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S11.E09: Internal Affairs

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This was another one of those episodes where I liked the B subplot (with Hotch) to be much more interesting than the A story. I was utterly bored through most of the A story, as the story reminded me too much of Angels and Demons, and I had to watch smart law enforcement agents make stupid choices, like they were in a horror movie, all to create cheap suspense drama.


Hotch was more interesting to watch, as he basically played a cat and mouse game to figure out what was really going on. It was interesting (though generally spot on) to see him compared to Eliot Ness and his scene at the end with Penelope (one of the few times this episode I liked her). We saw all sides of Hotch this episode, and that was good to see.

  • Love 5

"Skin Face" - new song for Spencer, Hold My Earrings.


I agree, the B-plot was more interesting, full of intrigue and had the potential to develop into something much more interesting for the BAU. Plus, it featured Hotch looking so fetching in a suit; and I did think he looked adorable cutting up the peppers for Garcia's veggie omelet. Great to see Hotch smile; he smiles so rarely.


I could not work up to care about the A plot, totally bored me. But I did laugh myself silly when the unsub dropped the skin face like it was a pancake. I bet Matthew thanked his lucky mismatched socks that he wasn't in this pitiful episode. However, I can imagine all the goofy fun Matthew would have with the skin face because, you know, Matthew. Right now, I'm imagining him and Shemar playing Frisbee  with the skin face on the CM lot.

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My internet went out shortly after this episode started so I paid more attention to this one than I normally do because I wasn't distracted by commenting online. I thought it was pretty good, but I'm sure that my opinion is colored mainly by how much Hotch there was. Until I watch it again, I'm not capable of deciding what I really think about the unsub portion of the case. I do think the corrupt FBI portion was predictable, but Hotch was so outstanding that I let it slide. 


Garcia, just no. So sick of her. The scene prior to her offering Hotch an omelet was quite awkward. I was both surprised and relieved that they did not have Hotch hug her. 

  • Love 5

Well that was a stinker. Absolutely purely dreadfully boring.


Hotch rocked. In fact, Hotch rocked more than he has in quite some time. So A+ to Thomas Gibson. Furthermore, Axelrod's final line- "if you don't set me up again, we could be friends"- was pretty funny, and I did enjoy Morgan getting the killshot.


Other than that? Pure boredom. So predictable the entire way.


As soon as I read the synopsis, I knew who the three DEA agents would be- two men and one woman. The men would die and the woman would live. How did it turn out? Exactly like that. Furthermore, for the second straight episode, it's only the men who get tortured- women, apparently, are too "delicate" to have torture scenes of their own.


Blech. Crime doesn't discriminate. Neither should Hollywood.


I could go on a screed about how political correctness is ruining this show- and Hollywood in general- but I won't, because I'm not sure how much of this is about "sanitizing" CM as opposed to upholding two very old tropes- women rarely got tortured on screen anyway, and Hollywood always loves the "final girl", supposedly because women are more "pure" or something and need to be saved. All I know is that it made this episode utterly predictable.


Right from the start they tried to "humanize" the Final Girl, by explaining she had a family and with the camera focusing its attention on her crying, whimpering face. Never mind that none of that works- knowing that the agent was female only by the virtue of the fact that she's there to be "saved" took me right out of caring about her, since there would be no mystery about her fate. I also found the actress unremarkable too.


This would have been better if, of the three agents, two were women or they were all men (or all women). That would have at least provided some mystery about who'd make it out alive, though if the victims were all men, we'd likely get more torture porn. Guess you can't always win.


Still, above all else, even if this wasn't a storyline that fell for old tropes, it doesn't change that none of this was really all that remarkable. Great writing can make the most predictable of outcomes exciting, and we hardly got that tonight too.


Seriously? You're going to threaten a bartender with tax evasion just so he opens up about a witness? Besides, wouldn't JJ know a thing or seven about how coercion just isn't effective in procuring information? The bartender could have cooked up a name just to get the agents off his back, and that's pretty much what he did. Not really sure how "soccer mom" leads them to that particular blonde woman- pretty sure El Paso has plenty of "soccer mom" types, so the bartender really doesn't narrow it down much.


Also...what city bus goes into the middle of nowhere? There's also no such thing as Esperanza Valley, but it's CM so that should have been a given.


Lastly- why on Earth would a drug network be set up like a pyramid scheme? Isn't that inviting trouble? Effective drug cartels are all about staying out of trouble, not by inviting it, and pyramid schemes are always doomed to fail. Couldn't buy that Libertad (corny name, by the way) would operate like that.


As for the NSA storyline- there's not much to say. It was just a whole lot of talking and posturing. Good thing the writer made sure that Hotch explained in the last five minutes about how he caught Director Cochran, because the writer sure didn't build any kind of case beforehand.


