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Erin Lindsay: Reformed "Bad Girl"

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I've been intrigued by this character from the very start, given how secretive she is about her past and how tight a relationship she appears to have with Voight - a guy who isn't exactly known for softness and affection.

So far, we know little about her, other than she met Voight at 15, became his CI and then moved in with him and his wife at age 16. At that time, they sent her to a private Catholic school for a fresh start, and then she presumably went on to college and the police academy.

While we don't know precisely when or how Mrs. Voight died, presumably Justin was still pretty young at the time. Perhaps Voight made a deal with Erin, offering to have her take classes at a local college in exchange for living in the house and taking care of his little boy.

We also know that Lindsay has long been attractive to men, but that she has trouble allowing herself to be vulnerable enough to have a true lasting relationship with anyone (as indicated by Voight's comment about her leaving a string of broken hearts since she was 15).

Is anyone from Lindsay's biological family still alive and/or part of her life? The way she told Halstead over dinner that her mom was a junkie and her dad was in prison, it was unclear as to whether that was only back when she was a teenager or a still-existing situation. 

The paperwork that Halstead found while searching for CIs during Diego's abduction mentioned numerous individuals, including a "Shelby Lindsay." Who is that? It also charged Erin Lindsay with simple assault, theft, possession and solicitation. While part of me would like to know more about this, part of me also doesn't need to. It speaks volumes as to who this poor girl was at such a young age, and what her life was like.

While I personally hope to see Erin and Jay become a couple, I'm okay with waiting. I really think it's important for their friendship to build and become even more solid, because that's the basis of who they are for one another - a support system, for each of their baggage and damage from the past. They understand one another and care for one another as is, and that's not something to be rushed. 

What would you most like to learn about Erin Lindsay? What kinds of storylines do you predict for her?






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I think the 'Shelby Lindsay' bit on the CI file was an alias, no? I can't remember but that's what I thought it said at the time.

I'm so, so intrigued by Erin. I really want to know how the whole situation with Voight came about and I hope they don't leave us waiting until the second season. I love her! I love that she's tough and that she doesn't take any crap from anybody, even Voight. I really want to see more of their relationship.

I'm not sure about Mrs Voight, I don't know if it was that long ago that she died. Do you remember when Erin was telling Jay to cut Justin some slack a little after they'd been in the gym? She said something like he lost his mum and then went to jail... just the way she said it made me think that those two events hadn't happened that far away from each other. I suppose it could be either way though. Just more things we need to find out!

As for Erin and Jay, I do like them as a couple but I agree with you that their relationship as friends and partners should develop further first. They don't need to rush into anything. I'd love for more things from Erin's past to come up just to see if she confides in Jay like she did before.

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Lindsay was the excellent surprise I had when I first watched this show. I really love her. She's a mix of tough and vulnerable that could have been cliché, but Sophia Bush managed imo to avoid that.

I love her relationship with Voight, the trust they have and how, while she's immensely grateful and loyal to him, she takes no shit from him. I'm interested in her past but I'm quite certain that lost family members will pop up again, in which case I hope she will turn to Hank because it would make the most sense to me.

I would also like her to develop a friendship with a woman (like Burgess, Sumner or maybe even Antonio's wife) because that's one thing that's missing imo on the show.

I don't like Jay, I don't think that he and Lindsay have much chemistry, and their moments of sharing felt more "dictated" than natural in my eyes. I expected to have no interest Erin's romantic life while the writers would go the very predictable route of will they-won't they with Jay. I liked very much her interactions with Severide on both Chicagos, but thought it'd lead nowhere...so I was taken by surprise that TPTB went there, and even more to like it that much.

One of the reasons I wish she and Severide could last: with a limited airtime, since it's an ensemble show, Erin's storyline wouldn't revolve mostly about a romantic relationship (especially one I don't like, I confess!) and could focus more on her as a cop and her past with the Voight family. Bonus, it would be the same for Severide on CF, who is imo at his best when he's in lieutenant/friend/brother mode.

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I definitely want to see more Lindsay and Voight scenes too so if that means some family members popping up and her going to Voight then I'm all for it. I do want to know who else in the unit knows about her past though, I reckon Olinksy must know a fair bit given his implied history with Voight. The Internal Affairs woman told Antonio that she was Voight's CI at 14 but he hasn't done anything with that information yet, I think he must do at some point, doesn't seem like it would just ramdonly have been put there.

