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Past Contestants: Ins and Outs

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On 7/23/2023 at 9:33 PM, HyeChaps said:

Who is among those from Mattel providing commentary on the Barbie Dreamhouse challenge on HGTV?  Robert Best!

Loved him! I want Keith and Evan from Bargain Block to win. Such a cute couple. Reality worlds collide!

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Rewatching the early seasons. Once again, I am so impressed by Mychael Knight's talent -- and kindness! He was such a voice of reason. He showed such kindness to Angela, who so many of the other designers bitched about. Jeffrey, Kayne, and even Robert came across as so bitchy toward her! And of course Vincent was a total creep. But Michael was just kind and no-drama.

I like Laura Bennet a lot less on rewatch. She had such a tendency to insert herself into situations where she didn't belong. And honestly, her accusations against Jeffrey came across as unfounded. I never would have had the balls to accuse a fellow designer without evidence.


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