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On 6/11/2020 at 9:36 PM, Bastet said:

Judi Evans (original Beth) has been hospitalized for over three weeks now, first due to a horse-riding accident, but then she contracted COVID-19 and almost lost her legs due to the resulting blood clots.  She is recovering, and will hopefully soon be able to continue that at home.

And sadly, her only son died right before Christmas last year. :'(


On 6/10/2020 at 5:58 PM, Irlandesa said:

I wish the reunion PAS did with Bethany  Joy Lenz had been that small.  Instead, it involved all the members of the Santos clan.  That was nice in some respects but I wanted a little more discussion about original recipe Manny.  Less about Tony and Father Alvarez.  I did love hearing about the dynamic between Danny and Carmen Santos, though.

Father Ray, actually, George Alvarez was the actor. ;)

On 6/11/2020 at 7:57 PM, ByaNose said:

I think Krista Tesreau was able to escape his clutches. LOL!!!,

Krista Tesreau had already left GL by the time Mark Derwin started, I believe, and by the time she returned he was long gone. 

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On 6/12/2020 at 8:35 PM, cleo said:


They introduced Dinah, she is a long term character....? I'm on the fence.



There were four different Dinahs: Jennifer Gatti, Paige Turco, Wendy Moniz, and Gina Tognoni. She underwent some changes in personality as time went on, from what I understand.

Speaking of which: Another reunion is coming soon!

15. June 24th, 2020--Murray Bartlett (Cyrus), Rob Bogue (Mallet 2.0), Mandy Bruno (Marina 2.0), and Gina Tognoni (Dinah 4.0).


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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

I wasn’t talking about Mark Derwin. I was talking about Vincent Irizarry. He dated both Simms & Crampton.

Oops! My bad. I got the two mixed up. But yeah, VI and KT never dated/crossed paths on GL. 

ETA: DUH, except when he played Lujack in the 80's! Good lord, I'm having brain farts left and right tonight. The first one I could blame on reading too fast, but not this one. -_-

Edited by UYI
  • LOL 1

Another great GL reunion with Laura Wright, Paul Anthony Stewart & Nancy St. Alban. They had great stories to share and that it’s been such a long time but they all picked up right where they left off. Also, I want to live where Paul lives (I have no where that is though) because it looks like a Tuscany villa from he was Zooming from. As usual, Laura has great quarantine hair and doesn’t have any idea when GH will return. She said she’s been on GH now for 15 years which is when she left GL. Such a long time ago.  

49 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

If it's the same place he was at when he did the reunion with Saundra, BJL...etc., it's probably in the Catskills.

Thanks. It looked like a vineyard with the trellis and vines behind him but then he was talking about it more as a farm. It looked like LA but I couldn’t tell. Unfortunately, he had the worst Skype reception of the four and you really couldn’t appreciate his (our) view as much. 

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19 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

You can see a few more pics of the outside here from an article about his wedding.

No inside pics, though, and I want inside pics.

Great pictures and yes that’s the house. I recognize the brown driftwood siding of the house. I really like the rustic farm tables and how the cooks are dressed up like they're in the show Newsies. LOL!!!!  I didn’t see anything about him marrying. His husband looks familiar. They say he is a stylist so I might have seen him on some morning show. 

Just found this thread, I watched GL from 70's through the 90's. My mom and aunt got me hooked on it during the summer and I would come home and watch it after school. I watched it until about 2000. My favorite story lines were back in the day with Roger, Maureen, and Ed. I remember Roger's rape trial and when Maureen admitted on the stand she loved Ed. Also back when I was in high school they had the Mindy and Phillip storyline and I used to enjoy Nola.

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On 6/18/2020 at 12:38 AM, ByaNose said:

LW also said she didn’t really get along with Frank Grillo. She’s known to always get along with her leading men so it was obvious that she wasn’t lying. He didn’t want to kiss her because he was dating Wendy Moniz at the time. Actually, Laura, Paul & Nancy basically said he was a very macho and brooding kind of guy. 

Nancy didn't join the show until 2000, the year after Frank Grillo left. Although I guess if he and Wendy Moniz visited the set after their departures she might have met them, I don't know.