As for Halstead or Severide... I'm surprisingly fine with either of them. I thought the scenes with Severide were sexy and cute, I'm really interested to see where they go with them from here, if it'll just be a quick fling or if it'll develop into something more? I do think there is definitely a connection there with Jay though and it's just been put on the back burner for a while.

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I don't like Jay, I don't think that he and Lindsay have much chemistry, and their moments of sharing felt more "dictated" than natural in my eyes.

YMMV, of course...but to me, they seem just right, as best friends if not as lovers. Although of course it's not yet clear what Halstead's been through, it's clear that it was SOMETHING significant, simply by nature of it being in the war and something he absolutely doesn't want to speak about. I really think that Lindsay and Halstead could be so good for one another, in the way of mutual comfort and support...however they choose to enforce that.


One of the reasons I wish she and Severide could last: with a limited airtime, since it's an ensemble show, Erin's storyline wouldn't revolve mostly about a romantic relationship (especially one I don't like, I confess!) and could focus more on her as a cop and her past with the Voight family.

While I personally don't want Lindsay with Severide, at least not more than a brief relationship, I do admit to its story potential. Don't forget, Erin's foster father had this huge ugly ordeal with Casey, who is one of Severide's best friends. In addition, Casey is currently in a serious relationship with Gabriella Dawson, Antonio's sister. This whole tight little ball of relationships has a bit of a "too close for comfort" vibe which would suck IRL but makes for excellent television.


The Internal Affairs woman told Antonio that she was Voight's CI at 14 but he hasn't done anything with that information yet,

Antonio may not have officially said or done anything, but I do believe he's fully looked into it. Who wouldn't? We know that Antonio seems to know a good deal of information he usually keeps under his hat, i.e. when Erin asked him about Voight and Olinsky's situation with that guy in the past. 

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Sorry I've been meaning to reply to this for a while but I just haven't been able to find the time.

I agree that Antonio will definitely have looked into Erin being Voight's former CI. I just wish we'd seen some reaction from him about it on screen. I'm sure we will at some point, seems a bit random for the Internal Affairs woman to say it to him otherwise.

As for Lindsay and Severide, I think there is definitely drama potential between the two of them regarding the whole Casey and Voight angle. I actually think they'll be good for each other for a little while at least so I hope they actually do something with them.

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What on earth is this thing that Erin supposedly still "owes" Charlie for? If anything, he owes HER - he didn't even know he had a kid til Erin let him know.


Is it possible that perhaps "Annie's" child is actually Erin's? Normally I'd say that's a bit far-fetched, but with this show, who knows?


Maybe he means something rather darker, such as Erin owes him for allowing her to leave their world and go to Voight...or even that she owes him for not killing her, or even for not killing Voight.


It's weird, to say the least.

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It's definitely weird. Sounds like Charlie is really bitter that Erin 'made it out' and seemingly made good with her life and he didn't fair so well. I'm really intrigued to see how this wraps up next week!

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Even more intriguing, I'm wondering how Charlie could have been made to stay out of Illinois?? Was that some kind of official thing, like a restraining order, or perhaps merely Voight-style law-mongering, e.g. him agreeing to turn the other way on pursuing Charlie's various crimes (after all, Erin was his informant at the time, and certainly she'd know what Charlie was doing/had done) in exchange for his getting out of her life?


Also, maybe I didn't understand correctly, but I watched the episode TWICE and both times, I swear that scene where Erin and Charlie were talking in the car, Charlie first said that Voight needed to "leave him alone" or "stay out of his life," something to that effect; and THEN he asked her "whatever happened to Voight? is he dead or in prison by now?" I guess it could be interpreted as Charlie speaking about Voight's messing up his life in the past, but IMO that would be understood more like Voight knowing Charlie was back in Chicago now, and getting in touch with him some way, warning him off....

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So basically, Charlie was a guy who came swooping in like a superhero, taking care of her when nobody else would...is it any doubt she loved him, or thought she did? Who would blame her for putting her loyalty in him? But all along, I'm sure Charlie had his own plans in mind. Essentially, he bought Erin (and I'm sure Annie's background wasn't too different) and it was likely she didn't see anything but stars in her eyes til she was in too deep. Poor kid...no wonder Voight just wanted to give her a hug. (If only Halstead had too!)

