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Mad Dogs - General Discussion

Meredith Quill
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In the season finale, Joel hurries to covertly complete Jesus' mission, while Gus and Cobi each deal with the authorities holding them accountable for their crimes. Lex goes into surgery and has an ethereal encounter, and all four boys make one last attempt to escape Belize once and for all.
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Emotions run high while the guys are trapped in an international quarantine, forced to reconcile with their past actions while waiting for life changing test results. Outside the tent, Lawrence works to track down the boys at the request of the notorious and dangerous Jesus.
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After a failed trip to the US Embassy, the Mad Dogs hunker down in the villa overnight. Surrounded by enemies outside the perimeter wall and deprived of food and water, the guys are forced to confront the dark secrets of each others' pasts and place a value on the worth of their own lives.
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I couldn't resist watching the pilot with a cast of Christofuh Moltisanti, Sammy from Reality Bites, Conrad from Weeds, the guy from The Truth About Cats and Dogs, and Billy Zane! I loved seeing the guys goof around in the beginning, as only old friends can do, and in a weird schadenfreude kind of way, I also liked seeing them devolve into fighting and saying the mean and hurtful (but truthful) things that only old friends know.


Bummer that Billy Zane's brains ended up splattered all over the table, but even without knowing anything about this show beforehand, I knew that he would have to either die or disappear to get the story going. I'm in for now. We'll see how the next few episodes go before I commit to the whole season.

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Once I realized that all of the scenes with Billy Zane in them from the trailer had already aired, I figured he would be a goner at the end of the episode.  Reminds me a little of Bloodlines as far as pacing.  I'm always glad to see Michael Imperioli working.  Romany Malco so far has surprised with me with the subtlety that he's giving his character, and Steve Zahn is great as usual.  I'm not familiar with the actor who plays Joe(?), but overall they all have great chemistry together.

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It was nice to see the actress who played Angel back, she's a very striking girl.  I hope Steve Zahn's character isn't ripping her off, but shell company money transfer doesn't sound good.  I'm really interested in learning how Romany Malco messed up in his professional life, to the point where he lost his license.  I'm also officially throwing out my theory that the lady cop is actually Jesus, she's pretty scary.  


Steve Zahn is lucky that the woman in the car they got in an accident with was content to just grab a stack and get out of there, she really could have caused a ruckus by telling everyone that there was a big bag of money in their car.  I doubt the cops there would have done much more than try to get their share.


Getting ready to watch the next few episodes, perfect for a cold night in!  By then I should also have a better handle on the character's actual names!

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Dude, when you see a creepy tree shrine in the middle of the jungle, RUN AWAY. Don't get up close to inspect it!


If you're sitting on a duffle bag filled with millions of euros waiting for your friends to come back and pick you up, maybe don't sit right next to the road where you're highly visible to anyone else. I was afraid someone else driving by was going to stop and rob them.


ITA that the guys got off easy when the lady from the accident just took a stack of money. She could have told everyone else on the street to take some too!

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I don't know. I watched the pilot ep months ago & enjoyed it. After this one, I don't know if I want to see these guys doing continuous, moronic crap. I was so tense this second episode & suppose the rest of the series is more of the same. I like Shawn Ryan's shows & will probably trudge on. I just hate thinking about taking a Xanax just to watch the great cast making stupid decisions.

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I'm enjoying the many subtle ways that Coby is revealing just how much of a dick he truly is.  Drinking an extra mini-coke, that's just not giving a fuck about anyone else at all.  


And lady cop is NOT Jesus for sure, but she was dirty, and now she's dead, taken out by Joel.  At first I thought that it was Coby Bell's character with a sniper gun.  

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I'm not familiar with the actor who plays Joe(?), but overall they all have great chemistry together.


Ben Chaplin. He's a solid actor with a ton of movies but I prefer when he doesn't do an American accent. Wasn't sad to see Zane get killed off; he's always been too hammy IMO. I love that Zahn is playing someone unlikable for a change.

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So they finally find someone willing to help them leave and they stop to move a refrigerator? And it's Zahn's idea? Ridiculously contrived plotting. And why didn't they try to hot wire the car? They seem like the type of guys that would give it a shot before deciding to walk.

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I love that the main reason Lex was nominated as one of the two people who had to walk back to the house wasn't spite or laziness but because he was the only one who remembered how to get back there.


ITA that watching this episode was pretty tense, but I liked that they still had some humorous moments (like when they were all running and then they each said they were running because everyone else was running).

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I was starting to get bored.  I was not really feeling the show for whatever reason but this episode...especially the end drew me back in.  


I one thing I did like about the show from the start was how the friends sniped and fought with each other and gripes that turned into big things.  The individual sides both seem real and you do see both sides especially the fight between Gus and Lex.  I was able to see both sides of the argument over the job recommendation.


Still even with the parts I liked i wasn't  really feeling the show very much.  Maybe because I have trouble attaching myself to  most male dominated shows.  However this episode did draw me in .  Probably because  it is  Amazon and i can binge I will finish it.   I would probably not be so kind if it was on a weekly.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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While I totally understood the combination of frustration and adrenaline getting to everyone (well, everyone but Lex), they can't really think that wrapping the cat guy in saran wrap and then hanging him in the well is a good idea! Once they had him wrapped to the chair, they should have at least gagged him and then tried to find some more rope to make sure he couldn't get loose.


I give Lex credit for (1) being the first one to chase after the cat guy and being the only one who realized that leaving him in the well wasn't the best solution.