Now THIS will be cool: A Locher Room episode with some of the many writers at GL.

16. July 1st, 2020--Jim Brown, Dave Kreizman, Jill Lorie Hurst (GL's final headwriter), Courtney Simon (wife of Peter Simon, GL's Ed Bauer), and Millee Taggart.


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2 hours ago, UYI said:

Nancy didn't join the show until 2000, the year after Frank Grillo left. Although I guess if he and Wendy Moniz visited the set after their departures she might have met them, I don't know.

Now THIS will be cool: A Locher Room episode with some of the many writers at GL.

16. July 1st, 2020--Jim Brown, Dave Kreizman, Jill Lorie Hurst (GL's final headwriter), Courtney Simon (wife of Peter Simon, GL's Ed Bauer), and Millee Taggart.


I wonder if the writers will take credit/blame for certain storylines and/or characters that they created?! I also wonder if Allen will point to particular ones. He’s been a good host but I’m not sure if he’d go there or not. 

On 6/21/2020 at 9:36 AM, justduckey said:

New interview with Mark Derwin. Really long but some great stories.


Thanks for pointing this out. Watched it in pieces, and the host was a little a little green, but Derwin does tell a good story.  I especially enjoyed the one about the actor who lost his storyline because he was a jerk; the writers decided to kill his character and Derwin and Michael Zaslow each wanted to be the one to kill him. Good times!

1 hour ago, Miss Anne Thrope said:

Thanks for pointing this out. Watched it in pieces, and the host was a little a little green, but Derwin does tell a good story.  I especially enjoyed the one about the actor who lost his storyline because he was a jerk; the writers decided to kill his character and Derwin and Michael Zaslow each wanted to be the one to kill him. Good times!

You’re welcome!

Yes, a little green but a true fan and he got stories out of him and Mark tells a pretty good story and has a good memory.

Yeah, Mark putting it out there that David Bishins was an a-hole was kinda refreshing.  

Hopefully he can arrange one with Mark and Frank D., bc I bet they have some fun stories to tell, too.

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1 hour ago, Miss Anne Thrope said:

I especially enjoyed the one about the actor who lost his storyline because he was a jerk; the writers decided to kill his character and Derwin and Michael Zaslow each wanted to be the one to kill him.

I didn't listen to the interview, but as soon as I read this I knew it had to be about the guy who played Daniel.  Did Derwin mention how that guy used to show up at Maureen Garrett's apartment like a stalker?

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I didn't listen to the interview, but as soon as I read this I knew it had to be about the guy who played Daniel.  Did Derwin mention how that guy used to show up at Maureen Garrett's apartment like a stalker?

No, he did not. That’s scary.  Did they/she ever report it? 

He was pretty blunt about him being not a nice guy and a jerk and how they were sick of dealing with him so they made him  the killer to get rid of him once and for all.

Edited by justduckey
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16 minutes ago, justduckey said:

No, he did not. That’s scary.  Did they/she ever report it? 

Not that I know of.  He was much more nuisance than scary, and after she was repeatedly very dismissive of him, he did stop, but I wonder - not having known until now that making him the killer and offing him wasn't always the plan - if the producers knew and that was part of the decision to get rid of him.  I hope so, since she shouldn't have to keep making out with the guy who's bothering her.

I figure Michael Zaslow knew, given how close they were, and that would certainly add to him hating the guy, but I wondered if Mark Derwin knew/mentioned that aspect or just couldn't stand the jerk for general reasons.

(I only know it happened because, several years after the fact, a friend of mine became friends with someone who'd worked on the show [behind the scenes] for several years at that time and remained friends with Maureen Garrett.  But, being a friend, that person divulged very little about her, and this story was kind of a casual aside [keep in mind how non-seriously such things and far worse were taken back then].)

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Wow, even at a nuisance level, that's creepy.  Thanks for the inside info! Maureen Garrett did one of the reunion interviews (or something like it a while back) and came off as very pleasant but liking her privacy - so sorry she had to deal with crap like that.

I don't recall Derwin saying why he wanted to be the killer  - whether it was  a personal thing he really wanted to do, or whether certain characters would be eligible to be the killer within the construct of the story, and he was just raising his hand and saying "Pick me, pick me."

