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The West Wing Season Six: Lame Duck


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re:  some "assistants" in the WH have master's degrees, it's an impressive job.


Oddly because of her love of Jeb (and Will's dedication to an actual dead candidate but live ideas) I never bought the Bingo Bob thing.


It wasn't about Bingo Bob, Josh or Jed, it was all about Donna and I was okay with it.

Ok, I hate the filming style of King Corn. It looks shaky and the coloring is weird. Will looks like an actual vampire. I half expect him to sparkle if he gets in the sun.

Uh oh. Mrs. Santos doesn't like Josh. Is it because of the Christmas tree incident? (I kid, I kid.)

I miss seeing the White House as much. I don't care as much about the campaigners.

re:  some "assistants" in the WH have master's degrees, it's an impressive job.


I think the key for this show is to distinguish between someone who is an "assistant," whose functions are strictly administrative, and someone whose job title is "assistant," but they are really acting as a policy person or adviser.  For example, Mrs. Landingham would be called an assistant, but it was obvious that her function was administrative only.  



I miss seeing the White House as much. I don't care as much about the campaigners.


I think Vinnick had the best campaign staff.  I don't think that Will and Donna are strong enough characters to keep their plotlines interesting before they become enmeshed with Josh. 

I think Vinnick had the best campaign staff.  I don't think that Will and Donna are strong enough characters to keep their plotlines interesting before they become enmeshed with Josh. 


I agree with this. I love the campaign story but the Russel campaign scenes sucked. There was a bait-and-switch where the show wanted to show Russel was a piece of crap person and politician but it couldn't delve too much into how mercenary and self-centered and you know, *real-life* politician Donna was since she was knowingly trying to get a dud into the White House because it seemed the fastest way to bolster her careers. (To be fair, they did tell Will' story this honestly

and then "redeemed" him with predictable but yet effective triple-cocktail of comedic humiliation, being thrown into non-desirable job, and a cutsey romance.)


Vinick was a little like my long-time fave Hoynes- a little more real-world than idealized Batlet or Santos but still very likable in his petulant, somewhat entitled, veteran politician flavor. I also "liked" (ahem, was interested in) everyone on Vinnick's staff and would have loved to watch a show about them. 

Edited by Melancholy

To elaborate on a couple of my previous posts and tie them together, I think it was a major sign of weakness that the Bartlett administration basically rolled over and let the Republicans choose their VP.  Rather than fight for someone who they really felt confident would do a good job, they just decided not to fight basically. This is a bad decision anytime, but especially when you have a medically fragile president.  At this point, it would seem to me that really, Jed should be resigning.  However, he can't because he has a weak, ineffectual VP.  Also, by letting him be VP, that gives him instant credibility on the campaign trail. But it's pretty clear he is not the candidate who would make the best next POTUS.


Both Bartletts seemed so offended in previous seasons when it was implied they were wrong to cover up the MS.  BUT THIS IS WHY IT IS A BIG DEAL.  His wake up calls are being moved from 5:30 in the past to 8:30 now. He has to go take a nap every day.  He had a major flare up during the China summit and couldn't walk.  He almost caused an international incident by taking a flag that he never saw because of his failing eye sight.  I'm not saying he's useless, but he's in no shape to be leading the country.  

Both Bartletts seemed so offended in previous seasons when it was implied they were wrong to cover up the MS.  BUT THIS IS WHY IT IS A BIG DEAL.  His wake up calls are being moved from 5:30 in the past to 8:30 now. He has to go take a nap every day.  He had a major flare up during the China summit and couldn't walk.  He almost caused an international incident by taking a flag that he never saw because of his failing eye sight.  I'm not saying he's useless, but he's in no shape to be leading the country.


In fairness, his MS is chronic, and it's difficult to gauge whether an attack is the start of a completely downward spiral, or if it's a momentary blip.  If the President was totally unable to function, then I'd agree he should consider resignation.  I don't know if the fact he needs more rest than he previously needed would be enough for me to think he has to go.  


