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S07.E11: Cancel Christmas

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Deeks told Kensi and she said she had already figured it out. She said no more secrets and she was cool with it. I thought she would be because the murder was in defense of others and we know they have both kills lots of people in defense of others.


It seems like a let down after Hetty's ominous comment last week. Perhaps Kensi is going to get dragged into court over this or something...

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I was so relieved that Deeks told Kensi the truth. That plotline would have been hanging over the show like the sword of Damocles for god knows how long otherwise. 


I was not expecting Kensi to have figured it out but in hindsight that was probably the only option the writers could go for, since her exploding at being lied to would probably split the team permanently.  Loved that her only response was not to keep any more secrets please.

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Deeks told Kensi and she said she had already figured it out. She said no more secrets and she was cool with it. I thought she would be because the murder was in defense of others and we know they have both kills lots of people in defense of others.


It seems like a let down after Hetty's ominous comment last week. Perhaps Kensi is going to get dragged into court over this or something...

I mean, was that the most ridiculous wrap up to this months-long storyline or what?? First off - no mention of the whole IA thing in the first half of the ep. I was wondering if with the episode switch this one got moved and it hadn't happened yet. Then he decides to tell Kensi in the middle of an op?? In the middle of the street?? In a car??? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA? And then no reax from her? Granted, I didn't think she was going to blow up their relationship, but I expected more than "kthxbai." Boom. Over.


I just want Callen happy. STAY JOELLE STAY. 


Was happy to see Aiden again. 


What the what was with Granger and that girl?? I half expected him to tell her she was his daughter!


Also, as a movie geek, it was kind of fun for me that Granger was team Scrooge given what a holiday icon Miguel Ferrer's mom was.

They couldn't have thrown a little Snow or Count Your Blessings in the background??!? Or the actual White Christmas full vocal?? Harrumph.


ETA: And are Eric and Nell dating or what? She takes him home last Christmas, but they're still dorky and coy? boo.

Edited by betsyboo
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What the what was with Granger and that girl?? I half expected him to tell her she was his daughter!




I'm still not convinced that she isn't his daughter, or that we're supposed to believe that. Very odd scene that stands out like a sore thumb unless there's some kind of payoff later, at least more than Granger isn't as much of a Grinch as we thought he was.


I know it would have cost a lot to bring the actors in, but I would have loved to have seen everyone at Sam's house.

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I thought it was a cute episode. I laughed a bunch of times. Good job on the writers for incorporating the real-life dance skills of the actors who play Eric and Nell--I'm sure they were inspired by that tap dance challenge from a few months ago. 


I actually really liked the resolution to Deeks' secret. Echoing others, I'm relieved that we didn't have to wait it out, though I suppose if the episodes had aired in their original order, there would have been one in between and drawn out the wait a tiny bit. Deeks and Kensi have had a few meaningful conversations about the IA investigation in their car--including one where he lied to her about his former partner's death--so it sort of made sense to me to have the truth come out in the same venue. I thought ECO did a great job in that scene--he made it seem like Deeks just couldn't hold onto that secret for another second, and then his expression when he received absolution was perfect--relief, gratitude, awe, trying not to cry. I thought Kensi already knowing was a great way to handle things--it makes sense, in that she knows him best and could follow the evidence to its logical conclusion. I also like that it takes away the dynamic of Hetty knowing this important secret that Kensi didn't. And it makes Kensi seem smart and competent--I hate it when shows dumb down their characters to make plotlines make sense. 


My nitpick continues to be the continuity. I get that we now have an actual mother for Deeks, but that doesn't change the fact that she went unacknowledged for six seasons. Deeks has invited Kensi on ski trips with him twice over the holidays, and his mother was never a factor. But all of a sudden she's insisting on cooking because it's "tradition"? Whatever, writers. I'm still waiting for my explanation for the "no next of kin" episode where no one seemed aware that Deeks even had a living mother. 


ETA: I could get on board with him not listing her as next of kin, but no one even mentioned her in that episode--it was clearly written in a way that suggested she was deceased or not involved in his life in any way, that all these people were asking who his next of kin was and no one mentioned a mom or asked if they should call her. 

Edited by Jillibean
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I actually really liked the resolution to Deeks' secret. Echoing others, I'm relieved that we didn't have to wait it out,

I liked it too and it was pretty much how I expected Kensi to react. I'm glad that she had figured it out on her own.


Loved Callen's Rudolph nose and antlers for Sam's car!  He has a pretty good sense of humour.  I even liked Eric and Nell in this episode and they so often annoy me.  Loved Eric's sugar rush.


Callen was so kind to help out the ex-con and get him a nice suit.  At least he wasn't a really bad guy and did help them catch the really bad guys.

I am confused, is Jennifer Kim a Chinese spy?  Or a Chinese spy working for the North Koreans?  Because supposedly Granger kept talking about meeting the mom in "Kowloon" right?  Regarding the possibility that Granger is Jennifer Kim's dad (she definitely looks hapa) Granger said to her "you don't recognize me, do you?" in the beginning, which would indicate that for Granger to be the dad, he must have been in a LONG term relationship with the mom.  The more likely idea would have been that Kim was already a kid when Granger and the mom met.  And yeah, that was really a odd scene if there is no future payoff.  And who else finds it odd Hetty didn't know what part of Granger's story was true.  And the North Koreans felt that Lam was the leak because the con guy called the toy store?  That seemed a bit extreme?

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