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I don't claim to know much about drug addiction or rehab, but honestly, wouldn't Erin have needed some professional help getting clean again? The whole business seeemed about as simple as Halstead's recovery from his near-fatal beatings.

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Is Erin a recovering addict though or does she just party hard and make bad choices when she hits a low point like Nadia dying. I feel that this has never been confirmed. Voight found her and raised her so she wasn't a drug addict in her teen years. They've never spoken of her being an addict in her early adulthood and when she tells childhood storylines that include drugs it's always that it was Bunny who was the addict and not her.


I guess I'm saying that maybe she didn't need rehab she just needed to snap out of the bad place she'd gotten too and Jay being held hostage gave her that wake up call..

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I'm inclined to think that she's someone who will abuse drugs when she's in a bad place but is not an addict.  I think she could have become one if Voight hadn't removed her from her toxic home with Bunny and then given her structure and stability.  I think she also recognizes this, which is why she steered clear of Bunny for so long, why she's so loyal to Voight, and why she had no problem agreeing to his new rules when she returned to the team.  Now, even though I don't believe Erin is an addict, I do think regular sessions with a therapist who treats addicts would be a good idea.  Then she could not only work on her emotional state but work to avoid becoming an addict should she find herself in that bad place again. 

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They've never spoken of her being an addict in her early adulthood and when she tells childhood storylines that include drugs it's always that it was Bunny who was the addict and not her.

Not quite correct. One of the numerous charges Erin received as a young teen was possession. Also, during the Charlie arc, Voight said she wasn't to blame because he "kept her doped up." So there was definitely drug use but we don't really know the exact extent.
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Not quite correct. One of the numerous charges Erin received as a young teen was possession. Also, during the Charlie arc, Voight said she wasn't to blame because he "kept her doped up." So there was definitely drug use but we don't really know the exact extent.

Didn't she say before she bought drugs for Bunny at some point? I don't know I feel that that they've always left her past somewhat ambiguous. My impression has always been that if Voight had met her when he did that she would have most likely become an addict so I don't think she ever fully made it down that road.

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So is Erin supposedly still seeing Dr. Charles, or was that only a temporary thing? Something tells me that since Chicago Med has officially launched and we've had more of an intro to Dr. Charles, we won't be hearing about him on PD again...

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I thought I'd take this out of the thread and bring it over here in that I wonder how they'll bring Erin back into the fold next year. As we've already said if I didn't know any better I'd think there was a last minute and they decided to lose Sophia/Erin. As random as the finale seemed it was very final in that I can't see how she could get her job back with Intelligence or why she'd even want to stay in Chicago with her mother there ready to ruin everything at any given moment.

Two wishes I have for next season:

No Bunny. I just can't anymore with her and the lather rinse repeat storylines where she derails Erin's life. Explore other characters. Let Erin help them instead of always being the one who's in these situations.

If Jay and Erin reunite then keep them together. I hated how manufactured the breakup was especially given they didn't even bother to address Halsteads therapy etc. The proposal was off and I don't think either are ready for that. It could come at a later stage but just no more drama with them. 

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I think the way they could resolve it is to let Erin stay and not take the deal, so Bunny goes to prison.  I think I said that in the other thread. But I agree that I don't know what she does for a job. I don't really understand how she's in so much trouble for assault and Hank and Al have never been punished for anything they've done including murder. 

As for their relationship, at least Jay did admit that she's all he thinks about and he knows he screwed up but now he's ready. Maybe he's ready, but she's not. 

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22 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I think the way they could resolve it is to let Erin stay and not take the deal, so Bunny goes to prison.  I think I said that in the other thread. But I agree that I don't know what she does for a job. I don't really understand how she's in so much trouble for assault and Hank and Al have never been punished for anything they've done including murder. 

As for their relationship, at least Jay did admit that she's all he thinks about and he knows he screwed up but now he's ready. Maybe he's ready, but she's not. 

She did it in front of a chief, not one of her loyal subordinates. He had the decision ignore her or fry her, he choose the latter.

