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Season 4 Discussion

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I agree. I can't imagine how that would've worked.

Random aside about the DVD of season 4. There are two separate commentaries of the Still episode with Daryl and Beth. I just finished the one with Norman Reedus and Angela Kang. Angela Kang says "like" more than anyone I've ever heard and I had to fast forward through it because I couldn't stand it. Ugh.

  • LOL 1

Blitzing through the ZA isn't that a quick way to get ankle bitten. Watch your step, peek around corners, always knock before openining. Oh and always take your pudding time on the roof.

But they had already cleared supposedly...the walkers that came later were from the roof, they had cleared the store and then were strolling with their carts; in a ZA another rule is .that once you've cleared a store, house, garage, whatever...don't assume that now you'll be safe enough to relax. Grab and go

Bugged by how they went to the Big Spot and say get just the important stuff and they can come back later with more people to get other stuff...then they are shown amblin' around the aisles like they have all the time in the world. I have more urgency when I shop right now;


I had the same thought, kikismom. Right before they entered, Sasha said "You all know what you're supposed to look for", so they had a plan. The Big Spot's shelves looked fully stocked so it's not like they had to rummage through slim pickings, yet there was Michonne dramatically cutting a cardboard cut-out in half, Glenn looking at cameras & baby pics, Bob all alone fondling liquor bottles. None of them had any urgency. Seriously just walk down the aisles, throw stuff into carts, and get out. The groups lack of common sense annoys me sometimes.

  • Love 5

I also thought it was kind of dumb how many people they brought vs. space to carry things back. What vehicles did they have? Daryl's bike, the green car, and a truck? So you've got the bed of the truck....okay. But if they left two people back, they could have put more stuff in the green car. Why come back the next day? Why not get everything you possibly could in one shot?

  • Love 1

I also thought it was kind of dumb how many people they brought vs. space to carry things back. What vehicles did they have? Daryl's bike, the green car, and a truck? So you've got the bed of the truck....okay. But if they left two people back, they could have put more stuff in the green car. Why come back the next day? Why not get everything you possibly could in one shot?

For the same reason they don't shoot the horses in the western movies. It would be a short movie.

  • Love 1

From the Grove episode I had the feeling that Terminus was more of an Auschwitz kind of place.  The way they kept remarking about the fire/smoke - surprised they didn't mention smell of some kind.  When Lizzie and Mika were on the train tracks feeding the Walker and others emerged charred and smoldering,  I thought yep they escaped Terminus and turned.  Then of course the A Train, load them up until it's full enough to go in to the incinerator. 


Governement clean-up facility?  Keep the ones worth vaccinating and get rid of the rest, start a peaceful new world?  Based on the bullet holes in the buildings down the trap they have been in operation for some time.

The ambling didn't bother me at all.  They had already scoped the place and cleared out all the walkers.  They had the A-team (Daryl and Michonne and Glenn and Sasha are no slouches) so they felt pretty confident they could make their way out of most situations.  They could not have anticipated that a helicopter crashed on the roof and weakened the structure causing it to rain walkers.  My guess is that in between the running, fights with the Gov, and farming - MOST of what they do is amble through things in deep thought.


I am ashamed to say that I often fantasize about looting my way through an apocalypse.  For starters, I'd have designer EVERYTHING.  Daryl would be carrying his crossbow in a Louis Vuitton sling.  We'd all have the best shoes, bags, toiletries - I'd clean out the Mac counter, and books for learning how to rebuild the world.  And the prison would look like it fell out of HGTV.  They are too shabby, IMO, for having settled in one place for a time.

  • Love 5
They could not have anticipated that a helicopter crashed on the roof and weakened the structure causing it to rain walkers.


Yea, I wouldn't have expected them to anticipate that. Yea, they thought they had cleared the place of Walkers, but what about humans? What if some unsavory group like the Merletones or Tony and Dave came though? Sure, they had their A-team, but no one is untouchable, and it would suck if one of their best got taken out because they just wanted a jaunt through the Big Spot. I'm on board with those who say zip through there and zip out. 

  • Love 2

  They could not have anticipated that a helicopter crashed on the roof and weakened the structure causing it to rain walkers. 