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5 hours ago, Miss Anne Thrope said:

Wow, even at a nuisance level, that's creepy.  Thanks for the inside info! Maureen Garrett did one of the reunion interviews (or something like it a while back) and came off as very pleasant but liking her privacy - so sorry she had to deal with crap like that.

I don't recall Derwin saying why he wanted to be the killer  - whether it was  a personal thing he really wanted to do, or whether certain characters would be eligible to be the killer within the construct of the story, and he was just raising his hand and saying "Pick me, pick me."

To me it seems like maybe he was saying this guy was such a PITA that he would have liked his character to be the one to off him. However, Mallet would have reason to want to kill him, too, since he kidnapped Harley.

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On 6/24/2020 at 2:26 PM, justduckey said:

To me it seems like maybe he was saying this guy was such a PITA that he would have liked his character to be the one to off him. However, Mallet would have reason to want to kill him, too, since he kidnapped Harley.

I had to look him up because I didn’t recognize the name. Which is very rare for me. Anyway, I see his picture and said, “Oh! Daniel St. John!”. 

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1 hour ago, UYI said:

It's back to 1995/1996 again this Friday at 3 PM Eastern!

This next reunion includes Frank Beaty (Brent Lawrence / Marian Crane), Rick Hearst (Alan-Michael Spaulding) and Sonia Satra (Lucy Cooper Spaulding).


Oh my.  I might be the only one but I'm excited for this one.  I probably started watching a few months to maybe a year or so before Sonia Satra joined GL as Lucy and Alan-Michael Spaulding is probably my favorite soap character (or tied with Jack from DOOL).

But of even more interest is that Frank Beaty is going to do this.  I wonder how much they'll discuss his exit from GL.  IIRC, it was rumored playing such a psychopath took a toll on him that he couldn't finish the story. 

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Oh, just reading the name Lucy Cooper made me twitch.  She was so annoying!  I hated everything about her, right down to the way she said Alan-Michael's name.  She was but one of the many, many reasons I stopped watching around that time (I think I quit in '95). 

I had no memory of a Brent/Marion character, then vaguely remembered Lucy being raped and wondered if that was him, so looked him up.  Oh, dear; that sounds like a total clusterfuck of a storyline.  I had completely forgotten (I didn't see it, but remember either reading about it) they killed off Nadine!  Fuck that noise. 

1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

Oh my.  I might be the only one but I'm excited for this one.  I probably started watching a few months to maybe a year or so before Sonia Satra joined GL as Lucy and Alan-Michael Spaulding is probably my favorite soap character (or tied with Jack from DOOL).

But of even more interest is that Frank Beaty is going to do this.  I wonder how much they'll discuss his exit from GL.  IIRC, it was rumored playing such a psychopath took a toll on him that he couldn't finish the story. 

Lucy and Alan-Michael were my first soap couple and when the reunions started happening I was so hoping they'd manage to get one with this particular trio, so I will join you in being excited.

I had figured it would never happen because, as you say, Beaty went through... something while playing Brent/Marion.

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I totally remember Frank Beatty playing Brent & Marian. He was so good in the role(s) and super good looking. The BTS story was he went totally nuts in real life while playing the twisted role and had to be replaced overnight by some awful actor that I have no memory of. I was always assumed it was true because he never landed on another soap. He had it all with the looks and talent. I’m definitely going to watch this interview. All the actors involved being interviewed were there at the time and I’m curious if it will be discussed or glossed over. 

I know it's been 25 years now, but I too am shocked/surprised that Frank Beaty agreed to do this. From what I've heard, he had a SERIOUS nervous breakdown playing Brent/Marion. I have no idea what's true and what isn't, and I may be getting some of this wrong, but some of the stuff I remember hearing is that he:

--Started believing he was his character at one point.

--Showed up naked to the set at least once.

--Started barking like a dog!!!!

Just some truly insane shit. Hopefully he's doing well now, though, and he DID get an Emmy nomination for his work. 