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10 minutes ago, Raja said:

She did it in front of a chief, not one of her loyal subordinates. He had the decision ignore her or fry her, he choose the latter.

Well, he wasn't actually in the room to witness her actions.  He walked in afterward.  But if that's still the only difference, it's not enough for me.  The previous chief knew Voight murdered Justin's killer, just didn't pursue it after she couldn't find the body in one location.  Why not keep looking?

I get that they had to do this for dramatic effect and a cliffhanger, but it's inconsistent.

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The other stuff was done in secret or in their black ops off site location. This was in the station interrogation rule with the bloody gun that should have been in a locker now in evidence. Now in the end it could end up like the next to last Chicago Justice episode and a not guilty verdict despite the evidence shown to us, but unless that chief was once the commander of the CPD torture squad himself he had to do what they showed us.

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Black ops off site location?  You mean their cage in the basement?  That's not off site... that's just downstairs.  And I mean, really... they have a cage in the basement.  You think the chief doesn't know what Voight does there?

It's really only the first blemish on Erin's record (that we know about at least) so it still could be managed with a demotion and therapy/training.  She didn't kill the guy, and could have just as easily beat him with her fists rather than her gun.

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4 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Black ops off site location?  You mean their cage in the basement?  That's not off site... that's just downstairs.  And I mean, really... they have a cage in the basement.  You think the chief doesn't know what Voight does there?

It's really only the first blemish on Erin's record (that we know about at least) so it still could be managed with a demotion and therapy/training.  She didn't kill the guy, and could have just as easily beat him with her fists rather than her gun.

Wasn't that what the board supposed to to decide when she went with "Yes I did it and I will do it again" defense?

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2 minutes ago, Raja said:

Wasn't that what the board supposed to to decide when she went with "Yes I did it and I will do it again" defense?

Hence the demotion and training as a potential option.  I give her credit for honesty, at least.

Plus, do we really know the board's final decision?  Wasn't the chief just giving Voight the heads' up as a courtesy?  That wasn't an official meeting of any type in my opinion, and also didn't sound like a final decision.  And Erin herself just kept saying that she wasn't currently a cop and didn't know if she'd ever be one again.  That sounded to me like no one made an official decision one way or the other, and certainly hadn't informed her yet.

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Or the other way, the CPD psychological assessment missed one in the recruitment and training phase. That she was too reckless not to hide her crimes like the other detectives of the Intelligence torture squad did,

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So it's acceptable to murder people as long as you cover it up, but if you hit a guy, confess to it, and take full responsibility, then you're the worst cop ever and can never work again.  OK, got it.

Edited by FnkyChkn34
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The situation was weird - as already stated its ridiculous that suddenly now there's an issue with violence in the Intelligence unit. I think it makes sense that they ultimately want to take down Voight and maybe they believed that targeting Lindsay would be the way to do it. 

She seemed to done with Chicago and exhausted with her mother and all the drama that comes with her that Id have bought this as an exit for the character. The only thing missing was closure with Jay although I felt the writers were trying to use Will as their voice when he was dissing the Lindstead relationship (that seriously bugged).

I just can't see how they'll write it that she stays in any realistic way. I would have said that it's because of Jay but the writers seem to be doing what they can to downplay how compatible they are. 

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44 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

I've the same thoughts about Casey on Fire - I just don't see how they can have him survive after the way his final scene played out.

I've heard rumors that Jesse Spencer has a bad back (like a slipped disc or something maybe) and has been apprehensive about doing all the stunts and remaining on the show.  But I heard that years ago, and I saw a video of him throwing axes for his birthday.  So... I don't think that one is true either.

54 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

I just can't see how they'll write it that she stays in any realistic way. I would have said that it's because of Jay but the writers seem to be doing what they can to downplay how compatible they are. 

I know that some people don't like her, but I think she has way more fans than non-fans, so if Sophia leaves, there go the ratings.  I think they have to fix it.

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Oh absolutely I agree with you on that plus I love Erin she's there since the beginning and is  crucial part of the unit. I also think Sophia Bush would have announced it to her fans. I know she doesn't have to but she seems to appreciate how popular she is. Plus no media outlet is reporting she's gone. She's definetly not gone. I just don't see how they can fix it but i guess lim excited to see them try.