So this was an awful episode. F-. Another to throw into the mix of "worst CM has ever done".

  • Love 4

Well, for a woman who supposedly has a lot of business sense and a high-powered lawyer husband, she sure didn't seem too bright to me, giving up valuable information without getting a signed deal first.


I kind of liked the B-plot with Hotch, though.


I continue to dislike Tara. I can't even point to any real reason why anymore.

Also it kind of rubs me the wrong way that they keep shoving the two women together in their own scenes. It's like half the scenes are gender-segregated.

  • Love 4

Yeah. I don't get the pairings anymore. Seems like Lewis gets stuck with Morgan (because of her skin colour) or JJ (because of her gender), when you'd think Rossi might be her best mentor. If not Reid.


Unpopular opinion alert- I really think AJ Cook has gotten a lot better since she returned from maternity leave. Perhaps this is because JJ is more of a "take-charge" kind of character this year instead of the "soft and soothing" character the writers seem intent on shoehorning her into. If JJ became a snarky, abrasive character who's full of one-liners and takes no crap from anyone, I'd say she'd actually be a fun character to watch. It plays way more to Cook's strengths than to be the "warm, gentile" agent.


I mean, I know why JJ is tasked to be "warm and fuzzy"- it's her anatomy- but I hope the writers have now finally realized she's just not that character. She's far better as a snark queen who can put UnSubs in their place and keep Hotch on his toes (since she'd also likely be a maverick, which could also be fun to watch).


All right, let the stoning begin.

  • Love 3

I didn't have time to watch the full episode properly, but I like the scene where Hotch thinks his suv could blow up, memories...

Inside the box of cheapy complains: why didn't he take off his jacket to slice jalapeños? not that I can't imagime Hotch doing anything with a suit on :)

I think you mean “without”, because, yeah, I agree.

  • Love 2

I can fully understand the impression of JJ 1.0 as a removed and snarky. People often complain about her snarky treatment of Reid in season seven and beyond, but that attitude was ALWAYS there. But I think many people missed it, because JJ was supposed to be the warm and sensitive one. So yeah, let's go for less cuddly JJ (Reid is a good candidate for the sweet, sensitive team member), and have her be the more distant JJ. :) :) :)

  • Love 2

I don't think she needs to be snarky, or sweet, or sensitive, or distant, or fuzzy, or badass.  I think she needs to be all of those things, in a combination that makes her real.  I see each of those things in her, at various times.  That's why I'm a lot more patient with the character than most.  I can understand how each of her actions, or reactions, might happen, in the context of a complex human being.  My criticism is that the writers have let each of those traits remain as a surface value, and haven't explored the depth beneath any of them.  

  • Love 4

As soon as I read the synopsis, I knew who the three DEA agents would be- two men and one woman. The men would die and the woman would live. How did it turn out? Exactly like that. Furthermore, for the second straight episode, it's only the men who get tortured- women, apparently, are too "delicate" to have torture scenes of their own.


It's sooooo reassuring to know that women federal agents apparently immediately dissolve into whimpering, weepy, grovelling messes in the face of perps. <rolls eyes hard enough to get stuck that way>

  • Love 5

Not to be overly fussy, but it's more correct to say “even if I can imagine Hotch doing everything with a suit on”. You're making a statement about something that you feel always happens, and “everything” can mean “always”. “Anything” means just “one thing”, so it can't be used in place of “always”.

Hope that helps.

In light of this, someone should create a meme depicting Hotch always wearing his suit, putting him in places where you wouldn't expect him to be wearing his suit, like when he is working out or deep sea diving.

  • Love 5

Not to be overly fussy, but it's more correct to say “even if I can imagine Hotch doing everything with a suit on”. You're making a statement about something that you feel always happens, and “everything” can mean “always”. “Anything” means just “one thing”, so it can't be used in place of “always”.

Hope that helps.



Not to be overly fussy, but it's more correct to say “even if I can imagine Hotch doing everything with a suit on”. You're making a statement about something that you feel always happens, and “everything” can mean “always”. “Anything” means just “one thing”, so it can't be used in place of “always”.

Hope that helps.

In light of this, someone should create a meme depicting Hotch always wearing his suit, putting him in places where you wouldn't expect him to be wearing his suit, like when he is working out or deep sea diving.

This would be so much fun. Please, someone with mad Photoshop skills make this happen!

It's sooooo reassuring to know that women federal agents apparently immediately dissolve into whimpering, weepy, grovelling messes in the face of perps. <rolls eyes hard enough to get stuck that way>

No kidding. Apparently this female agent got hired on the "Penelope Garcia Affirmative Action" policy.

No stones, just giggles at JJ being warm and gentile.  : )

Well, if anyone puts the g in gentile it's JJ. She is the shiksa to end all shiksas.

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