the new guy like crap just because he is not Morgan. I am fine if there are actual professional conflicts, because that is realistic, but let's not make Reid a pouting baby. 

  • Love 3

and the stupidest thing about all this (possible Reid angst over Morgan being gone) is 1. it's way past that time, Morgan was already 'gone' for six months (all in one episode) when he came back briefly to actually retire and THAT is when Reid woulda been wringing his wrists if he were so inclined and 2. Reid, of ALL of them, would be the one who has not-while-at-work contact with Morgan. That was made obvious in Entropy, he pops over to the Derek/Savannah house, the way Savannah greeted him and spoke with him it seemed pretty clear to me that it isn't unusual for Reid to be there, and now, with the discussion about teaching HankSpencer chess,  we just know that Reid is at least occasionally visiting the Morgans even if it is off screen. If they wanna acknowledge that anybody/specifically Reid misses Morgan, it'd be easy enough to just drop into a conversation, without having to be wrought with tears falling and emotional outbursts. 

  • Love 6

that's so unprofessional, what then? ony being friendly when the replacement is a friend of his? (Blake)... I could see it if it was Morgan (it happened in season 8), but Reid? I get it, you miss your friend who lives in the same city and has a ton of free time nowadays by the way. Now do your job!
All this is crap writing, they aren't fixing anything, no continuity just soapy scenes and explosions without any conexion.
I'm so mad right now!

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I gotta agree, this is silly. It'd be one thing if it was Hotch who was replaced and the team had to deal with a new leader...then I could understand the consternation and the pining for things to be how they once were.

...but Morgan? He was just "one of the team", he had no special designation...it's not like a new guy would destroy the dynamic all that much. Not as much as a new leader would.

Now, if Delko's the kind of guy who comes in and bosses people around and gets on everyone's bad side- and Hotch decides he's too valuable to fire- then I could see the team being upset with his presence. Still, something like that is hokey, and I can't imagine a teammate being that abrasive sticking around for that long. Plus, the Office of Professional Responsibility would stomp that out quickly.

So, at most this should be an episode-long thing where Delko and Reid make up by the end and maybe Delko takes Reid out on the town like Morgan should have. Only then could I accept a storyline like this- if it leads to places where Morgan/Reid should have gone.

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I'm just really gonna hate it if this guy goes all big-brothery on Reid too, and if Reid falls into the lil-bro role.  It's been done.  Reid will outrank this guy by years, and I don't want to see any regression of his character.  I'd really like it if Reid became some sort of a mentor; if the newbie respected him and sought his counsel.  Otherwise, I fear I may be a bit pissed off.

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On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 8:45 PM, Droogie said:

I'm just really gonna hate it if this guy goes all big-brothery on Reid too, and if Reid falls into the lil-bro role.  It's been done.  Reid will outrank this guy by years, and I don't want to see any regression of his character.  I'd really like it if Reid became some sort of a mentor; if the newbie respected him and sought his counsel.  Otherwise, I fear I may be a bit pissed off.

Me, too. When is Spencer going to be treated as the experienced, skilled and professional man he truly is? I'm so sick of the BAU figuratively patting him on a child like he is a precocious child with a few buttons missing off his cardigan. I deal with enough of this garbage in my own life being a small, rather youthful-looking female.

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On 6/24/2016 at 9:10 PM, ReidFan said:

and the stupidest thing about all this (possible Reid angst over Morgan being gone) is 1. it's way past that time, Morgan was already 'gone' for six months (all in one episode) when he came back briefly to actually retire and THAT is when Reid woulda been wringing his wrists if he were so inclined and 2. Reid, of ALL of them, would be the one who has not-while-at-work contact with Morgan. That was made obvious in Entropy, he pops over to the Derek/Savannah house, the way Savannah greeted him and spoke with him it seemed pretty clear to me that it isn't unusual for Reid to be there, and now, with the discussion about teaching HankSpencer chess,  we just know that Reid is at least occasionally visiting the Morgans even if it is off screen. If they wanna acknowledge that anybody/specifically Reid misses Morgan, it'd be easy enough to just drop into a conversation, without having to be wrought with tears falling and emotional outbursts. 