Mind you, I agree with your point about both Bartlett's acting offended when people would rightly point out that they covered up the President's health situation.  They could both be extremely arrogant on that point.   

Edited by txhorns79

I guess it is hard to gauge when you're binge watching how long has passed since the initial flare-up before the China summit. It seems to me like it has been a couple months given that there was time for Santos to decide to run, Josh to leave the White House, etc.  It doesn't seem to me like it's a matter of him needing more rest. 


And then there's also just the factor that Abby is completely obnoxious and expects his Chief of Staff to also function as medical doctors evaluating his condition. I would love if as soon as his administration is over CJ just punches her in her smug, obnoxious, entitled face.  

I get where Abbey is coming from, though. She believes that if CJ allows Jed to work at his past strenuous pace, he'll get worn out and his MS will become worse. Abbey understandably wants CJ to be protective of Jed's health because (sentimentally) it's his *health* and (pragmatically) because an unhealthy Jed is a less effective President. However, CJ's also right- she can't be in charge of her boss's bedtime or order Jed to take a nap and CJ, herself, needs to be constantly focused on what's best to resolve ongoing crises and problems at the highest level because that's what they've been charged to do. 


I really like these MS stories. I think there's no immediate right answers. However, I do agree that it's a pretty black and white issue that Jed failed horribly by accepting Bingo Bob as VP when he had MS. The Bartlet team barely spent ten minutes of an ep trying to fight the Republicans' dangerous, despicable move to get an easier road to the White House by giving them a list of VP duds. And this was just after the Bartlet team lived with the fear of what they feared was a sub-standard Acting President in Speaker of the House Walken.


IMO, Jed just got Zoey back and he was feeling too vulnerable and exhausted to stand his ground. That was an arc buildup where Jed made himself easy to push around, until he decided to make the budget/shut-down into His Stand. His staff should have done a better job pushing Jed- but I feel like Leo was just off in early S5. I think mostly a writing problem- but to try to explain it with content, I think Leo was overly defensive about what he looked like rather than what he did because he was caught between two masters with Bartlet and Walken so Leo just lurched for the easy (irresponsible) "win" in the VP selection. 


Now, the complaint with Donna is that she took on positions after the White House for which she was vastly underqualified, not even being a college graduate. 


There I have to disagree with you.  Don't forget - both Steve Schmidt and David Plouffe didn't graduate from college by the time they ran McCain and Obama's campaigns respectively.  Plouffe went back and finished his degree but Schmidt (to the best of my knowledge) has not.  Go famous politicos from the University of Delaware :)


I always thought I quit watching somewhere in season five, but in reading discussion of the episodes from the beginning of season six, I recognized some of them.  So I guess I stopped watching regularly in season five, but still watched sporadically and didn't throw in the towel until season six.


Which is of no importance whatsoever, but this thread made me realize I've been recalling things incorrectly for a very long time now.  Carry on ...

I guess it is hard to gauge when you're binge watching how long has passed since the initial flare-up before the China summit. It seems to me like it has been a couple months given that there was time for Santos to decide to run, Josh to leave the White House, etc.  It doesn't seem to me like it's a matter of him needing more rest. 


And then there's also just the factor that Abby is completely obnoxious and expects his Chief of Staff to also function as medical doctors evaluating his condition. I would love if as soon as his administration is over CJ just punches her in her smug, obnoxious, entitled face.  

Please advise if you are at Freedonia or Drought Conditions.


Thank you much,


I always thought I quit watching somewhere in season five, but in reading discussion of the episodes from the beginning of season six, I recognized some of them.  So I guess I stopped watching regularly in season five, but still watched sporadically and didn't throw in the towel until season six.


Which is of no importance whatsoever, but this thread made me realize I've been recalling things incorrectly for a very long time now.  Carry on ...

Would you ever consider watching Season 6 in completion and attempt Season 7?