I like that amidst all the action, we are getting to see the cracks in the relationships between the guys. I don't blame Gus for being honest with his client about Lex, and I don't blame Lex for being mad at Gus about it.


I want to know how all of the guys met though. I know that of the friends I met before the days of the internet (meaning we wrote each other notes in middle school or letters in college), I still recognize their handwriting, so if Joel and Cobi have known each other since they were in school, I would be surprised if Cobi didn't realize Joel was the one who had written down his wife's cell phone number. But I noticed that Lex said he and Gus were college friends but that Lex had known Milo the longest so hopefully we will get some more background on the different friendships in the group. On a related note, it was interesting to see how they answered the police officer's questions differently about how close they are.

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I was so relieved that someone shot the lady cop (and Joel saved the other three from being killed by her so good in my book) but my second thought was damn it, now you guys have ANOTHER body to get rid of! Plus she's a police officer so her disappearance will be noticed.


Heh, I totally agree that Cobi taking an extra Coke just goes to show what a little shit he is. But I loved that in the previous episode, someone asked, "Who the hell buys mini Cokes?" and then in this one they were happy to find them.


The first thing I thought when they found out that the guy at the gate was there with Gus's lost luggage was dude, you guys can get a ride! Too bad they didn't think of that until it was too late!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Cobi continues to be an idiot. You are finally on your way out of the country, hopefully to safety, and you decide to stop to help some kids with a refrigerator? And they couldn't just carry it across the street. Noooo, they have to strap it to the top of a car and drive it somewhere. It was bad enough when they got out of the car (because, really they should not be drawing so much attention to themselves - they are only making it easier for Jesus and his men to track them down when they are obviously four Americans stopping wherever possible for witnesses to see them). I understand Gus wanting to call his daughters, but asking the pharmacy lady was so dumb. Now she has his home phone number in America. I'm sure Jesus won't use that information!


Poor Rochelle. She was just trying to do the right thing and she got ogled by Cobi (who then did some ridiculous victim blaming) and interrogated by Gus about why she personally isn't doing anything to help all the street kids of Belize. I just hope she died a quick, painless death.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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well,well,well. That was an interesting ending. Cobi was still a dick, to no ones surprise I'm sure. I wonder when Joel knew he was going to do that. When he was talking to Jasmine(Jesus) or if it was a condition for him to get out of jail. I wonder what Lex and Gus are doing now? Are the pretending to help Joel while sitting in the states?

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That was an exceptionally meandering episode. I'm 60% of the way there and pretty much want to continue because I've made the investment so far but honestly it's hard to give a crap about any of these characters.

What is the "package" the Brit is after? The one that had the gun in it? Rochelle kept asking about the gun.


I don't know if it was explained what was in it but Milo tossed it into the ocean in the first episode. 

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Love that Zahn is the one who left something on the boat -- it had to be him.


I kept picturing other actors in a couple of roles -- Timothy Hutton as Joel -- in fact I thought that was Hutton for a minute -- and Neal McDonough as Milo.


Complicated friendships -- not a new plot but it's a universal one.  It'll be interesting to see these guys come together. 

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Had to laugh at Cobi struggling with the plastic wrap.  Who hasn't had trouble finding the end of those rolls?


This is an honest look at longtime relationships, all the frustrations and disappointments, jealousy, mixed in with times when they supported each other. 


What I don't understand is why they didn't leave the money on the boat and try to return the boat right away.   But there's a lot I don't understand.  Why not just leave the money on the boat?  Why would someone deliver a gun to Milo?  Was there a gun in the first package too -- the one Milo tossed in the water?  Is Jesus the Cat?  How were they supposed to know how to contact Jesus to tell him where the money was?   Did Jesus leave his contact info? 


Edited by AuntiePam
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I wonder when Joel knew he was going to do that. When he was talking to Jasmine(Jesus) or if it was a condition for him to get out of jail.


I'm pretty sure that was the deal Joel made with Jazmin that convinced her not to kill him. Since she's a CIA asset she could influence the other CIA woman. 


The show was interested, though up and down. There was a stretch in the middle where I wasn't sure I wanted to keep watching but it started good and picked up at the end. Midway through I had a hard time caring about any of the characters but by the end all of them but Cobi had some redeeming value. I'm curious what the U.K. version is like... it ran 4 seasons with only 14 total episodes (four episodes a season). Perhaps all the material from this season was spread out over multiple seasons but it sure seemed like they might have spread out the four episodes to ten, which might explain some of the meandering pacing.

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Huh... i spent the whole episode thinking Joel was played by Dougray Scott and didn't realize it was Ben Chaplin til I got here. Amazing all those guys are 46-50 years old. Romany is 48! I was watching on the plane and had to cover my table during the sex scene so just got to listen to it... awkward :) Seems interesting so far but I was annoyed that the guys' were not sunburned after their hike and that noone lent poor Gus clothes.

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I think it ended in a good spot, but could have used one more episode. Like if the others in Chicago actually tried to reach and contact Joel. May be not even another episode, but a 5 minute flash forward to the future a year.

UK had 4 seasons, but they only had a total of 14 episodes.Where as we had 1 season, but 10 episodes. The main major different between the UK and US  


is that they all die at the end of the UK version, they're executed. Where as with the US version we get a happy kind of ending. With Joel staying and taking over in the villa for Milo, taking a risk instead of going back to his unhappy life and the others make it safely home.

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