That was my thought, too, in that episode after he leaves and they all seem to be mopey on the plane. It wasn't as if it was their first chance to work without him AND he wasn't dead nor did he move away. They can see him anytime. They just won't be working with him anymore. 

  • Love 4

Agree with you ReidFan, the thing is it would have been better for continuity if the Morgans had moved to Chicago or Savannah's hometown.
it's weird they were so close, sickly close (I mean their friendship and all) and the first party dinner in Rossi's manor, introducing the mother of his living child (I'm trying very hard not to be rude about this), and Morgan is absent. Savannah was on maternity leave, so they should have been there.

Every other agent was gone of DC one way or another, but Morgan. However, they behave like he is dead, as someone else pointed out a few comments ago.

There is no need of great dramatic resources to have a decent writing. Morgan could have had a chat with them after Hotch's arrest, being sorry for being out of town and blah blah blah, that would been a great excuse for missing the party too. Just saying.

A thing which would be refreshing is if Shemar next episode is not about a case related to him or another Jason Bourne caricature, but some party, friendly meeting or meal, it would be great seeing him integrated in his new role as a stay at home dad and suddenly all the team went for a case while he's left behind with the wifes (yes, Will is a mid 50's wife because they turned him in one). What would be his reaction? childlike or one of maturity, mIssing the action but content with his new life or regreting his decision? that would be interesting.

Edited by smoker
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The reason Morgan is not there for Reid is that they are gone from the DC area, in my theory. That's why he's a phone call away, which implies that if Reid calls because he needs Morgan, Morgan can come from wherever. He has his new life now, with his family, and it makes sense that he would make a clean break and move somewhere, if not Chicago, somewhere that is home to the both of them.

I realize people don't agree with me, and, if the writers hadn't made such a big deal of Reid missing Morgan as if he's dead, I wouldn't have to "excuse" it by believing he moved away. They could have written little bits about, "darn it, I was gonna go visit them this weekend, but we got this case" then he could be pouty but still an adult.

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I don't necessarily see why the Morgan family would move away from the DC area, unless Savannah wanted to change job location. Morgan certainly didn't make it sound like he was directly moving to a new career, but Savannah still has her career. Unless we hear something specific that indicates the Morgans have moved, I will continue to assume they still live in the DC metro area.

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Oh, he was definitely moving to a new career, they have hinted since season 4 that he could have headed a unit in NY. True, the show did not say what he did and did not do. It's just, if Morgan and Fam are still in that house with the funky front door window, there would be no reason for Reid and JJ and Rossi to say they miss him. He's still there!

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Maybe I'm the only one, but I actually understand why Reid (and the others) would miss Morgan so much.  I've lived through precisely that kind of circumstance, with a good friend who needed to move on, also for family reasons.  We worked so well as colleagues, we were able to build our service with a common vision, and we were able to trust one another's judgment, which put each of our minds at ease when one of us couldn't be present.  Having (barely) lived through the opposite, I was well aware of the treasure I was losing, and wary of who might come next.  That kind of anxiety would be heightened for the members of the BAU, who are dependent on one another, not only for success, but for the preservation of life and limb.  That kind of trust is not easily won, nor lost.  

My colleague and I both still live where we lived before, we're Facebook friends, and we run into each other once a year or so, and make promises to get together for coffee----and then work, and life, gets in the way. It's never the same when you have to plan social occasions.  They're too easy to miss, especially when the job you do is so demanding.  And it's not the same as knowing that your work family---the one you left yesterday, the one you spend more than half your waking life with----will be there, just as you left them, tomorrow.  

Which is not to say that I think moping is appropriate, nor resentment of the replacement.  I will be sad if that's how they handle it.  But I get them noticing the hole in their fabric.  

Mostly, I've decided not to get upset about Season 12 until......well, until Season 12.  

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