Perhaps not specifically. But at this point, even with clearing visible walkers in the building, what else has happened:

  • Rick and Glenn and Herschel went to a bar empty of walkers, got in a gunfight with Dave and Tony and their gang and the whole Randall problem
  • Rick goes in the woods and doesn't encounter walkers...just an insane zombie-feeder Irish woman
  • Maggie and Glenn go to a store clear of walkers and get kidnapped by Merle and tortured by the Governor and the whole Woodbury War I and II



In a ZA you won't get advance notice of seemingly good things taking an unexpected bad turn (see Prison plague walker/pig/humans). Shit just happens. Being the A team, you would have even more incentive to not waste time---the longer you're away from the prison, the longer the less skilled people are vulnerable.


BTW, I still don't understand how the late lamented T-Dawg said they'd been all around that area going in circles, just to end up starving, missing a giant prison on the horizon the whole time, and then after they've moved into the prison...suddenly they are able to go get comic books and M&Ms and visit a Big Stop with full shelves and check out the cameras and wine selection etc.

Where the hell was this that they never saw it the whole winter in the same area, no one else plundered it even though the Army had fenced the parking lot as a refugee center,  and so much shit is close enough that Michonne can even go shopping on a horse that popped out of nowhere unharmed 2 years into the ZA , with full tack, which they are feeding it seems with 3 lousy bales of hay by the shed that would have to be real old hay that would probably kill a horse. (unless Rick found a working combine with wire baler because they didn't bale that by hand.)

Sue me for the run-on sentence; but you know that's some strange development that suddenly there's more supplies much later in the ZA.

Edited by kikismom
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@Ghoulina - I hear you, but at the same time humans adjust to all situations.  Peope can't stay "on" all the time.  Even here in the real world, there are people who live their entire lives in warzones and very dangerous places where something bad is always liable to happen - and still have fun sometimes, fall in love, raise children.  They cleared the place and they were armed to the teeth.  It felt like rest to them.  I'll allow it.


@kikismom - LOL - especially about the horse!  I don't know what to say except that in the end it's just a show.  This is EXACTLY what is meant by "suspension of disbelief".  Let's face it, these people would stink to high heaven and be sick from more disease and illness than just a random killer flu. Mmost of the walkers would be covered with maggots flies and falling to mush by now.  And I'll admit to my own thinking that a military flying vehicle dropping "supplies" didn't happen to notice a prison with crops and the whole freaking town of Woodsbury?  Suspending, suspending, suspending...ah, that's better!

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sigh...yeah...I know. I just love nit-picking these episodes, even though I love TWD.

Like wondering if Michonne can get all this stuff and keeps asking for requests---wouldn't it be great if someone said "Yeah I have a request; please change your pants! You can get other things; for God's sake get some new clothes and stop wearing those sweaty skin-tight to the ankle pants can you not smell yourself?!?!?!"

  • Love 1

I know, right? And I love me some Michonne, but for all that's holy, please wear your boots the same way, not one flap up and one down. And Michonne wasn't exactly carrying much. What does she eat? What if she finds a treasure trove of something? Will she carry it all in her hands? Was the horse wearing a fanny pack?


eta:  http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/07/15/article-2174028-1413BD76000005DC-950_634x359.jpg

Edited by mandolin
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that Michonne can even go shopping on a horse that popped out of nowhere unharmed 2 years into the ZA


Thank you. I was sure I had missed something, but I guess not. The pigs, okay, I can buy that since they could have easily been running wild in the woods, but the horse with, as you say, all the tack?


for God's sake get some new clothes and stop wearing those sweaty skin-tight to the ankle pants can you not smell yourself?!?!?!"



Not so much the pants, although eww, but I can't help but wonder what those long dreads must smell like by now, since as far as we know they've never been unbraided and washed.


Something else that I wonder about: How do none of them have scurvy by now since I've never seen them eat fruits or fresh veggies? Those commodities can't be available any more.

  • Love 2

That little garden isn't feeding those people. When they first found it in Season 3, Herschel is talking about good soil and how they can grow soybeans and cucumbers.

Well, I doubt a corpse-strewn prison yard is good soil, there weren't any soybeans, and why does he say again in the beginning of Season 4 that they're gonna grow cukes? What for? There really isn't much food value in those, and they don't dehydrate well, and I doubt Michonne is about to start home-canning pickles...I can't understand how Herschel is from a long line of farmers and he doesn't act like it.