On July 22nd at 3 PM Eastern, there will be a reunion with Robert Newman (Josh) and Kim Zimmer (Reva), along with four of the five Marahs--Ashley Peldon, Kimberly J. Brown, Laura Bell Bundy, and Lindsey McKeon (the only one missing: Lauren C. Mayhew, who briefly played Marah between KJB and LBB)--and two of the Shaynes: Marty West and Jeff Branson (minus Billy Kay).

I should say that when I was a regular GL viewer, LBB was playing Marah, and I just ADORED her. I know she has done a lot of work on Broadway since then, but to me she will always either be Marah, or the singer of one of my favorite country jams of the last decade. I sincerely hope she'll record more country music again someday. 


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I only remember the first Marah, and she annoyed me (as any spawn of Reva and Josh inevitably would, heh).

Rachel Miner was a terrific child actor, so I enjoyed Michelle, and the kid playing Little Billy was okay (sometimes awkward, but sometimes natural), but I mostly had no use for the kids.  And the actor playing Fletcher's son (Ben?) was awful!

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

Rachel Miner was a terrific child actor, so I enjoyed Michelle, and the kid playing Little Billy was okay (sometimes awkward, but sometimes natural), but I mostly had no use for the kids.  And the actor playing Fletcher's son (Ben?) was awful!

There was a One Life to Live reunion last week, and in it, Erin Torpey revealed that the part of Jessica Buchanan came down between her and Rachel--Rachel's dad, the late Peter Miner, was a director at OLTL for many years (and at ATWT before that), so Erin originally assumed that Rachel would get the part because of that. Instead, Erin got it, largely because of her resemblance to Erika Slezak (Jessica's mom, Viki). That would have been around 1990, so Rachel would have been cast as Michelle shortly after that.

(Side note: It's always SO WEIRD to me to think that Rachel was married to Macaulay Culkin--the kid from Home Alone--and they were only 18 when they did/20 when they divorced! WTF?)

Funny you mention Ben Reade--the actor played him as an adult (and ultimately played out Ben's exit story--his character's suicide), Matt Bomer, has gone on to do VERY well for himself in terms of getting a lot of work in Hollywood. 


Edited by UYI
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1 hour ago, UYI said:

unny you mention Ben Reade--the actor played him as an adult (and ultimately played out Ben's exit story--his character's suicide), Matt Bomer, has gone on to do VERY well for himself in terms of getting a lot of work in Hollywood. 

The story where he turned into a serial killing gigolo was awful but he was so damn good in it.  I'm still bitter they ruined Ben/Marina and put her with Marty West's Shayne.  He was so bland and awful.  I did like Jeff Branson the little I saw him. I remember him more from AMC.

1 hour ago, UYI said:

(Side note: It's always SO WEIRD to me to think that Rachel was married to Macaulay Culkin--the kid from Home Alone--and they were only 18 when they did/20 when they divorced! WTF?)

They were actually both 17, just a month (her) or two (him) shy of turning 18 (so her parents had to consent; I'm not sure if his did or if he was emancipated).

Child actors lead such inherently bizarre lives, and too often the adults in their lives fail to act as a reality check, so while it was crazy, I'm not particularly surprised those two both thought felt like "older souls" than they were at the time.  (And, both on screen and off [as described by her costars], Rachel Miner was preternaturally mature.)  At least they were wise enough not to have kids in the brief time they were together; it wound up being this dumb but rather harmless thing they did for a couple of years.

I'm glad to know Miner has been getting back into acting, even auditioning in her wheelchair.  I've only seen her as an adult in two things - the awful movie Bully (when she was 20), and a good episode of Cold Case (when she was 30).  She's no "wow" actor, but certainly good enough to sustain a career, so I'd really like to see her MS not put the kibosh on that.

The Holly/Michelle storyline is a favorite among all my years with GL.  They both hated the world and just wanted to be left the hell alone, but Ed - trying to navigate the logistics of single parenting - kept asking Holly to watch her.  They put forth minimal effort at social niceties with each other, and wound up appreciating the lack of tip-toeing, ultimately developing a relationship they both desperately needed that helped them through a difficult period in both their lives.  I know both Maureen Garrett and Rachel Miner (who adored each other) were quite irritated the writers dropped that relationship, and I agree - it's one of the many things that annoyed me as my viewing gradually came to an end.