Probably not; I lost interest in the show the first time around, despite absolutely loving the first few seasons (Moonlighting permanently cured me from needing to be a completionist; once entertainment no longer entertains me, I'm done), so I don't really see myself taking the time to see if I feel any different now.  Plus, the whole Josh and Donna thing makes me gag, I hate knowing how Toby wound up, I'm rather annoyed with C.J.'s "happy ending" (hopefully that was all vague enough for this thread) ... it's just not anything I feel compelled to watch.  I think the first two seasons were some of the best television ever produced, and the third and fourth pretty damn good, so I'm content with just revisiting those from time to time.  But, despite my lack of interest in seeking out the rest of the series, if it was picked up in syndication again, I might give it a try if it was on at a convenient time.

I think the first two seasons were some of the best television ever produced, and the third and fourth pretty damn good, so I'm content with just revisiting those from time to time.


Haven't posted much but have been reading all and I must agree.  I could probably recite the dialog from the first four seasons but the firth just lost me and I stopped watching at the beginning of the sixth.  The change in direction was just too jarring.  Plus my love for the original recipe cast ran too deep (with the except of Mandy - ugh).  Guess I don't deal with with change.

I guess it is hard to gauge when you're binge watching how long has passed since the initial flare-up before the China summit. It seems to me like it has been a couple months given that there was time for Santos to decide to run, Josh to leave the White House, etc. It doesn't seem to me like it's a matter of him needing more rest.

And then there's also just the factor that Abby is completely obnoxious and expects his Chief of Staff to also function as medical doctors evaluating his condition. I would love if as soon as his administration is over CJ just punches her in her smug, obnoxious, entitled face.

The thing about Abbey is she really knows too much for her own good, as far as Jed & the MS are concerned. Personally, she knows too much about Jed as a person (how he likes to do things, including his job), & professionally she knows too much about MS & its effects on a human body on a medical professional's level, which is what causes her to turn into a "Mother Hen Bitch" once Jed's condition becomes more unpredictable towards the end of his second term.

She's acting entirely overprotectively (I completely thought so, but I also have personal experience when it comes to loved ones knowing way too much, professionally, about a family member's--non-MS--medical condition & overreacting about it, so I've been in Jed's shoes in that story arc before), but at the same time she's coming from a place of love for Jed--I know it doesn't seem like it, but she really is, down deep. It's cool that she loves him; it's not so cool that she's being so overprotective of him & his "condition" that she won't let him lead his life on his own terms after the MS flare-up on the China trip.

BW Manilowe, if Abbey wasn't (to me) already a terrible, obnoxious, entitled character who was my least favorite on the show, I might see it that way. But instead I find myself just really hating her character. I cringe when she comes onscreen. She lost me when she tried defeating a piece of legislation her husband and staff had worked on.

Wow, the Abbey hate! ::giggle::

But seriously ... I find myself these days in a weird position ... if I happen to like the actor/actress playing a part, I will happen to like the part (good or evil).  I absolutely adore Stockard Channing in everything and anything she has been in, so Abbey doesn't bother me so much.  I accept her as the overprotective (thanks BW Manilowe) wife and mother, and sarcasm runs in my family so I am ok with that as well.



(Moonlighting permanently cured me from needing to be a completionist; once entertainment no longer entertains me, I'm done)


I totally get this ... Dallas taught me never to be involved in a TV show so much that you have a "Who Shot JR" type party where 30 people come over to watch a TV show.  ::giggle::  It took me a long time to watch serial TV again ... and when I did it was only a few shows.  Now with Netflix, I binge all the shows I have missed in the past.  LOL


Anyway, I digress ... I get the stand.  

BW Manilowe, if Abbey wasn't (to me) already a terrible, obnoxious, entitled character who was my least favorite on the show, I might see it that way. But instead I find myself just really hating her character. I cringe when she comes onscreen. She lost me when she tried defeating a piece of legislation her husband and staff had worked on.


Although, not to get falsely persnickety but Abbey wasn't trying to kill the foreign aid bill but instead, try to get the gag order clause taken out if it endangered the foreign aid bill. I didn't get angry at Abbey at all- since I agree that it's a foul moral hypocrisy to withhold foreign aid dollars from clinics that perform or even discuss abortions, it ends up disproportionately hurting women's health care, and blanket bans on what doctors are allowed to tell their patients violates all claims to free speech. It was a cause worth fighting for- Jed and his staff agreed the gag order was terrible. They just didn't think it was a cause worth upsetting their foreign aid agenda because they thought the immediate needs of the poor outweighed this medical hypocrisy. 