After the Harry Potter freak=out, Herschel says they lost 12 people. Then he and Michonne are torching another dozen flu victims when the Gov shows up.  Say a dozen on the school bus. A couple adults and 2 kids ( probably Luke and Molly) on the rr tracks. Survivors Tyreese, Judith, Mika and LIzzie (for a while anyway), Rick, Carl, Michonne, Daryl, Maggie, Beth, Sasha, and Bob escape. That's a dozen; add Carol was there till just before the attack. There were over 50 people living at the prison, at least 2 semi-meals a day. You'd need a good few hundred pounds of food per week and that's by making stone soup as a menu staple. Michonne with her dinky flat saddlebag holding comic-books and a razor (electric! Hey, why not!) isn't hauling crates of canned food. And these runs where they are looking everywhere but a food aisle ain't helping.

They sure as sh@t aren't living off that garden. Daryl is said by Patrick to have got a deer which was "a real treat" so it wasn't too common. I did see Rick bag 2 rabbits in the woods. Big help, that.

What the blue blazes are they living on? And why aren't Michonne's pants getting looser?

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 2

I can hand wave almost all of that.... The dinky garden that's supposed to feed all those people... The horse...michonne's pants....

What I can't believe is that they managed to find all the worst parents in the world who let their children run amuck and stand at the fences, waving at Walkers. Seriously?

To make matters worse one of them is going out at night with a flash light and giving the Walkers midnight snacks? Nobody notices this? Do they just roll up the sidewalk and all go to bed at night with no one on watch?

Then after all the talk from Daryl about Walkers herding up because of fence cleaners Carol doesn't think to tell the two kids she promised to protect as her own to I don't know? STAY AWAY FROM THE DAMN FENCE.?

  • Love 2

They wouldn't need to worry if there weren't walkers at the fence in the first place, and that should have been prevented at the beginning.

The walkers can see and hear people in the prison yard. Meanwhile there's kudzu everywhere nearby, it transplants and starts growing again immediately, it grows as much as a foot a day and keeps getting thicker. You don't have to worry about seeing out, you have a TOWER and the prison was not a one-story building. That entire fenceline would be covered in tough tangled vines thirty feet thick by now if I'd been there the day they move in.

And just run some guy wires from the fence poles to the buildings, tower and the other direction to the trees. For Pete's sake they could get wire while they're getting cameras and candy and other BS. Grow the vines up 40 feet high. It will also block out a lot of the sound (as you know if you've ever been deep in Florida wilderness).

Tell Beth to grow up and stop making lady-bug art for the walls and give her a few dozen boxes of plastic garbage bags to cut in to lengths and make a visual barrier. What the hell do these people do all day?

  • Love 2

I continued my marathon with "Infected" last night. Okay, I know people already give Camp Prison a hard time for sleeping with all the doors open - and I agree. It's careless and stupid. I get not wanting to feel all claustrophobic, but would you rather be dead? If anything, provide a watch inside as well as outside. There's enough people in those cell blocks to have one person stay awake each night on the catwalk and keep an eye out. There ARE old people in there (in D, at least), so the possibility of dying in the night isn't crazy. But I digress....much has already been made of this issue. What I want to know is - why did no one hear Patrick coming into the cell block. Walkers are noisy. He was shuffling along and making typical walker moans/growls. There are no light sleepers in the bunch? I know I sure as hell would have heard him and been woken up. 





But there were some really powerful scenes toward the end. I love the back and forth between Michonne holding baby Judith and Rick cutting loose his pigs. The pain on their faces is so real, and the loss of Farmer Rick was a huge blow to Mr. Grimes. 

They wouldn't need to worry if there weren't walkers at the fence in the first place, and that should have been prevented at the beginning.

The walkers can see and hear people in the prison yard. Meanwhile there's kudzu everywhere nearby, it transplants and starts growing again immediately, it grows as much as a foot a day and keeps getting thicker. You don't have to worry about seeing out, you have a TOWER and the prison was not a one-story building. That entire fenceline would be covered in tough tangled vines thirty feet thick by now if I'd been there the day they move in.
And just run some guy wires from the fence poles to the buildings, tower and the other direction to the trees. For Pete's sake they could get wire while they're getting cameras and candy and other BS. Grow the vines up 40 feet high. It will also block out a lot of the sound (as you know if you've ever been deep in Florida wilderness).
Tell Beth to grow up and stop making lady-bug art for the walls and give her a few dozen boxes of plastic garbage bags to cut in to lengths and make a visual barrier. What the hell do these people do all day?


