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Season 12 Spoilers, Speculation and Anticipation

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35 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

:-\ that's why there was a smilie. *I* don't think he's the antichrist at all.

Sorry if that offended anyone, certainly not my intention.

I was just about to say that I didn't think it was your opinion and then I saw there was another page. Some of the people on social media certainly are talking about him (and to him) as if he's the antichrist.

I'm going to try to ignore/forget which writers wrote which episodes when I'm watching. Not sure if I'll be successful in that endeavor. Speaking of which, I need to see when new episodes of the show "Endeavor" will air again on PBS...

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40 minutes ago, zannej said:

I was just about to say that I didn't think it was your opinion and then I saw there was another page. Some of the people on social media certainly are talking about him (and to him) as if he's the antichrist.

which was what precipitated my comment, but I suppose I should have made that more clear in my original post. so again, sorry for the confusion, and the offense if anyone was offended.

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wasn't sure whether to put this here or in the Luke thread....it is a bit of a spoiler though, and that's why I opted for here

is that Roxy? It looks more like a Retriever to me, but I can't enlarge it in enough clarity to get a better look. 

either way, Yay! they're using a dog. Just hope it's not a cadaver dog..


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3 hours ago, ReidFan said:

:-\ that's why there was a smilie. *I* don't think he's the antichrist at all.

Sorry if that offended anyone, certainly not my intention.

no offense taken Reidfan (at least, from my side)

Actually, I think he doesn't deserve it because he isn't qualified for the spot xD

and I hope none takes offense either

Edited by smoker
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7 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

wasn't sure whether to put this here or in the Luke thread....it is a bit of a spoiler though, and that's why I opted for here

is that Roxy? It looks more like a Retriever to me, but I can't enlarge it in enough clarity to get a better look. 

either way, Yay! they're using a dog. Just hope it's not a cadaver dog..


It doesn't look like Roxy to me. The picture is not very clear, but I think it's a different dog. 

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7 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

wasn't sure whether to put this here or in the Luke thread....it is a bit of a spoiler though, and that's why I opted for here

is that Roxy? It looks more like a Retriever to me, but I can't enlarge it in enough clarity to get a better look. 

either way, Yay! they're using a dog. Just hope it's not a cadaver dog..


it's not Roxy and it looks like a Retriever, you are right

what episode is this?

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12 minutes ago, zannej said:

Yeah, Roxy had darker fur. I think Luke is probably handling the dogs since he was/is a dog trainer. Either it's a cadaver dog or a search dog of some sort.

*please* be a search dog *please* be a search dog *please* be a search dog........  

(and since we seem to agree it's a Retriever and not Roxy, yay to the writers for not just tossing in "Look! He knows dogs!" in this upcoming episode, they actually laid the groundwork by having him with Roxy previously. This is *good* writing, IMHO)

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sorry, it's from Keeper. It says so in the url of the photo......but of course, stupid me, I screengrabbed the photo and posted it here directly instead of linking to the original source :  http://todaynewsshow.com/criminal-minds-episode-12-04-keeper-promotional-photos/?page-img53218881=5   so how would you know that?  duh=me

my apologies.

wow, that is the third time today for me. Perhaps I should put the computer away for the day :-\

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2 hours ago, ReidFan said:

sorry, it's from Keeper. It says so in the url of the photo......but of course, stupid me, I screengrabbed the photo and posted it here directly instead of linking to the original source :  http://todaynewsshow.com/criminal-minds-episode-12-04-keeper-promotional-photos/?page-img53218881=5   so how would you know that?  duh=me

my apologies.

wow, that is the third time today for me. Perhaps I should put the computer away for the day :-\

no way you stay away Reidfan

 *virtual hug* :0)

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Roxy's an entirely different breed, a Belgian Tervuren.


That pic does look like a Golden, but with her/his hair definitely trimmed. Golden's have flowing hair. Looks like a lab, too. They have the same face as a Golden, but with shorter hair. Maybe a Chesapeake Bay?


Kinda fun trying to figure this out. :)

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I'm on the fence about the decision, but I'm just going to sit back and see how it plays out.  He may not be in every episode. Aisha has missed one so far and she's a regular.  Just have to wait and see.  It's the same position I held when Adam was hired.  I wasn't going to judge before I saw him in action and I like what I see.

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If that's true, then when do we have an episode w without JJ? Without Rossi? Without Garcia? If you can bring a crowd of people in to try to cover the fact that Reid isn't there, they ought to stick around while some of the others rotate out for an episode or three

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Totally agree with that Normasm.  Especially since her marriage is a two career household. There must be those days where both kids are sick and will is already working and sick baby just wants mommy kind of thing.  I know it happened in MY family and I'm not even the 'career' parent. It's be so easily explained for Rossi too--his flight home from visiting joy hot cancelled or sumthin'.....