She needs to move on though as do the writers with the Bunny crap. Im all for them addressing her past but I can't watch that same storyline repeat itself. They need to progress her on from that.

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15 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

 I also think Sophia Bush would have announced it to her fans.

If she were to leave, it probably wouldn't be up to her. She can certainly plead her case but usually, actors have to have permission from TPTB to make an announcement like that since the show's cliffhanger is involved and if she were to leave, her departure would spoil it.

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14 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

If she were to leave, it probably wouldn't be up to her. She can certainly plead her case but usually, actors have to have permission from TPTB to make an announcement like that since the show's cliffhanger is involved and if she were to leave, her departure would spoil it.

As an example, just recently, Connie Britton actually lied in interviews to cover up her departure.  She said she was on "Nashville" for the duration (or something like that) and said she didn't know where people were getting the rumors from...  Meanwhile, she only signed a 10 episode deal when the show moved over to CMT and - spoiler alert - her character was killed off.  

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Yeah maybe she is leaving then and they just want to leave it up in the air until the fall to ensure viewers tune in. The storyline seemed pretty final albeit so depressing, she knows her mother was most likely complicit in the murder yet she's still going, Voight told her not to look back, they more or less implied Jay should run a mile and only wanted to propose in order to save her etc etc.. Maybe that's what it was leading to...

Beghe teased at the Upfronts that it was going to be a whole new show next season so a cast change up fits that. It's like when they got rid of Shay and replaced her with Brett..

Edited by Chas411
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8 minutes ago, Chas411 said:

Yeah maybe she is leaving then and they just want to leave it up in the air until the fall to ensure viewers tune in. The storyline seemed pretty final albeit so depressing, she knows her mother was most likely complicit in the murder yet she's still going, Voight told her not to look back, they more or less implied Jay should run a mile and only wanted to propose in order to save her etc etc.. Maybe that's what it was leading to...

Beghe teased at the Upfronts that it was going to be a whole new show next season so a cast change up fits that. It's like when they got rid of Shay and replaced her with Brett..

I thought this at first too, but now I'm not so sure.  He did say that she's all he thinks about, and he said "I blew it once but I'm ready now."  So maybe his off-screen PTSD therapy is really helping.  IMO, there's no doubt that they still love each other, it's just how mature are they going to be about it.

Erin also told Voight "you always did think you knew best for me..." or something like that.  So that could be interpreted as (or later retconned into) her not taking his advice for once.  She said whatever she said in the past tense, like maybe she was making up her own mind now.  I don't know... just some thoughts.

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Actually interesting you say that because when she was on the bridge and the phone rang and you could see her looking at both Voights thumb print and Jays name on the screen I thought it could be interpreted as her trying to choose between both men in her life - follow Voights advice and don't look back or ignore that and go to Jay..

I don't doubt they love each other but just way Will said it and Jays awkward reaction. I'm not seeing a lot of #linstead love coming from Derek or the NBC Twitter anymore so I'm wondering if they're trying to downplay the ship so that fans don't freak out when she's not back next year.

I didn't think she was leaving but the points above thread have me thinking that maybe she is..

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I will say this about Connie's departure from Nashville: once the episode aired, she and the show made it clear that she wasn't coming back.  No secret evil twin, no fake death, nothing.  I would hope that, if/when Sophia leaves PD, that they do the same rather than making everyone wait and wonder.  If she is leaving but her last episode is the season premiere, then they need to let us know after it airs.  If she's leaving but will have a wrap up episode later in the next season, or just plain leaving, then they need to tell us now.  In general, unless the character is meant to have a surprise death, I think it's always best to let viewers know as soon as possible when an actor leaves.

Again, though, I think she's staying. 