The Kudzu idea is great! And besides hiding themselves, why not dig a moat? Trenches filled with spikes? Further out....to prevent the walkers from even getting that close? Did Rick learn nothing from "Clear"? 


As to the tower, how do they even have those towers? Didn't they get blown up in season 3? Or am I imagining things?

  • Love 1

The Kudzu idea is great! And besides hiding themselves, why not dig a moat? Trenches filled with spikes? Further out....to prevent the walkers from even getting that close? Did Rick learn nothing from "Clear"?

As to the tower, how do they even have those towers? Didn't they get blown up in season 3? Or am I imagining things?

I think only one tower was destroyed in season 3.

In the season 4 DVD extras, Nicotero said there were plans for a moat until the crew started digging and found quicksand. I guess they could've cgi'd one in though.

I continued my marathon with "Infected" last night. Okay, I know people already give Camp Prison a hard time for sleeping with all the doors open - and I agree. It's careless and stupid. I get not wanting to feel all claustrophobic, but would you rather be dead? If anything, provide a watch inside as well as outside. There's enough people in those cell blocks to have one person stay awake each night on the catwalk and keep an eye out. There ARE old people in there (in D, at least), so the possibility of dying in the night isn't crazy. But I digress....much has already been made of this issue. What I want to know is - why did no one hear Patrick coming into the cell block. Walkers are noisy. He was shuffling along and making typical walker moans/growls. There are no light sleepers in the bunch? I know I sure as hell would have heard him and been woken up. 





But there were some really powerful scenes toward the end. I love the back and forth between Michonne holding baby Judith and Rick cutting loose his pigs. The pain on their faces is so real, and the loss of Farmer Rick was a huge blow to Mr. Grimes. 

That pig scene...Him knifing them and then throwing them to the walkers...well I could never watch that twice.  Out of everything we have seen on this show that probably disturbed me the most, just hearing those little baby pigs screaming and the look on poor Rick's face while he was doing it.

  • Love 3

Yes, I assumed that as well. I think the Grove was closer to Daryl's Cabin of Catharsis than to Terminus. Daryl and Beth left that area earlier, and then Carol and Ty still take awhile longer than the others to get to Terminus. I don't think they were that close at that time. 


I thought so too and I've tried to figure out where all these people were when on the tracks gong to Terminus, and i cannot figure it out.  I know Daryl was behind Rick, and that he was tracking Tyreese and Co when he was with Beth but just missed them.  Maggie left all kinds of signs but it doesn't seem like Rick, Daryl, Michonne or Carl saw any of them.


I'd almost rather do Algebra than try and figure that out.  It makes my head hurt...lol

In the season 4 DVD extras, Nicotero said there were plans for a moat until the crew started digging and found quicksand.

Shoot, in real life if you started digging and found quicksand that would be useful. Just make a drawbridge to get over when you need to. But it would solve the walker problem nicely; and the problem with a moat---which is that once it fills up they start rotting. Just to be nasty, plant some bushy flowers or something in front of it so it can't be seen until it's too late...like when the Governor stops by.


I would add osage orange and wild berry plants that can be found everywhere...thick tangles of thorns that make barbwire look like child's play. Plus, those attract wildlife which is good...everything eats berries (except walkers) and osage orange is a favorite of squirrels and rabbits. Deer and woodchuck eat them also; Daryl and Rick wouldn't have to take risky trips away from the prison to hunt and set snares. Then you need to get some bunnies in a no-kill trap and start raising them for meat. The fruit would attract songbirds that eat pests, but also bigger birds like quail, pheasant, wild turkey. Steal a quail nest and start raising them, they do well farm-raised and are quieter and easier than chickens.

I don't know why have the cell door shut is more claustrophobic unless it gets locked with a key...you could make a latch device that you could open from inside but would be too tricky for a walker to figure out.Those old cells with bars are less confining than modern cells with solid doors and a teeny window.

But any prison does not have windows that open!! No fresh air except when you open the front door, and people are just breathing and rebreathing each other's exhalations. You could make a safe bet on some kind of infection (respiratory). Even a small solar panel and a boat/marine battery powering a outflow and intake fan at each level to the outside vent louvers would be nice and not much trouble.