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18 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

The story where he turned into a serial killing gigolo was awful but he was so damn good in it.  I'm still bitter they ruined Ben/Marina and put her with Marty West's Shayne.  He was so bland and awful.  I did like Jeff Branson the little I saw him. I remember him more from AMC.

Marty West was soap good looking but couldn’t act his way out of a paper bag. He had no range and was cut shortly thereafter. I liked Jeff Branson but thought he was too old for the role.

On 7/14/2020 at 11:05 PM, UYI said:

I know it's been 25 years now, but I too am shocked/surprised that Frank Beaty agreed to do this. ....

Just some truly insane shit. Hopefully he's doing well now, though, and he DID get an Emmy nomination for his work. 

Unfortunately, Frank did not make the interview today; something came up.  Rick Hearst and Sonia Satra were very entertaining thought - he's another good storyteller and spilled a fair amount of info about both GL and the other soaps he's been on.

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3 hours ago, Miss Anne Thrope said:

Unfortunately, Frank did not make the interview today; something came up. 

I absolutely died (in laughter) when Frank was a no show.  There's just something so apt about it.  But it worked out because Rick is so talkative and having two people on with affection for one another is easier to manage than a few of the bigger reunions I've checked out (I've only seen a few.) 

It was a nice capper to the week after I spent rereading/rewatching some of this time period.  The ever overlooked by family Alan-Michael Spaulding is as good as I remember.  I loved how this show had friends scenes.  And Brent/Marian was indeed a bit of a cluster but man it was damn creepy. 


Edited by Irlandesa
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4 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

I loved how this show had friends scenes. 

Yes!  Henry and H.B.  Vanessa and Maureen (and Michelle and Little Billy, because of course the best friends' same-age kids are going to grow up together).  Hamp and Billy.  The Four Musketeers.  Bridget and Kat.  Ed and Ross.  Holly and Michelle.  Maureen and Roger (this was great on its own, with the bonus of how much it bugged Ed and Holly).  Ed and Holly had another great friendship, even though there were times it was more than that.

The way the show did friendships was one of my favorite things about it.  It was one of the things that made GL seem a bit more realistic than the average soap.  Also things like Ed and Maureen getting into bed, having a short conversation about their respective work schedules the next day and thus who'd pick up Michelle, and going to sleep.  It wasn't an argument, it wasn't foreplay, it was just a making tomorrow's game plan before we go to sleep conversation that couples have.  Most shows don't bother with stuff like that. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Miss Anne Thrope said:

Unfortunately, Frank did not make the interview today; something came up.  Rick Hearst and Sonia Satra were very entertaining thought - he's another good storyteller and spilled a fair amount of info about both GL and the other soaps he's been on.


1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

I absolutely died when Frank was a no show.  There's just something so apt about it.  But it worked out because Rick is so talkative and having two people on with affection for one another is easier to manage than a few of the bigger reunions I've checked out (I've only seen a few.) 

It was a nice capper to the week after I spent rereading/rewatching some of this time period.  The ever overlooked by family Alan-Michael Spaulding is as good as I remember.  I loved how this show had friends scenes.  And Brent/Marian was indeed a bit of a cluster but man it was damn creepy. 


Sad but not surprised that Frank bowed out, but Rick and Sonia were lovely together. I particularly loved when they talked about the wedding and the soul crushing disappointment of learning that they were going to get to do a remote and then finding out that it would be in... Orlando. So that P&G could do some corporate synergy with Universal Studios and turn the wedding into a glorified commercial, no less.

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Yeah, I should have specified that it cracked me up that he didn't show but I wasn't exactly disappointed (other than really wanting to get the scoop).  Alan said he'd still try to get him so we'll see.  This is the show that made sense for him.  He didn't really interact with others. 

22 minutes ago, Steph J said:

I particularly loved when they talked about the wedding and the soul crushing disappointment of learning that they were going to get to do a remote and then finding out that it would be in... Orlando. So that P&G could do some corporate synergy with Universal Studios and turn the wedding into a glorified commercial, no less.