So, IMO, Abbey made an attempt to use her office and role as the First Lady to stop a wrong from occurring to global women's health procedures for two days. It didn't work out. Amy made a convincing argument on how Abbey's plans would do more harm than good. Abbey backed off, not because she was morally wrong but because with a Republican-controlled Congress, she accepted that she couldn't stop the gag order and none of their attempts were surgically removing that clause but protecting the foreign aid as Abbey hoped. 


I really like Abbey. She's a difficult personality but I do feel like her heart is in the right place and I like the complexity (which could be hate-worthy) where she resents that Jed is still President but still wants to use the fact that a Democratic President is in office to make sure her left-wing agenda is enacted.

I really like Abbey. She's a difficult personality but I do feel like her heart is in the right place and I like the complexity (which could be hate-worthy) where she resents that Jed is still President but still wants to use the fact that a Democratic President is in office to make sure her left-wing agenda is enacted.


I think Abbey comes from a few different places.  She had a career of her own which she had to put to the side to support her husband's ambitions, so there's some resentment there.  The role of First Lady is pretty ill-defined, but it's also very limiting and subject to intense scrutiny.  Abbey is an "important" person in the White House, but no one cares about her opinions unless they interfere with the President's agenda.  In terms of Jed's MS, she has many facets.  She's a doctor who knows the progression of the disease, so she sees where this is going.  She's also a wife who likely is scared for the future, and whose goal is to keep her husband as healthy as possible, regardless of anything else.  Finally, she's the First Lady who wants to see the President serve out his term with dignity, while making sure he can continue to function.     

I think with Abby it is very much a "mileage may vary" thing. I know that there were three or four episodes close together where I felt she overstepped her role as First Lady. Regardless of whether or not I agreed with her position, she has no official policy role, and I felt she lost sight of that. Added to my disgust over how she handled possibly losing her license, and I just don't care for her.

Back to more specifically Season 6, I laughed st Santos being told his voice isn't presidential. Mainly because his voice has been bugging me. :)

Back to more specifically Season 6, I laughed st Santos being told his voice isn't presidential. Mainly because his voice has been bugging me. :)




Jimmy Smits has never been one of my favorite actors, so at the onset, if I had to choose between a fictional president based on the characters of Jimmy Smits and Arnold Vinick (Victor Sifuentes and Hawkeye Pierce), I would vote Arnold Vinick just because I like Alan Alda better.  ::giggle::


You are right deaja, it is a YMMV type thing with all these characters.  It's so cool that we can all voice an opinion and not be hurt or offended just because some people don't like the characters we like, or hate the characters we hate.  


So ... there hasn't been a lot of talk about Mary McCormack (Kate Harper) ... I remember the general consensus at that "other place" leaned mostly toward no one liking her all that much.  Wondering how people feel about her here?

I was never a fan of Kate Harper.  She always fell flat to me and then the story line as it unfolded felt odd.  I did love that the cast got back together to do a campaign ad for her sister though a few years ago!


I liked the first lady in the beginning but by the end, she would grate on my nerves sometimes.  Dead Irish Writers is one of my favorite episodes and I love her in that one.  I can only imagine that if you were a doctor and your husband was present and had a chronic condition that was definitely exacerbated by stress and fatigue - I can see how you might not be able to be rational about the situation.

Regardless of whether or not I agreed with her position, she has no official policy role, and I felt she lost sight of that.


I think that goes back to what I was saying with the role of the First Lady being ill-defined.  I mean, would anyone honestly expect that the First Lady, who is probably the President's closest adviser outside of Leo or CJ (in the later seasons) is going to stay out of policy discussions?  I agree that it is not her place to try to undermine the President's agenda, but I also feel like you could argue that she doesn't work for the President, she's been dragged along on a ride she didn't ask to be a part of, and she is going to have her say.    