  • Love 2

Just to mention that we talked about "A" and the PA announcements about train car "D"...and there was speculation about Arrivals vs Departures?...just noticed that when Rick and Glenn and Herschel are talking about where to put children and where to put the infected during the prison plague, they discuss Cellblock A and Cellblock D---and Cellblock A is Death Row.

  • Love 1

Watched "Isolation" this morning. I still think Lizzie faked being ill to go into the sick ward and hopefully play with fresh walkers. Anyone else? 


Gah, I don't know why, but Tyrese grates SO much in this episode. I mean, I shouldn't begrudge the dude for being pissed at his girlfriend's death, right? It's not like she died from a walker - that would be hard, but acceptable. Same with the flu. Even having a Governor type take her out would be palatable than one of your own doing it. I get his anger, but he still fucking irritates me to no end. The worst was when he had seen how sick Sasha was and made the decision that he WOULD go on the run with Daryl, contribute to getting everyone better - then he just sits there in the car, moping, like his life just wasn't worth living anymore. What the fuck, dude? You were all gung ho to help out and now you're Peter Pity Party again. Make up your damn mind. You've known your sister your whole life and Karen for 6 months. So while I don't begrudge you your pain, you'd think trying to prevent Sasha from dying as well would be a high priority, and you could sob in your cereal bowl later. 


But this show does seem to take sibling relationships pretty lightly (Maggie, I'm looking at you!)

I think only one tower was destroyed in season 3.


According to Wikipedia they take out 2 with the grenade launcher in Welcome to the Tombs. How many were there in total? Sometimes I get confused on the layout of the prison.

  • Love 3

Watched "Isolation" this morning. I still think Lizzie faked being ill to go into the sick ward and hopefully play with fresh walkers. Anyone else?

I figured that too. She wanted to see them turn (oh, and apparently dip her toe in Glenn's blood), though seemed to at least understand walkers were dangerous also, like when she lead that one away from Glenn. Her cough around Carol was so phony but I wasn't sure if that was bad acting for a girl who is supposed to be actually sick, or the actress clueing us in to the fact that Lizzie is faking. (Too much credit? Probably).

  • Love 2

Watched "Isolation" this morning. I still think Lizzie faked being ill to go into the sick ward and hopefully play with fresh walkers. Anyone else? 

Oh I totally agree Lizzie was faking...to play with fresh walkers; or just swipe her shoes through more puddles of bloody mucus. You know how kids are.


And Tyreese is wringing his shirt out in the creek sulking about how his sister will be dead by that night---well, yeah if you keep sitting here; the point of this trip is to get the medicine to stop her from dying so what are you slowing us down for?


Just irritating as hell. He is so unstable, and a surprisingly big baby for a man his age. I wanted to like his character but his behaviour was too much of an obstacle. The scene with Carol later on at the pecan farm would have been so different if he had been more relatable and not so nutsy at the prison.

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 1
And Tyreese is wringing his shirt out in the creek sulking about how his sister will be dead by that night---well, yeah if you keep sitting here; the point of this trip is to get the medicine to stop her from dying so what are you slowing us down for?


That entire trip was so painfully slow....from the get go. Daryl hops out of his seat at the counsel meeting and announces he's taking a group out, there's no time to spare. Then they stand around checking the car forever. I get it - you do NOT want your car breaking down if at all avoidable in this world. But there was no urgency about changing the oil and filling up the gas. It was like it was a lazy Sunday afternoon and he's just fiddling with his car while shooting the shit with Michonne. Then Tyrese decides he WILL go, says he's going to go get his gear, then decides to go have a chat with Carol. Again, I can understand him asking her to look after Sasha, but there will be no Sasha is you just keep lumbering about like you're strolling down the beach. Are none of these people capable of moving at a brisk pace? It's like there's fleeing for your life from a walker, and the slow stroll. Nothing in between. 

  • Love 1

Oh I totally agree Lizzie was faking...to play with fresh walkers; or just swipe her shoes through more puddles of bloody mucus. You know how kids are.


And Tyreese is wringing his shirt out in the creek sulking about how his sister will be dead by that night---well, yeah if you keep sitting here; the point of this trip is to get the medicine to stop her from dying so what are you slowing us down for?