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58 minutes ago, smoker said:

I have been trying to post a comment but the submit button has not worked :(

I took me forever write it and now it's lost :''(

The exact same thing just happened to me. And it was extremely frustrating since I had just gotten thru typing out a somewhat lengthy post.

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On 10/17/2016 at 5:25 PM, ReidFan said:

wasn't sure whether to put this here or in the Luke thread....it is a bit of a spoiler though, and that's why I opted for here

is that Roxy? It looks more like a Retriever to me, but I can't enlarge it in enough clarity to get a better look. 

either way, Yay! they're using a dog. Just hope it's not a cadaver dog..


Wow, how tall are the cast members of CM? They must be the tallest cast on TV! I always crack up when JJ is called Pennsylvania Petite. Sure, compared to the rest of the BAU. But petite often refers to women 5'4" and under, and AJ Cook appears to be around 5'6" or 5'7." To me that is tall.

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17 minutes ago, Droogie said:

I've read elsewhere that Aisha is 6' and that AJC is 5'8".  Hardly short girls!  I'm jealous. 

Yep, they tower over me. I'm jealous, but it's not like I can do anything about my tinier stature. It's purely genetics!

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A couple of years ago, I was at an event held at a local hotel.  The orientation for the WNBA draft was being held in the next room. Talk about feeling short!  Those young ladies would have towered over Aisha.  

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On 11/10/2016 at 10:30 AM, Bookish Jen said:


(I have no idea why I'm quoting you, Bookish Jen... can't get of it, must be a bug)

About the heights- I do believe casting directors look for actors who are roughly the same height, just so that when you're filming, each character has roughly the same "perspective" to the audience. The only time they deviate from this is if the differences in height is being done to show something about a character, with taller characters being the "stronger" ones- I mean, you're not going to get a believable "badass" if that character is shorter than everyone.

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12 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

(I have no idea why I'm quoting you, Bookish Jen... can't get of it, must be a bug)

About the heights- I do believe casting directors look for actors who are roughly the same height, just so that when you're filming, each character has roughly the same "perspective" to the audience. The only time they deviate from this is if the differences in height is being done to show something about a character, with taller characters being the "stronger" ones- I mean, you're not going to get a believable "badass" if that character is shorter than everyone.

So I would never get a guest role on CM. Well, their loss.

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1 minute ago, Danielg342 said:

I wouldn't say "never"...you just might have to deal with the writers making a "short" joke at your expense.

At this point, I'm used to it. 

Anyway, we had a thread regarding what our roles would be with the BAU and I envisioned myself someone not in the field, using my research and writing skills. I seriously doubt a woman my size would work in the field. And I wouldn't feel comfortable shooting a gun.

I also envision scenes of Reid always running to my aid whenever I have difficulty reaching something placed up way too high, even when I'm in heels because he is very much a gentleman. 

And Rossi when he was at his most snarky calling me "Short Stack."

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I do think there is a height requirement for FBI (field jobs) as there is for the military, and Booky and I would be staring each other in the eyes with disappointment as we are told we don't qualify.

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When I looked at the requirements for the FBI they had age restrictions but there was nothing about height requirements. That might fall into the category of physical fitness, but I don't think height alone would disqualify them. They would only be disqualified if they were unable to do the physical tasks required-- such as obstacle courses and running certain distances in a set period of time. The requirements have changed over the years. I think back in the 70s being male with no tattoos and/or facial hair was mandatory to be hired by the FBI. They mentioned the FBI badge on something about historic objects in history. They said 20,000 people apply for jobs as special agents and less than 1% make it in.

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3 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

I mean, you're not going to get a believable "badass" if that character is shorter than everyone.

I heartily disagree! badass Rick Moranis as Dark Helmet, all 5 feet 4 inches of him  :D

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14 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

I heartily disagree! badass Rick Moranis as Dark Helmet, all 5 feet 4 inches of him  :D

LMFAO! SpaceBalls! How did that one scene go again. "Did you see anything"  "No sir I did not see you playing with your dolls"

ETA: LOL Reidfan it looks as if you and I were of like minds.

Edited by MMC
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14 minutes ago, ReidFan said:

decidedly off topic, by now but Spaceballs is like, my favourite comedy movie ever. :)  I bet Matthew likes it too. He likes that silly kind of humour. 

Mel Brooks was a comedic genius. Did you ever see Blazing Saddles?

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have them all :) anything by Mel Brooks resides in the family collection: Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, Spaceballs, High Anxiety (I think there's more, I don't remember)

just like everything MGG resides somewhere in the house too, except Excision. :)

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