That cracked me up how his answer for hardest scene he had to play was A-M telling Lucy that he, an alleged billionaire, was surprising her with a wedding at Universal Studios. There were some nice parts about the wedding but, because Rick was leaving, it really turned into a "welcome Phillip back" so in many ways it was a disappointment. 

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I’ve loved watching these GL reunions. Seeing Kim Simms and Justin Deas. Beth Ehlers and Mark Derwin. I was kind of surprised though by Mark Derwin’s reactions in this interview and the one he did with that gentleman who was a GL fan, PE Slick; he seems very cold and almost angry towards Beth Ehlers. He won’t call her by her first name and seemed to take a couple of swipes. I thought he was the one to break up with her in real life? I guess there will be no Mallet and Harley reunion with Alan Locher based off of his interviews. 

On 7/18/2020 at 10:18 AM, Allie said:

I’ve loved watching these GL reunions. Seeing Kim Simms and Justin Deas. Beth Ehlers and Mark Derwin. I was kind of surprised though by Mark Derwin’s reactions in this interview and the one he did with that gentleman who was a GL fan, PE Slick; he seems very cold and almost angry towards Beth Ehlers. He won’t call her by her first name and seemed to take a couple of swipes. I thought he was the one to break up with her in real life? I guess there will be no Mallet and Harley reunion with Alan Locher based off of his interviews. 

I suspect he called her Ehlers back in the day as well. Much like how Mallet called Harley “Cooper” so often. Kind of a term of endearment. 

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On 7/14/2020 at 7:06 PM, Bastet said:

Oh, just reading the name Lucy Cooper made me twitch.  She was so annoying!  I hated everything about her, right down to the way she said Alan-Michael's name.  She was but one of the many, many reasons I stopped watching around that time (I think I quit in '95). 


Funny, I often read the soap boards archive on TWOP, and you once said this on the soaps' UO thread:


I can't say I particularly liked her, but I didn't mind Lucy Cooper.

I guess you changed your mind in the past decade. :P

Here's the link to that page, BTW:


Another GL reunion has been planned for this Wednesday at 3 PM Eastern, with these five alumni, the last four having found a lot of success in the last several years:

Paulo Benedeti (Jesse Blue)

Tammy Blanchard (Drew Jacobs)

Bethany Joy Lenz (Michelle Bauer)

Brittany Snow (Susan "Daisy" Lemay)

Paul Wesley (Max Nickerson)

I am ESPECIALLY looking forward to seeing Brittany; I LOVED her as Susan, and it's been so awesome seeing her find so much success (even though I HATE Pitch Perfect; she and Anna Kendrick are great, but otherwise...blech). I NEVER understood why they De-SORASed her when Bonnie Dennison took over the role and began calling her Daisy again. Never made sense to me at all. I thought of writing her a fan letter when I was still a pre-teen watching GL, but for some reason, I never did. Or at least, I wrote a copy, but I never actually sent it. 

I also LOVED the GL reunion last week with all the Marahs (none of the Shaynes were there after all; frankly, the Marahs were enough). I still adore Laura Bell Bundy (who just recovered from COVID-19 recently, thank goodness!), Lindsey McKeon is brunette now instead of blonde, Kimberly J. Brown looks EXACTLY the same, and Ashley Peldon is now DR. Ashley Peldon--she's a licensed psychologist! :) 

Edited by UYI
  • Love 1
50 minutes ago, UYI said:

I also LOVED the GL reunion last week with all the Marahs (none of the Shaynes were there after all; frankly, the Marahs were enough). I still adore Laura Bell Bundy (who just recovered from COVID-19 recently, thank goodness!), Lindsey McKeon is brunette now instead of blonde, Kimberly J. Brown looks EXACTLY the same, and Ashley Peldon is now DR. Ashley Peldon--she's a licensed psychologist! 🙂


I enjoyed the Marahs reunion too.  I loved that Robert Newman and Kim Zimmer seem genuinely fond and proud of all of them (and KZ of Tom Pelphrey as well).  It's been mentioned many times before, but that cast was apparently very tight - which to me seems, if not miraculous, possibly unusual.

Definitely looking forward to the upcoming one too.

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