Just irritating as hell. He is so unstable, and a surprisingly big baby for a man his age. I wanted to like his character but his behaviour was too much of an obstacle. The scene with Carol later on at the pecan farm would have been so different if he had been more relatable and not so nutsy at the prison.

Ugh sing it sister!  I should love anyone that saves a baby in the ZA, but I really can't wait for him to get bit.  The way he acted through the whole Karen murder...I get it, most people would be irate, but how unstable he was when Rick and Daryl were trying to calm him down?  Seriously it's like they were saying "No biggie" and took a piss on their bodies the way he acted.


Then they are trying to get medicine to save HIS sister and he won't listen, takes his sweet time washing his shirt, puts everyone in danger after he's warned to stop going at the vines because they don't know what they are dealing with, and is just a jackass in general.


I cannot see this person just forgiving Carol.  I still think he may take a whack at her once there is someone else around to help care for Judith.  He did say he'll never forget....

  • Love 1

Oh thank you!  I'm still confused a bit but I probably just need to look at it more.  I still don't understand how no one saw Maggie's handwork unless they popped out of the woods after the tunnel where they found each other, but that doesn't make sense either as Rick and Carl barely traveled at all because of Rick's injuries.

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I think The Grove changed Tyrese a lot. I think he realized that there are situations in which you may have to make a tough call to do what you think is right. I don't think he'll ever think Carol did the right thing, but I think he realized that SHE though that, that she wasn't acting with malice. And he truly did forgive her. 


I loved Ty in the second half. I'm just pretending the first half featured his sulky twin brother.

  • Love 3

Tyrese grates SO much in this episode. I mean, I shouldn't begrudge the dude for being pissed at his girlfriend's death, right?


I thought I was the only one. All the others have lost spouses, their siblings, their CHILDREN and their parents, but Tyreese goes into a violent frenzy because his girlfriend of - what, a few weeks? A month? - is dead.  I may be mistaken, but wasn't Karen lolling in the Gov's bed a short time before, and yet now she and Tyreese are Romeo and Juliet, with the flowers an' shit, whose parting of the ways is more traumatic than the profound, life-altering  losses everyone else has suffered. Pissed me off no end. I just wanted to say STFU and deal with it! Find a new squeeze to bonk!


Rick cutting loose his pigs.


That scene tore me up so badly I haven't been able to rewatch. I felt as wrecked as Rick looked.

That entire trip was so painfully slow....from the get go. Daryl hops out of his seat at the counsel meeting and announces he's taking a group out, there's no time to spare. Then they stand around checking the car forever. I get it - you do NOT want your car breaking down if at all avoidable in this world. But there was no urgency about changing the oil and filling up the gas. It was like it was a lazy Sunday afternoon and he's just fiddling with his car while shooting the shit with Michonne. Then Tyrese decides he WILL go, says he's going to go get his gear, then decides to go have a chat with Carol. Again, I can understand him asking her to look after Sasha, but there will be no Sasha is you just keep lumbering about like you're strolling down the beach. Are none of these people capable of moving at a brisk pace? It's like there's fleeing for your life from a walker, and the slow stroll. Nothing in between.

And Daryl says they are taking Zach's car because it's the fastest one they've got. What? You could have a Formula One race car but you still have to slow down and stop to get around the wrecked cars and abandoned cars and dead bodies in the road. A lot of cars may only go up to 85 miles per hour but you'll never get enough clear road even for that, so why do you need one that can do 125 mph? Or the same 50 miles an hour you would be lucky to get but uses gas twice as fast?









 Seriously it's like they were saying "No biggie" and took a piss on their bodies the way he acted.



When he says to Rick that what I'm hearing from you is that this is not a priority (or something like that) I got the feeling that if Rick said We're going to find the murderer first before anything else, Tyreese would have said What I'm hearing from you is that my sister's sickness and her need for medicine is not a priority for you.


I hate when people do that.

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 3
but Tyreese goes into a violent frenzy because his girlfriend of - what, a few weeks? A month? - is dead.  I may be mistaken, but wasn't Karen lolling in the Gov's bed a short time before,


I don't think Karen was ever with the Governor. And I don't know how quickly she and Tyrese got together, but I think season 4 was supposed to start about 6 months after Woodbury moved in. 


But yes, a girlfriend you're not even sleeping with yet isn't as serious as people who lost kids and wives, etc. I do think a lot of his anger was over the fact that Karen died at the hands of one of their own, not an enemy. But, still....the plague needed to take precedent over police work. He needed to simma.