So ... there hasn't been a lot of talk about Mary McCormack (Kate Harper) ... I remember the general consensus at that "other place" leaned mostly toward no one liking her all that much.  Wondering how people feel about her here?


I think the character improved during the sixth season from where she was during the fifth.  They showed she had a lighter side, but she was remained tough in a way that I don't think Donna or CJ were allowed to be. 

I HATED Kate at first. IMO, Jed's plan to broker a peace deal in the Middle East in the direct wake of the probably biggest terrorist attack from...I forget, Hamas? Hezbollah?...was so stupid and offensive. I've never been more angry at Jed (who I ordinarily love). The Palestinian Authority just indicated that it condoned or couldn't control terrorist organizations, even when it came to protecting an American mission with top operatives let alone average Israelis. It spits in the face of Israel to demand Israel to start giving away land despite and arguably BECAUSE of a terrorist attack. As I perceived it, Kate was the main person enabling Jed to go in such a destructive direction, at the expense of Leo and his better advice. 


I never really forgave Kate- which could be hypocritical since I did forgive Jed but he had a much shinier history. Besides that I was very meh on Kate. She benefited from lots of scenes with CJ/Allison Janney who....is kind of magic because so many of the CJ-scenes are awesome and Allison Janney has great energy as an actress on top of being a generous player who helps the other actors in a scene shine too. It was nice to seeing a CJ/Kate girl-power element to national security after so many Jed/Leo/Fitz/sometimes Josh/cabal of tough-looking men (and sometimes Nancy!) to national security scenes. However whenever the show tilted more to Kate's life as her own character, I found her bland and even inconsistent. 


But an aside, Jack Reese and Kate Harper already started with strikes against me because they were Nancy McNally's aids which just begged the question, WHY ISN'T THIS SCENE WITH MY BELOVED NANCY MCNALLY INSTEAD OF THESE LESSER MORTALS? 

But an aside, Jack Reese and Kate Harper already started with strikes against me because they were Nancy McNally's aids which just begged the question, WHY ISN'T THIS SCENE WITH MY BELOVED NANCY MCNALLY INSTEAD OF THESE LESSER MORTALS? 




Ok, this drought episode is intense. Josh and Toby just fought. :(

I think Toby is hurting from his brother's death and Josh leaving.






Someone mentioned up thread about the introduction to "shaky cam" to TWW ... I hate shaky cam with a passion, I get so turned off by it on some shows, I quit watching.  I almost gave up on Friday Night Lights during the first few episodes because of it's horrible use, but was encouraged to keep at it (glad I did).


I mention this because the fight between Josh and Toby ... I remember being so out of the scene when I watched it live that every time I come to this episode, I fast forward through it, all because of the shaking cam thing.

Oh, now Drought Conditions I remember (partially).  I'm on the West Coast, and a friend back East called to say, "I know you're not into this show anymore, but you have to watch tonight for a terrific CJ and Toby scene."  So I did, and that's what I remember, because it was pitch perfect.  (CJ and Toby have my favorite of the show's relationships, just beating out Jed and Leo's.)

I am on Season 3 for another re-watch (TWW is my current sleep aid) ... but after all the talk previously about Liftoff, I just had to watch it today ... I just love this episode (another written by Deborah Cahn ... anyone seeing a pattern here???) ... I totally love the scene between CJ and Margaret:

You're an odd woman.
I've never understood you.
But you're extremely capable.
You run this office like a watch.
You're tall, which is reassuring.
Leo may need you, and if he does, that's okay.
But if he's willing to part with you, I hope you'll stay.

I always bust a gut with "you're tall, which is reassuring".

Living my life as a short person (5'2") I had never really considered tall people not liking being tall ... that one line just made CJ feel so real to me.  


I love Margaret, can I just say that?

Jimmy Smits has never been one of my favorite actors, so at the onset, if I had to choose between a fictional president based on the characters of Jimmy Smits and Arnold Vinick (Victor Sifuentes and Hawkeye Pierce), I would vote Arnold Vinick just because I like Alan Alda better.  ::giggle::


Excellent callback. Personally, I am always choosing Douglas Brackman Jr.