I also didn't like Will's reaction to Jay.  If he'd pointed out that Erin and Jay are broken up because Jay ended things and that he should just focus on being her boyfriend again, then I'd agree.  They absolutely should not get engaged until they're back together and had a conversation about marriage (for all Jay knows, Erin may want a lifelong partnership but not the document.  Don't propose until you know Jay!)  But Will made it seem like they had this awful relationship when they didn't.  They broke up the first time due to Voight's disapproval.  When they were together the second time, that was gone and they functioned just fine.  She wasn't threatened by Charisma Carpenter's obvious interest and her issue with that one lawyer was how blatant she was by giving him her number at the precinct.  And Jay had no interest in either woman and so the relationship wasn't threatened.  They was fine, without drama, to the point that Jay dumping her felt like it came out of nowhere.  His PTSD thing isn't even on the show due to the scenes being cut so, technically, there still isn't a real reason for the breakup that's made it to air.  If anything, it seems like Jay dumped her so that he could flirt with Natalie and help make Will realize his feelings over on Med.  Now, if Will was planning to propose to Natalie, and it was Jay expressing concern and acting like they had a drama filled relationship, I'd totally agree.  That would be consistent with the Med characters but it makes no sense when Jay and Erin were very chill as a couple until the breakup.

Whatever happens with Erin's character I do expect to see Jay yell about the ring next season.  If she stays, then he yells at her as if she's supposed to know that the guy who dumped her was planning to propose.  If she goes, then he'll probably yell at Voight or his next love interest as a way of expressing his pain.  Then Will gets the ring for Natalie and I continue to roll my eyes.  Actually, she can have it and Jay can get Erin a much nicer one (I'm not a fan of yellow gold).

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Well I Gotta say - as much as I'm not surprised I am disappointed that they gave her such a shitty exit after being such a prominent character the past four seasons.

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Maybe it was. It also explains (at least to me) why they changed the Lindstead drama and had Will act as though Erin was the one with the issues and not Jay who caused their breakup.

They could have done this way better though. Such a disservice to her character and their relationship.

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12 minutes ago, Elliebab said:

Antonio and Halstead were accused of "losing their morals" and yet Erin wasn't exactly a moral character either and yet nobody criticizes her for that. 

Erin's criminal record is from before she was 15. You can't possibly compare the decisions she made then to the decisions Antonio and Halstead are making now. Not because it's Erin and Antonio and Halstead but because adult and teenager are two very different things.

And having a relapse which Erin had, doesn't have anything to do with morals.

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1 minute ago, CheshireCat said:

Erin's criminal record is from before she was 15. You can't possibly compare the decisions she made then to the decisions Antonio and Halstead are making now. Not because it's Erin and Antonio and Halstead but because adult and teenager are two very different things.

And having a relapse which Erin had, doesn't have anything to do with morals.

 Also, I'd like to point out that I was misquoted. I didn't accuse them of losing their morals, and didn't see anyone else accuse them of it either.

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16 minutes ago, SnarkySheep said:

CIs are officially "registered" with the police department, largely because they get paid. Remember the paperwork we saw in the beginning of Season 1, for when Erin was Voight's CI? (I always found that ridiculous, as someone as meticulous and private as Voight would NEVER have let his team dig around somewhere that they'd come across Erin's history; but apparently that was the best way the writers could think of to let viewers have a glimpse of Erin's past. Alas, I digress.)

Since Lindsay was an official informant and her history was known, I think Voight would have no problem with that. It seemed more of a "we've got nothing to hide" kind of thing.


16 minutes ago, SnarkySheep said:

This said, the whole issue definitely made me think of Voight's having used 14- or 15-year-old Erin as a CI...not just as he later ended up having a personal relationship with her, taking her to live with him and Camille, but also the ethics of paying an underage person for giving information that could potentially put herself into danger (if Charlie or others had found out). Likely Erin did it out of sheer desperation, often being hungry and homeless; Voight knew that. You'd think that the PD wouldn't sign off on something like that, as it smacks of exploitation of a child.

The alternative seems to have been jail time and then back out on the street which is probably just as dangerous.

What we don't know is how the whole deal went down, do we? I might have forgotten but I don't recall that we were given details on it, so maybe Lindsay was registered as a CI in hindsight and it was part of a deal?

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11 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

What we don't know is how the whole deal went down, do we? I might have forgotten but I don't recall that we were given details on it, so maybe Lindsay was registered as a CI in hindsight and it was part of a deal?

No, I don't think they ever said. The charges on her sheet had included simple battery, theft and prostitution, in addition to drug charges of some kind, so perhaps she had tried to steal from a guy she was soliciting. Maybe he was an undercover cop. In any case, you could see how Voight would have felt compassion for her.

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