And Daryl says they are taking Zach's car because it's the fastest one they've got. What? You could have a Formula One race car but you still have to slow down and stop to get around the wrecked cars and abandoned cars and dead bodies in the road.


Daryl needed to worry less about speed and more about navigation. He can't even be bothered to watch the road, and then when he realizes a gale of walkers is descending upon them he just sits there for several beats, letting them swarm the car, instead of immediately backing the fuck out of there. Didn't they have a truck? Should have taken that.

  • Love 3
That pig scene...Him knifing them and then throwing them to the walkers...well I could never watch that twice.  Out of everything we have seen on this show that probably disturbed me the most, just hearing those little baby pigs screaming and the look on poor Rick's face while he was doing it.


That is a hard one for me to re-watch. Two other ones from this season - Herschel's death and Lizzie smothering Judith. 


And, hey, kj4ever, can we add Lily to your "Bad Parents of the ZA" list? She drove me crazy, just letting Megan play in the mud about 50 feet away from her (okay, that may be incredibly off, I am horrible with distance), while she's staring out at the river. I might let a kid be far away from me inside a fortified place like the prison, but outside? Not even a fenced in area? Hell no. I did not get the whole "You'll be safe by the river" thing. Yes, walkers cannot cross the river. But what about land? They could have come from anywhere behind you. Did the Governor leave people at the camp or did he take everyone to the prison?

  • Love 1






Daryl needed to worry less about speed and more about navigation. He can't even be bothered to watch the road, and then when he realizes a gale of walkers is descending upon them he just sits there for several beats, letting them swarm the car, instead of immediately backing the fuck out of there. Didn't they have a truck? Should have taken that.

Yes; it's not just the speed but who takes a car with such a low wheelbase when you frequently have to go off road or over stuff. (and thangs).

I also was more irritated on the re-watch by Daryl and Rick doing the pig sacrifice in a open jeep. Do they have some guarantee that the tire won't go flat or the axle break or the alternator go belly-up? I'd sure hate to be inciting a herd of walkers to come toward me and find out the vehicle doesn't move anymore. You can throw pigs or anything else out of a truck with a closed cab that you could hide in until help arrives.

I just can't understand how they constantly make trips in and out of the gate and then turn around and act worried about how many walkers are being attracted. I swear these people never learn anything.

Shouldn't Glenn or Maggie on "guard duty" (at night in the tower) have seen the flashlight at the fenceline when the rats were being fed to walkers?

Don't put people to work together that get distracted goofing around and forget what they're supposed to be accomplishing.

Kinda reminds me a bit of something my grandfather always said "You hire one boy, you got one boy. You hire two boys, you got a half a boy. You hire three boys, you got no boy at all".

  • Love 3

Don't put people to work together that get distracted goofing around and forget what they're supposed to be accomplishing.

Kinda reminds me a bit of something my grandfather always said "You hire one boy, you got one boy. You hire two boys, you got a half a boy. You hire three boys, you got no boy at all".



Having grown up on "the farm", I'd posit that any boy you hire is useless if you have a boy-crazed teenaged daughter.   :-)

  • Love 2

I might be really slow, but I just realized what must have gone on when writing this prison flu arc: it had to be some pneumococcal dealio not just because of the fabulous blood running out of their eyes and ears and mouth and nostrils--visually connecting to the walker at the fence--but because any other focus of a contagious flu would get dicey.


You can show people being eaten alive, decapitated, amputated etc but you still can't show diarrhea on television.


Just imagine how great those episodes would be with Glenn and Sasha trying to assist the sick while being stricken with the Tijuana trots! Just think of all those pools of blood being pools of something else! Visualize Lizzie dragging the toe of her boot through it! Imagine Herschel checking cell after cell with the unmistakeable sound effects!


Scene: Prison garden

Wide shot of Rick working in the rows of young crops

Rick cultivates the garden  as we hear "Precious Memories" playing on the Walkman; he looks up and sees one of the walkers at the fence get a strange, startled expression on it's face..he removes the earphones just in time to shockingly hear the walker speak actual words as it shoves the other zombies aside yelling "Get out of my way!!" as it sprints for the woods...

Close-up Rick's anxious face as ominous theme music comes up...

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