Ok, this drought episode is intense. Josh and Toby just fought. :(

I think Toby is hurting from his brother's death and Josh leaving.

And there it is. You'll note I didn't post all day waiting for confirmation you'd watched! I re-read the TWOP recap yesterday at lunch just so I'd be prepared! Poor Josh. Poor Toby. Toby + CJ = <sob.> 


A+ to CJ, Margaret and Cliff Calley. Also the Cheno.


Jimmy Smits has never been one of my favorite actors, so at the onset, if I had to choose between a fictional president based on the characters of Jimmy Smits and Arnold Vinick (Victor Sifuentes and Hawkeye Pierce), I would vote Arnold Vinick just because I like Alan Alda better. ::giggle::

You are right deaja, it is a YMMV type thing with all these characters. It's so cool that we can all voice an opinion and not be hurt or offended just because some people don't like the characters we like, or hate the characters we hate.

So ... there hasn't been a lot of talk about Mary McCormack (Kate Harper) ... I remember the general consensus at that "other place" leaned mostly toward no one liking her all that much. Wondering how people feel about her here?

I liked her well enough, but I missed Anna Deavere Smith's Nancy McNally character after Mary/Kate was brought onto the show as what was supposed to be the Deputy National Security Advisor. I liked that talk she & Leo had, to kind of "settle things between them", or whatever, after she started offering her opinions on things in staff meetings--at Jed's instigation, as I remember--& they clashed with Leo's take, seeming to cause problems in Jed's & Leo's relationship (or sort of older gentlemens' "bromance", if you will). I thought some stuff that involves Kate & another character--which I don't think Deaja has gotten to yet (I don't think it happened until S7), so I'm trying to be vague about it--came out of left field, but it ended up working for me.

I follow Mary on Twitter. She used to post sort of a lot. Then her husband--a TV producer/director--was found to be cheating on her with Katharine McPhee (who was on American Idol, then on Smash--which is when all this happened--& now she's on Scorpion), & she hasn't been posting much since (by the way, Mary's marriage apparently survived the scandal; Katharine's apparently didn't).

She did, however, post about a cute "reunion" video she & a bunch of her ex-TWW co-stars did, in character, encouraging people in Michigan to elect Mary's sister, Bridget, to the Michigan State Supreme Court a few years ago (yes, Bridget won; I think she's still on the bench). The video was on YouTube; it probably still is.

I still remember the nickname a lot of posters at "the other place" gave the Kate character: "Bangsy". That was for the hairstyle with bangs Mary wore in her first season. She was pregnant with her first child during that season &, supposedly, the bangs helped camouflage the weight gain in her face.

Edited by BW Manilowe

I still remember the nickname a lot of posters at "the other place" gave the Kate character: "Bangsy". That was for the hairstyle with bangs Mary wore in her first season. She was pregnant with her first child during that season &, supposedly, the bangs helped camouflage the weight gain in her face.

I called her Kate of the Bangs.

I called her Kate of the Bangs.


"Bangs McGee."  It just wasn't a good look for her. 


I also meant to add, while I enjoy the election storyline, I felt very much like Santos gets ahead because everyone else screws up, rather than he being all that great a candidate. 

Edited by txhorns79

I LOVED Nancy McNally and Fitz.  I loved their banter.  Admiral Sissypant.  I've actually called peope that.  Fabulous.  


I'm in the midst of a rewatch and I'm stuck at the end of season 5 - I don't want to jump ahead because there are still things I catch but lord I'm ready to get out of the dark days and get back.


I'm another big Margaret fan.  Her love and dedication to Leo was always so subtle and lovely.  Plus - the muffins.

I read on twitter that Netflix is taking West Wing off its list. 


Please tell me there is no truth to this blasphemy. The only reason why I keep an account is to have access to WW whenever I am I need a pick me up.


OMG ... I see from this page that it's true ... and on December 25th, what the heck is that about???

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